Partenit, Crimea. Sights, interesting places, photos and descriptions, entertainment

The village of Partenit is considered one of the most beautiful pearls of the southern coast of Crimea. Guidebooks tell about this in detail, illustrated with spectacular photos confirming its similarity with the best Mediterranean resorts. This is also evidenced by the enthusiastic reviews of people who have holidayed here. On the map, a small village with a beautiful ancient Greek name is found between Yalta and Alushta, in close proximity to Gurzuf. People come here not only to relax on the seashore; many are interested in the various attractions of Partenit. If you wish, you can count more than 20 of them in the village itself and its surroundings.

Where is

Partenit is an urban-type settlement, part of the Alushta City Council, located in the central part of the South Coast, at the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain). According to legends, it was on this mountain that the Taurus temple was built in honor of the goddess Virgo, which gave its name to the plain and the village (the name translates as maiden).

From the east it has access to the sea, and from the land it is protected from bad weather by mountains on all sides. Thanks to the isolation, the presence of mountains and coniferous forests, a unique microclimate with healing air is created. People come to the village not only for a beach holiday, but also for recreational purposes.

You can go to Partenit from Moscow in one of the following ways:

  • By plane to Simferopol. Ticket prices start from 4,000 rubles. (direct flight in 2.5 hours). Then take a bus 1.5 hours to Partenit. Ticket prices start from 240 rubles.
  • The bus journey will take 30 hours. Tickets cost from 4,000 rubles.
  • You can only get to Krasnodar or Anapa by train, and then take a bus to Yalta or Simferopol. For the convenience of travel and in order to save money, it is more profitable to purchase a Unified Crimean ticket (from 3,800 rubles), which allows you to book tickets for all means of transportation at once.
  • The distance to Partenit by road across the Crimean Bridge is 1.5 thousand km. You can cover the route by car in just over a day.

Climatic conditions, best time to travel

Partenit, whose sights and healing air contributed to the rapid development of the village as a resort, is located in the Mediterranean subtropical climate zone.

Due to the presence of mountains that delay the entry of cold air masses from the continent, the Partenite beach season is longer. The warmest months are considered to be the end of July and August, when the average daily air temperature is + 30 C, and water + 26 C.

The high tourist season lasts from June to September inclusive, although you can swim in the sea at the end of May and in the first half of October. However, the water at this time of year is not yet warm enough (+ 17 C), and average daily temperatures remain at + 20 C.

Summer in Partenit is moderately hot, with temperatures around + 25 C. Rain is infrequent, the average precipitation is 30 - 50 mm. The exception is June - the rainiest month of the year (up to 90 mm). The first half of spring and autumn are dry, the number of rainy days does not exceed 2. The air is heated to + 13 C, and the water to + 15 C.

Winters are mild and rainy. Average daily temperatures rarely drop below + 5 C. At night, the thermometer can drop to + 1 C, and the water temperature does not exceed + 9 C.

The most suitable months for a beach holiday are July and August - the warmest time of the year, with noisy crowds of vacationers. For a wellness holiday or sightseeing trips, you can choose the dry months of the off-season - October or April.

Holiday options

Partenit, in addition to excursion and educational recreation at the sights, offers tourists a lot of options for spending time for every taste - from hiking in the mountains, with romance around the fire, to a relaxing holiday in hotels and sanatoriums.


The beaches of Partenit are pebbly, mostly well-maintained, with convenient entry into the water. There are paid and free areas. To relax on a wild beach, you should go to Mount Ayu-Dag.

The most popular among tourists are:

  • Central – a free municipal beach with a narrow strip of land, a pebble shore and a gentle slope. It is bordered on both sides by breakwaters and in some places there are large boulders. It is located in the central part of the village, next to the city embankment, just north of the pier. The accessibility of the beach, clean water and convenient access to the water have made it a popular holiday destination among tourists, so during the peak season it can be crowded. Due to its small size, some of the amenities are located outside the beach and are located on the embankment (changing rooms, toilets, cafes). There is a steep descent to the beach, and you can only go down from the embankment by stairs.

  • Aivazovskoye is a private beach north of the central embankment (on Vasilchenko St., 1A), belonging to the sanatorium of the same name. This quiet and comfortable place to relax is equipped with everything you need. The entrance to the water is gentle, and the shore is quite wide and small-pebble. The cost of visiting is 600 rubles. for adults and 300 rub. for children, which includes a visit to the famous Aivazovskoye Park. Due to such a high price and distance from the center, the beach is calm and uncrowded even in high season.
  • Europe - a little further from Aivazovskoye beach, on the street. Vasilchenko 6, there is a free beach owned by the Europe Hotel. The hotel building is recognizable due to its unusual architecture, made in the shape of the hull of a modern liner. The sand and pebble beach is regularly maintained, there are all amenities for vacationers, and attractions for children. The entry into the water is gentle, without large stones and boulders.


Partenit, whose sights and excursions to historical places can be varied with active recreation, is ready to offer tourists not only water activities and sports, but also tourist routes through the surrounding mountains and natural beauties. Longer excursions over long distances are organized mainly from Alushta, in transit through Partenit.

Ayu-Dag is the main attraction of Partenit and the entire South Coast

Holiday optionsGathering placeDuration, hoursCost per person, rub.Description
Hiking route along Ayu-DagWith. Lavrovoe, Alushta 61500An easy climb to the top of the mountain (over 550 m) with stops at observation platforms, inspection of the ruins of ancient buildings, relaxation in an energy clearing and swimming on wild beaches, accompanied by experienced guides.
Scuba diving at Bear MountainPartenit town, central embankment, Diving centerUp to 4 hours (immersion – 40 minutes).
  • Diving – 3500 for beginners and 2800 for certified divers;
  • snorkeling – 750;
  • diving training with a certificate – 25,000.
A trip on a motor boat to the dive site, a one-time dive with all the necessary equipment, acquaintance with the rich underwater world, inspection of the grottoes.
Super tour of the main attractions of the South Coast
  • Alushta, st. Gorky, 72 (bus station area);
  • Alushta, Storm cinema;
  • With. Kiparisnoe, ost. Kiparisnoye along Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway;
  • Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway, stop. Partenit (at the turn to the village).
101400+ entrance tickets to attractions.By bus to Yalta, sightseeing of the city, a boat trip to the Swallow's Nest, a trip to Alupka with a tour of the palace and park, a cable car ride from Miskhor to Mount Ai-Petri, an overview of the Uchan-Su waterfall.
Grand Canyon of Crimea
  • Alushta, st. Gorky, 72 (bus station area);
  • Alushta, Storm cinema;
  • With. Kiparisnoe, ost. Kiparisnoye along Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway;
  • Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway, stop. Partenit (at the turn to the village).
111500+ entrance tickets to paid attractions.A trip to Alupka, a climb to Mount Ai-Petri by cable car, a walk along the mountain plateau, a trip to the Canyon, a walking tour, a stop at the Bath of Youth, a trip to the Uchan-Su waterfall.

Mountain climbing and scuba diving require special equipment, which is already included in the ticket price. For boat trips, you can also rent a kayak for 1,400 rubles. for the whole day (from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Excursion tours do not include the rental of special clothing, backpacks and shoes.

Don’t miss the most popular article in the section: Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts: cities and towns.


Partenit is a quiet and cozy village with a small number of nightlife establishments. For young people, there are several nightclubs and discos in the embankment area, and for a variety of entertainment you can go to neighboring Alushta.

  • Italian – a tavern and nightclub opposite the Central Beach, on the other side of the embankment. The club is open in the summer. During the day you can have a hearty meal here, in the evening you can enjoy live vocals, and from 10 p.m. the night disco begins.

  • Salvador is a small hotel near the Kuchuk-Ayu (Bear Cub) rock with a nightclub where discos, foam parties and entertainment show programs are held.
  • Bar-disco Malibu - located in the marina area of ​​the village, discos are held outdoors with excellent views of the sea.


general information

From Partenit to Alushta - only 15 km. Separated from neighboring Gurzuf by the gray-green slopes of Mount Ayu-Dag, this Black Sea resort is also interesting for its ancient past, which periodically reminds tourists who are not too lazy to wander into the former excavation sites. A vacation in Partenit today means, first of all, enjoying the climatic factors, forays into nature, sanatorium relaxation and outings. Beach holidays here are also at the same level. You can enjoy the space and privacy on the wild beaches in the vicinity of the village, or you can compete with other tourists for the best “square” of pebbles in the municipal swimming areas. But the best thing is to meditate on a sun lounger on a section of the shore closed to outsiders, assigned to some hotel or sanatorium.

Weather. Best time to travel

Partenite is located in a small flat valley, cut off from the southwestern part of the coast by the slopes of Ayu-Dag, and from the northeast by the forested ridge of the Crimean Mountains. As with any seaside resort that is part of the subtropical climate zone, Partenit is most interesting in the summer. Formally, the season in this part of the southern coast of Crimea opens in May. But it is advisable to go here at the end of spring only in order to save on accommodation and food - it is still too cool for swimming in May.

In June it is already warmer on the coast. You can even organize swims, but you will have to put up with periodic bad weather, which is typical at the beginning of summer. If you want to “squeeze” the maximum impressions and pleasures out of your holiday in Partenit, it is better to come to Crimea in July-August, when the sea greets you with a comfortable +25...27 °C, and there is practically no rain. The number of vacationers during these “golden” months is, in every sense, off the charts, so you will have to compete with other holidaymakers in dexterity and ingenuity in order to secure a place on the free beach.

September in Partenit is gentle, alluring with the slowly cooling sea and the gradually slowing pace of resort life. Consider an autumn vacation if you don't like the beach crowds that characterize popular seaside resorts and don't want to overpay for housing. Before the season closes, hotels begin to reduce prices.

History of the village

Life in Partenit has been vibrant since prehistoric times. According to archaeologists, the first settlements in this part of the South Coast appeared in the Paleolithic era. Then the brands came to the Black Sea coast, to which the resort owes its name. According to legend, in the vicinity of the village, settlers erected a temple in honor of the goddess Virgo. Later, when the Byzantines settled in Crimea, the village was named Partenit, which became a reference to Taurus beliefs - from Greek “partenit” is translated as “maiden”.

Over time, the small village grew, becoming a fairly influential Black Sea city, famous for its vineyards and craft workshops. As a result, starting from the 14th century, new conquerors began to approach the walls of Partenit: first, the Genoese, who threw all their efforts into the construction of the castle-fortress of Kale-Poti; then - the Ottoman Turks, who burned the rich Partenite settlement almost to the ground. In 1783, after the annexation of the Crimean territories to Russia, Partenit became part of the Simferopol district, becoming part of the Tauride region formed at the same time.

Sights of Partenit

There are few attractions at the resort that can arouse tourist interest, so you will have to look for relief from boredom from local excursion sellers. Perhaps the most noticeable object, which willy-nilly you will have to observe throughout your entire vacation in the village, is Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain. According to legend, before reaching Partenit, the Taurus tribes settled Ayu-Dag, as evidenced by the ancient figurines and remains of household utensils found there.

Of the larger traces of human activity, reminiscent of irretrievably gone eras, the remains of the Basilica of the Apostles Peter and Paul have been preserved on Bear Mountain. The ruins of the sanctuary are located at the foot of the site, however, you will have to make your way to them through the territory of the military sanatorium “Crimea”. Visiting esotericists also love to climb Ayu-Dag: according to rumors, the mountain has powerful energy that “enlightens” everyone who is not too lazy to climb it.

A more “light” option, designed for everyone who is not enthusiastic about tiring mountain climbs, is the Kuchuk-Ayu rock or the Bear Cub in the Partenite Bay. The history of the object is also outstanding, and it is easier to climb. In ancient times, there was a structure on Kuchuk-Ayu that served as a temple and a lighthouse, so today vacationers have a chance to look at the steps carved into the rock. This is all that remains of the majestic building.

A rather challenging quest can be the climb to the Kale-Poti cliff in the eastern part of Partenit. It was here that the Genoese built a castle for their consul, and then created a small settlement in its surroundings. Today on the cliff you can find the foundations of the fortress, not to mention the ceramic shards with which the land of Calais-Ponty is simply strewn in some places. The only difficulty is the resort development, due to which the route to the rock will have to be laid through private property, not forgetting to obtain permission to enter from the owners.

At the address: lane. Krutoy, 1, there is a modest reminder of the times of Turkish dominance in Crimea - a small stone minaret. The building is quite dilapidated, but, fortunately, it has not been disfigured by thoughtless restoration, and therefore looks authentic. According to some reports, the age of the building is about 300 years - the rest of the mosque was destroyed at the end of the 20th century during the expansion of the village road. The structure has a small arch passage and a stone ladder that allows you to climb to the upper platform, but due to the miniature size of the minaret, few people will be able to enter inside.

Connoisseurs of shady recreational areas are recommended to make their way to the territory of the Crimea sanatorium park. Some of the trees were planted back in the 19th century, and the land itself belonged to the old noble family of the Raevskys. Entrance is paid and strictly based on passports, but such restrictions do not affect the number of visitors. The park of the Aivazovskoye sanatorium looks more “postcard-like” than its competitor - the green spaces are looked after by a staff of professional gardeners, and besides, this resort facility was luckier with financing. Entrance, as in the first case, requires a ticket, but the impressions gained during the excursion completely pay for its cost.

The territory of the Aivazovskoye Park is 25 hectares, which are divided into 5 thematic zones. Be sure to find a clearing with 25 olive trees. According to local guides, each of the trees is 500 years old.

The Utes-Karasan palace and park ensemble, part of Partenit, but located to the northeast of the village, is also capable of pleasantly surprising. In addition to more than 200 species of exotic plants exported at one time from Africa and South America, the location is interesting because of the neo-Moorish style estate that belonged to the Raevsky clan.

Another example of architecture from the beginning of the last century awaits everyone on the territory of the Utes sanatorium, located in the village of the same name, near Cape Plaka. The health resort building, reminiscent of a medieval castle, is the former palace of Princess Gagarina. The construction was completed just in the year of the death of its dignified owner, and materials for the construction were delivered from Italy and France.

Travelers with children should visit the dolphinarium of the Crimea sanatorium. Marine mammals are involved in therapeutic programs here, but demonstration shows are also sometimes organized, so make inquiries about the cultural and entertainment program in advance. The institution has a “live” profile on Instagram, where you can get answers to all your questions.

Beach holiday in Partenit

The beaches of Partenit are predominantly pebble, although in some places there may be places strewn with stones. As for accessibility, the most convenient sections of the coastline were given to the Crimea and Aivazovskoye sanatoriums. Now, in order to relax in these locations, you will have to either become a guest of one of these health resorts, or pay for every opportunity to splash around in a closed area.

Both sanatorium beaches are almost a kilometer long, but on the territory of Aivazovsky the infrastructure is more advanced - there are bars and a restaurant, kayak and catamaran rental points, and free Wi-Fi. True, you will have to pay more for the listed amenities - a visit to the beach is included in the price of a ticket to Aivazovskoye Park and can range from 600 to 1200 rubles, depending on the season.

If you want to have fun on the shore for free, you can go to the Central Beach, sandwiched on both sides by the bathing areas of the same “Crimea” and “Aivazovsky”. There is ridiculously little free space here, so during the season you will have to organize battles for a place in the sun with other fans of sitting on the warm pebbles - most likely, the fullness of the location will not allow you to lie down.

A temporary compromise between the resort beaches and the village beaches could be the section of coast between the Aivazovskoye and Karasan parks. The most convenient part of it is at the Europe and Ayu-Dag hotels, which have improved the territory of the bathing area and even covered it with sand in some places. So far, tourists “from the street” are allowed here freely, charging only for sunbeds and other beach equipment.

Purely symbolic beaches can be found even on Bear Mountain. The descents to them are extreme, but you won’t have to compete with anyone for a narrow strip of pebbles mixed with boulders. If you need completely wild places, move in the opposite direction from Ayu-Dag, to Cape Plaka. The coast in this part of the resort is rugged, pebbly in places, rocky in others, but there is plenty of privacy, silence and freedom.

Restaurants and cafes

Partenite catering is basically fast food, sold literally at every turn. Accordingly, lovers of all kinds of pasties, pizza and sausages in dough will be most comfortable at the resort. There are also several canteens in the village, but not all of them have an ideal reputation, so before visiting them it is useful to read reviews about the quality of products and service.

If you need not just a snack, but also the appropriate atmosphere, you can spend a couple of hours at Poseidon by the Sea. The local cuisine restaurant belongs to the Aivazovskoye sanatorium. In addition, the establishment is famous for the fact that it is here that you can taste dishes with olives collected from 500-year-old trees growing in the sanatorium park. In addition to the traditional lunch, you can also order a gastrotour at Poseidon - an expensive, but memorable pleasure. Among the cafes, the most popular among vacationers in Partenit are “Sunflowers” ​​and “Alice”.

Where to stay

Partenit is being built up more and more every year, not only with standard boarding houses, but also with pretentious hotels and vacation homes. For example, already within the boundaries of the village you can find two “four-star” hotels - the Europe and Ayu-Dag hotels, a stay in which will cost from 15,500 rubles. per day. Resort guests who love the all-inclusive system will love the Majestic. The issue price is from 9500 rubles. for a double room.

A day's stay in Partenit guest houses at the height of summer costs approximately 3000-3500 rubles. Moreover, a sharp price jump is observed in August, and a decline in September. In search of cheaper accommodation options, you can go to the private sector: prices for rooms during the peak swimming season start from 1,500 rubles.


The main “deposit” of Partenite souvenirs is the village market. In addition to all sorts of little things made from shells and legendary herbal teas, here you can stock up on homemade wine (be sure to taste meticulously so as not to run into a surrogate) and fruit jam. It is also easy to find Crimean cosmetics and myrtle syrup, a unique eco-product produced by the Nikitskaya laboratory, famous on the peninsula. By the way, the manufacturer has a very informative website that tells in detail about the syrup and the correct ways to use it.


It’s easy to get around Partenite on foot, but if getting to the desired point in the heat seems problematic, you can negotiate with local taxi drivers. There are no fixed prices, so for the same distance you can pay either 200 rubles or 400 rubles. For example, a trip to Simferopol airport in the company of a local reckless driver costs 1,500-2,000 rubles. If you want to take a ride with less damage to your budget, choose a ticket for bus No. 1, running between Alushta and the Viner microdistrict, which also passes through Partenit. It is especially recommended to pay attention to this option if you need to quickly get to the park of the Crimea sanatorium and the dolphinarium.

How to get there

The main types of transport for tourists whose path to Partenit starts from Simferopol, or more precisely from its airport, are taxis and buses. From the city bus station "Kurortnaya 2" in the direction of the village there are several bus trips a day, starting at 06:13 in the morning. Travel time – 1 hour 40 minutes. From Alushta you can get to Partenit by minibuses No. 110, 111 and 127.

The famous Crimean trolleybus, following the route Yalta - Simferopol, also makes a stop near the turn to Partenit. For those who crossed the Crimean Bridge in a personal car and plan to travel the rest of the way in the same way, it is recommended to stick to the Feodosia direction, then through Koktebel to Alushta and from there along the South Coast Highway to Partenit.


Partenit, whose attractions, despite the small size of the village, can surprise with their diversity, attracts many tourists every year. Some travelers prefer to return to this atmosphere of comfort and peace again and again.


The famous Bear Mountain, which has become the calling card of the village. According to legend, this mountain was once a bear frozen on the seashore waiting for a beautiful girl. She left the peninsula because of the young man, never returning. From the village to the mountain you can go on an organized excursion or visit it independently along developed tourist routes.

From a height of 570 m (the highest point of the mountain) there is a beautiful view of the sea and nearby settlements. Along the way, you can see several ancient sights located on the slopes of Ayu-Dag - the memorial of St. John of Gotha, the ruins of an ancient temple, the monastery of the Apostles Peter and Paul, the remains of defensive fortress walls.

The cost of walking tours with a guide is from 1200 rubles. There is a path leading to the mountain, which begins not far from the chapel at the Basilica of John the Gothic.


A cape with a small 16-meter rounded rock, often called Bear Cub, is located near the Central Beach, opposite the Salvador Hotel.

Previously, there was a defensive tower on the rock that protected the approaches to the sea. Today all that remains of it are stone steps carved into the rock and an empty platform where vacationers often like to climb.

Aivazovsky Park

A well-groomed park on the territory of the sanatorium of the same name on the street. Vasilchenko, 1A, north of the city center. The garden was founded in the last century, on the site of a former garden on the estate of Count Raevsky.

The park has colorful flower beds, recreation areas and artificial ponds, harmoniously combined with antique colonnades, gazebos and sculptures. The park is open for tourists from 8:30 to 17:30, entrance fee is 600 rubles. for adults and 300 rub. for children.


Belongs to the territory of the Crimea sanatorium, on the street. Sanatornaya, 1. In addition to standard entertainment programs, where you can watch shows and swim with animals, the dolphinarium provides for long-term rehabilitation courses of dolphin therapy.

Performances for spectators are held on Saturdays, and on other days there are medical procedures. A full course of therapy of 10 sessions costs 50 thousand rubles. The price of a one-time lesson is 4000 rubles.

Park of the Crimea sanatorium

Founded in the 19th century. on the initiative of Count Raevsky, occupying an area of ​​over 40 hectares. Over 160 species of plants grow in it, and the territory is divided into unique zones for better effects on the human body (for the respiratory system, antimicrobial).

You can enter the sanatorium until 19:00, the entrance fee is 150 rubles. for adults, 100 rub. for residents with Crimean registration, children under 12 years old and preferential categories of citizens - free. You can enter the sanatorium territory up to 3 times with 1 ticket.


A fountain with the famous sculpture of Prometheus, created by Z. Tsereteli, was installed on the territory of the Crimea sanatorium. The large 5-meter statue is illuminated in the evening by 280 lanterns and a laser installation, creating, together with splashes of water and musical accompaniment, a breathtaking spectacle. Music and light accompaniment operates only until 22:00.

underground tunnel

The landmark performs a practical function, connecting the buildings of the Crimea sanatorium with each other and facilitating the path to the sea. It is a 122-meter corridor, decorated with stained glass windows in a marine theme, and equipped with an elevator, benches and good lighting. From the beach, the tunnel ends in an observation deck with an excellent view of the village and the sea.

House-Museum of Brownies

Located in the village. Zaprudny, on the street. Yuzhnaya, 6. It was founded by the Nikanorov family of sculptors in 2009. The museum has more than 100 exhibits made of different types of wood, not exceeding half a meter in height.

There is also a working family workshop here, where you can take a master class in wood carving and buy your favorite brownie. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The cost of visiting is 250 rubles.

Turquoise Lake

Just 8 km from Partenit, near the village. Zaprudnoye, there is a beautiful lake with turquoise water surrounded by forests and mountains. It is believed that the water of the lake has the ability to relieve celibacy.

The lake was formed thanks to underground springs, so few people risk swimming in cold water. There is a parking lot for a tent camp on the shore. To travel on foot, you should move from Zaprudny 2 km in a northwest direction.

Cliff Palaces

In the neighboring village of Utes there are famous historical attractions - the Karasan Palace and the Palace of Princess Gagarina. The first is in the Moorish style, with many turrets, terraces and arched windows. The palace building is currently the administrative building of the sanatorium of the same name.

Gagarina's palace belongs to the Utes sanatorium on Cape Plaka. The building is made in the Romanesque-Gothic style, reminiscent of a small medieval castle with narrow loophole windows and stonework.

Partenit – what to see and where to go for tourists

A famous landmark is another palace on the territory of Partenit, called Gagarina’s Palace.

The history of its construction is very interesting. Back in the 19th century, the middle-aged Count Governor Gagarin married the young Princess Tasso, who came from an ancient but impoverished family. What is surprising for those times is that the marriage took place out of great love.

But after 3 years, the man dies in a duel, and the widow grieves her loss. Then her relatives send her to unwind in Crimea, to the estate of her late husband. Here she quickly comes to her senses and takes control of affairs and the household into her own hands.

She has a dream - to build a beautiful palace in honor of her husband, but almost all the money goes to charity. And on the day of the 70th anniversary, one of the guests donates money for construction, which began in 1902 and continued until 1907. 6 months after its completion, the Countess dies.

Now the palace, reminiscent of a medieval castle, is the Utes sanatorium, and there is no entrance there. But it is quite possible to take a walk in the adjacent park.

Route for exploring on your own for 1 – 2 days

When planning a short trip to Partenit, 2 days to explore local attractions will be quite enough.

Day 1

It is best to start getting acquainted with the village with its main attraction - Mount Ayu-Dag. The climb is not difficult even for a beginner, but it is long, so it is better to take provisions with you.

  • Upon arrival at the Partenit bus station, you should move in a south-west direction, along the street. Sanatornaya to Bypass road.
  • Enter the territory of the Crimea sanatorium (paying for the entrance) and move through the park to the memorial of John of Gotha following the signs. A little further is the entrance to the path leading to Bear Mountain.
  • First, on the left side of the path, tourists will see the Ai-Konstantin clearing with the ruins of an ancient basilica, which has special energy and is known to a wide range of esotericists.
  • A little higher is the Klisur clearing with the remains of the walls of an ancient fortress, from where a good panorama of the surrounding area opens up.
  • After passing through the clearing, you can come to a fork leading to Monastyrsky Cape or to the highest observation deck at a level of 570 m.

  • Returning along the same path, you can relax on the beach of the sanatorium, wander through the shady alleys of the park and watch the evening light show of the Prometheus Fountain.

Day 2

After a tiring walk in the mountains, the second day of your stay in Partenit is best spent taking leisurely walks through the center of the village and relaxing on the beaches.

  • From the bus station go down towards the coast along the street. Partenitskaya.
  • At the fork, turn onto the street. Pribrezhnaya and follow further to the lane. Steep, where the central embankment begins.
  • The first attraction on the way will be the Bear Rock, behind which begins an embankment with various entertainment, souvenir kiosks and cafes, as well as a beach with clear water and an old boat station.
  • Then you should go back and go up Krutoy Lane to the street. Partenitskaya.
  • Turn right and walk along Partenitskaya Street, then turn onto Frunzenskoe Highway and walk to the entrance to the Aivazovskoye sanatorium.
  • The remaining time should be devoted to a walk through the famous garden, and, if desired, swimming on the equipped beaches of the sanatorium.

The best beaches of Partenit

Beach of the sanatorium "Crimea"

Beach of the sanatorium "Crimea"

The beach of the Crimea sanatorium is one of the most visited beaches in Partenit. This is due to the fact that the beach has a developed tourist infrastructure - there are bars and cafes on the beach, and it is possible to rent any recreational equipment, from towels to boats.

The beach should be visited by those who want to enjoy time on the beach, as well as by water sports enthusiasts.

Address: st. Sanatornaya 1

Opening hours: 9:00-18:00 daily

Entrance: 100 rubles (the sanatorium may be closed due to an epidemic, in this case only guests are allowed on the beach)

Official website:

Beach near the Europe Hotel

Beach near the Europe Hotel

The advantageous difference between the beach of “Europe” and other beaches of Partenit is that the beach of “Europe” is not rocky, but sandy. This is a significant advantage, since even “Crimea” has a chance to stumble upon a sharp stone.

At the same time, entrance to the “Europe” beach is free. The beach also provides sun loungers, and the canopy creates shade, which makes your vacation even more enjoyable. The beach is equipped with all the necessary infrastructure (cabins, toilets, showers, etc.).

Address: Partenitskaya st., Partenit

Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Entry: free

Official website:


Partenit, the sights and healing climate of the village, its proximity to Yalta and Alushta, combined with clean beaches and silence, is considered a rather expensive resort with a high price tag for hotels.

  1. Flamingo 3* – family hotel on the street. Pobeda, 3B. On its territory there is an indoor swimming pool, a children's area, and entertainment events. The price tag for the most inexpensive rooms starts from 2550 rubles. in high season based on double occupancy. The hotel operates a hostel, the cost of living in which is from 1250 rubles. All hotel guests have free access to the beach of the Crimea sanatorium.

  2. Majestic 3* – hotel near the Aivazovskoye sanatorium, on the street. Partenitskaya, 14A. The hotel has a heated outdoor pool, a private beach, children's playgrounds, and live music evenings. The price tag for rooms in high season starts from 8,000 rubles. All-inclusive accommodation is possible.
  3. Europe 4* is a hotel with a high level of service, adjacent to Aivazovskoye Park on the north side. It has its own bath complex with swimming pools, a well-groomed beach, a wellness center, and a beauty salon. There are play areas and animation for children. Entrance to the territory of Aivazovskoye Park is free for hotel guests. It is located on the street. Vasilchenko, 6. Room rates for double occupancy in high season - from 15,000 rubles.
  4. Salvador is a small hotel-club near the Kuchuk-Ayu rock in the very center of the village with a budget price tag - from 2000 rubles. Some rooms have a private kitchen. Near the bus station (on Parkovaya St., 5A) a new hotel complex has been opened - Dolphin apartments, the cost of rooms starts from 3,000 rubles. in high season.
  5. Nord is a hotel in the center of Partenit, near the bus station (Partenitskaya St., 1B), with a modern SPA center. It belongs to the 2nd beach line, suitable for families with children. All-inclusive accommodation is available. Room prices in high season – from 5,500 rubles.

What to visit in Partenit for free:

Church of the Annunciation

Church of the Annunciation

The Church of the Annunciation is a church founded not so long ago, but it is popular among local residents. This is explained by the fact that the church is actively developing - circles and clubs are opening. For example, a chess club and a theater studio already exist.

However, even ordinary visitors have something to see - the church is small, but cozy and beautifully furnished from the inside.

Address: Krutoy lane. 5

Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Entry: free

Where to eat

You can have a hearty meal in Partenit in one of the cafe-bars, restaurants, sanatorium canteens or the always popular bistro establishments.

Popular among tourists:

  1. Aivazovskoye is a restaurant on the territory of the sanatorium of the same name with European cuisine. The average bill is from 800 rubles.
  2. Partenit is a cafe at the Crimea sanatorium with European and Russian cuisine. The average bill is 600 rubles.
  3. Sunflowers – a colorful restaurant with live music is located next to the bus station (Partenitskaya St., 1G). It serves Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. The average bill is from 900 rubles.

  4. Picanto is a fast food cafe serving Italian and American cuisine, located near Aivazovskoye Park (Frunzenskoye Highway, 12B). The average bill is 400 rubles.
  5. Citadel - a cafe located on Kruty Lane, on the way to the embankment. It offers guests dishes of Caucasian and European cuisine with an average bill of 700 rubles.

Sights of Partenit (Crimea) - beautiful photos

Unfortunately, despite the very rich history of this region, almost no historical, architectural and archaeological monuments have been preserved, although there is still something to see here.

In Partenit, most of the historically and culturally significant buildings were created in the last hundred years. I'm glad that not everything is forgotten under the layers of history. In addition, the village is located in close proximity to larger cities, which allows you to go there if necessary.

Watch a video review of the main attractions of the Crimean city of Partenit:

How to navigate

Transport links are well established between Partenit and the major cities of Crimea (Yalta, Alushta and Simferopol). Buses and minibuses run at intervals of 5 to 20 minutes. Some of them go through the village, to the bus station, while others stop at the turn to the village along the South Coast Highway, without stopping at Partenit.

From Simferopol to Yalta, trolleybus N 52 and numerous regular buses go past Partenit. The fare depends on the chosen travel method.

The trip from Simferopol to Partenit lasts about 1.5 hours and will cost:

  • 100 rub. by trolleybus;
  • from 200 rub. by bus;
  • from 1200 rub. by taxi.

Trolleybus No. 32 runs from Alushta to Zaprudnoye past Partenit, and trolleybus No. 53 goes to Yalta. Minibuses N 105, 109 and 111 run from Alushta to the Partenita bus station through the entire village.


  • 20 rub. by trolleybus;
  • 35 rub. by bus;
  • from 250 rub. by taxi.

Trolleybuses on the route Alushta - Yalta run early in the morning, and in the opposite direction - in the evening. Buses run regularly throughout the day.

You can move around Partenit on transit minibuses. In the village itself there are 6 public transport stops, between which (in addition to passing intercity minibuses) a city minibus also runs from Nagornaya Street to the Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway through the center of the resort. The cost of a trip along Partenit is 17 rubles.

Partenit is an ideal option for a relaxing holiday in a unique healing microclimate, with a clear sea and picturesque nature, good service, without noisy crowds of tourists. Due to the proximity of the main attractions of Crimea and the favorable location of the village in the central part of the South Coast, the resort is included in the ratings of the best places to relax on the peninsula.

Author: Anna Lalochkina

Article design: Vladimir the Great

How to get to Partenit: route from Simferopol

    You can get to the resort village as follows:
  • By bus
  • By trolleybus
  • By taxi

Minibuses and trolleybuses go to Partenit from the Simferopol railway station.
You can get there by direct bus - every day from 6 am to 20:30 (approximately 120 rubles). The journey will take about two hours.

The trolleybus runs from both the airport and the Simferopol train station. Departure every 20 minutes. But, of course, the trolleybus goes slowly and for a long time - about three hours

The fastest option is a taxi.

Important! Do not use taxi services near the airport or train station.
It will be expensive, and they can also deceive you. It is better to call a local taxi or use a transfer.

Partenit on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44.5813900N, 34.3436100E Latitude/Longitude

Have a nice trip!

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