What to see in Novorossiysk, its surroundings in one day, by car, in winter. Attractions

Novorossiysk is a relatively young hero city. It stands on the Black Sea coast, but is still not officially recognized as a resort. Its main character is determined by the port. This is a working city, which at the same time has a developed infrastructure.

Despite the fact that most tourists travel to Novorossiysk in transit, sometimes stopping for a couple of days, it has many interesting sights, there is something to see, and the beaches are not inferior in convenience and cleanliness to their more famous neighbors. Tourist attractiveness of Novorossiysk in winter and summer

The main flow of guests occurs in the summer. Tourists mainly use the city as a stopover point before heading to more popular resort destinations, but some stick around to appreciate Novorossiysk. From here it is also convenient to go on many excursions in the Krasnodar Territory.

In summer, as on the entire Black Sea coast, it is warm here, the temperature rises to 30°C.

In winter it is chilly, the temperature rarely drops below 0, staying around 5-6°C, the water is also very cold - 10°C. The windiest months are from January to March, at which time the wind speed reaches 6 m/s. In winter, Novorossiysk is visited mainly on business, as well as by tourists heading to the ski resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Temperature in Novorossiysk by month:

MonthDaytime temperature, °CTemperature at night, °CWater temperature, °C

Sights of Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is a port city, and most of the attractions are associated with the sea, as well as the military actions that took place on its shores. Almost all of them are concentrated in the center, so you can get acquainted with them in a couple of days as a result of leisurely city walks.

Admiral Serebryakov Embankment

Admiral Serebryakov Embankment is one of the most popular places in the city. It stretches along the coast from Novorossiysk Republic Street to Suvorovskaya Street. Its length is 4.5 km. The embankment was named in honor of the first mayor, Lazar Markovich Serebryakov.

It is located in the very heart of the city, and this is the place that is recommended to visit first. Walking along the embankment, you can admire the views of the bay, seascape and attractions that the central area is rich in.

One of the most famous is the monument to Raevsky, Lazarev and Serebryakov, who founded the Novorossiysk fortress. At Cape Love, named after not happy, but sad incidents that occurred here, there is a sculpture dedicated to the lost sailors.

Particular attention is drawn to the Marine Station, as well as the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov, rhythmically rocking on the waves. It was launched in 1951 and has covered more than 200 thousand miles. Now it houses a branch of the Navy Museum.

A little further along the embankment there is a touching monument to the Wives of Sailors. The sculptural composition “Dolphin and the Mermaid” brings smiles. Local residents claim that the dolphin is able to give good luck to those who stroke it.

There are cafes along the entire embankment where you can have lunch and admire the views. In addition, it leads to the city beach, where you can relax and take a dip in the Black Sea. Nearby is the Novorossiysk Water Park, open in the summer.

Memorial complex "Malaya Zemlya"

The memorial complex “Malaya Zemlya” was erected in memory of the military actions that took place on the territory of the city during the Great Patriotic War. In 1943, paratroopers landed ashore under the leadership of commander Ts.L. Kunikova.

The bas-reliefs depicting soldiers are dedicated to the brave paratroopers. Traces of battles - trenches, trenches, observation posts - are declared a part of history and are preserved in an unchanged condition.

The memorial complex is built in the form of a ship, which is partly located on land and partly in the water. Inside there is a gallery of military glory, decorated with bas-reliefs depicting soldiers who fought for the Soviet Union. Rising to the very top, you can see a unique monument - a heart-capsule, which contains lists with the names of fallen heroes.

Monument to the founders of Novorossiysk

A bronze ensemble of sculptures depicting the four founding fathers of the city - N.N. Raevsky, M.P. Lazarev, L.M. Serebryakov. installed in the center of the embankment. In 1838, Rear Admiral L.M. Serebryakov, Vice Admiral M.P. Lazarev and Lieutenant General N.N. Raevsky, at the head of the fleet, landed on the Turkish (at that time) shores in order to seize coastal territories.

Their plan was crowned with success, the Turkish defenders were defeated and the fortress was destroyed. New defensive structures were erected from its debris. When construction was completed, the new fortress was named “Novorossiysk”. L.M. Serebryakov, who became the head of the Novorossiysk port, remained to develop the occupied territories.

The monument is 4 meters high. It is symmetrical; sculptures of the three founders of the city are installed on a granite pedestal. They are made carefully, with special attention to detail: appearance, clothing - everything is depicted down to the smallest detail. Two cannons complete the composition. Important dates in the history of Novorossiysk are immortalized on bronze slabs.

Stele-fountain “Naval Glory of Russia”

In honor of the heroes who won Russia's maritime glory, a stele was erected on the embankment. Its height is 7 m. An angel holding a three-masted ship in his hands looks down on the residents and guests of the city.

The monument is made of granite. Inside there is a core made of reinforcement. The stele is designed to withstand the strong winds that blow in the bay. It is clearly visible from the sea, and at night the granite column is illuminated, which makes it especially attractive.


The winery is located in the village of Myskhako near Novorossiysk. Its territory produces wines that can be tasted not only on the Black Sea coast, but also hundreds of kilometers away. Vineyards were first planted here in 1869, which marked the beginning of winemaking in the area.

Today “Myskhako” offers tourists entertaining excursion programs, which include not only wine tasting in thematic halls, but also educational and entertainment blocks.

The best attractions in the vicinity of Novorossiysk:

Memorial "Defense Line"

Memorial "Defense Line"

The heroism of the defenders of Novorossiysk is immortalized by the monumental ensemble “Defense Line”. The location for the memorial was not chosen by chance. It was here, near the cement, that the city’s defenders faced their death. Warriors of 9 nationalities repelled about 200 enemy attacks.

And now a reinforced concrete giant is located above the Sukhumi highway. If you drive from Novorossiysk, then on the monument there are 4 hands tightly gripping machine guns. If you enter the city, you can see the military awards of Novorossiysk. Nearby on a pedestal stands a freight car that took part in those heroic events and covered the defenders. Most of its surface is covered in holes from bullets and shells.

The best way to understand the scale of those events is to drive a car. Near the memorial there is a parking lot and an observation deck. Here you can bow to our heroes. At the same time, look at the city - interesting views open up from here.

Address: Sukhumskoe highway, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk

Opening hours: daily

Free admission



The village of Myskhako, where the winery is located, is actually a quarter of Novorossiysk. Just over ten years ago, vineyards dominated the area. Now the prestigious area is built up with villas of wealthy citizens.

The fact is that the winery, having a rich history - and its founding is considered to be 1869, has experienced difficult times more than once. It developed steadily, changing owners. By 2014 there were 800 hectares of vineyards. But the company went bankrupt, the territory was divided up by new owners who considered it more profitable to build housing here.

A smaller part of the vine was still preserved. And in 2022, financial support for wine production and energetic managers appeared. As a result, the winery is working and it seems that it may have a good future.

The winery has some good wines that you can taste on a tour. Those who do not drink alcohol are invited to walk around the enterprise, see the old cellars and the production process. And to end the visit, a great option is to visit the Cuvee restaurant located nearby. On the spacious terrace with sea views, signature dishes from the chef are perfect.

Address: st. Central, 1, Myskhako, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region

Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 19:00

Entrance: excursion with tasting - 900 rubles, without tasting - 500 rubles, children under 7 years old - free, children from 8 to 17 years old inclusive - 400 rubles; Children from 3 to 18 years old are allowed on the excursion route only when accompanied by adults

Official website : www.myskhako.ru

Memorial complex "Death Valley"

Memorial complex "Death Valley"

Located in the suburban village of Myskhako on the site of fierce battles with the Nazis in 1943. It was opened in 1974. The memorial consists of several monuments: Demonstration diagram.

  • Explosion - made from fragments of military shells.
  • Front edge.
  • Stone calendar.
  • Command posts.
  • Brezhnev's plane tree.
  • Well of life.

Visit a place sacred to every Novorossiysk citizen and pay tribute to the heroism of their grandfathers and fathers.

Address: st. Novorossiyskaya, 25, Myskhako, Krasnodar region

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Estate "Semigorya"

Estate "Semigorya"

If you want to see a piece of wine-producing Europe, but can’t get to Bordeaux, then this is the place for you. The modern winery Semigorya appeared 28 km from Novorossiysk. The history of this complex, in which you can find a Provencal-style manor, a children's playground, and a petting zoo, is very short - since 2008.

The owner of the estate intends to prove that local wines are no worse than European ones. There are now 4 varieties of grapes growing on the estate, from which classic wines are produced. And the service at the estate will satisfy tourists who have seen Europe.

In addition to walking through the vineyards and wine tasting, here you can fish in equipped ponds, where you can swim. The restaurant will serve you a steak made from marbled beef raised in the Kuban. If you like the estate, you have the opportunity to stay for a few days in a bungalow or apartment with a magnificent interior. “Semigorye” can be visited as part of an organized excursion.

Address: 20 km from the city of Novorossiysk on the road towards Anapa, Krasnodar region

Opening hours: daily

Entrance: paid depending on the excursion

Official website : 7gor.com

Orthodox complex "Holy Hand"

Orthodox complex "Holy Hand"

Located in a mountain gorge near the village of Neberdzhaevskaya. There are 6 springs here, considered holy, and Orthodox and Greek chapels were built near them. Equipped with a plunge pool.

It is believed that by taking a bath, you can be healed and find the joy of motherhood.

The place is popular among pilgrims. People come here for health benefits. Holy water from springs is popular. There is virgin nature around and you can organize a great picnic.

Address: Krymsk, Krasnodar region; GPS: 44°46'54.5″N 37°52'06.0″E

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 19:00

Free admission

Equestrian theater

Equestrian theater

The indoor equestrian theater is located in the village of Abrau-Durso. Its arena hosts theatrical performances on horseback. The most popular performance is about ancient Rome, where, in addition to virtuoso horse riding, you can see war chariots. Spectators also love the play about the Kuban Cossacks. Visitors who wish can take riding lessons.

This unusual city attraction will bring a lot of positive emotions. And some will even learn to stay in the saddle.

Address: Abrau-Durso village, st. Korolenko, 16a, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk

Opening hours: from May to September from 10:00 to 21:00 seven days a week; from October to April

Opening hours: from May to September from 10:00 to 21:00 seven days a week; from October to April from 10:00 to 18:00 seven days a week

Entrance: adult - 700 rubles, children - 500 rubles, children under 4 years old - free

Official website : https://www.ksk-russia.ru



The rural district of Abrau-Dyurso consists of two villages. The village of Abrau is located a few kilometers from the sea. Local attractions include a mountain lake and a champagne factory. The village of Durso is located on the sea coast. There are beautiful views of the mountains and beaches. Excellent infrastructure for recreation.

You can come to Abrau-Durso on vacation. If you choose Abrau, it is more convenient to get acquainted with the production of champagne, walk through the vineyards and swim in the lake. By choosing Durso, you will get a complete vacation on the sea coast. And it’s very close to the champagne wine factory.

Address: Abrau-Durso, Krasnodar region; GPS: 44.70137, 37.59993

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Lake Abrau

Lake Abrau

The lake is the largest freshwater reservoir in the Krasnodar Territory. Its length is 3 km, width 0.6 - 0.9 km, and greatest depth 11 m. It has been considered a natural monument for about 40 years. In summer, the lake is excellent for swimming, warming up to 25-28o C. An excellent infrastructure has been formed on the shore.

Coming here on vacation, you can have a good time, combining a beach holiday with visiting various attractions, the choice of which is offered in a wide range.

Address: lake Abrau, Krasnodar region; GPS: 44.69918, 37.59165

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Observation deck "Seven Winds"

Observation deck "Seven Winds"

In the vicinity of Novorossiysk there is a place where people go up to admire the city. Its neighborhoods on the shores of Tsemes Bay, framed by mountains, are worth a look at them from the Seven Winds observation deck on St. Andrew's Pass. Unfortunately, unlike the embankment, which is focused on people, they are trying to make the observation deck inaccessible to them. Previously, you could drive here, but now the road is blocked and you have to walk.

"Seven Winds" was known for its restaurant and gang warfare. Now only ruins remain of the restaurant, and the showdown has grown into legends.

And only the stunning views do not change. The Seven Winds observation deck is definitely recommended for visiting.

Address: Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region; GPS: 44.70905, 37.58441

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Architecture and monuments of Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is one of the few industrial cities in the region. Although it attracts tourists during the high season, this leaves its mark on its architecture. But there is something to see here, so Novorossiysk definitely deserves the attention of its guests.

Memorial "Border of Defense"

The memorial is located on the shore of Tsemes Bay where the defense line ran - a conditional border that the fascist invaders were never able to overcome.

The most famous element is the “Shot Car”, of which only one skeleton riddled with bullets remains.

Above the road running from Krasnodar to Gelendzhik, there is a monument depicting male hands clutching weapons and orders. The memorial looks really impressive.

Fountain "Giving Water"

The original monument “Giving Water” is located near the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. This is a fountain, in the center of which is a statue of a woman with outstretched palms. There is a whole history hidden behind this monument, and it reminds of important events in the life of the city.

For a long time, Novorossiysk did not have its own source of fresh water. What supplies there were were quickly used up, so water was brought in tankers, to which crowds of people lined up with various utensils.

In the 70s, it was decided to build a pipeline. When the project was completed, a monument was erected on the embankment. Then a stream of water flowed from the woman’s hands, but from its impact the sculpture became unusable, and in 2006 it was replaced.

Monument "Exodus"

The “Exodus” monument was created in memory of the events of the Civil War, or more precisely, the exodus of the White Guards and the “Reds” who supported them from the city. The monument is based on a scene from the film “Two Comrades Served,” in which Vladimir Vysotsky’s hero kills his horse, which rushed into the sea after a ship.

The monument was erected in 2003. The author was Alexander Suvorov.

City Palace of Culture building

What to see in Novorossiysk when you have free time will help you determine the list of the main attractions of the city. You can pay attention to theatrical performances. The Palace of Culture is a worthy representative of the Stalinist Empire style, which makes it an iconic landmark.

It was erected according to the design of K.M. Mikhailov in the 50s of the 20th century. Mainly, the Palace of Culture hosts performances, concerts, performances and exhibitions - events designed to attract the attention of residents and guests of the city to art and creativity.

Sculptural composition “Girl on a Dolphin”

There is a very beautiful monument on the embankment of Novorossiysk. A large boulder is crowned with a stylized wave on which a dolphin flies, and a girl sits on his back. She carries herself confidently, her hair flutters, her gaze is directed into the distance.

Officially, the composition is called “Girl on a Dolphin.” She soon fell in love with the residents of the city, and they nicknamed her “The Dolphin and the Mermaid,” although the girl has no trace of a tail. Following the residents, tourists also liked the new name, so the sculpture now has two of them.

Monument to Geshe Kozodoev

Gesha Kozodoev is a charismatic smuggler, the hero of The Diamond Arm. There was a rumor that one of the scenes of the film was filmed on Novorossiysk land, on the Sudzhuk Spit. It was here that it was decided to erect a monument that depicts the hero Andrei Mironov waving Lelik’s underpants. At high tide, the bronze man appears to be walking in the water.

After the installation of the monument, we found information that the scene was filmed near the Eaglet camp, but this is no longer important.


History of Novorossiysk

Researchers believe that the Sinds, one of the many tribes of the Northern Black Sea region, who appeared here in the 6th century BC, were the first to develop the shores of Tsemes Bay.
e. The Sinds, who had close trade and cultural ties with the Greeks, are considered by historians to be the most Hellenized among other Black Sea tribes. Presumably in 480 BC. e. The state created by the Sinds, known in ancient times as “Sindica,” became part of the Bosporan kingdom with its capital in Panticapaeum (today Kerch). On the site of modern Novorossiysk, the city of Bata was founded, whose residents conducted active trade with the Greek metropolis, equipping merchant ships with grain and other goods to Hellas. In the 2nd century BC. e. Bata fell under the blows of the nomadic Alan tribes. These conquerors, in turn, were supplanted by the Circassians. They also gave the name to the natural harbor on the shore of which Novorossiysk stands, naming the bay after the Tsemes River flowing into it. The Adygs were constantly subjected to raids by the Khazars, who gradually pushed them into the mountains.

In the 9th century, these lands became part of the Byzantine district of Chersonesos. In the 11th century, the Polovtsians invaded here, and in the 13th century, the army of the Golden Horde invaded, and Tsemes Bay came under the control of the Mongols. In 1266, the ubiquitous Genoese managed to obtain from Mangu Khan, the protege of the Golden Horde in Crimea, the right to own Caffa (today Feodosia), which soon became the center of their colonies on the Black Sea. Having appreciated the Tsemes Bay, the Genoese built a fortress at the mouth of the Tsemes River, which they called “Batario”. They called the bay itself Kola Limane (“Beautiful Harbor”).

In the 15th century, the Northern Black Sea region came under the rule of the Ottoman Turks. This part of their empire was ruled by the Crimean Khanate, whose administration relied on the Tatar army, which, with varying degrees of success, kept the warlike tribes of the Caucasians in obedience. By the beginning of the 18th century, the khan's power weakened, and the highlanders became a real threat to the Porte. In order to pacify them, the Turks decided to build a fortress and staff it with reliable warriors - the Janissaries. The site for the construction of the fortified settlement of Sudzhuk-Kale was the territory in the area of ​​​​the former Genoese trading post. Its construction ended in 1722.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774, the Turks used Sujuk-Kale and the adjacent spit as a springboard for landing troops. But already in those years when the Black Sea Fleet did not yet exist, Russian squadrons came from Azov and successfully sank Turkish ships under the walls of the fortress. During the next Russian-Turkish war, Sujuk-Kale was occupied by the troops of General Rudzevich (1810) without a fight. But under the terms of the Bucharest Peace Treaty, the Russians left this territory, having previously blown up the fortifications. A decade later, the Turks themselves abandoned the ruins of Sujuk-Kale.

In 1829, according to the Treaty of Adrianople, which put an end to the next Russian-Turkish war, Tsemes Bay was finally transferred to the Russian Empire. On September 12, 1838, ships of the Russian squadron entered the harbor. A 6,000-strong landing force under the command of Nikolai Raevsky and Mikhail Lazarev landed a few kilometers from the ruins of the former Turkish stronghold. This date is now considered the founding day of Novorossiysk.

In September 1838, on the gentle slopes of the southern shore of the bay, the Novorossiysk (Konstantinovskoye) fortification was laid, consisting of a system of forts, blockhouses, earthen ramparts, ditches with drawbridges. Novorossiysk received city status in 1869; it remained the capital of the Black Sea province, the smallest in the empire, until 1920.

Soviet power in Novorossiysk was established in 1917, and in May 1918 Lenin took the initiative to scuttle the ships of the Black Sea Fleet in order to avoid fulfilling the agreements on transferring them to Germany. After the confusion and protests that arose because of this decision, some of the ships still ended up at the bottom of Tsemes Bay. Subsequently, many ships were raised, but only the Kaliakria returned to combat service, the rest of the ships were mainly dismantled for scrap.

In the summer of 1918, Novorossiysk came under the control of counter-revolutionaries and until March 1920 was the center of the white movement in southern Russia. In the conditions of the rapid advance of the Red Army, the White Guards who had accumulated in Novorossiysk began to evacuate en masse. The flight was accompanied by riots and panic. About 35,000 people were transported to Crimea and foreign lands on Russian and Allied ships.

During the Great Patriotic War, part of Novorossiysk was occupied by German and Romanian troops. They captured combat positions in September 1942, but were unable to advance further: the other part of the city was heroically defended for 225 days by Soviet sailors who occupied a bridgehead that became known as “Malaya Zemlya.” In the post-war years, Novorossiysk actively developed, receiving financial privileges and fame thanks to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, a participant in the liberation of the city from the Nazis. Novorossiysk has never had the official status of a resort city, but from Soviet times until today it receives tens of thousands of tourists every year.

Geography and climate

Novorossiysk is located in the southern latitudes of Russia, at the junction of three geographical zones - sea, steppe and mountains. It extends on the northwestern shore of Tsemes Bay, an ice-free bay in the northern Black Sea. The depth of this natural harbor reaches 27 m, its coastline extends for 15 km, and its maximum width at the entrance reaches 9 km.

Tsemes Bay is bordered by the hilly Abrau Peninsula and the picturesque relief Markotkhsky Range - the northwestern spur of the Greater Caucasus. The highest point of the mountain range on the territory of Novorossiysk is Sugarloaf (558 m), and within the city municipality the highest mountain is Markotkh (696 m). The Markotkhsky ridge is made of sandstone, limestone, clay, but its basis is marl - it is from this high-quality raw material that Novorossiysk cement plants make their products.

To the south and northwest of Novorossiysk there are two famous seaside resorts: Gelendzhik, which is only 40 km away by highway, and Anapa, located 53 km away. The distance between Novorossiysk and the capital of Russia is 1496 km by land, the time here is Moscow.

Novorossiysk is one of the few Russian cities where the climate is characterized as subtropical, close to Mediterranean. In winter, air masses of temperate latitudes dominate here, and in the summer months, sultry weather reigns. The hottest months in Novorossiysk are July and August, when daytime air temperatures often exceed +30 °C, and nighttime temperatures usually do not fall below +23 °C. During this period, the water off the coast warms up to +24…+28 °C. These same two months can boast of periodic natural excesses: sometimes thunderstorm fronts form in the waters of the bay, and tornadoes appear that reach land. Heavy rains are possible, which periodically cause floods and mudslides.

September in Novorossiysk is very warm. In the first half of the month during the day, the thermometer rarely drops below 25 degrees, the water temperature remains comfortable - at least +23 ° C. By the end of September, both indicators are approaching +20 °C. Rains are rare this month. It usually starts to get cold in Novorossiysk in the third ten days of October, when the daytime air temperature gradually drops from +15 °C to +11 °C, at night it is usually +8...+12 °C. The water off the coast cools to +16 °C by the end of October.

November in Novorossiysk usually marks the beginning of an unfavorable season, characterized by icy northeast winds called “bora”. They fall on the coast of Tsemes Bay when cold streams originating on the North Caucasus Plateau rush here, overcoming the Markotkhsky ridge. Air masses forming bizarre visible outlines approach the city from the mountains and are accompanied by heavy winds, the speed of which sometimes reaches 70 m/s. In a matter of hours, the air temperature can drop by 10-15 °C. Such winds usually plague Novorossiysk for more than 40 days a year, weakening by March. It happens that from several days to two to three weeks, Tsemes Bay becomes dangerous for navigation, and ships have to go out to the open sea during a storm.

The coldest month in Novorossiysk is January, when daytime temperatures usually fluctuate between +1...+6 °C. There are sometimes slight frosts at night, and snow falls extremely rarely. The breath of spring here begins to be felt at the end of February - beginning of March with a gradual warming of the air to +8...+10 °C during the daytime. By the end of April, the mercury columns already record +16...+18 °C, and from mid-May the air warms up to +20...+22 °C by midday. At the end of the last spring month, the water in the sea is still cool - about +18 °C, but by mid-June its temperature rises to +20...+22 °C.

Sights of Novorossiysk

For guests of Novorossiysk, the areas located on the western coast of Tsemes Bay - Central, Primorsky and Southern - are of interest. The northeastern shore is an industrial zone. There is a seaport, ship repair and carriage repair plants, and cement factories.

The calling card of the city and a favorite place for walking is the two-kilometer embankment, named after the first governor of the city, Admiral Lazar Serebryakov. Its front part is the austere Forum Square, in the center of which rises the slender stele-fountain “Naval Glory of Russia”. There is also a monument dedicated to the founders of Novorossiysk - Vice Admiral Lazarev, Rear Admiral Serebryakov, Lieutenant General Raevsky. Adjacent to the square is the Marine Station building, built in an original manner. Its left wing is crowned with a huge round superstructure resembling a “flying saucer”. Its huge panoramic windows offer spectacular views of the seaport and mountains.

Directly opposite the Marine Station building, the light cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov, which became part of the Black Sea Fleet in 1955, is permanently moored. This unique ship, superior in its parameters to many of the best light combat ships in the world, carried out military missions in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and provided assistance to the armed forces of Egypt and Syria in the 60s of the last century. After the collapse of the USSR, the cruiser was almost scrapped, but thanks to the active position of military historians, it was decided to turn the ship into a museum. It began accepting visitors in 2002. You can only get on the ship with a tour, during which tourists visit the upper deck, where the military guns are installed, and then go down to the lower deck - the cabins of the sailors and the captain, and the officers' rest room are located here. The cost of the excursion is 250 rubles per person.

Near the cruiser you can see a touching sculpture depicting a woman with a child. She personifies the sadness of separation from sailors leaving on long journeys and the anxious anticipation of them returning from their voyage. Another local landmark is located nearby – the sculpture-fountain “Giving Water”. The sculpture in the form of a sitting girl with water flowing from her palms is full of symbolism. Since its founding, Novorossiysk has never ceased to suffer from a lack of drinking water. It was supplied to the city in barrels, tanks, and even brought by tankers from Tuapse. In 1971, the first branch of the city water supply finally began operating, and in honor of this, a fountain with a sculpture was installed on the embankment. But 30 years later, moisture practically destroyed the monument; it was dismantled and rebuilt in 2006 from stainless steel.

The embankment is decorated with other interesting sculptures. Among them are “Dolphin and the Mermaid” and the dynamic, emotional composition “Exodus”, reminiscent of the tragic events of the Civil War, when the remnants of the White Guard were forced to leave their homeland. The sculptural composition is based on a still from the film “Two Comrades Served,” preceding the sad ending in which Vladimir Vysotsky’s hero had to shoot his war horse.

To the north of the embankment, in the area of ​​​​Cape Myskhako, there is the famous memorial complex “Malaya Zemlya”. This monument, dedicated to the heroism of Soviet soldiers who fought for Novorossiysk during the Great Patriotic War, has an incredibly interesting architectural design. It is stylized as the stem of a landing craft that has rushed ashore at full speed. Its two supports, fixed on land and sea, converge at a 22-meter height, forming a kind of inclined triangular arch. At the left “side” of the symbolic ship you can see the sculptural composition “Paratroopers”, on the right – a bas-relief carved in granite, which depicts episodes of the battles for the bridgehead.

Inside the “cruiser” there is a Gallery of Military Glory with a multi-flight staircase rising to the “nose” of the architectural structure and then leading down. Walking along it to the sounds of dramatic music, visitors examine portraits of heroes and a series of granite slabs, on which the names of formations and units that defended Malaya Zemlya are imprinted in bronze letters. The staircase is topped with a sculptural composition “Oath” with a mosaic panel, the text of the oath and a gilded bronze capsule in the shape of a heart containing lists of the fallen defenders of the city.

From May 1 to September 30, the memorial complex is open from 10:00 to 19:00; the rest of the time you can visit it until 17:00. In winter, only tourist groups are accepted here. You need to pay 100 rubles for the entrance ticket.

The “Defense Line” memorial, located in the Eastern district of Novorossiysk, on the Sukhumi highway, is also dedicated to the events of the last war. It was at this line that the German troops were stopped. On one side of the monumental 40-meter stele, all the awards that the city has been awarded are depicted. On the other side, fists squeezing machine guns protrude from the wall. Nearby stands a shot freight car with ten thousand holes - such was the density of the fire.

“Line of Defense” is located near the cement plant, and in the premises of another enterprise called “Novoroscement” there is a Museum of the History of Cement. Ten halls display interesting exhibits demonstrating the development of the Russian cement industry since the 19th century. An entrance ticket to the museum costs 60 rubles.

The Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve has an impressive collection dedicated to the history, culture, and nature of the city. Its 150,000 exhibits are divided into thematic exhibitions. On Sovetov Street, 58, you can see unique archaeological artifacts, weapons, and military-themed exhibitions. At Lenin Avenue, 59, the exhibitions “Old Novorossiysk”, “Historical Gold and Silver”, and dioramas dedicated to local nature are presented. At Suvorovskaya Street, 13, there is an exhibition hall where about 2 thousand works of fine art are displayed. The structure of the museum also includes the house of Nikolai Ostrovsky (Vasenko St., 21). The famous Soviet writer lived here in the late 30s of the last century. To view each of the exhibitions of the reserve museum you will need to pay from 80 to 150 rubles.

Among the pre-revolutionary architectural monuments preserved in Novorossiysk, the most spectacular is the former City House (40 Sovetov Street). Built in 1908, it was intended for commercial and public purposes. The left wing housed the bank, and the right wing housed the city government. In tsarist times, this two-story building was considered one of the most beautiful on the Black Sea coast. Next door to it, in house No. 44, today there is a city library, and at the beginning of the last century this building belonged to the merchant Gury Larin. Within its walls there was a bank, a cinema, a cafe, and a pub.

A number of ancient buildings today house educational institutions. Thus, the former mansion of tobacco magnate Abram Yukelis, adorning Karl Marx Street, hosted students of the Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute, and the Technical and Economic Lyceum was located in the building of a men's gymnasium built in 1900 (Engelsa St., 52). The railway station building, built in 1898, destroyed in 1942-1943, and then meticulously restored in the post-war years, has also retained its original architecture.

On Vidova Street, 26, stands the main temple of Novorossiysk - the Holy Assumption Cathedral. Built in 1904, it was tested more than once: in the 30s of the last century it was closed, in 1942 services resumed here, but they were interrupted by the bombing of the advancing German troops that soon began. In the post-war period, the reconstructed church again opened its doors to believers, but in 2011 a severe fire broke out here, destroying priceless ancient icons, rare books, and the flames also damaged the interior of the church. The cathedral was restored through donations, and today services are held here daily.

Tourists who want to admire Novorossiysk from a bird's eye view can go to the Seven Winds observation deck on St. Andrew's Pass. Previously, you could get to the very top by car along a picturesque serpentine road, but today a whole system of barriers was installed 5 km before the site. It is impossible to get to the top without special permission or agreement; you have to leave your car in the parking lot and climb on foot. True, the breathtaking panoramas opening from the observation deck are worth it.


All beaches in Novorossiysk and its surroundings are pebbly. The most popular among city residents is the Central Beach, bordering Frunze Park. It is well equipped: there are canopies to protect you from the sun, changing cabins, drinking water fountains, cafes, attractions, a shooting range, exercise equipment, rental shops for beach equipment, and a water entertainment center. The beach is always clean, the pebbles on the shore seem to be specially sorted, the pebbles are the same size. True, there are also sharp, large stones at the entrance to the water, so many vacationers wear beach shoes or dive into the water from bridges specially installed here.

Next to the Central Beach there is a beach on the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. It is also equipped with everything necessary, but here, unlike the neighboring recreation area, there are no designated corners for children and no special places for bathing people with disabilities. The entrance to the water here is gentle, but the bottom near the shore is very rocky. The coastline of this beach is quite narrow, so there is no room for cafes and bars to be located here. However, there are enough of them on the city embankment.

From the boardwalk you can go down to another beach. It is called "Neptune" after the nearby cinema. It stretches for almost a kilometer and is quite extensive. This beach is equipped only with changing rooms and toilets; there are no showers. There are always fewer people here than on the two beaches described above, and you can easily find a secluded place.

The most popular beach in Novorossiysk is the “Sudzhuk Spit”, which occupies 800 m of the spit of the same name, separating the sea from the estuary. The water here is always surprisingly clean, calm and warmer than on other beaches, which extends the swimming season in this corner of Novorossiysk. The beach is superbly equipped, the entrance to the sea is smooth, then the depth quickly increases. Along the beach line there are bars, restaurants, cafes, and during the season there are discos roaring here until the early morning. Public transport goes to the “Sudzhuk Spit” from all parts of the city, and there is a large guarded parking lot at the entrance to the beach.

On the outskirts of Novorossiysk, in the area of ​​the Seven Feet yacht club, there is a miniature wild beach. This incredibly picturesque place is rarely visited, which is why it has long been favored by nudists.

Many good beaches, “civilized” and “wild”, are located in the immediate vicinity of Novorossiysk - the villages of Abrau-Dyurso, Shirokaya Balka, Yuzhnaya Ozereevka, and the Sukhaya Shchel tract.

Entertainment in Novorossiysk

In the very center of Novorossiysk there is a magnificent park, dating back to 1876. Today it bears the name of Lenin. Here, among the beautiful alleys and secluded corners, there are cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, and attractions for children and adults, including a Ferris wheel and a shooting gallery. The park houses a city theater and a 5D cinema, as well as a planetarium named after Yuri Gagarin, where educational and entertaining lectures are given by real professionals with inspiration. Children usually remain delighted after visiting the planetarium, as well as after a trip to the Sea Life Dolphinarium, located near the beach on the Sudzhuk Spit. During the season, there are daily performances featuring seals, sea lions and dolphins. After the show you can swim with the “actors” in the pool.

Connoisseurs of beauty should visit the Prima-Yug art gallery, which has earned the reputation of the richest and most professional fine arts gallery in the south of Russia. Excellent examples of painting, graphics, sculpture are displayed here, as well as ceramics, works of jewelers, and masters of applied arts. The gallery is located on Revolution 1905 Street, near the embankment.

There are several nightclubs in Novorossiysk, the most popular among them being Wonderland (Geroev Desantnikov St., 2). It has the largest dance floor in the south of Russia. The doors of many city restaurants and bars are open until 02:00-03:00, and in the karaoke club Air Music Hall (Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 229), you can have fun until 06:00.

The Dom Sovetov restaurant, located on Sovetov Street, 36/38, is open from 08:00 to 02:00.8) People come here to eat delicious food and dance to good music. Excellent cocktails are served at the Balance Bar, which also closes after midnight. The best hookah bars in Novorossiysk are called Bock (Novorossiysk Republic St., and Meduza (Pionerskaya St., 4-A).


Those wishing to indulge in full-fledged shopping can go to the Red Square shopping center (Anapskoye Shosse, 2). This is the largest shopping center in the area of ​​Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik. There are more than 200 stores on five floors, including branded ones, a children's playground, a cinema, and a food court. Nearby, on Anapa Highway, 39-A, there is another large shopping center - Bon Passage. The third popular shopping mall is located on Heroev Parasantnikov Street, 2. Prices for clothing, especially beachwear, in Novorossiysk are noticeably lower than in resort stores in Anapa and Gelendzhik.

To remember the seaside city, tourists buy original crafts made from shells and natural wine corks, jewelry made from pearls and the same shells, and magnets. Similar products are offered in souvenir shops on the embankment, in the park named after. Lenin and on Pushkin Alley, where you can also buy paintings by local artists that you like.

Among delicious souvenirs, the palm is held by Krasnodar tea, packaged at the factories of Adler and Dagomys. Local alcoholic products are also popular - champagne produced in Abrau-Durso and wines under the Myskhako brand. In the markets of Novorossiysk, which operate in all districts of the city, you can always buy churchkhela, fruit marshmallows, honey and nuts. “Living souvenirs” are also sold here - young yuccas, blue spruces, Pitsunda pines in pots. Please note that you should not dig up exotic seedlings yourself in green areas of the city for their potential transplantation on your summer cottage. This is punishable by serious fines.

Cafes and restaurants

There are more than 200 culinary establishments in Novorossiysk, the most famous, but also the most expensive of them are located near the coast. Guests of the city praise the Enik Benik restaurant, located on the embankment and famous for its dough dishes: dumplings, dumplings, khinkali, pasties with a wide variety of fillings. However, meat and fish dishes, snacks and salads here are also of excellent quality. In summer it is always crowded here, you need to reserve places in advance. On average, a full meal for two will cost 3,000 rubles, which is a bit expensive for Novorossiysk. At a branch of this establishment, the Eniki Beniki dough cafe, located nearby, a delicious breakfast or lunch with pancakes, cheesecakes, dumplings or dumplings will cost half as much.

The trendy restaurant with dancing waiters, Steak House Ribeye (2-B Tolstogo St.), serves excellent steaks (300-600 rubles/100 g). This place is also famous for its juicy New Zealand mussels and oysters. Another stylish establishment in Novorossiysk is Hofmeister Pub (Sovetov St., 51), which has its own brewery. Here, visitors are offered 8 varieties of high-quality foaming drink (from 120 rubles per mug), which is served with burgers (from 190 rubles), chicken wings, assorted meats and cheeses, and garlic croutons. The expensive and prestigious shell factory “Ivan Rakovar” (17 Lieutenant Shmidta St.) deserves special mention. The menu includes superbly cooked crayfish, shrimp with a delicious sauce, and snails. In the evenings they dine by candlelight, and on Thursdays guests are treated to free white wine.

Fans of oriental cuisine can go to the Vostok Market restaurant (Gubernskogo str., 26) with affordable prices. Here you can treat yourself to shawarma, kharcho soup, and shish kebab. The average bill for two will be about 1,500 rubles. Excellent pilaf and shashlik made from meat or lamb liver can be enjoyed in the colorful restaurant with Uzbek cuisine “Marmarit”, located on Tolstoy Street, 1. At the same address there is a cafe-pizzeria “Academy”. Caucasian cuisine is widely represented in the atmospheric Grand Balcony restaurant on the embankment. It is worth considering that they smoke here and serve hookahs, so it is better not to come here with children.

In numerous budget cafes and eateries in Novorossiysk, you can have a snack for 500-600 rubles, and a hearty lunch for 800-1000 rubles for two.

Where to stay

There are no more than 20 hotels in Novorossiysk, and the vast majority of them correspond to categories 1-3*. But in recent years, private mini-hotels and hostels have been opening here, becoming increasingly popular. Tourists who come on vacation with a group often prefer to rent housing in apartment buildings. Daily accommodation in a furnished one-room apartment equipped with air conditioning starts from 1,100 rubles.

In 2022, the first hotel under an international chain brand, Hilton Garden Inn, opened in Novorossiysk. It is built on the shore of Tsemes Bay, within walking distance from city attractions and the beach. The hotel, which has 130 rooms, has outdoor and indoor swimming pools, a wellness area with a fitness room and massage rooms, an excellent restaurant, and a bar with a view terrace on the 8th floor. You can stay in a Hilton Garden Inn room by paying 4620-8120 rubles per day.

Another respectable temporary shelter is the atmospheric Provence-style boutique hotel Imperial Hotel & Champagne SPA, although it is located 20 km from Novorossiysk, in the village of Abrau-Dyurso. This small hotel complex with a “wine spirit”, built on the shores of the picturesque Lake Abrau, offers guests both standard rooms and spacious elegant studios. On its territory there is a swimming pool, a lobby bar, a gym, a children's playground, and a unique Champagne SPA complex. The small hotel restaurant offers excellent breakfasts with red fish and champagne tastings. Accommodation price range: from 8,565 to 22,240 rubles.

In terms of price/quality ratio, the winners in Novorossiysk are the new 3*+ Capital Hotel (Karl Marx St., 44-B), where prices start from 4,030 rubles; hotels built in the Soviet era are “Novorossiysk” on the city embankment (from 3,000 rubles per night), and “Sofia” (Sovetov St., 56), where rooms cost from 4,190 rubles.

Among inexpensive hotels, tourists praise the Ocean, located within walking distance from the beach and the Malaya Zemlya memorial, as well as the one-star Dublin and the Central mini-hotel (both are located in the center, Vidova Street). The rooms in these hotels are modest, but clean and equipped with air conditioning. The cost of living is from 1800 rubles per room.

On Mefodievskaya Street, 1-A, there is a good hostel “Prival”. Its ten rooms can accommodate from two to six people. For a bed in a dormitory room they will ask 600 rubles.



Public transport in Novorossiysk consists of buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. They connect all areas of the city, running from 06:00 to 22:00 (buses), 23:20 (minibuses), 23:44 (trolleybuses). In 2022, fares were 25 rubles. In minibus taxis, after 21:00 there is an increased tariff - 30 rubles.

You can also travel around Novorossiysk by taxi (boarding costs from 50 rubles, each kilometer from 15 rubles) or use the services of private carriers.

Suburban minibuses depart from the bus station, located in the center of Novorossiysk, daily from 06:00 to 21:40. The movement interval is 10-30 minutes. Minibus No. 102 goes to Abrau-Dyurso, and No. 108 goes to Shirokaya Balka. Buses also regularly depart from the bus station connecting Novorossiysk with the cities and resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, and Rostov Region.

How to get there

Novorossiysk is connected by direct rail and road connections with the largest centers of Russia. Only from Moscow 3-4 times a day (depending on the season) from the platforms of three stations - Kursky, Kazansky and Paveletsky - trains with reserved seat, compartment and VIP carriages depart here. The journey takes from 22 hours 35 minutes. () up to 30-36 hours.

Traveling by train to Novorossiysk from St. Petersburg will last from 39 hours () to 44 hours (passenger train 227A). Trains depart from the Moskovsky station platforms once every 1-2 days.

It is convenient to find out the exact train schedule and ticket prices on the Tutu.ru website.

In the summer, train tickets to Novorossiysk should be purchased in advance, since its railway station serves as a transit point for holidaymakers heading to Gelendzhik, which does not have its own train station.

Near the railway station there is a trolleybus stop No. 6. They run towards the city center at intervals of 10-15 minutes, the route runs through Sovetov Street, Lieutenant Schmidt Street, and Lenin Avenue. A bridge crossing laid over the railway track will lead you to a public transport stop, from where trolleybuses No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 12-14 regularly depart. The trip from the station to the central areas takes 15-20 minutes.

Bus service between Moscow and Novorossiysk is served by several carriers. Buses depart from the capital's bus stations "Central" (Shchelkovo bus station) and "Novoyasenevskaya". The exact flight schedule should be checked at information desks at the points of departure. A trip to Novorossiysk from Moscow will last at least 22 hours and 20 minutes.

Novorossiysk does not have its own airport, so travelers from Moscow and St. Petersburg who do not want to spend a day on the road can travel by air to Anapa or Gelendzhik. Several airlines operate direct flights to the airports of these resorts every day.

Buses leave from Anapa bus station to Novorossiysk daily from 06:00 to 22:10. They follow a direct route or transit through Novorossiysk. The movement interval is from 20 to 55 minutes. The trip takes 1 hour 10 minutes. Ticket prices start from 95 rubles. You can get to the Anapa bus station from the airport by buses No. 102, 103, 105, 106, 112, 612 or by taxi, paying from 350 rubles.

It is convenient to get from Gelendzhik to Novorossiysk by buses departing from the new bus station located on Obezdnaya Street, 3. Many transit flights pass through it every day with a stop in Novorossiysk. Buses run from 05:20 to 20:50, the interval is from 10 minutes, the cost of tickets is from 98 rubles. You will spend from 50 minutes to an hour and a half on the way.

Theaters and museums of Novorossiysk

Art lovers also have something to see in Novorossiysk. This is a port city, a former Turkish fortification, an important point on the map. But people live here who are no strangers to beauty. Every year, dozens of cultural sites open their doors to visitors to share their beauty with them.

Cruiser Museum "Mikhail Kutuzov"

It was laid down in February 1951, and launched 9 months later. The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" has a rich history: it covered more than 200 thousand kilometers, visited Romania and Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Algeria, Egypt and Syria. Many great people visited its board, among them were Vladimir Vysotsky and Yuri Gagarin.

In 1992, the cruiser was expelled from the Navy. For a long time they decided whether to turn it into a museum or scrap it. As a result, in 2002 it dropped anchor off Novorossiysk and became a museum. It is open to the public and offers tours.

Cement Industry Museum

You can decide what to see in Novorossiysk before your trip by studying the city’s event poster. A unique museum that preserved the history of the creation and use of cement, as well as its role in human life, was founded on the basis of the large enterprise Novoroscement.

In the spacious halls you can get acquainted with the history of cement in Russia, with the mechanisms for its preparation, see what workers did and how they lived in Novorossiysk, starting from pre-revolutionary times. The exhibition in a separate hall tells the story of the contribution of cement plant workers to the victory in World War II.

The latter is dedicated to technology and modern equipment. Interesting collections and atmosphere will not leave anyone indifferent.

Historical Museum-Reserve

For a complete picture of Novorossiysk, it is worth visiting the museum-reserve. It is located on Sovetov Street at number 58. It displays more than 150 thousand exhibits reflecting the history of the city, the life of the townspeople and the natural wealth of the region.

Works of art occupy a separate room, located at the address: Suvorovskaya street, building 13. Here you can also see paintings by local artists. The historical museum-reserve also includes an exhibition of weapons and equipment of the Second World War, which is located on Lenin Avenue.

Novorossiysk City Theater

Novorossiysk Theater named after. V.P. Amerbekyan was erected in Lenin Park. At first it was just a summer stage, and only a few years later the theater acquired its own building.

On its stage you can watch classical and modern productions, as well as performances for children. The theater's playbill is always filled with guests from different cities. Theater troupes, musicians, and various shows come with their programs.

South Ozereyka

South Ozereyka is another favorite vacation spot for residents of Novorossiysk, which is still poorly developed by tourists from other regions.

The village is located twelve kilometers from the city and two from Shirokaya Balka. Unlike Shirokaya Balka, Yuzhnaya Ozereyka was not built on the seashore itself, but a little further away.

The village has a convenient, well-maintained two-kilometer pebble beach and several small wild beaches. On the central beach there is a diving center, as well as rental of sun loungers, umbrellas, catamarans, boats, and attractions.

There is a small private winemaking enterprise in South Ozereyka. Experts say that local wine is not inferior in quality to Myskhak wine, but is much cheaper. The village is also popular among sea fishing enthusiasts.

Not far from South Ozereyka, on the road to Abrau-Durso, the Rossiya Cultural and Tourist Complex was built with a riding school, where hippotherapy sessions are held for autistic children. Tourists from all over the coast come to watch the equestrian costume historical show "Rome".

Cathedrals and churches

In Novorossiysk, tourists can look at the beautiful churches, their architecture and decoration, and, if desired, take part in worship, which is only encouraged by the clergy.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The Holy Assumption Cathedral was founded at the beginning of the twentieth century as a cemetery Assumption Church. This is the only temple in Novorossiysk that was closed only for a short period of time and is still operating to this day. Its architecture belongs to the classical Vladimir-Suzdal school.

There are three domes on the roof, the fourth is crowned by a brick bell tower. In addition to the main temple and bell tower, the ensemble includes outbuildings, a wooden building and church shops.

The cathedral is located in the very center of the city, at the intersection of Gladkova and Vidova streets. There is a market and a large bus stop nearby, so tourists have almost no chance of passing by such a beautiful and significant temple of Novorossiysk.

Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator

Gregory the Illuminator is an important name in Armenian history. The Armenian diaspora gathers in the temple dedicated to him to offer prayers together. The temple itself is different from the Orthodox one and attracts attention with its appearance. It is clad in light brown tuff, which matches the dark ribbed roofs.

Many architectural details have special meaning: four columns - a symbol of the four evangelists, extensive windows reminiscent of the wings of angels, two floors symbolizing the duality of the nature of Christ. The interior decoration is amazingly beautiful. The walls are not painted with faces, but each symbol has a meaning.

The church is located on Sacco and Vanzetti streets, next to the hospital, school No. 32, and the park named after. Karl Marx.

Walking areas and architecture

Street of the Novorossiysk Republic

The beautiful and wide street is considered the main tourist attraction in the city. Neat historical buildings house cafes, restaurants, bars and other trendy establishments. Those who want to have a fun and tasty time are welcome here.

There is a pedestrian zone in the center of the street - it is preferred by those who want to take a walk and enjoy the views of the sea. The only (not counting the Kremlin wall) monument to Leonid Brezhnev was erected here.

Orthodox complex "Holy Hand"

One of the most visited attractions in Novorossiysk and its surroundings is located in a mountain gorge near the village of Neberdzhaevskaya.

In the picturesque area there are 6 healing springs, fonts, Greek and Russian chapels. The high cliffs that define the local landscape are called “Wishing Rocks”; candles in numerous niches are the requests of believers.

People come here to restore peace of mind and recharge with positive energy. The influx of believers increases during the period August 27-28 - the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Orthodox complex is also popular among picnic lovers: the views here are impressive in their splendor. A prerequisite is to pick up trash after yourself.

Heroes Square

The square is a tangible embodiment of gratitude and tribute to those who fought against the German invaders during the Second World War. In the center the Eternal Flame burns, there are memorial plaques and a mass grave.

The square itself dates back to the 1860s - then it was called Torgovaya. The shops and shops located here offered goods for every taste. In 1926 it was renamed Primorsky Boulevard, and during the war it was given its current name.

TV tower

The Novorossiysk television tower, located on the Wolf Gate pass, can be seen from almost everywhere. Its height is more than 261 meters, and it is the fourth largest in Russia and 60th in the world.

Construction of the structure began in 1986 and ended only 10 years later. The tower provides television and radio communications to nearby settlements. In addition, it houses equipment responsible for safe navigation, cellular communications and transportation of petroleum products through the pipeline.

You can't climb the tower, but you can explore it from the outside. In the evening it glows beautifully in the rays of multi-colored illumination.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The main temple of Novorossiysk was built in 1904, and already in the 30s it was closed by order of the Bolsheviks. Services resumed a few years later, but did not last long - the cathedral was destroyed as a result of bombing.

After the war, it was restored literally stone by stone: the walls and vaults were rebuilt, icons were brought from other dioceses, and artists painted beautiful frescoes.

However, in 2011, the cathedral suffered a new shock - a devastating fire. The believers overcame this test and again revived the shrine. Now the temple is open, holds services, and has a Sunday school and library.

Church of St. Gregory

The appearance of Christianity in Armenia in the 3rd century AD is associated with the name of Gregory the Illuminator. The church glorifying the martyr stood on this site at the beginning of the 20th century, but after the revolution it was blown up by the Bolsheviks.

The restoration of the temple began only in 2001, although the construction was considerably delayed. The author of the project, Honored Architect of Kuban Leva Avalyan, managed to create a church in the traditional Armenian style and at the same time introduce elegant modernist features into its architecture.

The entire structure is filled with symbolic details:

  • 2 floors refer to the dual nature of Christ,
  • 4 domes is the number of branches in Christianity,
  • 4 internal columns - the number of evangelists.

The height of the structure is about 30 m; in the courtyard of the temple there are khachkar stones with intricate carvings. The facade is decorated with light beige tuff brought from Armenia.

Where to go with children in Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is a large city with developed infrastructure. There is a lot of entertainment here not only for adults, but also for little guests. Parents can take them to a water park, a planetarium, or show them an exhibition of military equipment.

Planetarium named after Yu. Gagarin

Planetarium named after Yu. Gagarin is a unique place. This is the first and only such institution in the Krasnodar region. It was built in 1961 and dedicated to the first human flight into space.

The Museum of Cosmonautics is what is worth seeing in Vladimir with or without children

Visitors can travel through the starry sky, listen to lectures and even look through a telescope. True, access to it is opened only during significant events in the life of space. The program is suitable for children of preschool and school age, but adults can also learn interesting information. Fairy tales have been prepared for very young visitors.

Exhibition of military equipment from the Second World War

The exhibition of military equipment belongs to the Malaya Zemlya memorial. Military equipment from the Great Patriotic War is displayed in the open air. The exhibits are mainly Soviet-made: rockets, ship mines, bombs, tanks, guns and other equally interesting specimens.

The collection also includes a German anti-tank gun and the skeleton of an American fighter. Many exhibits were raised from the seabed. At the technology exhibition in Novorossiysk, both children and their parents will find something to see.

PKiO im. Frunze

Park named after Frunze arose at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the square that existed in its place was planted with trees. There is a monument to the victims of the undeclared troops, as well as the sculptures “Globe” and “Handshake”.

But the attractions are especially popular. Here you can ride carousels, trains, swings, and climb various slides. In 2016, a new Ferris wheel was installed. Most of the attractions are designed for children and operate only in the summer. There are also several cafes in the park.

Where to stay in Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is not the most popular resort town, so housing prices are much lower than in Gelendzhik or Anapa.

It is still better to book accommodation in advance, but the likelihood of cheap accommodation upon arrival is higher than in other cities on the coast. This is the dilemma.

Find out what part of the city the housing is located in. Not only the distance to the sea is important, but also the distance from the cement plant.

The entire eastern part of the city is covered with a layer of dust. This circumstance will spoil the rest, especially for allergy sufferers.

You can rent a double room in a small private hotel for a day for less than 1000 rubles . Here's an example: Room by the sea.

Despite the low cost, this hotel is located near the beach. There are many hotels of this type in Novorossiysk.

You can stay not in a guest house, but rent an apartment. A one-room comfortable apartment with the ability to accommodate up to four people will cost from 1800 rubles / day: Apartment in the center by the sea.

Similar proposals are common in Novorossiysk. Apartment owners often provide the same services as hotels. For example, airport transfer or bike rental.

You can rent an apartment with two bedrooms and all conditions in Novorossiysk for 5,000 rubles . For example, this loft.

Apartments of a similar level in other cities on the coast will cost at least one and a half times more.

You can search for accommodation options not only on Booking, but also on popular ad sites - Avito and Yula.

City tours: routes and prices

The city center, where most of the popular tourist attractions are located, is quite compact, so it’s quite possible to get to know them in one day. The price of a walking tour is about 400 rubles. The price of a sightseeing tour by bus is 600-700 rubles. It is recommended to start the tour from the bus station and end behind the beach, on the sad Cape of Love.

This is what such a route looks like:

  1. Novorossiysk bus station

  2. Assumption Cathedral
  3. Market
  4. Monument to Pushkin
  5. Man walking through the city
  6. Eternal flame
  7. Marine Station
  8. Cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"
  9. Sculpture "Sailor"
  10. Monument to the “Unknown Sailor”
  11. Monument to the Dead Sailors
  12. Cape of Love

The guide will tell you what to see in Novorossiysk, and will also tell you about the history of the city, its role in the Soviet Union and modern Russia, the history of the construction of architectural monuments and sculptural ensembles. A separate day is worth dedicating to museums, the Malaya Zemlya monument, and parks in the city center.

Routes around Novorossiysk for short and long stays

If you only have a day to explore the city, then it is better to spend it along the so-called “postcard routes”. You can start from the Holy Assumption Cathedral, and then through Lenin and Frunze parks go to the Embankment and get acquainted with the sculptures “Girl on a Dolphin” and “Giving Water”. After which you should definitely visit the cruiser “Mikhail Kutuzov”. You can end this short excursion tour at Victory Square.

If you have three days left, then to this list you can add Tsemes Bay with its beaches, as well as wine.

A week will be more than enough to explore the cities. And one of the days is worth dedicating to getting acquainted with contemporary art at the Einsteinium Museum and the Prima-South art gallery. If you are lucky and there is a premiere or touring production at the theater, you can try your luck to get tickets. Another destination for tourists who have a few days left is the Abrau-Durso sparkling wine or wine factory.

During the holiday season, exploring the city will have to be coordinated with swimming in the sea

Champagne wine factory "Abrau-Durso"

The production of sparkling wines in the village of Abrau-Durso is the only one in Russia. The plant is located 15 km from the city, in the village of Abrau-Dyurso, which got its name from Lake Abrau (translated from Circassian as “cliff”) and the Durso River (“four waters”). The estate of the royal family founded here was named “Abrau-Durso”. The “sparkling” history of the land began with the appointment of Prince Golitsyn, who was no stranger to drunkenness, as chief winemaker. During the Soviet period of history, the plant continued its activities, but under the name “Abrau-Durso state farm”. Excursions for tourists are held every hour. The excursion tour passes through the halls and only then into the holy of all saints cellars “Abrau-Durso”. The atmosphere in the wine cellars is mysterious and fabulous in its own way. There is also a store where you can buy wine and champagne.

Opening hours: June - September - from 11.00 to 21.00 all week, from December to May - from 11.00 to 18.00 all week. Tours every hour.

Tickets: excursion with tasting of sparkling wines - 900 rubles, with tasting of still wines - 850 rubles, without tasting - 700 rubles. There is an entertainment room for children during the adult tasting.


One of the obligatory points of the tourist route. The operating plant, which, by the way, today supplies the Kremlin with its products, occupies 500 hectares of land. Visitors are offered excursions of different numbers and programs with a story about the entire technology of making wine with tastings, as well as interesting master classes, for example, how to recognize a type of wine with your eyes closed.

Address: Tsentralnaya street, 1, Myskhako village, Novorossiysk.

The Kremlin is supplied with wines from this plant.

What to see in Novorossiysk on your own in 1 day by car. How to make a route

If you wish, you can repeat the main route that excursions offer:

  • You should start from the bus station, visit the cathedral and, if desired, the market.
  • Then go to the city center, visit the Marine Station, the cruiser, and admire the Admiral Serebryakov embankment.
  • Driving along the street. Tips, you can admire the monument to Pushkin and get to the Museum of Local Lore.
  • Following Lenin Avenue, you can easily reach the Malaya Zemlya complex and the exhibition of military equipment.

Novorossiysk has entertainment for every taste: an embankment for leisurely walks, museums, war memorials, cafes and attractions - all of them are concentrated close to the center, which makes it possible to see them in one day.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Natural attractions and beaches

Central Beach

The most famous beach of Novorossiysk stretches along the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. The shore is covered with small pebbles, the entrance to the sea is gentle, but the depth increases quite quickly.

In the center there is a concrete pier, which vacationers use for diving. And for children there is a small lagoon fenced off from the sea.

The beach is replete with entertainment for every taste: rides, trampolines, slides, banana rides and jet skis. There is all the necessary infrastructure, rescuers are on duty.

Tsemesskaya Grove

The main natural attraction of Novorossiysk is the Tsemes Grove. It’s easy to get here on your own, even by public transport.

The area of ​​the protected area is about 126 hectares. It stretches along the Anapa highway for 2 km. Due to the high humidity and proximity to groundwater, a special microclimate has developed here, atypical for arid mountainous areas.

The grove contains many trees and shrubs, including those listed in the Red Book. The fauna is no less impressive in diversity, as are the insects living here.

Lake Abrau

This is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar Territory (160 hectares), its depth ranges from 10 to 15 m. The water here never freezes, even in winter the temperature does not drop to 0°C, and in the hot summer months the thermometer averages +24. .+25 °C.

Figs, lavender, rosemary and grapes grow on the shores of the lake. The water is home to relict crustaceans, the endemic Abrau sprat and 15 other species of fish. There is a small pier for swimming. It is prohibited to use motor boats on the lake.


This beach is considered one of the best in Novorossiysk. The infrastructure is well developed: there are sun loungers, umbrellas, changing cabins and showers. Small shops sell the necessary little things for a pleasant stay. There are cafes and restaurants.

The shoreline is strewn with pebbles, the water is clean. There is a separate play area for children.

Wildlife Park "DoDo"

If you decide to visit attractions near Novorossiysk, go to the DoDo Zoo - near the village of Natukhaevskaya.

The uniqueness of this place is that cramped cages and enclosures have almost been abandoned here. Where possible, animals move freely across an area exceeding 10 hectares.

Llamas, ponies, camels, kangaroos, meerkats, lemurs, deer and other animals live here. Birds are represented by pelicans, swans, ostriches. The landscape of the park is thought out to the smallest detail, so a walk will also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Neptune Beach

Located behind the Neptune cinema, the beach of the same name cannot be called comfortable. The set of amenities is minimal: sun loungers, which are rented by local cafes, and toilets. Thanks to such relative wildness, it is always not crowded; even in high season there is a place to sunbathe and swim.

The pebble coastline is clean, as is the sea. The entrance to the water is pleasant, the bottom is flat, without large and sharp stones.

Abandoned places of Novorossiysk

Restaurant "Seven Winds" In Novorossiysk, on Andreevsky Pass, there is an observation deck from which a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings opens - the abandoned restaurant "Seven Winds". The history of the attraction is associated with the legend of the ghost of the bride. Read more…

Golitsyn's Dacha Golitsyn's Dacha in Novorossiysk was built in 1901. During the Great Patriotic War, the landmark was significantly damaged and has not yet been restored. Currently under the protection of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Read more…

Dolphinariums and zoos of the city

Like any seaside city, Novorossiysk has its own dolphinarium. Its location is Sudzhuk Spit. There is a large free parking lot in the immediate vicinity of the dolphinarium. The seating for spectators is very conveniently located. The show program is shown 2 times a day.

The show features dolphins and fur seals. The performance lasts 60 minutes. Any filming is permitted. The cost of a ticket to a show with dolphins is 600 rubles. Children under 4 years old are admitted free of charge.

The Novorossiysk Zoo "Do-Do" has been welcoming guests since 2007. On the territory of the zoo there is a pond where representatives of the rarest species of waterfowl live. The territory of the natural stream is home to cranes, pelicans and storks.

The large building of the zoo houses enclosures in which exotic birds and animals live, including Australian marsupials. On the territory of the zoo, tourists will be able to see horses of various breeds, camels and ostriches. There is a children's playground in the park. For adults, the ticket price is 300 rubles. Children's tickets are cheaper.

Holidays by the sea

Beach holidays in the city offer vacationers several options:

  • city ​​Beach;
  • beach near the Admiral Serebryakov embankment in Novorossiysk;
  • nudist beaches.

    Photo of the central city beach in the city of Novorossiysk

The city beach is located in the Central District near the Frunze Park, strewn with very small pebbles.

The beach is well equipped; vacationers here will be able to find:

  • closed cabins for changing clothes;
  • canopies protecting from the sun;
  • diving bridges;
  • specially designated area for people with disabilities;
  • children's swimming area;
  • rescue posts;
  • medical Center;
  • rental of any equipment;
  • cafe;
  • attractions for children;
  • boat trips;
  • toilets.

The city beach is open from 8 am to 8 pm. Free admission.

The beach at the Admiral Serebryakov embankment is located next to the city beach, strewn with large pebbles, and has a gentle slope into the water, which is good for families with children.

The beach is equipped with:

  • locker rooms;
  • shower cabins;
  • toilets;
  • equipment rental;
  • awnings;
  • rescue tower.

It’s easy to get to this vacation spot: you need to focus on the Admiral Serebryakov embankment, along which the beach is located. The entrance is free.

Very brave tourists can go to one of the nudist beaches located a few kilometers from the city. One of them is located near the recreation center called “Limanchik”. To get to the beach you will have to overcome several kilometers of winding serpentine road.

Another beach for immodest tourists is located in the area of ​​the Priboi tourist center, which is 9 km from Novorossiysk. The next nudist beach is located in the area of ​​the village of Kabardinka in the area of ​​​​Cape Doob. The distance from Kabardinka to Novorossiysk is 22 km.

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