Armavir tourist: the most iconic places in the city

The forerunner of modern Armavir, which received city status in 1914, was a small village. In the village on the banks of the Kuban River from the first third of the 19th century. lived families of ethnic Armenians who sought to preserve the faith of their ancestors - Christianity, among the newly converted Muslim Circassians. The transformation of the village into a polis was largely facilitated by the construction of the Vladikavkaz railway. Following this, manufacturing enterprises and migrant workers appeared in the city. Today Armavir is one of the five largest settlements in the Krasnodar Territory and is considered a significant regional cultural, educational, industrial, and transport center. The city has a developed tourism infrastructure. The sights of Armavir, photos and descriptions of which you will find below, are of undoubted interest for the inquisitive traveler.

Architecture and monuments of Armavir

On the streets of the hospitable Kuban city, tourists will see quite a lot of monuments and beautiful buildings. Connoisseurs of architecture and monumental art who visit Armavir will not be disappointed.

Monument to the partisans of the Armavir detachment

  • Address: 30th Anniversary of Victory Park. Transport stop "Park 30th Anniversary of Victory".

During the Second World War, the entire Soviet people rose up to fight the fascist invaders. The residents of Armavir did not stand aside either. A partisan detachment was formed from the townspeople. The people's avengers smashed small units of the Wehrmacht, derailed trains, and destroyed enemy food convoys. In the winter of 1942, the detachment fought an unequal battle near the village of Sakhray with an enemy that outnumbered the partisans by 40 times. For almost 4 hours, the heroes, armed only with light small arms, held back the onslaught of punitive forces going on the attack under the cover of artillery and mortar fire. But the numerical superiority of the Nazis was too great. 27 partisan heroes died. Armavir residents sacredly honor the fallen defenders of the Motherland. In memory of their feat, an Obelisk was erected over the mass grave of the partisans in the spring of 1945. Since then, there has always been a bouquet of fresh flowers at the foot of the monument in Children's Square.

Monument to A.S. Pushkin

  • Address: esplanade at the intersection of Kirov and Engels streets. Transport stop "Pushkin Square".

The monument to the classic of Russian literature was solemnly opened in Armavir in the fall of 1952. It became the dominant feature of recreation, which soon turned into a cozy square, along the alleys of which townspeople loved to stroll. Over time, the concrete statue began to deteriorate. Then local authorities decided to send the monument for restoration. In the sculpture workshop, the statue was “dressed” in copper to protect it from the negative influence of the external environment. In 2006, the monumental incarnation of the great poet again took its rightful place on the pedestal.

Old Sunni mosque building

  • Address: st. Pugacheva, 23. Transport stop “Pugacheva Street”.

Initially, the bulk of the population of Armavir were Armenian Christians. However, by the beginning of the 20th century. a large Tatar community was formed here. Then Muslim Armavir residents turned to the authorities for permission to build a Sunni temple. The request was granted and already in 1910, prayers addressed to Allah began to sound under the arches of the new cathedral mosque. The colorful building immediately became one of the main attractions of the city. A three-tiered octagonal minaret with a balcony for the muezzin rose above the central portal of the structure. The tower's spire was crowned with an elegant helmet-shaped dome with a crescent on a high spire. At the end of the 30s of the last century, the building was first transferred to a labor school, and then transferred to housing. Several apartments are still located within the walls of the historical building. Unfortunately, inappropriate use does not benefit the architectural monument. At the same time, even in its current state, the former Tatar mosque remains an iconic landmark of Armavir.

Monument to M. Gorky

  • Address: Station Square. Transport stop "Armavir Station-I".

The classic of Russian and Soviet literature, who traveled almost the entire country, visited Armavir several times. In memory of this, in the fall of 1952, a monument to the brilliant prose writer was solemnly opened on the station square of the city. The sculptor embodied the classic image of M. Gorky in his work. The writer is depicted dressed in a simple peasant shirt and boots. He confidently walks across his native Russian soil, throwing his jacket over his shoulder, holding his constant wide-brimmed hat in his hand.

Mansion of G.M. Kiryakov

  • Address: st. Lenina, 141. Transport stop "Quiet Square".

The authorities of Armavir have always treated architectural monuments very carefully. Therefore, the city has preserved many beautiful historical buildings. These include an elegant mansion on Lenin Street. Initially, the house belonged to the family of a wealthy city dweller G.M. Kiryakov, then the estate was sold at auction. For a long time, shops and a kindergarten were located under the roof of the mansion. Today it is again part of the city's housing stock. The building attracts the eye with its eclectic architecture. The main decoration of the facade is a corner semicircular projection, topped with a dome with an elegant turret.

Monument to the Vigilant Citizen

  • Address: st. Novorossiyskaya, 127. Transport stop “Rodina”.

Several lines in M. Bulgakov’s immortal work “The Master and Margarita” are dedicated to Armavir. It was here that a certain vigilant townsman brought a cat tangled in arms and legs with a tie to the police station, mistaking the innocent animal for the wanted Hippopotamus. This significant event is immortalized monumentally. On one of the streets of the city there is a sculptural composition depicting a law-abiding citizen and the mischievous companion of the almighty Woland. The monument is loved by the townspeople, and tourists are sure to take memorable photos against the background of the bronze statue.

Historical memory

The city was founded in 1839, when the Chereksogai tribe migrated to the Urup River. At first the settlement was called the Armenian village. From all sides it was in the “embraces” of a huge ditch stretching for 3.5 km. On the one hand, the Kuban River itself stood up to protect the village.

The first settlers lived in 120 families. The tribe followed the rules that the families had before this migration from the mountaintops. The city received its name from the priest Petros Patkanyan, who taught the Armenian language at the Stavropol gymnasium. It is this person who is considered the founder of the village.

The settlement was divided into quarters, each of which housed a separate family. The Vladikavkaz railway “thread” dates back to 1875. The village was transformed into a city in 1914. From 1918 to 1922, the city was greatly depleted by the internecine war between the Armenians and the Bolsheviks. Since then, many changes have taken place, and today this city is famous for its great history and people.

Armavir museums and theaters

Among the places where tourists should definitely go in Armavir, one cannot fail to mention cultural and educational institutions. The exhibitions of the city museums are interesting, and you can watch a wonderful performance at the local theater.

Museum of Local Lore

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: from 20 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Lenina, 114. Transport stop "Quiet Square".

One of the oldest museums in Kuban was founded in 1904. Today, its holdings include more than 50 thousand items. Archaeological artifacts, objects of historical value, and works of painters and sculptors are displayed in the halls of the institution. Of particular value are the collections of Scythian, Sarmatian, Maeotian jewelry made of precious metals, stone Polovtsian sculptures, and edged weapons from the time of the Caucasian War. Visitors linger for a long time in the halls where collections of antique furniture, Tula samovars, and ancient household items of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus are displayed.

House-Museum of S. Dangulov

  • Opening hours: daily, except Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekends.
  • Ticket price: excursion service is provided free of charge.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Sverdlova, 68. Transport stop "Post Office".

The most famous native of Armavir can rightfully be considered S.A. Dangulov. A brilliant diplomat, journalist, and popular writer did a lot for his hometown. Nowadays, in the mansion that belonged to a remarkable man, there is a museum and cultural center. The Dangulov memorial hall is located here, and part of the premises is occupied by the exhibition of a small art gallery. In addition to exhibition activities, the house-museum organizes literary and musical evenings and art exhibitions.

Armavir Drama and Comedy Theater

  • Opening hours: performances are given daily. Daytime performances start at 12:00, evening performances at 17:00 or 18:00.
  • Ticket price: from 150 rub. up to 300 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Lenina, 84. Transport stop "Armavir Station-I".

Every evening, the doors of the Armavir Drama and Comedy Theater, which dates its history back to the winter of 1908, open for city and visiting fans of Melpomene. By tradition, mostly home-grown talents perform on the local stage. At the same time, the level of skill of provincial actors is very high. The theater's productions almost always receive positive reviews from reputable critics. The repertoire includes dramatic performances, comedies, musicals, and colorful performances for young spectators. The troupe actively tours the cities of Kuban, the North Caucasus, and Crimea.

A couple of secrets about the city - tips for tourists

In winter there is practically no snow in Armavir. Although sometimes the weather brings surprises, and then residents watch the picture “Palm Trees in the Snow.” Winter is comfortable, so it is not necessary to take warm down jackets with you.

Unique photographs are a must for travelers. You can make them against the backdrop of blooming roses in the middle of winter landscapes. The city monitors the state of landscape design and the bushes are always neatly trimmed.

The parks continue to operate, and it is as if time and the natural flow of the seasons have stood still in this part of the planet. The fountains still work and the flower beds still bloom.

Many people prefer to spend time in the summer on the city beach near a small reservoir. Locker rooms, cafes, other amenities - everything is designed for complete relaxation of the vacationer.

Experienced tourists advise trying Armavir ice cream, which is a hundred times cheaper than Moscow prices. In general, price tags are many times lower than in Russia as a whole. This applies to groceries and public transport. The residents of Armavir themselves lovingly call it “little Paris”.

This corner of the Earth, embraced by sun and greenery, bathes tourists in pleasant emotions who look at the bright lights of European hotels with reasonable prices for rooms. Looking at the indigenous people, it seems that the whole city is relaxing, calm, and relaxation here is conducive to mental peace.

Cathedrals and churches of Armavir

Residents of Armavir have no problems with traditional religious rites. The city has churches of the main religious denominations.

Trinity Cathedral

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Lunacharsky, 185. Transport stop "Troitskaya".

Divine services in the Trinity Cathedral, consecrated in 1916, were interrupted only from 1937 to 1942. For a long time it was the only city church open to parishioners. During the war, the building was heavily damaged by bombing and artillery shelling. To restore the structure, a major overhaul was required. In 1995, the Trinity Church complex also included a new bell tower with a luxurious porch in the Old Russian style. The cathedral is visited not only by members of the local Christian community, but also by numerous pilgrims. Under the shadow of the temple, a revered Orthodox shrine is kept - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Mammal”.

Church of the Nativity

  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 18:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Markova, 102. Transport stop “Ulitsa Azovskaya”.

For the celebration of the Nativity of Christ in 2014, the Orthodox community of Armavir received a wonderful gift. On January 7, the consecration ceremony of the new church took place on Markova Street. For a long time before this, only a small church operated in the Cheryomushki microdistrict, into which the factory dormitory club building was converted. The elegant structure immediately attracts the eye. The facade of the white stone temple is decorated with several tiers of openwork kokoshniks, above which rises a massive drum with light windows. Churches with similar architectural features are often found in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region.

Climatic conditions

The climate of Armavir is quite humid and mild. The presence of good weather is due to the proximity of the Black Sea and the Greater Caucasus Mountains. Summer is hot, autumn is soft and beautiful, spring is rainy.

Winter has little snow, but is very windy. In December, the wind speed is 25 m/sec. The height of the snowdrifts reaches 15 cm. The snow remains until February-March.

Approximate temperature by month


Where to go with a child in Armavir

A visit to some interesting places in Armavir will bring special pleasure to your child. The city welcomes young tourists no less cordially than adult travelers.

Museum of Military Equipment

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: please check by phone.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: pos. Zavetny, st. Tsvetochnaya, 56. Transport stop "Lenin Street".

The exhibitions of the open-air museum, which no boy would refuse an excursion to, are located on the outskirts of a small village in the vicinity of Armavir. Here, on a landscaped site, there are samples of military equipment that were in service with the Red Army in different historical eras. Looking at the exhibits, you can trace in retrospect how military equipment has evolved - from the legendary cart to the BTR-60. The museum was created through the efforts of local enthusiast N.P. Stavitsky. All equipment has undergone a major overhaul. Rare examples start and move without problems.

30th Anniversary of Victory Park

  • Opening hours: daily, 24 hours a day.
  • Address: st. R. Luxembourg, 143. Transport stop “Park of the 30th Anniversary of Victory”.

You simply cannot find a better place for a family holiday with children in Armavir. The recreation is beautifully landscaped. It is pleasant to stroll along the shady alleys with well-groomed flower beds on hot summer days, enjoying the picturesque surroundings. It's just a haven for kids here. The park has several dozen colorful wooden sculptures depicting favorite characters from fairy tales and popular children's cartoons. Immersion in the romantic atmosphere of epics and legends will bring pleasure not only to the child, but also to his parents.

Cost of products

Grocery prices in Armavir in 2022 look like this:

Cost of fresh vegetables in Armavir

  • Eggs - 57 rub./10 pcs.
  • Apples - 38 rub./10 pcs.
  • Bread - 18 rubles/loaf.
  • Chicken - 133 rub./carcass.
  • Beef - 450 rub./kg.
  • Minced beef - 266 rub./kg.
  • Lamb - 282 rub./kg.
  • Cottage cheese - 109–112 rubles/kg.
  • Cheese - 225–305 rubles/kg.
  • Sour cream - 35 rubles/kg.
  • Rice - 40 rubles/kg.
  • Milk (3.5%) - 40 rubles/l.
  • Coffee — 264–288 rub.

Cost of fresh fruits in Armavir

Transport network

The city has two railway stations. Direct communication with Moscow, depending on the time of year, is carried out from 3 to 7 times a day, mainly these are passing trains heading to the North Caucasus and the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region. The city's road network extends over 700 kilometers. All city enterprises and major infrastructure facilities are equipped with access roads. The airport, located within the city, with the same name Armavir, is currently used irregularly, only cargo flights are carried out. At a distance that does not exceed 200 kilometers, there are 3 international airports: Stavropol, Mineralnye Vody, Krasnodar. Urban transportation is carried out by buses, trolleybuses and minibuses.


Numerous hotels in the city invite tourists to their apartments.

Royal Reese Hotel

Hotel 3* is located at the address: Armavir, st. Mira, house No. 20 "a". The cost of hotel rooms starts from 2,856 rubles. per night.

The hotel has:

  • luggage storage and air conditioning in the room;
  • possibility of payment by card and safe;
  • free internet and pharmacy;
  • restaurant and TV in the rooms;
  • bar and 24-hour reception;
  • refrigerator and mini-bar;
  • heating and meeting room;
  • non-smoking rooms and laundry;
  • Room service and photocopying.

Hotel "Armavir"

Hotel location address: Armavir, st. Kirova, house No. 58. The cost of hotel rooms starts from 3,216 rubles. per night. The 3* hotel has a total of 170 rooms.

The hotel has:

  • free parking and ATM;
  • possibility of payment by card and free internet;
  • air conditioning in the room and refrigerator;
  • meeting room and laundry;
  • facilities for people with disabilities;
  • massage services and business center;
  • 24-hour front desk;
  • luggage storage and transfer;
  • beauty salon and TV in the room;
  • cafe and bar;
  • restaurant and heating in the room;
  • currency exchange and spa;
  • non-smoking rooms.

Hotel "Panorama"

Hotel location: Armavir, st. Soviet Army, house No. 457. The cost of hotel rooms starts from 1,950 rubles. per night. The hotel has only 10 rooms.

The hotel provides amenities and services:

  • free parking and air conditioning in the room;
  • non-smoking rooms;
  • toilet and bath accessories;
  • beauty salon and spa;
  • massage services and dry cleaning;
  • jacuzzi and TV in the room;
  • 24-hour front desk;
  • free internet and heating;
  • refrigerator and mini-bar;
  • room service.


Hostel location address: Armavir, st. Mira, house No. 20/1. The cost of a bed starts from 1 thousand rubles. per night. The hostel is known for its friendly and competent staff. Its location in a cozy place and free tea.


There are a huge number of fitness centers in Armavir where you can spend time with benefits for your health and figure:

club nameaddresscontact number
Personal Fitness StudioArmavir, st. Khalturina, house No. 107 +7(918)352-10-11
Fit-AthleticArmavir, st. Karl Liebknecht, house No. 59 +7(989)283-68-88
Vita-clubArmavir, st. Lunacharsky, house No. 155 “a” +7(86137)7-30-07
Fitness DivisionArmavir, st. Shmidta, house No. 122 +(918)146-57-77
EnergyArmavir, st. Efremova, house No. 101 +7(918)450-19-67

At the address: Armavir, st. Volodarsky, house No. 5, there is a billiard club called “777”, where fans of this game can have an interesting time. The club is open from 12.00 to 02.00. Contact phone number.

Sports complex "Aquamarine" is located at the address: Armavir, st. Lenina, house No. 88. Contact numbers: +7(86137)3-91-47 and +7(989)853-91-47. The sports complex is open to visitors from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

The complex is equipped with:

  • Gym;
  • pool;
  • bath;
  • sauna;
  • fitness club.


During the collapse of the USSR, the city's population increased by 30 thousand inhabitants. This was primarily due to the natural influx of people, the high birth rate, which was significantly higher than the death rate per 1000 people, as well as the migration of residents of villages, towns, auls and hamlets from territories adjacent to the city.

Armavir (Krasnodar region) is now mainly populated by Russians. Their number is more than 85%; the percentage of this indicator among Armenians is also high - 8%. More than a thousand residents of the city are Circassians by nationality, the share of representatives of other nationalities does not exceed 1%.

Reviews about the holiday

Most vacationers in Armavir agree that Armavir is a very favorable city for spending a vacation there. Many people note that recently the city has been clean and tidy. Here you can have a pleasant and absolutely safe time.

The sights of Armavir are of interest to absolutely all age categories, so tourists with children come here with pleasure. Some vacationers note that the only inconvenience during vacation is very hot weather with high humidity, which can cause poor health in people who are accustomed to different climatic conditions.

Author: Olga Zhanskaya

Ecological situation

Industry, agriculture, shipping, and human economic activity negatively affect the ecological state of the waterway.

Particularly harmful is the discharge of wastewater saturated with organic substances, which deprive the river of oxygen, as a result of which the water becomes unsuitable for valuable species of fish and for human needs.

Negative natural factors affecting the river ecosystem include unstable water regime. Reservoirs regulate the water level and thereby partially solve this problem.

Maintaining the water level in the river during droughts prevents siltation and swamping, preserving the natural habitats and breeding grounds of flora and fauna (rare breeds of muskrat, spawning grounds for commercial fish).

We recommend reading: The Yellow River on the map of China: which basin it belongs to, its source, where it flows

Yunost Stadium

It is one of the oldest stadiums in Russia. Its construction dates back to 1925 of the 20th century. In 2010, large-scale work was carried out to reconstruct the stadium.

It was equipped with new modern equipment, and new lighting fixtures were installed, thanks to which it is possible to hold sporting events in the evening. At the moment, up to 4 thousand fans can visit the stadium.

Location: Turgeneva - 86.

Etymology of the name

Kuban has always had special significance for the region, and therefore has been awarded more than three hundred names in the languages ​​of the different nationalities inhabiting its shores. But if you think about it, most of them mean the same thing.

“Koban”, “hoban”, “khoban” - these words are translated as “stormy, fast, impetuous”.

To some extent, its name is consonant with the Greek hippos, which means “horse”, that is, a river with a horse’s temper.

Kuban is winding and obstinate in its upper reaches, because it literally cuts its way through mountain passes, canyons and gorges.

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