Map of Krasnoturinsk in detail with streets, houses and districts

Northern Urals - this is where you should look for the coordinates of Krasnoturinsk on the map of Russia. The city is considered the industrial and cultural center of this region.

It is separated from the capital of the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, by 385 km. The predecessor of the city is the settlement of Turinsky mines, founded in the mid-18th century.

What is Krasnoturinsk famous for:

  • it is the center of the Northern Administrative District;
  • large-scale alumina production has been established here;
  • The Russian “father” of radio A.S. was born in the city. Popov.

Krasnoturinsk on the map of Russia, geography, nature and climate

The city is located a little over 2 thousand kilometers from Moscow. It is located in the eastern part of the Northern Urals, on the Turya , which belongs to the Ob basin.

Nearby are the cities of Ivdel, Volchansk, Serov, Karpinsk, Severouralsk.

Features of the terrain can be seen on the map of Krasnoturinsk from a satellite.

The natural conditions of the city are determined by its geographical location. As in other areas of the Ural north, the taiga massifs are represented by birches, spruces, pines, larches, rowan trees, and aspens.

The climate of Krasnoturinsk is temperate continental:

  • winter is long, snowy, the duration of the cold period is six months;
  • the arrival of the spring season is observed in April, but in May frosts and precipitation in the form of snow are possible;
  • winter traditionally comes in the third ten days of October;
  • average winter temperatures are −19°C, summer temperatures are +23°C;
  • An average of 500 mm of precipitation falls per year;
  • The city is protected from the influence of winds by a mountain range;
  • In winter, the soil freezes 2 meters deep.

Krasnoturinsk is characterized by such a natural phenomenon as “white nights”. They can be observed from late spring to early summer.

Routes on the map of Krasnoturinsk. Transport infrastructure

From the bus station there are flights to nearby settlements, and there are also long-distance routes to Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen.

Ivdel-Serov highway is a bypass for Krasnoturinsk.

In the vicinity of the city there are railway lines connecting the regional center and Boksity, as well as Karpinsk and Serov.

The following stations of the Sverdlovsk Railway operate: Krasnoturinsk , Vorontsovka , Krasny Zheleznyak .

Urban transport is represented by buses and minibuses, which account for almost 100% of all passenger traffic within the city and in the suburban area.

The Krasnoturinsky tram is rather a rarity:

  1. The tram service was opened in 1954.
  2. To date, this type of transport is not popular.
  3. There is one route with 3 carriages.
  4. The tram network is single-track, equipped with two sidings.
  5. The length of the tracks is 3.5 km. This is the shortest tram network in the country.


(Sverdlovsk region)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1944 City of regional subordination
The city was formerly called:

Turinsky mines1920s
Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
200 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Krasnoturinsk

Sights of the city of Krasnoturinsk

Krasnoturinsk has a fairly developed network of cultural and entertainment institutions. Residents and guests of the city are invited to the Puppet Theater, exhibition hall, cinema, and Palaces of Culture.

A map of Krasnoturinsk with houses will help you study in more detail the locations of the main attractions.

Lovers of city walks will be attracted by the interesting architecture of Central Square , which is also called “little Petersburg”. On the cozy Mira Boulevard, going down to the river, there is a war memorial.

The attractions of Krasnoturinsk are its museums:

  1. Memorial Museum of A.S. Popov - founded in the house where the inventor of the radio lived as a child. The exhibition introduces the various stages of his life. The house-museum is part of the Krasnoturinsk Local History Museum.
  2. The Geological and Mineralogical Museum named after Fedorov is another branch of the local history museum. Known for its richest collection of minerals and ores. The memorial office of the founder of the museum, the outstanding geologist Evgraf Fedorov, is open to visitors.
  3. The local history museum also has a historical exhibition. Excursions and series of lectures are devoted to the history of Krasnoturinsk, outstanding fellow countrymen, and the animal world of the North Ural region.
  4. The exhibition hall invites you to exhibitions of art works from other cities of the country and introduces the work of local artists. Particularly valuable are the collections of jewelry presented here by Ural masters, Nizhny Tagil trays, and Kasli castings.


“If a person has the opportunity to lead an unusual life, he has no right to refuse it!”

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

We went to see my wife’s relatives in Krasnoturinsk and decided to go sightseeing.

The places here are beautiful.

We drove to the site of a road collapse. The collapse happened more than a year ago. Now you can drive to Krasnoturinsk along a temporary road.

The scale of the failure is impressive. The cause of the road collapse is the nearby Severopeschanskaya mine, which produces iron ore.

Then we stopped by to look at an abandoned quarry where gold was mined.

Gold is still being mined near Krasnoturinsk. We were not able to get closer to the active quarry.

The puppet theater in Krasnoturinsk is located on Lenin Street 86a, tel.: +7 (34384) 3-47-40. There were children's New Year's performances, tickets were only for January 6-7. In general, it was not possible to go to the theater!)))

Until 1944, Krasnoturinsk was called the village of Turinsky mines (founded in 1758).

Temple of Maxim the Confessor (1844) in the city center on Oktyabrskaya Street. Opposite the temple is the Fedorov Geological Museum (45 Oktyabrskaya St.), tel. (34384)3-60-44. Unfortunately for us, it was also closed on January 4th.

Here, in the open air, there is a museum of mining machinery. On my next visit to Krasnoturinsk I will definitely try to get here!

Christmas tree in the central square.

Shopping center Stolichny, Leninsky Komsomol str. 21.
Advertising. I wish you interesting viewing further! )))

The pedestrian embankment of the city pond of the Turya River leads to the Zarechny microdistrict.

View from the embankment to the Bogoslovsky Aluminum Plant (BAZ).

Near the city dam there is a monument to the labor army soldiers who died during the Second World War: they were mostly repressed ethnic Germans from all over the USSR. The aluminum plant, thermal power plant and many other buildings in the city were erected by prisoners of the NKVD Bogoslovlag.

New Apostolic Catholic Church in Krasnoturinsk (Popova St. 59).

Opposite the Catholic Church is the house-museum of radio inventor Alexander Stepanovich Popov. He spent his childhood in this house from 1859 to 1867.

Once upon a time, during my school years, I was in the city of Kronstadt in the Popov memorial museum-office, from which the inventor conducted the first radio communication session.

Next to Popov’s house there is the Krasnoturyinsky Museum of Local Lore (70 Popov St., tel. +7 (34384) 3-42-09). Unfortunately, both the house and the local history museum were closed on New Year's holidays.

But we went to the exhibition hall, Karpinskogo str. 15, tel. +7 (34384) 3-62-06. I liked the exhibition of facsimile copies of masterpieces of the European Renaissance and children's handicrafts. I recommend! Entrance ticket: adult - 120 rubles, children - 50 rubles.

And lastly, we stopped at the convent of Krasnoturinsk (Shkolnaya St. 15), where the St. Panteleimon Church is located, built in 1904 in honor of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II.

In the end, I liked the city of Krasnoturinsk: it’s compact and clean, there are interesting places. We will definitely come here to inspect and study what we weren’t able to visit this time!

Author of the publication: Gleb Kudryavtsev

See other publications in the “Weekend Trips” section.

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Main streets of Krasnoturinsk

There are 158 streets in Krasnoturinsk, among the main ones it is worth noting the following:

  1. Oktyabrskaya is an important transport route of the city. Extends from Karl Marx Street to Komsomolskaya Street. On Oktyabrskaya there is a bus station, the Geological Museum, the New Cinema cinema, religious sites - the Cathedral of Maxim the Confessor, the Alexander Nevsky Chapel, and the Nur Mosque.
  2. Lenina is the main street of the city, adjacent to the Central Square and Boulevard of Peace. Intersected by Metallurgov, Frunze, Karpinsky, Leninsky Komsomol streets. Here are the Puppet Theater, a branch of the Ural Federal University, the Krasnoturinsky Medical Center, a clothing market and numerous trade enterprises.
  3. Popova - stretches parallel to Oktyabrskaya Street, intersected by Karl Marx, Karpinsky and Frunze streets. The only city tram line runs here, the Popov Museum, Tikhomirovsky Park, a dental clinic, and the Northern Psychiatric Hospital are located.

A map of Krasnoturinsk with streets will give a more detailed idea of ​​the structure of the city.

Economy and industry of Krasnoturinsk

The main industries of Krasnoturinsk are mining and metallurgy:

  • The Bogoslovsky aluminum plant is the main enterprise of the city. BAZ is the leader in the production of alumina in the country, the raw material for it is bauxite from the local Severouralsk deposit;
  • Bogoslovskoye Mining Administration – works at deposits of complex magnetite ores (containing copper, iron, cobalt, silver);
  • Bogoslovskaya CHPP - supplies electricity and heat to Krasnoturinsk and the aluminum plant;
  • gold, silver and platinum are mined;

The city's trading enterprises are represented by local and federal chains - Pyaterochka, Magnit, Euroset, Megafon, MTS.

History of Krasnoturinsk

In mid-autumn 1758, construction began on the banks of the Turya River - the first copper mine, called Vasilyevsky . The owner of the mine and the initiator of the construction was the merchant Maxim Pokhodyashin . Later, at his direction, 4 more mines would be built here - Nikolaevsky , Pershinsky , Sukhodoysky , Frolovsky . They, together with the Vasilyevsky mine and the mining village, formed the first settlement, receiving the name Turinsky mines .

For the next 30 years, the settlement lived by mining iron ore (since 1800) and gold (since 1823). In 1833, a narrow-gauge railway was built the Bogoslovsky plant (now Karpinsk the city of Serov (then it was called Nadezhdinsk ).

The first narrow gauge railway. Photo source:

Bogoslovsky Aluminum Plant and the Germans

A new round in the life of the city began in 1931, when bauxite deposits were discovered. At the end of the autumn of 1940, construction began again on the banks of the Turya River - this time the Bogoslovsky Aluminum Plant ( BAZ ) was being built. Upon completion of construction work, the plant became famous as one of the best producers of primary aluminum in Russia ; its products were known outside the country, including in Europe and the USA .

Bogoslovskaya CHPP. Photo source:

However, like many other “socialist construction projects” , the BAZ has the other side of the coin - prisoners of the NKVD “correctional” institution were sent here. Mostly dispossessed peasants and ethnic Germans from the Volga region . The mortality rate at the industrial construction site was monstrous - according to minimal estimates, out of 15 thousand German labor army soldiers, about 20% died. “There was no specific guilt behind us, except for our nationality and the fact that we spoke the language of the enemy” - these words, once written down by one of the Labor Army soldiers, are immortalized in the Krasnoturinsk Museum . Also, in memory of those times, a monument to the ethnic Germans who died at the construction site was erected on the shore of the reservoir.

Embankment of the city pond. Photo by: Egor Kharlamov

Surprisingly, some of the former Labor Army members decided to stay in the city, instead of returning to their homeland in the 90s, as most of their compatriots did. Today, 10% of Krasnoturinsk are Germans. By the way, the longest term as mayor of the city was held by a German - Victor Michel , who held this post for 19 years in a row. In terms of national composition Krasnoturinsk is generally a rather diverse city: Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians make up about 80% of the townspeople, Bashkirs and Tatars make up 10%, and the rest are Germans. It is not surprising that there is a wide variety of religious communities: there are Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic and Muslim communities.

Little Leningrad

Central square.
Photo source: During the war, Leningrad architects designed the architectural ensemble of Krasnoturinsk , which today distinguishes it from typical Ural towns . For the resulting appearance in the Empire style, the city received a second name - “little Leningrad” . The similarity with the cultural capital of Krasnoturinsk is most evident in the Central Square - it has a semicircular shape and arched buildings are located along its perimeter, which gives it a resemblance to Palace Square in St. Petersburg .

Krasnoturinsk - why not Popovsk?

Author of the photo: novichok2015
On November 27, 1944, the village of Turinsky Mines received the status of a city and was supposed to receive a new name. However, with the latter everything turned out to be not so simple. The neighboring cities - Serov and Karpinsk - were named after famous people born on this land. The former Turinsky mine was supposed to meet the same fate - it was supposed to name the city in honor of the Russian inventor Popov - Popovsky . However, the authorities pursuing a policy of atheism, fearing being misunderstood, rejected this option. I also didn’t want to keep the previous name. Then the adjective “red” was added of the Turya River of Krasnoturinsk .

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