How to avoid traffic jams on the road south to Anapa? Trucker tips

Moscow - Anapa by car - today it’s easy!
And therefore, many, even those who have never traveled to the Black Sea coast of Russia before, will prefer to relax here in 2022. After all, almost every family has a car. And it’s relatively easy to get to the domestic south with your own car. For informational purposes, we are reprinting a review of a trip from Moscow to Anapa by car, which took place back in 2016. It seems that the information should have been globally outdated?! But in fact, little has changed and the information is quite relevant.

One of the most important things is that toll sections have been added on the M-4 Don highway. And in the summer of 2022, the most expected thing happened - construction was completed and a bypass of a narrow section of the highway near the village of Losevo, in the Voronezh region, was put into operation. Previously, this was a major bottleneck, creating epic traffic jams on the way south and back!

For reference: the distance Moscow - Anapa along the highway is about 1,500 km. You can get there in 20-22 hours depending on road congestion and cruising speed

This is without an overnight stay. But in fact, not all Muscovites spend the night on such a relatively small stretch. Although there are plenty of comfortable and modern motels right next to the highway.

Let's note the Full house guest house in the village of Rassvet, a little before reaching Rostov-on-Don. It is located at the exit from the highway, which ensures silence; inexpensive and cozy. During the season, places here can be booked a month in advance.

Note that the final point of the route was the village of Blagoveshchenskaya. Its location at the base of the protected Bugaz Spit makes it a favorite destination for lovers of “wild” tourism. However, for a relaxing family holiday, it is “just right”!

Travel time - early August Source of text and photo:

Word from the author:

On vacation to the sea on your own

During the holiday season, tens of thousands of compatriots travel to the Krasnodar region and choose popular Russian resorts for their summer holidays. One of the most tourist-filled coastal cities in the south is Anapa.

You can come here either by train or by plane, but many vacationers prefer to get to the resort on their own, believing that traveling to Anapa by car takes less time and is more cost-effective.

How to get to the sunny city

No matter where you have to go to the sea, most of the route to the Southern Federal District passes along the M-4 Don highway. Those who have at least once had the pleasure of driving along this road will be able to tell a lot of interesting things about hours-long traffic jams, accidents, the quality of the asphalt surface, arrogant traffic cops and other features of the trip.

To Anapa by car

The distance from Anapa to Moscow is about 1400 km. All travelers overcome it differently. Some reach the sea with a record travel time of 16 hours, while others may take more than a day to travel.

It all depends on how fast you drive, and this factor does not always depend on the professionalism of the driver and the number of “horses” under the hood.

To understand how to get to Anapa by car, you can use the Road Atlas or a navigator. The M-4 highway leads through several large cities: Tula, Voronezh, Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.

In order not to waste time wandering along city avenues, it is best to look in advance for the opportunity to bypass them along bypass highways.

Keep in mind that when driving around cities you will have to pass through several toll sections, and you will have to pay from 100 to 250 rubles for driving along them.

The most stressful section of the road to Anapa begins from Rostov-on-Don. Despite the fact that almost the entire length of the highway has four lanes (two lanes in each direction), the large flow of cars and trucks forces the speed to be reduced.

Traffic jams often form at narrowing points on the highway, and “no overtaking” signs, which in some sections alternate in different directions, cause the formation of long lines of traffic.

Swimming and beaches

In Blagoveshchenskaya, from the moment of our arrival until our departure, there was mud in the sea. Fortunately, it doesn't stink, as some people write. The mud ended fifteen to twenty meters from the shore.

Many adults simply swam away from the shore, and children had to swim in it. However, the water in Blagoveshchenskaya sea, despite the presence of mud near the shore, is at least visually better than in Sukko or Taman. Reviews from vacationers in Anapa regarding the beaches and sea, by the way, are also not so hot.

Dolphins swim into Blagoveshchenskaya almost every morning from 9 to 12. We saw jellyfish in the sea only during a boat trip. Several times I saw some fish fry in the sea. In any, even the most abandoned pond in the Moscow region, there are several orders of magnitude more fish (small things). I even bought a diving mask, hoping to catch at least one crab to show my child, but I didn’t catch one! Crabs need to be caught there in other places where there are rocks at the bottom.

  • Fruit prices are slightly cheaper than in Moscow. Among the local vegetables and fruits we liked were tomatoes, peaches, some varieties of grapes and melons. I didn’t like the local watermelons

Recreation center

I can’t write anything good about “Vinogradnaya” itself either. Its main advantage is that it is located just two hundred meters from the sea. It’s more convenient there, only in comparison, than living in tents.

The water in the showers and washbasins is also salty and mostly cold. As a result, on the penultimate day, after taking a cold shower in the evening, I caught a cold. And he went to Moscow sick, from this “forge of health,” as it was written on the shabby facade of one of the buildings on the road from Blagoveshchenskaya to Anapa.

I would never go there again myself. But my friends, in spite of everything, liked it there.”

Route from Rostov-on-Don: the most convenient options

The road to Anapa may pass through different settlements and you need to decide exactly how to go to the resort, passing Rostov, at the travel planning stage.

There are three options in total:

  • through Krasnodar and Krymsk;
  • through Timashevsk and Slavyansk-on Kuban;
  • through the village of Varenikovskaya.

The shortest road lies through Krymsk, but it is also the most stressful. Here you can stand in traffic jams for 3-5 hours, sweltering from the unbearable heat and wasting time on the road.

On the one hand, when looking at the map it may seem that this option is the shortest, but in fact, during the high season it can become the longest.

If you turn onto Azov and move towards Timashevsk and Slavyansk-on-Kuban, you can bypass all the traffic jams and get to the sea faster.

In terms of mileage, travel time increases by 40-50 minutes, but in reality the finish will be faster than those who stand in traffic jams on the road from Krasnodar to Novorossiysk.

Experienced travelers believe that the optimal route to the sunniest city on the banks of the Black Sea goes through the villages of the Krasnodar Territory. In Korenovsk you need to turn towards the village of Kislyakovskaya and follow to Timashevsk.

The road is deserted, often completely calm without many other road users. But you shouldn’t count on driving at high speed here - the road surface is bad, and bumps and potholes force you to constantly press the brake.

Travel from St. Petersburg to Vityazevo

Residents of the northwestern region of the country most often travel to the south, bypassing St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, and Krasnodar. From the Northern capital to Vityazevo is about 2500 km.

You can travel such a distance quickly and comfortably if you team up with friends and drive the car, as they say, “with four hands,” taking turns and not wasting time on rest and sleep.

If this is not possible, then it is better to leave St. Petersburg in the evening (at about 17-18 hours) in order to avoid traffic jams at the entrance and exit from Moscow by the morning.

This start to a trip to Anapa by car is suitable for those who have good experience of long trips and can easily tolerate blinding headlights and night travel.

The distance from St. Petersburg to the capital is 714 km. If unforeseen situations and forced stops do not occur, this distance can be covered in 9-10 hours. There will be a toll section at 114 km.

From Moscow you need to go the same way as described above in the direction of Krasnodar and Slavyansk-on-Kuban until turning to the village of Varenikovskaya..

It takes at least two days to travel from St. Petersburg to the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, so you need to pre-allocate the sections of the route that you need to try to cover without stopping and identify points where you can stop for the night, rest and lunch.

On the M-4 Don highway there are no problems with parking for travelers, campsites, motels and food outlets.

Online distance calculation

M4 fare

The cost depends:

  • what day of the week are you traveling (from Friday to Sunday fares are higher);
  • day or night, travel is carried out on a paid section (night travel time is counted from 0.00 to 7.00, the rest of the time the fee is at the day rate, which is slightly higher than the day rate);
  • how the payment is made, using a transponder or not;
  • what category does the vehicle belong to (passenger car, car with trailer, truck, etc.).

It turns out that the most expensive travel on toll sections of the M4 will be during the daytime on a weekend or holiday without using a transponder.

You can find out the cost of travel on the M4 on the official website of Avtodor, where you can also calculate the amount of payment for a specific section of the Don highway.

As an example, I will give the cost that I paid in May 2021 when traveling to the south. I was driving a car and paying using a transponder. For comparison, I will also indicate in the table the price of the same plots when paying in cash or by bank card.

TimeFee StationTransponder payment amountPayment amount without transponder
01 May 09:29Section 21 - 93 km in the Moscow region (PVP 71)162,00180,0
01 May 14:03Section 93 - 211 km in the Moscow and Tula regions (PVP 133)216,00240,0
01 May 15:01Section 225 - 260 km in the Tula region (PVP 228)108,00120,0
01 May 17:24Section 287 - 321 km in the Tula region (PVP 322)99,00110,0
01 May 18:03Section 330 - km 414 in the Lipetsk region (PVP 339)180,00200,0
01 May 18:52Section 414 - 464 km Lipetsk region (PVP 416/460 km)126,00140,0
01 May 20:19Section 492 - 517 km Voronezh region (PVP 515)72,0080,0
01 May 20:39Section 517 - 544 km in the Voronezh region, bypassing the village. Novaya Usman (PVP 545) 72,0080,0
01 May 20:39Section 544 - 589 km in the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region (PVP 545)99,00110,0
01 May 21:29Section 589 – 633 km (PVP 620)99,00110,0
01 May 21:40Section 633 - 715 km Voronezh region (PVP 636 km)216,00240,0
02 May 04:24Section 1091 - 1119 km Rostov region (PVP 1093 km)36,0040,0
02 May 05:25Section 1119 - 1195 km Krasnodar Territory (PVP 1184 km)90,00100,0
02 May 05:49Section 1195 - 1319 km Krasnodar Territory (PVP 1223 km)135,00150,0

It turns out that travel from Moscow to Krasnodar in my case cost 1,710 rubles, the transponder gave me a saving of 190 rubles. Not much, but for me having a transponder is not so much a material benefit as it is the convenience of passing toll points.

I got the same amount on the way back to Moscow.

The total cost of travel on all toll sections of the M4 one way in May 2022 was 1,710 rubles. (when paying using a transponder). Taking into account the return trip from Sochi to Moscow, 3,420 rubles. If I didn’t have a transponder, the fare would have increased by 380 rubles (3,800 rubles)

If you need to roughly calculate how much a toll road to Crimea or Sochi from Moscow will cost, you can use the amount indicated above as a guide. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that I drove some of the toll sections at night, when travel costs less. But at the same time, I traveled on weekends, when travel costs more than on weekdays. Therefore, specifically in your case, the fare may differ from mine, but this difference will not be significant.

This is interesting: a review of a trip by car to Sochi in 2022

Traffic cops on the road: how to minimize encounters with traffic police

There are legends about the M-4 Don highway associated with fierce traffic cops, numerous checkpoints and merciless extortions. There are 4 stationary checkpoints on the highway, when passing through which you may have to stop to check documents and often luggage.

To Anapa by car

The most dangerous post for drivers is considered to be the post in Tsukerova Gully. As travelers say, traffic police officers stop almost all vehicles with non-local license plates. But you can avoid unpleasant communication and waste of time. Here are some tips:

  • do not ignore the STOP sign before fasting;
  • obey the speed limit;
  • try to have a neat and cheerful appearance (due to red eyes and a rumpled face, traffic cops may force you to undergo an alcohol test);
  • try to pass the checkpoint at night (they stop less often);
  • do not smoke before fasting (it has been noticed that with a smoking cigarette there is a greater chance of being stopped).

If the level of fear from the upcoming meeting with traffic cops goes off scale, then you can slightly change the route to Anapa and go around the checkpoint, stopping at the village along Sovetskaya Street. Having turned onto Tsentralnaya, you need to follow to the T-shaped intersection, and at it turn left and exit onto the M-4 Don.

The road to Anapa is full of mobile traffic police posts with radars and employees’ willingness to empty the wallets of travelers and speed cameras, so observing the speed limit will avoid trouble.

The maximum speed at which you can travel along the M-4 is no more than 130 km/h on toll sections, up to 110 km/h on the Moscow-Voronezh section and no higher than 90-80 km/h on the Rostov section.

You should also know that it is the M-4 that is famous for the inconsistency of road markings and traffic signs. For example, “Overtaking is prohibited” can extend for several kilometers, and the markings are drawn intermittently. Follow the signs.

How to get from Moscow to Anapa by car: tips for beginners

Briefly about what you should be prepared for. You can also follow the topic or start a new discussion on the forum if you have any doubts or want to ask for advice.

  1. Think carefully about your route. Paper atlases will not hurt even if you have a navigator with up-to-date maps. Watch a video of a particular section (or even the entire route) driving through it.
  2. Prepare the car, “pack” it with everything you need from oil to a flashlight, and go through a technical inspection.
  3. A useful thing is a radar detector. Judging by the reviews, he saved me from meetings with traffic police inspectors more than once.
  4. The issue of nutrition is decided on an individual basis. There is no shortage of roadside cafes, but it is not a fact that the food everywhere is of high quality and tasty.
  5. How long to travel by car from Moscow to Anapa is also a purely individual question. It's better not to overestimate your capabilities. Others can travel 1,500 km in 17 hours, and some need a day with an overnight stay for the trip.
  6. For a long rest (overnight), especially in the evening and at night, it is wise to use equipped roadside parking lots or motels. Under no circumstances should you drive while tired or half asleep. The response to changes in the traffic situation in this state is reduced significantly, which is fraught with serious consequences. As they say, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  7. Try to follow traffic rules and, if possible, not exceed the speed limit.

TOP 5 reasons to go to the resort on your own

A car gives you more freedom when traveling, so for many this option is preferable to a dusty train carriage or an expensive plane flight.

In addition, this is a real adventure with many new experiences. The following arguments can be given in favor of choosing to travel to the Anapa resort by car:

  1. The journey takes less time than by train, even including rest stops and lunch.
  2. The trunk allows you to take with you as many things as you may need, including children’s toys, your own bedding (if you don’t want to use official ones), medicines, a stroller for a child, and warm clothes “just in case.”
  3. There is no need to take extra food with you (which often gets spoiled and thrown away on trains). All along the road to the south there are cafes and canteens, where lunch will cost 100-200 rubles. per person.
  4. Along the way, you can visit interesting sights in Voronezh (Botanical Garden), Rostov (Butterfly Garden), Krasnodar (Oceanarium, water park, safari park).
  5. Upon arrival at the place, traveling in your own car is more convenient and economical. You can visit the surrounding area, different beaches, see interesting places without overpaying for the services of organized excursions.

In addition, a trip to Anapa by car will allow you to kill two birds with one stone - see the famous sunny resort of the Krasnodar Territory and visit Abkhazia. Visiting the mountainous country with your own car will be cheaper.

Another significant advantage in favor of a car is the opportunity to bring gifts of Kuban with you from vacation. The trunk will fit the famous Anapa wine, all kinds of souvenirs, fruits, and even any number of shells that children love to collect on the coast.

What to visit during a holiday by the sea in Anapa 2022

There is an interesting ATV tour through the vineyards. The quadro-kutok is located in the village of Gostagaevskaya not far from Anapa. Here you can drive along forest paths, between vineyards and then taste the wine created here.

What to see during a trip to Anapa: Dolphinarium

The Dolphinarium in Anapa is the largest in Russia and can rightfully be considered one of the best in the country. Dolphin shows take place throughout the year, even in the winter months. The ticket price is about 700 rubles, and large families and disabled children can get here with a 50% discount. For an additional fee, you can also swim with dolphins, take photographs or use the services of a professional photographer; there is a diving service with dolphins.

There is also a terrarium, an aquarium and a penguinarium on site. The Dolphinarium can provide dolphin therapy services. Treatment is provided to disabled children, as well as children with various diseases of the nervous system, etc. As far as I remember, the cost inclusive of accommodation is about 45,000 rubles. and includes about ten lessons. Lessons can also be taken one at a time, but they vary from 3,500 to 7,000 rubles. Depending on the month, winter is the cheapest.


If you are thinking about what to see while relaxing by the sea in Anapa 2020, go to the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Gorgippia. The open-air museum of the same name is the pride and calling card of the resort. If you love history and archaeology, I highly recommend visiting this place, as it is located almost in the center of the city. The ticket price is 200 rubles, for children, in my opinion, there is a discount.

The fact is that Anapa stands on the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Gorgippia, founded in the Sind harbor in the 6th century BC. Excavations were carried out here, and now we can see ancient amphorae in the archaeological museum, rich in exhibits. Where there used to be a large trading city, architectural monuments have been preserved. The excavations here stretch for kilometers. If you love archeology, then you will love it here as it is the only open-air archaeological museum in the country. The address of the museum is Anapa, st. Embankment, 4.

Lighthouse in Anapa

Anapa lighthouse is one of the city's attractions. It is located on the Anapa Cape, and you can go to it by taking a city tour. I did it differently. I rented a bike and rode along the embankment all the way to the cape. The walk turned out to be quite long, but very interesting and healthy. I think that you can go there once to admire the views from the height of a steep cape and that will be enough.

Musical fountains in Anapa

The fountains were built right in the center opposite the city administration. The show is free and starts in the evening, after it gets dark. A water fountain performance begins to the accompaniment of music and colorful illumination, lasting until late at night. A lot of people gather, some leave, and new crowds of onlookers approach. So if you are with children, be sure to keep an eye on them so that they do not get lost.

Trip to Anapa: Lion's Head Castle

About 7 km east of Anapa, in the village of Sukko, a castle called “Lion’s Head” was built. This castle also has a horse-riding arena where knightly tournaments are held. You will not see such a show not only anywhere in Russia, but perhaps nowhere in the world. Everything is so natural that it is impossible to take your eyes off. A real medieval knightly tournament, with costumes, armor, horses, etc. There are two performances a day, I went to the morning one at 10.30. The evening performance takes place after sunset under floodlights and is most likely why it is more spectacular. Ticket price is 500 rubles. per person. If you go by car, parking costs an additional 300 rubles. If you want to park your car for free, leave in advance, or by bus, or by taxi for 350 rubles. You can also ride along the Sukko Valley on an improvised medieval carriage, visit the torture museum and the Robin Hood shooting gallery.

Traveling with a child

Traveling long distances with small children is always more difficult and makes adjustments to the overall traffic pattern. In this case, how long to travel to Anapa depends on the age of the baby, and on how he tolerates the road, whether he sleeps or whether a stop at a motel or hotel is needed.

A child cannot experience restrictions in movement for a long period of time while restrained in a child seat or in a car seat. On the way to the south, there are cafes and gas stations with playgrounds, playrooms and other attributes of a “happy childhood”; you should not neglect to stop in these places and let your child run around, frolic and take his mind off the monotonous road.

Another piece of advice from experienced travelers is to stock up on new toys that your child has never seen before setting off. As soon as you get tired of one (and this will happen very quickly), you can offer your baby another.

For older children, it is better to take gadgets with games, puzzles, and books downloaded into them.

In the cabin of the car you should always have the most necessary medications, a supply of drinking water, lollipops if the baby gets motion sickness, snacks (cookies, snacks, muffins). But in any case, experts recommend stopping every two hours.

Features of driving a car in a sunny city

If you come to Anapa by car, keep in mind that getting around the resort is quite problematic. A large number of streets have only one-way traffic, and if you do not notice the sign in time, you can fall into the hands of a traffic police inspector.

The most difficult section in the city to get through is located in the Eastern Market area. Here the roadway is very narrow, and on the side of the road there are often whole lines of taxis, excursion buses and cars of vacationers going for groceries.

The traffic lights at the resort are turned off with amazing consistency and regularity, so it doesn’t hurt to remember what the traffic controller’s signs mean.

Local drivers are particularly arrogant; they start with squealing brakes, break traffic rules and drive recklessly. This is confirmed by the large number of vehicles with dents and scratches that can be seen both on the streets and in courtyards.

When going to Anapa by car, check in advance whether it will be possible to park it on the territory of a hotel, tourist center or private sector. The city has a large number of parking lots, multi-tiered overpasses and platforms. Prices per place per day start from 100 rubles. It is better to book immediately for the entire vacation period.

To Anapa by car

How much does a ride cost?

The cost of a trip to the sunniest Black Sea resort depends on how many kilometers you have to travel to Anapa. It is not difficult to calculate the approximate amount.

You need to know how much gasoline is consumed at an average speed of 90-110 km/h per 100 km and multiply by the distance from point A to point B.

To the resulting amount you can add a reserve for avoiding checkpoints and traffic jams, as well as food or overnight accommodation, if needed. The cost of one night in roadside hotels on the Rostov M-4 Don highway ranges from 600 rubles. up to 1500 rub. per room.

Experienced travelers, when asked how much a trip to Anapa costs, claim that driving your own car with your family is twice as profitable as traveling by train.

If you take into account all the features of the road to Anapa by car, study the route and reviews from those who know the path first-hand, then the road to the sea will become a pleasant and unforgettable journey.

Holidays by the sea in Anapa: climate

The climate in this Black Sea resort is very mild and dry. There are no mountains here, only hills, so moisture condensation does not occur. The humidity is low, which is extremely favorable for children's recreation and people who do not tolerate high temperatures very well. The city is located at the junction of the continental climate, and according to statistics, there are more sunny days here than in other resort cities on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

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