Uglegorsk (Sakhalin) – the city of the victorious public

This toponym has other meanings, see Uglegorsk.


Coat of arms

A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Sakhalin regionSakhalin region
Municipal district Uglegorsky
urban settlement Uglegorskoe
Coordinates 49°04′00″ n. w. 142°02′00″ E. d. / 49.06667° n. w. 142.03333° E. d. / 49.06667; 142.03333 (G) [ (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 49°04′00″ N. w. 142°02′00″ E. d. / 49.06667° n. w. 142.03333° E. d. / 49.06667; 142.03333 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Based early 20th century
Former namesuntil 1946 - Esutoru
City with 1946
Center height 15
Population ↘9198[1] people (2016)
Names of residents Uglegortsy, Uglegorets
Timezone UTC+11
Telephone code +7 42432
Postcode 694920
Vehicle code 65
OKATO code [ 64 435]

Audio, photo and video

on Wikimedia Commons


- a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Uglegorsk district of the Sakhalin region. During the Japanese occupation of southern Sakhalin it was called Esutoro (恵須取支庁).

Population: 9,597 people (2014). The head of the municipal organization “Uglegorsk urban settlement” is Alexey Vladimirovich Yakovlev.


Uglegorsk is located on the western coast of Sakhalin, 280 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The Tukhlyanka River flows along the city (during the Japanese occupation of southern Sakhalin - the Masurao Canal). Carries out water flow from the village. Olkhovka and the city of Uglegorsk and, passing through the city, flows into the sea south of the mouth of Uglegorka. Before the shutdown of the Uglegorsk pulp and paper mill, its process water was discharged into Tukhlyanka.

Uglegorsk (Sakhalin) – the city of the victorious public

What determines the fate of certain settlements? From the name, location, transport accessibility, geographical features, climate? To some extent, yes, these factors have an impact. But the main thing is probably the people who live there.

Uglegorsk is a small Sakhalin town, located 310 kilometers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, right on the shore of the Tatar Strait.

It is the administrative center of the district of the same name in the Sakhalin region. It is not difficult to guess that the history of the area is closely connected with coal mining. Back in 1857, participant of the Amur expedition G.I. Nevelskoy, Lieutenant N.V. Rudakovsky discovers coal deposits in these places (Putyatinsky mines). And after a couple of years, the mines began to be developed. Then other deposits were discovered and a port for coal shipment was built. Coal mining continues to this day.

Did mining make the city happy or rich? Where have you seen happy mining towns? They all have some kind of sad karma, as if as a punishment for the destruction and plunder of nature.

Here, too, there is no particular prosperity. The houses are modest, there is asphalt only on the central streets, and a good road to the regional center has not been built over the years.

Road to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

The central square of the city day and night.

In general, the layout is traditional for Siberia and the Far East. Profits go somewhere else (offshore or Moscow), but what remains in the localities is devastation, sick people and destroyed nature. In the Soviet years, one could reassure oneself that all this was for the good of the country. But now, with a private economy, is it worth putting up with this? So local activists may have thought so and decided that it was not worth it. We got organized and called Alexander Ilyich Fomin, an environmental scientist, a man with a principled civic position, and a supporter of the accelerated innovative development of the country, to the mayoral elections. They called to counter the candidate - United Russia, who represents the interests of coal magnates and has powerful financial and administrative support.

They achieved that Fomin won the elections. And now, with “their” mayor, they are beginning to rebuild life in their native area. They forced the coal miners to build a bypass road to the port. Previously, coal was transported through the city, and coal dust in huge quantities flew into the windows of houses and settled on the streets. We actively took up the task of preserving salmon rivers and developing ecotourism. Fortunately, the area has all the conditions for this. Beautiful nature. Good climate. Wonderful people.

On the rink

The Kamyshovy Ridge protects the area from the penetration of cold winds, so in winter it is not so cold here, and in summer it is not so hot.


Here, wild plants appear earlier than anywhere else on the island, and autumn comes later.


I haven’t seen such great fishing for a long time!

In addition to natural ones, there are also many historical attractions. Buildings and structures built by the Japanese during the period when the territory was under their jurisdiction, the remains of military equipment and even a large ship washed ashore after a storm.

The Sun Eagle, washed ashore by a storm in the early 1980s. The crew abandoned the ship, and the ship was left to rust aground.

Come to Uglegorsk - you won’t regret it!

Yu. Shirokov

Material in sections:

  • Sakhalin region
  • City


5700↗18 800↘17 852↘17 000↗17 921↗18 429↘18 402
↗19 100↘17 500↘15 700↘15 300↘13 396↗13 400↘12 800
↘12 500↘12 300↘12 200↘12 025↘10 381↗10 400↘10 116


The city of Uglegorsk is equated to the regions of the Far North.

  • Average annual air temperature - 1.7 °C
  • Relative air humidity - 69.3%
  • Average wind speed - 4.8 m/s
Average daily air temperature in Uglegorsk according to NASA[14]
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDecYear
−15.4 °C−13.7 °C−8.1 °C0.6 °C7.5 °C13.7 °C17.2 °C17.1 °C12.2 °C4.9 °C−4.9 °C−12.4 °C1.7 °C
Sea water temperature in Uglegorsk[15]
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDecYear
−1.7 °C−1.7 °C−0.9 °C1.9 °C5.6 °C10.4 °C15.3 °C17.3 °C14.1 °C7.2 °C1.3 °C−1.4 °C5.6 °C


Traditionally, the basis of the city's economy is the coal mining industry, which develops coal mines and open-pit mines in the surrounding area.

Since the Japanese occupation, a pulp and paper mill operated in the city, using wood from the forests of central Sakhalin. Over the years, from 1000 to 2000 people worked at the plant. In the 1990s, the plant ceased operations.

On the territory of the city there is the seaport of Uglegorsk, which is the terminal of the seaport of Shakhtersk.

In Uglegorsk there are a number of food industry enterprises (bakeries, a beer and soft drink plant) and an enterprise for the extraction and processing of fish and seafood, operating on coastal resources. Near the city there are a number of agricultural enterprises engaged in crop production and meat and dairy farming.

Russian Bath Kholmsk

Prospects for the area

The Uglegorsk municipal district has a rich past, it has something to be proud of in the present, but its future is even more tempting. Large volumes of prospecting and detailed geological exploration work have been carried out on the territory of the municipality, as a result of which deposits of coal, peat, building stone, sand, sand-gravel mixtures, clayey rocks, gliezhe (burnt rocks), fresh groundwater, and mineral waters have been discovered. In addition, promising areas and areas of distribution of various minerals that need to be studied have been identified. Among them is the Lamanon area, whose predicted oil and gas resources are 5.5 million tons. standard fuel.

The fact that the region has huge coal reserves allows us not only to look boldly into the future, but also to think big. For example, about the possibility of building a state district power station directly near the deposits. Indeed, in this case, fuel transportation will be reduced to a minimum, which means that the costs of producing electrical energy will be significantly reduced. The growing demand for coal in the Sakhalin region also requires the construction of a railway from Ilyinsk station to Uglegorsk. This issue is being seriously discussed at the regional level, and it is this type of land transportation of fuel across Sakhalin that is considered the most effective.

There is growing interest in Uglegorsk coal from foreign consumers, in particular countries in the Asia-Pacific region, which necessitates the need to continue the construction of the quay wall of the Shakhtarsky port. Further reconstruction of the mining port will increase the loading and unloading capacity to 6 million tons per year. Moreover, it should be noted that today not only hard coal, but also brown varieties of coal are in demand.

The development of the coal industry itself will have a positive impact on the economy of the region as a whole. Let's say there remains hope for resuscitation of the agro-industrial complex of the Uglegorsk region to the same extent. There are all the prerequisites for the restoration of agriculture: a favorable climate, developed acreage, pastures, and the availability of fodder.

There are all conditions for the development of tourism in the area. Picturesque places along the coast of the Tatar Strait attract not only Sakhalin residents, but also wildlife lovers from the mainland. Tourists from all parts of the island come to the area to collect wild plants - blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries, ferns, Chinese lemongrass; mainland guests first of all ask to take them to the berry fields. The residents of the area themselves prefer this pastime. Fishing lovers will find their interest here. During the capelin and smelt season, the shores and beaches of the area are strewn with anglers day and night. There are a lot of shrimp splashing in the coastal waters of the area. Envy there on the mainland!

On the territory of the Uglegorsk region there are also natural areas of medicinal and health value: Lesogorsk thermal springs - a natural monument, Mount Lamanon - a stone canyon with waterfalls, the Bolshoy Nadym River valley - the habitat of a relict walnut grove. Near the village The Blue Lakes are located in Priozernoye, and the Hot Springs, even despite the fact that they are lost in impenetrable forest wilds, are already today in great honor among both Uglegorsk residents and visitors, and therefore are completely inhabited. On this basis, there is quite serious talk in the area and region about the need to develop tourism and medical recreation centers here... All that remains is to pave the first path to the new.

Achievements, successes

Almost the entire life of the Uglegorsk region and all hopes for its further development are connected with coal. The region's coal miners already extract almost 50 percent of this valuable raw material from the total volume of the region's coal industry. And this despite the fact that in the 90s, in the wake of the restructuring of the coal industry, most of the coal mining enterprises in the region were destroyed, almost all the mines were liquidated, and the production facilities serving them were closed. Only the unbending desire of the municipal leadership, residents of the area and coal miners to resist the destructive onslaught saved the industry, and therefore the area as a whole.

In just ten years, the area's coal mining industry was completely restored. According to the program of its development, initiated by the district administration, closed mines were replaced by coal mines. They boldly “took” responsibility for production indicators and record production figures and even became one of the city-forming enterprises. Today, almost two thousand people are employed in this industry in the region. Since 2001, the region's coal miners have confidently maintained production at 1.5 million tons. So much and with such consistency was rarely given out even in socialist times. In 2005, 1.85 million tons of coal were produced.

The flagship of the region's coal industry in terms of development rates is Uglegorskugol LLC, which produces at the Nikolsky and Nikolsky-bis open-pit mines. In 2006, the enterprise celebrated its tenth anniversary and coincided with its first anniversary with the highest production figure - 341 thousand tons per year.

One of the favorites in the coal mining industry of the Uglegorsk region is OJSC Boshnyakovsky Coal Mine. This is the youngest coal mining enterprise in the region; the chief engineer of the former Boshnyakovo mine, E. Chichkanov, was at the origins of its creation. The Boshnyakovsky coal mine is unique. It compensated for the liquidated mine and contributed to the preservation of not only production here, but also the settlement itself - the village of Boshnyakovo. More than three hundred people work at the mine. The enterprise belongs to OJSC Sakhalinugol, and its products are especially in demand on the foreign market, primarily in Japan. Of the 211 thousand tons produced by the Bosniaks in 2005, 140 thousand tons were sent outside the district and region.

ZAO Solntsevskoe also makes its contribution to the development of coal production. This structure includes, among other things, the only mine production in the region, a legacy from former times. This is LLC Sakhalinugol-6, which was formed on the basis of the Udarnovskaya mine, famous throughout the Far East. . On average, it produces 600 thousand tons per year. These figures are very close to those of pre-perestroika times.

The structure of the coal industry of the Uglegorsk region includes both the revived Trestugol LLC (formerly Sosna CJSC), which went through bankruptcy management, and Sakhalinugol-2 LLC, created on the basis of the Solntsevsky open-pit mine. The development of open-pit coal at the Varvarovsky open-pit mine has been reopened... Since 2006, in accordance with the program for the development of the coal industry of the Uglegorsk region, four more open-pit coal deposits will be put up for licensing.

The entire infrastructure of the Uglegorsk region is connected to coal enterprises. First of all, we are talking about transport workers: traditionally, delivery of mined coal to consumers is provided by motor transport enterprises and ships through ports located in the region.

Cargo transportation by land is carried out by Uglegorsk and Shakhterskoye ATP and Ugol-Trans LLC. In 2000, Uglegorsk ATP received the Memorial Sign of the regional governor as the best enterprise of the year in the field of motor transport services in the region.

Shakhterskoe ATP occupies its niche in the coal transportation market. The company has improved working conditions, organized a major overhaul of equipment, and constantly updates its fleet. It should be noted that both Uglegorsk and Shakhterskoe ATP also carry out passenger transportation, providing socially significant services by transporting coal only outside the municipality. This is a structural division of OJSC Sakhalinugol.

Coal for the needs of the regional energy sector is also supplied by water - through the ports of Uglegorsk, Shakhtersk and Boshnyakovo. These enterprises are also involved in the export of coal to Kamchatka, the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, and abroad. It follows that in recent years (2003-2006) it has been increasing its volumes. It processes up to 190 thousand tons per year, although the capacity is designed for 100 thousand tons.

The Uglegorsk municipal district also has its own air gate - the Shakhtersk airport. According to archival documents, this airport was founded in the forties of the last century for military purposes, and it began performing civilian functions in 1957. Today planes from Shakhtersk fly on the route “Khabarovsk – Zonalnoye – Shakhtersk – Khabarovsk”. But the mining airport is also a reserve airfield, ideal from the point of view of geography and climatic conditions. In addition, it has lighting equipment that allows it to land on the runway even in the dark.


  1. 12 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  3. 12345678910 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Uglegorsk (Sakhalin region)
  4. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  5. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  6. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  7. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  8. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  9. [ All-Russian Population Census 2010. Sakhalin region. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements]. Retrieved July 28, 2014. [ Archived from the original on July 28, 2014].
  10. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  11. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  12. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  14. [ NASA. RETScreen Database]
  15. [ ESIMO]
  16. [ Municipal budgetary cultural institution “Uglegorsk Municipal Museum of Local Lore”]
  17. [ District House of Culture “October” Municipal budgetary cultural institution]
  18. [ Website of the newspaper “Uglegorsk News”]
  19. [ ASTV.Ru - A new church was opened in Uglegorsk]


(Sakhalin region)

OKATO code:
after 1905
City since:
1946 City of regional subordination
Uglegorsk district
Urban-type settlements, population as of 01/1/2021

The city was formerly called:
Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographical latitude:
Geographical longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
15 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Uglegorsk


  • 20-100 thousand people. Korsakov • Kholmsk • Okha
    10-20 thousand people.Poronaysk • Dolinsk • Nevelsk • Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky • UglegorskNogliki
    3-10 thousand people Aniva • Shakhtersk • Tymovskoye

    • Makarov •

    • Tomari •





    Story Treaties (Simodsky 1855 • St. Petersburg 1875 • Portsmouth 1905 • Peking 1925) • Russo-Japanese War (Actions on Sakhalin) • Karafuto • Occupation of Northern Sakhalin • Soviet-Japanese War (Operations: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk • Kuril • Landings: Maoka • Otomari • Thoreau) • Repatriation of the Japanese • Sakhalinlag • Construction 506 • Earthquakes and tsunamis (North Kurilsk 1952 • Neftegorsk 1995 • Nevelsk 2007) • Typhoon 1981
    Symbols Coat of Arms • Anthem • Flag
    Geography Volcanoes • Mountain peaks • Mountain ranges • Nature reserves and sanctuaries • Climate • Lakes • Islands (Sakhalin • Kuril Islands) • Plains • Rivers
    Power Governor • Government • Regional Duma • Regional Court • Regional Arbitration Court • Charter • Twin Cities
    Administrative division Sakhalin department (1884-1909) • Sakhalin region (1909-1920) • Sakhalin district (1925-1932) • South Sakhalin region (1945-1947) • Coats of arms • Flags • Regional diocese • Apostolic prefecture
    Education Schools • Universities
    Healthcare Health care institutions
    Population Ainu • Koreans • Nivkhs
    Economy Enterprises and companies (pulp and coal plant • Mines) • Tourism • Offshore projects
    Transport Bus systems (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk • Kholmsk) • Highways (P487 • A391 • P490 • A392) • Airports • Railway (Stations and platforms) • Seaports
    Connection Internet • Television • Radio stations • Mail • Media
    Culture Attractions • Museums • Theaters
    Sport Athletic facilities
    Portal "Sakhalin Region"

    Project "Sakhalin Region"

    Baltic Sea Vyborg • Vysotsk • Kaliningrad • St. Petersburg (Bolshoi Port and Passenger Port) • Primorsk • Ust-Luga
    Barents Sea Varandey • Murmansk • Naryan-Mar
    White Sea Arkhangelsk • Belomorsk • Vitino • Kandalaksha • Kem • Mezen • Onega • Severodvinsk
    Bering Sea Anadyr • Beringovsky • Provideniya • Egvekinot
    East Siberian Sea Pevek • Chersky
    Kara Sea Amderma • Dixon • Dudinka • Igarka • Sabetta
    Caspian Sea¹ Astrakhan • Makhachkala • Olya
    Laptev Sea Tiksi • Khatanga
    Sea of ​​Okhotsk Korsakov • Magadan • Moskalvo • Cape Lazarev • Nikolaevsk-on-Amur • Okhotsk • Poronaysk • Prigorodnoye
    Pacific coast of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
    Black Sea Anapa • Gelendzhik • Evpatoria4 • Kerch (commercial • fishing • Kamysh-Burun • Port “Crimea”)4 • Novorossiysk • Sevastopol4 • Sochi (commercial and passenger • cargo) • Taman² • Tuapse • Feodosiya4 • Chernomorsk4 • Yalta4
    Chukchi Sea Cape Schmidt ³
    Sea of ​​Japan Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky • Boshnyakovo • Vanino • Vladivostok • Vostochny • De-Kastri • Danube • Zarubino • Nakhodka • Nevelsk • Olga • Plastun • Posyet • Preobrazhenie • Rudnaya Pristan • Svetlaya • Slavyanka • Sovetskaya Gavan • Uglegorsk • Kholmsk • Shakhtersk
    ¹ Caspian Sea

    is actually a lake.
    ² The port of Taman
    is under construction, but is already open for traffic.
    ³ The port of Cape Shmidt
    has been part of the port of Pevek since 2006. 4 Located on the territory that is the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine.


Uglegorsk: maps

Uglegorsk: photo from space (Google Maps) Uglegorsk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Shakhtersk8 ()WITH
2Makarov73 (232)SE
3Krasnogorsk73 (70)YU
4Poronaysk77 (158)IN
5Smirnykh92 (83)NE
6Testaments of Ilyich (Khabarovsk Territory)130 (521)Z
7Sovetskaya Gavan130 (543)Z
8Vanino (Khabarovsk Territory)131 (504)Z
9Oktyabrsky (Khabarovsk Territory)131 (511)Z
10Tomari145 ()YU
11Chekhov183 ()YU
12Tymovskoye201 (210)WITH
13Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky202 (266)WITH
14Dolinsk203 (362)YU

a brief description of

Located on the western coast of Sakhalin Island, on the shore of the Tatar Strait of the Sea of ​​Japan, along the swampy floodplain of the river. Uglegorka, 359 km northwest of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 150 km north of the railway. Ilyinsk station. Port.

Territory (sq. km): 27

Information about the city of Uglegorsk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded after 1905. In 1905-45. as part of Japan, went to Japan according to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty (1905), which ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. In 1945 it was returned to Russia. Liberated on August 17, 1945 by troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front.

Until 1946 it was called Esutoru; the name is considered a Japanese corruption of the Ainu Etuuturu - “between the capes” (etu “cape”, uturu “between”). The city of Uglegorsk has been located since 1946 - coal is mined in its vicinity.


Integrated timber industry enterprise. Factories: pulp and paper, Stroydetal. Food industry enterprises.

Potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes are grown in the Uglegorsk region.

Near Uglegorsk - coal mining.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

An excerpt characterizing Uglegorsk (Sakhalin region)

“If he scolds, I’ll leave,” said Anatole. “I can’t stand these old people.” A? – Remember that everything depends on this for you. At this time, the arrival of the minister with his son was not only known in the maiden's room, but the appearance of both of them was already described in detail. Princess Marya sat alone in her room and tried in vain to overcome her inner agitation. “Why did they write, why did Lisa tell me about this? After all, this cannot be! - she said to herself, looking in the mirror. - How do I get out into the living room? Even if I liked him, I couldn’t be on my own with him now.” The thought of her father's gaze terrified her. The little princess and m lle Bourienne had already received all the necessary information from the maid Masha about what a ruddy, black-browed handsome minister's son was, and about how daddy dragged them with force to the stairs, and he, like an eagle, walking three steps at a time, ran after him. Having received this information, the little princess and M lle Bourienne, still audible from the corridor in their animated voices, entered the princess’s room. – Ils sont arrives, Marieie, [They arrived, Marie,] do you know? - said the little princess, wobbling her belly and sitting heavily on the chair. She was no longer in the blouse in which she had sat in the morning, but she was wearing one of her best dresses; her head was carefully adorned, and there was a liveliness on her face, which, however, did not hide the drooping and deadened contours of her face. In the attire in which she usually wore to social gatherings in St. Petersburg, it was even more noticeable how much she had looked worse. M lle Bourienne also unnoticed some improvement in her outfit, which made her pretty, fresh face even more attractive. – Eh bien, et vous restez comme vous etes, chere princesse? – she spoke. – On va venir annoncer, que ces messieurs sont au salon; il faudra descendre, et vous ne faites pas un petit brin de toilette! [Well, are you still wearing what you were wearing, princess? Now they will come to say that they are out. We’ll have to go downstairs, but at least you’ll dress up a little!] The little princess got up from her chair, called the maid and hastily and cheerfully began to come up with an outfit for Princess Marya and put it into execution. Princess Marya felt insulted in her sense of self-worth by the fact that the arrival of her promised groom worried her, and she was even more insulted by the fact that both of her friends did not even imagine that it could be otherwise. To tell them how ashamed she was for herself and for them was to betray her anxiety; Moreover, to refuse the outfit that was offered to her would have led to lengthy jokes and insistence. She flushed, her beautiful eyes went out, her face became covered with spots, and with that ugly expression of victim that most often settled on her face, she surrendered to the power of m lle Bourienne and Lisa. Both women cared quite sincerely about making her beautiful. She was so bad that not one of them could think of competing with her; therefore, quite sincerely, with that naive and firm conviction of women that an outfit can make a face beautiful, they set about dressing her. “No, really, ma bonne amie, [my good friend], this dress is not good,” said Lisa, looking sideways at the princess from afar. - Tell me to serve, you have masaka there. Right! Well, this may be the fate of life is being decided. And this is too light, not good, no, not good! It was not the dress that was bad, but the face and the whole figure of the princess, but M lle Bourienne and the little princess did not feel this; It seemed to them that if they put a blue ribbon on their hair combed up, and pulled down a blue scarf from a brown dress, etc., then everything would be fine. They forgot that the frightened face and figure could not be changed, and therefore, no matter how they modified the frame and decoration of this face, the face itself remained pitiful and ugly. After two or three changes, to which Princess Marya obediently submitted, the minute she was combed up (a hairstyle that completely changed and spoiled her face), in a blue scarf and an elegant dress, the little princess walked around her a couple of times with her small hand she straightened a fold of her dress here, tugged at a scarf there and looked, bowing her head, now from this side, now from the other. “No, that’s impossible,” she said decisively, clasping her hands. – Non, Marie, decidement ca ne vous va pas. Je vous aime mieux dans votre petite robe grise de tous les jours. Non, de grace, faites cela pour moi. [No, Marie, this definitely does not suit you. I love you better in your gray everyday dress: please do this for me.] Katya,” she said to the maid, “bring the princess a gray dress, and see, m lle Bourienne, how I will arrange it,” she said with a smile of artistic anticipation joy. But when Katya brought the required dress, Princess Marya sat motionless in front of the mirror, looking at her face, and in the mirror she saw that there were tears in her eyes and that her mouth was trembling, preparing to sob. “Voyons, chere princesse,” said M lle Bourienne, “encore un petit effort.” [Well, princess, just a little effort.] The little princess, taking the dress from the maid’s hands, approached Princess Marya. “No, now we’ll do it simply, sweetly,” she said. The voices of her, M lle Bourienne and Katya, who laughed about something, merged into a cheerful babbling, similar to the singing of birds. “Non, laissez moi, [No, leave me,” said the princess. And her voice sounded with such seriousness and suffering that the babbling of the birds immediately fell silent. They looked at the large, beautiful eyes, full of tears and thoughts, clearly and pleadingly looking at them, and realized that it was useless and even cruel to insist. “Au moins changez de coiffure,” said the little princess. “Je vous disais,” she said reproachfully, turning to M lle Bourienne, “Marie a une de ces figures, auxquelles ce genre de coiffure ne va pas du tout.” Mais du tout, du tout. Changez de grace. [At least change your hairstyle. Marie has one of those faces that doesn’t suit this type of hairstyle at all. Change it, please.] “Laissez moi, laissez moi, tout ca m'est parfaitement egal, [Leave me, I don’t care,” answered the voice, barely holding back tears. M lle Bourienne and the little princess had to admit to themselves that the princess. Marya looked very bad in this form, worse than always; but it was already too late. She looked at them with that expression that they knew, an expression of thought and sadness. This expression did not instill fear in them towards Princess Marya. (She did not instill this feeling in anyone.) But they knew that when this expression appeared on her face, she was silent and unshakable in her decisions. – Vous changerez, n'est ce pas? [You will change, won't you?] - said Lisa, and when Princess Marya did not answer anything, Lisa left the room.

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