Where to go with a teenager in St. Petersburg: tips

  • August 3, 2018
  • Attractions
  • Oleg Petrov

Where to go with a teenager in St. Petersburg? This question is of interest to all parents who go with their child to the city on the Neva. This is a cultural capital with interesting and exciting places for everyone. There are so many offers that sometimes it’s not so easy to figure out what to choose. In this article we will tell you about several places that should definitely receive your attention.

Where to go with children in St. Petersburg: top 16 ideas

St. Petersburg is full of amazing museums, palaces and cathedrals. While you can certainly take your kids to all these places, eventually they will get bored and tired of the historical monuments and works of art. So where to go with children in St. Petersburg, below is the list.

Where to go in Minsk with the whole family

Here are some children's entertainment in St. Petersburg that your child will definitely enjoy and will allow him to remember the trip to the Northern capital as one of the most vivid impressions of his life.

Amazing monuments

When deciding where to go with a teenager in St. Petersburg, you should make allowances for age. Obviously, a schoolchild will not be interested in monuments, museums and exhibitions that would interest an adult. However, the Northern capital is unique precisely because there are educational entertainments for people of all ages.

For example, teenagers in St. Petersburg will be interested in various monuments that, perhaps, are not as important and significant as the Admiralty Pillar or the Rostral Columns, but are guaranteed to delight your child and be remembered by him.

Among such places, it is worth noting the monument to the stray dog ​​Gavryusha. Among the locals it is believed that she grants wishes. The sculpture is located on Pravdy Street, 13. And near Ioannovsky Bridge there is a monument to a hare that escaped from the flood.

One of the most popular attractions of the city is the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. It is considered one of the smallest in the country, because it is only 11 centimeters in height and weighs about 11 kilograms. The bird stands at the Panteleimonovsky Bridge on the Fontanka embankment.

The magical owl, which is located in Alexander Park, is considered to be the assistant of all students. The bronze image of this bird with a record book in the Leningrad Zoo attracts more and more tourists every year.

St. Petersburg is an amazing city; it even has its own commissioner for the protection of the rights of cats. He installed the famous cat in a vest on Marata Street, 34, who walks by itself. This monument is known as the Silence of Matroskin. And at 13 Verbnaya Street, in a classic St. Petersburg courtyard between two houses, there is a beautiful forged sculpture “Dragon”. It is forged from metal rods. Now you know interesting places for teenagers in St. Petersburg.


Angry Birds Activity Park

Angry Birds Activity Park 4 years. How it was

Angry Birds Activity Park is a huge interactive space with attractions, colorful playgrounds, educational games, exciting quests and entertainment for children of all ages and their parents!

Little explorers can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of “Pig Island” - the home of angry birds and green pigs from the popular game Angry Birds.

Together with their kids, parents can shoot with a giant slingshot, win nice gifts by completing fun tests, and buy a lot of interesting things in the Angry Birds brand store !

And a birthday at Angry Birds Activity Park includes 19 package offers with unique themed programs. Every holiday on Piggy Island is an exciting adventure that the birthday boy and his guests will remember for a long time!

Address: St. Petersburg, Polyustrovsky pr, building 84 letter A, shopping center EUROPOLIS St. Lesnaya metro station By car: convenient parking, first 2 hours free

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