Catalog of Serov organizations. | Address. Telephone. Map. News. The shops.


(until March 9, 1934 and from July 22, 1937 to July 7, 1939 -
, from March 9, 1934 to July 7, 1937 -
) - a city in the north of the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation, the administrative center of Serovsky district, which it is not part of. Serov is a major industrial and cultural center of the Sverdlovsk region and an important transport hub where road, rail, pipeline and air transport intersect.

The Serov urban district also includes: the villages of Larkovka, Krasnoyarka, Marsyaty, Krasnoglinny, the village of Filkino, the village of Pospelkova and others. The population of the city proper is 95,861 people. (2020), the population of the Serov urban district is 103,890 people. (2020).

City Day is officially celebrated on the second Sunday of September.


According to archaeological and historical data, the first population of the territory in the Serov region was the Mansi people, who lived here for a thousand years.

In 1893, Alexander Andreevich Auerbach signed a contract with the Administration of the Siberian Railway for the supply of 5 million pounds of steel rails for a period until 1899. To fulfill this plan, by the end of 1895 it was necessary to build a new metallurgical plant with a full production cycle. This plant was built on the banks of the Kakva River and named Nadezhdinsky.

The first permanent settlement was founded on May 29, 1894 (old style) - at the time of the foundation of the steel rail plant. A copper plaque was walled into the foundation of the plant, which read:

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Serov, destroyed by the Bolsheviks in the 30s

In July-August 1907, detachments of the famous Ural expropriator Alexander Lbov operated in the Nadezhdinsk area, committing 16 expropriations, sabotage and acts of terror in the Verkhoturye district.

In 1917, the plant in Nadezhdinsk employed about 12,000 people.

On September 15, 1919, by decree of the Yekaterinburg Provincial Military Revolutionary Committee, the Nadezhdinsky workers' settlement was given the status of a city.

By Resolution No. 6809 of the Small Presidium of the Ural Regional Executive Committee dated January 19, 1934, the city of Nadezhdinsk was renamed the city of Kabakovsk

in honor of the First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) I. D. Kabakov.
In 1937, Kabakov was repressed and the city briefly returned to its former name. On June 7, 1939, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Nadezhdinsk was renamed the city of Serov
, in honor of the deceased pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Serov.

On February 1, 1963, the Council of Workers' Deputies of the city of Serov was transferred to the subordination of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council of Workers' Deputies.

Break of the Kiselyovskoye Reservoir dam and flooding

In June 1993, the Kiselyovskoe reservoir dam on the Kakva River broke and the resulting severe flooding occurred in the city of Serov and its environs.

A lake formed by a dam on the Kakva River in the city of Serov.


(Sverdlovsk region)

OKATO code:
City since:
1926 City of regional subordination
Serovsky district
The city was formerly called:

Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographical latitude:
Geographical longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
105 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Serov

Symbolism of Serov

Coat of arms 1973

The coat of arms was approved on December 24, 1973 by the decision of the executive committee of the city Council of Workers' Deputies. The authors of the coat of arms are V. N. Lemsky and A. F. Eliseev.

“The images on the coat of arms indicate the development of the following types of industry in the city: pouring ladle - metallurgical production; gear - the presence of a metalworking industry enterprise - a mechanical plant; herringbone - the presence of the Serovles production association, which harvests wood and processes it; a yellow stripe running across the spruce indicates the presence of a state district power station in the city; ears of corn at the bottom of the shield - the presence of an agricultural enterprise - the Serovsky state farm and subsidiary farms of industrial enterprises."

Modern coat of arms

The author of the coat of arms is A. Grefenstein. Approved by the Decision of the Serov City Duma No. 26 of August 31, 2004. The coat of arms was entered into the State Heraldic Register under No. 1589.

The heraldic description of the coat of arms (blazon) reads:

The red and silver color scheme of the upper part of the coat of arms indicates metallurgical production, energy and (together with the division of the shield) the fact that Serov is the administrative center of the district of the same name. An indication of metallurgical production is the shape of the “rays” around the ball (sun), reminiscent of a pouring ladle. In addition, squirrel fur is an established symbol of belonging to the Sverdlovsk region. Two stars symbolize the northern position of the city, and also remind of the old name of the Nadezhdinsky plant. Silver cedar with fruits also supports the symbolism of the north, and in addition, it represents the acquisition of fruits, strength and prosperity.”

The present coat of arms exists in two equal versions, with the same representative and legal status: full - with a crown; abbreviated - coat of arms. The original, standard and description of the Serov coat of arms are located at the head of Serov and are available to everyone for review.

Flag of Serov

It is an identification and legal sign, a symbol of local government.

The flag is: “A rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3, composed of two equal horizontal stripes: white and blue. In the center of the panel there is an image of the figures of the city coat of arms: a red circle framed by “skins”, cedar and two stars, made in white, red, yellow and blue colors. The reverse side of the panel mirrors the front.”

The original, standard and description of the Serov flag are located at the head of Serov and are available to everyone for review.


As of January 1, 2022, in terms of population, the city was in 176th place out of 1,115 cities in the Russian Federation. Serov ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest cities in the region after Yekaterinburg (1,493,749), Nizhny Tagil (349,008), Kamensk-Uralsky (166,086) and Pervouralsk (120,778). In addition, Serov is the largest city in the Northern Administrative District of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The working-age population makes up 63% of the total population.

In Serov, there is a significant natural population decline - the birth rate in 2007 was 1065 people, and the death rate was 1596 people. Only labor migrants - 1,573 people - contribute to the population increase.

There are approximately 26,000 pensioners in Serov, which is approximately 26% of the total population.

Population exposed to adverse effects of chemical exposure:

  • with atmospheric air - 98.9
  • with drinking water - 86.7
  • with food – 49.0
  • with soils - 70.0



Serov is the largest industrial center of the Northern Administrative District of the Sverdlovsk Region. Here are located such industrial giants as the Metallurgical Plant named after. A.K. Serova, Serov Ferroalloy Plant, Serov Mechanical Plant. The basis of Serov's industry is ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. The first two plants are city-forming.

Metallurgical Plant named after. A.K. Serova is part of the UMMC holding and is the oldest enterprise in the city. It is a major supplier of steel to VAZ, GAZ, and KAMAZ. The Serov Ferroalloy Plant is another city-forming enterprise, founded in 1958. The plant is one of the largest Russian enterprises for the production of chromium ferroalloys. For more than fifty years it has been producing a wide range of ferroalloys: high-carbon ferrochrome, medium-carbon ferrochrome, low-carbon ferrochrome, ferrosilicochrome. The plant receives raw materials from many countries: the Philippines, Kazakhstan, etc. Taking into account the needs of the domestic metallurgy, the plant has mastered the production of ferrosilicon. The company also works in close cooperation with the Metallurgical Plant.

The Serov Mechanical Plant was founded in 1932 on the territory of the A.K. Serov Metallurgical Plant. This is a federal state unitary enterprise that produces a wide range of industrial tools for the mining industry, oil industry, geological exploration, military products, as well as consumer goods, represented by household and street lamps. During the Second World War, the plant produced military shells.

In addition to ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering, the city has well-developed logging and woodworking industries. The Serovles and Ural Forest enterprises supply their products to many countries: the UAE, Egypt, China, and the CIS. Food industry enterprises are widely represented.

The production of building materials is smaller in size, but plays an important role in the region and city. The main ones are PC "Magnit", which serves the city of Serov and the surrounding area. In addition, PC "Magnit" is engaged in the processing of slag dumps - waste from metallurgical production, thereby improving the environmental situation in the city.

The volume of shipped goods of own production, work and services performed in-house in manufacturing industries in 2011 amounted to 29.4 billion rubles.


The construction of residential buildings is underway in the city, the main developers of which are: the Serov Administration, PJSC Nadezhda Metallurgical, JSC Russian Railways, FSUE Serov Mechanical Plant. The main construction sites are located in the city center. The commissioning of housing as of January 1, 2007 amounted to 18,034 thousand m².

The largest construction projects in recent years have been the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, completed in 2006, and the Kiselevskoye Reservoir, the construction of which is currently ongoing. Currently, the Kiselyovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station is located on the reservoir.


Serov is the largest energy center in the Northern Urals. This is provided by the largest power plant in the north of the region - the Serov State District Power Plant (GRES). It was built in 1956-1959. The station has a non-block layout, its capacity as of 2008 is 526 MW. A small hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 0.2 MW operates on the Kiselyovskoye Reservoir. In addition, there were plans to build a combined cycle power plant. In 2011, construction began on 2 CCGT units of 420 MW each.


Agriculture plays a minor role in the economy of Serov, since the city is located in an area unfavorable for agriculture. The bulk of food products are imported from outside the city district.

In Serov, potatoes and carrots are mainly grown. There are several greenhouses in which summer vegetables are grown: cucumbers, tomatoes. In the summer, hay harvesting is also active. Livestock farming is represented by a small number of cattle.

Serov's agriculture suffered great damage during perestroika, when many farms closed and the city was forced to import products from outside.

The bulk of the products come from private farmsteads and small farms.

In the future, it is planned to repair the barn and purchase a herd of cows to provide the city with its milk and dairy products.

A small selection of fruits (apples, pears, plums) are grown mainly on private farms.

There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forests.

Fishing is insignificantly developed.

Financial sector and services

The financial sector has developed quite highly, especially in the last three years. A large number of banks and insurance companies are represented in the city. In addition, there are several companies in the city that provide accounting, legal, auditing, and consulting services.

The retail trade market has achieved great development. There are many shops, supermarkets, and shopping centers open in the city. The retail trade market in 2007 grew by 36% compared to 2006. The public catering market in 2007 grew by 29% compared to 2006. These are some of the best indicators in the region.

There is a wide range of entertainment bars and cafes. Bowling.

City Park

Serov Park was founded in 1956 and is located near the Kakva River. All residents of the city loved to spend their free time there: both adults and children. There was always a festive atmosphere in the park, as there were a large number of rides, swings, a volleyball field, soda fountains and small shops with various goodies.

The park was open only 6 months a year, since the rest of the time visiting it became impossible due to the cold weather. The park has stopped operating at this time, but people still come there to sunbathe, swim in the river, or just take beautiful pictures.

Location: Polina Osipenko street - 58.



The roads go in the direction of Yekaterinburg, Sosva, Krasnoturinsk, Andrianovichi. Serov is the end point of the Serovsky tract. Construction of the Serov-Ivdel road is underway, which is part of the large-scale project Perm-Serov-Khanty-Mansiysk, financed from the federal budget.

Federal highways:

  • P352


There are 4 railway lines diverging from the city:

  • To Sosva - Alapaevsk - Artyomovsky - Ekaterinburg
  • On Verkhoturye - Nizhny Tagil - Ekaterinburg
  • To Krasnoturinsk - Volchansk - Severouralsk
  • On Andrianovichi - Maslovo - Ivdel

The branded train No. 83/84 “Northern Urals” runs between Serov and Moscow. Travel time is about 33 hours.

Serov-Zavodskoy station, Serov-Sortirovochny


The Novy Urengoy – Nizhny Tagil gas pipeline runs near the city.

Serov Airport, closed in 2012, is located 7 km north of the city.

Architecture and development plan

Serov has a rectangular layout and is built more compactly than most cities in the Sverdlovsk region. The city center is located on a hill, below which the Kakwa River flows. The main institutions of municipal government are located in the city center: administration, education department, culture department, etc.

The city center is also where most of the shops and leisure facilities are located. Serov's main thoroughfare, Lenin Street, runs through the city center. This is the longest street: it starts on the western outskirts of the city, in the Metallurgists microdistrict, and ends at the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers (DKZh)

, which is in the Sortirovka microdistrict. The length of the street is about 7 km.

In the very center of the city, in the square of Lenin - Zaslavsky - Lunacharsky - Zelenaya streets, the main square of the city is located - Preobrazhenskaya.

In the northern part of the city, near the Serov Ferroalloy Plant, there is the 1st crossing district, as well as the villages of Sovetsky and Samsky, areas of estate development.

To the west of the city center there is an area of ​​estate development - New Village. Only private houses are located here.

It is also planned to build an ice palace in Serov near the Vostochny microdistrict; it will be one of the large ice palaces in the Sverdlovsk region, however, due to financial difficulties, construction has been postponed indefinitely.

Serov on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

Serovsky urban district is located in the north of the Sverdlovsk region. Its area is 6690 sq. km. In the south, the territory borders with the Sosvinsky and Novolyalinsky urban districts, in the west - with the Krasnoturinsky, Severouralsky, Volchansky GO, in the north - with the Ivdelsky GO, in the east - with the Garinsky GO. The administrative center of the Serov GO is the city of Serov. It is located in the east of the Ural Mountains , 338 km. from Yekaterinburg and 2050 km. from Moscow.

Taiga forests cover 80% of the Serov urban district. Most of the forests are occupied by coniferous species - pine, cedar, fir, spruce, larch. Teterinsky, Podgarnichny, Krasnoyarsk and other cedar forests are classified as natural monuments.

Serov is located in the valley of the Kakva River , which flows into the main water artery of the Serov GO - Sosva , which is also fed by Langur, Krasnoyarka, Volchanka, Turya .

The climate in Serov is sharply continental. The average temperature for the year is 0.8°C. The average annual number of days with precipitation is 93, with a temperature above +32°C - 1, below 0°C - 210. The absolute maximum temperature in a year is 35.8°C, the minimum is 44°C below zero.

Social sphere


To serve the population of the city of Serov, a powerful range of medical services in various areas has been created. Basic medical services are provided by: City Hospital No. 1, City Children's Hospital, Serov Station Hospital, City Psychiatric Hospital.

Polyclinic services are provided by: Polyclinic No. 1, Polyclinic of OJSC "SFZ", Children's clinic. In addition to hospitals and clinics, the city has several dispensaries, a antenatal clinic, several dentists and an Eye Microsurgery Center.

The plans include the construction of a new clinic in the Hospital Town, since the existing clinic No. 1 does not meet the needs of the city.


The educational system of the Serov urban district is represented by all levels of education: from preschool to higher professional. As of January 1, 2009, there are 83 educational institutions of different organizational and legal forms, various types and types operating in the urban district, among which municipal educational institutions dominate. The educational system complex of the Serov urban district as of January 1, 2008 is represented by 64 municipal educational institutions of various types and types: 36 preschool institutions (3,468 children attend these institutions). Among these institutions, 35 municipal preschool institutions and 1 kindergarten are a structural unit of the Northern Pedagogical College. Construction of several kindergartens is underway. Extensions to kindergartens No. 34, 41 and 42 were completed in 2008. There are 22 secondary schools with approximately 8,000 students. (1 - school of primary general education, 6 schools of basic general education, 15 schools of secondary (complete) general education, including 2 schools with in-depth study of subjects and 3 schools with specialized training), general education boarding school No. 5, boarding school basic general education, 7 institutions of additional education (MAI DO "Children's Art School", Center for Children's Creativity, Children's and Youth Sports School, Interschool Training Center, recreational and educational and "Vesely Bor", art and music schools). There are also 2 boarding schools in the city, an orphanage-school and a cadet boarding school, and an interschool training center. Since 2006, the municipal educational institution “Information and Methodological Educational Center” has been operating in the city, the founder of which is the sectoral body of the administration of the Serov urban district, the Education Department.

12 secondary specialized institutions in the city of Serov educate approximately 3,700 people. These are the Serov Polytechnic College, the Serov Metallurgical College, the Serov Medical School, the Ural State Forestry College, the Railway School No. 62, the Vocational School No. 54, the Vocational School No. 55, the Vocational School No. 128, the Northern Pedagogical College and some others.

The number of universities in the city has been increasing recently. About 3,300 people study there. Universities:

  • Ural State Technical University (USTU-UPI)
  • Ural Humanitarian Institute (URGI)
  • Ural State Pedagogical University (USPU)

Culture and sports

The Serov Municipal Drama Theater named after A.P. operates in the city. Chekhov, Serov Historical Museum, Center for Aesthetic Education of Children "Gaidarites", as well as many clubs and sections.

Many songs have been written in honor of the city of Serov, the most famous:

  • Raising the temple to the sky with the whole world; (words by A. Gaintsev, T. Kozhevnikov, music by A. Gaintsev)
  • City of masters; (words by A. Gaintsev, T. Kozhevnikov, music by A. Gaintsev)
  • My city; (words by M. Nezluchenko, V. Uzun, music by V. Uzun)
  • Your city; (author of text, music and performance Tatyana Rubleva)
  • Serov remains; (words by S. Zmeev and A. Vostretsov, music by Y. Shevchuk “DDT” performed by V. Dektyannikov)

The “Ballad of the Twenty-Seven Executed in Nadezhdinsk” by the French poet Louis Aragon is dedicated to the tragic event that occurred in Serov (at that time Nadezhdinsk) on November 20, 1918 (the shooting by the White Guards of a group of Soviet workers).

Serov had its own hockey team, playing in the Major League of the East Division - "Metallurg" and playing in the Russian Championship in the major league until 2009. But due to financial problems, HC was unable to raise the minimum budget for participation in the tournament of 50 million rubles. Currently the team is disbanded, only the youth team is involved.

Sights of the city of Serov

The map of Serov with houses shows many attractions of the city. Below are some of them.


  • On the street Lenina, 136, the Serov Historical Museum . Exhibits include a collection of artistic castings and household items, an archaeological collection, and an exhibition on the history of the city.

Parks and squares

Not far from the river. Kakva is the city park of Serov . It was once an entertainment place with rides, but now the park is closed. But here you can take a walk, swim in the river and sunbathe.

Interesting places

  1. Water tower . It was built 118 years ago and has been preserved as the main attraction of the city.
  2. Drama Theater named after. A.P. Chekhov , pl. Metallurgov, 1. The theater is based in the building of the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. Here you can admire the architecture and enjoy theatrical performances.

Temples and cathedrals

  1. Prophet Elias Church , st. Karl Liebknecht, 39. The oldest church in Serov.
  2. Transfiguration Church , Preobrazhenskaya Square, 1. Believers from all over the region come here for religious holidays. In the temple you can admire the iconostasis measuring 7x15 meters.
  3. Church of the Archangel Michael , Energetikov village, st. Lomonosova, 1A. This is the only student temple-chapel in the region.



The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Serov is the center of the Serov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Before the revolution, Serov (then Nadezhdinsk) was one of the centers of Orthodoxy in the Urals. The main temple of the city was the Transfiguration Cathedral, one of the most beautiful in the Urals. Around the cathedral there were priestly burials - this was one of the first cemeteries of the then Nadezhdinsk. And the very first cemetery was located near the metallurgical plant. At the cemetery there was a chapel in which funeral services were held for the deceased. But during the Bolshevik regime, this cemetery was destroyed and the chapel was destroyed. They did the same with Serov’s second cemetery: the graves were destroyed, the chapel was destroyed, and a residential area, Sovetsky, was built on the burial site.

In 1932, the last cathedral in Serov, the Transfiguration Cathedral, was destroyed. It was blown up on the orders of the Soviet government, which pursued a policy of eradicating religion. Along with the cathedral, the burials located on the cathedral territory also disappeared into oblivion. The foundation and destroyed fragments of the walls can still be found in one of Serov’s courtyards on Metallurgists Square, 1.

Until 2007, Serov residents could turn to religion only in the small Church of the Prophet Elijah and the chapel near the metallurgical plant. Only on February 9, 2007 in Serov the Temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord was solemnly consecrated and opened. Now it is one of the most important churches in the Northern Urals. For religious holidays, many people from neighboring cities gather here. Orthodox shrines from all over the world are often brought to the temple (from Montenegro, Greece, Serbia).


Project of an Islamic mosque at the Nadezhdinsky plant, late 19th - early 20th centuries.
The history of Islam in Serov goes back many decades. Even during the construction of the Nadezhda steel rail plant, many Muslims settled here. Until the 30s of the 20th century, there were 2 mosques in Serov, the largest in the Northern Urals. But during times of religious persecution they were destroyed, like most Orthodox churches. Currently, about 10 thousand Muslims live in Serov. There is currently only one house of worship for their needs. Of course, it cannot satisfy all the needs of the city. In the early 90s, construction of a mosque began in Serov. But due to perestroika and difficult times in the country's history, construction was frozen. Only in 2001 did its active construction begin. The city held 2 marathons to raise funds for the construction of a mosque. Currently, construction is in its final stages. The future mosque will be a cathedral and the main one for the entire north of the Sverdlovsk region. Its area is 322 m². It will accommodate about 120 people. The opening of the mosque is scheduled for 2011.


The first Jews appeared on the territory of modern Serov during the construction of a metallurgical plant. The largest influx of Jews occurred in the 30s of the 20th century, when many people came to reconstruct the Nadezhdinsky plant.

Cathedral Mosque

Since the end of the 19th century, a large number of Muslims moved to Serov, who were involved in the construction of a steel rail plant. 3 mosques were built for them, which were also destroyed under the Bolshevik regime. And only in the fall of 2011, the Muslim people, of whom there are as many as eleven thousand in the city, acquired a new shrine - the Cathedral Mosque. It was built over the course of seventeen years, and funding came largely from city residents.

The mosque is a building made of white stone, the window openings of which are made in the shape of a pentagon, and it is crowned with a large dome made of copper. The premises of the mosque are designed for one hundred and twenty people praying at the same time.

Location: Rosa Luxemburg Street - 30.



There are 7 main companies providing fixed telephone services in the city:

  • LLC "Motiv"
  • LLC "UMMC-Telecom" (since 2011)
  • Rostelecom LLC
  • Tele2 LLC
  • PJSC "MTS (company)"
  • PJSC MegaFon
  • PJSC "Beeline"

In total, as of 2006, about 12 thousand landline telephones were installed in the city. The numbers consist of 5 digits. The international telephone city code is (34385). Until 2007, the area code was (34315).

Mass media

A television

Television came to Serov in October 1964. The broadcasts were broadcast using a repeater, the operation of which was ensured by several technical workers. In 1991, the cable television studio “Kanal-5” opened under the executive committee of the Council of People’s Deputies, and already in 1992 the first city television “Kanal-S” (in the future CJSC “STRS”) appeared. Until 2008, there were 2 television stations and STRIZH operating in the city. In connection with the crisis, the founder of the STRIZH TV channel, OJSC Metallurgical Plant named after. A.K. Serova" closed its "Active". Currently there are 3 television companies operating in Serov:

  • "Canal-S". The channel broadcasts information programs.
  • Komline LLC. Cable TV + separate city channel “Serov Information Channel” (currently broadcasting has been stopped, the staff has been disbanded).
  • LLC "Mediagorod-plus" Information program "City Day".

Newspapers and magazines

There are several magazines and newspapers in the city:

  • globe
  • Work and rest (discontinued publication)
  • Take your pick! Serov (free newspaper)
  • Moskovsky Komsomolets-Ural
  • Novaya Gazeta plus Serov-TV
  • Serov worker
  • Steel
  • Labor shift
  • First in Serov (magazine)
  • Autocourier (free newspaper for car enthusiasts)
  • Day off from Alliance Media, Week. Northern region (free newspapers, publications discontinued)

In addition to the above publications, most federal publications are distributed in the city.

Water tower

A monument to Serov’s industrial architecture is the water tower, which belongs to the metallurgical plant and is located near the blast furnace shop. The tower was erected back in 1897 according to the design of the architect Pyasetsky. Nineteen meters is the diameter of the tower, and two meters is the width of its walls. For a long period of time, this water tower was considered Serov’s tallest structure and acted as the “face” of not only the metallurgical complex, but the entire city.

In the future, it is planned to open a museum in the tower telling about the history of the plant, and the main exhibit will be a piece of nineteenth-century rail.

Location: Chernyakhovsky street.

Photo gallery

  • Central square of the city of Serov
  • Serov basin
  • Cinema "Rodina"
  • Metallurg Stadium
  • SZF plant management
  • Old dam on the Serov Reservoir
  • Serovskoye Reservoir
  • Memorial sign at the entrance to Serov
  • St. Kirov
  • Memorial to fallen soldiers
  • Preobrazhenskaya Square
  • Fountain and temple
  • Fountain on the square

Serov on Wikimedia Commons

Main streets of Serov

On the map of Serov with streets, the main ones can be identified:

  1. St. Lenin - length - 6 km, intersects with the street. Tsiolkovsky, Pobeda, Przhevalsky, Krasnoarmeyskaya. Here are the Correctional School No. 1, the Serov Historical Museum, Preobrazhenskaya Square, the Transfiguration Church, the Order of Victory monument, monuments to Lenin and Serov, the Administration of the Serov GO, the Rodina cinema, school No. 27, kindergartens No. 26 “Rostochek” and No. 23 "Vesnushka", children's creativity center, Zheleznodorozhnikov Palace of Culture, post office No. 12.
  2. St. Pobeda - length - 2 km, intersects with the street. Kirov, Lenin, Karl Liebknecht, Krasnogvardeiskaya. Here are the Serovsky shopping and market complex, the Nadezhdinsky food market, school No. 22, the Central Library, dormitory No. 26, Children's clinic, Fire station No. 56.
  3. St. Wiese Ave. – 2 km., intersects with the street. Nansen, Steam Locomotive, Przhevalsky. School No. 11 is located here.
  4. St. Kirova Ave. – 3 km, intersects with st. Tsiolkovsky, Ordzhonikidze, Pobeda. Here are the Serov Electric Networks, a regional grid company, the Old Bakery, and an employment center.
  5. St. Tsiolkovsky Ave. – 2 km, intersects with st. Kirov. There is a weather station here.
  6. St. Pushkinskaya - Ave. -3 km, intersects with st. Kirpichnaya, Krasnoflotskaya, Kirov, Lenin, Ferroslavshchikov, Nakhabin.
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