Trans-Baikal Territory: cities and regions, economy and development prospects for the region

Transbaikal region is located in the eastern part of Transbaikalia of the Russian Federation. Belongs to the Siberian Federal District. Its center is Chita. It is also the largest city in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The regions of the region are quite numerous.

The population in the region is 1,072,806 people. Territory area – 431892 sq. km, or 2.52% of the area of ​​Russia. The region emerged on March 1, 2008 after a referendum during the unification of two administrative territories.

The Trans-Baikal Territory has borders with the Amur and Irkutsk regions, the Republic of Buryatia and Yakutia. In the south and southeast it borders with Mongolia and China.

History of the region

The development of the region has a very ancient history. Findings of early human activity were found here in layers formed 35–150 thousand years ago. Active settlement of the territory began after the decree of Peter I in 1703. Since 1802, immigrants from the western regions of the Russian Empire began to arrive here. The formation of the Trans-Baikal Territory dates back to March 1, 2008. It occurred after a decision made during a referendum in which representatives of local peoples participated.

The Chita region was merged with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. In the Buryat Okrug, 94% were in support of the merger, and 5.16% were against it. In the Chita region these figures were 90.29% and 8.89%, respectively.

Healthcare in the region

Today there are more than 120 medical institutions in Transbaikalia. Patients are assisted by qualified doctors with higher medical education. In this regard, the Transbaikal region can be called quite developed. The capital of the region is famous for its educational institutions that successfully treat cancer.

In rural areas, people are provided with assistance at first aid stations. Here they deliver babies and make appointments for the treatment of simple diseases. In difficult cases, the patient is sent to the regional center or the capital.

Geographical features

The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in Eastern Siberia, east of Lake Baikal. The highest point is the BAM peak with a height of 3073 meters.

The relief is varied: there are both flat areas and mountains, while the area of ​​​​the mountains is more significant. The plains are covered with steppes. Mountain ranges and extensive depressions have a southwest - northeast orientation.

The climate in the region is quite harsh and sharply continental. There is not much precipitation. Characterized by long and frosty winters with little or no snow cover. Sunny anticyclonic weather prevails. In January, the average temperature is from –20° to –37.5° (in the north). At the same time, frosts can reach -60°. Spring and autumn are short. Summer is also short, sometimes it can be hot, but more often it is warm. It is warmer in the west than in the east. The first half is dry, the second half is wet. Autumn is relatively warm.

The amount of precipitation is from 200-300 mm in the steppe regions of the south and up to 600 mm in the north of the region. Most of the precipitation falls in summer and autumn.


In terms of religion, the Transbaikal region can be called quite diverse. Today, traditional beliefs of ancient peoples still exist here - shamanism, totemism and fetishism. Some indigenous people practice Islam and Judaism.

With the advent of the Russian-speaking population on the territory of modern Transbaikalia in the 17th century, Orthodoxy came here. The first Church of the Resurrection was built in 1670. It has survived to this day.

Population of Trans-Baikal Territory

The number of inhabitants in 2022, as mentioned above, was 1,072,806 people. The average population density is 2.48 people/sq. km, and the share of urban residents is 68%. The northern part of the region is the least populated.

The number of residents is gradually decreasing, which is associated with low birth rates and population outflow. The mortality rate is also high. In terms of life expectancy, it ranks one of the last places in Russia.

Cities and districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory are located along river valleys.

Nature in Transbaikalia

The region's topography consists of both mountains and plains. In the northern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory there are many mountains, but in the south the steppe predominates. Forests predominate in mountainous areas. The Department of the Trans-Baikal Territory reports that in 2006 the total forest area was more than 34 thousand hectares. This is 67% of the total area of ​​the entire region. Thanks to the forests, the air in Transbaikalia is clean and fresh. Many resort areas are located in pine forests.

Transbaikalia is also famous for its water resources. The largest rivers include the Shilka, Onon, Khilok, and Argun. But the largest groups of lakes include Torey and Kuando-Chara.

Good mineral resources contribute to the high level of the economy of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The region contains concentrated reserves of silver and copper in large quantities. More than 2% of all-Russian reserves of hard coal are also concentrated in Transbaikalia.

Chita city

Chita in the Trans-Baikal Territory is the administrative center of the region. The population of this city is 347,088 people. It is located in a basin on both sides of the Chita River.

The city's economy is dominated by industry, especially food industry. It is a major transport hub. Not far from Chita there is a brown coal deposit. Fossil fuel energy is also important.

Chita (Trans-Baikal Territory) is located in the central part of the Baikal region, in the southeast of Siberia. The relief is uneven, with the highest point being 1039 meters and the lowest point being 632 meters. Winters are cold and long. Smog often develops due to anticyclones. The environmental situation is very unfavorable. In terms of air pollution, Chita is the leader in Russia. Most of all, it is associated with car exhaust and boiler room emissions.


Several regions are united into the Trans-Baikal Territory. They have the same capital. The city of Chita with a population of more than 300 thousand people was chosen as the center of the region. The settlement got its name from the river that flows nearby. Chita is still the real pride of Transbaikalia today.

The capital has a sharply continental climate with a characteristic temperature regime. In winter, the average temperature here is about 25 degrees Celsius below zero. Summers are warm and humid. Temperatures rarely rise above 20 degrees Celsius. The warmest period in Chita lasts only 77 days.

The capital is located in the Irkutsk time zone. The offset relative to Moscow time is 5 hours.

The government of the Trans-Baikal Territory is located in Chita. And local government is represented by the City District Duma, as well as the local city administration. The head of the administration is the mayor, who is elected by the population.

Chita is not just the center of Transbaikalia, but a real cultural capital. There are a huge number of museums and theaters here. A visitor can get great pleasure walking along the streets. The ancient architecture of the city is impressive. And in spring and summer, Chita hosts many festivals that attract tourists not only from Russia, but also from other neighboring countries.

Education and culture Chita

In Chita there are 43 secondary schools, 2 primary schools, as well as gymnasiums, a cadet school and a boarding school. Higher educational institutions are represented by several universities, including the Medical Academy and the Institute of Railway Transport. There are 3 technical schools, 7 colleges and 3 schools. In addition, there are several research institutes, including the Institute of Agriculture and the Institute of Ecology.

The city's culture is represented by a dozen museums, as well as a botanical garden and a zoo. Among them there are such unusual institutions as the Border Guards Museum and the Radio Museum. In addition, there are several theaters, a large number of libraries, including the library of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

A large number of newspapers and magazines are published in Chita.

Tourism in the Trans-Baikal Territory

The entire region is divided into several tourist areas. The South-West is considered the most popular among visitors. The Sokhondinsky Nature Reserve attracts a lot of attention from tourists. Entire hikes with overnight stays in the open air are organized here. In the summer, tourists travel by kayaking, and in winter - by skiing. The mountainous terrain also attracts many people. But only experienced tourists can afford to climb the hill.

The South-East attracts much less sports tourists. Despite this, there are many natural and cultural attractions here. Just look at the monuments of Buryat national culture - Aginsky datsan, Tsugolsky datsan. In Alkhanay National Park, every tourist can relax his soul and body. There are many monuments here that will tell you about the history and culture of Transbaikalia.

The Transbaikal region is famous for its beautiful architecture. The capital shows the contrast between ancient times and modern times. Next to the ancient buildings there are modern buildings and cottages.

The north of Transbaikalia attracts tourists with its mountainous terrain. Ascents to the highest point of Transbaikalia - Peak Bam - are organized. The ridge is characterized by difficult passes and turbulent rivers. Therefore, it is not recommended to go here on your own.

Sports objects

The city is not a good place for improving health, but there are a dozen significant sports facilities here. Among them:

  • Lokomotiv Stadium with a capacity of 12,500 people.
  • Yunost Stadium with a capacity of 4,500 people.
  • Palace of Sports.
  • Equestrian Center.
  • Ski complexes “Vysokogorye” and “Svetlaya Mountain”.
  • Two swimming pools.
  • An ice training complex that can accommodate 600 people.
  • Ice Palace (for 600 people).
  • Other stadiums.

Transport Chita

The transport system is more focused on transit federal transportation than on intracity transportation. Three federal highways pass through the city: Chita-Zabaikalsk (A350), Chita-Khabarovsk (P297 Amur highway) and Irkutsk-Ulan-Ude-Chita (P258 Baikal highway).

Rail transport is represented by the Trans-Siberian Railway, on which Chita is an important center. There is a dispatch center in the city to control transportation on a 3,400 km stretch. There are a large number of railway stations.

Air transport is represented by Kadala Airport with international status.

Buses, trolleybuses and minibuses operate within the city area. There is also a railway for children.

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List of settlements in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Aginsky district Aga Aginskoye Amithasha Budulan Bulum Tsugol Gunei Khoyto-Aga Timber plant Orlovsky Sakhyurta Suduntui Ulan-Tuya Urda-Aga South Argaley Akshinsky district Aksa Bytev Kurulga Mogoituy Oroy Tokhtor Ubur-Tokhtor Ulacha Ureysk Ust-Ilya Aleksandrovsky Zavod district Aleksandrovsky plant Aleksandrovsky Zavod Berezovka Bokhto Butuntai Chindagatai Nickname Klin Krasnoyarovo Kuznetsovo Mankechur Mankovo ​​Nikolaevka Novy Akatui Onon-Borzya Shara Sharancha Vasilyevsky Khutor Verkhniy Alenui Baleysky district Aliya Baley Baranovsk Bochkarevo Bolshoye Kazakovo Borschovochny Butorino Dzhida Elkino Etyka Grobovo Kazakovsky Fishing Kolobovo Kunikan Leskovo Lozhnikovo Matusovo Nizhne Giryunino Nizhny Ildikan Nizhny Kokuy New Novoivanovka Novotroitsk Onokhovo Saranaya Sarbaktuy Taseevo Unda Undino-Poselye Verkhniy Kokuy Zhetkovo Zhidka Zhuravlevo Borzinsky district Akurai Barnaul Biliktuy Borzya Tsagan-Oluy Khada-Bulak Kholmogory Klyuchevskoye Kondui Kurunzulai Novoborzinskoye Otsoluy Oldonda Front Byrka Sherlovaya Gora Shonoktuy Solovyovsk Tasyrkhoy Ust-Ozernaya Yuzhnoye Chernyshevsky district Agita Aksenovo- Zilovskoye Aleur Archikoy Bagulny Borodinsk Bukachach Bay Bushulei Chernyshevsk Gaur Hoktonga Ikshitsa Kadaya Kavekta Kochkovataya Komsomolskoye Kumakanda Milgidun Nalgekan Nikolaevskoye Novoilinsk Novy Olov Ozernoye Shevya Old Olov Taksha Ukurey Uley Ulyakan Uryum Ust-Gorbitsa Ust-Undurga Utan Zhireken Gold th Zudyra Chita district Aleksandrovka Amodovo Arakhley Avdey Beklemishevo Beregovoi Burgen Cher Chernovo Chita Domna Domno-Klyuchi Elizavetino Eremino Ilinsky Ingoda Irgen Ivan-Ozero Kamenka Karpovka Kolochnoye Kruchina Kuka Kumakhta Resort Kuka Leninsky Lesnaya Forest Town Makkaveevo Mukhor Mukhor-Kondui Novaya Kuka Novokruchinsky Novotroitsk Olenguy Podvolok Preobrazhenka Streams Shaksha Shishkino Sivyakovo S molenka Sokhondo Old Kuka Sypchegur Tankha Tasei Ugdan Verkh-Chita Verkhniy Narym Yablonovo Yagodny Zabaikalsky Zasopka Zatunga Duldurginsky district Alkhanay Ara-Ilya Balzino Chindalei Duldurga Ilya Taptanay Tokchin Zutkuley Gazimuro-Zavodsky district Batakan Bura Burukan Gazimursky Plant Kaktolga Pavlovsk Shiroka Solonechny Trubachevo Ushmun Khiloksky district Arenur Bada Daigur Engorok Glinka Gyrshelun Kharagun Hilogoson Khilok Khokhotuy Khushenga Linevo-Lake Mogzon Mukhor-Shibirka Shilya Sosnovka Terepkhen Ukurik Ulyastuy Ushoty Zhiphegen Zurun Kalarsky district Chapo-Ologo Chara Ikabya Katugino Kodar Kuanda Kust-Kemda Leprindo Naminga Nelyaty Novaya Chara Middle Kalar Sulban Udokan Yablonovy Kalgansky district Bura Chingiltuy Chu provo Dono Kalga Kozlovo Nizhny Kalgukan Norinsk Shivia Verkhniy Kalgukan Zapokrovsky Zapokrovsky Mine Karymsky district Adrianovka Atamanovka Bolshaya Tura Darasun Kadakhta Kaidalovo Kalanga Karymskoye Kumakhta Resort-Darasun Lighthouses Naryn Talacha Novodoroninsk Olentui Solontsovo Middle Talacha Tyrgetui Urulga Uryupino Ust-Natsigun Verkhnyaya Talacha Zhimbira Zubkovshchina Krasno Chikoi district Atsa Albitui Aleksandrovka Baykhor Bolshakovo Bykovo Cheremkhovo Etytey Fomichevo Gremyacha Gutai Khilkotoy Konkino Koty Krasnye Rechki Krasny Chikoy Maloarkhangelsk Menza Mogzon Mostovka Nizhny Narym Osinovka Semiozerye Shimbilik Shonuy Ukyr Urluk Ust-Urluk Ust-Yamarovka Upper Shergolzhin Yadrikhino Yamarovka Zakharovo Zashulan Zhindo Zhindokon Krasnokamensky district Abagait ui Armogoytuy Bogdanovka Brusilovka Tselinny Kailastui Kaptsegaituy Kovyli Krasnokamensk Kuitun Oktyabrsky Soktuy-Milozan Sredneargunsk Tarbazituy Yubileiny Kyrinsky district Altan Arashantui Baldzhikan Bilyutui Bukukun Bylyra Harbor Hapcherang Kuzmina Kyra Lyubov Mangut Mikhailo-Pavlovsk Mordoi Nadezhny Nichatka Lower Stan Shumunda Tarbaldzhey Turgen Tyrin Ulkhun-Party Ustye Verkhniy Stan Verkhniy Ulkhun Mogochin Amazar district Anikino Arteushka Chador Chaldonka Hour Chapel Davenda Dzhelonda Gorky Klyuch Ithaca Kendagirs Sour Klyuch Klyuchevsky Royal Spit Ksenyevka Bear Klyuch Mostovka Nanagra Hemp Perevalny Pokrovka Proletarsky Razdolnoe Sbega Semiozerny Wide Solonechny Thaw Taptugary Dark Heavy Uteni Vasilievka Vesyoly Mogoituisky District Aga-Khangil Borzhigantai Buryat Tsagan-Chelutai Ts Agan-Ola Tsugol Dogoi Khara-Shibir Kharganasha Kusocha Mogocha Mogoituy Novoorlovsk Nurinsk Ortuy Uronay Usharbay Ust-Narin Zugalay Nerchinsky district Aprelkovo Arbagar Belomestnoe Berezovaya Berezovo Bolshoi Meadow Borshchovka Bronnikovo Byankina Gurban Holbon Ilim Kalinovka Kangil Kotelnikovo Krupyanka Kulakovo Nagorny Nerchinsk Lower Keys Novoberezovka Olekan Olinsk Islands Pesh kovo Priiskovy Radionovo Savvateevo Shivki Verkhniye Kumaki Volochaevka Zarechny Znamenka Zolotukhino Zyulzikan Zyulzya Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district Argunsk Argun Keys Bolshoy Zerentuiy Chalbuchi-Kilga Chashino-Ildikan Gorbunovka Gorny Zerentuiy Ishaga Ivanovka Kadaya Maryino Mikhailovka Nerchinsky Plant Nikolskoye Olochi Middle Broad Average Borzya Urovskie Keys Vorobyovka Yavlenka Zolotonosha Nizhnetsa Sucheysky district Nizhniy Tsasuchey Olovyannisky district Antiya Rent Bezrechnaya Bulum Burulyatuy Byrka Dolgokych Unity Khada-Bulak Khara-Byrka Kalanguy Kamkay Karaksar Lighthouse Peaceful Tin Victory Shivia Steppe Turga Ulan-Tsatsyk Ulyatui Ust-Ulyatui Yasnaya Yasnogorsk Zarya Ononsky district Kubuhay Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district Balyaga Kharauz Katangar Kuli Maleta Novopavlovka Sands Petrovsk- Transbaikal Tarbagatai Tolbaga Priargunsky district Byrka Dosatui Duroy Proud Nickname Kuti Margutsek Youth Novoivanovka Pogodaevo Border Priargunsk Selinda Starotsurukhaituy Talman-Borzya Ulan Urulyungui Ust-Tasurkay Vereya Verkh-Tasurkay Zargol Shelopuginsky district Banshchikovo Bolshoi Tontoy Chongul Daya Dayakon Derevtsovo Glinyanka Ishikan Kopun Kupryakov o Maly Tontoy Malyshevo Mironovo Nizhnyaya Shakhtama Shelopugino Shivia Sivachi Middle Shakhtama Verkhniy Tergen Vershino-Shakhmatinsky Shilkinsky district Bereya Bogomyagkovo Chiron Galkino Casanovo Kirocha Knyazha Kokuy-Komogortsevo Krasnoyarovo Kieken Makarovo Mirsanovo Mitrofanovo Nomokonovo Onon Ononskoye Pervomaisky Pushkarevo Razmakhnino Shilka Shivanda Srednyaya Kiya Ulyanovka Unenker Ust-Aga Ust-Telenguy Vasilievka Verkhniy Telengui Verkhnyaya Khila Zubarevo Sretensky district Abramovka Adom Argun Bayan Bolotovo Bori Bots Butan Tselik Chikichey Delyun Dushechkina Eralga Farkovo Firsovo Gorbitsa Ivanovka Kirga Sour Klyuch Kokertai Kokuy Kudeya Kuenga Kulan Kurlych Kuzmino Crowbars Luzhanki Mangidai Matakan Molodovsk Morgul Mygzha Nekrasovo Nizhniye Kularki Nizhnyaya Kuenga Petrovo Pilnaya Poselkovoe Shapka Shemetovo Shil kinsky Shoksha Plant Sretensk Starolonchakovo Sudakovo Uktycha Ust-Chernaya Ust-Karsk Ust-Kurlych Ust-Nachin Ust-Narinzor Vasilyevskoye Babylon Verkhniye Kularki Verkhnyaya Kara Verkhnyaya Kuenga Voskresenskaya Tungiro-Olekminsky district Srednyaya Olekma Tungokochensky district Kalakan Kyker Svetly Tungokochen Ust-Karenga Usugli Vershino-Darasunsky Yumurchen Tupikovsky district Deadlock Bay Zarechnoye Ulet ovsky district Ablatuysky Bor Ablatukan Areysky Arta Balzoy Cheremkhovo Doroninskoye Wood Friendship Gorek Mud Hadakta Krasnaya Rechka Leninsky Novosalia New Keys Shakhalan Sypchegur Tanga Tataurovo Ulety Uma Verkh-Usuglinsky district Iskra Nizhny Stan Verkh-Usugli Zabaikalsky district Arabatuk Dauria Kharanor Red Giant Matsievskaya Nagadan Semiozerye Stepnoy Zabaikalsk

Setevoy city, Trans-Baikal Territory

This is a virtual city created to optimize the educational process in the region. The idea is based on the introduction of the latest technologies in the field of education. Virtual communication with teachers is available on the website; parents can view their student’s electronic diary and receive information about attendance. Almost all educational institutions of the region are represented on the “Network City” website. Also through this site you can find out the schedule of classes and events that will take place in the class or school.


Natural complexes are extremely popular in the region. Every year many tourists come to the Sokhondninsky and Daursky nature reserves. There are such attractions as the Charsky Sands tract, Lamsky town, and the Polosatik rock.

Buddhist centers are of great interest to tourists. Their age exceeds 200 years. It is here that the most ancient architectural monuments of the Buryat people have been preserved. It will be interesting for tourists to look at the building of the Tsokchen-dugan cathedral temple, as well as numerous incense burners. Tourists have vivid impressions after attending a service in the temple.

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