Lake Abrau-Durso in the Krasnodar Territory - legends and modernity

The May long holidays are traditionally considered the beginning of the summer tourist season. According to experts, this year the leaders among foreign destinations are Turkey, Georgia and Israel, and within the country - the resorts of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Among the latter, the tourist cluster in the vicinity of Lake Abrau is always popular. According to statistics, the lion's share of guests come there for 1–2 days. Izvestia found out what opportunities for a short but eventful vacation exist in one of the most beautiful places on the Black Sea Riviera.

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Abrau, the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar region, is located fifteen kilometers west of Novorossiysk. It is located in a cozy and picturesque valley, framed by hills and low mountains, on the slopes of which relict forests and vineyards grow. A unique reservoir about 3 km long, a little more than 600 m wide, and about 11 m deep is fed by several rivers and many springs. Scientists believe that somehow it connects with the sea, where excess water goes, but they have not yet been able to find underground drains. The only thing that indicates the flowing nature of the reservoir is the absence of flowering and waterlogging.

The water in the lake is greenish-milky in color due to the high chalk content, but it is soft and very clean. In summer it warms up well - to about +28 °C. It is not surprising that there are always a lot of people here during the season.


View of Lake Abrau

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

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In 1974, Abrau was recognized as a natural monument and given the status of a specially protected area. All types of agricultural activities were prohibited around the lake. After that, the historical vineyards (“Princely”, “Magellate’s Crown”, “Fishtail”, etc.), which had existed here since the last quarter of the 19th century, were removed from its banks. Today, the only reminders of them are the bright green “patches” of coniferous plantings. On the lake itself it is prohibited to use motorboats with gasoline engines - only sailing yachts, catamarans, rowing boats and vessels with electric motors.


Lake Abrau in Abrau-Dyurso is second only to the Kezenoyam mountain reservoir in terms of surface area , which is located on the border between Dagestan and Chechnya. According to some data, the length of the Abrau reservoir reaches 3100 m, in some places its width is 630 m. Over the past few decades, the depth characteristics have changed significantly.

If earlier researchers noted a depth of 30.5 m, now this figure is 10.5 m. The shallowing occurred due to erosion caused by the construction of roads and the planting of vineyards near the village of Abrau-Durso.

According to statistics, Lake Abrau belongs to the estuarine group. This means that no rivers flow from it. The only river that flows into a mountain reservoir is the river of the same name. Its length is 5.3 km. Additional sources for Lake Abrau are temporary drains, which mainly fall into the category of atmospheric precipitation.

Features of the reservoir associated with the running conditions of the region:

  • the maximum water level is recorded from November to March;
  • Low water is recorded in mid-summer;
  • The reservoir contains a small amount of limestone, which gives the waters a bluish-emerald color.

Of particular importance to local residents is the legend telling about the appearance of the reservoir. The story is connected with the meaning of the word “abrau”, which translated from the Turkic language means “collapse” or “failure”. Local residents are happy to tell the legend about the outbreak of love between the daughter of the richest merchant and a simple shepherd. Instead of a lake then there was a green plain.

The Adygs, the tribes of that time, took advantage of the bounty of the land: they grew vegetables and fruits, receiving an excellent harvest every year. The daughter of a rich Circassian was sweet and beautiful. She was walking in the field when she heard the sound of a flute. It turned out that the shepherd who looked after the animals himself composed and played invented melodies.

The young people met and fell in love with each other. The parents found out about this and opposed their daughter’s choice. The father locked his daughter in prison, constantly appealed to the heavenly powers and argued that there would be no wedding with a shepherd in his house; it would be better if the rivers overflowed their banks and completely covered the house.

Meanwhile, the fertility festival was approaching. The girl managed to escape from prison to the sounds of music and festivities coming from the street. Local residents celebrated the New Year with a bountiful harvest, they drank and ate, danced and threw bread into the sea. For this act, the gods were angry with the local residents. They decided to punish the villagers.

The girl ran away from the village to her lover. She walked through the mountains for a long time, looking for him, but did not find him. Then she decided to return home. When the girl came down from the mountain, she saw only a wide and beautiful lake at the site of the village. The gods covered all the houses with water.

In despair, the girl wanted to drown herself, but suddenly found herself in the arms of her lover, who began to console her. Then the girl came to terms with the death of her relatives. The lovers began to rebuild the house. The lake became both sadness and consolation for them.

As for the scientific explanations for the appearance of a mountain lake in this particular area, researchers have not yet come to a consensus.

There are several versions of the origin:

Karst breachCrustal displacementFairy tales and legends
Karst lakes usually have an oval shape; Lake Abrau does not fit this characteristic. More than 45% of scientists support the version with leaching and washing out of rocks by groundwater As a result of natural changes in the earth's crust caused by human activity. A rupture occurred and waters came to the surface. More than 70% of researchers adhere to this version. Legends about lovers, about the wrath of the gods, as well as legends about the appearance of a lake as a response to the requests of residents

The waters begin to warm up in April, maximum temperatures are recorded in July, and from August the water begins to gradually cool again. The record water temperature, which was recorded in the 19th century, was 29°.

Lake Abrau in Abrau-Durso belongs to the category of objects that come under the close attention of natural conservation authorities. It is strictly forbidden to wash vehicles in the lake, dump toxic waste, or use it for industrial purposes.

The reservoir is rich in crustaceans, trout, carp, sprat, and crucian carp are found there. Fishing and crayfish fishing is permitted during certain periods. A fine has been imposed for illegal fishing.

Not only local residents or residents of the Krasnodar Territory, but also tourists who come from different cities and countries like to relax on the reservoir.

Holidays on Abrau are suitable for those who appreciate the beauty of pristine nature. Despite the fact that a factory for the production of champagne wines was built near the village, and vineyards were also erected, the infrastructure carefully interacts with input data without disturbing natural processes.

Tour operators in the region can offer tourists special excursion trips that are directly related to the location. For example, gastronomic festivals or wine tours are organized here annually. This is one of the relatively new types of tourism, which is becoming more and more in demand every year.

Around the lake

On the shores of the lake is the village of Abrau-Durso. It is here that many hundreds of thousands of tourists come from Novorossiysk, Anapa and other Black Sea resorts up to Gelendzhik. In the village, the main system-forming institution, around which a developed tourism infrastructure has been formed in recent years, is the champagne wine factory.

The oldest winemaking enterprise in Russia will celebrate its 140th birthday in 2022. Today it is the most visited winery in the world. According to official data alone (based on the number of tickets sold), about 280 thousand people visit its legendary cellars, where millions of bottles of sparkling wine are stored. But there are, of course, much more guests in the village.


View of the village of Abrau-Durso

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

A visit to the historical complex of the plant, accompanied by a guide who tells in detail about all the stages of producing sparkling wine in the classical way, takes about an hour and a half without tasting and about two with tasting.

Note: during the excursion, young children can be safely left in the playroom under the supervision of teachers, and older children can be sent to one of the master classes (art, culinary, etc.).


Production of champagne wines "Abrau-Durso"

Photo: RIA Novosti/Nikolai Khizhnyak

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The plant operates, engaged in the development and organization of individual and group tours, as well as holding art exhibitions, concerts, congresses and festivals.

Guests of the lake resort can enjoy a variety of recreational activities on the water - from swimming and sailing to night fishing. Fortunately, the lake is home to carp, grass carp, perch, bream, silver carp, the endemic Abrau sprat, freshwater crabs and many other animals.

In addition, it is also possible to travel to the vineyards and mountains on horseback, bicycles or jeeps, and walks of varying difficulty (terrenkur). In the vicinity of the lake there are many historical, cultural and natural monuments - prehistoric dolmens, burial mounds, remains of ancient settlements, Lotus Lake, Utrish Nature Reserve, Sweet Limanik Lake and much more.


Visitors at the wine tourism center on the territory of the Russian wine house "Abrau-Durso"

Photo: RIA Novosti/Nikolai Khizhnyak

Here you can also take riding lessons, learn how to sail a yacht (the Abrau Sailing club has experienced instructors and all the necessary equipment), attend culinary master classes, practice yoga and diving.

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And also, although for a different price, you can fly in a helicopter or ride the sea waves on a comfortable yacht.

Note: it’s just a stone’s throw from the lake to the sea. Every hour a minibus runs towards the public beach in Durso. But if you don’t want to waste time waiting, you can take a taxi. You can relax more comfortably on Abrau Beach. The beach has a lounge bar and wooden patios with sun loungers and showers. Paid entrance. A special shuttle runs here from the village.

Interesting Facts

Tourists who come here from afar are attracted not only by water activities, but also by visiting local attractions. Abrau is a region with a long history. Some places are untouched by civilization.

Of particular interest is the Temple of Xenia of St. Petersburg. The church was built away from the main embankment, not far from the Imperial boutique hotel. The Church of St. Xenia became the spiritual and cultural center of Abrau-Durso. This is a beautiful architectural object. At night, the temple vaults are illuminated, which makes it especially majestic.

Abrau-Durso is rightly called the center of wine tourism. Tours are held at the local plant; people come here from Anapa, Krasnodar, and Sochi. The plant was built by order of Alexander II in 1870 near the lake. A royal estate was built nearby, which received the same name “Abrau-Durso”.

The production of wines and champagne began in 1891 under Prince Golitsyn. By 1897, the plant, designed to hold 10 thousand buckets of wine, was producing much more raw materials, so the storage facilities were expanded.

The first international edition of 13 thousand bottles was released in collaboration with French specialists. During 1909-1915. French experts worked here, creating special recipes taking into account the characteristics of Krasnodar grape varieties.

Since 1920, the Abrau-Durso state farm began operating on the territory, and at the same time a circulation of 36 thousand bottles was released for sale on the Russian market under the leadership of Frolov.

Today the wine and champagne factory is owned by Boris Titov. The plant produces Abrau-Durso champagne, which is in demand among Russian consumers.

Local tour operators organize individual and group excursions with mandatory tasting. Several storage facilities are open for inspection, but movement around the plant is strictly regulated so as not to interfere with the main production.

It is interesting that for a long time tourists consider the name “Abrau-Durso” to be originally French. This similarity can be explained by the peculiarities of pronunciation. In fact, “abrau” is translated from the Turkic language as “collapse,” and “durso” is interpreted as the concept of springs located in the mountains.

Many myths and legends are associated with Abrau-Durso. One of the myths says that barrels of wine were hidden in the lake during the war. Local residents say that their fathers or grandfathers witnessed this event. According to legend, the wine is still stored at the bottom.

In the spring of 2022, divers, at the request of the Russian Geographical Society, sank to the bottom, but failed to find anything. Perhaps the reason for the failure was the dense muddy coating. No detailed study has been conducted.

Lake Abrau is the pearl of the region. This is one of the natural attractions that is under close attention of environmental authorities. Tourists come to the village of Abrau-Durso to enjoy the pristine nature. In addition, guests from all over the world strive to visit the factory of the same name, which is called the center of tourist winemaking.

Where to stay

In the village of Abrau-Durso there are several hotels of different formats. The two most comfortable, but also the most expensive, are located on opposite shores of the lake. The first is the four-star Imperial boutique hotel with its own swimming pool, SPA center and excellent breakfasts made from farm products. Price - from 7 thousand rubles for a standard room. The second is “Wings” with spacious, richly decorated rooms and a banquet hall. Accommodation here will cost approximately twice as much.


View of Lake Abrau from the balcony of the Imperial boutique hotel


The Laguna Hotel, clean and tidy, is, on the contrary, the most budget-friendly. The cost of living there starts from 2.2 thousand rubles.

In addition to them, you can stay directly in the village, for example, at the Edem Hotel (from 3.3 thousand rubles), at the Augustin Hotel (from 3.5 thousand rubles), as well as at the Valeria guest house ( from 4.5 thousand rubles).


Recreation center "Round Lake"


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Finally, 5 km from Abrau-Durso there is a recreation center “Round Lake” - with a good dining room and an impressive swimming pool. Very large and bright rooms, although rather modestly furnished, but with huge balconies, are available for rent starting from 2.5 thousand rubles.

How to get there

The village of Abrau-Durso is located 14 km from Novorossiysk. Novorossiysk can be reached by bus, taxi or car from Anapa. The distance is 49 km, the journey takes from 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the chosen route. Tourists travel from Novorossiysk to Abrau by taxi or regular buses.

In addition, you can get there by car or taxi from Krasnodar. The road to the village is not smooth. Abrau is a mountain lake, so you will have to get used to the winding branches and shaking.

Where to eat

There is not the slightest chance of going hungry in Abrau-Durso. Guests can choose from a wide range of different establishments. For gourmets, there is a direct route to the gastronomic restaurant “Imperial”, operating at the hotel of the same name. The menu includes a salad with goat cheese, duck leg with Provençal herbs, fried foie gras, and beef stewed in wine with gratin.


Grand Cafe "Abrau-Durso"


Literally across the road, a couple of hundred meters away, is Villa Rose. A completely new restaurant serving Pan-Caucasian cuisine is located in one of the oldest buildings in the village. The menu contains regional and even local dishes from different parts of the Caucasus - from Georgia and Armenia to Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria. Here they serve incredible dolma, excellent khinkal and proper khash, treat you to cherry plum compote and brew coffee on the sand. As a bonus, perhaps the best view of the lake opens from the picturesque terrace.


Petit Cafe


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You can drink a cup of aromatic coffee with an intricate cake or a glass of sparkling wine with a light snack almost on the shore at the Petit Cafe next to the pier. If you want to try something more substantial, then you need to walk along the shore a few hundred meters more to the grand cafe “Abrau-Durso”. The menu features European, predominantly Mediterranean, cuisine, although not as refined as in Imperial, but very good and well-executed. Black Sea fish and seafood are excellent here. Worth paying attention to are the fried eggplant with pineapple and mussels in champagne sauce.

From May to September you can enjoy kebabs, steaks, kebabs and grilled fish at the Aqua BBQ Bar in the lakeside park. This is also a favorite place for noisy parties, since the bar is located in the very depths of the park, at a decent distance from residential areas.


Visitors to dining room No. 1


Finally, for those who want a quick, satisfying and completely inexpensive meal, the doors of dining room No. 1, located next to the entrance of the champagne wine factory, are open. The menu includes borscht, cutlets with pasta, goulash, casserole, and fresh pastries. In a word, everything that should be in this kind of establishment. No frills, but everything is honest and tasty.

Price issue

Author of the quote

Excursion to the historical cellars of the champagne wine factory - 750 rubles without tasting and 950 rubles - with tasting.

Catamaran rental - 350 rubles per half hour.

Fishing - 2.5 thousand rubles day/night.

Horse riding lessons - 700 rubles per hour.

Culinary master classes for children - 500 rubles, for adults - from 2 thousand rubles.

Accommodation - from 2.2 thousand rubles per day.

Meals - from 200 rubles for a set lunch in the dining room.

Taxi from the village to the public beach in Durso - 300 rubles.

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