Togliatti, Russia. Attractions, photos with descriptions of where it is located

Togliatti is a city in the Samara region, on the map of Russia it is located on the left side of the Volga River. Initially the city was called Stavropol. Founder Vasily Tatishchev built a fortress city in 1737 to defend the territory from attacks by various peoples who lived near the borders of the Russian Empire. The city was founded in the 18th century.

Stavropol developed rapidly and gradually became larger. Later it was renamed Togliatti. At the moment, the population of the city is 707,408 people, the area is about 314.78 km2, the coordinates are latitude: 53°31′49″, longitude: 49°20′45″, altitude: 92 m.

Distinctive features of the city

The city of Togliatti has its own characteristics, climate and ecology, which are quite different from the cities that are nearby.


The temperate continental climate is characteristic of the temperate latitude zone, in which the city of Togliatti is located . Summers here are often hot, and winters, on the contrary, are cold. Also, air masses that originate from the Atlantic cause highly variable weather in the city and heavy rainfall.

In summer, dry and hot winds blow, thereby making the air temperature high, which provokes drought. In winter, temperatures vary, with the average being -11℃. Large amounts of precipitation also occur in winter.


The city of Togliatti is an industrial center, where a huge number of plants and factories are located . From time to time, some areas of the city are subject to serious air pollution. The most important reason is the huge number of vehicles that are fueled with low-quality gasoline.

The proportion of sulfur in gasoline exceeds the norm, thereby releasing pollutants into the environment. The city's factories also play an important role in poisoning the atmosphere, thus the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, chemical factories and construction waste into the air.

The city is actively fighting environmental pollution and the amount of industrial waste has decreased by half over the last ten years.

Flora and fauna

Togliatti borders on the forest-steppe and steppe zones, this is especially clearly visible on the map of Russia. All neighborhoods are covered by forests with different trees. Pine, birch and linden trees grow here.

The area covered by the city of Tolyatti is rich in various plants and animals. Here you can find wild boars, foxes, hares, a large number of species of birds, fish and insects. Rare plants that are not found in any region of Russia grow in the Samara region.

Automotive industry

The city of Tolyatti is rich in various factories and plants, including many automobile enterprises. The first automobile plant that will be discussed here is AVTOVAZ, the production of passenger cars and all-wheel drive vehicles.

The company was founded in 1966 and is still operating today. It is considered the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Russia. Currently, AVTOVAZ produces cars under its own LADA brand. The plant also produces spare parts and components for machines.

The second largest automobile plant in Togliatti is GM-AVTOVAZ. It was founded in 2001 and mainly produces Chevrolet-Niva cars of various modifications. Due to the quality of the cars produced, GM-AVTOVAZ is considered very popular among Russian consumers.

And finally, the third large automobile plant in the city of Tolyatti is called PSA BRONTO OJSC. The trucking company has been on the market for about 20 years and has managed to establish itself as a manufacturer of vehicles that have high maneuverability in difficult places and off-road conditions.

The cars are also distinguished by a high level of safety, high level of comfort and capacity. These are mainly LADA BRONTO armored vehicles. These vehicles are often used to transport people or goods and are very convenient in difficult places.

For visitors, Togliatti is, first of all, a city whose history is inextricably linked with industry. Just look at the stamps “city of big chemistry”, “automotive capital”, “Russian Detroit”. According to popular assertions, Avtograd has no culture at all and never has had one; they say, where does it come from among these identical square blocks and typical five-story buildings? However, the city has many talented musicians, poets, artists, and designers who are inspired by this specific atmosphere. We dedicate this project to the phenomenon of what was invented and created in Tolyatti.

In the beginning there were factories

The technocratic future of the city was secretly determined back in the early 50s of the 20th century. At this time, the construction of the Kuibyshevskaya (now Zhigulevskaya) hydroelectric power station began. Access to cheap energy is becoming the main detail in the mechanism of total industrialization of the country. New enterprises appear one after another. Over the course of twenty years, Togliatti became the industrial center of the Soviet Union.

View of the construction of the Kuibyshev synthetic rubber plant. Early 1960s.

Kuibyshev Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant. Late 1960s

Construction of the Stavropol cement equipment plant Volgocemtyazhmash. 1959

Construction of a transformer building at the Stavropol Mercury Rectifier Plant. Late 1950s

Construction of a spillway dam at the Kuibyshev hydroelectric power station. Mid 1950s

Installation of the main VAZ conveyor. Late 1960s

Visual propaganda at the construction of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant

The construction of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant finally determined the social role of Tolyatti on a national scale. Leningrad was a “city of history”, Volgograd was a “city of monument”. Togliatti has become a “factory city”. Here a special reality arose in which cultural and social processes automatically turned out to be secondary.

But if we assume that a small factory town does not particularly need a developed cultural sphere, then for a socialist “city of the future” it is simply necessary. And this is exactly what Togliatti should have become.

Victor Lavrenev,

Like many young people, he came to Tolyatti to build an auto giant. And he stayed here for the rest of his life.

We can say that then [in the 1960s] culture “descended” to the city from above -

he recalls.
– Concerts were held for enterprise employees, in which invited artists participated.
The party authorities organized tours of the capital's theaters. All local newspapers, even the smallest ones, always had a section dedicated to art. How art was collected in Tolyatti factories

The artificially “planted” culture took root and began to develop in the 70–80s of the twentieth century. The history of Tolyatti proves in the best possible way the possibility of unity of production and creativity. Without developed industry, local culture might not exist at all. Arkady Lyamin talks about it

, historian, head of the department of exhibition activities of the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore:

During Soviet times, city cultural centers and most creative events were financed by production giants, for example, the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Almost every enterprise had its own cultural center. Since industry was in demand throughout the country, factories had sufficient resources to invest in the development of culture, for example, paying good salaries to artists.

The close connection between the cultural sphere and industry was a trend of that time. Tolyatti had the status of an industrial center; a more favorable soil for creative experiments could not be found. Dance groups, choirs, orchestras, and vocal and instrumental ensembles are created in cultural centers of enterprises. During the same period, the national operetta theater (1970) and the puppet theater (1973) appeared in Togliatti.

DK "Sintezkauchuk" Nowadays the Tolyatti Palace of Culture

Avtozavodsky district. Children's park. 1970s

House of Culture "Yubileiny". Now the Togliatti Philharmonic

Tolyatti, Avtozavodsky district, Palace of Pioneers

The cultural life of Tolyatti is not only developing rapidly, but in some ways is even ahead of its time. In 1988, an order was issued to create the first professional drama theater in the city, “The Wheel,” which also had experimental status. This has never happened in the country before.

“The experiment consisted in developing a model of the first contract theater in our country. In addition, the theater was given greater independence in financial and economic activities, which was later implemented by many state theaters in Russia.”

For twenty years, competitions and city shows of amateur performances were held annually. The connection with the all-Union culture was not lost. The popular Soviet VIA “Plamya” from Moscow, “Blue Bird” from Kuibyshev and others continued to give concerts in Tolyatti. And here is another trend of that time: romantic songs dedicated to the city, glorifying youth, work and scientific progress appear in the repertoire of popular groups.

At the same time, the history of education in the field of culture begins. Music schools appeared, and a music and literature department was organized on the basis of GPTU-45 (now vocational school No. 45).

Tolyatti residents are approaching the last decade of the 20th century with a good baggage of creative victories. Local amateur artists and creative studios become winners and prize-winners of regional and all-Union competitions, and tour the UK, Germany and other European countries.

Cultural life is in full swing and it seems that the only way to go forward is forward. In Soviet times, a close connection with production provided a powerful synergistic effect for creative development. But in the 1990s, it was precisely this that became destructive for Tolyatti culture.

Cultural rebirth

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, local enterprises passed into the hands of private owners who no longer wanted to finance the so-called social and cultural life. Of course, there were still entrepreneurs and philanthropists in the city who sponsored cultural events. But by the 2000s, many of them left Tolyatti. The city gradually began to lose ground and ceased to be interesting from the point of view of “big money”.

– In the 2000s, the burden of supporting the cultural and social sphere almost entirely fell on the shoulders of the city, whose budget did not have enough funds for full funding, –

Arkady Lyamin characterizes the state of culture at that time.

What did the collapse of the Union mean for Tolyatti? An entire country has disappeared from the world map. Was there room left for her ideal socialist city? Unfinished cultural objects like the VAZ Palace of Culture and Technology (later the Palace of Culture, Art and Creativity, and now the Cultural) provided an eloquent answer to questions about culture.

A new concept for positioning the city was never found. Therefore, we had to exploit what we had. According to culturologist and organizer of creative events Dmitry Chevozerov

, in the 2010s, the cultural sphere in Tolyatti gradually began to be divided into two parts:

– The first is traditional culture, which gravitates towards the past, and is carried out by municipal organizations. Leitmotifs - Tolyatti as an automobile capital, a city of youth and other regalia from the past. The problem is that in the present, many of these ideas are no longer relevant. Tolyatti was young in the late 60s, when young people came here to build a plant. Now the city is increasingly called aging. There is no search for new meanings, no attempts to get closer to a new time.

In contrast to the traditional one, there is also a culture of urban initiatives in Togliatti. More current and bold themes prevail here, for example, horizontality, inclusivity, feminism.

According to Dmitry Chevozerov, in the context of culture, these topics are revealed as follows.

• Inclusion

implies the inclusion of people with disabilities in the creative process, coverage of disability topics, restructuring programs for people with disabilities.

• Horizontal

– a type of interaction in which the subjects are equal and there is no hierarchy. In the theater, this can be expressed in the fact that the viewer becomes a character in the production along with the actors.

• Feminism

is understood as revealing the themes of the female body, gender inequality, violence, power; liberation from objectification of the female body and its image, rejection of stereotypes and social myths, change in language. Forms of manifestation - feminist festivals, separate meetings only for girls, exclusively female creative groups.

Despite the advanced ideas, due to the lack of material resources and the lack of an established dialogue with the authorities, the activist initiative does not create a common agenda for the development of the city. Togliatti is still in a state of ambiguity and biculture.

Books are still being written in the city, poetry and new music are being composed. One generation of authors is replaced by another. The creative life of Tolyatti has not disappeared anywhere. So what is the modern Autotown culture? The next material of the project “Invented in Tolyatti” will be devoted to one of its most important areas - music.

We thank
the photographer Vadim Kondratyev and the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore for the provided photographic materials

How to get to Tolyatti

You can get to Tolyatti in 4 different ways. By plane, train, bus and car, the only difference is the price and time.

By plane

Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no plane in Togliatti today. But you can get to the nearest cities by plane, and from there by train, bus or car.

The most popular flights leading to Togliatti:

Moscow-SamaraDailyPrice from 4000 thousand rubles.Flight time 1 hour 50 minutes.
Moscow-UlyanovskDailyPrice from 5000 thousand rubles.Flight time 1 hour. 35 min.
Moscow-BulgumaDeparture on Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.Price from 5600 thousand rubles.Flight time 1 hour. 35 min.

By train

Togliatti on the map of Russia crosses many railway lines, but the most common routes are:

  • Moscow — Tolyatti from 1,265 rub.
  • Syzran - Tolyatti from 398 rub.
  • Ruzaevka - Togliatti from 656 rub.
  • Saransk — Togliatti from 1,393 rub.
  • St. Petersburg — Togliatti from 3,077 rub.
  • Nizhny Novgorod — Togliatti from 1,711 rub.
  • Samara - Tolyatti from 803 rub.
  • Penza — Tolyatti from 1,363 rub.
  • Rtishchevo — Tolyatti from 1,522 rub.

On average, from all these points, travel to the city of Tolyatti takes no more than a day, which easily replaces a plane flight.

By bus

One of the most popular ways to get to Togliatti is by bus. Flights operate daily at intervals of 5 to 30 minutes.

The most popular destinations in Togliatti:

  • Moscow-Tolyatti, ticket price is from 2000 thousand rubles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod - Tolyatti, ticket price is from 1500 thousand rubles.
  • Kazan-Togliatti, ticket price starts from 700 rubles.
  • Samara-Tolyatti, ticket price starts from 300 thousand rubles.
  • Ufa-Tolyatti, ticket price is from 1500 thousand rubles.

Travel time is always different depending on the city; if a bus travels from Moscow to Tolyatti about 16 hours, it takes only 4 hours to get from Samara. Travel time with other nearby cities of Tolyatti is no more than 5 hours.

By car

It’s easy to find Togliatti on a map of Russia; you can also just look at the map to see the path from point A to point B.

If you are going to get to Togliatti by car, you need to look at several routes and choose the most comfortable one:

  • Firstly, the travel time should be minimally expensive.
  • Secondly, you need to choose a route with the least congestion of cars, trucks, and trucks.
  • And finally, thirdly, the quality of the road itself must correspond to the configuration of your car, so that suddenly you don’t have to stop along the way because your car breaks down.

For example, many travel from Moscow to Togliatti along the M5 highway, but it is almost the longest and busiest road, although in terms of mileage it is considered really short.
From Moscow the ideal route is via:

  • Dimitrovgrad.
  • Ulyanovsk
  • Saransk.
  • Arzamas.
  • Moore.
  • Vladimir.

The length of this winding path is 1043 km. But along the entire road you will encounter a large number of attractions, beautiful natural landscapes, and most importantly, you will hardly see any trucks, which is a rather pleasant bonus. Travel time is 10-14 hours.

From the nearest city of Samara to Togliatti it is worth traveling quite a bit. The distance between the cities is 87 km. This is about an hour and a half by car at average speed. There are a sufficient number of cafes, shops and gas stations along the way.

Transport Tolyatti

There are many different buses, trolleybuses, and minibuses in the city. Almost every corner of Tolyatti can be reached by public transport.


Public transport in Togliatti consists of buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. There are 52 bus routes in the city, each of which leads to different points in the city. The fare in cash is 28 rubles, but there are also additional benefits.

When paying with a transport card, the fare is 25 rubles, unlimited travel for a month using such a card will be 1,500 rubles. And for schoolchildren and students in Togliatti, separate benefits are provided. A student travel card for a month costs 840 rubles, and for school students the price of a travel card is 600 rubles. On average, buses run from 6:20 to 21:30.


Seven trolleybus routes are presented in the city of Togliatti. The fare for this type of transport is 28 rubles, the same as for the bus. According to the schedule, trolleybuses run every 10-15 minutes. from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Minibus taxi

Minibus taxis make up half of the public transport in Tolyatti. 45 minibus routes have been launched throughout the city. The fare is 28 rubles. in the area and 30 rubles. between regions. Basically, minibuses finish their work at 22:30 pm and start at 5:45.


There are countless taxis and taxi companies in the city. The cheapest taxi today is Uber , fares start from 25 rubles. Depending on traffic congestion, distance and time of day, a fixed price is determined. This taxi can be ordered through a mobile application.

The second most expensive is Love taxi , the price varies from 60 rubles. for the trip, you can call by phone. And the third, perhaps the most common taxi in Tolyatti is Yandex Taxi, travel around the city starts from 69 rubles, calling a car is very simple, you can do it through your phone, or through a mobile application.

Rent a Car

Car sharing is becoming more and more popular in our country. Renting a car in Tolyatti is quite simple. You need to go to a specialized website and select the desired brand, price and rental period of the car.

The average price per day ranges from 500 to 4000 thousand rubles. , depending on the quality, year of manufacture and make of the car. To rent a car, you need to have all the necessary documents with you, including a driver’s license.

Territory of the modern city

Now the city's population is more than 720 thousand people. This is the only such large settlement of its kind that does not have the status of an administrative center. With such a number of residents in the city there are 728 streets, such information is provided by a map of Tolyatti with streets. The territory is divided into 3 districts:

  1. Komsomol,
  2. Central,
  3. Avtozavodskoy.

A map of Togliatti with houses indicates the division of these areas by forest and park areas. The total area of ​​this settlement is almost 320 hectares.

Main attractions of Tolyatti

The city of Togliatti is rich in its attractions; a huge number of tourists come to see various museums, temples, castles and automobile factories.

Museum of Local Lore

The museum was built in 1962 and has not stopped operating since then. Today it stores more than 60,000 cultural monuments; various antique furniture, a collection of coins, and unique household items are collected here. The museum also has its own library, where 15,000 different books are stored.

For everyone, the local history museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm, on Wednesday until 21 pm, and is closed on Monday. The cost of a ticket without a guide for students, schoolchildren, pensioners and adults is 50 rubles. With a guide, the price varies depending on the number of people, from 100 to 300 rubles. Also, photo and video shooting is paid separately.

The last Wednesday and Saturday of the month are free admission days for children under 18 years of age and full-time university students. The museum is located on Lenin Boulevard 22.

Art Museum

The Tolyatti Art Museum was built in 1987. Today the museum houses many paintings and works of fine art, both from the 20th and 11th centuries. Paintings painted in the USSR in the 70-80s are highly valued. It is located on Lenin Boulevard 22, in the right wing.

The doors of the museum are open to everyone from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday is a day off. The cost of an entrance ticket without concessions is 150 rubles; for schoolchildren, students and pensioners the price varies from 75 to 100 rubles. Group discounts also apply.

Technical Museum named after K.G. Sakharov

Technical Museum named after K.G. Sakharov is almost the most important attraction of the city of Tolyatti. The museum is located in the open air and is a huge field where more than 500 different exhibits are collected - from tanks to submarines. You can also see airplanes, helicopters, rocket launchers, train sets and even spacecraft here.

The cost of such pleasure for adults is 200 rubles, for students, schoolchildren and children 100 rubles. The museum is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, seven days a week, from 8:00 to 20:00.

Zhigulevskaya HPP

The Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station is located on the Volga River between the cities of Zhigulevsk and Togliatti. Construction of the station began in 1950 and ended 7 years later. Almost anyone can take a tour of the Zhigulevskaya HPP; all you need to do is buy a ticket and undergo a safety briefing.

The excursion itself is completely free, you only pay for travel to the place and the work of the guide; it is also best to sign up about a month in advance, because usually the time at which you can come is booked several weeks in advance.

Architectural complex “To the Creators of the City”

Tolyatti on the map of Russia is a big city that was built by ordinary people. This monument was built in gratitude to them. In the very center of the city of Togliatti there is a square where the memorial complex is located, which is dedicated to the creators of the city. The complex consists of a sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, behind which is a snow-white belfry with golden domes.

Monument to V.N. Tatishchev

This monument is dedicated to the founder of the city of Stavropol - Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

It is located on the outskirts of the city and is an equestrian statue, where the founder himself proudly and courageously sits on a horse.

Monument to Loyalty

The monument of devotion is dedicated to the dog, which city residents began to notice so often in 1995. On the bypass highway, townspeople constantly noticed a dog sitting in the same place and in any weather. It turns out that once upon a time two cars collided here, one of which was carrying a girl, a guy and that same shepherd dog.

Only the dog managed to come out of this terrible catastrophe alive, after which it constantly waited for its owners in that very place. This news spread very quickly throughout the city, and the townspeople decided to erect a monument to fidelity, collecting the necessary amount of funds on their own. It is located on Lev Yashin Street, where it is crossed by the Southern Highway.

Forest park area

The forest park area of ​​Togliatti is located on the left bank of the Volga River on the outskirts of the city. These are huge areas of forests where you can see both coniferous trees and trees of mixed forests. There are a lot of children's camps, as well as sanatoriums and recreation centers on the territory.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ was built at the beginning of the 21st century. The temple is decorated with gilded domes.

The church operates a Sunday school, as well as an Orthodox children's camp. The temple is quite large in size. Despite the fact that the cathedral was built quite recently, it already has its own unique history.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in 2000, in the same year the church service was held there for the first time. There is also a monastery on the territory of the temple, where in addition to the monastery, a children's Sunday school is also open. The church itself is made of wood and decorated with golden domes and blue porch roofs. The temple is located on Komsomolskoye Highway, not far from the banks of the Volga.

Annunciation Skete with the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the refectory church in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

The Annunciation Skete is perhaps the most ancient temple in Tolyatti, built in 1846 by a wealthy landowner for his wife. The temple building has triangular fronts and gilded domes. A Sunday school is opened at the church, and there is also a chapel on the territory. The Annunciation Monastery is located in the village of Fedorovka, 400 km from Tolyatti. The temple is considered the most important attraction of the city.

Intercession Cathedral

The Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was founded by a special constituent meeting of believers in 1995.

The church operates a Sunday school not only for children, but also for adults. The church also has its own Orthodox library, which contains more than 4,600 thousand copies of various books. The temple is located in the Avtozavodsky district and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

AvtoVAZ plant management building

The AvtoVAZ plant management building is an administrative building where the offices of the largest automotive plant in Russia are located. It is 25 floors high and is the tallest in the city of Tolyatti. On the 24th floor there is an observation deck where you can see almost the entire city. This building is located on South Highway 36.

Modern history

Demographic characteristics

Today Tolyatti is one of the largest cities in Russia, home to about 700,000 people. Among the cities of the Russian Federation, with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, Togliatti ranks 6th after Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar. The average age of Tolyatti residents is 39.8 years.

Geographical characteristics

Togliatti itself is often called a “green city” due to the large number of plantings and forests. In the summer of 2010, more than two thousand hectares of forest burned as a result of fires. Currently, both city and regional authorities allocate funds for reforestation. Donations are also collected as part of the “Our Forest” charity program, organized by the city charitable foundation “Togliatti Foundation”. Both ordinary residents and business structures provide all possible assistance in forest restoration. OJSC Sibur Holding became the anchor partner of the charity program.

Tolyatti stretches along the Volga River for about 30 km and consists of three districts - Avtozavodsky, Central and Komsomolsky. Its total area is 284.3 sq. km or 28,433 hectares. In the eastern part is the Komsomolsky district. It is historically and geographically associated with the construction of a dam and the operation of a river port, as well as an industrial area dominated by the construction industry. To the northwest of it, separated by a three-kilometer strip of forest, is the Central District, which is popularly called the Old Town. Historically, it is associated with the flooding of old Stavropol during the construction of a hydroelectric power station and the resettlement of its residents, as well as with the construction of large chemical enterprises. The city administration - the mayor's office and the city council - are located in the Central District. The western part of the urban district, Avtozavodsky district, is separated from the Central by a forest 4-6 kilometers wide. Historically and functionally, the district is connected with JSC AVTOVAZ and related enterprises located to the north of the residential part of the Avtozavodsky district.

Transport infrastructure

The M-5 federal highway passes through the city, Kurumoch International Airport is an hour's drive away, it has its own river port and railway. The basis of the Togliatti road network is a network of highways with a total length of 1,498 km and an area of ​​14,345 thousand m2. Passenger transportation is carried out by two municipal enterprises - ATP-3 and the Togliatti Trolleybus Administration, as well as Avto-Fart LLC on 99 routes, including including 69 intra-municipal and 30 regular transportation routes to gardens and dacha areas from April to October. The average interval of passenger transport is 10-16 minutes.

Administrative structure

Local government bodies are formed on the basis of the city charter. Their structure includes the Duma of the city district (representative body), the head of the city district of Togliatti (the highest elected official of the city district), the administration of the city district (executive and administrative body) and the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the city district (the control and accounting body of the city district).

The highest official of the city district is the head of the Tolyatti city district. The head of the city district is elected by the Duma from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition. The head of the urban district is considered to have taken office from the moment the Duma makes a decision on his election.

The term of office of the head of the city district is five years. In its activities, it is controlled and accountable to the population and the Duma. Every year, the head of the city district submits to the Duma reports on the results of his activities and the activities of the administration for the previous year.

Duma deputies are elected in municipal elections for a period of five years. The Duma consists of 35 deputies, of which 17 deputies are elected in single-mandate electoral districts, 18 deputies are elected in a single electoral district, which includes the entire territory of the city district, in proportion to the number of votes cast for lists of deputy candidates nominated by electoral associations. The Duma is headed by a chairman, elected by deputies from among its members by secret ballot at the first meeting.

The administration of the city district is the executive and administrative body of the city district, vested with the authority to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers delegated to the local government bodies of the city district by federal laws and the laws of the Samara region. The administration is headed by the head of the city district.

Holidays in Tolyatti

Since the city is located near the Volga River, holidays in Tolyatti are most often associated with yachts, beaches and various complexes on the river bank:

  • Yacht Club. There are quite a large number of yacht clubs in Togliatti, but the most visited of them is the Druzhba yacht club. This is a restaurant with a beautiful view of the Volga River and the Zhiguli Mountains. Also here you can not only spend a wonderful evening, but also celebrate any holiday. The club is located on Komsomolskoye Highway 36, you can get here by public transport.

“Druzhba” is the most visited yacht club in Tolyatti

  • Country complex "Rancho". This is a hotel complex, which is located 90 km from the city of Togliatti, where you can relax and unwind from the usual rhythm of the city. On the territory there is a fairly deep lake with ducks, in which fishing is allowed, waterfalls, a special playground, football and volleyball fields, a mini-zoo and gazebos. You can get there by car or by taxi; the address of the hotel complex is Solnechnaya Street 3.
  • Hotel complex "Lovchy Plus". This is a shooting country complex. Here you can have a great time with friends and shoot with real weapons. On the territory of the complex there is a hotel, restaurant, swimming pool, sauna and even a car wash. Also, shooting competitions are held periodically at the shooting complex, in which anyone can take part. Located at Togliatti, Zhigulevskoe More microdistrict, st. Kovalenko 73, can be reached by car in an hour.

  • Recreation center "Volzhskie Zori". Tolyatti on the map of Russia is located next to the Volga, so the Volzhskie Zori tourist center is located on the banks of the Volga River. On the territory there is a two-story hotel and several houses for guests. There is a special outdoor playground for children. The complex operates 24 hours a day; you just need to book a room in advance. You can get from Togliatti either by taxi or by bus to the stop “Selo Shiryaevo”.
  • Golf club "Estate". The golf club is a six-hole golf course. Located on the river bank in a pine forest. The doors of the club are open to both ordinary guests and special member players. In winter, there is an ice skating rink and a ski slope. You can get from the city by minibus to the “Avtovokzal” stop and walk a little.

Brief history of Tolyatti

The former name of the city is Stavropol. The first mention of it is associated with a famous person - Vasily Tatishchev. It was he who, in 1737, organized the construction of a fortified city to settle Orthodox Kalmyks there and protect Russian lands from raids. This city, together with the surrounding territory, was presented to the Kalmyk princess by Queen Anna.

The constant flooding of the city by the waters of the Volga during floods forced some of the buildings to be moved to a new territory in 1806. When the Kuibyshev Reservoir opened in 1955, the old city sank and a new city was built in its place on a hill. The map of Togliatti (diagram) fully displays the current location of the city and surrounding areas.


Togliatti is rich in beautiful nature, a variety of places that all tourists want to visit.

They are offered:

  • Sightseeing tour of the city of Tolyatti. A bus tour of the city of Tolyatti takes about 3 hours. Such excursions are open to everyone and take place every Saturday. During the entire time, the bus stops three times, at the monument to Tatishchev, at the Sakharov Museum and near the Transfiguration Cathedral. The ticket price is 350 rubles.
  • Excursion with a visit to Garibaldi Castle. Gothic castle. “The Road to a Fairytale” is an excursion to the most popular attraction – Garibaldi Castle. Unfortunately, during the tour you are not allowed inside the castle; you can only admire it from the outside. But you can rent it specifically for a photo shoot or to hold any special event. In general, the castle is a hotel that has been converted. You can get there on your own from the city of Tolyatti by bus, but the cost of the excursion is 1,500 rubles. per person.

  • Tolyatti delicacy. Ostrich farm. The ostrich farm is located in the village of Piskali near Togliatti. You can visit this place from April to November. All tourists on the excursion are greeted by a cute ostrich named Happiness, who can be taken for a swim. Also, throughout the entire time, you are accompanied by a guide who talks about ostriches. The cost of visiting is 100 rubles. You can get there by car or public transport in 20 minutes.

Heritage Museum

We begin to explore Tolyatti from Sovetskaya Street , which is located in the Central District. Locals call him nothing less than Old Town, but most often just “old man” with an emphasis on “A”. House number 39 on Sovetskaya Street is, if you like, the very center of the “old man”. Not geographical, of course, and not business, but ideological. This house contains the past of the Old Town, everything that was not swallowed up by the waters of the dammed Volga. The Heritage Eco-Museum is located here .

“Heritage” is a small, if not tiny, museum. The entire exhibition is housed in several rooms of two five-walled log houses and in the summer in the courtyard. The collection is made up of everyday objects that surrounded a resident of a Soviet village or city in the middle of the last century. Moreover, many items were inherited by this resident from the peasants and artisans of pre-revolutionary Stavropol, as well as houses cut down during the “old regime”.

The main exhibition space of the museum is the Starikovs’ five-walled house. This house is believed to have been the first to be moved in 1953 from Stavropol, which found itself in the flood zone of the Kuibyshev Reservoir.

The Starikov House is not just an exhibition of household utensils, it is an attempt to preserve the atmosphere of the old house, to show the way of life of its inhabitants, the organization of space, if you like. Everything here is authentic and in its place, even the apple tree in the garden.

As soon as you cross the threshold, it’s as if you find yourself in the village of an ancient grandmother. Here is a cold entryway that combines the functions of a modern hallway and pantry. The back room is no longer a room, but not yet a living room, although it is considered the main space of the house and competes with the kitchen.

Everything here is clear and familiar to you - wooden furniture, which was not previously made from sawdust, shelves with classics and busts of classics, a Dutch oven - a source of warmth and life in a wooden house. And behind it is a nook with an iron bed. The bed makes strange sounds when you lie down on it, and the metal knobs turn away and get lost in the bottomless space located exactly under the bed. And what about porcelain elephants, playful shepherdesses and their gentlemen, all kinds of bedspreads, curtains and other handicrafts!

It is not known for certain what our heirs feel when they find themselves in the past, but the most inquisitive ones are probably interested in the function of all these antediluvian devices - kerosene gas churners. The museum has a whole attic reserved for them in the building across the street.

To begin with, they will show you a film assembled from old photographs and Soviet newsreels about the history of Stavropol, and the guide will lead you along a route worn to holes. In a staged and slightly distant voice with correctly placed intonations and pauses, as only guides can, he will talk about the nature of the things collected in this exhibition. But as soon as you show genuine interest or some awareness, museum workers switch to the language of people and communicate with you as a person involved in this story.

— Would you like us to take a walk around the area, I’ll show you the house where Repin and his friends stayed? - Victoria Voinova , the keeper of Heritage, suddenly suggests.

- Of course we want. Show me!

Hotels Tolyatti

As in any metropolis, Tolyatti has a wide variety of hotels, ranging from luxury ones to inexpensive hostels in the city center:

  • Like hostel. Like Hostel is a hotel in the center of Tolyatti. There are only two hostels in the city of Tolyatti, the first is located at st. Sportivnaya, 6, entrance 2/1, the second at Lenina Boulevard, 21, entrance 2. The cost of a room per day depends on the availability of benefits and the amount of time, prices from 450 to 1000 rubles. You can get to the hostel by almost any public transport.
  • Hotel "1001 nights". The 1001 Nights Hotel is very popular among tourists. It accommodates several dozen rooms, from economy class to luxury class. Each room is equipped with a plasma TV, double bed, table, telephone, bathroom, and free Wi-Fi. The hotel has private rooms with a swimming pool and jacuzzi for an additional fee. Prices vary from 1800 to 5000 thousand rubles. per night. The hotel complex is located st. Kuibysheva, 50. You can get there by taxi or bus.

  • Hotel "AMAKS Yubileiny". A hotel complex that provides high-class luxury rooms. Located in the business district of Tolyatti. The price per day depends on the quality of the room, prices range from 2800 to 6800 thousand rubles. per day. The standard rate includes buffet breakfast. You can get to the hotel by public transport.

Where to go in Tolyatti for tourists with children

Children's holidays in Tolyatti can be exciting and varied. Young travelers should visit:

  1. Puppet theater "Pilgrim". The theater has been delighting children with its performances since 1973. During this period, more than a hundred different performances were staged on its stage. The productions are based on Russian folk tales, myths and works of various peoples of the world. Information:
      address: pl. Svobody, house 2;
  2. opening hours: performances start at 10.00, 11.00 and 15.00;
  3. ticket price: from 140 rubles.

    The Pilgrim Puppet Theater is the first professional theater in the city of Tolyatti

  4. Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Einstein". By visiting the museum, a child will be able to learn more about the physical and chemical properties of objects, as well as lift the veil of secrecy about natural phenomena. All information is adapted for children's perception and is provided in the form of a game. The baby will be able to take part in experiments and scientific experiments. Information:
      address: Korolev Boulevard, building 13;
  5. opening hours: 10.00–20.00;
  6. cost of visiting: from 360 rubles.

    The Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences has about 60 exhibits

  7. Water park "AquaLand". For children's entertainment, there are swimming pools, playgrounds, water attractions, and sports grounds. There is also a stage in the water park where animators conduct entertainment activities for children. Information:
      address: Banykina street, building 21B;
  8. opening hours: 10.00–20.00;
  9. cost of visiting: children under 12 years old - 500 rubles, adults - 600 rubles.

    The water park is perhaps the most universal place where both children and adults have equally fun.

  10. Fanny Amusement Park. The park is located on an area of ​​eight hectares. It has everything you need for a family holiday: a variety of attractions - from ordinary trampolines to roller coasters, cozy cafes, a swimming pool with slides (available only in summer) and an ice skating rink (only in winter). Information:
      address: Frunze street, 18B;
  11. Opening hours: 10.00–21.00;
  12. Entrance to the park is free.

    "Fanny" is the largest amusement park in Tolyatti

  13. Spiritual and cultural. The complex was created according to the traditions of ancient Russian wooden architecture and is located on the banks of the Usa River. Here tourists with children can enjoy the magnificent beauty of the surrounding nature, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of Ancient Rus'. The child will be offered archery, riding a horse, trying on chain mail, riding a boat - all this will help the child feel like an epic hero. Information:
      office address for ordering a trip to Sloboda: Primorsky Boulevard, building 8, office 105;
  14. cost of visiting: from 400 rubles.

    You can immerse yourself in the world of an amazing fairy tale, where mighty heroes defeat the forces of evil, by visiting

  15. Of course, a child should visit Garibaldi Castle, as well as numerous parks in Tolyatti, most of which have attractions.

What to bring from the city of Tolyatti

Tolyatti souvenirs are a wonderful gift for friends, parents, or spouse, as here you can find everything for absolutely every taste and color:

  • Model "Lada". A cute oversized Lada souvenir can only be bought in specialized souvenir shops in Tolyatti, and even then you will have to try very hard to find it. The price of such a toy is from 200 rubles. and higher.
  • Ladovskaya "rose". The Ladovskaya rose is a fan scarf with the image of a football team. Now this team is not so popular, so finding such scarves is not so easy. They are usually sold in specialized fan stores and cost from 300 rubles.
  • Discs of local talent. Tolyatti residents are very proud of their stage, namely, they believe that the group “Ruki-Vverh” started in this city. Therefore, various music stores and kiosks still sell CDs from local bands. Their cost is from 100 rubles.
  • Tolyatti beer. There are currently 7 large breweries in Tolyatti, each of which is unique in its own way. But the largest beer. The plant produces only high-quality products, so beer can be bought as a gift to a friend. The famous Zhigulevskoe beer is also brewed here, which can be purchased at any supermarket or beer stall.
  • Vodka “Black Crystal” and “Queen of the Table”. Togliatti has a Distillery, where Black Crystal and Tsarina Stolka vodka is produced, and is the largest plant in the city, which can be clearly seen on the map of Russia. Vodka contains natural herbs and juniper berries, which gives it an exquisite taste, which is famous not only in the region, but throughout Russia. You can buy this vodka in city supermarkets at a low price.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Economy and industry of Tolyatti

Now it is the largest single-industry town. There are numerous industrial enterprises on its territory:

  • JSC AvtoVAZ,
  • Cement factory,
  • Ship repair company,
  • Tolyatti CHPP,
  • Mineral fertilizer plant,
  • Enterprise "TolyattiAzot"
  • Plant for the production of artificial rubber,
  • Winzavod,
  • Combine of cognac and champagne wines,
  • Milk,
  • Factories for the production of building materials and others.

All information about the data is on the map of Togliatti with streets in good quality.

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