What to see in the wine-sparkling Abrau-Durso - entertainment and interesting places

The village of Abrau-Durso, located 14 kilometers west of Novorossiysk, is widely known for its most popular production - the production of champagne wines. And although this settlement is not located on the sea coast, nevertheless, it enjoys increased tourist popularity, and vacationers come here as a 1 day

, and for a longer time.

  • Other things to do in Abrau-Durso
  • It must be said right away that not far from Abrau-Dyurso, located on the shore of a beautiful lake, there is a very nice resort town of almost the same name on the sea coast - this is the Durso farm

    . Usually a visit to Abrau-Durso ends with a beach holiday on the Durso coast.

    Most of the attractions of Abrau-Durso are associated with the production of champagne

    Abrau-Durso: what you need to see on your own

    Now these villages form the Abrau-Durso resort, attracting lovers of gastronomic tourism and winemaking. There is plenty to do here besides tasting and learning the secrets of making sparkling drinks. The modern resort settlement attracts with its developed infrastructure, art objects and creative atmosphere. Let’s consider which of its attractions you should definitely visit – even during a 1-day excursion.

    Russian wine house "Abrau-Durso": champagne wine factory and museum complex

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 19.

    The history and modern life of the resort village is inextricably linked with one of the oldest wineries in Russia. The Abrau estate, which marked the beginning of the wine-making history of these territories, dates back to the era of Alexander II - it was founded in 1870. Initially, the plot allocated by imperial decree for a dacha was not intended for growing grapes.

    But after 4 years of winemaking, a master from the Czech Republic brought and planted Riesling grape vines here, and they took root well. In 1881, the Czech made a splash at a wine exhibition, and Abrau began to be called “a new region of Russian winemaking.” The authorities issue official permission to engage in winemaking. In the 1990s. The estate is managed by Count Golitsyn, and a winery is established here. In the last years of the century before last, the first batch of wine produced at the Abrau-Durso plant saw the light of day.

    Today, the Russian Wine House is both an active production facility and a historical landmark. The winery hosts various excursions; visitors will be told the history of winemaking, introduced to the intricacies of production and, of course, given the opportunity to taste six of the most famous varieties of local wine.

    The museum complex is housed in a building built in 1907; it dates back to the period when the famous French winemaker Victor Dravigny worked at the plant. In the historical complex “Abrau-Durso”, those interested can go on an excursion to the dungeons where wine is stored. And adventure lovers are invited to go through an underground quest in the tunnels of the winery - this is one of the most popular entertainments for tourists coming to Abrau.

    Alexander II Square and the Bottle fountain

    • Address: Alexander II Square.

    The main square of Abrau is named after the founding emperor of the settlement, Alexander II. It has a round shape and is located near the champagne factory. The square attracts with its creative atmosphere. In the center is the main highlight of this place and one of the symbols of Abrau-Durso - a designer fountain in the shape of a champagne bottle.

    The material and manufacturing technology of the object are noteworthy. The “huge bottle” consists of almost two thousand “standard” glass bottles. In the evening, the fountain is illuminated, the gushing stream of water resembles splashes of champagne; at night, it is an enchanting and solemn spectacle.

    Art Park Abrau

    • Address: Naberezhnaya street.

    The park on the shores of Lake Abrau is a creative place; it is not just a walking area, but almost an open-air museum. Here, various art objects are presented to visitors. One of the most famous sculptures, “Wind and Music,” is installed right at the entrance. It can not only be seen, but also heard, since in keeping with its name, this object reproduces a melody. Among the popular “exhibits” of the park is the art object “Nest”.

    All the sculptures and objects of this Abrau-Durso attraction can be touched with your hands, and some even need to be climbed into, for example, in the park there is a gazebo for making wishes come true: you need to sit in it and perform certain actions - then, as some reviews say, your wish will definitely come true . The Art Park in Abrau is a great place for a resort photo shoot.

    Singing Fountains

    • Address: Lake Abrau.

    On the territory of the art park there is an interesting attraction worthy of special attention; it connects a small village in the Krasnodar Territory with one of the most alluring coastal cities in Europe, with Barcelona itself. The local “Singing Fountains” is a relatively new facility that has added glory to the Abrau-Durso resort. All tourists who come to the village on vacation or on an excursion strive to see the fountain show.

    As the facts say, this is the largest fountain complex in the region - in the entire Krasnodar Territory, it was created by engineers of the Sochi Olympics and began work in 2016. The “performances” involve an interactive screen and the surrounding landscape; multi-colored jets flow directly from the lake. “Dancing” streams of water are accompanied by the broadcast of clips about the city and music. The show takes place in the evening.

    Cultural and tourist complex "My Russia"

    • Address: st. Korolenko, 16A, Kamchatka village.

    One of the most famous and popular entertainment complexes among tourists on the Black Sea coast. It is visited by both tourists who come to Abrau-Durso and vacationers from popular surrounding resort towns - Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi.

    Little tourists and their parents will love the local Amusement Park. The complex has its own stable, where experienced instructors work. Here you can also ride horses and take riding lessons. But the most important thing that people come to “My Russia” for are the performances taking place in the “Colosseum” amphitheater. The auditorium is designed for one and a half thousand people.

    Among the popular shows is the ancient program “Gladiators of Rome”, which justifies the name of the arena. The arena hosts enchanting fire shows and extreme programs with complex stunts. What you can see here is something more than a circus and theater combined.

    Singing Fountains

    The famous show called “Singing Fountains” is an incredibly beautiful sight. It is precisely to watch this show that tourists come here from even the most remote regions of the country. Many vacationers who are heading to the Black Sea along the way try to drop in here for a few hours and enjoy the show. The fountains are located near the sea.

    Water jets, synchronized with musical accompaniment, rhythmically fly up, where they are illuminated by lasers. Some tourists like to watch the show directly from the boat.


    Museums and creative spaces in Abrau

    Abrau-Durso is a center not only of winemaking, but also of creativity and modern art. It is no coincidence that many local objects have earned the prefix “art”.

    Center for Media Arts "Mars"

    • Address: Promyshlennaya, 19.

    A unique exhibition space and creative space, often referred to as a “gallery of light” or media art center. It has been operating since 2016 on the territory of the winery. It is a place where artists express their creative energy through light and visual effects. It features installations, interactive images, and light shows.

    This attraction often scares off lovers of traditional art, but in vain. A visit leaves a lasting impression and allows you to experience and understand new forms of art of the postmodern era. Interactivity allows you to become not just a spectator, but to be involved in the “creative flight” of the creators of interesting objects of contemporary art.

    Center for Creativity and Crafts

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 12.

    An analogue of the local cultural center is the municipal institution of the city of Novorossiysk, located in Abrau-Durso. The center organizes various events. Under its auspices the music festivals “Heat”, “I Sing You, My Russia”, etc. are held. The second direction of the institution’s work is the development of decorative and applied arts and creativity and crafts. The center hosts sections, exhibitions and master classes.

    Bringing Down the House

    • Address: tourist complex “My Russia”.

    On the territory of the “My Russia” complex there is an interesting object that can be called both an attraction and a museum. It is a small one-story house, where everything is turned upside down, the floor serves as the ceiling, and the ceiling serves as the floor. All objects inside are located “upside down”; you can get inside the house via a small staircase; this is the only object that occupies a “usual” place in space and allows you to stand firmly on your feet. If you want to learn a different vision of the world around you, then this is the place for you.

    Art Bazaar

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 14.

    On the main square of Abrau there is a so-called art bazaar, which combines the functions of a market and a museum. Visitors can get a souvenir or a useful household item, or they can just go and have a look. A bazaar of several thematic pavilions where handicraft masters present their products.

    In the assortment you can see works of painting and graphics, dishes and clothes, various toys and amulets, and even pieces of furniture. Separate pavilions are dedicated to numismatics and second-hand books. Book lovers and rare coin hunters often find unique items here.

    "Bringing Down the House"

    As you probably guessed, this is an upside-down house in which all the furniture and other objects are on the ceiling. Here you can take incredibly interesting and creative photographs that will delight you and your relatives.

    The house is not as small as you might think. It is two-story and has as many as 5 rooms. The staircase in the house is the only correct object in the house.


    Architecture and historical and cultural sites

    Despite the relative youth of Abrau-Durso - the village was founded in 1871, there are several important sights of historical, cultural and architectural significance.

    Church of St. Xenia of Petersburg

    • Address: Promyshlennaya street, 50.

    Abrau-Durso is not replete with religious architectural monuments of Orthodox culture. Among the attractions is the existing temple, founded in 1996 and illuminated in honor of the recently canonized Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg.

    The compact white-stone church is built in the shape of a cross; in its appearance, white and green colors are combined with the gold of the onion domes, all together it looks laconic and strict, but at the same time elegant.

    The main temple of the village decorates and complements the surrounding landscape. The village owes the appearance of the shrine on the northeastern shore of Lake Abrau to TAM BATA LLC; the construction project was created by the architects of this organization.

    Dolmen complex

    • Address: pos. Vasilievka.

    Fans of historical and cultural attractions, coming on vacation to the Krasnodar region, will not miss the opportunity to come into contact with the secrets of the prehistoric past, which are kept by the legendary buildings of ancient people - dolmens.

    A fairly large dolmen complex is located near the Abrau-Durso resort in the village of Vasilyevka. It consists of two groups, which are sometimes called "cities". One of the groups was significantly destroyed, the second was preserved a little better.

    At the beginning of the new millennium, restoration work was carried out, but the appearance of the ancient monuments was not fully recreated. According to scientists, the age of the objects located here reaches 5000 years.


    • Address: Naberezhnaya street.

    A white dome, supported by eight columns, soars above the embankment of Lake Abrau. This structure, created by architect Andrei Ivanov, is called an “amphitheater” and was erected in 2010. Since then, it has become an integral part of the resort’s image and a regular in tourist photographs. The amphitheater is used for holding public events, so it is not only an architectural but also a cultural object that plays an important role in the life of the village.

    Grotto Store

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 21.

    The brand store of a champagne winery is not just a “sales outlet”, which almost every more or less significant production has. The “Grotto” is a real cultural landmark of the village. Firstly, it is of interest from an architectural point of view; the store is “carved into the rock,” which is why it got its name. Secondly, this place has become a mandatory point on the route of all tourists coming on an excursion to Abrau; tastings are held here, and visitors are “immersed” in the wine culture. The store is two floors. The first is dedicated to everything related to wine, and the second sells souvenirs with the symbols of the Abrau-Durso resort.

    Church of St. Xenia of Petersburg

    This church has been around for many years. It was closed in 1926 and served for some time as living quarters. At the request of local residents, construction of a new temple began in the early 2000s, which was completed in 2012.

    The church has a parish library and Sunday school.


    Natural attractions of Abrau-Durso

    Naturally, the center and surroundings of the young village could not remain without interesting natural attractions, of which there are several.

    Lake Abrau

    • Coordinates on the map: 44.698577, 37.591881.

    The main “natural pearl” of the village of the same name. Along with the plant and the historical complex, it is the most important tourist site around which the resort life and infrastructure of Abrau is built. Attracts with beautiful views and clear mirror water. Proudly bears the title of the second largest mountain lake in the Caucasus.

    On the lake coast you can relax, swim, and also go boating. Recently, the tourist pleasure boat “Champagne” began to ply along this natural attraction; its appearance repeats the style of the first imperial steamship “Elizabeth”, for which it is called “historic”.

    Lotus Lake

    • Address: x. Forestry.

    The reservoir in the Lesnichestvo farmstead was once a reservoir. Among the people, the name “Lake Bam” has stuck to it, and tourists call it “Lake of Lotuses”. Rare flowers listed in the Red Book were planted here by one of the local residents. The event smacked of a gamble, as in the case of the vineyards that gave rise to the history of local production, there was no guarantee that the flowers would take root.

    However, everything worked out - now 10 kilometers from the Abrau-Durso resort there is an interesting natural attraction. From the resort village, excursions and hikes are organized to this beautiful and unusual site, where harmony between man and nature has been achieved.

    Lake Sweet Lyman

    • GPS coordinates: 44.685441, 37.525019.

    Right off the coast of the Black Sea in Durso a small body of water has formed, surrounded by picturesque rocks and forests - this is Sweet Liman. It is separated from the sea elements by a thin strip of land. Such an interesting juxtaposition of “big” and “small” water makes the local landscape unusual and exciting.

    A wonderful view of the estuary opens from an observation deck installed on the slope of a 35-meter-high nearby mountain. The estuary, with an area of ​​180 by 220 m, is considered the product of an earthquake that formed a “bar” between two reservoirs. The surprising thing is that the water in the lake remains fresh. The miracle of nature has deservedly become a local landmark.

    Winemakers' Walk of Fame (Grapevine Alley)

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 19.

    In 2015, during the opening of the All-Russian Winemakers Summit in Abrau-Durso, a new interesting object appeared - the Alley of Grapevines or the Walk of Fame of winemakers. The second name is the official one. It follows from it that the alley is dedicated to outstanding winemakers who contributed to the development of production in the region. The names of seven winemakers are immortalized on it.

    Famous personalities planted vineyards here, and each “tree” is marked with a sign with the name of the person who planted it. Among them were prominent cultural figures, for example Pavel Lungin and Leonid Yarmolnik, and famous politicians and leaders of the country. A vine planted by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin grows on the alley.

    Rose Alley

    • Address: Abrau embankment.

    A recreational facility on the embankment of Lake Abrau is a small alley with arches and gazebos entwined with pink flowers. Roses attract with their aroma and create an amazing atmosphere of this place. It is wonderful to walk here and inhale the incense.


    This is the name of a store that sells products of the city-forming enterprise. The assortment includes both cheap mass brands and collectible bottles. Buyers are not limited to alcoholic offerings: a number of positions are occupied by unique souvenirs. The merits of the store are confirmed by its inclusion in the list of objects visited on excursion routes. Those who choose such programs will be offered to taste local drinks and a number of subtleties of their production will be explained.

    • Address: Promyshlennaya, 21.
    • Hours: from 10 am to 7 pm.

    Monuments and sculptures in Abrau-Durso

    In this village of the Krasnodar Territory there are no majestic monuments, like in Sevastopol, Volgograd or Volokolamsk. But in Abrau-Durso there are a number of interesting sculptural compositions and monuments where you can take a selfie or photograph.

    Monument to Leonid Utesov

    • Address: Art Park.

    Next to the airy dome of the amphitheater there is a sculpture embodying the image of the famous singer and actor. Utesov is depicted in one of his most famous roles - a shepherd from the film "Volga-Volga". This sculpture is often called the “shepherdess”. The character, about eighty meters tall, stands on a round pedestal with the actor’s name on it. The monument, which has been decorating the embankment since 2011, was sculpted by sculptor Andrei Aseryants.

    Fountain "Monkey"

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 13.

    The work of sculptor Aseryanets also decorates the courtyard of the wine house. This small fountain has become one of the most famous objects in the resort village. It is made in the form of a monkey sitting on a bottle of champagne. The image of the fountain is associated with real history.

    They say that the monkey was Lev Golitsyn's pet, and the winemaker taught it to open bottles. The current fountain has existed since 2008 and is a copy of an earlier object that stood on this site in pre-war times. There is very little information about the original fountain and its fate. Aseryants reproduced it from one single surviving photograph.

    Monument to All Lovers

    • Address: Art Park.

    The metal structure, shaped like a heart, looks elegant and unusual - this is the “Monument to All Lovers.” The inscription next to the object refers to the famous play by W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”.

    There is a belief that this monument fulfills wishes and unites hearts. Just walk under the structure, holding hands with your loved one, and happiness will be eternal. The opening of the monument took place in 2006 and was timed to coincide with St. Valentine's Day.

    Monument to the soldiers of the Red Army who died during the liberation of Abrau-Durso

    • Address: Gladkova street.

    At the resort, not everyone wants to remember the tragic pages of military history. Meanwhile, during the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought in Novorossiysk and its environs; many residents died during the occupation. At the burial site of four soldiers who liberated the village of Abrau-Dyurso in 1943, a monument by sculptor N.K. was erected. Bozhenenko. The stella, which appeared in 1954, is dedicated to the memory of all fellow countrymen who died for their native places.

    Climatic conditions, best time to travel

    Abrau-Durso (tourists take photos of the village and the beach as souvenirs) is surrounded by low mountains covered with forest, reminiscent of Italy or the French Riviera. The climate is close to subtropical and ideal for growing grapes, the terraced plantings of which surround Abrau.

    The mountain range protects the village from cold winds, so the winter here is mild and warm. The average temperature in December-February is +1-+4 0С, snow rarely falls. In March the air warms up to +110C, and in May there are already days when thermometers show +220C. It rains on average 5 days a month, with up to 40 mm of precipitation falling.

    The beach season begins in June and lasts until the end of September. The air temperature at this time is +24-300C, the sea warms up to +25-270C.

    At the end of October it starts to get colder; in November the air cools down to +110C. Sometimes it rains.

    Attractions and entertainment in Abrau-Durso

    If the question arises, where to go in Abrau-Durso with a child, then you can get a decent answer to it. There are several entertainment spots for children, which, however, will also be interesting for adults.

    Venice carousel

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 18.

    One of the city's most famous attractions is modeled after a 19th-century carousel. Young holidaymakers are invited to ride on horseback, in a carriage or in a sleigh - in the best traditions of children's entertainment of the century before last. The elegant object, which looks like a circus tent, immediately attracts the attention of tourists.

    Yoga House

    • Coordinates on the map: 44.670096, 37.608978.

    Lovers of a peaceful atmosphere of relaxation and meditation will pay attention to an interesting object located in the mountains. A small two-story gazebo appeared relatively recently and was nicknamed the “House of Yoga.” It is believed that it is convenient to practice this popular sport and practice other famous eastern practices here. The “house” seems to soar above the rocks. A great place to relax your soul and contemplate the beautiful scenery.

    Farm Frenzy Zoo

    • Address: tourist complex “My Russia”.

    Tourists who come to the My Russia tourist complex with children should not pass by the Funny Farm petting zoo located here, where young visitors can interact with a variety of representatives of the animal world.

    The local pets will not please you with anything particularly exotic. The name speaks for itself; most of the animals here are familiar inhabitants of farms. There are goats and lambs, rabbits and calves, and funny chinchilla animals. You can not only see the animals, but also feed them.

    Spa complex "Champagne"

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 38.

    In Abrau-Durso, a lot is connected with champagne. The Imperial Hotel has an amazing spa complex where visitors can feel the spirit of “aristocracy” and “beautiful life”. Who hasn't dreamed of swimming in champagne?

    The spa offers similar treatments. Here you can take a bath with the addition of an aristocratic sparkling drink, relax your soul and body, experience luxury and improve your health, as champagne has a healing effect.

    Sailing Club Abrau Salling

    • Address: Promyshlennaya st., 51.

    The Abrau-Durso resort also has a place for active recreation. Visitors to the yacht club, which opened in 2022 on Lake Abrau, can get involved in water sports and try themselves as a yachtsman. Experienced instructors work here, ready to teach even beginners the basics of sailing. Classes are held for both adults and children. Taking a yacht and taking a ride on the water surface is an excellent option for a family holiday in Abrau-Durso.

    See also attractions

    • Psebaya, Tikhoretsk, Mezmaya, Labinsk,
    • Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Nebuga,
    • Dzhubga, Sukko, Vityazevo, Taman

    “Wine City”, one of the most unusual resorts in Russia, a place with an interesting history and an attractive, bright and alluring modernity - all this is Abrau-Durso. At the first opportunity, be sure to visit this city, as it will open you up to a lot of useful and educational things!

    Complex "Russia"

    This complex is designed to entertain both children and adults. A variety of shows are held here, the most visited of which is the horse show. This show features complex and dangerous stunts.

    All this is accompanied by burning torches and other incredible special effects. There is also a zoo where you can interact with animals, which children love so much.


    Where to eat

    Abrau-Durso, whose sights are truly world famous, can boast of its cozy restaurants and cafes. The factory canteen is most popular among tourists who want to eat profitably, due to its minimal cost of lunch at local prices. The average price for such a reception is: 250-500 rubles.

    Also in great demand is the Three Pines establishment, which is located across the road; lunch here costs about 350-500 rubles.

    In addition to budget lunches, the village can also delight you with restaurants serving exquisite Caucasian and Italian cuisine:

    • “Brut” - the menu includes exclusive desserts of Italian cuisine, handmade chocolates, and a wide variety of wines.
    • "Aqua-bar" — has an assortment of fish and meat delicacies that are cooked over an open fire. Also, this place will delight you with a large selection of exotic cocktails.

    • “Four Pines” - the establishment offers its visitors dishes of authentic Caucasian cuisine.


    Festivals in Abrau-Durso are held annually, as a rule, there are several of them per year. The main public holidays are held mainly in the second half of autumn or at the end of summer and last, on average, a little less than a week.

    The list of events is large, usually events such as:

    • picnics;
    • scientific lectures;
    • excursions;
    • master classes;
    • demonstration sports performances;
    • culinary performances and tastings;
    • various gaming entertainments.

    Towards the evening, a musical concert of popular Russian and foreign performers begins, and at this time there is a “Home Bar” program, in which guests are invited to try various alcoholic drinks and popular types of wine.

    Kundalini Yoga is another annual festival held in late August for a week.

    It invites tourists to participate in restoring and improving their health, getting rid of bad habits, as well as rehabilitating their psychological state. The entire course includes daily meditations, both morning and evening, master classes from famous professionals, breathing practices, yogic tantric diets and yoga tea.

    Champagne wine factory

    Perhaps Abrau-Durso can be called the most popular producer of excellent quality sparkling wines and champagne in the Russian Federation. The plant was founded back in 1870 during the reign of Alexander II. According to experts, the enterprise owes its rise to Prince Golitsyn, who was appointed manager here.

    It is worth noting that at the beginning of the 20th century, not only local specialists, but also experts from France worked in production. Both in Soviet and post-Soviet times, the plant continued to develop, gradually increasing production output. However, even today the wine factory is constantly expanding its range.

    Where to stay

    You can start seeing the sights after choosing a hotel or inn. In most cases, hotels in Abrau-Durso provide vacationing tourists with comfortable and modern rooms that have everything they need: free Wi-Fi, access to private beaches, a buffet.

    In addition, in the Abrau River valley there are guest houses and mini-hotels, including: playgrounds, barbecue areas, baths, beaches and tourism.

    This vacation is ideal for couples and friends, as well as for full-fledged families with children.

    The cost of living in mini-hotels and guest houses ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles. per day. Hotel rooms, in turn, are quite more expensive: from 6,500 to 8,500 rubles. per day, including a free morning breakfast in the service catalog.

    The most popular hotels with positive reviews among customers are:

    • "Rainbow in Durso" - a guest house near a mountain river, which has rooms for 2-3 people, and also includes luxury rooms and a single cottage. The minimum cost is from 2000 rubles. for a double room. This hotel is located at: st. Svobody, 268;

    • “Vorontsov Estate” stands out among other hotels by having a large swimming pool overlooking a miniature waterfall. The cost of a daily room for one person will be 1,500 rubles. Address: st. Primorskaya, 13;
    • “Champagne” is a small guest house on the seashore with a modern and stylish design. Cost of living – 2500-3000 rubles. Address: st. Primorskaya, 272;

    How to get there

    The most profitable and fastest way to get to Abrau-Durso is available to residents of Novorossiysk. To get to the resort, they only need an average of 30 minutes, traveling by minibus. In turn, residents of the Russian capital, Moscow, will need to spend a little less than a day traveling in their own personal car.

    Below is a table on how to get to Abrau-Durso in various ways:

    Russia. Krasnodar region. View of Abrau-Durso. The place has a variety of attractions.

    ViewDescriptionTravel timeTicket prices
    Public transportYou can depart from Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik and Krasnodar.From Novorossiysk: from 15 to 40 minutes;
    From Anapa: about 2 hours.

    From Krasnodar: about 3 hours;

    From Gelendzhik: about 2 hours;

    Novorossiysk - about 20 rubles.
    Anapa – 100-150 rub.

    Krasnodar – 350-400 rubles. Gelendzhik - 80-100 rubles.

    By private car from MoscowIt is necessary to move along the M4 highway, passing by Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.On average 18 hours – 20 hours.
    By plane or trainThe most expensive option. Tickets can be purchased in person or provided by travel agencies. Varies by locationVaries by location
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