Sights of Tikhvin - what to see in 1 day

Tikhvin, Tikhvin... the name, of course, is well known. But how much do you know about this town in the Leningrad region to immediately answer the question: is it necessary to go there for the weekend? Based on tourist ratings, it is in the second ten cities popular among tourists. This is influenced primarily by remoteness. For this reason, attractions are found here no less often than in the nearest St. Petersburg suburbs. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to thoroughly examine Tikhvin in 1 day.

Therefore, let's look at the pros and cons.

  1. The distance from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin, which can ruin your mood
  2. Sights of Tikhvin: so that what you see coincides with what you expect
  3. You need to go to Tikhvin if...

View of the Mother of God Assumption Monastery from Fishovaya Mountain

Historical and Memorial Museum

In 1913, to preserve the rich historical heritage of the city, a museum was created here, which dealt with local antiquities. After 1919 it was placed in monastic premises. After the city was captured by German units, all exhibits were looted.

Local historians spent a long time restoring the museum’s exposition, and it was presented to the public in 1968. Two years later, the institution became known as the Tikhvin Historical-Memorial and Architectural-Art Museum. Its holdings include over 27 thousand exhibits. Here are archaeological finds, ancient coins, rare icons, weapons, objects of fine and applied art.

Location: Tikhvinskaya street - 6.


In the 19th century, a convent was founded in Tikhvin. This was done in memory of the rescue of the family of Emperor Alexander III while traveling by rail. Initially, there were twelve pupils in the monastery orphanage, then their number increased to 23.

The emperor honored the monastery with his visit and was delighted with the order that existed in it and the reception he received. As a token of gratitude, the monastery was presented with sparkling vestments, and the abbess was given a golden cross with a rosary made of semi-precious stones interspersed with diamonds.

Location: Zaitseva street - 10.


There is a children's environmental center in the city, where the younger generation is instilled with a love for their native nature. In 1993, a small zoo was inaugurated here. It is serviced by a dozen and a half specialists.

Adults, children and city guests enjoy getting acquainted with the collection of the local menagerie. At least seven thousand people visit it every year. They have the opportunity to get acquainted with 74 mammals of fifteen species, many birds, reptiles and 25 species of fish. The zoo plays a big role in teaching children respect for the environment.

Location: Moskovskaya street - 9.

Palace of Culture

In 1982, the Kirov Plant Palace of Culture was opened in the city, which was named after Rimsky-Korsakov. Its area is over nine thousand square meters, and the main concert hall, together with the balcony, can accommodate 860 spectators.

During a major renovation in 2009, the palace was modernized. It now has a modern cinema, dance halls, and a restaurant. High-quality equipment has been installed, allowing concerts and theatrical performances of any level to be held. Dozens of creative groups work in the palace

Location: Karl Marx street - 30.

Belfry of the Assumption Monastery

The decoration of the entire monastery complex is the belfry of original architecture, which has three tiers. There are many different rooms inside it. It was built in 1600 by order and with the money of Boris Godunov. The belfry has five bays, each of which contains one bell.

Above each bay there is a gabled roof with a spire decorated with a decorative flag. In the 17th century there was a fire at the belfry, the consequences of which were quickly eliminated. She also suffered during the war. As a result of reconstruction carried out in the 60s, it acquired the same appearance as in the 17th century.

Location: Tikhvinskaya street - 1.

Holy Trinity Monastery

Near Tikhvin there is a monastery, which was founded by St. Anthony in 1200. It was named Antoniyevo-Dymsky Holy Trinity.

In the 17th century it was ravaged by the Swedes, burned, and was rebuilt. The monastery was an important center of social and religious life. Since 1709, there has been a church school for children from the surrounding villages.

In 1919 the monastery was liquidated. By the beginning of the 20th century, a two-story building of cells, a small building for a homeless shelter, a school building, and outbuildings had been preserved. The restoration of the main cathedral began.

Location: Krasny Bronevik village.

Gostiny Dvor

One of the architectural monuments of the 18th century is the Gostiny Dvor, the project of which was originally developed for Tver. The building is L-shaped. Its classical facades are decorated with three figured attics and covered with yellow plaster. The windows on the first floor had a corrugated design.

Until 1917, there was a lively trade and artisans worked here. Then the building was nationalized and barracks for soldiers were placed in it. The market that operated here in the middle of the last century was closed. The historical appearance of the building was restored only in 2005. Today it adorns the architectural ensemble of the city.

Railway station

In 1904, the Tikhvin railway station was opened. The station building, made in the Russian-Byzantine style, is decorated with rich stucco and pilasters.

The protruding portal had a figured pediment. One of the attractions was a beautiful small chapel.

In 1995, the building was restored. In 2004, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God returned to Tikhvin from an American trip. In connection with this significant event, the station building was completely renovated. Today the station serves ten railway lines.

Assumption Cathedral

In 1383, the Assumption Cathedral was erected in Tikhvin. The religious shrines stored there are regularly venerated by parishioners of the temple and guests of the city. The cathedral is famous for its elegant belfry with five nests, the bells of which can be heard throughout the city. The monastery library is located under the cathedral belfry. The cathedral building is regularly restored. Its interior decoration is interesting, in the center of which is a large six-tiered iconostasis. There is a very beautiful pond near the temple.

Location: Tikhvinskaya street - 1.

Holy Gate

During the reign of Boris Godunov, the Holy Gate with the Church of the Ascension was built in Tikhvin. At this time, the Russian-Swedish war was going on. The gates are distinguished by beautiful elements and exquisite decor. They have original openings and kokoshniks, giving the church an unusually elegant look.

In 1641, as a result of a fire, they were partially destroyed, but they were quickly restored. Twenty years later, the master of icon painting R. Sergeev completed luxurious paintings on the arches and facades. However, as a result of the reconstruction of the 18th-19th centuries, the beauty of the “holy gate” was damaged. They suffered greatly during the war.

Monument to Rimsky-Korsakov

On the territory of the family estate on the banks of the Tikhvinka River, where the great composer spent his entire childhood, a monument to him was erected. It is located near a small chapel.

Made in the form of a rectangular column, on top of which there is a bust of the great Russian composer. There are very beautiful flower beds around the monument. This place is regularly visited by admirers of musical art and visitors to his house-museum.

Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin

It began with a small wooden church, built on the river bank where the appearance of the image of the Mother of God of Tikhvin took place. In the 18th century, the church was destroyed and a brick temple was erected in its place. It was designed by the architect from Tver V. Polivanov.

This church is distinguished by its early classicism style architecture. She has a reserved and neat appearance. The hussar regiment, to which it originally belonged, handed it over to the abbess of the monastery. At the end of the last century, the church was reconstructed and serves as a concert hall.

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