Sights of Kerch: 35 best with photos and descriptions

It’s not for nothing that many tourists and residents of Crimea call Kerch the eastern capital of the peninsula. The sights of this city can be considered important not only at the level of the resort republic, but also throughout Russia. Why? It's simple - this is one of the most ancient cities in the country. It is literally imbued with the past, which is reflected in those objects that are worth seeing. WWII monuments and ancient shrines, unique museums and unique architecture, grandiose projects and exquisite streets - there really is something to see in Kerch.

Architecture and best monuments of Kerch

Among what tourists can see in Kerch, it is worth highlighting the colorful buildings and monuments. Getting to know them will bring pleasure to sightseeing hunters.

Kerch Fortress (Fort Totleben)

  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Tours are available for those interested at 10:00, 14:30 and 15:30.
  • Ticket price: adult 200 rubles, children 60 rubles.
  • Address: Cape Ak-Burun. Transport stop "Woodworking plant".

The Kerch Fortress is a unique historical and architectural monument, the inspection of which will allow you to get a clear idea of ​​the Russian fortification art of the 19th century. Construction of the citadel, which lasted about 20 years, was completed in 1877.

During the Second World War, it became a real stronghold for the city’s defenders and was heavily damaged by bombing and shelling. Fragments of fortress walls, structures and forts, connected by underground corridors, have survived to this day.

Rotunda on the embankment

  • Address: st. Embankment. Transport stop "Museum".

Kerch acquired this architectural landmark in the 70s of the last century. Then the city was being restored after the war and they decided to decorate the embankment with an elegant structure. The dome of the rotunda is supported by seven slender columns with capitals decorated with ornate monograms. It fits perfectly into the landscape composition, pleasing the eyes of townspeople and numerous tourists who certainly take photos here as a souvenir.

Monument to the 2600th anniversary of Kerch

  • Address: Lenin Square. Transport stop "Lenin Square".

In 1973, Kerch was awarded the title of Hero City. 27 years later, the authorities decided to immortalize the significant event monumentally. The opening of the monument on the central square was timed to coincide with the celebrations of the 2600th anniversary of the founding of the policy.

A light gray Ionic column rises above a polished granite pedestal. At its top is the companion of the god Apollo - the griffin. The sculpture is covered with gilding. In its claws, the mythological creature holds the symbolic key to the city. For several decades now, the monument has been considered one of the symbols of Kerch.

Cinema "Ukraine"

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 11. Transport stop “Ulitsa Samoilenko”.

One of the main architectural attractions of Kerch rightfully includes the building of the cinema "Ukraine", erected in the 60s of the last century. The exterior of this beautiful example of “Stalinist” architecture attracts attention with its ideal proportionality.

The solemnity of the front facade is given by a divided portico supported by columns with luxurious capitals. According to the tradition that existed in those days, the building is decorated with stucco. Above the central entrance there is a high relief with the coat of arms of the Ukrainian SSR.

Art object “Seafood”

  • Address: st. Embankment. Transport stop "Voenkomat".

During the celebrations of City Day in 2008, Kerch acquired its most colorful monument. It is an openwork metal structure, symbolizing a fishing net with a catch. In the interweaving of metal strips, figures of sturgeon, katran, gobies, herring, anchovy, seahorses, and crabs are visible. The six-meter art object weighs several tons, but seems surprisingly lightweight. You should definitely take a photo in front of it.

Royal Kurgan

  • GPS coordinates: 45.373986, 36.526215.

Witnesses to the rich history of the ancient city of Panticapaeum, located on the territory of modern Kerch, are the burial mounds of the ancient rulers of the Bosporan kingdom. The most famous of them is the Royal Mound, it is visible from Mount Mithridates.

The mound was created more than 25 centuries ago and consists of a long corridor, a burial room and an earthen mound. Archaeologists have not found any burials here. There are different answers to the question why. Some believe that the mound was looted, others are of the opinion that for some reason the burials did not take place.

Melek-Chesme mound

  • Address: Gaidar street.

Witness to the ancient history of Kerch. It was used for burials of the Scythian nobility back in the 4th century. BC. But the mound was discovered only in 1858 during major archaeological excavations. In 1871, the pediment of the main entrance and the hill itself were restored. Named after the river flowing nearby, the name of which, translated from Crimean Tatar, means “source of angels.” The Melek-Chesme Kurgan is located next to the bus station.


  • Address: microdistrict Geroevskoye.

17 km. from Kerch, near the village of Geroevskoye (Geroevka), an ancient settlement was found. It is one of the oldest known settlements on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula. Nymphaeum was founded by the ancient Greeks in the 6th century BC. The location was well chosen.

On the shores of the navigable bay, the lands were fertile and there were sources of fresh water. The walls of the ancient settlement have survived to this day. The historical landmark is available for viewing free of charge at any time of the year.

Memorial bench “Crimean Bridge”

  • Address: Mount Mithridates.

In 2022, a new tourist attraction was installed on Mount Mithridates - the “Crimean Bridge” bench. From the bench you can actually see a new miracle of modern architectural engineering, and the attraction is an original blue-blue structure consisting of a bench and the inscription “Crimean Bridge”.

Tiritaka settlement

  • Address: Arshintsevo microdistrict.

A witness to the pre-Hellenic history of the area, one of the proofs of the Cimmerian civilization in the Crimea. The Aborigines lived in dugouts covered with algae and ate fish. In subsequent centuries, as the cities of Panticapaeum and Nymphaeum grew, the Cimmerian civilization flourished.

An interesting excursion object has been preserved in the settlement - the so-called. "fisherman's house", including a two-story dwelling and a courtyard. A treasure of coins was discovered in the basement of the house. The ancient settlement is part of the Kerch Archaeological Museum.

Temples and churches worth visiting in Kerch

People of more than 17 nationalities live in Kerch, professing almost all world religions. Representatives of the main faiths have the opportunity to perform religious rites in their own churches.

Cathedral of John the Baptist

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: Dimitrov Lane, 3. Transport stop “Lenin Square”.

A delightful church built in the 7th century. and reconstructed 300 years later, it is considered the oldest Orthodox church in Crimea. The elegant building is one of the few religious buildings in the colorful Byzantine style that has survived to this day.

The exterior of the cathedral immediately attracts the eye. The façade of the building is decorated with arches and arcade belts. A small dome on a high drum and the roof of the main volume is covered with tiles. The composition is complemented by an elegant two-tier bell tower, attached to the temple in the 19th century.

Temple of Athanasius the Great

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Address: st. Rybakova, 69. Transport stop “Ulitsa Samoilenko”.

Perhaps the most colorful temple in Kerch was erected and consecrated in the name of St. Athanasius of Alexandria in 1864. The exterior of the church is eclectic. The white stone building with a hipped dome and roof painted green looks festive and seems weightless.

The facade of the church is decorated with elegant carvings in the Byzantine style. During the Second World War, the building was seriously damaged, but was restored. After the reconstruction in 2009, when the dome was replaced, the temple looks great. Among the main shrines of the church is the mosaic icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Assumption Catholic Church

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Teatralnaya, 32. Transport stop "Lenin Square".

The only Catholic church in Kerch was built in the mid-19th century. with funds raised by the very large Italian community. It is quite difficult to guess his affiliation with this denomination at first glance. The white stone building with a portico supported by four columns looks more like an ancient sanctuary.

Only the Latin crosses on the facade indicate that Catholic masses are celebrated here. During the Soviet era, a gym functioned within the walls of the temple. In order to restore the interior and exterior of the church, a six-year reconstruction was required.

Where to go in Kerch with a child: review of entertainment

If you are planning to go to Kerch, be sure to take your child with you. The hospitable city will offer young travelers a wonderful cultural and entertainment program.

Yeni-Kale Fortress

  • Address: st. Minina. Transport stop "Yenikale".

No boy would refuse to visit a real Medieval fortress. The citadel at the narrowest point of the Kerch Strait was erected at the beginning of the 18th century. Turks. A fortification structure with thick walls, surrounded by a rampart and a ditch, allowed the Ottoman Empire to control the exit from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov.

The fortress did not lose its significance even after Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. During the Second World War, it became an important part of the defense of Kerch and was heavily damaged by bombing and shelling. Today you can see the remains of the fortress wall, the Azov Gate of the citadel and the bastion with colorful bay window towers. The excursion should be combined with a walk through the picturesque natural recreation in the vicinity of the citadel.

Farm "Exotic"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 23:00.
  • Ticket price: 200 rubles, children under 6 years old are admitted free.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Podmayachny village, 1. Transport stop "Pensions".

A trip to a wonderful entertainment center will bring great joy to your child. There is everything here to have a great day. Young children will enjoy frolicking in the playground, teenagers will be interested in the trampoline and paintball, and those who wish can take a horse riding lesson.

However, the main highlight of the entertainment center is the ostriches. The fertile climate of Crimea is ideal for the traditional inhabitants of the African savannas. The world's largest and most curious bird is amazingly exciting to watch. In addition to thirty ostriches, the farm also houses nutria, peacocks, pigs, and rabbits.

Mud volcanoes of the Bulganak Basin

  • Address: Bondarenkovo ​​village. You can get there by regular buses from the city bus station.

To get to this amazing place, you will have to make an 8-kilometer journey from Kerch in the direction of the village of Bondarenkovo. Here, in a desert basin with an area of ​​about 4 km², you can admire a unique creation of nature - mud volcanoes. Seven of them have names, and from time to time they emit streams of silt that flow down the slopes of the craters.

Over millennia, sedimentary rocks contained in the mud have formed cone-shaped hills, very reminiscent of ordinary volcanoes in shape. The highest of them is considered to be “Obrucheva Hill”, and “Androsov Hill” has the largest diameter of 50 m.

Youth Park

  • Address: Chernomorskaya street.

In 2022, after the reconstruction of the old Soviet-era square, a new attraction appeared in Kerch - the Youth Park. The park has children's and sports grounds. Tourists are attracted by benches - “for reconciliation” and “for kissing”. LED lights add solemnity to the atmosphere at night.

Komsomolsky Park

  • Address: General Petrov Street.

The park, founded in the 1950s, is experiencing a rebirth. Reconstruction is taking place here. The singing fountain and a mini-copy of the Crimean Bridge are the highlights of this attraction. In the same park there is the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, which can also be seen during a tour of Kerch.


Our guest shared her impressions of Kerch:

  • The city is not a resort. This has its advantages
  • Comfortable like home
  • No activity, no shills
  • With an abundance of attractions, the tourist service is unobtrusive
  • Nature amazes with its unique beauty. Every day I sent tons of photos to my friends
  • The water area is free from water transport
  • The beaches are not busy with vacationers
  • Acceptable prices
  • The embankment is not lined with souvenir tents
  • Heady steppe air and clear sea

We hope you enjoyed your walk around Kerch with the authors of Where to If you find yourself in our glorious city, you will already know where to go and what to look at. You may also be interested in our 4-day express tour of Sevastopol.

Natural attractions and surroundings of Kerch

Both in Kerch itself and in its surroundings there are several amazing places that a tourist should definitely see. Let's talk about the most significant of them.

Mount Mithridates

  • Address: 45.350872, 36.469143.

The main natural attraction of Kerch. It is located in the very center of the city; the famous staircase of the Italian architect Alexander Digby, consisting of 432 steps, leads to it. The mountain is named after the king of the Bosporan kingdom, Mithridates IV Eupator.

Excavations are still ongoing here, immersing scientists in the ancient world of Panticapaeum. At the top of the mountain there is an obelisk of glory in honor of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. And earlier on this site there was a luxurious palace of King Mithridates, which has not survived to this day.

General's beaches

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.470907, 36.212805.

The secluded places on the Azov Sea coast in the vicinity of Kerch seem to be created for those who do not like the resort crowd. During the period of Soviet power, it was a closed area intended for the recreation of senior officials. Hence the name – General’s Beaches.

Today every tourist can relax here. Sandy beaches with clear water and picturesque rocky bays included in the Karalar Regional Landscape Park will not leave anyone indifferent who has ever decided to visit them.

Arshintsevskaya Spit

  • Address: Arshintsevskaya Kosa street.

A natural attraction, which is a sandy embankment along the Kerch Bay for about 3 km. It is a favorite vacation spot. This is where the city beach of Kerch is located.

Lake Tobechikskoe

  • GPS coordinates: 45.173844, 36.364207.

The reservoir is located in the vicinity of Kerch, not far from the village of Kostyrino. This is a salt lake with very picturesque views around and healing muddy deposits. The area of ​​the estuary is 18 square meters. km. It is separated from the Black Sea by a man-made embankment along which a highway runs.

Opuksky Nature Reserve

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.044470, 36.203334.

More than 20 natural sites are combined into this unique landscape reserve. Rocks, karst faults, sand spits - all these striking sights create picturesque landscapes and attractive views. The reserve was created in 1998.

Before our era, the city of Chimeric was located in these places. On the ruins of the polis, scientists found a stele with runic inscriptions - the only example of runic writing on the Kerch Peninsula. And part of the reserve is Koyashskoye Lake with pink water.

How to get there

Overpass in front of the Kerch Bridge

I will proceed from my experience and say that Kerch, located in the very east of Crimea, is one of the most well located cities on the peninsula relative to the Russian mainland. Traditional summer Crimean traffic jams and endless road repairs will continue to await you, but you can get here by car without any problems, because the exit from that same Crimean bridge is located five kilometers from the city. No one has canceled the plane – the fastest mode of transport. But here you need to understand one very important thing for yourself: the nearest airport to the city is located not in Simferopol, the capital of the peninsula, but in mainland Anapa, from where it is only 120 km to Kerch, so the journey takes an hour and forty on average. While from Simferopol the journey will last four, or even all five hours, since it will pass through busy areas with inevitable traffic jams.

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