TOP-27 - what to see in Reutov, Moscow region

TOP 4 - what to visit in Reutov in one day

Often, a tour of Reutov begins with the best attractions of the city. You can visit them in 1 day.

Museum and Exhibition Center

  • Address: st. Victory, 2.

The museum opened in 1998. The exhibition occupies several halls, each dedicated to a separate stage of Reutov’s history:

"Old Reutov" Here tourists are presented with documentary photographs with landscapes of Reutov in the 19th-20th centuries. You can also see ancient coins, awards, books, portraits of the heads of the city, its residents and benefactors - merchants, nobles, peasants. It is interesting to look at household items, clothing and documents that belonged to the ancestors of modern Reutov residents.

"Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War." The story of sorrow and deeds is fully revealed in this hall. The glass cases contain letters from the front, original documents, photographs, as well as personal belongings of the Reutov heroes. Among the exhibits you can see weapons, uniforms and relics discovered during archaeological research at battle sites.

The section “Reutov’s Labor Awards” tells about the labor exploits of Reutov residents in the post-war period.

“From History to Modernity” - a hall dedicated to mechanical engineering in Reutov. The exposition was created with the support of NPO Mashinostroeniya.

The museum actively participates in the social life of Reutov, organizing military-patriotic events and working with youth. At its base, search campaigns are carried out to find missing WWII soldiers and their relatives.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

  • Address: st. Victory, 3.

Construction of the monumental cathedral took place from 2008 to 2012. The building of the attraction is made in the Russian-Byzantine style.

The facade is decorated with numerous attics, pediments and gables, all of different shapes. The niches are full of frescoes with images of saints. On the upper tier there is an arched belfry.

The composition ends with a five-headed piece on light drums with kokoshniks. Before construction began, a bronze crucifix was installed on the site. Now it is located on the site behind a forged fence.

The church operates a children's Sunday school, theological courses, a charitable foundation, and instrumental and choral ensembles.

Monument to the bell "Reut"

  • Address: Lenin street.

The history of Reutov began with a signal tower, which was located on a small hill. There was always a sentry on top of it. Noticing the enemy's approach to Moscow, he struck the reut, the largest bell on the tower. According to the most common version, the city was named after this bell. Today the reut is depicted on the flag and coat of arms.

In 2005, Reutov celebrated his 65th birthday. In honor of this, a giant bell was installed at the site where the signal tower was supposed to be located. Sculptor Vitaly Kazansky decorated it with cast patterns, images of patron saints and a commemorative inscription on the sound ring. Since its opening, the Reut bell has been one of the “features” of the city.

Factory Pond

  • Address: Parkovaya street.

The Factory Pond adds a special touch to Reutov’s landscape. It has the shape of a triangle and is divided into two parts by a protrusion of land, which the inhabitants call the “peninsula”. Previously, it was an ordinary pond with green banks, but after reconstruction in 2022 it turned into the most popular park.

On the banks of the pond there are children's playgrounds with carousels, swings and spider webs. There are environmentally friendly sites made entirely of wood. Adults and teenagers enjoy spending time on the local sports courts. From one recreation area to another there are paved paths along which it is pleasant to walk or ride a bicycle.

The park's scenery changes depending on the season. In the summer, artistic flower beds bloom here, plank loungers are installed, and a magnificent illuminated fountain is turned on. In winter, trees are decorated with garlands, wire sculptures with lights are created, and a Christmas tree is erected.

Folk festivities are organized in the Factory Pond park in honor of the New Year, Maslenitsa and Easter. Festivals are accompanied by an animation program, competitions, tastings, as well as rituals, for example, the burning of Kostroma.

Another attraction of the pond is the sandy beach located on the peninsula. This is the only place for swimming in Reutov.

Local historian, collector and photographer, ProReutov employee Alexey Ovodov from Reutov digitized unique photographs of our city taken in the 1950s and 1970s. The photographs show Reutov as old-timers remember him. Alexey told interesting details about the works that ProReutov is starting to publish in this issue.

The photographer said that he has been interested in the history of the city since 2000. For more than ten years he has been meeting with native Reutov residents, visiting schools, museums, archives and looking for old photographs of the city. This time an acquaintance, Alexander Rodin, wrote to him and said that he had interesting photographs of his father, Igor Rodin, who was no longer alive...

“Igor Rodin was seriously interested in photography and the history of Reutov,” says Alexey. “That’s why unique photographs from ancient times that I was able to scan were preserved. By the way, his brother Yakov shares this interest and is a member of the Reutov society of local historians.

We asked our interlocutor to briefly describe the photographs he had digitized. Thus, one of the photographs shows a factory stadium located on the site of the current city-forming enterprise NPO Mashinostroeniya:

– When they began to erect new buildings for Experimental Design Bureau No. 52 (OKB-52), the stadium had to be moved to the site of the modern Start sports complex on Novaya Street. At that time, Rodin, who was born in 1941, was about fifteen years old. In addition, he was fond of football, and the photo immortalizes the stadium and one of the matches that took place there.

In the next photo we see the area of ​​modern Nekrasov Street and Severny Proezd - the place where the Vladimirsky Trakt construction market is now located. Previously, this territory was part of the village of Ivanovskoye. Young people, as part of labor groups, built cowsheds and new hangars for collective farms:

– There is a whole series of photographs of this particular territory. Particularly interesting is the shot in which horses are running against the background of cars passing along the Enthusiast Highway. The photo was taken on the site of the current Nekrasov Street, towards Balashikha.

The Rodins had a private house in southern Reutov, on the territory of the former village of Krutitsy. When they began to demolish it and build a new microdistrict, the family took a group photo against the backdrop of their future house, still under construction - now it is Yubileiny Avenue:

– Father, Igor Rodin, five-year-old Sasha Rodin and his sister are sitting by the small fire pond. The photograph is dated 1977, continues the local historian.

Here he goes to a photo taken against the backdrop of a field - this is what the wasteland looked like after the demolition of houses in southern Reutov. As Alexander Rodin recalled, then they began to build a new microdistrict, and in this photo Alexandra’s father and sister are sitting in the area of ​​​​the modern boiler room on Molodezhnaya Street, this is 1975.

Today, Alexey Ovodov’s archive contains more than four thousand old photographs of the city: starting with photographs of the 19th century, taken by the son of the owner of the paper mill Sergei Alekseevich Mazurin, Alexey, one of the first Russian photographers, philanthropist, member of the Geographical Society, and until the end of the 90s years of the XX century. Now Alexey is actively photographing the city in order to perpetuate it in people’s memory.

If you have old photographs of Reutov that you are willing to share, send them to the editorial office of the city weekly magazine "ProReutov" by email

The editors of ProReutov would like to thank Alexander Rodin for the photo materials provided.

Stella Mkhitaryan

Cultural recreation in Reutov

People in Reutov approach theatrical productions and concerts with enthusiasm and imagination. Tourists will have to visit wonderful cultural centers and see this from their own experience.

Business complex "Mir"

  • Address: st. Pobeda, 20.

The Mir Palace of Culture houses company offices and hosts business meetings, but this is only one side of the coin.

The complex operates various creative groups, including a folk dance ensemble, a school of guitarists, folklore and vocal associations, as well as an Irish dance ensemble. Performances by circle participants take place in the concert hall. Tourists learn news about new performances from the catchy posters of the Mira Palace of Culture.

The park adjacent to the complex is no less popular. There are children's playgrounds where competitions and games are held in the summer.

Children's musical theater

  • Address: South street, 5.

The Reutov Children's Musical Theater was founded in 1996, becoming the first experimental educational institution in the Moscow region. He gave children the opportunity to learn choreography, singing, playing musical instruments and acting.

The performances organized in the theater are very popular among citizens and tourists. There is a cozy, festive atmosphere here, and it is interesting to follow what is happening on stage thanks to the enthusiasm and talent of the children.

Science town

Reutov is a city located 18 km from Moscow if you drive along the highway. Reutov has his pros and cons. However, reviews from those who moved for permanent residence 2021 will help you understand the nuances.

Victor, 54 years old:

In recent years, my wife began to suffer from female problems. We moved to Reutov because gynecology is praised in this city. In general, as we noticed, many doctors here are professionals. I myself visited dentists and a surgeon (on a finger) during my stay. I praise medicine.

To be honest, I didn’t have time to explore the city itself. With sores, they did not appreciate the infrastructure. However, I’ll tell you about what caught my eye. There are parks in the city. We like to walk in them. I haven't found any cons yet.

Andrey, 29 years old:

I moved to Reutov in the winter of 2022, after the January holidays passed. I can say one thing: the city is cool, although smaller than the one I came from. Of course, you won’t earn much in Reutov, but the city is close to Moscow!

Korney, 57 years old:

I bought an apartment (my parents helped, and I also had some savings) in Reutov. I can say that the area is quiet, and Moscow is almost a stone's throw away. I have a car, so I have no difficulty in covering a distance of 18 km every day.

If you are focused on earning money, then feel free to move here for permanent residence. You can go to Moscow to work. But in terms of the beauty of the city, I won’t say anything. My Balakovo was many times more beautiful, and that even makes me sad.

Anna Pavlovna, 48 years old:

After divorcing my husband, I wanted to move away from the Kemerovo region. Reutov was recommended by a friend, where she herself moved a long time ago. She said that from the late 90s to the present, the city has transformed. I came to visit first.

Galina, 43 years old:

Reutov is beautiful, there are fountains and a Factory pond. The nature here is beautiful, there are many trees. And the “Apple Orchard”, preserved at the Mir cultural center, is simply delightful. You get the feeling that you are in a real fairy tale.

Arkady, 50 years old:

Hi all. I’m no longer chasing money, so I got a job in Reutov. And what? There is a military pension, you can just earn extra money. In this regard, the city is great: there are places to work. But young people won’t like it here.

You have to go to Moscow for decent money. But literature and other arts are well developed in the city. You can visit different places. It's quite good for vacationers here. There are few people, no more than 109,000 people. There are places and the streets are wide, which makes me happy.

Ninel, 25:

She left her parents, who were annoying with their care. True, they bought me an apartment in Reutov. The parents themselves are Muscovites. I don't really like the city. Compared to the capital, there is no movement here. Reutov is more suitable for married couples with children.

Sergiy, 49 years old:

Hello. The city of Reutov became home to me and my large family. Nice places, beautiful alleys and squares. You can sit by the pond and think about life. There are schools and educational institutions, but the problem is with universities. The eldest son went to study in Moscow.

Another disadvantage is the presence of a synagogue. There are Orthodox Jews who confuse Orthodox people. But there have been no conflicts yet. In general, the city is calm and goes on with its measured life.

Ivan, 40 years old:

City of Dreams. There are entertainment venues and kind people. The only downside is the lack of a tower. Children will have to go to Moscow to study. In general, the city is cool, but you still need to study in the capital!

The main temples and chapels of the city of Reutov

There are no ancient churches in Reutov that would stand at the origins of the city's history. All buildings breathe youth and newness. Their snow-white facades and golden domes adorn the panorama of the town near Moscow.

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

  • Address: st. October 14.

The Kazan Church was built in the late 1990s in the Russian-Byzantine style. The snow-white building is decorated with spinning wheels and shovels. The halls are illuminated by narrow elongated windows. The temple ends with a light drum with a golden dome.

Above the front porch there is a blank drum with a golden dome and a cross. Adjacent to the church is a two-tier hipped bell tower, the end of which is decorated with a fresco of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The territory is surrounded by a forged fence with pylons.

There is a small park around the temple, which is looked after by Sunday school students. The pride of the temple is its extensive library of Orthodox literature, as well as a non-profit printing house that produces magazines and newspapers on religious topics.

Chapel of St. George the Victorious

  • Address: Pobeda Street.

The chapel was erected in 2001 on the territory of the memorial complex “To the Reutovites who died for the Fatherland.” The architect was Vitaly Kazansky. The chapel is a brick shed under a tent.

Each face is decorated with a bas-relief image of St. George the Victorious. The chapel is assigned to the Kazan Church.

The room is very small; no more than five people can be in it at a time. Citizens and tourists come here to light a candle in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Walk around Reutov: the city of bells and rockets

Material prepared by Reutov IA>>

The Moscow region of Reutov has always developed as a city with an enterprise: in the 19th century, the “city-forming” was a paper spinning factory, and in the 20th century this role passed to the military-industrial complex “NPO Mashinostroeniya”. It would seem that there should be a shortage of sights and interesting places in such cities, but Reutov, over the 500 years of its history, developing from a farmstead to a science city, was able to preserve ancient buildings on its streets and acquire new attractions.

Collect the “Symbol of the Moscow Region.” Start the game>>

For whom does the bell toll?

© Photo, Inna Borovik, Reutovskoye IA

Walking around Reutov, you can hear urban legends about the origin of its name.

At the intersection of Lenin, Gagarin and Pobeda streets, a symbol of Reutov was installed - a two-meter bronze bell with a figurine of a dove. It is believed that the city owes its name to the word “bell” - “reut”. Previously, on this highest place in the city there was a watchtower with a bell, which was part of the signal defense of Moscow. Its alarm bell warned the Moscow Kremlin about the invasion of enemies from the east.

Another version connects the origin of the city’s name with the Vladimirsky tract; it was here that those accompanying the exiles supposedly stopped and “roared” for those sent to Siberia. According to the third legend, many bears – “howler monkeys” – once lived in these places, which is why the place was named Reutov.

In 2008, the science city was recognized as the most comfortable among Russian cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people.

"" in Reutov, where dolls come to life>>

Where is this street, where is this house?

© Photo, Inna Borovik, Reutovskoye IA

The central street of the city is Victory Street. At a time when the city was still a factory village, it was the only and nameless Reutov street, stretching from the paper spinning factory to the Ivanovo Gate. Along this street were the houses of managers, foremen and engineers, workers' barracks and a club. In 1923, the street received its first name - Club. Many ancient buildings have survived there to this day.

For example, the red brick building at Pobedy Street, building 7 is one of five workers’ dormitories built between 1844 and 1910, or the building on the same street at number 5 is the former House of Managers of the Reutov Manufactory.

Another building, the appearance of which has not changed since its construction in 1888, is the children's and youth sports school on Pobeda Street, 4. The two-story stone building was erected for a primary school; the date of construction is indicated on the facade above the front door.

In 1965, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Victory, Club Street was renamed Victory Street. Progress came to this street quickly: in August 1955, Nikita Khrushchev came to Reutov to present awards to the NGO team - on the eve of the Secretary General’s visit, the cobblestone street was paved overnight.

History of Reutov: a creative and scientific city. PHOTO>>

Why was the factory pipe shortened?

© Photo, Reutov city administration

Anyone today can see how factory production began in Russia. At the beginning of Pobeda Street there are factory buildings. In 1843, the merchant of the first guild Sergei Alekseevich Mazurin built a paper spinning factory in Reutov with the tallest factory chimney in Central Russia at that time.

Initially, manual labor was used here, which was gradually replaced by machines. In 1860, Reutov cotton production became known far beyond the borders of the Moscow province. First-class yarn was in great demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.

And in the summer, there is a fountain on the pond next to the factory, which is called Fabrichny.

To this day, the appearance of the factory has not changed - only the famous factory chimney has been halved. It was dismantled so that it would not be higher than the domes of the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity erected nearby.

© Photo, Reutovskoe IA

The Church of the Holy Trinity was consecrated and opened in 2014 and became one of the most beautiful in the Moscow region. The 40-meter church, built in the neo-Byzantine style, is distinguished by skillfully painted walls and elegant facades.

By the way, in the entire history of Reutov, the first church appeared here only in 1999 - the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

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"Flying Saucers" by Reutov

© Photo, Inna Borovik, Reutovskoye IA

Reutov covers an area of ​​900 hectares and is home to 91 thousand people. It is bordered on three sides by federal roads. There is nowhere else to develop in breadth - all that remains is to grow upward. So more and more residential skyscraper buildings appear on the map of Reutov, which residents nicknamed “flying saucers” for their original roof lighting.

In 2003, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the city was given the status of a science city, although in fact it became one since the founding of the military-industrial complex "NPO Mashinostroeniya" here in 1944, then the OKB-52 aviation and missile enterprise. Today this enterprise is a world leader in the field of high technologies and knowledge-intensive industries, including space systems and rocket systems.

Of course, tourists will not be given a tour of the enterprise. But in Reutov you can see a massive corporation building and a monument to the head of the enterprise, the creator of unique cruise missiles and spacecraft, Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey, installed on Academician Chelomey Square in front of the Mir business complex.

The design concept for Reutov for Victory Day will be developed before March>>

Avenue of Heroes

© Photo, Inna Borovik, Reutovskoye IA

In 1965, a memorial plaque was installed on Victory Street with the names of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. In 2005, the reconstruction of the military memorial complex “To all Reutovites who died for the Fatherland” was carried out. The city has its own Alley of Heroes, where the names of the city’s residents are immortalized - five Heroes of the Soviet Union and three Heroes of Russia.

The walls of the chapel of the Great Martyr George the Victorious were decorated with bas-reliefs with images of the patron saints of Russian soldiers: George the Victorious, Dmitry Donskoy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Alexander Nevsky.

An armored personnel carrier was also installed on the square, pedestrian paths were laid, and a golden star with an Eternal Flame appeared in the center of the Glory Memorial. The names of 705 townspeople who died in the name of Victory are carved on the plaques of the memorial.

Together with the museum and exhibition center of the city and the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Glory Memorial forms the historical and cultural center of the city.

How to get there:

— by train from Kursky station in Moscow to Reutov station;

— from the Novogireevo metro station by bus No. 17 or minibus No. 533, 917 and 579;

— from the Pervomaiskaya metro station by bus No. 15, from the Shchelkovskaya metro station by minibus No. 494;

— from the Cherkizovskaya metro station by minibus No. 557;

— from the Vykhino metro station by minibus No. 598;

— from the Partizanskaya metro station by minibus No. 915;

— by personal vehicle along Gorkovskoye Highway, 1st km of the Moscow Ring Road.

Interesting monuments and sculptures of Reutov

Memorial compositions and decorative sculptures are the property and pride of Reutov. Tourists will definitely want to stop and take photos next to these works of art.

Memorial complex to the Reutovites who died for the Fatherland (Eternal Flame)

  • Address: Victory Square.

The history of the complex began in 1958 with a memorial in honor of plant workers who did not return from the war. It consists of a stele with a bas-relief of a Soviet soldier and 16 slabs on which 160 names of fallen soldiers are carved.

Later, the Tank Monument and the Alley of Heroes appeared. It consists of six busts of Reutovites who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The last change to the complex was made in 2005, when the Eternal Flame was lit at the central monument.

Monument to Academician V.N. Chelomey

  • Address: Academician Chelomey Square.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey is a Soviet designer of rocket and space technology. For his achievements, he was twice awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. On July 30, 2014, the designer would have turned 100 years old.

In honor of this anniversary on the square. V.N. Chelomey in Reutov, a sculpture of the hero was installed. Sculptor Vitaly Kazantsev depicted Chelomey at work. In one hand he holds a pencil, and in the other a model of a new airplane.

Monument to V.I. Lenin

  • Address: Pobeda Street.

The oldest monument to Reutov is located opposite the Trinity Church. It was installed in 1925 with donations from cotton mill workers. The sculpture is made of stone and covered with silver paint.

Despite its venerable age, the monument is in satisfactory condition. The sculpture is placed on a granite pedestal, at the base of which there is a plaque with a memorial inscription.

This is not the only monument to Lenin in the city. The second was opened in 1960 in honor of the 90th anniversary of the leader’s birth. The sculpture is made of bronze and is regularly restored, making it look like new.

Cruise missile P-70 "Amethyst"

  • Address: Gagarin street.

On the territory of NPO Mashinostroeniya, an authentic P-70 Amethyst missile is placed on a pedestal. It was designed by V.N. Chelomey in 1950-1960. The rocket is not accessible, but is clearly visible from the street.

Monument to the Rocket "Meteor"

  • Address: st. Parkovaya/st. Gagarin.

Unlike the Amethyst, the Meteorite rocket is installed in an open area - nothing prevents tourists from taking pictures in front of it. During the Soviet years it was called a “superweapon” and a “monster in the sky.” The Meteorite monument was erected in 2022. Currently, there is a recreation area around the rocket.

Monument to Ogari

  • Address: Factory Pond Park.

The ogary is a waterfowl of the Anatidae family. It is distinguished from its relatives by its bright orange-brown plumage. Another feature is that sardines look for food on land, while other ducks feed in the water.

Ogars, as a rule, nest in remote corners of nature, where there are rivers or lakes. In the Moscow region, sturgeons can often be seen in city ponds. There is an assumption that these individuals are descendants of a flock that escaped from the Moscow Zoo in 1948.

In Reutov, in honor of Ogari, a beautiful sculptural composition depicting a female, male and ducklings was installed. The backdrop of the monument is the Factory Pond.

Reutov is not yet a ghetto. How does a densely populated city from the Moscow region live?

Ekaterina Torgushina, Ekaterina Kalaeva, July 16, 2022, 20:22 — REGNUM One of the closest cities in the Moscow region to the capital, Reutov has greatly increased in population and development in recent years. According to preliminary estimates by Mosoblstat, as of January 1, 2022, 106,990 people live there permanently on just 8.89 square meters. km of territory. Population density per square meter km in the Moscow region population is about 12 thousand people. This is higher than in New York and Singapore, much higher than in the Russian capital. In Chinese Shanghai, which in this context has become a household name, there are only 3.8 thousand people/sq. km. The only situation worse than in Reutov is in Lyubertsy, where the level is close to 16 thousand (almost Mumbai). At the same time, active development of the Moscow region is only continuing. How this trend could turn out for city residents in the future and how the satellite city of Moscow lives, a REGNUM .

New buildings in Reutov

Ekaterina Kalaeva © IA REGNUM

You can get from the capital to the Moscow region by several means of transport: by train, by minibus No. 926K from the Vykhino station and by metro (terminal station Novokosino of the Kalininskaya line). The minibus arrives in the northern part of Reutov, and the metro is located in the southern part - the city is divided by the Gorky direction railway of the Moscow Railway, you can only travel from one part to the other through the Moscow Ring Road. Residents of Reutov like their city, even despite the abundance of new buildings - after all, “Moscow is here, nearby.”

“From the Reutovo railway station to Nikolskoye, you could previously see fields and forests from the train window. Now the fields are almost completely built up with high-rise buildings. Moreover, the buildings are very dense, you can even see it from the train window,” one of the users of the Otzovik website shares his observations.

A visitor to the city can immediately verify the veracity of his words. However, the northern part, the “old” Reutov, looks more spacious - there high-rise buildings still coexist with low-rise residential buildings, there are buildings of three and four floors, and on Sovetskaya Street and Gagarin Street there are mainly five-story buildings, but high-rise new buildings are also found.

The situation is different in the southern part of the city, the “new” Reutov, - there the territory is built up mainly with residential multi-storey buildings, and low-rise buildings - shops, schools and kindergartens. In appearance, it is a typical residential area with high-rise buildings of nine floors and above. There is also a metro station, shopping centers, a city park and a small alley where there are food stalls.

The city, which is small in area, is divided into microdistricts. In one of them, the 10th, residents recorded a video message to President Vladimir Putin asking him to stop the “inhumane development.” The video was published on the Reutovo public page on the VKontakte social network.

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are now standing in the courtyard of houses in the 10th microdistrict of the city of Reutov, in which you see absolutely inhumane buildings in the background. Children are forced to walk in the most terrible conditions, there is only dirt, concrete and rubber. There is not a single tree, not a single large bush, not even a single bird. Look, there's nothing. You see a kindergarten, a school and a parking lot that have been unfinished for four years, and in the neighboring yard there is an unfinished hospital. The shortage of kindergartens in the 10th microdistrict of the city of Reutov is 60%,” the video reports.

The text to the video also contains information about the construction of a hotel and sports complex on the site of courtyards with a green zone: “We, the residents of Reutov, appeal to the president: stop this chaos! People have enough shops, people don’t have enough air!”

Student Lisa , who lives near the Reutov city park, believes that there are no problems with infrastructure in the city. She told a REGNUM that living in large high-rise buildings is quite comfortable, there is everything you need nearby - grocery stores, pharmacies, sports clubs. However, she admitted that she does not have enough green areas:

“The park has shrunk three to four times over the past ten years, although it has become neater and more fashionable. There are almost no places where you can retire. The same applies to the area near the pond. Everything is beautiful and well-groomed, but for such a big city there is not enough greenery. There are people everywhere,” the girl said.

Another problem of the city, in her opinion, is gas exhaust from the Kuchinskaya landfill, which can be felt in the air in windy weather. “It’s impossible to open the window,” the girl assures.

Konstantin, who was waiting for transport at a stop in the northern part of the city, told the correspondent IA REGNUM about urban recreation areas. For example, local residents consider the area behind the House of Culture to be a park, although “there is no park, just playgrounds.” In the same part of the city there is the Factory Pond park, but it is also small in area (at least for such a densely populated city).

There really aren’t many green areas where you can walk and breathe in Reutov, but in the northern part of the city the vegetation that is planted along the roadways on the streets saves the day. There are also many playgrounds, on one of which Elena :

“I personally really love [the city]. Moscow - here it is, nearby. And here there is greenery, at least you can let the child out. What about Moscow? - the woman thinks. When asked about enrolling her grandson in kindergarten, Elena replies that everything can be decided: “There were lines, but the turn has come. We recorded as always."

The yards are filled with cars

Ekaterina Kalaeva © IA REGNUM

One of the city's biggest visible problems is the lack of parking spaces. The courtyards and roadsides in Reutov are completely filled with vehicles. Varvara , who often comes here to visit friends, shared her experience with the correspondent:

“There’s nowhere to park. Entering the courtyards is not an option at all. I park along some street, and drive around in circles, waiting for some car to pull out, and only then immediately stand in its place. This is the only way, and at any time of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. It’s impossible to park at all in the evening,” the girl said.

She also said that the exit from the Moscow Ring Road “is always stopped” because “there is a very short traffic light there, and there are a lot of cars.” But there are practically no traffic jams in the city itself.

A local resident standing at the bus stop complained that the discounted fare on Reutov’s minibuses was not valid: “There is a card for a pensioner near Moscow. But the minibus doesn’t pay, that’s another matter.” In general, according to her observations, public transport runs quite often.

In Reutov, residents said, there is no maternity hospital. An important transport problem is transport links between two parts of the city, which, as already mentioned, requires access to the Moscow Ring Road. However, this connection cannot be avoided - on the south side, for example, there is no emergency room or police department.

Despite all the problems, life in Reutov looks quite prosperous, and there are no obvious signs of marginalization or transformation into a ghetto. However, it is clear that active and dense development has changed the city. There are already not enough places for cars here, and there is a shortage of fresh air and space. It is difficult for residents to fulfill their leisure needs, and to solve many issues they go to Moscow. There is no doubt that these problems will become even more acute in the future.

Beautiful parks and squares in Reutov

Reutov’s life is concentrated in picturesque parks, where cafes, attractions, sports grounds are open and cozy places for relaxation are equipped.

Reutov Park

  • Address: Yubileiny Avenue.

Reutov Park is located next to the Kazan Church. It is most often visited by married couples walking with children. The main attraction of the park is the rides.

Here you can ride on cars, the Jolly Train, Cups, play on the playground and in the rope town.

In winter, ice slides and sculptures are built in Reutov. Close to the park there are coffee shops, pastry shops, canteens, as well as a city shopping center.

Apple orchard

  • Address: st. Pobeda/Sadovyi pr-d.

The apple orchard is one of the most beautiful corners of Reutov. An alley of apple trees is planted along the walking path. The best time to visit this place is in May, when the trees bloom and fill the air with a sweet aroma. The apple orchard is popular among newlyweds, who organize picturesque wedding photo sessions here.

Active recreation and entertainment in Reutov

Both summer and winter sports are well developed in Reutov. There are plenty of complexes and open-air areas for active recreation.

Start Stadium

  • Address: Stroiteley Street.

Start Stadium was founded in the 1960s. On its territory there is a training field, a hockey court with stands, three tennis courts and two football fields: one with artificial turf, the other with natural grass.

In the early 2000s, a sports and recreation complex was attached to the stadium. It has a multi-purpose games room, a gym, as well as badminton, handball and volleyball courts.

Currently, Start is the home stadium of the Prialit Reutov football team, in addition, the Titan team plays here. Football matches are one of Reutov’s main entertainments.

Sports complex "Sport-service"

  • Address: st. Kotovsky, 13A.

The infrastructure of the complex includes a gym, a choreography room where fitness dance classes are held, a Pilates club, and its own spa, but the main attraction is the swimming pool.

The bowl is equipped with five lanes, a jacuzzi and comfortable slopes. The pool hosts training sessions for local swimming clubs, and in free time it is open to the public.

The complex also has a swimming pool for children, where they are taught to swim. After swimming, children can relax in the playroom with ottomans and foam blocks. On holidays, matinees and tea parties are held here.

Reutov Arena

  • Address: Yubileiny Avenue, 43.

The winter sports complex occupies a modern high-tech building. The center of life of the attraction is the ice arena, where hockey competitions take place.

After completing the training, tourists and citizens can freely visit the skating rink. At the entrance there is a rental of sports equipment: visitors can rent holders, skates and sharpen blades if necessary.

In addition to the ice arena, the complex has a gym, showers, a food court and a mini-cinema. Visitors to the Reutov Arena note the comfort of the establishment and the high quality of service.

Winter skating rink

  • Address: Central Park.

The outdoor skating rink is located in Reutov Park. In winter, ice sculptures are installed around it and garlands are lit, which creates a festive atmosphere. By the way, this is the only open-air skating rink with musical accompaniment in Reutov.

Visiting the winter skating rink is free. There are no locker rooms or sports equipment rentals, so you need to bring your own skates.

For the convenience of visitors, benches are installed around the perimeter. The park staff keep the skating rink in perfect order. The snow is cleared every day, and the ice surface is leveled every few weeks.

Ski club "ReutovSki"

  • Address: Komsomolskaya st., 27.

The first ski club was founded in Reutov back in 1928. Since then, ski races have started every winter among schoolchildren, students and adults. Today the center of skiing is the ReutovSki club.

It employs professional trainers who invite residents and tourists of all ages to train.

In warm weather, a team of skiers goes through the route laid through the Reutov Park. A visit to ReutovSki is a great opportunity to get a master class and spend time doing your favorite sport.

Bowling center

  • Address: MKAD, 2nd kilometer, 2.

You can play bowling in the “Chocolate” shopping complex. The sports court occupies a separate hall, where ten tracks are equipped, and rental of sports equipment, including special shoes, is available. There is also a café serving pizza, burgers and drinks. This is a great place to unwind with friends.

See the topic: Sights of Moscow and The most beautiful places in the Moscow region

Where to take your child in Reutov

Reutov boasts a large selection of children's entertainment. There are attractions, zoos, and gaming clubs.

Petting zoo ZOO-mini

  • Address: Yubileiny Avenue, 23, building 1.

The petting zoo is located in Reutov Park and occupies a small boardwalk pavilion. Your child will be delighted by the inhabitants of the zoo: rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, albino hedgehogs, raccoons, mini-pigs, parrots and Achatina snails. Animals can be fed, petted and held.

The room is very bright, the windows are decorated with stained glass pictures, there are pots of flowers everywhere, and the ceiling is covered with ivy. Tourists who visited the zoo note the cleanliness, comfort and friendliness of the staff.


  • Address: Nosovikhinskoe highway, 45.

A lot of entertainment awaits children at Miracle Park. The spacious, colorful hall is divided into several zones:

  1. Trampoline center with trampolines of varying difficulty, foam pits and ball pools;
  2. Climbing area. There is a “mountain” installed here, which can be climbed using a rope, a rope ladder or a special path. Going down the mountain is much easier - the slope is equipped with a steep slide.
  3. A playground that includes obstacles, tunnels and a series of slides.
  4. The cafe is a cozy place with compact tables and a varied menu.
  5. A party room is a separate room that can be rented for a family event. Depending on the holiday (Birthday, New Year, etc.), employees select the decorations and entertainment program.
  6. The Miracle Club is a noisy, fun place where a child will not want to leave.

Private children's club "Our House"

  • Address: st. October, 38.

“Our House” is suitable for children of all ages. There is a room for the little ones with safe toys, where children are supervised by a nanny.

Older children will be able to play to their heart's content in the large hall with a large selection of toys. The club also has a sports corner and a small computer club. In the courtyard there is a playground with a complex of slides, swings and carousels.

Children's creative club "Danilka"

  • Address: st. October, 52.

“Danilka” is an unusual club. Instead of a bunch of toys and pools with balls, there is a hall of mirrors with mats. The club's activities are aimed not so much at entertainment, but at the development of the child.

Children are given exercises, dance exercises, ball games, various competitions and competitions. After an active pastime, children go to the relaxation room, where they can draw, read and play.

Cinema Star

  • Address: MKAD, 2nd kilometer, 1.

Cinema Star is Reutov's most visited cinema. It belongs to the shopping and entertainment sector. The cinema has several comfortable halls.

Tourists come here not to miss an interesting premiere and have a good time with friends. Before the screening, you should visit a snack store, and afterward, stop by a local cafe and discuss the film over a cup of coffee.

You may also be interested in the sights of other cities in the Moscow region:

  • Klin, Balashikha, Zelenograd, Podolsk,
  • Krasnogorsk, Bronnitsy, Lobnya, Zhukovsky,
  • Khimki, Dmitrov, Shchelkovo, Serpukhov,
  • Korolev, Elektrostal, Noginsk,
  • Yegoryevsk, Pushkino, Stupino, Taldom,
  • Domodedovo, Naro-Fominsk, Chekhov,
  • Lyubertsy, Voskresensk, Odintsovo,
  • Kolomna, Volokolamsk, Vereya, Dolgoprudny,
  • Zaraysk, Ramenskoye, Sergiev Posad.

Reutov is a distinctive town located in the shadow of Moscow. Nevertheless, it does not stop developing, opening new entertainment complexes and improving existing ones. The active life, vibrant sights and beauty of this city will never bore tourists who come here again and again.

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