Monument to the heroes of the film “The Diamond Arm” in Sochi

Have you decided to go to Sochi in the summer? The Diamond Hand monument will be waiting for you in the Central district of this resort metropolis. In our country, bronze memes have long been put up that make us remember the heroes of Soviet films (there is Gesha Kozodoev on the Sudzhuk Spit of Novorossiysk and others). In general, your vacation in the company of characters from the famous comedy will be memorable. Don't forget to visit Voykova Street!

Description of the attraction

The film is known to feature the lead actor and his entire family in some sequences. They are the heroes of the composition described here. But not only them.

In the background, smugglers Gesha and Lelik are already looking predatorily at Semyon Semenovich (the author's fantasy). Thus, the image of Kozodoev is captured in metal in two cities. The touching improvement object was installed at the end of August 2010 - to the delight of guests from all over Russia, who were cheerfully closing the next swimming season. From the first day of the attraction's existence, guides have been leading to the street. Voykov of different tourists.

If you walk from the main avenue of Sochi, the Diamond Hand monument will appear in front of you immediately behind the Port of Sochi administration building, near a group of trees.

Don't miss - Where was the movie "The Diamond Arm" filmed?

History of creation

As you know, the scenes of the film, filled with the southern sun, in which Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov, accompanied by his whole family, boards a huge ship, were filmed in Sochi. This explains the choice of location for the monument.

The film starred great actors of those years: Yuri Nikulin, Andrei Mironov and Anatoly Papanov. Their characters make up an artistic composition depicting that very scene of farewell before setting sail on the cruise. Funds for the creation of the sculptural group were collected by Sochi patrons, and famous sculptors Alexander Butaev and Vyacheslav Zvonov worked on it.

Rest at the Diamond Arm monument

The “Diamond Arm” group was made with funds from local businessmen and philanthropists. Its production required 6,000 kg of metal, including 2,000 kg of bronze. The authors of the monumental scene are local sculptors V. Zvonov and A. Butaev. Foundry workers from the city of Rostov-on-Don gave the heroes of the picture eternal life. The work lasted for seven months. By the way, more than 5,000,000 rubles were spent on the implementation of the entire project.

The height of her subjects is human height, so you can shoot with the Gorbunkovs and would-be swindlers as with ordinary people - hugging, kissing, putting your hands on your shoulders. Some of the smaller kids might even fit on a suitcase. The superstitious are already rubbing against Semyon Semenovich’s tie, apparently imagining the fabulous appearance of diamonds in their pocket. The Gorbunkovs’ sculptures depict the farewell of the father of the family on a well-known tour. The little girl is sitting on her father's suitcase. The wife looks at the cruise ship with caution.

Have you finished your photo shoot, standing in front of this miracle from all angles? There are other attractions on this nickel: Mayak beach, yacht marina, concert hall, etc.

By the way, along the way there will be cafes in front of you where you will have a tasty and fun snack - “Rice”, “Assorted” and “Dream”. And a little further away there are two fast food establishments of world-famous bistro chains. Did you like this residential sector? Indeed, one day is not enough for you to explore all the man-made beauties of historical Sochi. Check into the nearest hotels - Mirit, the Maurice Thorez sanatorium, Sochi Plaza and various guest houses.

Description of the monument

The Nikulin Monument in Sochi, as the monument is often called, is a complex of several sculptures:

  1. The central part is occupied by the figure of Semyon Semenovich with his wife Nadezhda, son and little daughter sitting on a suitcase.
  2. On the left you will see would-be smugglers. Lelik, the hero of Anatoly Papanov, gives Gena Kozodoev, the hero of Andrei Mironov, the last instructions before setting off on the cruise.
  3. The composition is completed by a sign reminding that Gaidai’s comedy was filmed in this place.

There is always a crowd of people around the monument, so you won’t pass by. All the figures are human-sized, and people are happy to take selfies next to them.

The smallest tourists are trying to sit on a suitcase, next to Semyon Semenovich’s daughter made of bronze.

Would-be smugglers.

How to get there (get there)?

You can meet an ensemble of several of the described figures near the Organ Hall stop (all routes on Kurortny Prospekt). Next, walk 330 m towards Archangel Michael and turn left onto Voykova. Follow it almost to the end.

It is not difficult to reach the monument on foot from the Sochi center in this way:

Note to tourists

  • Address: st. Voikova, 1/1, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 43.580216, 39.719454.

Look at these photos! The monument to the heroes of the Diamond Hand in Sochi is popular with both locals and tourists (see how many people gather in the summer). Reviews from some of them say that “a legendary plot is embodied”, “the monument invites you to an international cruise from the port pier”, “the composition at the old Marine Station is a must-see” and even “simply amazing”! Finally, watch a video tour of the attraction.

Emotions on stony faces: Sochi memorials through the lens of the photographer “Blokpad”

Emotional photo report from the Sochi Notepad correspondent.

There is more than one memorable monument at the main resort of the Black Sea coast.
Each has its own history and is an integral part of the city’s appearance. Sochi residents and city guests pass by them every day, but do they peer into their faces? What emotions do they portray? Why did the sculptor make them this way? Read the history of the monuments and answers to the questions asked in the special photo report “Notebook”. I’m spending my last ruble in Sochi - I scribbled a telegram: “Send me money - I’ll spend it, I laughed at them all.”
Vladimir Vysotsky

Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in the park near the Festivalny concert hall in Sochi.

The monument to the famous poet, actor, performer and very talented person is located in the park near the Festivalny concert hall. The monument was created by local sculptor Petr Khrisanov. The opening of the monument took place in November 2011. Many townspeople came to the celebration with guitars in their hands. They performed many of the idol's songs, and the mayor of the city made a speech.

The poet himself visited the Krasnodar region several times. He first came to Sochi in the summer of 1954, was in Sochi Adler and Khost. In 1965, he came to the shooting of the film “The Last Crook”, for which he wrote several songs. In 1971, he vacationed on the coast in the company of his wife Marina Vladi.

Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in the park near the Festivalny concert hall in Sochi.

Contemporaries remember Vysotsky as a talented artist, a unique poet and a strong-willed person with a complex character. He honed his theater roles to perfection and worked very hard. The soul of the company and the poet's cheerful disposition were appreciated by his friends. With his creativity he resonated in the hearts of many, with his ability to find the right words and skillfully put them into poetry.

Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in the park near the Festivalny concert hall in Sochi.

The sculptor immortalized Vysotsky with a musical instrument and a serious expression on his face. The artist’s gaze is directed into the distance; perhaps at this very moment he is composing a new bard or thinking about his upcoming role.

Ice cream for the children, flowers for the woman.

From the film “The Diamond Arm”. Heroes of the feature film “The Diamond Arm” at the intersection of Moskvina, Voykova and Nessebrskaya streets. They were made by sculptors Alexander Butaev and Vyacheslav Zvonov. They performed figures based on still frames from movies. The sculptures are striking in their resemblance to the original characters.

The authors depicted one of the popular scenes of the film. Semyon Semenovich is escorted to the ship "Mikhail Svetlov" near the Marine Station, and Lelik instructs Kozodoev next to them. The sculptures were planned to be installed in the original place where the events took place in the movie, but due to the fact that there is now a customs zone there, they had to be moved 50 meters to the side.

Heroes of the feature film “The Diamond Arm” at the intersection of Moskvina, Voykova and Nessebrskaya streets in Sochi.

Semyon Semenovich's wife, Nadezhda Ivanovna. She was played by actress Nina Grebeshkova. The sculptor managed to convey the full range of emotions of a woman seeing off her husband. The actress managed to convey the image of a typical Soviet woman. Correct, homely, very decent, moderately stern and fair. This is how many people remember her and this is how the sculptures depicted her.

Remember, it is in this scene that Nadezhda does not allow her husband to say a word. The correspondent tried to talk to the main character, but his wife was always responsible for him. Immediately making it clear that she is the leader in the family.

Heroes of the feature film “The Diamond Arm” at the intersection of Moskvina, Voykova and Nessebrskaya streets in Sochi.

One of the main characters of the film is Semyon Semenovich, he was played by the famous and very talented actor Yuri Nikulin. The hero's face also expresses sadness and some doubt.

The total weight of the monument is 600 kilograms. It was opened in 2010 and took about 6 months to create. The monument was installed at the resort not by chance; some scenes of the film were filmed in Sochi.

Heroes of the feature film “The Diamond Arm” at the intersection of Moskvina, Voykova and Nessebrskaya streets in Sochi.

Anatoly Papanov’s character Lyolik is the partner of Gesha, the hero of Andrei Mironov, in the film. Tough, assertive and doing “menial” work, Panov’s hero was remembered by the audience as uncompromising and cynical.

In 12 years, the characters' noses have already been worn down to a shine. The townspeople are sure that rubbing a character's nose will bring good luck. Gosha, Lelik and the Gorbunkov family delight Sochi residents and resort guests with their appearance. The monument is very popular. It’s also convenient to make an appointment here, so you won’t get lost.

Heroes of the feature film “The Diamond Arm” at the intersection of Moskvina, Voykova and Nessebrskaya streets in Sochi.

Elegant, aristocratic Gesha Kozodoev performed by Andrei Mironov. Throughout the film, he repeatedly finds himself in ridiculous situations, which makes the viewer laugh. The tandem of two great actors has already appeared on screens. So, in 1966 they already performed as a satirical duet in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Beware of the Car”.

God of the seas and streams

The “Neptune” sculpture, known to many citizens, appeared on Primorskaya Embankment in 2006. And it immediately became a spontaneous photo zone for guests and residents of the resort. Everyone wanted to capture themselves with the sea deity; the monument is still popular today.

The sculpture of “Neptune” on the Sochi embankment in the Central district of the city.

The three-meter god of the sea is made of concrete by sculptor Iraida Gusleva. Previously, a wooden “Neptune” stood in its place, but under the influence of the scorching sun, southern winds and sea spray it fell into disrepair. It was customary to replace the sculpture with a more durable and fundamental one.

If you look at the monument from a certain angle, it seems as if it is emerging from the depths of the sea. His face expresses power and confidence. The gaze of the sea god is heavy, but not frightening. Every year, many Sochi residents gather here to celebrate the Neptune Festival.

“Healing areas and resorts, wherever they are located on the territory of the RSFSR and whoever belongs to them, are the property of the republic and are used for medicinal purposes.”

IN AND. Lenin

It is these words of the leader of the great revolution that are carved in gold letters on the monument in the Riviera Park. The portrait of the leader of the USSR is located at the main entrance to the park. The authors of the monument worked on it for about a month. The total weight of the monument is more than one hundred tons.

Portrait of Vladimir Lenin in Sochi's Riviera Park.

The portrait was made by the artist Roald Jolagonia and two architects. Krasovsky and Sverdlov. The leader is assembled from thousands of pieces of smalt, glass and ceramics. Lenin's face expresses calm and faith in the bright future of capitalism.

The main strength in a person is the strength of spirit.

Yu.A Gagarin. The bust of the world's first man to fly into space is located on the street of the same name in the Central district of Sochi. The marble look of an astronaut who devoted himself to his favorite work without fear or doubt appeared at the resort in 1975. Yuri very often came to Sochi in order to improve his health and recharge himself with energy for new achievements.

Bust of Yuri Gagarin on Gagarin Street in the Central district of Sochi.
The author of the object is Nikolai Baganov. Previously, next to the monument there was a cinema “Rodina”, and on the opposite side of the street there was a Himalayan cedar tree. He was landed personally by the space explorer himself in 1961. Marital fidelity and the ideal of family happiness
These are the postulates that the holy faithful Peter and Fevronia personify. The couple is located at the central registry office.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom in the Central district of Sochi.

The monument is made of bronze according to a sketch by sculptor Konstantin Chernyavsky and weighs 5 tons. The figures of Peter and Fevronia are dressed in monastic robes, they hug a tree in the crown of which there is a family of doves. The monument appeared at the resort in 2009 with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. The opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the celebration of the “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” in Russia.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom in the Central district of Sochi.

According to the ancient legend, the heroes of the monuments were from different classes. Peter of Muromsky came from a noble family and was the heir to the principality. Fevronya, on the contrary, was a peasant woman. The prince's family did not approve of such a union and Peter, in the name of love, renounced the princely title.

Photo: Alena Shchebitko Text: Kristina Sharapova
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