TOP 35 - what to see in Kolomna, Moscow region

Kolomna is an ancient city, striking with its rich history , ancient architecture and attractions. The city is located one hundred kilometers southeast of Moscow, on the banks of the Oka River. The river is very winding and broken, it turns out that “Oka Broken” is Kolomna.

The M5 highway passes through the city and provides Kolomna with tourists who transit to Ryazan. The city itself is small, population 144 thousand people. The climate is normal for the Moscow region, not very cold in winter, not hot in summer. The main attractions and entertainment in the city and surrounding areas are in our article.

TOP 5 - what to visit in Kolomna in 1 day

It is customary to start getting acquainted with any city with places that are considered its calling cards. In this case, we will talk about the local Kremlin, the main monastery, monument, park and square in Kolomna.

Kolomna Kremlin

  • Opening hours: daily, 24 hours a day.
  • Ticket price: admission is free, a sightseeing tour with a guide for a group costs from 1,500 rubles. up to 2500 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Lazhechnikova, 5. Transport stop “Square of Two Revolutions”.

A magnificent monument of medieval Russian fortification architecture, was erected in the first third of the 16th century. in place of a wooden fortress, which was destroyed several times almost to the ground by foreign invaders, including the Horde khans Batu and Tokhtamysh. In terms of size, the citadel, which remained impregnable, is only slightly inferior to the Moscow Kremlin.

Fragments of the powerful fortress wall and 7 of the 16 towers have survived to this day. In addition, the ensemble of the Kolomna Kremlin includes the Novo-Golutvinskaya and Brusenskaya convents, Tikhvinskaya, Krestovozdvizhenskaya, Ascension churches and the Assumption Cathedral.

Cathedral Square

  • Address: Old Kolomna district. Transport stop "Market".

The square, considered the heart of Kolomna, to which the main street of the Kremlin opens, began to be built up in the 14th century. There is an amazing atmosphere of peace created by the numerous temples here. On the recreational territory there is a complex of the Novo-Golutvinsky convent, considered the largest in Russia.

The square is framed by the Church of St. Nicholas Gostiny, built at the very beginning of the 15th century, the temples of the Icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin and the Resurrection of the Slovushchego. The dominant feature of the architectural ensemble is the Assumption Cathedral, built in the 18th century. The architectural composition makes an incredible impression on everyone who saw it for the first time.

Monument to Dmitry Donskoy

  • Address: st. October revolution. Transport stop "Square of Two Revolutions".

As you know, it was in Kolomna that Prince Dmitry Donskoy gathered the Russian army, which set out from the city on September 21, 1380 in order to win a great victory on the Kulikovo Field, which put an end to the rule of the Golden Horde over Russia. In the spring of 2007, in honor of this significant event, a monument to the ruler and commander, canonized, was unveiled.

The equestrian bronze statue, 5.5 m high, is placed on a 7-meter granite pedestal. Dmitry Donskoy, riding a faithful steed in battle garb, with his hand to his heart, promises the heavens not to spare his life in the name of liberating the Fatherland.

Staro-Golutvin Monastery

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:30 to 20:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Golutvinskaya, 11. Transport stop "Bochmanovo".

The Epiphany Monastery, also called Staro-Golutvinsky, is the main religious attraction of Kolomna. It was built in the 14th century, and some written sources indicate that the construction of the monastery was directly supervised by the Monk Sergius of Radonezh himself.

The architectural ensemble of the monastery includes the Epiphany Cathedral, the Radonezh Church and the gateway Church of the Presentation of the Lord. Tens of thousands of pilgrims annually visit the monastery to kneel before the Orthodox relics stored within its walls - particles of the Life-Giving Cross and the Crown of Thorns of the Lord, and the relics of saints.

Memorial Park

  • Address: st. October revolution. Transport stop "Memorial Park".

During the Great Patriotic War, tens of thousands of citizens went to the front to defend their Motherland, which was subjected to a treacherous attack by a cruel enemy. Many of them gave their lives for the great Victory. In memory of the heroes, a memorial square was laid out in Kolomna.

The Alley of Heroes leads to its center, where a monumental composition with the torch of the Eternal Flame is installed, along which busts of Kolomna residents awarded the highest military regalia of the USSR are located. Several monuments were erected in the recreation area at different times. The memorial park complex includes the Museum of Military Glory.

TOP 30 sights of Kolomna


February 08, 2022 10 minutes Author: Elena Sinitsyna 1

Kolomna is a small town near Moscow with an overwhelming number of museums, curiosities and gastronomic delights. In terms of the number of interesting places, this city is definitely not inferior to major tourist centers. Connoisseurs of patriarchal antiquity and modern art, lovers of Russian nature and pilgrims come here. You can also taste Kolomna: the famous Kolomna pastila and kalachi are mentioned in all guidebooks. It is easy to get here by car and by train. If you have a free weekend left, let's go sightseeing together!

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Kolomna was founded in 1140-1160, it is only 30 years younger than Moscow. The historical appearance of the city is well preserved: there are 420 monuments of federal and regional significance. Among them are 20 temples, 2 monasteries, and more than 20 thematic museums.


The Kremlin is the pride of Kolomna. During the raids of the Golden Horde, the fortress was a reliable defense of the capital from the east. The Kolomna Kremlin is slightly smaller than the Moscow Kremlin, its area is 24 hectares. It was built in the 12th century. Initially, the buildings of the fortress were wooden, but in the 16th century, during the reign of Vasily III, wood was replaced by stone. The territory of the Kremlin was surrounded by a two-kilometer fortress wall with 16 towers. The heart of the Kremlin is Cathedral Square. There are several churches here, one of them is the Resurrection Church, where Prince Dmitry Donskoy and Evdokia of Suzdal were married in 1366 (this is the oldest surviving building). The Kremlin has an observation deck with the unusual name “Saucer”; it offers a wonderful view of the spit of the Moscow River and Kolomenka. The Kolomna Kremlin is residential; on its territory there are residential buildings and many museums.

Where: Kolomna, st. Lazhechnikova, 5,


The museum is located on the site of the old factory of the Chuprikov merchants. Horticulture on the Kolomna lands has been actively developing since the 16th century, when apple processing began. The pastila business died out with the advent of Soviet power, but was revived in 2009. The museum hosts excellent theatrical excursions (you will definitely meet Chuprikov) with tastings. There is also a Museum of Kolomna pastila in the city; you can taste sweets there too.

Where: Kolomna, Polyanskaya st., 4,


Kolomna kalach is a local specialty. The museum has restored an old recipe, and the baking process takes place before your eyes. The interiors of the 19th century have been recreated here, and a double-hearth furnace has been built, which is heated with birch wood. Museum guests see the entire process of preparing kalachi - from kneading the hop starter to baking. The result can be tasted; the excursions end with a tasting.

Where: Kolomna, st. Zaitseva, 14,


One of the oldest buildings in the city. The cathedral was founded by Dmitry Donskoy after the victory over the troops of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Inside there is an icon of the Don Mother of God, which became a symbol of the Battle of Kulikovo. The temple is notable for the fact that it was here that the first patriarch of Rus', Job, served. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the temple survived the looting. Now believers from all over the country visit the shrine, which was opened after restoration in 1999. It was possible to restore the unique frescoes and paintings on the walls. Patriarch Alexy II conducted the service at the opening. The cathedral has three domes that burn like candles in the sun in the very center of Kolomna.

Where: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 14,


The tallest tower of the Kolomna Kremlin is popularly called Marinkina. She received this name from Marina Mnishek, the wife of False Dmitry. Here she was imprisoned after the deception with the king was revealed. The dimensions of the tower are impressive: it rises 31 meters in height. The tower has eight floors inside. There are many small windows around the circle that served as loopholes. It is very difficult to break through walls four meters thick. There is a legend that the spirit of Marina Mniszech still flies over the tower, guarding the treasure hidden inside. True, no reliable sources testifying to countless treasures have been found.

Where: Kolomna, Lazarev street.


Kuprin's house in Kolomna now operates as a hotel. The building is maintained in good condition, despite its venerable age. The writer himself visited the house from 1911 to 1913. His close relatives lived here. The building was built in the middle of the 19th century. Above the main part there is a mezzanine. Kuprin wrote several famous stories here. In one of them, “Junker,” the writer describes Kolomna life in those times.

Where: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 10.


You can meet the monument to the water pump only in Kolomna. The Shevlyaginskaya basin is a cast-iron octagonal structure that was used in ancient times to collect water. The structure is operational and was created according to surviving drawings from the early 20th century. The original pattern on cast iron attracts attention. The unusual name is associated with the name of a resident of Kolomna - Maria Shevlyagina. She became famous for paying for the construction of similar structures in the city. To supply water, wells 120 m deep were drilled here. Anyone here can drink artesian water.

Where: Kolomna, Pushkin street.


Until 1902, many residents of Kolomna and neighboring Zaraysk used the services of water carriers. A representative of this profession was immortalized in sculpture by the blacksmith Anton Yakushev and his colleagues. The monument is located on the banks of the Moscow River, where water was collected for sale. Some townspeople recognize the features of Leonid Yakubovich in the face of the water carrier. Next to the monument there is a mug for collecting donations, which are transferred to the churches of Kolomna. The sculpture is located opposite the floating hotel.

Where: Kolomna, Vodovozny Lane.


Architectural monument. Built in the 18th century. It is famous for the fact that the writer Ivan Lazhechnikov spent his childhood and youth here. There is a museum inside the house that tells about the life of the wealthy merchants. There are many authentic items that were used in different centuries: dishes, musical instruments, writing utensils, household appliances. The library with books in French and Russian is well preserved. An interactive excursion “Secrets of the old estate” is held within the walls of the house.

Where: Kolomna, st. October Revolution, 192A, +7 (4966) 18-67-67,


The Kremlin's Cathedral Square is famous not only for its stunning temple. In 2007, a monument to the holy brothers Equal to the Apostles - Cyril and Methodius - was erected on its territory. The founders of writing stand on a granite pedestal two meters high. Behind the brothers' backs is an Orthodox cross. The total height of the sculpture is 7.5 meters. The authors of the composition are sculptor Alexander Rozhnikov and architect Mikhail Tikhomirov.

Where: Kolomna, Old Kolomna district.


The Mokeev estate is made in a traditional architectural style characteristic of the 19th century. The first owner of the building was the merchant Mokeev. Later, the house passed into the hands of the writer Lazhechnikov, where he founded a library. Now the museum hosts scientific readings, seminars, and cultural events. Writers from other regions often come. The main building of the estate, as well as the outbuilding and stables located on the east and west sides, have been well preserved to this day. The external facade is decorated with rich snow-white stucco.

Where: Kolomna, st. October Revolution, 182b.


The Mozgov House in Kolomna is a well-preserved example of the Russian Empire style. The name is associated with the name of the last owner. The construction dates back to the second quarter of the 19th century. The building is one-story, there is a large basement. Access to the roof mezzanine is via a staircase inside the house. The wooden shutters that covered the windows more than 100 years ago have been preserved. Located near the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. The building has been restored and is of interest to connoisseurs of Russian architecture.

Where: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 22.


The monastery is located on the spit of the Oka and Moscow rivers. The founder of the Staro-Golutvinsky monastery is considered to be Sergius of Radonezh. The first stone was laid in 1374 or 1385. According to legend, they decided to erect the shrine because of the end of hostility between the Moscow and Ryazan principalities, which at that time was called a miracle. This monastery is the largest in area in the Moscow region. The oldest building dates back to the 18th century. - This is the main temple of the monastery. The towers in the monastery were built in pseudo-Gothic style. Now the shrine has been restored, believers can attend the service and draw holy water from the well.

Where: Kolomna, Golutvinskaya st., 11,


Along with three beautiful churches, on the territory of the monastery you can see a chapel built in honor of Prince Vladimir. Today, almost 80 novices of the monastery not only work in the medical center for the suffering, but also breed unique breeds of shepherd dogs in the kennel at the monastery. The nuns communicate quite calmly with visitors to the holy monastery and lead excursions. Tourists enjoy taking pictures with a camel named Sinai, a gift to the novices from Tereshkova herself.

Where: st. Kolomna, Lazareva, 11,


The temple is considered one of the most unique attractions of Kolomna. A massive building, built in the style of the Moscow pattern - a typical merchant temple. The main feature is 105 kokoshniks, “ladders” rising to the domes. Nearby there is a destroyed bell tower, of which only the first tier has survived.

Where: Kolomna, Posadskaya st., 18.


According to legend, during the capture of the city by infidels, this church, taking with it the priest and the believers inside, disappeared underground. It is believed that somewhere deep down there one can still hear the ringing of bells and the words of the eternal liturgy. In the 60s of the 18th century, a new beautiful temple and bell tower were built here. The building was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt; at different times it served either as a workshop or as a storage room for the local history museum. Only in the early 2000s was the church finally completely restored, with the surviving icons and a new iconostasis given to it.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Lazareva, 24a , +7 (4966) 12-35-63,

The warm temple, erected by local merchant Ivan Meshchaninov in 1776, was completely destroyed, and the decoration and domes were destroyed. This place in Kolomna has a long history of restoration: enormous work has been invested to restore its former beauty. Talented artists and patrons of art made a significant contribution to the painting and revival of the cathedral as a whole. The cathedral is hospitably open to its visitors every day, and services are held both in the morning and in the evening. This temple is one of the many examples of Russian churches that have risen from the ashes.

Where: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 14,,


Being founded at the expense of a heroic participant in the battle on the Kulikovo Field, from the first days of its existence the monastery prayed for the repose of the participants in those events. This place was repeatedly destroyed and closed, and its premises were used as warehouses. By the end of the 1980s, the monastery buildings, including walls and buildings, had completely lost their former luxury and appearance. Fortunately, in the spring of 1991, the Patriarch's blessing was given to restore the monastery, so that today it would delight its visitors with snow-white splendor among green spaces.

Where: Kolomna city o., village. Old Bobrenevo, +7 (496) 617-20-75.


It is not surprising that such a thematic museum has been opened in Kolomna. It is this city near Moscow that is famous for its tram traffic, as well as for the fact that the very first electric cars in Russia were born here. Visitors can see more than 200 tram models from all over the world and compare them with each other. The owner of the museum continuously replenishes his collection not only with models, but also with rare photographs, documents and postcards depicting trams.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Dmitry Donskoy, 15, +7 (916) 955-01-47,

The museum is a godsend for those who are in love with tea and everything connected with it. The atmosphere here is so cozy and warm that you seem to be in your own home. There are samovars of different sizes and shapes all around, shiny and beautiful. It's amazing how these simple tins can bring a smile to your face and warm your soul. The museum was founded by a simple Kolomna family, which, having acquired the first samovar as a necessity, subsequently devoted itself to collecting these original Russian household items. For 15 years now, the family hobby has delighted not only the family itself, but also tourists coming to Kolomna.

Where: Kolomna, Posadskaya st., 11,

In 2014, craftswoman and collector Irina Kulikova opened her own thematic museum, in which she collected toys of her own making and carefully restored toys of past decades. During a one and a half hour excursion conducted by the owner herself, you can immerse yourself in the magical world of toys from different countries and generations. It is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The first ones will find out what their parents once played, and the adults will remember their childhood.

Where: Kolomna, Moskvoretskaya st., 20,

At one time, the gate was used as the main entrance to the city and exit to the busy road to Vladimir. It is believed that the construction of the Kolomna Kremlin began precisely from this symbolic point. It’s definitely worth seeing this historical place in Kolomna and taking a couple of memorable photos against its background for good luck, because the passage in the tower is made in the shape of a horseshoe.

Where: Kolomna, st. Zaitseva, 14.


The Museum of the History of Soap Making is located near the Pyatnitsky Gate. Curiosity and incredible aroma literally attract every passerby. Inside is a kingdom of gentle beauty, peace and bliss, the atmosphere of the 19th century: field daisies on the windowsill, bright boxes of all sizes and shapes. It seems that a young lady is about to come in and speak that same Russian that has long sunk into oblivion. No one will be able to leave here without a couple of pieces of soap.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Zaitseva, 18,

This museum preserves memories of the 1960s. Soviet Kolomna is presented here in the smallest detail of everyday life. Every visitor can see how people lived at the time their homes were built. In the communal kitchen you can try the treats with which guests were previously greeted: Indian tea, bagels, sherbet and much more. The museum is located in the city center - in the house where the Ogonyok grocery store was located during the USSR. In the exhibition hall you can see the works of artists living here. After all, this place is a residence for creative people who create modern literature and painting. This is not just a museum, but a workshop that is open to the public all year round.

Where: Kolomna, st.
October Revolution, 205, 8 (985) 335-02-20,
25. MUSEUM “Kuznechnaya Sloboda”

A private museum dedicated to blacksmithing and folk crafts. Its opening took place in February 2010. The museum exhibits include forged, cast and wooden products from different eras. Each item is a separate story, showing the life of a specific person, his family, and at the same time, an entire nation. The museum presents a reconstruction of a blacksmith's workplace along with his tools. In addition, here you can get acquainted with the armor of warriors, their weapons, and accessories for fishing, in particular hunting and fishing.

Where: Kolomna, st. Grazhdanskaya, 84,


An architectural monument, built at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century. The author is considered to be Matvey Kazakov, an architect who arrived here on the instructions of Catherine II. Since then, the house has passed from one owner to another, and it received its current name thanks to the name of its last owner - merchant Alexei Semenovich Ozerov. Since 1980, painting exhibitions began to be held here. Now the Ozerov House art gallery has three halls. Not only paintings are presented here, but also sculptures, artistic photographs, graphics and the fruits of folk art.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Krasnogvardeyskaya, 2, tel. 8 (496) 614-70-83,

The museum contains works that reflect the concept of perceiving the world as a single organism. Includes three divisions: Museum of Arts of the XX–XXI centuries. (paintings by famous artists who embodied the concept of organic structure on their canvases), the Museum of Russian Photography (showing various types of photographic art: pictorialism, landscape, documentary, studio photography) and the Museum of Tradition (covering exhibits in the field of archeology and folk crafts). The museum is located in a noble estate, built in 1815. In 2011, the building was reconstructed as a monument of wooden architecture.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Kazakova, 10, 6,

According to legend, the history of this place began in 1385, when St. Sergius went to reconcile Moscow and Ryazan. Deciding to rest, he hit the ground with his staff and a source of holy water erupted from there. Since then, people have come here to pray and drink healing water. Processions of the cross and prayer services were held here. Before the revolution, there was a chapel near the spring, which was destroyed during Soviet times. It was restored in the 90s of the 20th century, but it has not survived to this day - it was burned in the 2000s. The spring was improved and a new small chapel was erected nearby, and a font was also built.

Where: Kolomna, Kolychevo microdistrict (Protopopovo village), Radonezhskaya street.


The park, which is located in the city center, was developed in the post-war years. Residents of Kolomna planted trees and installed flower beds on their own. Here is the largest fountain in the city, the diameter of its bowl is 35 meters. During the summer, there are attractions and cafes here. You can simply walk in the park, enjoying the beauty of nature, because trees and shrubs brought from all over the Soviet Union are planted here.

Where: Kolomna, st. Gagarina, 52.


The opening of the museum took place on May 7, 2010, on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. The facade of the museum is made of red glass, which symbolizes the victorious banner. At the entrance to the museum there is a bell on which the words “Live and Remember” were cast. The exhibits represent the history of military Kolomna from the Middle Ages to the present day. Here are collected materials that were not exhibited in the Museum of Local Lore.

Where: Kolomna, st.
Invincible, 1, tel. 8 (496) 616-52-31, Photo: Sergey Kalugin, photobank of the Moscow region,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

Architectural and historical places of Kolomna

Sightseeing hunters will have plenty to see in Kolomna. Among the many cultural heritage sites in the city, there are notable architectural structures and magnificent monuments.

Pyatnitsky Gate

  • Address: Kolomna Kremlin. Transport stop "Market".

The main gate of the Kolomna Kremlin, above which a powerful tower rises, got its name from the small chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, which collapsed over time and was restored in the first third of the 18th century. The fortification structure with high loopholes and a wide arched passage is impressive in size.

The height of the tower, topped with a pointed tent, is 29 meters, length 22, and width 14 meters. On the entrance side, a figured niche was created in the volume of the building, under the arches of which a carved icon and bas-reliefs with figures of saints were previously located. It’s simply impossible not to take a photo against the backdrop of this colorful Kolomna landmark.

Ozerov's House

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 60 rubles, reduced price 30 rubles, excursions from 50 rubles. up to 100 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Krasnogvardeyskaya, 2. Transport stop "Old Kolomna".

The magnificent building, more like a palace than a bourgeois mansion, is considered one of the architectural pearls of Kolomna. It was erected at the very beginning of the 19th century. for the family of a wealthy wine merchant A. Ozerov.

The central portal of the house with arched niches of the main entrance is decorated with a high portico supported by six massive white columns, the luxurious capitals of which immediately attract the eye.

Tourists will be able to admire not only the exterior of the mansion, but also see several permanent museum exhibitions housed in its halls. In addition, concerts are regularly held here and an art salon operates.

Monument to Sergius of Radonezh

  • Address: Old Golutvinsky Monastery. Transport stop "Bochmanovo".

The monument to the most revered saint of the Russian land, who with all his might contributed to the unification of the appanage principalities around Moscow, did not appear in Kolomna by chance. It was Sergius of Radonezh who convinced the Ryazan prince Oleg to conclude eternal peace with Dmitry Donskoy.

In honor of this event, the Epiphany Monastery was founded near Kolomna, the construction of which the monk supervised. The sculptor depicted the saint with a staff in one hand and blessing the inhabitants of the city with the other hand. The statue was installed on the territory of the Staro-Golutvinsky monastery in front of the Epiphany Cathedral.

Lazhechnikov Estate

  • Address: st. October Revolution, 194. Transport stop “Square of Two Revolutions”.

The estate was built for the successful merchants Lazhechnikov brothers in the middle of the 18th century. and expanded six decades later, it is one of the city's main architectural attractions. A two-story merchant mansion with an elegant Moscow-style porch looks more like a country house.

There is a well-kept park around the main building, limited by a fence of forged peaks, arranged in spans, fixed between antique columns of supports. You can enter the estate through a magnificent gate with a driveway and two arched passages. The main building was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Museum of Local Lore.

Monument to Cyril and Methodius

  • Address: Cathedral Square. Transport stop "Market".

During the celebrations of the Day of Slavic Literature in the spring of 2007, a monument to its founders was solemnly opened on the Cathedral Square of Kolomna.

The composition, cast in bronze, depicts saints with halos above their heads, standing against the background of an Orthodox cross. Methodius is holding a Bible in his hands, and Cyril is holding a scroll containing the letters of the alphabet. The sculptures are placed on a granite pedestal with a memorial slab. The height of the monument is 7.5 meters.

Monument to Kalashnikov

  • Address: Memorial Park.

On May 27, 2022, a monument to Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, an outstanding weapons designer, was inaugurated in the Memorial Park. It was not by chance that he appeared here, because it was in Kolomna that the Shchurovsky small arms and mortar weapons range is located, where Kalashnikov was located from 1942 to 1949. worked on his legendary AK-47. The authors of the sculptural image in the form of a bust are Elena Kalashnikova and Vladimir Kurochkin.

Don't miss: Sights of Moscow


Where can you go with children in Kolomna? Museum "Kolomensky Gramophone", Museum of Marshmallow, Museum-Estate "House of the Samovar", Private Gallery "Museum of Favorite Toys".

What can you see in Kolomna for free? Memorial Park, St. John the Baptist Church, St. Nicholas Church on Posad, Kolomna Assumption Cathedral, Kuprin House.

4 main attractions of Kolomna that are definitely worth a visit? Cathedral Square, Kolomna Kremlin, Pyatnitsky Gate, Monument to Dmitry Donskoy.

Best hotels in Kolomna

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