35 best attractions in Nalchik that are worth visiting

There is a version that a large settlement, which gave rise to modern Nalchik, was founded on the banks of the river of the same name in 1724 by Prince Aslambek Kaytukin, who migrated to these places with his village. Almost a century later, on the orders of General Ermolov, a fortress was built here, which quickly acquired a settlement. The village grew and already in 1921 received not only the status of a city, but also became the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria. The food and light industries have always been developed in Nalchik, and in the Soviet period, enterprises of knowledge-intensive and heavy industries appeared. However, most Russians know the city primarily as a popular resort. In its vicinity there are 20 mineral springs. Their water is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The sights of Nalchik, photos and descriptions of which you will find in the article, will be an excellent addition to wellness treatments.

Religion and architecture

Cathedral Mosque

Shogentsukova Ave., 41
The main mosque of Nalchik was built in 2004 according to the design of the architect Asanov. He retained the canonical Islamic features, but at the same time gave the building a modern look due to the glass facade.

The mosque is two-story: the first level is a square monoblock, the second is an octagon. The structure is crowned with a voluminous blue dome. The height of the building is 21 m, and on the sides there are two 30-meter minarets.

Interestingly, the facade of the mosque is not oriented towards Mecca, as Islam prescribes. This is compensated for by properly located prayer halls on the second floor (men's and women's). They can accommodate up to 2 thousand people at a time.

Train Station

Nalchik acquired its own station in 1913 during the construction of the Vladikavkaz Railway. The first brick building was badly damaged during the Civil War. And restored in the late 1930s, it was finally destroyed during the battles of World War II.

A new 4-story building in a classical style with a massive portico, a series of Corinthian columns and a dome was built in 1948. But only after reconstruction, in our time, the station in Nalchik received the status of an architectural monument.

Cathedral of Mary Magdalene

Malbakhova, 23 The largest Orthodox church in Nalchik and the North Caucasus was built 7 years ago with private donations. The lower chapel is consecrated in honor of the Presentation of the Lord, and the main altar is in the name of St. Mary Magdalene.

The cathedral, with an area of ​​800 m2, was built in the Byzantine style according to the design of architects Dmitry and Alexander Tatarinov. The building is decorated with 5 golden domes, and a 4-tier bell tower adjoins the main building. Up to a thousand parishioners can pray in the church at the same time.

Triumphal Arch

At the entrance to Nalchik from Pyatigorsk there is a 20-meter Triumphal Arch. The building, designed by Muzarib Bzhakhov, was inaugurated to celebrate the 450-year union of Kabardino-Balkaria and Russia. The top of the arch is decorated with the inscription “Forever with Russia”; the coats of arms of the two republics are placed on the sides.

Cathedral of St. Simeon the Stylite

Pyatigorskaya, 82 The first Cathedral of Simeon the Stylite was erected in 1851 with the permission of Nicholas I. Construction work was carried out with money allocated by the captain of the Kuban Jaeger Regiment Vasily Khlyupin. But with the advent of Soviet power, the temple was blown up.

In 1943, a new church was built on the site of the chapel left over from the abolished Old Cemetery. It is made according to classical Christian canons - an eight-pointed structure with a gilded cross. For the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', the southern wing was embroidered, which was consecrated in honor of the healer Panteleimon.

The temple is notable for its monumental frescoes, updated at the end of the 20th century. They are based on the subjects of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov, and not on biblical events. The main shrines of the cathedral: the relics of St. Theodosius, the healer Panteleimon and Nikita the Stylite.

Historical monuments and museums

National Museum

st. Gorky, 62

The museum was founded in 1921. Today, its funds contain about 40 thousand exhibits. Among them are a cyclopean-sized relief map of the republic, samples of mineral resources mined in Kabardino-Balkaria, and detailed dioramas introducing visitors to the flora and fauna of the region.

The historical exhibition is one of the largest. It displays archaeological finds, objects of worship and everyday life of the ancient Kabardians and Balkars, as well as their national costumes, jewelry and weapons.

Tkachenko Museum of Fine Arts

Lenin Ave., 35

What to see in Nalchik for an art lover? Of course, the collection of paintings and graphics presented in the art museum. The gallery opened in 1959. Now it exhibits over 200 paintings by Russian and foreign artists and about 3 thousand works by local authors.

Pearls of the exhibition: works by Aivazovsky, Bryullov, Kuindzhi, Shishkin. Here you can also see an interesting collection of porcelain, antique watches and sculptures. Exhibits are updated every 3 weeks.

Eltyubyu village

One of the most colorful settlements in the Chegem Gorge is the village of Eltyubyu. It will appeal to lovers of antiquities, history and unusual architecture.

The watchtower , built by the Belorukov princes back in the 17th century, has been well preserved here

At the foot of Mount Kum-Tyube is the City of the Dead . This is a necropolis with burials of the X-XVII centuries. In addition to earthen mounds lined with stones, there are crypts. Octagonal ones are considered Islamic, quadrangular ones are considered Christian (according to another version, Zoroastrian).

Archaeological and tourist complex "Upper Balkaria"

The village of Upper Balkaria and its surroundings is a kind of local brand, where tourist groups are required to bring it. Here you can see dilapidated fortresses, watchtowers, and tombs everywhere. The remains of the dwellings of the local nobility and commoners are organically integrated into the North Caucasian mountain landscape.

Everywhere you look, there is bound to be some archaeological site that witnessed an epoch-making event. Well, the picturesque views will pleasantly complement the trip and walk through the old ruins.

Monuments and architectural delights of Nalchik

The city will satisfy the needs of admirers of fine architecture and monumental art. Among the things you should definitely see in Nalchik, there are many colorful buildings and monuments.

Republican Parliament building

  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 55. Transport stop “Tolstoy Street”.

The majestic mansion, erected in the first third of the last century, is deservedly one of the pearls of Nalchik architecture. It is an excellent example of neoclassicism in architecture. The arch of the central portal, located outside the main volume, is supported by massive cylindrical and square columns with elegant capitals. The façade of the building is decorated with decorative rosettes. There is an elegant balustrade above the eaves.

Monument to the Cavalry Heroes

  • Address: 115th Cavalry Division square. Transport stop "Strelka".

In May 1942, Wehrmacht troops came very close to Nalchik, but the city was not going to surrender to the mercy of the Nazis. The enemy's main blow fell on the positions occupied by the soldiers of the 115th Cavalry Division. For about five months, the soldiers held back the onslaught of superior enemy forces. Many of them gave their lives for their homeland. In memory of the heroes, a monument was erected in 2005. A bronze sculpture is placed on a high pedestal lined with marble and granite. A cavalryman, riding a rearing horse, is ready, with a naked blade in his hand, to rush into battle for the Fatherland.

Railway station building

  • Address: st. Osetinskaya, 132A. Transport stop "Railway Station".

Railroad connections between Nalchik and other Russian cities were established in 1913. The station was also built at the same time. During the war it was heavily damaged by shelling and bombing. Therefore, the authorities decided to erect a new building, which was commissioned in 1948. Since then, a magnificent example of the Stalinist Empire style has become one of the main attractions of the city. The central portal of the structure is covered with a massive dome. The portico of the main entrance to the station is supported by graceful columns. The building looks very elegant.

Stela City of Military Glory

  • Address: Walnut Grove Park. Transport stop "Square of fallen Komsomol members".

In 2010, Nalchik was awarded the high title of City of Military Glory. Five years later, in honor of this event, a monument was opened in Orekhovy Park. Then 70 snow-white doves, released by WWII veterans and other participants in the ceremony, soared into the sky. The pedestal above which the column rises is mounted on a stepped base. The top of the stele is decorated with a gilded double-headed eagle. On the sides of the pedestal there are metal plates with the text of the presidential decree, heraldic symbols of the city, the republic and Russia.

Fountain Elephants

  • Address: Atazhukinsky garden. Transport stop "Kindergartens".

Tourists visiting Nalchik consider it their duty to take photos at one of the most colorful sights of the city, which appeared in 2010 on the alley of the city park. It is simply impossible to pass by the elegant structure. In the center of a small octagonal pool there are sculptures of four elephants. They hold the rotunda in the eastern cut on their backs. Jets of water erupt from nozzles placed in the animals' trunks, cascading into an elegant bowl.


Russian State Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky

The theater was founded in the 1930s, when the republic's leadership decided to introduce workers and peasants to the national Russian classics. The acting troupe settled in the building of the former Inter-Union Club. In addition to plays based on the works of Pushkin, Chekhov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, patriotic performances were performed on stage.

In 1941, actors and directors of the capital's theaters were evacuated to Nalchik, who updated the regular repertoire. During the occupation, the theater was closed, but almost immediately after the end of the war it was revived.

Castle Chateau Erken

In the vicinity of Nalchik, just 25 km from the city, there is an interesting attraction - the Chateau Erken castle, a corner of France in the heart of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The epic building in the Romanesque style appeared in 2010 thanks to Tembulat Erken, the first Russian entrepreneur to officially receive a license to produce and sell his own wine under the Chateau Erken brand.

The castle stands on the shore of a man-made lake, surrounded by vineyards and apple orchards. The landscape is complemented by a landscape park. The extensive grounds also include a small zoo and a café.

For organized excursion groups, tastings of alcoholic products are conducted.

Musical Theatre

The State Musical Theater opened in 1968 with the premiere ballet performance “Aminat”. The acting troupe was finally formed within a year. Today the repertoire includes more than 30 performances in popular genres: musical, operetta, opera and ballet. There are musical fairy tales for little spectators.

The theater is located in the same building as the M. Gorky Drama Theater. In front of the façade there is a monument to Princess Maria Temryukovna, the second wife of Ivan the Terrible.


Horse breeding is an important part of Caucasian culture, and Kabardian horses have always been considered elite. That is why they were in great demand in Tsarist Russia.

Nalchik had its own hippodrome only in 1939. During the Great Patriotic War it fell into disrepair. Regular derbies only resumed in the late 1950s, when the wooden building was replaced with a stone one. But in post-perestroika times there was no longer enough money to maintain the complex, and it was abandoned.

Restoration work was carried out relatively recently with the personal funds of the President of the Republic Arsen Kanokov. Now the Nalchik hippodrome is considered one of the best in Russia.

Balkar State Drama Theater named after. K. Kulieva

Balkarskaya, 2 The National State Theater has undergone a long development process. In 1936, Kabardian and Balkar national studios opened at the Moscow GITIS named after Lunacharsky. It was they who formed the backbone of the troupe of the new drama theater, established four years later.

The premiere performance of “The Sheep Spring” based on the play by Lope de Vega was a great success. Then the newly equipped theater was given the converted Palace of Pioneers. During the Second World War the theater was closed. The second discovery occurred much later, when a troupe of Balkar actors was sheltered by the Kabardian Theater.


The renovated zoo is located in the resort Dolinsky district. Its vast area is home to over 150 species of animals and birds, including those listed in the Red Book - about 350 individuals in total.

Lions, pumas, tigers, monkeys, peacocks and pelicans are of constant interest to visitors. The spacious cage with colorful parrots is always noisy.

There is an inflatable town for children. There is a pond on the shore of which there are walking paths.

Drinking gallery "Nalchik Source"

Located in the upper part of the Resort Park, the drinking gallery began operating in 1970. It is ready to accommodate up to 4 thousand people per day. The entrance is free.

There are 6 pump rooms with 6 taps in each. Two types of mineral water come from wells about 1 km deep. Water differs not only in composition, but also in temperature: +28 °C and +36 °C. Both varieties are recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Nalchik museums and theaters

Nalchik is one of the resorts where you can harmoniously combine recreational and educational recreation. Curious tourists are always welcome to visit museums, and theaters open their doors to fans of Melpomene in the evenings.

National Museum of Kabardino-Balkaria

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 rubles, reduced price 40 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.museum-kbrglav.ru
  • Address: st. Gorky, 62. Transport stop “Tolstoy Street”.

The funds of the institution, founded in 1921, contain more than 150 thousand storage units, most of which are presented in exhibition halls. Having been here, visitors will learn how unique and rich the nature of Kabardino-Balkaria is, and will get acquainted with the customs, authentic culture, and way of life of the peoples living on this beautiful land. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to different stages of the history of the republic, the period of the Second World War. The museum has an excellent collection of works of art, an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts, and items of historical value.

Art Museum

  • Opening hours: daily, except Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 70 rubles, student 30 rubles, citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 18 are admitted free of charge.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.muzey-kbr.ru
  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 35. Transport stop “Lermontov Street”.

A tour of the institution will bring pleasure to all lovers of beauty. Its exhibition halls display works of European, Russian and national artists, sculptors, masters of decorative and applied arts, created in the 19th–20th centuries. Here you can admire paintings by F. Rokotov, K. Bryullov, I. Shishkin, A. Vasnetsov, I. Aivazovsky, sculptures by P. Klodt, F. Shchedrin, E. Lanceray. The pride of the collection is the collection of masterpieces by French watchmakers of the 18th century, antique Japanese, Chinese, European and Russian porcelain.

Gorky Drama Theater

  • Opening hours: information should be clarified by calling the contact number.
  • Ticket price: from 200 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.rusteatrkbr.com
  • Address: 400th Anniversary Square, 1. Transport stop “Mary Square”.

For more than 80 years, the city's Russian Drama has been inviting viewers to have a wonderful evening watching a colorful performance performed by wonderful actors. There are performances for children and adults here. The repertoire includes productions of dramatic, comedy, and musical plays by classic dramaturgy and modern authors. The theater troupe includes both recognized masters M. Burmako, V. Kostryukova, awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and talented youth - Z. Nagoev, A. Lutfulina and others.

Places for walking

Kabardinskaya street

The street in the city center was founded before the revolution; during the Soviet era it was intensively built up, and today it has turned into a center of cultural life.

Local residents proudly call the pedestrian part of Kabardinskaya Street the Caucasian Arbat. On both sides there are cafes, fashionable shops and old restored mansions.

District Dolinsk

The southern part of Nalchik from the Atazhukinsky Garden to the embankment of the Belaya River (which is about a quarter of the city) is the resort area of ​​Dolinsk. Thanks to the mountains, a special microclimate reigns here: summers are moderately hot, winters never experience severe frosts, autumn and spring are warm and beautiful. The flora is predominantly subtropical.

In this part of the city there are 15 sanatoriums with mineral pools, there is a forest park with equipped walking alleys, a cultural center, artificial lakes, sports and children's playgrounds.

The area grew up at the end of the 19th century on the site of the agricultural community of Ekaterina Dolinskaya. When the economy fell into disrepair, St. Petersburg residents and Muscovites began to build dachas here. Clean mountain air and a pleasant climate contributed to the restoration of the health of the capital's public.

Terraincourt "1000 steps"

The health route begins behind the Resort Lake and leads to Mount Kizilovka. The highest point is located at an altitude of 843 m, the total length of the path is 2,620 m. There are observation platforms and benches along the way.

The trail got its poetic name from the number of steps on the route, although no one counted their exact number at that time. In 2022, the health path was reconstructed - the place for sports and walking for citizens was noticeably transformed.

Resort lake

The largest artificial reservoir in Nalchik is located in the City Park, at the foot of Mount Bolshaya Kizilovka.

The resort lake, or as it is also called the Fourth (in order of appearance in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria), is the only one in which swimming is allowed.

The pond is fed by the Nalchik River. Depending on its fullness, the depth of the lake ranges from 3 to 7 m. In winter, the reservoir is drained for cleaning work.

There are beaches on the northern and eastern sides. Throughout the tourist season, there is a rental point for boats and catamarans, and there is a cafe with local dishes. The banks of the reservoir are bordered by a park favored by squirrels.

"Green Market"

A person who is tired of the mountains and exhausted by Narzan should go to the colorful “Green Market”. A popular shopping place is located in the city center near the park named after. Gorky. It is impossible to miss the central entrance to the bazaar - it is a huge arch with sculptures in the niches.

Here you can buy food, clothes, shoes, souvenirs and everything that Kabardino-Balkaria and Nalchik in particular are famous for: mountain tea, knitwear, hats, jewelry and ceramics.

Natural attractions

Chegem Gorge and waterfalls

About 55 km from Nalchik there is a natural attraction, equally popular in winter and summer - Chegem Waterfalls. Most tourists want to see the main of the three streams.

  • The first waterfall is located on the Kayaarty River, which flows into the Chegem. At a height of 50-60 m, the water is divided into several jets, which, reaching the rock bottom, are broken into millions of splashes.
  • The second is formed by the Sakal-Tup River, the waters of which burst out of a giant trench.
  • Small Chegem or Maiden Spit is located about 200 m from the roadway. Its height is about 30 m, and it is superior in power to its fellows.

Due to the special microclimate in the Chegem Gorge, there are many people at the waterfalls all year round. In spring and summer, the landscape is decorated with a carpet of flowers and fragrant herbs. In winter, the seething streams freeze into bizarre shapes.

All three waterfalls are located in the Chegem Gorge, which begins on the outskirts of the village of Khushto-Syrt. It is a narrow corridor about 3 km long. The width of its narrowest part does not exceed 25 m, so motorists need to be as careful as possible along the route.

Cars cannot be left on the side of the canyon - only in special pockets.

The geological feature of the place is that the side rocks tend to each other, which is why in some places it is difficult to see the sky. It seems that just a little more and the stone walls will close together.

Blue Lakes

About 40 km from the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria there are five Blue Lakes. They are located in a specially protected area of ​​about 148 hectares. All reservoirs are karst, predominantly hydrogen sulfide, with a specific odor. The color of the water changes from milky turquoise to blue.

The deepest lake is Nizhneye (279 m), it is also called Rotten because of its characteristic aroma. The only representative of the ichthyofauna that has adapted to survive in such an extreme environment is the crustacean Gammarus. The lake itself does not freeze even in the most severe frost.

The Dry Lake or Leaked Lake lies to the east. From a geological point of view, this is a mine with a depth of approximately 177 m. A little further are Sekretnoye and two interconnected Upper Lakes.

Cherek Gorge

The pride of Kabardino-Balkaria is the Cherek Gorge. On its territory there are 7 peaks with a height of more than 5 thousand meters, Blue Lakes, Aushiger thermal springs, the village of Upper Balkaria with the Abai-Kala tower, whose age has exceeded 400 years, and the Circassian Gorge. The last attraction arouses genuine interest among tourists.

Cherekskaya Gorge

This is a section of a mountain road laid in the cornices of steep cliffs between the villages of Babugent and Upper Balkaria. The talkative river Cherek Balkarsky flows below - from it to the stone serpentine it is no less than 500 m.

In the Cherekskaya Gorge, 2 tunnels were cut: a long one and a short one. They are connected by a lintel, and there is a walking trail along the edge. The long tunnel has a side branch leading to the Balkar wheeled (pedestrian) road. Over time, due to landslides, the roadway narrowed, and cars were prohibited from passing through this section.

At the exit from the gorge stands the Zylgi-Kala fortress . A three-level fortification structure appeared here in the 10th-11th centuries, but was destroyed by Tamerlane’s army.

Bezengi Gorge

The picturesque Bezengi Gorge, located 60 km from Nalchik, awaits lovers of mountains and everything connected with them. In the rocky upper reaches there is a mountaineering camp and the Bezengi glacier, which is unofficially called the Lesser Himalayas for its inaccessibility.

The slopes of the gorge are replete with beautiful views, as well as ancient fortresses and towers. The main point of attraction is the 13-kilometer Bezengi Wall mountain range, consisting of nine peaks.

Aushiger thermal springs

Kabardino-Balkaria is rich in hot springs. The closest ones to Nalchik are located just 20 minutes drive from the city.

Thermal waters were discovered here by accident in 1950 while searching for oil. The first visitors to the healing bath were residents of the nearby village of Aushiger.

Gradually, the natural site acquired infrastructure, and when the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology confirmed the healing properties of the spring and local clay, tourists flocked to the balneological resort.

People come here to treat diseases of the skin, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels. The water rises from a depth of 4 kilometers and forms a small pool with a temperature of almost +50 °C.

Gedmishkh Waterfall

Among the natural attractions in the vicinity of Nalchik, the Tsarsky Falls or Gedmishkh occupies a special place. It is located at an altitude of 1480 m, and its waters fall in a wide cascade from a 60-meter height, creating a roar that can be heard even at the entrance. The waterfall is fed by a spring located 100 m above.

It is better to go to the Tsarsky Falls as part of an excursion. Then there is the opportunity to explore the natural pearls located nearby:

  • Lake Shadhurey,
  • sulfur springs Psynashhibl,
  • Kanjol plateau.

The distance from Nalchik to the destination is about 70 km. However, part of the journey will have to be covered on foot. The walk from the cafe parking lot to the waterfall will take approximately 20 minutes.

Kabardino-Balkarian High Mountain Reserve

The reserve is located approximately 30 km from Nalchik. This is the only high-mountain reserve in Europe, the average height of its peaks is 3,910 m. Also, more than half of the glaciers of the North Caucasus are concentrated here, including the largest: Tsanner, Kyysh-kara, Bezengi and Dykh-Tau. Part of the “Bezengi Wall” also passes through the territory of the reserve.

The flora is represented by numerous plants - over 1200 species in total. The most common animals are wild boars, bears, forest cats, lynxes and martens - 128 species of mammals.


When in Nalchik, you should definitely visit the Elbrus region, even if you are not planning to climb the highest peak in Russia and Europe. Moreover, the distance from the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria to the mountain beauty is only 114 km.

Several excursion routes are available to tourists. Most of them pass through the main natural attractions:

  • Narzan glade in the Baksan Gorge,
  • Cheget with an observation deck at a level of 3050 m,
  • Azau clearing,
  • Lake Donguz-Orun-Kel and glaciers.

The majestic Elbrus in the distance is an excellent backdrop for original travel selfies.

Where to go with a child in Nalchik

When going on a family trip, be sure to plan where to go in Nalchik with a child. The city is always ready to warmly welcome young tourists and provide them with exciting leisure time.

Nalchik Zoo

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, children 60 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.zoonalchik.ru
  • Address: Dolinsky Lane. Transport stop "Restaurant Bochka".

A walk through the zoo, which occupies almost 7 hectares of picturesque parkland, will bring great pleasure to all family members. Here you can see more than 350 fauna representatives belonging to 150 species. A large number of visitors traditionally gather at the enclosures with representatives of the cat family, brown and black bears. Children love watching the hilarious antics of macaques, hamadryas, and monkeys. Children will be able to alternate communication with living nature with entertainment in the children's town, for which there is no charge for visiting.

Children's town "Treasure Island"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • Ticket price: from 10:00 to 14:00 on weekdays 150 rubles, at other times 200 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.tc-deya.ru/kids
  • Address: st. Kirova, 30. Transport stop “Ulitsa Baysultanova”.

If you come to Nalchik with a preschool child, be sure to plan a visit to the DEYa shopping center. All conditions have been created here for your beloved child to have fun from the heart. A children's town with slides, labyrinths, and inflatable safe attractions will delight him. Animators offer young visitors fun quizzes and active games. When tired, the child happily eats one of the delicacies presented in the special menu of the children's cafe.

Chegem waterfalls

  • Address: Khushtosyrt village. Excursions to the waterfalls are organized by almost all tour operators in Nalchik.

The unique natural recreation is located 55 km from the city, but it’s definitely worth taking your child here. Both the young tourist and his parents will receive a lot of vivid impressions. The Su-Azu gorge amazes with its picturesqueness. In several places, mountain streams Kayaarty and Sakal-Tup pour streams of water into Chegem from the tops of rocks. The length of the most powerful cascade is 30 m. The gorge is beautiful at any time of the year. A unique microclimate has been created here, conducive to the growth of many types of herbs and colorful flowers. In winter, when the river waters are frozen, the streams turn into strangely shaped blocks of ice, captivating with their unearthly splendor.

Read about the sights of other cities of the North Caucasus:

  • Makhachkala, Stavropol, Nazran,
  • Grozny, Maykop, Cherkessk,
  • Vladikavkaz, Pyatigorsk.

If you have never been to Nalchik, be sure to spend your next vacation here. The city has created excellent conditions for a good rest, full of vivid emotions.

What to see in Nalchik in 1 day

Atazhukinsky garden

It’s better to start getting acquainted with Nalchik with the city’s calling card. The park was founded in 1847. Then a huge number of trees were planted near the walls of the fortress, including fruit trees brought from Crimea and Georgia. The most exotic species are paulownia, ginkgo and Japanese quince. Later, the garden and the surrounding area were transferred to Prince Atazhukin - hence the name.

Throughout its long history, the garden has constantly transformed and changed names. In 2002, it was recognized as the most beautiful in Russia and is still the largest in the North Caucasus. The area of ​​the Atazhukinsky Garden is 250 hectares, and the length of the main alley is 1.5 km.

The iconic monuments of Nalchik are located on the cobbled paths. Among them:

  • obelisk to Soviet soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War,
  • memorial to the victims of the White Guard terror,
  • monument to Betal Kalmykov.

On the territory of the recreational area there is a mini-zoo, pump rooms with mineral water, rotundas, observation decks and attractions.

Trek Embankment

From the swings and carousels you can go down to the embankment of Lake Trek. This artificial reservoir, fed by the Nalchik River, was created in 1913-1915.

Once upon a time there was a power station here. It was closed long ago, and a hotel and restaurant complex was built in its place. It serves European and local cuisine. The prices are inflated compared to other food establishments in the city.

On the shore of the lake stands the Green Theater , the city’s main concert venue. It was built in 2007, but the facade of the building is made in the spirit of the Stalinist Empire style, which corresponds to the architectural appearance of the city.

Cable car

There is a cable car station in the park at the central gate. The cable car is single-seat and not closed, but it is safe and works properly.

The final station at the top is Mount Malaya Kizilovka (640 m) . There is an observation deck, tents with souvenirs and the Sosruko restaurant, named after the hero of the local epic. The restaurant building in the shape of a hero’s head is one of the architectural monuments of Nalchik. The menu mainly features Caucasian cuisine.

Drama Theater named after Ali Shogentsukova

At the exit from the park there is a theater founded in 1937. If you can't get to one of the classical repertoire performances, it's worth at least inspecting the building from the outside. Opposite the facade there is a monument to the Balkar poet.


Next, we turn onto Shogentsukov Avenue and move to the monument to V.I. Lenin. The Stone Leader was removed from the pedestal at the height of perestroika, and then returned to its place in the late 1990s. His figure serves as a kind of marker of the city center.

From here begins the alley leading to the Government House on the Place de la Concorde. There is a Central Fountain along the alley. With the onset of darkness, the lighting and musical accompaniment turn on. Dancing water jets shimmering with bright colors attract a large number of spectators.

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - attractions in the capital

Full of warmth and national flavor, the friendly and open city is located in a semicircle of mountains that resemble a horseshoe from a bird's eye view. Atazhukinsky garden

One of the main assets of the city of Nalchik is the city park, which is the pride of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Arriving in Nalchik, you can’t help but visit the huge Atazhukinsky Garden park with its colorful lakes, a health path area, a drinking gallery, and many magnificent flower beds. The history of the park begins in 1847, when the first fruit tree seedlings were brought from Georgia and Crimea. The park got its name from the name of its owner, Prince Atazhukin. Over time, the territory of the park was developed, and its name changed several times. In 2007, after a major reconstruction, the garden was returned to its former name. The central alley of the garden, nine meters wide and almost one and a half kilometers long, is completely planted with maples, pines and spruces. There is a unique aroma of greenery in the air. The next alley is Linden, the crowns of its trees create a dense green “canopy”. Of particular interest is the Flower Calendar (the numbers of days, years and letters of the months are laid out in flowers). At the end of the alley is the Palace of Celebrations, with beautiful terraces, arches and stairs. A drinking pump room, swimming pool and decorative pools have been built in the garden. Monument “Forever with Russia”

The monument “Forever with Russia” is located on the square of the 400th anniversary of the annexation of Kabarda to Russia, in front of the Musical Theater building. The main element of the monument is a bronze statue of Tsarina Maria Temryukovna, the daughter of the Kabardian prince Temryuk and the second wife of Ivan the Terrible. The monument was erected in 1957, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the entry of these lands into Russia. On the lower tier of the monument there are 4 bronze bas-reliefs, each of which tells about the most important historical events. Memorial "Eternal Flame of Glory"

The Eternal Flame of Glory Memorial is located in the city of Nalchik, on the territory of the City Park, formerly called the Atazhukinsky Garden. The memorial complex is an obelisk with an eternal flame burning in front of it. The memorial is located on a rectangular square framed by evergreen fir trees.

The obelisk, erected in 1949, is topped with a gilded star, and a plaque with a commemorative inscription is attached to its base. Under the monument lies the mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died heroically in the Great Patriotic War, and the eternal flame appeared on the 20th anniversary of the Victory, in 1965.

In September 2010, the memorial was destroyed in an explosion caused by unknown attackers. Exactly 10 days after the tragic event, the memorial was completely restored, and the gas supply to the eternal flame burner was resumed.

The Eternal Flame of Glory Memorial is a traditional venue for events held during memorable dates associated with the Great Patriotic War. During wedding ceremonies, the newlyweds lay flowers at the monument to thank their heroic fellow countrymen for the peaceful sky above their heads.

Monument to the Heroes of the 115th Cavalry Division

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