Kemerovo, Russia. Sights, photos, what to see, where to go as a tourist

Kemerovo is a young city, artificially created at the beginning of the 20th century. This is in the full sense a city of miners - even most of the local attractions are somehow connected with the mining industry.

Kemerovo is similar to thousands of Russian cities that were built during Soviet times. However, in recent years, new attractions have begun to appear - for example, cute sculptures on the central streets of the city, which instantly turned into favorite subjects for photography.

Don’t ignore Novokuznetsk, a large city rich in historical sites, 230 kilometers south of Kemerovo.

What other places to include in your route can be found in the guide to the Kemerovo region.

The importance of the city in the modern world

The city of Kemerovo is located in the southern part of Western Siberia. It is washed by 2 rivers: Tom and Iskitimka. You can get from one bank to the other via two road bridges and one railway bridge. Kemerovo is the largest industrial city in Russia in the north of the Kuznetsk coal basin, and is the center of the Kemerovo region. The Kemerovo region in its modern form was formed in January 1943.

Since the beginning of the last century, coal mining enterprises, chemical plants, textile and food factories have been organized on its territory. Today, Kemerovo occupies an important place among the industrial, cultural, scientific, and economic centers of the country. According to data from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the city is among the top ten regions with a high standard of living.

From the point of view of the geographical location of Kemerovo at 55°21′15″N. at 86°05′23″E, and covers an area of ​​295 km². To get from Kemerovo to Moscow, you need to cover a distance of 3,600 km by road.

The first mention of a settlement on the territory of modern Kemerovo dates back to the 17th century. According to one version, the city received its name from the surnames of the first settlers of Kemerovo. According to another version, the name of the city comes from the Turkic word “kemer” - cliff, cliff. Until 1932 the city was called Shcheglovsk. Since March 1932, Shcheglovsk became Kemerovo, and the city received the title of the main coordinating center of Kuzbass.

Museum-Reserve "Krasnaya Gorka"

It was from a place called “Red Hill” that the construction of modern Kemerovo began. Americans and Dutch lived in these territories at the beginning of the last century. The mine manager lived in the main building of the museum at that time.

A tourist will be given a tour of the riches of the museum by a virtual guide - a computer that provides the most interesting information about the exhibits and their history.

The reserve allows you to enjoy the features of Dutch architecture of the early 20th century and understand how the houses of ordinary workers differed from the houses of the bosses.

Museum-Reserve "Krasnaya Gorka"


Kemerovo is one of the cities where the continental climate predominates. This means that winter here lasts longer than indicated in the calendar by 1.5 months. Even in April, temperatures can drop below 15°C.

Summer in the city lasts about 100 days. At this time it is hot but humid. The average temperature does not exceed +20-+24°C. According to the observations of meteorologists, in June 2013 during the day in Kemerovo the air temperature was +1°C and snow fell.

Penguin family

The funny family is located on Sovetsky Avenue. Happy parents and children - this is the main motive of this composition.

In 2010, Kemerovo took part in the “City without Violence against Children” campaign. Maxim Vrublevsky created an interesting sculptural group to participate in the competition.


On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are industrial enterprises that contribute to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the region. Through the efforts of the country's president, it was possible to reduce harmful emissions from enterprises into the atmosphere.

Today, the region ranks 42nd among industrial regions of Russia with an unfavorable environmental situation. This situation is aggravated by the emergence of a large number of road transport.

In addition to enterprises and cars, the environmental problems of the Kemerovo region are aggravated by the following factors:

  • reduction in the number of water bodies in the region;
  • depletion of earth's resources;
  • destruction of rare species of animals, plants, birds;
  • low environmental education of the population.

Government programs to protect the environmental situation in the country also apply to the city of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region. Heavy industry enterprises must modernize their cleaning systems.

Kemerovo from above (VIDEO)

Aerial photography of the city of Kemerovo from a bird's eye view. Enjoy watching!

As you can see, the city of Kemerovo is worth staying here for at least one day when going to the most popular ski resort in Russia. Perhaps, after skiing and admiring the mountain nature, you will want to stop by for another day. After all, one of the skiers in Sheregesh will definitely share their impressions of the regional center, and you may understand that you didn’t have time to see something.


Kemerovo is one of the cities with a multinational composition. According to the 2022 census, 560 thousand people live in the city.

Of them:

Nationality% of total inhabitants
Other nationalities2,4

Coal Museum

This exhibition, entirely dedicated to coal, is the only one in Russia. The museum opened in 1999.

It was not by chance that the city was chosen by the Academy of Sciences to organize this exhibition. Coal reserves of various grades in Kuzbass are among the richest in the world.

Address: st. Rukavishnikova, 21.

Flora and fauna

The attractions of Kemerovo are its natural resources. The city is surrounded by forests. Their territory makes up more than 65% of the region's area. Most of the trees are coniferous species: spruce, cedar, pine, fir.

The formation of the flora of the Kemerovo region was influenced by mountain formations:

  • Kuznetsky Alatau.
  • Salair Ridge.
  • Shaurya.
  • Biysk mane.
  • Abakan ridge.
  • Kuznetsk Highlands.

Various mushrooms, berries, and precious pine nuts grow here. More than 120 species of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine are collected in the Kuzbass forests. Local healers use more than 300 plant species in folk medicine.

Maral root, golden root, and spring adonis are harvested on an industrial scale.

Due to the abundance of food and water, the forests are home to numerous animals. The visiting card of the Kemerovo region is the elk. It is the largest mammal in the region. An equally famous species of deer that lives in the local forests is the deer. Due to the increased demand for its horns, the animal is on the verge of extinction. Among the large animals you can find here are bears, musk deer, reindeer, and roe deer.

There are also large populations of animals unknown to residents of other regions:

  • lynx;
  • marten;
  • wolverine;
  • otter;
  • badger;
  • chipmunk;
  • flying squirrel;
  • ermine.

In connection with the uncontrolled extermination of animals since 2000, the Red Book was created in the region. Its pages record endangered species of animals, birds, and plants. There are programs to protect flora and fauna in the region. On the territory of the region there are biosphere reserves and sanctuaries protected by the state.

In addition to animals, the region has a huge variety of fish. More than 200 rivers, including mountain ones, flow in Kemerovo and its surroundings.

There are a lot of fish in their waters:

  • taimen;

  • lenok;
  • whitefish;
  • sturgeon;
  • burbot;
  • sterlet.

To regulate the number of representatives of the water element, the city and regional governments limit the timing of recreational fishing and the possible number of fish caught.

The most interesting mountains of Kuzbass

The Kemerovo Mountains are a truly magical place that annually attracts hundreds of climbers, skiers, speleologists and archaeologists.

Salair Ridge

  • Coordinates: 54.089722, 85.827778.

The southern part of the region is covered with mountain ranges. One of the most majestic and beautiful is the Salair Ridge. In addition to the Kemerovo region, the 300-kilometer ridge occupies the territories of the Novosibirsk region and the Altai Territory.

The peaks of Salair are relatively low, the height of the largest of them, Mount Kivda, barely exceeds 620 m. A significant part is ordinary hills. The relief of the ridge is varied; there are dozens of karst sinkholes, caves and other formations.

Celestial Teeth

  • Coordinates: 54.133333, 88.750000.

To the south of the Kuznetsky Alatau nature reserve there is one of the most picturesque areas not only in the region, but throughout Russia. In an area of ​​about 90 kilometers, the peaks of several mountain ranges converge, primarily the Tiger-Tysh ridge.

The delightful area received the sublime name “Celestial Teeth”. The region is popular with tourists, and there are hotels and guesthouses in the surrounding area.

Most travelers prefer wild routes; during hikes, adventurers can admire mountain slopes covered with taiga and tundra, snow-capped peaks, unusual rocks, the beautiful valley of the Tom River and spectacular waterfalls.

Mount Green

  • Coordinates: 52.948556, 87.928537.

The mountain slopes near the village of Sheregesh have been attracting athletes from different regions of the country for more than 40 years. In 1981, shortly before the Spartakiad, a ski resort was opened on Mount Zelenaya.

Today, at the top there are already 15 trails of varying degrees of difficulty, 19 ski lifts, and at the foot there are hotels, cafes, shops and other institutions necessary for a comfortable stay. The Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Championships and other competitions are regularly held on Zelyonaya.

Tutal Rocks

  • Coordinates: 55.708333, 85.006111.

In the Yashkinsky district, the bank of the beautiful Tom River is decorated with high cliffs. A powerful river flow has eroded rocks for centuries, forming wonderful sculptures. Rocks are divided into several groups depending on their location. The stone ridge attracts both climbers and archeology lovers.

Professional climbers from all over Western Siberia regularly hold mass training camps and training sessions at this natural training ground. The rocks are also interesting from a historical point of view: on the steep walls there are images of animals left by the hands of ancient people. Tutal petroglyphs date back to the Neolithic era.

Royal Gate

  • Coordinates: 53.050987, 88.415012.

One of the main symbols of Mountain Shoria is the magnificent rocks that resemble a huge arch. The landmark is located a few kilometers from the village of Ust-Anzas on the banks of the Mras-Su River.

The height of the stone gate is 100 meters. Their color depends on the lighting; in sunny weather, the gloomy steep walls appear pink. Extreme sports enthusiasts who climb the rocks can discern the drawings of ancient people on them.

How to get there?

From the central part of the country you can get to Kemerovo by plane, train, or car. The airport is located 25 km from the city. The Kemerovo region has a developed railway network - almost 2000 km. Trains travel across the region over long distances.

By plane

You can get from Moscow to Kemerovo by plane. To do this, you need to cover a distance of 3000 km. The flight time will be 4 hours 30 minutes. Air tickets on this route are heavily loaded in April, July, and December. At this time, the cost of the flight will be 99 thousand rubles. The rest of the time, the average ticket price is 72 thousand rubles.

By train

To get to Kemerovo from Moscow you need to travel 2 days and 5 hours. The distance by train will be 3644 km. A ticket for a compartment carriage costs from 9 thousand rubles. The cost of a reserved seat starts from 7 thousand rubles.

By car

There are two ways to get from Moscow to Kemerovo by car: on your own, or in partnership with other travelers. You will have to travel along the Volga-M 7 highway. The distance will be 3612 km. Travel time is 47 hours. In order to travel with fellow travelers, you will have to shell out 6 thousand rubles. An independent trip will cost 13-15 thousand rubles.

Along the route there are:

  • organized parking;
  • hostels;

  • cafe;
  • gas stations;
  • medical institutions.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Metro Nizhny Novgorod. Diagram, map, description.

St. Nicholas Church

The city has not been around for very long, so there are not too many religious institutions here. However, the exteriors of Kemerovo churches will undoubtedly delight connoisseurs of religious architecture.

During Soviet times, this temple was officially the only religious institution for Orthodox Christians. It was founded already in the 19th century. The temple was opened and closed several times, and began to operate stably after the Second World War. The icon of the Mother of God, as well as the relics of 12 saints, are kept here.


Kemerovo has an extensive public transport network.

Today the city operates:

  • 78 city routes, of which 35 operate in the warm season;
  • 74 suburban routes, 9 of which operate in the warm season;
  • 62 minibuses;
  • 5 tram routes;
  • 9 trolleybus routes.

Public transport in Kemerovo starts at 6:30 am and ends at 9:00 pm. Some routes operate until 19-00. To date, the city's transport department has introduced an application for smartphones. Using the functionality, city residents can track the movement of buses along the route and the time of arrival at a specific stop.

Buses, trams, trolleybuses

To pay for travel, citizens use transport cards, which can be purchased at kiosks that sell printed publications. Cards are issued for schoolchildren, other students, and pensioners. You can also buy a single transport card. The cost of the card is 70 rubles. After the limit has expired, the balance must be topped up at the points where the ticket was purchased.

The cost of travel without a card is:

  • city ​​buses, trolleybuses, trams – 20 rubles.
  • express bus – 21 rub.
  • minibuses – 22 rubles.

Pensioners pay for travel at reduced rates - 10 rubles. on regular and express buses. Having a card in hand, schoolchildren and students pay 10 rubles. on a regular bus, 11.5 on an express bus.

Car rent

Car rental is not very widespread. However, on the Internet you can find advertisements with offers for the temporary use of Russian-made cars. The cost per day varies from 1000 rubles. and higher.

In addition to cars, you can order a minibus with a driver for excursions. The price will be from 1000 rubles. per person per day. To transport goods, you can rent a truck. Its cost depends on the distance and cargo transported. Offers start from 900 rubles. at one o'clock.


Citizens use mobile applications to order a taxi. There are quite a few companies providing this service in the city. The fare starts from 16 rubles. for 1 km. The services are quite modern. The cars are clean, the drivers are polite. The waiting time does not exceed 10 minutes.

Kemerovo cathedrals and churches

The city was founded not so long ago, so there are few religious institutions here. But those buildings that are presented will be of interest to connoisseurs of church architecture and decoration.

Znamensky Cathedral

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00
  • Phone: +7 384 235‑71-51
  • Address: st. Sobornaya, 24. Transport stop "Cathedral"

By decision of the Soviet authorities, the Znamenskaya Church was demolished in 1960; before that, it had existed for more than thirty years. After this, believers had to go to St. Nicholas Church, which was the only institution of a religious nature at that time and was located on the right bank. Only in 1991 the cathedral was founded and consecrated six years later. The five-domed temple was built in classicism and baroque style. Its main shrine is the ark with particles of the relics of 83 saints of the Russian land.

Holy Trinity Church

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:30 to 19:00
  • Phone: +7 384 253‑87-44
  • Website: http:/
  • Address: st. Khimikov, 32. Transport stop "Holy Trinity Temple"

Funds for the construction of this noble temple were collected by the whole world. The Church of the Holy Trinity has become one of the most expressive and colorful objects of urban architecture. It was consecrated in 2005. It is significant that the temple is divided into three portals, each of them topped with a gilded dome. The belfry, above which rises three drums with onions, is also very picturesque. The church can accept up to nine hundred believers within its walls. The white stone temple with gilded domes is especially impressive with its beauty on sunny days.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00
  • Telephone
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Goncharova, 51. Transport stop “Grigoryeva Street” or “St. Nicholas Cathedral”

Unlike other religious buildings in the city of Kemerovo, St. Nicholas Church is rich in historical events. The church of the same name has stood on the site of the temple since 1846, when Kemerovo did not yet exist. After 50 years, the building was expanded, but during the turbulent years of the revolution and grandiose historical cataclysms, in 1919 it was destroyed by the Red partisans. A few years later the building was restored and it was occupied by Old Believers. The cathedral became Orthodox again in 1945; for more than fifty years it was the only functioning church open to visitors by believers. And now many Orthodox believers travel from everywhere to worship Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Main attractions

Kemerovo, whose attractions are represented not only by artifacts, but also by natural monuments, annually increases its profits from tourism development. The Department of Tourism notes that over the past 2 years, Russians’ interest in the country’s history has been growing exponentially. Kuzbass has great potential for attracting guests not only from Russia, but from near and far abroad.

Religious buildings

There are many religious buildings in Kemerovo. All of them were erected in the middle of the last century, at the beginning of the current one. But for citizens and guests of the city they have a special meaning.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

The temple was opened in 2008. However, the ministry has been held here since 1996. The church is located on Khimikov Avenue. It was built in the classic version of the Russian Orthodox church. The interior is richly decorated.

Every believer or traveler can visit the temple at any time.

Munir Mosque

The Muslim shrine began its work in 2008. Since Kemerovo is a multinational city, it is impossible to imagine it without a mosque. Not only believers of the city come here, but also from nearby cities. The mosque is located on Lenin Ave. You can visit it every day for free.

Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The church is located on the street. Chernyakhovsky. It was consecrated in 2009. It is symbolic that in a Russian city representatives of all faiths can visit their shrines.

This suggests that Kemerovo is a friendly, hospitable city.


Kemerovo, the majority of whose attractions are young in terms of history, has more than 18 operating museums. Every day, guides conduct educational and thematic excursions.

Kemerovo Museum of Local Lore

The museum was opened in 1929. Today, in the museum’s storage facilities and exhibitions there are more than 100 thousand exhibits that belong to different historical periods of the region. There are unique collections of coins, archaeological exhibits, and literary monuments here. In the museum's exhibition you can see paintings by contemporary artists and works by famous authors of the Soviet period.

The museum is located on Sovetsky Ave. You can visit the institution every day, except Mondays from 10 am to 7 pm. The entrance ticket costs 150 rubles. for adults. Students will be able to get acquainted with the history of Kuzbass for 100 rubles. with a document confirming training.

Museum of Kemerovo State University

The museum is located at st. Sovetskaya, 77. You can visit it every day except Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. The cost of visiting is 150 rubles. The museums have collected more than 300 thousand exhibits.

These are archaeological artifacts, household items of the peoples who inhabited the region at different times.

Here you can also trace the development of the ecology of Kuzbass. For lovers of anomalous things and phenomena, the guides will show a collection of ancient antlers, unusual butterflies, skulls and stuffed animals and birds listed in the Red Book.

Embankment of the Tom River

Tom divides Kemerovo into two banks. There is a beautiful embankment along the left bank. Walking here, citizens and guests of the city can admire the hills of the Red Mountain, which are covered with coniferous trees. In the evening the embankment is beautifully illuminated. Lovers meet here, mothers walk with their children.

The beautiful view encourages relaxation. The embankment is located in the center of Kemerovo.

Natural attractions

Kemerovo, whose attractions include natural reserves recognized as a heritage of the region, is the most tourist-developed city in the region.

Tomsk writing

In 1988, an open-air museum was organized in the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region. This is the only reserve with the status of a museum, which displays rocks with ancient drawings and writings. The reserve can be reached by car, going northwest of the regional center. Excursions are held here. There is a program to support protected animals.

There are several museums in the reserve:

  • Museum of Rock Art;
  • mythological forest;
  • fabulous territory;
  • myths of the peoples of Siberia.

The cost of visiting must be clarified on the reserve’s website. Events are constantly changing here and exhibitions are being replenished. Ticket prices are not constant. You can visit the reserve on your own or as part of a group by reservation.

Kostenkovskie rocks

The protected natural monument is located on the banks of the Chumysh River. The reserve was created to preserve unique animals, birds, and plants.

Local residents can pick berries and mushrooms. But there is a special security regime on the territory.

Siberian pine

60 m from the Kemerovo-Berezovsky road there is a unique pine tree. According to experts, the tree celebrated its 106th birthday. A tree with a powerful crown, which is not typical for this type of tree. His bark is in excellent condition. Numerous tourists come to see the century-old pine tree. The tree is protected by the Government of the Kemerovo region.


In Kemerovo you can see more than 100 man-made monuments. Despite the fact that all of them were erected no more than 50-100 years ago, each of them has a special meaning.

List of monuments:

  • Monument to Mikhailo Volkov located on the square. Volkova. Volkov was the first person in Kuzbass to discover coal. The monument was presented to the city by the sculptor Baranov.

  • The steam locomotive monument is installed on the station square. This is the first Soviet locomotive. It was built in 1953.
  • The monument to a homeless dog was erected as a sign of the struggle for the lives of homeless animals. It stands on Pritomskaya embankment.
  • The monument to miners stands in the city center on miners' alley. This is not only symbolic, but a tribute to the difficult work of brave people.
  • The monument to the dead miners is located on the street. Soviet.

The main attractions of Kemerovo: TOP – 5

There are such iconic places in Kemerovo that you definitely need to see; not a single excursion can do without them.

Memorial of Glory

  • Address: Vesennyaya st. Transport stop "Dramater"

This monument is most revered and respected by Kemerovo residents. It was installed in honor of hundreds of thousands of Kuzbass residents who went to war to defend their homeland from fascist invaders; many of them never returned home, having given their lives for the Great Victory. The monument was erected in 1970 and inaugurated on May 9. There is an eternal flame in front of the monument. The height of the monument is 18 meters, it is made of Crimean limestone, the steps are made of granite. It is a stele with memorable inscriptions, at the bottom there is a bas-relief: a warrior holds a banner, in front of him is a kneeling young soldier, bowing his head, saluting his fallen comrades.

Monument “Memory to the miners of Kuzbass”

  • Address: Tula Lane. Transport stop "TUUR"

In 2003, a monument to courageous and courageous people - miners - was erected in the city. Everyone knows that mining coal is not easy; sometimes it is obtained not only with sweat, but also with blood. Despite this, every day thousands of miners descend into the mines to extract vital raw materials. On a pedestal of black granite, 3 meters high, there is a miner holding a heart-shaped coal in his hands. You can draw a certain thread with the mythological hero Prometheus, who gave people fire. It is not for nothing that this monument is personified with a miner’s angel.

Main Post Office building

  • Address: Sovetsky Prospekt, 61. Transport stop "Glavpochtamt"

The Main Post Office building is one of the calling cards of the city, erected in 1956. The Main Post Office invariably attracts attention, being a most interesting example of Soviet architecture. The corner between two four-story portals is decorated with a bay window, ending with an elegant hexagonal turret with a spire. There is a clock on the turret. The architecture of the building is pleasant to perceive and does not leave any guest of the city indifferent.

Monumental composition “The Power of Mining Traditions”

  • Address: Arts Square. Transport stop "Philharmonic"

The hydraulic ensemble, installed on the most beautiful square of the city in front of the Kuzbass Philharmonic, was destined to occupy one of the exceptional places among the city’s attractions. In the center of the granite bowl of the fountain, there are bronze sculptures of a horseman, a Soviet miner and a modern miner, which symbolize the continuity of generations. Behind the statues there is an ornate arch – the entrance to the mine. This composition is worth appreciating not only in daylight; it looks especially impressive in the evening, when 200 geysers begin to “compete in choreography” in the light of spotlights, with musical accompaniment.

Monument to V.I. Lenin

  • Address: Soviet Square. Transport stop "Glavpochtamt"

Of course, despite its irrelevance from a modern point of view, the monument to V.I. Lenin is not the last place among other iconic places in the city of Kemerovo. This is a memory of the Soviet era, the bronze sculpture is very impressive (8 meters, 16 tons), so it does not leave indifferent city guests who like to take pictures against the backdrop of the monument to the leader of the world proletariat. Moreover, the monument has a very piquant feature: the buttons of the coat are located on the left (female) side, it remains a mystery why the sculptor decided this way.


Kemerovo has modern shopping centers and markets. For tourists, a shopping trip is more of an introductory trip - it is interesting to compare prices in your hometown and in Kemerovo. Here prices for quality items are higher than in Voronezh and Belgorod. Although you can buy good clothes or shoes at an attractive price on the market.

The most visited shopping centers in Kemerovo are the following:

  • Promenade.
  • Greenwich.
  • Lapland.

They all look alike. The products are also of the same type. City residents buy things in Novokuznetsk.

Soviet Square

The facility was built in the 50s of the last century. The Square of Soviets has been restored several times, but has not lost its historical appearance. A person who visits it seems to find himself in Stalin’s time.

The square goes around the building of the Main Post Office, from the clock of which notes from the work “Nightingale dawns float over Tom…” are heard hourly. As expected, in the center of the object there is a monument to Lenin , with whom a curious incident occurred several years ago. Residents noticed that the stone Leader was wearing a woman's coat. This became clear because of the buttons “sewn” on the left.

Soviet Square

At first glance, it may seem that Kemerovo is the most ordinary city in the post-Soviet space. However, when arriving here, a tourist realizes how original this place is. You can enjoy the aesthetics of life in a mining town and see a lot of unique sculptures here in just a couple of days.

You can learn more about the attractions by watching the video:


For active recreation in the vicinity of Kemerovo there is everything: mountains, rivers, forests.

Recreation organizers offer the following activities for an active pastime:

  • Walking in the taiga with dogs. This trip is called “Taiga Zaimka”. Travelers will go to Forest Glade. The walk takes about 6 hours. The cost needs to be clarified with the organizers. The price may vary depending on the time of year. Here you can go skiing and go dog sledding. You can get here on your own or as part of a group. Hot tea and warm rooms are offered.

  • In the village of Sheveli , 20 km from Kemerovo, there is a recreation center "Paradise". All types of winter recreation are provided here: skiing, sleighing, skating. In the warm season, you can spend time here in the pool or wander through the forest. Holiday organizers offer a walk in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The price of staying in a holiday home is from 1500 rubles. per day.
  • Hiking along the hills along picturesque rivers can be done independently or as part of a group. The cost of the excursion will be about 2000 rubles, including travel and lunch. The place where tourists gather must be confirmed with the organizers.

Where to go and what to see in Kemerovo with a child

In addition to the Botanical Garden, parks and museums, families with children can organize the following leisure activities in Kemerovo:

  • take a ride on the Kemerovo Children's Railway . Opened in 2007 on the initiative of the head of the railway, Alexander Vitalievich Tselko, the 4-kilometer long railway has become the most popular entertainment for the whole family. The trip takes about 20 minutes, during which tourists can admire the picturesque views of the city. In summer, the popularity of the children's railway increases so much that additional trains have to be launched;
  • go on rides in the "Wonder Park" . Cozy cafes, attractions for all ages in excellent condition;
  • go to the Planet Kino cinema. Comfortable chairs, modern equipment, two cafes with a good menu and reasonable prices;
  • watch interesting chemical and physical experiments in scientific and entertainment . Children are especially impressed by experiments with liquid nitrogen and the Ames room, where interesting optical illusions can be observed;
  • visit kart- , where visitors can use not only adult and children’s karts, but also bicycles, mini-motorcycles and board games;
  • watch a performance at the Kemerovo Municipal Drama and Comedy Theater for children and youth.

Interesting places to relax with children

Kemerovo, whose attractions are often of interest to adults, can delight children with amusement parks:

  • On the street Michurin there is a family recreation park "Antoshka". There are a lot of green spaces here. The park is bright and colorful. It is interesting for children with attractions and delicious sweets. There is a trampoline, several shooting ranges, an autodrome, and you can ride waltzing boats.

  • In the historical part of Kemerovo on the street. Kirov is located "Park of Miracles". There are many interesting attractions for children. In the park you can have a tasty snack by visiting one of the cafes.
  • Lesnaya Skazka Park is located in the Lesnaya Polyana area. It is located in a forest area. There are medieval buildings and playgrounds here. You can ride in cars.

Victory Park

Address : bank of the Iskitimka River, between the Universitetsky and Krasnoarmeysky bridges Opening hours : 00:00 – 00:00 Mon-Sun

The park was founded in the 1960s. and fully lives up to its name. Here is a monument to Marshal Zhukov, a monument to home front workers, border guards and the now disbanded Kemerovo Command School. Models of tanks and airplanes are placed throughout the park. The park has playgrounds and sports grounds for children and adults.


It is better to travel around Kemerovo and its surroundings as part of an organized group. The most interesting excursions are the following directions:

Lord of the Mountains

The excursion involves traveling to Sheregesh. This is a resort 30 km from Kemerovo. The tour lasts 2 days. During the trip, tourists will climb Ice Mountain. Get acquainted with the ancient legends of these places. Hotel accommodation. Meals and travel are included in the tour price. Cost for adults – 5500 rubles, for children – 3000 rubles.

Golden places of Kuzbass

The excursion lasts 1 day. The program includes visits to the holy places of Kemerovo, Guryevsk, Salair. The group will depart at 8 a.m. from Kemerovo. The duration of the excursion is 12 hours. Cost – 870 rub.

If tourists decide to dine on hot dishes, they will have to pay an additional 180 rubles.

Secrets of Novokuznetsk

The excursion starts in Kemerovo at 7 am. Departure from Sovetsky Ave., 51. The tour lasts 1 day. Cost – 2150 rubles, including lunch and dinner. During the tour, the guide will tell you about the history of the city. Tourists will visit temple buildings of the 17th century.

Monument to a homeless dog

Touching sadness and a desire to do something to help animals thrown into the street overcome people when they see this monument. A stray dog ​​lies on the tank and looks at passers-by with hope.

The sculpture appeared in 2008 thanks to donations from caring citizens as a reminder of responsibility for our little brothers. Author – V.V. Treska.

Address: Pritomskaya embankment

Route for exploring the city on your own in 1-2 days

To explore the city of Kemerovo in 1-2 days without a guide, you need to know where to go.

Walk along the city embankments

The route includes:

  • Walking along beautifully decorated streets.
  • Inspection of monuments, unusual creations of local sculptors.
  • During the warm season, you can take part in recreational activities.
  • Order a portrait from a local artist.

    In Kemerovo you can order a portrait from a street artist.

  • Listen to original performers play and sing.

Red hill

The route includes:

  • Visit to a picturesque place located in the forest.
  • Inspection of the museum exhibits.
  • Inspection of memorable monuments.

Visiting temples

The route includes:

  • Inspection of the Orthodox Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
  • Inspection of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Inspection of the Znamensky Cathedral.

Where else can tourists visit Kuzbass?

For particularly curious tourists who love unusual creations of nature, it is worth pointing out a few more interesting places on the map of the Kemerovo region.

Kuzedeyevskaya linden grove

  • Coordinates: 53.352500, 87.296667.

Relatively close to Novokuznetsk is the oldest settlement in the region - the village of Kuzedeevo. Ethnographers are interested in the settlement's representatives of the small Vepsian people, and ecotourists are interested in the Siberian linden grove, which is rare for the region.

The relict grove “Lime Island” has no analogues in the neighboring regions of the federation; the Kemerovo lime forest remains the largest broad-leaved forest in all of Siberia. The planting has been preserved since the Ice Age; its age is estimated at several million years. The grove has the status of a natural monument of federal significance.

Ethnographic Museum "Tazgol"

  • Coordinates: 53.051177, 88.415015.

The museum in the village of Ust-Anzas dates back to 1991. The name of the open-air museum translated into Russian means “flat meadow.” On a small area of ​​only 5 hectares, the dwellings of the indigenous people of the region - the Shors - have been reconstructed.

Experts have created entire villages, camps and estates from different periods of history, from the 6th century to the present day. In the ecomuseum you can see not only residential buildings, but also workshops, smelters, forges, altars for sacrifices, a gold mine and even burials.

Nature reserve "Antibessky"

  • Coordinates: 55.965490, 87.281271 (to be clarified).

In 1964, a large state reserve with an area of ​​47,000 hectares was founded on the border of the Chebulinsky, Izhmorsky and Mariinsky districts. A significant part of the protected area falls on the Antibes River basin, which gave the reserve its name.

The main task of local specialists is to protect the beaver population and their habitats. In addition to beavers and other vertebrates, the reserve protects the local flora, including rare orchids listed in the Red Book of the region.

Pine with rings

  • Address: Promyshlennovsky forestry enterprise.

Of all the trees of the Promyshlennovsky forestry enterprise, one amazing half-century-old pine attracts special attention from tourists. At the height of a five-story building, unusual ring-shaped growths formed on a tree trunk.

According to scientists, the strange rings are the consequences of a tumor-like bacteriosis that the tree suffered while still a seedling. The disease made the pine tree unique and earned it the status of a botanical natural monument.

Siberian baobab

  • Address: s. Itkara, Yashkinsky district.

Another unique tree grows in the village of Itkara near the river of the same name and the famous Itkarinsky waterfall. The huge black poplar was nicknamed “baobab” due to its non-standard size.

The giant's trunk is so thick that several adults can hardly grasp it. Not far from the tree there is another attraction of the settlement - a traditional Siberian burial with foundation stones.

You may be interested in the sights of the regions neighboring the Kemerovo region - Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia, Altai and Altai Territory

For tourists, the Kemerovo region is, first of all, comfortable ski resorts, stunning terrain, picturesque reservoirs, waterfalls and ethnographic attractions. Traveling around Kuzbass promises a lot of pleasant impressions for those who decide to walk along its difficult routes.

Kemerovo Hotels

Tourists can stay in hotels in the city. Almost all of them are 3 stars. But vacationers will receive here everything they need for a good rest.

SPA hotel Med

The hotel is located 5 km from the center of Kemerovo. Wellness treatments are offered here. The rooms are convenient and comfortable.

A restaurant and bar are located in the hotel. Breakfast is included in the room rate. Price per day for 1 person – 2000 rubles.


The hotel is located 3 km from the city center. Today the hotel is the leader in the hotel business in Kemerovo. Hotel class – 4 stars. The hotel has a restaurant and bar. SPA center services are provided. Room rate per night – from 4900 rubles. The hotel has free parking and internet.

Olympus Plaza

The hotel is located 2 km from the center of Kemerovo. Hotel class – 4 stars. There is a bar, restaurant, free parking, internet. The restaurant has very tasty food. Room cost per night from 5000 rub.

What to bring as a souvenir?

Original items and products that are only available here are brought from Kemerovo as souvenirs:

  • Yeti figurines . You can buy it at any shopping center. The creature is considered a brand of Kuzbass. The price for a soft toy will be from 1000 rubles.
  • Cone jam and pine nuts. It is better to buy these delicacies from local grandmothers during excursions. 100 g of pine nuts can cost from 300 rubles. A 200 gram jar of jam costs from 500 rubles.
  • Siberians praise their sweets . Tourists take home gingerbread cookies and waffles with different fillings. You can buy them in company stores. Prices depend on the manufacturing company. But most Kuzbass gingerbreads cost from 100 rubles. for 1 kg.
  • For collectors, you can give a vintage miner's lantern as a gift . You can buy it in shopping centers at a price of 2000 rubles.

The sights of the capital of Kuzbass, Kemerovo, are distinguished by their originality. All of them are imbued with love for their native land, respect for the courageous people living here.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Museum "Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia"

Within the walls of the museum you can see hundreds of exhibits that represent all the beauty of the Siberian expanses.

Visitors will be interested in herbariums, stuffed birds and animals, and restoration of individual ecosystems. All exhibits were collected by scientists during expeditions in the Kemerovo region and Western Siberia.

Address: ave. Sovetsky, 77.

Explore the existing churches of Kemerovo. Most of the religious buildings were erected at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century.

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