The main attractions of the Ulyanovsk region: list, photos and descriptions

The former Simbirsk province is now a developed industrial region. But the sights of the Ulyanovsk region are not only of a strictly scientific or technical nature. Even experienced travelers will find a lot of interesting things here. The key to this is the unique nature of this subject of the Russian Federation and its history.

Sights of the Ulyanovsk region: photos, description and list

Founded in 1943, the Ulyanovsk region is located in the geometric center of the European part of Russia. It is almost equally distant from all the nearest seas (Black, Caspian, White and Baltic), which largely determines the climate and the uniqueness of the local nature. An interesting fact: in its outline, the area resembles the Russian letter “G”.

The Volga River conventionally divides the region into two parts – the right bank (more elevated) and the left bank. Despite the small area, three natural zones can be observed in the region. In the extreme north-west there are taiga massifs, in the center there is forest-steppe, and in the south-east there is the classical steppe.

The main attractions of the Ulyanovsk region are, first of all, ancient estates, Orthodox shrines and monasteries, interesting museums and centers of folk crafts. The administrative center of the region has preserved many beautiful architectural monuments. There are also many natural attractions in the Ulyanovsk region. Of course, you won’t see either mountain peaks or the seashore here. But nature fully compensated for their absence with numerous other beauties!

So, what attractions of the Ulyanovsk region should a visiting tourist visit and see? We offer a list of twelve such objects (some of them will be described below):

  1. Mound "Pebbles".
  2. National Park "Sengileevskie Mountains".
  3. Arbuginskaya mountain.
  4. Krylov's estate in the village of Kezmino.
  5. Skripinsky kuchurs.
  6. The village of Undora.
  7. Canada Tower.
  8. White Lake.
  9. Memorial Museum of V.I. Lenin.
  10. Monument to the letter “e” in Ulyanovsk.
  11. Boulevard "Venets".
  12. Raspberry Museum in Inze.

Unity of old and new

The list of attractions of the city of Ulyanovsk and its environs would be incomplete without including a number of both ancient and modern objects. It is rare in Russia where different eras of the country’s life not only coexist, but also harmoniously complement each other. In this regard, the former Simbirsk looks much preferable to much more famous tourist centers.

Any tourist would do well to visit the following sites:

  • Aviation Museum. It is considered the largest in the country among its aviation counterparts. There are both military and civilian equipment here. Some aircraft are not represented anywhere else in the world. Most of the ships are parked in the open air. This is a real haven for a child interested in aviation.
  • Museum of Local Lore. It presents truly ancient rarities. You can get acquainted with the history of the region through rare documents, folk costumes, and household items.
  • Puppet Theatre. Bears the name of Valentina Leontyeva. It is famous for the fact that some performances do not leave the stage for decades. The theater is visited by spectators from all over Russia.
  • Paleontological Museum in Undory. According to experts, the richest collection of marine invertebrates and reptiles on the Volga is collected here. Not far from the museum is the Gorodishchensky geological section. New exhibits are coming from it.
  • Imperial Bridge. Built before the October Revolution, in 1916. The facility is operational. Trains want to cross the Volga and cars drive along it. But there is no access for pedestrians. You can admire it from afar. Included in foreign reference books. There are translations of them into Russian.
  • Presidential Bridge. It was opened 10 years ago, in 2009. You can ride along it over the Volga on a bicycle. But it's not fast and it's by no means easy. Stopping is prohibited, and the length of the bridge is long.
  • Small shop. The museum is opened in the building of a real grocery store from the 19th century.
  • Museum "Simbirsk Merchants". If a tourist wants to know everything about this class, then he should definitely come here. The history of the emergence, life, and traditions of local merchants are widely represented in permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Ilyich’s homeland knows how to attract tourists. Museums are opening everywhere - if only there was a minimal reason. They exist even in very small rooms that are not architectural monuments.

Sengileevskie Mountains

It is with this natural site that it is worth starting to describe the main attractions of the Ulyanovsk region. Photos of the national park, officially approved in 2022, will not let you lie: this is truly one of the most picturesque places in the region!

The Sengileevskie Mountains are located 30 kilometers south of the city of Ulyanovsk. The originality of the flora and the beauty of the local landscapes gave this place another name - “Ulyanovsk Switzerland”. Here, in a small area, nature has formed a stunningly diverse landscape mosaic. Snow-white chalk hills, caves, rocky outcrops and ledges, forests, lush meadows and areas of dry feather grass steppes - all this can be seen within one national park.

Unique nature

The region has a lot of unique natural monuments. You can simply admire some of them, and live close to others. There are year-round sanatoriums where you can receive treatment, undergo a rehabilitation course, and relax. It's nice to be in nature. To remember this, you can take local souvenirs with you, take photos and videos.

It's worth at least a look:

  • White Lake in Nikolaevsky district. It arose at the end of the Ice Age. Located at the second highest point in the region. The lake is self-cleaning, its water is clear. Unique mud is extracted from the bottom, which is used for treatment here. Mixed forest. There are also pine, oak, and birch trees. Mushrooms and berries are growing. You can only get here by car. But lovers of unique places should hurry up - several years ago the object began to become shallow. He was examined, but it is not yet known whether the process can be stopped.
  • Skripinsky Kuchura. A beautiful landscape monument. It is a legacy of ancient times, distant periods of the planet’s development. One of the highlights is the unique ferns.
  • Grannoe ear in the Sengileevsky district. The mountain differs not only in height, but also in color. One of its sides is completely white. From a distance it looks like it's snowing. In fact, this color comes from chalk ridges. There is a legend associated with the mountain, which still attracts treasure hunters. According to her, somewhere here lies one of Stepan Razin’s treasures. The leader of the peasant uprising allegedly did not have time to dig up gold during the retreat from Simbirsk. Until now, the “most accurate” schematic drawings and even very similar to real maps leading to the treasure are passed from hand to hand.
  • Black Mountains in the Radishchevsky district. Their slopes really look dark brown. There are no trees here, but there are a variety of herbs. The inhabitants of these places call the mountains crimson. But there are no berries here either, except strawberries. The second name may have appeared due to the colorful sunrises. It’s worth visiting the mountains if only for this reason.

The region also has miraculous springs, beautiful temples and monasteries, anomalous zones, and mysterious caves. All this is surrounded by many legends. Perhaps these legends are artificially maintained to attract tourists. In any case, the spirit of antiquity reigning in unique places allows you to believe in the most unusual fairy tales.

Residents of the region are incredibly creative. In recent years, several quite serious modern monuments have appeared here. But at the same time, a memorial sign to the letter “Y” was also installed. And in the local “pancake capital” Sengilei there is a monument to pancakes.

Undory village

Another landscape attraction of the Ulyanovsk region is located near the village of Undory. Here, from the right bank of the Volga, magnificent views of the largest river in Europe open up. By the way, it is in this place that it reaches its maximum width - 29 kilometers! Among other things, the village of Undory is also a balneological resort. Here is the only mineral water deposit in Russia of the “Naftusya” type (similar in water composition to the springs of Ukrainian Truskavets).

White Lake

On the territory of the Nikolaevsky district there is an amazing lake. The main feature of this miracle of nature is that it purifies itself, so the water in it is always clear and has few minerals. At the bottom of the lake there is white sand, which is why it was given the name “White Lake”.

Pike and bream, perch and tench feel very favorable here. All this splendor is surrounded by centuries-old pines, as well as oaks and maples, lindens and birches. All this vegetation forms a favorable climate and makes the environment very beneficial for any organism.

Museum-Memorial of V. I. Lenin

The leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, was born in the city of Ulyanovsk. Of course, the Soviet authorities could not ignore this fact. In 1970, a pompous museum and memorial complex was opened here. Its central part was a huge building. The museum contains about 100 thousand exhibits related to the life and work of V. I. Lenin. The walls of the main hall of the museum are decorated with smalt, the plates of which are covered with thin sheets of gold.

Monument "Separation"

A depressing sculptural composition installed in the city of Inza. The place was not chosen by chance - it was from here that soldiers left the city for the front during the Great Patriotic War, and it was here that they were met after this terrible time. The sculptor was very accurately and reliably able to convey on stone all the emotions of those terrible farewells.

Location: Inza, Red Fighters Street - 37.

Boulevard "Venets"

A certain number of valuable and beautiful historical buildings have been preserved in Ulyanovsk. Most of these architectural monuments are located on Venets Boulevard. These are ancient city villas, estates, and civil buildings. The boulevard is a favorite place for walking for both tourists and local residents. Here you can also see many interesting and funny sculptural monuments. Like, for example, the famous monument to the letter “e”.

Temple complex

The Temple complex, located in the village of Arskoe, welcomes all guests with a boiling white arch and a snow-white fence. It includes three shrines:

  • Church of the Epiphany.
  • Temple of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.
  • Chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg.

Since its foundation, the Church of the Epiphany has undergone various changes, and during the restoration of the building, real miracles were observed. Both parishioners and restorers noticed how the main cross began to straighten itself, and the frescoes became brighter, some disappeared altogether. Much later, the Church of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg was erected nearby. Currently, seven springs gush out from under the shrine, forming the holy spring of Xenia the Blessed.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after 40 years of the Komsomol

Despite the slightly outdated name, the city park welcomes a large number of vacationers every day. The entire area is planted with perennial pine trees, which makes the air intoxicating.

Little visitors will be delighted with the numerous children's playgrounds and attractions. Here you can either just stroll along the asphalt path or spend time actively on bicycles and roller skates, which you can easily rent.

Location: Ulyanovsk, Orenburgskaya street - 41B.

Ulyanovsk Regional Puppet Theater named after V. M. Leontyeva

Since 1944, the Ulyanovsk Puppet Theater has hospitably opened its doors. The theater's playbill includes fairy tales, classical works, and modern productions. A professional troupe will show performances by both Soviet directors and foreign masters of the craft. Currently, the theater actively cooperates with foreign colleagues and conducts master classes.

Location: Goncharova street - 10.

Singing fountain

In the very center of Ulyanovsk there is a calming spectacle - a singing fountain. Soaring jets of water accompanied by pleasant music are a mesmerizing sight and a great place for rest and relaxation. In the evening, the illumination turns on, which makes the singing miracle even more attractive.

Location: Lenin 100th Anniversary Square - 1.

Manual zoo “Kingdom of Animals”

The petting zoo in Ulyanovsk is a fairy tale for children. Scientists have long proven that animals help children develop, become more humane and kinder. What kind of furry and not so furry friends can you chat with here:

  • Raccoons.
  • Boa constrictors.
  • Turtles.
  • Ferrets.
  • Squirrels.
  • Little foxes.
  • Chinchillas.
  • Iguanas.
  • Peacocks and many others.

It is worth noting that the entire area is clean and tidy. The animals are healthy, tame and playful.

Location: ave. Guy - 19.

Water park "Ulyot"

The “Ulyot” water park will allow you to have fun. The big advantage of this place is that the park is indoor, therefore, you can relax here at any time of the year. On the territory of the two-level building there are numerous slides and fountains, attractions and swimming pools. There is a bar and cafe where you can taste flavorful dishes and snacks. All this splendor is vigilantly monitored by highly qualified security guards, trainers and doctors.

Location: Aleksandrovskaya street - 60B.

Alexandrovsky Park

Alexander Park can easily be called one of the most picturesque places in the region. Numerous flower beds give beauty and a multifaceted aroma, fountains provide freshness on hot days, charming landscape figures and unique statues delight the eye. The whole area is well-groomed: clean and green everywhere, gazebos and a pond. Throughout the park there are a variety of cafes and eateries where you can have a snack, relax and socialize.

Location: Alexandrovskaya street - 60.

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