Voskresensk: rooms for a million with poor ecology and good infrastructure

The city of Voskresensk is located in the Moscow region, not far from the capital of Russia. Some of its residents go to work or study in Moscow. What is remarkable for tourists about this small town near Moscow? It dates back to 1339. First of all, it is interesting both for its ancient history monuments and modern objects. The city streets and its surroundings preserve the memory of the life of the Moscow region nobility, sports heroes and the industrial history of the capital region. Let's look at the main attractions of Voskresensk - we offer brief descriptions with photos, names and addresses of places.


The route along Novoryazanskoye Highway from Moscow is not difficult. Traffic jams occur approximately during the first 20-30 km after the Moscow Ring Road - the most difficult sections are the villages of Oktyabrsky and Mikhailovskaya Sloboda, and closer to Bronnitsy the situation, as a rule, improves.

The city cannot be called compact, due to its elongation along the railway, but in terms of public transport, residents are saved by the presence of 5 railway stations running along the entire length of the urban territory “88 km”, “Voskresensk”, “Shifernaya”, “Moskvoretskaya” “Tsemgigant” . Next to the “88 km” platform there is the Voskresensky bus station and a parking lot for 50 cars.

Moskvoretskaya platform

City resident: “You can get there either by train, which is only 1 hour and 40 minutes without traffic jams, or by bus, which goes to Moscow every 30 minutes. Bus with all amenities, TV, air conditioning, drinks.”

Voskresensk has a complex planning structure. Separate microdistricts are separated by tributaries of the Moscow River, transport pipelines and industrial zones.

Neighborhoods are separated by tributaries of the Moscow River

Communication between the districts and the nearest railway stations is good, with many buses and minibuses running. But the railway running through the city also creates some problems.

City resident: “You can lose an hour and a half of time at railway crossings.”

City resident: “You can get around the city by minibus or bus, and you can get to any place. To get to the city from Novlyansk you need about 15 minutes by minibus, but if you are from Tsemgigant, you can stop at the railway crossing and drive for 40 minutes.”

Communication between the regions themselves by car is difficult and confusing.

Help for residents is 2 bridges across the Moscow River, connecting the center and the Novlyansky microdistrict. One of the bridges is a car bridge, the other is a pedestrian bridge.

Pedestrian bridge

Now it is a massive cable-stayed structure, but in the past the bridge has a tragic history - in 1988 its predecessor collapsed, and there were casualties. The current bridge has no steps, making it convenient for cyclists and mothers with strollers.

Road bridge

The quality of road surfaces and courtyard surfaces sometimes leaves much to be desired. After rain, large puddles form in potholes. But by this October, the authorities promise to improve 16 courtyards.

Roads in some yards leave much to be desired

How to get to the city

The easiest and most convenient way to get to Voskresensk is a commuter train; more than a dozen of them depart from the capital’s Kazansky Station per day. Travel time takes less than 2 hours. It is possible to travel on the Ryazan-1 express train.

A comfortable journey on bus 358, which regularly departs from the Vykhino, Kuzminki and Kotelniki metro stations, will take approximately the same amount of time. The fare is just over 200 rubles. You can take a regular bus from the Zhulebino microdistrict. Regional highways pass through the city and nearby.

By car you can reach the city in 1.5 hours using several different routes:

  • Novoryazanskoye Highway to Bronnitsy, then turn onto the concrete road of the Small Moscow Ring and follow the signs to the destination;
  • Egoryevsky highway through Kurovskoye to Voskresensk;
  • Nizhny Novgorod highway also through Bronnitsy on concrete.


Voskresensk is called the city of chemists and mechanical engineers. Each region can “boast” of harmful industrial enterprises. Tsentralny - "Voskresensk mineral fertilizers", a plastic products plant, electromechanical, paint and varnish and brick factories, Lopatinsky - chemical reagents and fiberglass plants, Tsemgigant -, "Tsentromash", cement.

Cement factory

This huge enterprise is famous for its multi-ton Kraz trucks, which transport raw materials from quarries located on the other side of the Moscow River.

In Kolyberevo there are the Voskresensky house-building plant, one of the sites of the cement plant, Lakokrasochny, and the Voskresensky Industrial Railway Transport Enterprise. The Novlyansky and Moskvoretsky microdistricts are relatively safe in an ecological sense.

Voskresensky house-building plant

One of the main polluters is the city-forming enterprise "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers", which produces technical oleum and liquid ammonia, sulfuric and phosphoric and orthophosphoric acids, sulfonic acid, carbon dioxide, ammophos and polyethylene products. The waste generated by the enterprises during the production of phosphoric acid was stored for a long period on the left bank of the Moscow River, and there is always a risk of it sliding into the water.

Combine Red Builder

Other “leaders” in air pollution are large and the Voskresensky Brick Factory. There are also harmless enterprises - the Voskresensky bakery, which supplies bakery products to both the city itself, Moscow and the region.

Lafarge plant

Despite all the environmental problems, the city is considered quite green - forests and meadows approach it. The Moscow River flows through Voskresensk, which has a number of tributaries.

There is a lot of greenery in the city

A resident of Voskresensk: “On the roofs of houses you can often see a white coating from local factories. Pleasant view of the Moscow River, quite decent forests.”

A resident of Voskresensk: “The city is all green; in the center there is a park where you can find entertainment for children. And around the city there is forest, forest, and more forest! Of course, the city has disadvantages, such as factories that pollute the environment.”

The main green oasis is the central city park. There are paths, benches, playgrounds for children, and a small complex of attractions. On the approach to the Moscow River there is the Krivyakino estate, where the writer Ivan Lazhechnikov was born and spent his childhood. From here, from the high bank, marvelous views of the Moscow River and the opposite bank open up.

Central city park

A year ago, the improvement of Moskvoretsky Park in the Kolyberevo area was completed. The park, founded in the middle of the last century, now has free Internet access points and a special recreation area for people with limited mobility.

Work has also begun in the Tsemgigant district, where sanitary felling and planting of new trees were carried out in the park on Leninskaya Street, and a wi-fi network was organized. Perhaps the city will also have an apple orchard with a non-working fountain on Leninskaya Street. In the same area they plan to develop a park on Karl Marx Street.

The Moscow River within the boundaries of Voskresensk is not very clean - by the time it “arrives” in the city, it manages to absorb pollution from enterprises in the south-east of Moscow, Lyubertsy and Ramenskoye.

One of its tributaries, the Nerskaya, is also subject to pollution, both peat and industrial. The waste of the enterprises of the village named after Tsyurupa is “drained” here - the furniture production “AshitkovoMebel”, “Steklolux Plus”, the production of products from stamped plastic.

Elena, a resident of Voskresensk: “You don’t always want to swim in the Moscow River, since the water is quite polluted.”

The Semislavka River is considered relatively clean for swimming. There are many lakes in the city. Doctorovskoye Lake, not far from the Moscow River, is an artificial reservoir organized in the mid-60s of the last century on the initiative of the director of the Voskresensky Chemical Plant, Nikolai Doktorov.

Krivyakino Estate

But since the lake is now not in the best condition, the city authorities want to “ennoble” this object. It is planned to restore the embankment and develop recreation areas, organize a boat station, a platform for fishermen, and a barbecue area. Plans also include clearing the lake bottom of silt. The “Water Park” should be located on both sides of the Moscow River.

But swimming here is still officially not recommended - the administration admits that runoff from Mendeleev and Doktorov streets flows into the lake along the slope, and according to modern standards, the water here will not be suitable for swimming.

One of the city's reservoirs

City resident: “The ecology is excellent, there are pine trees all around, many lakes and the Moscow River. The lakes have excellent beaches with sandy shores. Not far from the city center there is an excellent Lake Doctorova, with a beautiful beach and a cafe with delicious kebab.”

There are other lakes in the city - Svetloe, located in the Lopatinsky microdistrict, where a civilized beach was organized this year.

There are several lakes on Tsemgigant, but they are clogged. Recently, a massive fish death occurred in one of the lakes on Chapaev Street. The fact is that there are three pipes leading into the lake, which illegally release wastewater into the water.

With drinking water, everything is also not ideal. Recently, based on the results of administrative inspections, it was revealed, for example, that the treatment facilities of JSC Akvastok in the Moskvoretsky district require serious modernization.

The importance of the city in the modern world

Voskresensk, whose sights have a long history, was first mentioned in 1339 in the spiritual charter of Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita, but the village arose much earlier. It received its name from the main Church of the Resurrection of Christ and was never renamed.

In the middle of the 19th century, the railway station of the Moscow-Ryazan Railway also received this name. The station village begins to rapidly grow and develop. The status of a city was assigned to the village with the united nearby villages in 38 of the last century.

Today it is an industrial city of municipal importance with an area of ​​about 40 square meters. km of complex planning structure of isolated residential formations, separated by industrial zones, pipelines and river channels. Voskresensk is located along the banks of the Moscow River, 88 km south of the capital.

The climate here is continental with a clearly defined seasonality, moderately cold long winters and warm summers. The average temperature in the winter months rarely drops below -10 degrees; in the summer months it is +18 degrees. An area with sufficient moisture and an average annual precipitation balance of 450-600 mm.

The ecological situation in the city is very alarming. The atmosphere, water resources and soil are polluted by emissions from numerous urban factories. The urban population is about 93.5 thousand people.

The area around the city is dominated by small-leaved birch and aspen forests with rare islands of broad-leaved trees and interspersed conifers. Endangered plants grow in the forests: lily of the valley, water lily, water lily and other species listed in the Red Book.

Among the animals there are many hedgehogs, moles, hares, squirrels and muskrats. There are also foxes, raccoons, wild boars and moose. The most common reptiles are lizards, snakes and vipers.

Urban birds include crows, jackdaws, rooks, starlings, sparrows and tits. Terns, gulls, bitterns, waders, ducks and gray cranes nest in the area. Spring migrations of wild geese and many water birds pass through these places. There are more than 50 species of fish in the rivers, 10 of which are listed in the Red Book.

Study and heal

In Voskresensk there are almost two dozen municipal schools and the same number of kindergartens, fairly evenly distributed throughout the city territory. Among them there are also “advanced” institutions - gymnasium No. 1 on Kagan Street, gymnasium No. 24 on Lomonosov Street, Lyceum No. 6 on Karl Marx Street, Lyceum No. 22 on Mendeleev Street.

Gymnasium on the street Kagan

Resident of Voskresensk: “The best educational institution in our city is Lyceum No. 22! This is our pride."


There is an evening school in the city and the Resurrection College with four divisions scattered throughout the city - here you can get both working and other specialties: programming, accounting, land and property relations.

Resurrection College

And also Construction College, Vocational School No. 44, Central Interregional College of Industry Technologies and Entrepreneurship.

Night school

In addition, there are universities in the city: the Financial and Legal Academy, the Voskresensky Institute of Tourism, branches of the Russian State Humanitarian University, the Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University and the Russian New University.

Mechanical Engineering Institute

Additional education is provided by music schools on Andres, Chapaev, Sovetskaya and Rabochaya streets, the Elegy art school on Kagana, 22, art school No. 5 on Rabochaya street, and the Lingua House Foreign Language Center.

There are many clubs, sections and creative activities not only for children, but also for adults in the city recreation center “Khimik” in the center of Voskresensk.

DK Khimik

Another city recreation center “Yubileiny”, on Andres Street, in the Lopatinsky district. There are various groups here - vocal, pop, pop-sports, and folk dances, a theater studio and an aesthetic gymnastics studio, as well as sports sections: tennis, football, sambo, aerobics. The highlight is the Sofit life-size puppet theater.

Tsemgigant district also has its own recreation center “Tsementnik”. There is a brass band, song theater, show ballet, folk choir, and many other vocal and dance groups.

Kids club

In addition, the city has a club for children and teenagers “Droz-Voskresensk” on Kagan Street, a Center for Children’s Technical Creativity on Kuibysheva Street, and Molodezhny on Cesis Street. There are also establishments for the little ones - for example, Baby Club on Zelinsky, 10 A.

City resident: “It’s very good that we have a Baby Club in Voskresensk, little kids learn to communicate there and begin to develop faster. My daughter and I have been going for six months now; she happily dances and completes her assignments.”

There are only 6 clinics in the whole of Voskresensk: 2 for children (one of them has a branch in the western part of the city) and 3 for adults. This is not enough for such a “stretched” city, and getting from certain areas is troublesome.


There is also a dental clinic and many commercial medical institutions such as honey, "XXI Century" and "Gerbera" on Khripunova Street, "Diomed" on Doktorova Street, "Point of View" on Lermontova, and the Ultramed clinic on Oktyabrskaya.

Sculptural composition “Resurrection of Christ”

Its grand opening took place in the summer of 2008. Funds for the construction of the composition were allocated by a local philanthropist. The consecrated bronze sculpture depicts the Savior, before whom two angels bow, and under his feet are the gates of hell. Above this image is a hemisphere of steel, which represents the rainbow.

Location: Mendeleev street - 2.

Sports and culture

Voskresensk is called the city of sports glory. One of its main symbols is the Podmoskovye Ice Palace, where the local hockey team “Khimik” is based. The building stands on the square in front of the fountain, where a monument to the founders of the team is erected. People jokingly call it “thought for three.”

Ice Palace Moscow Region

Mikhail, city resident: “An excellent sports palace - one of the largest in the Moscow region in size and everything inside is very beautiful.”

Natalya, a city resident: “It’s a nice palace. You can watch the match, you can go skating yourself. Children are constantly engaged - the younger generation of future champions. The square in front of the palace is a favorite place for many to walk with children and couples in love.”

A famous place is the Dolphin Water Sports Palace with 3 swimming pools, 2 gyms, a sauna with a waterfall and gyms. There are also a number of sports complexes in Voskresensk: “Gornyak” on Komsomolskaya Street, “Fosforitny” in Lesnoy Lane, “Voskresensk” in the area of ​​Chapaeva Street, “Fetr” on Bykovsky Street, and the sports center “Spartanets” on Cesis. And in the winter of this year, the Triumph sports and recreation center opened in Moskvoretsky.

There are sports schools for children - the Sports School for Hockey on Pobedy Street, the Youth Sports School for Sambo and Judo on Kagan Street, and the specialized Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve for fencing on Mendeleev Street. Horse riding enthusiasts can visit the Voskresensk Sports Complex on Tsentralnaya Street.

But there are not so many fitness clubs - “Odyssey” in the building of the Voskresensk shopping center, “Navigator” on Zelinsky Street in the Novlyansky district, Fit Curves on Oktbrskaya Street. Not all areas of the city are provided with such establishments. A special place is the sports club for disabled people “Leader” on Fedotovskaya Street.

One of the fitness clubs

There are several temples in the city: the ancient St. John Chrysostom Church on Novlyanskaya Street (XVIII century), the new ones - the Cathedral of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God on Sovetskaya Street, the Church of Panteleimon the Healer at the local hospital, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Moskvoretsky quarter and the wooden Sergius Church in the microdistrict Lopatinsky.


Sculpture of the Resurrection of Christ

There are also museums here, although they are of an “industrial” nature. These are the Museum of Labor and Military Glory of Minudobreniya OJSC on Pionerskaya Street and the Museum of the History of the Felt Factory on Bykovskogo Street.

Hall of Military and Labor Glory

There is a Luxor cinema in the Voskresensk shopping center. Concerts and various events are actively held, including at the Khimik Cultural Center.


There are as many as 8 libraries in the city.


Church of John Chrysostom

The temple was erected in 1761. However, the bell tower and refectory were built only in 1855. The cathedral is designed in the provincial baroque style.

Each wall of the temple is decorated with figures of saints. In 1937, the church was closed and its rector was shot. But already in 1946 the shrine was returned to believers. In addition, a chapel was built on the territory of the cathedral, which contains the relics of Schema nun Nila, famous for the fact that she did not allow the Soviet authorities to plunder the church, for which she was sent into exile.

Shopping and going to work

The only business complex in the city is Center-M with guarded surface parking on Khripunova Street, 5. Here you can rent offices ranging from 40 to 200 sq. m. m at a price of 17.6. thousand rubles/month

Another option for locating a business is the Voskresensky Technopark on Moskovskaya, 32, built on the former territory of the Krasny Stroitel plant, where a variety of types of premises are offered: workshops, warehouses, administrative buildings and car services.

Voskresensky Technopark

Opinions about the availability of work vary:

“You can’t find a normal, well-paid job here; you have to travel to the capital on a crowded train for a fairly high fare. Those who drive every day will go broke.”

“Lots of jobs, wages the same as in Moscow.”

There are about a dozen shopping centers in the city: on the central square of the city there is a fairly large shopping center “Voskresensk”, on Oktyabrskaya Street there is a shopping center “Gallery”, on Fedinskaya Street there is a shopping center “Voskresensky”. On Zelinskogo Street there are shopping centers “Tetra” and “Caesar”, on Novlyanskaya – “Triumph”.

Residents of Voskresensk: “There are plenty of various stores here, one more or less decent shopping center in the city center, but, in principle, there is nothing interesting in it.”

“There are a lot of stores in the city, both chain and regular.”

There is no shortage of trade enterprises in Voskresensk

There are a lot of cafes and restaurants in the city - “Khutorok”, “Veranda”, “Vanil” are considered very good.

Restaurant Khutorok

City resident: “Lots of cheap restaurants. In the best restaurant “Veranda” in the shopping center in the city center you can eat for 1000 rubles. This amount includes soup, salad, meat dish, side dish, dessert, juice and freshly baked bread in the form of buns, baked right in the restaurant.”


Voskresensk, whose sights you can easily explore on your own, offers interesting options for air tourism and sightseeing flights over the city and its surroundings.

Flight over the Voskresensky district along the historical route “Rylov Spring”

An extraordinary bird's eye view of historical landmarks lasting 15 minutes. will cost 5 thousand rubles.

During this time, you can have time to explore the Spasskoye estate, the Trinity Church in Konstantinov, the Rylov spring, the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the village of Marchugi and Ilinskaya in Petrovskoye.

Flight over the Voskresensky district along the industrial route "White Mountain"

The industrial sights of the Voskresensky district are no less interesting. From a flight altitude you can appreciate the size of industrial enterprises, admire unusual man-made landscapes and take extraordinary photographs. The following excursion options are offered:

Flight typeExcursion timePrice in rub.
Airplane20 minutes6 thousand
Autogyro30 min.8.5 thousand

Points on the industrial air route include inspection of the closed Afanasyevsky quarry with explosive warehouses, the largest cement plant, the legendary White Mountain made of phosphogypsum, giant excavators of the Lopatinsky quarry, and a chemical plant for mineral fertilizers.

Flight over Kolomna and its surroundings

An unforgettable journey through the village of Myachkovo and the Skating Center to the Kolomna Kremlin with a tour of all the cathedrals and the Bobrenevsky Monastery, with a flight to Cherkizovo, Bekhtemerovo-Miloslavskoye and a tour of the main estates of Voskresensk.

Flight typeExcursion timePrice in rub.
Airplane30 min8.5 thousand
Autogyro40 min.11 thousand

Resale real estate in Voskresensk

A significant part of the housing stock consists of panel and brick “Khrushchev” and “Stalin” buildings, among which there are both post-war buildings and pre-war houses.

The city has both brick houses from the 80s and 90s with improved layouts, and nine-story panel buildings from the 70s and 80s. At the same time, in Kolyberevo, for example, you can find two-story houses from the late 20s and constructivist houses from the 30s. The majority of new buildings are in the center, the Novlyansky, Lopatinsky and Moskvoretsky microdistricts.

About 45% of apartments on the secondary market are offered in panel houses, slightly less in brick ones. “Stalins” make up about 3-4% of the supply. The share of monolithic and monolithic-brick houses on the market is about 10%.

Since the distance to Moscow is significant, housing prices in Zheleznodorozhny are close to the average for Russia and are considered low for the Moscow region: the average price of a one-room apartment is 1.7 million rubles, a two-room apartment is 2.2 million rubles, and a three-room apartment is 3 million rubles You can even buy a room for a million, or even less.

To compare prices on the secondary market of Moscow Region, prices for “one-room apartments” start from 2.4 million rubles, “two-room apartments” from 3.1 million rubles, and “three-room apartments” from 4.4 million rubles.

Resale real estate in Voskresensk

One of the leading developers in Voskresensk is Voskresensky House-Building Plant.

Residential complex "Novlyansky quarter""CapitalTrust Development"Individual project, 17 floors, 20151-room - 2.4 million rubles. 2-room — 4.6 million rubles. 3-room — 5.1 million rubles.
Residential complex "Rainbow""Izodom"Monolith, 10 floors, 20131-room - 2.45-3.71 million rubles. 2-room — 3.78-5.21 million rubles. 3-room — 5-7.04 million rubles.
Residential complex on Sovetskaya streetVDSKBrick panel, 17 floors1 room — 3.4 million rubles. 2-room - 5.6 million rubles.
“Residential complex on Rabochaya Street”VDSKMonolith-brick, 14 floors, ceilings 2.7 m2-room — 3.3 million rubles.
"House on Kagan Street"VDSKMonolith-brick, 16 floors, with improved layout, ceilings 2.8 m, 2015studio - 1.5 million rubles, 2 rooms. — 3.4-4.5 million rubles, 3-room. — 5.1 million rubles.
Residential complex on Pobeda Street, 5AVDSKPanel, 14 floors1 room — 2.3-3 million. rub., 2-room — 4.8-5.2 million rubles, 3-room. — 4.8 million rubles.

Residential complex Raduzhny

Residential complex on Rabochaya Street

Residential complex on Sovetskaya Street

Residential complex Novlyansky quarter

Residential complex on Pobeda Street

Recent history

In 1922, the development of the Yegoryevskoye phosphorite deposit began for the processing of raw materials, from which a chemical plant was subsequently built. By 1934, the first four-story residential buildings and administrative buildings were built. In July 1938, the village along with several villages were united into the city of Voskresensk. The population grew rapidly due to the arrival of specialists and labor from all over the country. In 1939, 17,231 people lived here.

During the war, the railway station was bombed several times, but the chemical plant was not affected by German air raids, because they wanted to capture it intact. In 1954, the large village of Kolyberovo was annexed to the city. The population of Voskresensk by 1959 increased to 44,759 people. Throughout the subsequent Soviet years, the number of residents continued to grow rapidly; in 1992, there were already 81,700 people in the city.

New buildings

Average prices for new buildings in Voskresensk are much lower than those near Moscow, but the choice is now limited.

In the economy class residential complex "Moskvoretsky" in the microdistrict of the same name at Lomonosova, 111, there are only 3 houses of variable number of storeys of the YuV-2012 series. The first stage has already been commissioned, the second will be delivered in the last quarter of this year. German elevators are installed in the entrances, and the elevator halls have been improved. The internal infrastructure of the residential complex includes a sports and recreation center and a multifunctional shopping center, a cafe and a store. The territory is fenced and guarded.

Residential complex Moskvoretsky

The business-class residential complex “Central” at Kuibysheva, 47, in the city center, is actively being built. 3 houses form a semi-enclosed space. They have German elevators and designer decoration of the entrance areas. The complex is adjacent to a city park. A multifunctional center, a cafe, a children's playground and a recreation area will appear in the fenced and guarded area.

LCD Central

But low-rise construction has not yet taken root in Voskresensk. The only project of the Fedinskaya Sloboda residential complex on Zapadnaya Street, on the very edge of the city - where the fields already begin. Here, in a fenced area, there should be 4 brick houses of varying number of floors (3-5 floors), designed for a total of 95 apartments with an area of ​​48 to 98 sq.m. A kindergarten is planned on the landscaped area.

LCD Fedinskaya Sloboda

But the history of the construction of the economy class project is vague. Initially, the first stage was supposed to be commissioned in the first quarter. 2014, then the delivery was postponed to the 2nd quarter. 2016. But judging by the current appearance and condition of the complex, on the territory of which local marginalized people come to drink, the developer may not be able to meet the deadline.

The second stage was planned to be completed in the fourth quarter. 2022, perhaps by this time the complex will be finally erected. Moreover, the developer has changed. Initially it was Pushremstroy, known for its long-term construction projects, for example, the Natashinsky Park residential complex in Lyubertsy, which took 8 years to build, and now it has been replaced by Stroymontazhgarant. According to the latest, possibly outdated sales data, the price per sq. m. m. here - 55 thousand rubles.

Raisa, resident of Western Street: “The residential complex began to be built three years ago. They paved a new road, business was going well, there was advertising on the fence, there was even a sign with the name of the complex. Now the stele is overgrown, the advertising has been removed, the cranes are standing, but there is no particular dynamics of construction. True, the object is guarded. In fact, this is not the most favorable place - there is a swampy lowland, and even the official who came to the opening. failed. Besides, as you can see, there’s a smell here – there’s a silo farm nearby.”

The history of the Moskvoretsky Oasis residential complex from the Monomakh developer is even sadder - construction was frozen. A monolithic brick house of variable number of floors (9-14 floors) was to be built on Lomonosova Street, 2. There were many plans: a fenced area, underground parking and its own infrastructure.

Residential complex "Moskvoretsky"VDSKMonolith-brick, 10-14 floors, finishedstudios—3 rooms —1-4.1 million rubles.
Business class residential complex "Central"VDSKMonolith-brick, 14 floors, with or without finishing, ceilings 2.8 m, 2017studios—4 rooms -2.2 - 6.5 million rubles.
Residential complex "Fedinskaya Sloboda""Stroymontazhgarant"Brick panel, 17 floors1 room - 1.9-2 million rubles, 2-room - 2.6-2.9 million rubles, 3-room - 3-3.8 million rubles.

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

In 2000, a Sunday school was opened here, whose believers submitted the idea of ​​​​building the St. Sergius Church to the local administration. In 2003, the church was built and was considered a monument to the valor of the fallen Soviet soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War. The consecration of the shrine took place in 2006.

Now it contains the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, in whose honor the church is named, as well as part of the mantle of Seraphim of Sarov and the relics of St. Fyodor Ushakov.

Location: Pervomaiskaya street - 25.


Average price per sq. m and on the primary market in Voskresensk - 43.5-58 thousand rubles. This is significantly lower than the average for the Moscow region (80 thousand rubles).

The reasons are clear - the long distance from the capital, and the dubious ecology with a well-developed infrastructure. But the city’s population is growing - both through the “forces” of the residents themselves, and thanks to the fact that immigrants are arriving here from different places in Russia. In addition, numerous city enterprises require qualified specialists.

Therefore, the primary real estate market here has its own, albeit not magnificent, prospects, especially since it attracts with its cheapness and is distinguished by a limited number of offers. Moreover, the city infrastructure is at a very good level.

What to bring as a souvenir

Popular refrigerator magnets with symbols and views of the city, decorative wall panels, souvenir tea pairs and plates are brought from the city as souvenirs.

You can buy sets of postcards with memorable views of the city or an album with photographs. It is interesting to choose local textile products for a trip gift. Women should pay attention to original felt hats.

You can purchase contemporary works by local artists with stunning views of the city landscapes and surrounding areas. In the gift shop you can choose interesting items for interior decoration, wall clocks or figurines.

The sights of Voskresensk will leave an unforgettable impression on a trip to this cozy provincial town and at the same time the largest industrial center.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Comfort level of the city of Voskresensk 14.9 out of 20

Environmental characteristics
Green areas53.5
Absence of serious sources of anthropogenic pollution2
Visual environment3
Connectivity of the city/region
Ease of movement within the city/region33.8
Accessibility of Moscow by public transport4
Accessibility of Moscow by personal transport4
Communication with other localities4
Conditions for working within the city4
Social infrastructure
Children's leisure centers5
Cultural institutions5
Sports and fitness4
Religious buildings5
Shopping and entertainment infrastructure4
Habitat quality
State of city utilities43.5
Development of the real estate market4
Accessibility for the disabled2
Risks and threats
Deteriorating transport situation-1-0.5
Underdevelopment of social infrastructure0
Deterioration of the environmental situation-1
Oversaturation of the real estate market0

Monument to local residents who died in Afghanistan

This is a majestic sculptural composition erected in 2007 in memory of young soldiers who died in the Afghan war. The grandiose monument depicts an exploding shell, on which rise the figures of 18 boys - “Afghans”, who, at the cost of their own lives, fulfilled their international duty by participating in this war.

Russian region codes

01 Region code Republic of Adygea 02 Region code Republic of Bashkortostan (also 102) 03 Region code Republic of Buryatia
04 Region code Republic of Altai 05 Region code Republic of Dagestan 06 Region code Republic of Ingushetia 07 Region code Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 08 Region code Republic of Kalmykia 09 Region code Karachaevo -Cherkess Republic 10 Region code Republic of Karelia 11 Region code Republic of Komi 12 Region code Republic of Mari El 13 Region code Republic of Mordovia 14 Region code Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 15 Region code Republic of North Ossetia 16 Region code Republic of Tatarstan (also 116) 17 Region code Republic of Tyva (Tuva) 18 Region code Udmurt Republic (also 118) 19 Region code Republic of Khakassia 20 Region code Chechen Republic (old numbers) 21 Region code Chuvash Republic (also 121) 22 Region code Altai Territory 23 Region code Krasnodar Territory (also 93 ) 24 Region code Krasnoyarsk region 25 Region code Primorsky region (also 125) 26 Region code Stavropol region 27 Region code Khabarovsk region 28 Region code Amur region 29 Region code Arkhangelsk region 30 Region code Astrakhan region 31 Region code Belgorod region 32 Region code Bryansk region 33 Region code Vladimir region 34 Region code Volgograd region 35 Region code Vologda region 36 Region code Voronezh region 37 Region code Ivanovo region 38 Region code Irkutsk region (also 138) 39 Region code Kaliningrad region 40 Region code Kaluga region 41 Region code Kamchatka region 42 Region code Kemerovo region 43 Region code Kirov region 44 Region code Kostroma region 45 Region code Kurgan region 46 Region code Kursk region 47 Region code Leningrad region

48 Region code Lipetsk region 49 Region code Magadan region 50 Region code Moscow region (also 90, 150) 51 Region code Murmansk region 52 Region code Nizhny Novgorod region (also 152)
53 Region code Novgorod region
54 Region code Novosibirsk region (also 154) 55 Region code Omsk region 56 Region code Orenburg region 57 Region code Oryol region 58 Region code Penza region 59 Region code Perm region (also 159)
60 Region code Pskov region
61 Region code Rostov region (also 161) 62 Region code Ryazan region 63 Region code Samara region (also 163) 64 Region code Saratov region (also 164) 65 Region code Sakhalin region 66 Region code Sverdlovsk region (also 96) 67 Region code Smolensk region 68 Region code Tambov region 69 Region code Tver region 70 Region code Tomsk region 71 Region code Tula region 72 Region code Tyumen region 73 Region code Ulyanovsk region (also 173) 74 Region code Chelyabinsk region (also 174) 75 Region code Chita region 76 Region code Yaroslavl region 77 Region code
Moscow (also 97, 99, 177 , 197, 199) 78 Region code of St. Petersburg (also 98)
79 Region code Jewish Autonomous Region 80 Region code Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug 81 Region code Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug 82 Region code Koryak Autonomous Okrug 83 Region code Nenets Autonomous Okrug 84 Region code Taimyr Autonomous Okrug 85 Region code Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug 86 Region code Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug 87 Region code Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 88 Region code Evenki Autonomous Okrug 89 Region code Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 90 Region code Moscow Region (also 50, 150) 93 Region code Krasnodar Territory (also 23) 94 Region code of territories located outside the Russian Federation and served by the Department of Security Facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 95 Region code Chechen Republic (new numbers) 96 Region code Sverdlovsk region (also 66) 97 Region code g Moscow (also 77, 99, 177, 197, 199)
98 Region code of St. Petersburg (also 78) 99 Region code of Moscow (also 77, 97, 177, 197, 199)
102 Region code of the Republic of Bashkortostan ( also 02) 116 Region code Republic of Tatarstan (also 16) 118 Region code Udmurt Republic (also 18) 121 Region code Chuvash Republic (also 21) 125 Region code Primorsky Krai (also 25) 138 Region code Irkutsk region (also 38) 150
Code region Moscow region (also 50, 90)
152 Region code Nizhny Novgorod region (also 52) 154 Region code Novosibirsk region (also 54) 159 Region code Perm region (also 59) 161 Region code Rostov region (also 61) 163 Region code Samara region (also 63) 164 Region code Saratov region (also 64) 173 Region code Ulyanovsk region (also 73) 174 Region code Chelyabinsk region (also 74) 177 Region code
Moscow (also 77, 97, 99, 197, 199) 197 Moscow region code (also 77, 97, 99, 177, 199) 199 Moscow region code (also 77, 97, 99, 177, 197)


On the territory of the urban settlement there are:

  • Voskresenskaya District Hospital No. 1 (city center - Pobeda Street)
  • Voskresenskaya District Hospital No. 2 (microdistrict Tsemgigant, Grazhdanskaya St.)
  • children's clinic (Novlyansky street, Western)
  • polyclinic (Lopatinsky microdistrict)
  • polyclinic (Moskvoretsky microdistrict, Moskovskaya street)
  • Voskresensk Dental Clinic (Novlyansky St. Zapadnaya, 14)
  • Ambulance station (on the territory of the 1st district hospital)
  • ambulance substation "Krasny Stroitel" (Kolyberevo microdistrict)

Interesting Facts

  • In 2009, Yuri Sleptsov was elected mayor of Voskresensk from United Russia as a result of fraud.
  • On March 30, 2012, the Moscow Regional Court sentenced the former head of the city of Voskresensk, Yuri Sleptsov, to a fine of 18.1 million rubles. The mayor was detained in the summer of 2010 by employees of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region while receiving a bribe of 200 thousand rubles, which was only an advance. According to the investigation, for the renewal of the contract, Sleptsov demanded from a representative of the company operating the city’s water supply and sewerage networks 540 thousand rubles plus 25 percent of the profit. Sleptsov was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - receiving a bribe on an especially large scale and exceeding official authority. The court did not establish any aggravating circumstances. When determining the amount of the fine, the length of the sentence already served was taken into account. In addition, the court deprived the former head of the city of Voskresensk of the right to hold government positions for a period of up to three years. After the verdict, Sleptsov was released from custody.
  • Voskresensk, which represents a collective image of the Russian province, was chosen as the location for filming the Russian television series “Through My Eyes” (2013).


Chemical industry

JSC Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers is a city-forming chemical enterprise. The plant is one of the four largest Russian enterprises producing phosphorus-containing fertilizers, feed additives, phosphoric and sulfuric acids. In 2016, the production of a modern line of water-soluble fertilizers was launched. Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers JSC is part of the production assets of Uralchem ​​JSC.

The construction and development of the enterprise began during the period of the first Soviet five-year plans and the industrialization of the country. The birthday of the plant is considered to be January 22, 1931, when the first tons of products were produced at the Voskresensky Chemical Plant. The Voskresensk chemical plant, built to provide the country's agriculture with mineral fertilizers, laid the foundation for the city of Voskresensk, gave work, determined the vocation and destiny of thousands of specialists who came here from different parts of the USSR.

All products manufactured by the enterprise are of high quality and comply with Russian and international standards. In 2016, the company celebrated its 85th anniversary.

Light industry

Light industry is represented by Felt OJSC and the German wallpaper production company Erismann, located in the Novlyansky microdistrict

JSC "Fetr" is the largest light industry plant in the city.

The history of JSC "Fetr" has included the main milestones in the origin, formation and development of textile and then felt production in the Voskresensk region. The forefather of the current factory, Vasily Nikitovich Katsepov, started his own business in the village of Fedotovo, Kolyberevsky volost. In the early 1870s, he built a dyeing workshop there, and in 1880, in the neighboring village of Lopatino, his son Timofey built a two-story brick factory, the building of which is still in use today.

Social and political events at the turn of the century, as throughout the country, gave rise to a workers' revolutionary movement at Katsepov's enterprises. By decree of January 28, 1918, the factory was nationalized. Until 1922, the factory did not change its profile and, as before the revolution, fulfilled government military orders for the supply of material for soldiers' uniforms and linen. The year 1930 was a turning point in the fate of the factory. By decision of the Moscow Council of National Economy, the existing weaving profile had to be changed to the production of felt - downy men's and women's hats made from hare and rabbit fur. On October 1, 1930, the Katsepovo enterprise received a new name - the Voskresensk Felt Factory named after January 9. The factory celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1980 with the highest and most honorable titles that existed at that time.

Since 1971, there has been a factory museum. The exhibitions cover its entire almost 130-year history: from the Katsepovo textile workers to the Voskresensk felt makers. At the moment, the factory is part of the Horizon - Felt industrial group.

The nearby residential district of Voskresensk is called “Felt Factory”.


Coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved by decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Voskresensk dated October 24, 2008 No. 140/25. Description of the coat of arms: “In an azure field there is a golden phoenix emerging at the end from the same flame.” Author group: idea of ​​the coat of arms: Yuri Belimov (Voskresensk); heraldic revision: Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki); artist and computer design: Galina Rusanova (Moscow); rationale for symbolism: Yuri Belimov (Voskresensk), Kirill Perekhodenko (Konakovo)

  • Variants of the Voskresensk emblem until 1987
  • Coat of arms of Voskresensk from 1987 to 2004
  • Coat of arms of Voskresensk since 2005. Now the coat of arms of the Voskresensky district
  • Coat of arms of Voskresensk since 2008

City media



  • Voskresensk regional newspaper “Our Word”
  • newspaper "Information Voskresensk"
  • socio-economic newspaper "Espresso Voskresensk"
  • newspaper "Iskra-TV" (LLC "ISKRA-VEKT")
  • newspaper "Kuibyshevets"
  • newspaper "Voskresenskie business news"
  • newspaper "Good Newspaper of Voskresensk"
  • newspaper "Regional News"
  • newspaper “Everything for you. Voskresensk"


  • magazine "Voskresensk and Voskresentsy"
  • magazine for children "Slovenok"

A television



  • information and news website of Voskresensk and Voskresensky district Voskresensk-gis.ru
  • city ​​news site Voskresensk.ru
  • the first alternative information portal “Voskresensk.VosNews”, website https://vosnews.ru/


  • 100.7 MHz – Radio Dacha
  • 102.8 MHz – Radio Russia
  • 104.4 MHz – Radio Rodnykh Dorog
  • 107.2 MHz - Marusya FM
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