Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) - sights and history of the city

A settlement called Achinsk is a regional center, a railway station and a pier on the Chulym River, which is a tributary of the Ob. It is located in the west of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Russian people came to this territory at the dawn of the 17th century. In 1641, the Achinsk fort was founded, located on the Bely Iyus River. A little later, in 1683, a fire occurred, and the settlement was moved to Chulym.

From the history of Achinsk

The name of the city arose thanks to the Achigi tribe, which had settled in this place for a long time. The first settlers were fifteen Cossacks, who for some reason decided to stop here. In 1710, a new fort was founded near the Achinka River, which flows into the Chulym. Today there is a transit prison there, which can be found on the map.

The basic plan for the development of the city was drawn up in 1820. The laying of the Moscow Highway and the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway contributed to the rapid development of the settlement. There are many good things to say about the city in its present state. Here are just some interesting facts:

  • There are many factories and enterprises located in Achinsk, which are rightfully considered its attractions;
  • it boasts a railway junction equipped with several connected lines;
  • is an important city in terms of national culture and history.

Of course, situations related to the environment are upsetting. The problem of pollution is very acute, as in many regions of Russia. In poor condition are:

  • air;
  • Earth;
  • water.

This is explained by harmful emissions from production organizations. There are quite a lot of them here, which sometimes you have to regret. These include:

  • local alumina refinery;
  • cement company;
  • oil refining organization.

But these establishments are concerned with oxygen and wastewater purification and garbage removal in an attempt to change the current circumstances.

Social infrastructure

The population of Achinsk does not complain about the lack of educational institutions and healthcare organizations. The educational process is provided by general education and elite schools, private and public kindergartens, which are evenly distributed. Schools and kindergartens are within walking distance in every area. The cost of training in elite secondary educational institutions is about 30 thousand rubles per year. There are also technical schools, colleges, and universities. Higher educational institutions in the city of Achinsk employ highly qualified teachers with academic degrees. Despite this, many parents try to send their children to study in large cities.

As for medicine, there are both paid and government institutions. High-quality treatment is ensured by the presence of experienced medical workers, modern technology and prevention, which is regularly carried out for different segments of the population. The problem of queues, which is typical for most hospitals in Russia, is eliminated by an improved system for making appointments with a doctor. Hospitals, like schools or kindergartens, are evenly distributed throughout the city.

Of course, public transport operates in Achinsk. True, more and more city residents are trying by all means (save, borrow money from relatives and friends, or on credit) to buy a personal car, even a used one and/or from the domestic auto industry. The fact is that, although there is a tram service, it is in a deplorable state, buses break down very often, and the launch of a trolleybus remains in the plans of the city administration.

Achinsk has not escaped the problem of bad roads. The reason for the unsatisfactory condition of the road surface is untimely repairs. Sometimes here you can watch repairmen laying asphalt during a snowfall. And it immediately becomes clear that the quality of the roads is out of the question.

The private sector has gas and running water, but in some places such benefits of civilization do not exist to this day, for example, this is a residential village across the Muzykalnaya River. There are practically no garbage chutes anywhere in the buildings, as well as elevators (even in seven-story buildings), although the latter problem is already being solved. But, it must be said that Achinsk has some of the lowest utility bills throughout the Krasnoyarsk Territory. True, this is unlikely to greatly warm the souls of those who are forced to live without gas and water in the house.

City today

The population of Achinsk cannot be called optimistic. Young people do not want to work at local enterprises, dreaming of high salaries, and move to Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk. This state of affairs contributes to an increase in the average age of employees of Achinsk factories. Today this figure has already exceeded 46 years.

The city has many sports facilities: stadiums, swimming pools, all kinds of playgrounds, fitness clubs and more. This has a positive effect on the physical condition of local residents and on the organization of recreation for students and youth. True, not everyone has enough time for entertainment. The schedule of establishments can be clarified directly on site. At the entrance to the pool you are asked to show a certificate of absence of infectious diseases.

There are two churches in the village. Most of the townspeople are religious. At the same time, the age range is striking - from children to people who retired many years ago. It was even planned to place a religious building on the coat of arms of Achinsk, but the plans did not come to fruition.

Population of the urban district

The population of Achinsk is just over 105 thousand people. At the beginning of 2022, the city was in 161st place among the populated areas of the Russian Federation. Since 2000, the birth and death rates have been practically equal, but recently the number of sad occasions has begun to exceed the number of births. The rapid decline in the population of Achinsk is also caused by such reasons as the outflow of students and the economically active population to large cities, especially to the nearest Krasnoyarsk, Omsk or Novosibirsk, where there are more jobs, higher salaries, and more opportunities.

The ethnic composition is dominated by Russians; Armenians, Ukrainians, and Germans also live in the city.

Station area

You should consider the areas of the city to decide on the purchase of housing. The station, for example, is very noisy, because many passengers, both trains and land transport, pass through here every day, and trade is brisk on the streets, and sellers loudly attract buyers. This is usually done by people living in the station area.

Silence comes only at midnight, and at dawn vanity and chaos reign again. Due to the constant exhaust emissions from cars and buses entering the air, the greenery here is not very lush, the bushes grow quite slowly.

The buildings in the Station area are five-story blocks . Taking into account the situation in this area, it does not seem surprising that the cost of apartments here is lower than in other districts of Achinsk. From any corner of the country you can call this area of ​​the city, the telephone code of which is 39151.

The landmark of this area is the station, the building of which attracts the attention of both local residents and travelers. It is mostly made of glass, which makes it original and interesting.

Privoz is a problem area

The locals don’t like the delivery area for the reason that not far from the bazaar there is a landfill where traders throw away spoiled fruits. Residents of nearby houses suffer from the unbearable stench emanating from this area. This situation was recently discussed on the radio.

Another important problem in the area is the many rats living in the market dump. But it’s no secret that they are considered distributors of life-threatening infections. Naturally, sanitary and hygienic organizations are trying to exterminate rodents, but it is unrealistic to completely eliminate the problem. The delivery area, as a rule, consists of private buildings. The cost of houses is significantly lower than apartments with all amenities. None of the administration representatives live here, of course.

Among the attractions of Achinsk is the market located in this area, which, despite all the problems it creates, interests many tourists. If you want to plunge into city life in full swing, then this place is considered the most suitable.

The building of the former girls' gymnasium

The gymnasium was built in 1911. Before that there was another gymnasium there. The building is located in the historical part of the city, at the intersection of two streets - Lenin and Voevoda Tukhachevsky (former Prosvishcheva Street). The two-story brick building has two facades from Lenin Street, and the main entrance is located from Voevoda Tukhachevsky Street.

The building of the former girls' gymnasium

Despite its venerable age, the decor of the building is in good condition. However, the walls on the east side and the facades of the courtyard are damaged, and the roof of the auditorium is completely destroyed (as a result of a fire in 2004).

Currently, the building houses a teacher training college.

Construction area

This area has very dirty air. Emissions are constantly coming from the enterprise, constantly forming smog from cement dust that falls on bushes and flowers, and with strong gusts of wind it also scatters through courtyards and settles on sandboxes and cars. Toxic substances are released into oxygen in the form of gas: nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulfur.

Of course, such an environmental problem negatively affects the body condition of local residents. In recent years, according to experts, the situation with harmful emissions in this area has begun to improve - the latest flue gas purification technologies have begun to be used, filters and dust collectors have been created. The buildings are mostly represented by three-story brick buildings and five-story block buildings, in addition, there are also private houses. The cost of purchasing and renting apartments is actually similar to the prices of the imported territory, which is not surprising.

This area also has its own attractions - these are small original fountains scattered throughout the territory. It's nice to sit next to them on a hot day, admiring their beauty and enjoying the coolness.

Victory Park, center

Victory Park is considered a good area of ​​the settlement, quite clean in an ecological sense. First of all, this is due to the fact that the territory is surrounded by magnificent alleys with a lot of trees. The oxygen in this area is not polluted at all. Due to the growing trees there is usually no wind here.

Victory Park is great for enjoying nature in the fresh and clean air; you can often meet parents with children here. The Exhibition Center is located nearby. Almost every city dweller wants to live in this area. The cost of purchasing and renting apartments here is the highest in Achinsk.

The center of the settlement visually forms a triangle of several streets: Butorin, Mira and Lenin. Despite the good reputation of the area (most administrative and municipal organizations are located here), not everyone wants to live here, because many are annoyed by traffic noise, car exhaust and clouds of dust.


One of the youngest trams in the USSR. The line was launched purely for the needs of the Achinsk Alumina Refinery under construction. Actually, transporting workers to shifts is the main task of the tram, which is why it still works, although this type of transport has long disappeared from the streets of many cities in the Fatherland. And yes, sometimes you can see a completely full tram even at night. It’s a good thing, it makes the city more comfortable.

It is better to travel the entire route by tram: from the Old Center to the Alumina Refinery and look out the window at the sludge maps.

Temple, theater, museum

Interesting places in Achinsk make a lasting impression on travelers. It is worth considering at least some of them.

These include, for example, the Temple of the Kazan Mother of God. Divine services of extraordinary beauty are held here every day. There is a Sunday school in the parish church. There is a gymnasium for religious primary school students. Under the patronage of the parish there is a central hospital, a pre-trial detention center and a cadet corps. The cathedral has a temperance organization and sisterhood. They even publish their own newspaper called “Achinsky Blagovestnik”, which goes on sale in an eight-page version every month. The room can be purchased for a purely symbolic amount.

The local drama theater was initially organized as a traveling theater . This happened back in 1935. The theater acquired its premises in the city only in 1937. On the stage you can see productions based on both domestic and foreign classics. It is also recommended to attend a performance based on a contemporary work. Vivid impressions are guaranteed. Probably every resident of the city has been to the theater, but the population is not the smallest in the country - 105,264 people.

The Kargapolov Museum of Local Lore bears this name in memory of its creator. This man made an invaluable contribution to the culture of Achinsk. Initially, the museum was located in the personal home of Kargapolov, who donated his financial resources for its improvement. Only in 2008, the organization moved to a two-story house, which was previously owned by a merchant named Mokrousov.

All decorative elements, furnishings and even stucco on the ceiling have reached modern times from those ancient times. Over the entire period of operation of the museum, original, important exhibits have been collected, allowing you to learn a lot of new things: the history of the city, the people living here, as well as the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a whole. Even residents of the region come here to admire this beauty.

Nature reserve "Arga"

The decision to create the Arga State Nature Reserve was made in 1963. Its goal is to preserve unique species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The institution ensures that the inhabitants of the reserve feel comfortable and can reproduce freely.

Arga Nature Reserve

It is located on the territory of three districts: Achinsky, Nazarovsky and Bogotolsky. The scale of the reserve is amazing - it includes several forest areas, the Arga mountain range and part of the Chulym River. The entire area occupies 89.9 thousand hectares. Among the rare and endangered species of animals protected in the reserve are the following:

  • red-breasted crane;
  • owl;
  • sturgeon;
  • sterlet;
  • elk;
  • black stork
  • beaver;
  • sable;
  • Brown bear
  • badger;
  • Siberian roe deer;
  • deer;
  • lynx;
  • and others.

    Protected plants include:

  • feathered grass;
  • slipper;
  • slipper orchid;
  • purple with notches;
  • and others.

    Estates, nature

    The city boasts many merchant estates. Their beauty does not leave tourists indifferent. These include, for example, the mansion of the merchant Wartkin, as well as the estates of Kruglikhin and Maksimov. The Achmag city portal has colorful photographs of these attractions.

    The best place to relax is Victory Park, which is a tribute to the soldiers who selflessly fought for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. On a sultry, cloudless summer evening, there is a chill here, provided by the shade of the trees, and in the fall, no wind is scary under their crowns. Nearby is the so-called “agrarka” - a prestigious educational institution.

    There is a monument dedicated to patriots in the park; it represents a military aircraft. There is also a monument to the local liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You can go here to honor their memory.

    In the vicinity of the city, as in Siberia as a whole, there is amazing, simply stunning nature, it cannot leave a person indifferent. Local residents and travelers go to see it and have a wonderful time at the Aidashka sanatorium, a pine forest or on the banks of Chulym. There is an opportunity to pitch tents and light a fire.

    Not far from the city is the Aydashinskaya cave. Old people say that in time immemorial it was a cult place - ancient people prayed there. And recently, archaeologists found a certain rod here - an ancient and most interesting object, and this news shocked the entire scientific community.

    Delicious food and relaxation

    There are many establishments in Achinsk where you can have a snack: cafes, bars, canteens and prestigious restaurants. In general, the choice is quite extensive, which is good news. In the Naslazhdeniye cafe, located in the southeast of the village, you can have a great rest and have fun with a close-knit group. Very tasty food, respectful attitude from the staff, and the cost of the dishes is pleasantly surprising.

    Many Achinsk residents like the cafe called “Sympatiya”, because the prices here are also quite low. You can try the most magnificent barbecue, all kinds of salads and other high-quality culinary masterpieces. Even the mayor of Achinsk, Ilay Akhmetov, once dined here.

    There are also entertainment centers in the city. It is worth paying attention, for example, to “Cedar”: in a conducive environment you can hold a meeting with colleagues, which will certainly bear fruit. A joyful party with friends will take place to the accompaniment of wonderful music. In addition, here you can organize a dinner with your loved one, which will be filled with romance. There is also a nightclub in the city called “RED”, aimed mainly at young people. A good place for those who love to have fun. Among other things, the locality boasts the presence of several saunas and baths.

    So, Achinsk is a rather interesting city, although not without certain problems. Be that as it may, it’s worth coming here, you’re unlikely to regret it.

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