Rostov the Great - what to see in one day in winter. Kremlin of Rostov. Photos of attractions with descriptions.

Route 1 day Route 2 days in Rostov the Great Routes in stories and tips from tourists Where to stay Excursions Where to go from Rostov

A two-day trip is the optimal time to get to know Rostov the Great and a great option for a weekend after a busy week. You can spend your time comfortably, leisurely see all the main attractions of this ancient city, visit the immediate surroundings, where there are also many interesting things, and in the evening admire the sunsets over the famous Lake Nero.

First day route

Rostov the Great is called the Orthodox capital and the pearl of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia; its main attractions are Orthodox shrines. This is a small provincial town; any tourist, even a beginner, can get to know it on their own. We suggest the following walking route for the first of two days:

Ensemble of the Rostov Kremlin

You need to start, of course, with the main city attraction - the Kremlin. The Kremlin ensemble now consists of three parts: Cathedral Square with the Assumption Cathedral and the cathedral belfry, the Bishop's Courtyard and the Metropolitan Garden. The State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin" was founded on the territory of the Rostov Kremlin in 1883 .

The Assumption Cathedral is the oldest building in the city, built in 1508–1512; until 1788 it was the cathedral of the Rostov-Yaroslavl diocese and the tomb of Rostov princes and bishops. The cathedral is under restoration, but is open to the public; here you can see fragments of ancient frescoes. Climb the cathedral belfry , built around 1682 under the leadership of Rostov Metropolitan Jonah Sysoevich. Here you can see the famous “Sysoi” bell, weighing about 2000 pounds, named after the Metropolitan, and take beautiful photographs of the Kremlin from above.

Go to the Bishop's Courtyard, examine the interiors of the Churches of the Resurrection, St. John the Evangelist and the Savior on Senya and museum exhibitions, walk along the walls of the Kremlin, admire the views of Lake Nero from their height and be sure to take a walk in the Metropolitan Garden.

Rostov Kremlin Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Lake Nero

Rostov the Great stands on the shore of Lake Nero , the largest lake in the Yaroslavl region. The lake has a rich history; the first people settled on its shores around 4 thousand years BC. Leave the Kremlin territory and walk along the Kremlin wall to Lake Nero. Go down to Podozerka Street to the Vladimir Chapel and the Worship Cross by the lake.

According to the chronicles, the residents of Rostov were baptized by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who in 991 arrived on the shores of Lake Nero with his retinue and the Greek Metropolitan Michael. In 2015, on the 1000th anniversary of the death of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of Rus', a worship cross was erected on the shore of Lake Nero, and a chapel was built nearby.

There is a pier nearby from where you can take a boat ride on Lake Nero to admire the beautiful panoramas of the city, the Kremlin and monasteries. The best pictures of the city are taken on such walks. If they come to Rostov in winter, they simply go out onto the ice of frozen Lake Nero.

Lake Nero at sunset Photo: © bolshoy888

Rostov earthen fortress

There is an unusual attraction in Rostov the Great; if you don’t know about it, you might not pay attention. Look at photographs of the city from above, and you will see the star of the Rostov earthen fortress surrounding its center. This fortress is unique in its rare state of preservation: all its ramparts and curtains have survived to this day, and part of the ditches, as in former times, are filled with water. It entered world culture as a monument to the Old Dutch fortification system.

The Rostov earthen fortress was built by order of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in the first half of the 17th century by a Dutch engineer, “city master,” as he was called, Jan Cornelius van Rodenburg. This was his first work in Russia, later he built the forts of the Zasechnaya Line in southern Russia, the fortifications of Narva, Riga and much more.

The earthen ramparts of the Rostov earthen fortress, which is almost four centuries old, can be seen very well in the area of ​​the “Crafts Settlement” or near the Church of the Ascension .

Ramparts of the Rostov earthen fortress near the Church of the Ascension Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Leninskaya Street

Be sure to take a walk along the main street of Rostov - Leninskaya. This street appeared on maps of the city at the beginning of the 19th century and changed its name more than once: it was called Moskovskaya, since the route from Yaroslavl to Moscow ran along it, and it was Pokrovskaya because of the church that stood on it.

Pay attention to the signs on the buildings; you can use them to study the history of the city. The houses of famous Rostov merchants and entrepreneurs have been preserved on Leninskaya, because from the very beginning wealthy citizens, mainly of the merchant class - the Kekins, Malgins, Pleshanovs, Kuznetsovs and others - settled on this street.

For example, the poet V.A. Zhukovsky visited house No. 26 in 1837, and from the balcony of house No. 37 the Malgins (Polezhaevs) in 1858, Emperor Alexander II greeted the townspeople, who stayed here with his wife Maria Alexandrovna and daughter Maria.

You may want to visit the Museum of Rostov Merchants or the Pleshanov Estate Museum , which are located on Leninskaya. If you are traveling with children, they may be interested in the fairy-tale Frog Princess Museum .

Merchant houses of the 19th century on Leninskaya Street Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Spaso-Yakovlevsky Danilov Monastery

If you turn from Leninskaya Street onto Moskovskaya and then onto Engels Street, you will reach the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dmitrievsky Monastery , with a tour of which we recommend completing the route. This monastery, founded, according to legend, at the end of the 14th century by the Rostov bishop Jacob, is a center of veneration of two saints - St. James of Rostov and St. Dmitry of Rostov.

The oldest building of the monastery is the Conception Cathedral, built in 1686 by order of the Rostov Metropolitan Jonah Sysoevich. Next, in the years 1795–1805, a temple was built in the classicist style, dedicated to St. Dmitry of Rostov. The bell tower, residential buildings and the monastery fence in the classicist style were built at the end of the 18th century.

We recommend taking a walk along the monastery wall and be sure to climb to the observation deck on one of the towers, which offers beautiful views of the lake, the monastery and the Church of the Transfiguration, built in the 1680s and formerly belonging to the Spassky Monastery.

Temples of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Danilov Monastery Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

The following advice will help you plan your route around the city and decide on the time of your trip:

What to see in Rostov Veliky in 1 day

Rostov museums

Among the places where inquisitive travelers are advised to go in Rostov by reference books and guidebooks, the Kremlin museum complex stands out. In addition, the city has several other cultural and educational institutions with interesting exhibitions.

Museum of Rostov Merchants

  • Opening hours: daily, except Monday and Tuesday, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 60 rubles, citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 18 are admitted free of charge.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Leninskaya, 32. Transport stop "Children's clinic".

The exhibition halls of the museum, which is part of the State Museum of Rostov Kremlin, occupy the premises of a historical building of the 19th century that belonged to the Kekin merchant family. The interiors of the mansion have been carefully restored. The living room, dining room, office, boudoir look exactly like they did 150 years ago. The rooms are furnished with antique furniture and decorated based on old photographs. On the walls, in addition to paintings, you can see family trees of the merchant dynasties of ancient Rostov, portraits of merchants of the Kekin family.

Museum of the Rostov Enamel Factory

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, reduced price 50 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Borisoglebskoe highway, 3. Transport stop “Dobrolyubova Street”.

Enamel, a unique craft that originated in Byzantium and was perfectly mastered by local craftsmen, brought Rostov worldwide fame. Delightful Rostov enamels adorn the exhibitions of the most famous museums on the planet. The city carefully preserves the secrets of the craft, passed down from the 16th century. from one generation of masters to another. There is a factory here that produces amazing enamel products made according to ancient traditions. A museum was organized under her, which displays more than 2.5 thousand enamel miniatures - real artistic masterpieces. Guests are invited to view the exhibition and take a tour of the plant.

House of Crafts

  • Opening hours: daily in summer, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: admission is free.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: 2nd passage of Tolstovskaya embankment, 16. Transport stop “Sovetskaya Ploshchad”.

When you arrive in Rostov, be sure to visit the historical mansion, which once belonged to the family of successful merchants the Rykunins. Within its walls is now the House of Crafts, where connoisseurs of beauty can enjoy a real aesthetic feast. Here you should admire openwork lace, filigree wood carvings, delightful products made of birch bark, colored glass, luxurious tiles, enamel, and other masterpieces created by masters of decorative and applied arts. Those interested are invited to take part in a master class and make an authentic souvenir with their own hands. By the way, any exhibit you like can be purchased.

Route of the second day in Rostov Veliky

On the second day you can continue your acquaintance with the Orthodox shrines of Rostov the Great. You can start with the newest church in the city, where we recommend taking a taxi. By the way, the prices for this type of public transport in Rostov will pleasantly surprise you.

Sovereign Church

The temple in honor of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God in Rostov the Great was consecrated quite recently - in February 2022, and it took more than twenty years to build. Externally, the two-story Rostov temple, built in the neo-Russian style, resembles the Yaroslavl shrine - the Church of Elijah the Prophet.

On the first floor there is a throne dedicated to the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family, and on the second floor there is a temple of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God. The church can accommodate up to 400 believers.

Sovereign Church Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery

From the Sovereign Church it is not far to the Abrahamian Epiphany Monastery , one of the oldest monasteries in Russia, founded, according to legend, in 1080 by the Monk Abraham of Rostov on the site of worship of the pagan idol Veles. The main temple of the monastery is the Epiphany Cathedral, built by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1554–1555. It is considered one of the highest achievements of the Rostov school of architecture of the 15th–16th centuries.

The monastery ensemble also includes the gate church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built in the 1690s, the Vvedenskaya Church with a refectory, built around 1650, the fraternal and abbot's buildings, a refectory and a park.

Gate Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Former Rolma factory

From the monastery, go to the shopping mall and pay attention to its building. This is the former Rostov Linen Manufactory (Rolma) - a factory for the production of linen fabrics and yarn of various grades. It was founded in 1878 by the St. Petersburg merchant Alexey Leontyevich Kekin to provide work for the Rostov poor. A shelter and a school were opened at the factory. After the revolution, the factory was the largest enterprise in Rostov for a long time; it went bankrupt only in the late 1990s.

After reconstruction in 2016, a shopping and entertainment center was opened here, where, in addition to various stores of Russian brands, there is a cinema and a food court. You can stop along the route, drink coffee and continue your walk.

Shopping Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery

Next you can go to the Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery , located a few kilometers from Rostov. If you do not have your own transport, it is more convenient to do this by calling a taxi. This monastery was actually rebuilt on the site of the barbarically destroyed Trinity-Sergius Monastery, founded in 1427 at the birthplace of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Of the historical buildings of the monastery, only the Vvedenskaya Church, built in 1826–1828, has survived.

You should not miss this monastery, it is a very beautiful place with a long history. Here you can book a tour where they will tell you about the eventful history of the monastery or how the youth Bartholomew (the future Sergius of Radonezh) once met an elder in the field and complained that he was having trouble studying, after which he received many talents in mastering the sciences and an outstanding memory .

Cathedral of Sergius of Radonezh and a wooden chapel in memory of the 600th anniversary of the repose of Sergius of Radonezh. Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

For pilgrims and lovers of Orthodox architecture, there is still a lot of interesting things in Rostov. For example, you can visit the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Vspolye , built at the beginning of the 19th century. In this temple there is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness-Rostov”. And the small church of the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God , built in 1761, is the only one in Rostov that was never closed under Soviet rule and has preserved its historical interiors.

More details in the section Temples and monasteries of Rostov the Great

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Vspolye Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Rostov the Great has many interesting buildings from the list of cultural heritage, although you may be pleased by the condition of not all architectural monuments: Gostiny Dvor, Mytny Dvor, the Gymnasium named after A.L. Kekin, houses where historical figures and famous people of the city lived.

Take a look at the City Garden of Rostov, it is also a city landmark. This garden was opened in 1830 on Lake Nero “for the health of the inhabitants.” Although there is no longer a fountain in the park, there are beautiful views of the lake, and there is a good playground for children. In the garden you can admire beautiful sunsets and take good photographs; all conditions have been created for this.

Pay attention to the “Mobile Guide” signs on some buildings: using the instructions, you can listen to brief audio information about the history of the building and its creators.

Gymnasium A.L. Kekina Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

For more complete information, see the article Sights of Rostov the Great

Places for walking

In the city of epics and fairy tales there are many places for walking with children. In the City Park you can not only breathe fresh air, but also go on rides. This is a favorite vacation spot for Rostov residents and guests of this regional center.

City Park

  • Address: st. Communal
  • Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – 10:00 – 22:45
  • Phone: 8 (485) 366-05-91
  • Ticket price: free
  • Website: temporarily unavailable

In the City Park you can not only admire Lake Nero, but also relax with the whole family. It was founded in the 19th century. Previously, there was a garden with gazebos, a circus and a theater. After reconstruction, attractions for children appeared. Little tourists can ride on cars and carousels. Jump on a trampoline. There is a children's playground and a water pier on site. There is a cafe in the park where you can have a snack before other excursions.

City Garden // Rostov the Great

Routes in stories and tips from tourists

When going to Rostov Veliky and planning an independent trip, look into the stories and reviews of tourists who have already visited this ancient city. In them you can find information about the most interesting things in Rostov, which you definitely need to get acquainted with. This will come in handy when planning your own routes. The photographs will show you what the city looks like at different times of the year, which will help you decide on the timing of your trip.

Stories and reviews from tourists about a trip to Rostov the Great:

  • Winter fairy tale of Rostov land - photo album about the January trip from Lyudmila
  • My autumn golden Rostov - a story from Ena
  • Rostov the Great - report from Maria
  • Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery - review from Anna

Advice will also come in handy

What to bring from Rostov the Great

View of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery from Lake Nero Photo: © Lyudmila_Klyopova

All tourist reviews about Rostov the Great on Turister.Ru

More information about the city, its history, transport, weather, interesting events - in the general guide to Rostov the Great, as well as in tips on how to get there, what to see in Rostov in winter.

What to try

If you’re going to Rostov to get a touch of the origins of Rus', then, of course, it’s worth rediscovering Russian cuisine. Forget about steakhouses, pizzerias, sushi and grill bars, it's time to spend your money and stomach space on hearty and indulgent food from fairy tales.

Particularly noteworthy are the hand-made dumplings stuffed with fish, pike, for example, caught in the glorious Lake Nero. Continuing the fish theme, we cannot lose sight of the pike perch. It is recommended to try it in at least two guises - in the form of Rostov fish soup and a dish with a wonderful and meaningless name to the uninitiated, “telelnoe”. We advise you not to search the Internet for recipes and pictures with “telny”, but to come to Rostov and order a portion. This way the impressions from your acquaintance will be fresher and brighter.

The best way to become friends with Rostov fish soup is during the traditional festival of the same name. The “Great Rostov Ear” event takes place in May, being one of the important parts of City Day.

Local pickles are also praised, especially mushrooms collected from the surrounding forests. Some cafes even offer mushroom excursions with experienced guides. And what will help you quench your thirst in the ancient city is not fashionable and harmful foreign fizzy drinks, but native kvass, fruit drinks, sbitn and mead.

Where to stay

Rostov the Great is very popular with tourists throughout the year; during holidays and school holidays it is especially busy with tourists from neighboring regions. Therefore, it is worth taking care of accommodation for the period of your trip in advance, while there is a choice.

Hotels in Rostov Veliky are located mainly within the historical center of the city, close to popular attractions. Comfortable 3* hotels are in demand, such as Rozhdestvensky, Selivanov, AZIMUT or Ivan Tsarevich. Although there are no 4* and 5* hotels in the city, there are options for lovers of a luxurious holiday.

The interiors of a merchant estate of the early 19th century, recreated in the “Pleshanov Estate,” will help you travel back in time. Nature lovers can stay under the walls of the Kremlin overlooking the famous lake in the guest houses “On the Valakh”, “Khors” or “At Lake Nero”. There are also opportunities for quite budget accommodation.

  • Hotels in Rostov Veliky
  • Apartments and guest houses
  • Hostels

Remember also about the opportunity to save a little on your trip by booking accommodation on with cashback. Cashback promotion for Tourist. RU

Hotel “Ivan Tsarevich” Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Architectural beauties

They begin their acquaintance with the Don capital in the city center. It is not for nothing that it is called an open-air museum of merchant architecture.

Bolshaya Sadovaya Street

If you only have a couple of hours to visit Rostov-on-Don, go for a walk along Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. Rostov's Broadway is both a chic promenade and a collection of the most beautiful mansions in the Don capital.

Bolshaya Sadovaya Street

© Julia Alisova

Bolshaya Sadovaya is one of the main streets of pre-revolutionary Rostov-on-Don. Its history begins in 1781, and at the beginning of the 19th century, gardens were laid out in the area of ​​the avenue, hence the name.

The improvement of the most popular promenade today began in 1864, when a road was laid here, water supply and kerosene lighting were installed.

A little later, multi-seat carriages began to run along Bolshaya Sadovaya - an analogue of modern buses, and in 1901 the first electric tram was launched.

A construction boom on the avenue occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. The area between Voroshilovsky and Budennovsky Avenues was built up especially quickly; this part is still considered one of the most beautiful in the city. Elegant mansions bear the names of their owners, local merchants, and many were designed by popular architects.

Mansion of Margarita Chernova

One of the most notable is the mansion of Margarita Chernova. This beautiful house with a turret, and especially its legend, are known to every Rostovite.

House of Margarita Chernova

© Masha Malinovskaya

It is like a declaration of love from a patron of the arts to an artist. The mansion was built in 1899, according to the design of the architect Nikolai Doroshenko.

The owner was an actress and socialite, famous in the city, Margarita Nikitichna Chernova. The customer is a merchant from the noble Paramonov family.

It’s hard to believe, but at the time of construction the house was located on the outskirts of the city. Later, during the development of the avenue, it was a popular mansion in Rostov-on-Don.

The first floor, as was customary in the merchant capital, was given over to trading houses, but on the second there were the living quarters of the hostess. Balls, receptions, and musical concerts were held here. It is known that all rooms were richly decorated with stucco and frescoes. Nowadays, the “house with a turret” is a monument of cultural heritage.

City Duma

Just like the city council building. It was designed in the same 1899, but the architect was Alexander Pomerantsev, a famous architect in the empire.

City Council Mansion

© Julia Alisova

The City Council mansion is one of the most beautiful and most famous city attractions.

The construction cost more than half a million rubles - a colossal figure for those times.

However, the money was not spent in vain - the administration of Rostov-on-Don became one of the most beautiful both in Tsarist Russia and in our time.

Its Baroque façade, with stucco moldings, turrets, tiered divisions and decorative battlements, is noticeable from afar. Especially in combination with the bright colors that the City Council building acquired after the last restoration.

House of the Martyn brothers

Another diamond of Bolshaya Sadovaya that definitely needs to be seen is the house of the Martyn brothers. This is one of the most beautiful representatives of merchant Rostov-on-Don of the 19th century.

House of the Martyn brothers

© Julia Alisova

Its red brick lines are impossible to miss. The house was built in 1893 for a British citizen, Ivan Martyn.

The Martyn family was considered representatives of the merchant nobility; they owned factories and factories. The successor of the family, Georgy Martyn, became the US consul, and the official reception room was located in his living room.

The Gothic lines of the mansion are emphasized by a bay window with a pointed tower, rounded windows and spiers. Nowadays, a museum, the Sholokhov Center, is opened in the house; it can be viewed not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Rostov Musical Theater

The Rostov State Musical Theater is a monument not only of culture, but also of architecture. All thanks to the unusual design solution brought to life on the central avenue of Rostov-on-Don.

Musical Theater of Rostov-on-Don

© Masha Malinovskaya

The building of the musical theater resembles... a snow-white grand piano, with the lid hospitably thrown back.

The history of musical performances in Rostov-on-Don begins in 1869. Then visiting entrepreneurs brought touring operetta and cabaret troupes to the city.

The city's first opera house opened its doors in 1892, and Chaliapin and Rachmaninov performed here.

Rostov-on-Don is one of the oldest centers of musical life in the south of Russia. In 1919, the Rostov Musical Comedy Theater opened here, and in January 1931 it received state status. However, the musical theater acquired a beautiful building only in 1999. Since then, his poster has delighted Rostovites and city guests. You, too, take a look at the concert program, perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself.

Rostov Drama Theater named after. Gorky

The theater named after Rostov is very popular among Rostovites. Gorky holds the titles of academic and dramatic. This is rightfully one of the best theaters in the country.

Drama Theater named after. Gorky

© Julia Alisova

The history of the theater is solid; its foundation date is considered to be 1863. Construction of the theater building began in 1930, and 5 years later it opened its doors.

The original idea was the theater building itself; it resembles the lines of a caterpillar tractor, and is made in the constructivist style that was fashionable at that time.

The theater was badly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. Its expensive decoration with marble and granite was lost, and in the post-war years, reconstructed, it became much smaller in size.

However, this did not affect the quality of the productions - the Rostov Drama Theater has repeatedly received prestigious prizes and awards.

Read more: Theaters of Rostov-on-Don

Excursions in Rostov the Great

Rostov is a city with a centuries-old history and architectural monuments that tell not only about the events of past years, but also about the people who walked its streets. Many historical figures whose names are familiar to us from books have been here - Yaroslav the Wise and Yuri Dolgoruky, Ivan the Terrible and Sergius of Radonezh. In order to have time to see as much as possible in Rostov the Great and learn a lot of interesting things, it is better to use the services of private guides or travel companies.

For example, book a tour of the Kremlin, Rostov and the surrounding area at the State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin", which offers excursions "Architecture of the Rostov Kremlin, Museum of Church Antiquities in the White Chamber, Museum of Enamel", "Rostov Land and Rostov in the 7th–15th centuries" .

Excursions around the territory of the monasteries are organized by the Pilgrimage Center at the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Demetrius Monastery and the Missionary Center of the Trinity-Sergius Varnitsa Monastery. They will tell you a lot of interesting things about the history of the monasteries and each of their churches, and will also open doors to places where an ordinary tourist cannot go.

View of the Kremlin from Petrovicheva Street Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Where to go from Rostov

Near Rostov the Great there are several other places recognized by thousands of tourists. Estates, monasteries, museums - they all reveal the history of the region in their own way. Some are conveniently located on the Moscow-Yaroslavl road, while others are a little more difficult to get to.

Boris and Gleb Monastery

Borisoglebsky Monastery is a functioning Orthodox monastery. It is located in the center of the village of the same name, 16 km from Rostov on the road to Uglich. The monastery was founded by the monks Theodore and Paul in the second half of the 14th century, and the place was indicated by Sergius of Radonezh. The relics of the founding saints are located on the territory, as are the relics of St. Irinarch the Recluse. At one time, the monastery was a significant and rich spiritual center of the country.

The main part of the monastery buildings dates back to the 16th - 17th centuries. The oldest here is Boris and Gleb Cathedral . One of several domes has been preserved on it. Sretenskaya and Sergius churches are interesting , each of which stands between strong gate towers. The Church of John the Baptist is also noteworthy : the main volume is crowned by a belfry and a trio of thin domes.

Read more: Boris and Gleb Monastery

Sretenskaya Gate Church of the Boris and Gleb Monastery Photo: © Lyudmila_Klyopova

Goden Cross

40 km south of Rostov, in the village of Godenovo, in the Church of St. John Chrysostom, an important Christian shrine is kept - the Godenovo Cross. The cross is made of linden and is a relief painted image of Christ. Its height is about 2 m. There is little information about the origin: according to legend, in 1423 the cross appeared to shepherds in a swamp near Rostov. But its miraculous power is better known - thousands of pilgrims come to worship the shrine, and cities receive copies of it.

Next to the temple, which belongs to the courtyard of the St. Nicholas Convent in Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a monument to St. Seraphim of Sarov and a monument to the royal martyrs - the family of Nicholas II.

Read more: Church of St. John Chrysostom

Goden Cross in the Church of St. John Chrysostom Photo: © Lyudmila_Klyopova

Museum-estate of the Leontiev nobles

The Voronino estate is the estate of the Leontyev nobles, located 20 km west of Rostov. In the period from 1760 to 1917. it belonged to several representatives of the clan. Currently, its restoration is being carried out by a direct descendant. The manor house, family crypt, manor park with ponds have been put in order, and the restoration of the bell tower is next.

Tourists come to stroll through the park, feel the tranquility of the outback, visit museum exhibitions dedicated to the Leontiev and Suvorov family, and see a model of the original estate. Guest houses have been built for visitors and there is a restaurant. In winter, skates and skis are available for rent, and entertainment for the whole family is organized during the holidays.

Read more: Leontiev Estate Museum

Manor house of the Leontyev estate Photo: © maximy4

Baklushi Museum and Jam Library

Another place where the whole family is worth going is the Baklusha Museum and the Jam Library, located near the village of Semibratovo on the Yaroslavskoye Highway. “Getting caught up” is not as easy as it seems. Wooden spoons, although simple, have their own secrets, and certain customs and activities are associated with them. The guides will tell you about this as they walk you through the halls with painted spoons, and those who wish will be able to personally decorate the wooden blank.

The jam library, located right there, received special recognition from visitors to the tourist complex. It stores hundreds of jars of delicious delicacies and hundreds of jam recipes. Visitors will be told about the most unusual types of jam, reminded of those that have distinguished themselves in history and literature, and will also draw parallels with products from other countries. Of course, guests here will not be left without a tasting and the opportunity to purchase a jar of jam to take with them.

Read more: Baklushi Museum and Jam Library

Museum-Estate of N. A. Nekrasov

On the way to Yaroslavl, in the village of Karabikha near the Yaroslavskoye Highway, there is the museum-estate of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, an outstanding Russian writer, known primarily for the lines “Who lives well in Rus'.” In the period from 1862 to 1875. within the walls of the estate, as part of this poem, “Frost, Red Nose”, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, “Russian Women” and other works were written that emphasized his creative line.

After the Great Patriotic War in the late 1940s. the estate becomes a museum, the first exhibitions are opened, but the reconstruction of some objects is still ongoing. Visitors to the estate are introduced to the life and work of the writer in Karabikha, and are invited to admire the landscaped Upper and Lower parks; entrance to their territory, by the way, is free from November to April. The museum-reserve also conducts lectures and interactive classes dedicated to the work of the poet, and organizes festive festivities for the New Year, Christmas, and Maslenitsa.

Read more: Museum-Estate of N. A. Nekrasov

In the estate of N. A. Nekrasov Photo: © Irina Lebedeva


The regional center, Yaroslavl, can easily fit into the route around Rostov. The capital of the Golden Ring of Russia and one of the ancient cities of the country offers a lot of options for cultural recreation and entertainment. Among the most notable attractions of the city are the Volzhskaya Embankment with Strelka Park, the monument to Yaroslav the Wise, the Church of Elijah the Prophet, the Yaroslavl Art Museum and the Golden Ring show model. In winter, it hosts the “Main Maslenitsa of the country.”

What to see in winter in Yaroslavl

Andropova Street in Yaroslavl Photo: © dualia1

Monasteries and churches

Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery

Address: Engels street, 44 Telephone: 8 (48536) 7-43-69; (excursion service) Website: Opening hours: 07:00-19:30, daily Cost: free

Like the city of Kitezh, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery rises above the waters of Lake Nero. The monastery was founded in 1389 by Bishop Jacob, who was expelled from the city for pardoning a criminal. However, Jacob could not leave his native land, so he settled near Rostov. With his own hands he cut down and erected a small wooden church in the name of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Gradually, a community began to form around Jacob, which grew into a new monastery. But the real flourishing of the monastery came under the Rostov Metropolitan Dimitri at the beginning of the 18th century. To this day, the relics of the saint are kept within the walls of the monastery.

To this day, life in the monastery is in full swing: icons are being restored, vestments for the brethren are being sewn, prosphora is being baked and subsistence farming is being carried out.

Assumption Cathedral

Address: st. 50 years of October Phone: 8 (48536) 6-15-02, 8 (48536) 6-17-17, 8 (48536) 6-55-36 Website: Opening hours: 10:00-17:00, daily Cost: free

The Assumption Cathedral was once the cathedral of the Rostov-Yaroslavl diocese. The temple is located not far from the Rostov Kremlin and is united with it into a common ensemble.

Upon careful examination, you will notice that the cathedral's architectural structure is similar to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

It is known for certain that the temple was rebuilt several times due to numerous fires. The church acquired its modern appearance in 1512. However, it has not yet been possible to establish the exact date of construction of the temple. There is an assumption that the cathedral was built in the 12th century, as evidenced by the frescoes found.

The highlight of the temple is its baroque iconostasis, made in 1740. It is noteworthy that an exact copy of this iconostasis is located in the Goritsky Monastery of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky.

Avraamiev-Epiphany Monastery

Address: st. Zhelyabovskaya, 32 Phone: 8(48533) 6-37-12 (call 09:00-18:00), 7 (48536)6-40-05 Website: Yaroslavl diocese avraamiev-bogoyavlenskiy-zhenskiy-monastyr/ Working hours: 07:00-20:00. Evening service at 17.00 (weekdays), liturgy 06.30 weekdays, 07.30 on weekends and holidays Cost: free

On the shore of the picturesque Lake Nero is located another of the ancient monasteries - the Avraamiev Epiphany Convent.

There is a legend telling about the origin of the monastery. Once upon a time in these places there was a temple of pagans, the Monk Abraham of Rostov with all his heart wanted to guide people on the path of true faith and free them from idolatry of the pagan god Veles. One day a vision was sent to him from heaven, and he went to Constantinople. Crossing the Ishnya River, Abraham met with John the Theologian. The saint handed the monk a magic staff, with the help of which the statue of Veles was destroyed once and for all. In memory of that significant meeting, a church was built on Ishna in the name of John the Theologian, and on the site of a former pagan temple, the Church of the Epiphany was founded.

Over time, a monastery of monks arose around the church. To this day, life in the monastery continues.

Boris and Gleb Monastery

Address: Yaroslavl region, pos. Borisoglebsky, Sovetskaya sq., 10 Phone: +7 (48539) 2-15-41 Website : VK group : How to get there: by bus, following route Yaroslavl - Borisoglebsky

The history of the Boris and Gleb Monastery is inextricably linked with the names of several Orthodox saints. In the second half of the 14th century, through the efforts of the hermits Fyodor and Paul, the construction of a temple began here, and this place was indicated by the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh himself, with whose blessing the church was built.

The Borisoglebsky Monastery was a favorite place of the Moscow princes, so it never experienced a lack of funds and until the 17th century it was one of the richest on Rostov soil.

The name of the Monk Irinarch the Recluse, who lived here during the Time of Troubles, is also associated with the name of the monastery. In 1612, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin turned to him for his blessing as they set out to liberate Moscow from the Polish invaders.

In the Borisoglebsk monastery, more than one Orthodox shrine is still preserved; holidays and festivals are held annually.

Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery

Address: Varnitsy village Telephone: (pilgrimage service), +7-960-526-70-33 (reception of the rector) - call from 09.00-17.00 Website: Opening hours: 08:00-19:00 daily. Duration of the excursion: 45-60 minutes Cost: donations for the excursion: adults - 50 rubles, children - 20 rubles, minimum 500 rubles per group. After the tour - free tea with monastery pastries and honey. How to get there: by bus No. 108

The Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery traces its history back to 1427. Its founder was Rostov Archbishop Ephraim, who built the temple on the site of the former father's house of Sergei of Radonezh. Until the second half of the 18th century, the monastery led a miserable life, constantly experiencing material difficulties.

The main temple of the Varnitsa monastery, like the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Initially it was made of wood, but in 1763, at the expense of the Rostov Bishop Afanasy Volsky, it was rebuilt into stone.

With the advent of Soviet power, the monastery was almost completely destroyed. Only a few buildings with cells and the Vvedenskaya Church managed to avoid a deplorable fate.

During the years of perestroika, the monastery began to be revived. In recent years, large-scale work has been carried out to restore the shrine.

Interesting sights near Rostov-on-Don

Having arrived in the Don capital for several days, devote one of them to getting to know its surroundings. Natural and landscape parks, historical monuments, historical museums - the entertainment program can be very extensive.

Tanais Museum-Reserve

The Tanais Nature Reserve is the first and one of the largest open-air museum-reserves in Russia. Its creation was inspired by the ruins of the ancient city of Tanais, built by the Greeks more than 2,500 years ago.

Tanais Museum-Reserve

© Julia Alisova

The northernmost Hellenic settlement in the world was once very powerful, home to a thriving trading port that played an important role in the economy and culture of the Northern Black Sea region for about 800 years.

Today, only a small part of the ancient city has been discovered. Guests are presented with a necropolis, a Roman bridge, the foundations of a palace, a reconstruction of a Meotian hut and a Polovtsian sanctuary with a mound.

Be sure to check out the Tanais Museum. Its holdings contain more than 140 thousand ancient artifacts; the collection of antique amphorae is considered the most valuable. A walk through the halls of the museum will tell you a lot of interesting things about the ancient history of Rostov-on-Don.

Azov city

Another great plan for a country walk from Rostov-on-Don is to see the resort town of Azov, the oldest in the Rostov region. He turned almost 1000 years old.

Azov city

© Julia Alisova

It’s worth coming to Azov to immerse yourself in history. The Old Town looks charming, with its architectural monuments of the last century. Climb the ramparts of the Azov Fortress, the only one remaining in southern Russia.

Take a look at the Powder Magazine, a monument of the Catherine era, and be sure to leave enough time for a visit to the Azov Historical, Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve.

It houses one of the best paleontology collections in the country, including the famous mammoth. This is the only complete skeleton of a prehistoric animal in the world.

It’s nice to end the evening in one of the Azov restaurants; a good choice is the “Fortress Val” restaurant, with an excellent panoramic view of the fortress.

Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya

Anyone interested in the history of the formation of the Cossacks on the Don should go to the homeland of the Don Army, to the village of Starocherkasskaya. This is a real open-air museum of Don color!

Temple in the village of Starocherkasskaya

© Julia Alisova

The museum in the literal sense of the word - streets, temples, typical Cossack dwellings - kurens, galleries, the Ataman courtyard and mansions are included in the federal register of historical monuments.

In the vastness of the village, the Starocherkassk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve has been opened; it protects more than 50 thousand architectural and cultural monuments.

By the way, you can come to Starocherkasskaya either in the traditional way, by road, or by boat. From Rostov-on-Don, mini-cruises to the village are organized every weekend; in one day you will have time to admire the Don nature from board a boat and appreciate the ancient cultural heritage.

Loga Park

All fans of beautiful landscaped parks can be advised to visit Loga Park, located in the village of Staraya Stanitsa.

Loga Park

© Magdalena happiness

Loga Park is an excellent example of modern gardening art. Not only natural forms, but also interesting architectural solutions coexist perfectly along the park’s alleys.

Towers, fortress walls, well-groomed flower beds and ponds with goldfish, sculptures of fairy-tale characters, bridges and gazebos, a water mill - you will need at least 3 hours to explore the park.

However, you can come here for the whole day, have lunch in a cozy restaurant or have a picnic in the outdoor recreation area.

Read more: Sights of Rostov-on-Don

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