Sights of Yaroslavl: 29 best with photos and descriptions

For many Russian citizens, before each New Year holidays, a difficult question arises - where to go this winter

where to spend the next New Year's week.
Similar choices will be made regarding winter trips before the coming 2022
- the year of the Blue Water Tiger.

Fans of traveling within our national borders annually choose one of the cities in Central Russia

Fortunately, it is rich in original, historically interesting settlements.
Moscow region
, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara, Kazan and
are most often visited .
One of the most frequent destinations for winter tourism is the oldest Volga region city - Yaroslavl
, which has an interesting and rich history (see History of Yaroslavl).

Winter Yaroslavl

The most interesting places in Yaroslavl - TOP-3

The city has preserved many historical and architectural monuments. It will take more than one week to even briefly familiarize yourself with them. However, among this diversity there are sights that you simply cannot miss. It’s not difficult to visit them and take photos even in one day.

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

  • Address: Bogoyavlenskaya Square. Transport stop "Bogoyavlenskaya Square".

The most recognizable symbol of the city, known to every Russian, is the monument to Yaroslav the Wise, depicted on the 1000 ruble banknote. The figure of the Grand Duke - the founder of Yaroslavl, rises on a stepped pedestal. With one hand he rests on a naked sword, and in the palm of his other hand he holds a miniature model of the city. The bas-reliefs on the sides of the pedestal depict Yaroslav the Wise slaying a bear, the prince-reformer bending over a scroll, and the coat of arms of Yaroslavl.

Monument to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

  • Address: Park on Strelka. Transport stop "Bogoyavlenskaya Square".

On the occasion of the significant date - the 1000th anniversary of the founding of the city, celebrated in 2010, a memorial monument was opened in the picturesque park on Strelka, which became one of the symbols of Yaroslavl. Its dominant feature is a column mounted on a pedestal, with a gilded figure of a double-headed eagle spreading its wings on top.

Around the pedestal there is a sculptural group of five statues - Yaroslav the Wise, a church patriarch, an ancient Russian warrior in full armor, a craftsman and a woman with a baby in her arms. The base of the pedestal is surrounded by bas-reliefs telling about the main milestones in the history of the city. One of them depicts the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, a world-famous native of Yaroslavl.

Chapel of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

  • Address: Bogoyavlenskaya Square, 25. Transport stop “Bogoyavlenskaya Square”.

Another recognizable landmark of Yaroslavl, depicted on the Russian banknote, appeared on the embankment in 1997. An elegant chapel made of white stone, very reminiscent of a rocket in outline, was erected in honor of a significant event - the 385th anniversary of the exit of the people's militia from the city under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky .

It was in Yaroslavl, where detachments and squads from different cities of Russia flocked, that it was formed and became a serious force that managed to liberate Moscow. A magnificent stained glass window depicting the image of the Mother of God of Kazan is placed in the arched portal of the chapel.

Where to go for a walk in winter

The Yaroslavl center is not very large, and therefore short walks in the fresh air are very useful, not tiring and aesthetically rich. Historic District

, as a UNESCO-protected urban planning site, is not built up with modern high-rise buildings, and this is where its charm and originality lie. The main central streets, which are not very wide, become even narrower and uniquely picturesque during snowfalls.

Historical Center

The layout of Yaroslavl, carried out as part of the establishment of urban planning order by Catherine II in the second half of the 18th century, makes today's walks through the historical center very convenient and compact. Straight streets

converge and diverge in a few squares, which are rich in architectural
and are all interconnected by a radial-ring grid. Therefore, any chosen direction will lead somewhere. But more specifically, then...

Driving routes from Sovetskaya Square

In Yaroslavl, you should definitely visit Sovetskaya Square. This is the main square of the city, and the obligatory city tree and ice skating rink will be installed on it. On New Year's Eve it can be fun and lively here, but after the New Year, life returns to normal.

New Year's Eve on Sovetskaya Square

Here is the most beautiful city Temple of Elijah the Prophet. Unfortunately, it is not accessible for visits in the winter season. But an external inspection and visual online acquaintance with the history and internal riches of the temple will make you have a burning desire to return to Yaroslavl in the summer, in order to walk through its galleries and halls, painted with frescoes of the 17th century.

After admiring the festively decorated Yaroslavl government buildings and the Elijah Church, you can move along any street you like.

Regional Administration Building

Route one

To the left of the Elias Church there is a rather long Sovetskaya Street
This is one of the beautiful central streets, a walk along which will bring aesthetic pleasure. Along with the surviving buildings of the 19th century
- tenements and frequent merchant houses, there are also buildings from the Soviet period
of the 30s
, which harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble.
On this street lived the Musins-Pushkins
(no. 10), the stepfather of the founder of the Russian theater
F. Volkov
(no. 3), here were the buildings
of the Noble Assembly
(no. 19), the City Government (no. 19, building 3), etc. .d.

The street leads to Red Square

city, with its remarkable
“House with an Arch”
(no. 21) and a huge
Monument to Lenin
, which indicates how to get to the railway station (just kidding).
If you walk further along Sovetskaya Street, because it continues deeper, you can see the Yaroslavl Distillery
(no. 63), founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Since 2015, production of the main products has been discontinued, but the building itself is very interesting.

City symbol on the city alley

Route two

If you go from the Elias Church in a western direction, you can walk along the small Kirova Street
, which today is
a pedestrian street
This rather busy street, full of shops and cafes, once led to the city gates towards Uglich, which is why it was called Uglichskaya
In the 18th century, the development was predominantly residential, but at the beginning of the 19th century it began to be of a commercial nature. At the beginning of the 20th century, the street was decorated with several buildings in the Art Nouveau style. One of them is the former Bristol Hotel
(no. 10), which is simply impossible to pass by.

Former hotel "Bristol" on Kirova Street

Kirova Street leads, as already mentioned, to the exit gate from the city, which has stood on Volkov Square since the second half of the 17th century

the Znamenskaya Church
built in front of its eastern side . The history of the emergence of the church in front of the tower is very interesting, and the tower itself simply breathes the Middle Ages. Be sure to walk under the arch, feel the power and strength of the military facility, and, if possible, visit the church.

Znamenskaya (Vlasyevskaya) tower with church

Then take a look around Volkov Square

, appreciate the beauty of the Drama Theater and the harmony of the entire architectural ensemble and continue your walk.

View of Volkov Square from the Vlasyevsky Garden

Route three

If you go from Sovetskaya Square in a south-west direction, the path will go along another ancient street with a modern name - Nakhimson
Here you can mentally return to the late 18th and early 19th
The bulk of the construction dates back to this time. Private and apartment buildings, several buildings of the former Gostiny Dvor
(no. 15-19), the former building of the
from the beginning of the 20th century - that, in principle, is all. But there is some amazing charm and aching nostalgia in all this.

On Nakhimson street

Nakhimson Street will lead us to Epiphany Square and to the main tourist attraction of Yaroslavl located here - the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, on whose territory the amazingly rich and diverse Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve

, which is best visited on a separate day.

Route four

It is also very interesting to walk from Sovetskaya Square to the right of the Elias Church, in a southeast direction along the Boulevard of Peace
This walking tourist trail through the Demidovsky Garden
will lead us to the place of the direct origin of Yaroslavl - to the Yaroslavl Kremlin, or
Chopped City

Objects of the Chopped City in winter

There is a lot to see and visit in this place. Tourist sites are the Assumption Cathedral, the Museum of Ancient Russian Art

, located in the former
Metropolitan Chambers
the Foundation Stone
of the city and the Church of St. Nicholas the Ruben, the
Holy Trinity
and the St. Elias-Tikhon Church.

“Monument “Holy Trinity” on the territory of the Yaroslavl Kremlin

The territory of the Rubennoye City smoothly flows into the Strelka Park area. Unfortunately, some very popular summer walking areas lose their originality and aura in winter. This applies to Volzhskaya Embankment, Strelka Park and some others.

In Strelka Park, without working fountains, flowering and fragrant flower beds, in an open space blown by winds from all sides, there is not much to do in winter. But if you still come here, then go to the Monument “1000 Years of Yaroslavl”

installed at the expense of Gazprom and give it your assessment. Because the artistic and compositional execution of this monument still causes mixed perceptions among both tourists and city residents.

Strelka Park in winter

Route five

Well, the last tourist direction from Sovetskaya Square is the path behind the Temple of Elijah the Prophet, to the northeast, along Sovetsky or Narodny Lane. Both of them will lead you to the Volzhskaya Embankment
, where the Governor's Palace is available for tourist inspection as a branch of
the Art Museum
with exhibitions of Russian pictorial art.
The Museum of Western European Art
is also located nearby .

Governor's House on Volzhskaya Embankment

Next to the Governor's Palace is the City History Museum

, very interesting and informative.
A little up the embankment is the stunning private Museum of Music and Time
and the amazing Church of the Nativity. It’s impossible to list everything. All these objects, when examined slowly, will bring a certain energetic substance into our worldview, peace and harmony, and, of course, significantly expand our horizons.

Tourist routes from Epiphany Square

Epiphany Square itself, leading the history of its existence from the 12th century

, is one of the city's main attractions. You can spend a whole day exploring this square and nearby objects.

Here is the beautiful Church of the Epiphany, built in the 17th century. It was she who gave the name to the square, in the center of which there is the famous and known to everyone from the thousandth banknote, the Monument to Yaroslav the Wise.

Bogoyavlenskaya Square

But the most attractive attraction of the square is the ancient Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, with its oldest Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church of the 16th century, where unique frescoes

There is a high Belfry
with bells and many other objects that can be viewed today, for the territory of the former monastery is
the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve
, offering tourists a lot of exhibitions and displays.

Transfiguration Cathedral

From Epiphany Square, as well as from Sovetskaya, there are several streets, a walk along which will bring many new impressions. First of all, this is the main city thoroughfare - Pervomaiskaya Street

, passing in a semicircle through the site of the historical fortifications of Zemlyanoy Town (posad).

This rather long and wide highway connects the banks of the Volga and Kotorosl, and passes through Volkov and Krasnaya squares. parks on it

and boulevards, and along it there are beautiful architectural
of the late 18th - early 20th centuries: buildings of
the Gostiny Dvor
, private shops and apartment buildings, buildings of the Kazan Convent with the Kazan Cathedral (no. 19 a), mansions and
the Church of the Archangel Michael

And if you go down Pervomaiskaya Street, behind the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, you can go to Kotoroslnaya embankment

and walk along it towards Strelka. This is the most romantic and very picturesque route.

Kotoroslnaya embankment in winter attire

Beautiful Yaroslavl architecture

In terms of the number of historical monuments and architectural attractions, the ancient Russian city can easily compete with Kaliningrad or Kazan. Here is just a small part of what is definitely worth seeing in Yaroslavl.

Znamenskaya Tower

  • Address: st. Svobody, 2A. Transport stop "Znamenskaya Tower".

In the 16th century The tower, then called Vlasyevskaya, was part of the complex of defensive structures of the city. The fortification structure survived several sieges, but could not resist the fire of 1658. Soon a tower with a gate was erected at this place, above the arch of which there was a stunning fresco copied from the image of the Mother of God “The Sign”.

After some time, the second tier of the structure was built on, where the icon began to be stored. Later, a church chapel was added to the building. During the years of Soviet power, a puppet theater was located in the former gate church. Today, within its walls are the classrooms of the local university. The attached church was transferred to the hands of the diocese.

Governor's gazebo

  • Address: Volzhskaya embankment. Transport stop "Red Square".

Despite the fact that its architecture corresponds to the canons of ancient architecture, this city landmark appeared in the not very romantic Soviet times. The gazebo, which offers stunning views of the embankment, was erected in the middle of the last century.

Since then, the elegant rotunda with a dome supported by six Doric columns has been considered one of the symbols of Yaroslavl. It is better to come here at sunset to admire the panorama of the city and the wonderful landscape.

Gostiny Dvor

  • Address: Pervomaiskaya, 10. Transport stop “Pervomaiskaya Street”.

The ensemble of the Gostiny Dvor admires the impeccability of its architectural solutions. The building with luxurious galleries, the vaults of which are supported by Ionic columns, looks surprisingly lightweight. It is no coincidence that some historians believe that the author of his project was Carl Rossi.

The construction of the complex of two buildings and a rotunda was completed in 1818. Subsequently, one of the buildings was significantly damaged by fire and rebuilt in the neoclassical style, while the other was dismantled. The rotunda and part of the galleries that were previously part of the northern wing have survived to this day, allowing us to get an idea of ​​the former splendor of the building.

Features of a winter visit

Yaroslavl is located near Moscow and within easy reach

from many cities in the center of Russia, since it is a major transport hub connecting various directions.
The area of ​​the city is just over 200 sq. km., but its historical part, attractive to tourists, is relatively small, about 4-5 sq. km
. This allows for short, but content-filled, educational walks.

Walking through winter Yaroslavl

The weather characteristics of the winter period are the same as in Moscow and other cities in central Russia. These are snowfalls, frosts with periods of thaw, winds, blizzards, etc. Although the weather has become quite unpredictable lately, you need to count on a traditional Russian winter

with a temperate continental climate. Therefore, when planning to spend a vacation in this ancient Russian city, you need to take with you a supply of warm clothes, shoes, etc.

As for the main pastime that travelers can count on at this time of year in this city, it is, first of all, a calm and leisurely visit to temples and museums

, short
along the central streets, which have preserved the flavor of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Winter Yaroslavl is a city of relaxation
and immersion in deep history, contact with the distant past and comprehension of the bustling present.

The romantic charm of winter Yaroslavl

If you are tired of the office bustle, of solving constantly arising problems, then a short vacation (for 2-3 or 3-4 days) in winter Yaroslavl is what you need.

It’s very good to come to Yaroslavl for a romantic retreat

. At this time of year, the tourist flow noticeably decreases, and the city is not as bustling as in summer. And there are more than enough romantics in such a small and ancient city.

Evening Andropov Street

Youth groups also like to come here, finding both what to see and where to sit. And even they, with a certain youthful maximalism and skepticism, when examining temple and museum objects, find a lot of interesting and impressive information. In any case, there can be no disappointments in winter Yaroslavl.

The main thing is to choose in advance where to stay

– hotel, guest house or other option. Preferably, closer to the center, because the city is still provincial and no one has canceled the problems with transport, especially in winter, so it is better not to depend on it.

It would be good to decide in advance about catering points

by identifying them on the map and reading reviews about them. Because looking for a cafe in an unfamiliar city, especially in cold winter, is not a very easy task.

In Demidovsky Park

And so we smoothly moved on to the third mandatory point in preparing for the trip - having a city map

indicating the main attractions. In any form. Today, in the era of high technology, this is not a problem. Everyone has modern phones, tablets, etc., but if it’s not very convenient to use them in cold weather, you can simply print this map in advance.

And, of course, you need to draw up a rough action plan

– where to go for a walk and what to see, with clarification
of the selected objects. This will not require any special organizational skills, but will help you spend your holidays more fruitfully and without any hassles.

Sculptures and monuments in Yaroslavl

Several interesting sculptures and monuments can be seen while walking through the center of Yaroslavl. We'll tell you about the most popular monuments of the city.

Demidov pillar

  • Address: Mira Boulevard. Transport stop "Bogoyavlenskaya Square".

Famous naturalist, philanthropist and public figure P.G. Demidov did a lot for the development of education in the province. It is he who is considered the founder of the first university in Yaroslavl - the School of Higher Sciences. In 1829, it was decided to perpetuate the memory of Demidov. Then a monument appeared in the city in the form of a 12-meter column mounted on a granite pedestal. It was crowned with a celestial sphere, above which a gilded double-headed eagle stretched its wings. After the revolution, the monument was demolished, and it was restored in 2005.

Monument to the Bear

  • Address: st. Pervomayskaya. Transport stop "Bogoyavlenskaya Square".

As the ancient legend says, Yaroslav the Wise decided to found a city named after him not far from the place where he defeated a bear in a fierce fight. Therefore, a monument to the owner of Russian forests, depicted on the coat of arms of Yaroslavl, simply could not help but be here. The bronze bear, as if climbing a rock, was liked by the residents of Yaroslavl.

Immediately after its opening in 2009, the monument became an iconic landmark of the city. Every hour, from 9:00 to 21:00, a formidable predator emits a terrifying roar, showing who is boss. Having taken a souvenir photo near the monument, make a wish and rub the nose or shaggy side of the bear - then it will definitely come true.

Monument to Athos and plasterer Kolya

  • Address: Nakhimson street, 21A.

The monument is installed next to the Afonya beer hall. It was invented and embodied by sculptor Alexey Korshunov. The composition was opened in 2010, on the eve of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. The initiative to create it belongs to the Yaroslavl Council of Patrons. Ordinary citizens invested in the construction. They voted to create a historical corner on the ancient street.

The fact is that the famous film “Afonya” was filmed in Yaroslavl. The film premiered in 1975. Its main characters instantly became people's favorites. The image of Afoni Borshchov was especially loved by the residents of Yaroslavl. They consider him a congenial person. And they visit his monument with pleasure, taking photographs and selfies against its background.

Cat sculpture

  • Address: Deputatskaya, 7.

This composition is located in the historical part of the city. It is an incredibly cute creation. This is a life-size figure of a cat cast in bronze. She seems to be walking along the fence and looking at passers-by. The author of the unusual monument is sculptor Anton Ivashchenko.

The simple and unpretentious plot is fraught with deep meaning. The fact is that in the difficult post-war years, several echelons of furry hunters from Yaroslavl were sent to Leningrad to fight hordes of rodents. Cats saved people, food and art.

Monument "Kopeyka 1612"

  • Address: Bogoyavlenskaya Square, 25.

This monument was erected on the initiative of the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Opened in 2013. It is a giant copy of a monetary unit that was once minted in Yaroslavl.

The fact is that in 1612 Moscow was captured by the Poles. In this regard, the mint was temporarily located in another city. The tiny silver coin, popularly nicknamed the “scale,” became a real salvation for the Russian resistance. It was with her help that the militias were financed and, in the end, defended their homeland.

The monument is 3 meters high. It repeats the original in the smallest detail. On the front side there is a picture of a horseman with a spear, on the opposite side there is a personal inscription in honor of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. The characteristic feature of the Yaroslavl kopek has also been reproduced: the upper part of the side edge is made in the form of a battlement of a fortress wall.

Zero kilometer of the Golden Ring

  • Address: Revolutionary street, 13.

Another unique monument. Opened in 2013 in a solemn ceremony. Event date: May 25th. She was not chosen by chance. On this day Yaroslavl turned 1003 years old. The monument is a large cast iron pillar. It was discovered in the estate of the merchant Vakhrameev. Made in the first half of the century before last. The column contains signs with the names of the cities of the Golden Ring with information about the distance to them. At the foot of the memorial sign are the coats of arms of ancient Russian cities, as well as the coat of arms of the Russian Empire.

Cultural and entertainment events

Yaroslavl is the city of birth of Russian dramatic theater. And therefore, here you must definitely go to at least one performance at the oldest theater in the country - the Yaroslavl Drama Theater, which bears the name of its founder F. Volkov.

Yaroslavl Drama Theater named after F. Volkov

The Volkovsky Theater has several stage areas: Main and Chamber, Middle Stage and Art Cafe. Its repertoire includes productions by classical and contemporary authors. Touring and festival events are held.

Interestingly, during the New Year holidays, theater evenings are also held in the cozy “Yaroslavl Chamber Theater”


the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic a must-see in Yaroslavl

(Maksimova, 13), which is located near Volkov Square.
A wonderful Sobinov Hall
, wonderful musical evenings and, as a result, a great New Year's mood! All you need to do is read the event poster in advance and buy an e-ticket.

Stage of the Yaroslavl Philharmonic

If you couldn’t get a ticket to the Philharmonic, which also happens, but you want to listen to good music on a winter Yaroslavl evening, then visit the Jazz Center

on Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya, 50. It is a little away from Bogoyavlenskaya Square. There, in a small and intimate atmosphere, you can listen to performances by young musical groups.

At the Jazz Center on Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya

If you come to Yaroslavl with children

, then providing them with cultural entertainment will not be difficult.
You will only need to choose where to go - to the Youth Theater
, to
the Puppet Theater
or to
the Circus
, and worry about tickets in advance.

In any case, before visiting Yaroslavl you need to familiarize yourself with the poster

cultural events for the period of interest and choose from the proposed list several to suit your taste. Then not only the winter days spent in this ancient city will be filled with vivid impressions, but also the Yaroslavl evenings will remain in the memory as a bright and warm memory.

Author of the article: Kasatkina Tatyana

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