Russian cities starting with the letter M, telephone codes.

Listed here are 194 cities and towns in our country whose names begin letter M. By clicking on the name of the city, you will be taken to a page with a description of the main attractions of the city and its interactive map.

  • simple font indicates cities in which there is only one object (attraction, hotel, cafe, service point, etc.)
  • thick font
    indicates cities that have several objects
  • Popular cities are highlighted in green

Each city's page lists hotels, cafes (restaurants), souvenirs and services for travelers. For each attraction, hotel, service, photographs and reviews of real visitors are collected, the objects are sorted by rating, calculated based on reviews.

Just below, 90 foreign cities starting with the letter M are listed separately.

Social place names starting with the letter M

Names of states starting with the letter M

  1. Mauritius (Africa).
  2. Mauritania (Africa).
  3. Madagascar is also an island (Africa).
  4. Macedonia (Europe).
  5. Malawi (Africa).
  6. Mali (Africa).
  7. Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia
  8. The Maldives (Maldives) is an island state in the Indian Ocean south of Hindustan (Asia).
  9. Malta is also an island (Europe).
  10. Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco) (Africa).
  11. The Marshall Islands are a country in Oceania.
  12. Mexico is a state in Central America (if you don’t single out Mesoamerica, then in North America).
  13. Mozambique (Africa).
  14. Moldova, Moldova (Europe).
  15. Monaco is a city-state in Europe.
  16. Mongolia, Mongolia (Asia).

Names of administrative territories and republics starting with the letter M

  1. Mari-El, Mari Republic is a republic in Russia (Volga Federal District).
  2. Martinique is a territory in North America owned by France.
  3. Montserrat is a territory in North America that belongs to Britain.
  4. Mordovia is a republic in Russia (Volga Federal District).

City names starting with the letter M

  1. Madrid is the capital of Spain (Europe).
  2. Maykop is the center of the Adygea Republic in the Southern Federal District of Russia.
  3. Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea (Africa).
  4. Male is the capital of the Maldives (Hindustan).
  5. Managua is the capital of Nicaragua (Central America).
  6. Manama is the capital of Bahrain (Arabia).
  7. Manila is the capital of the Philippines (Indonesian archipelago).
  8. Manchester is a city in Great Britain (Europe).
  9. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique (Africa).
  10. Marseille (Europe).
  11. Maseru is the capital of Lesotho (Africa).
  12. Muscat is the capital of Oman (Arabia).
  13. Makhachkala is the center of Dagestan in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation.
  14. Mbabane is the capital of Swaziland (Africa).
  15. Mecklenburg (Europe).
  16. Melbourne (Europe).
  17. Milan is a city in Italy (Europe).
  18. Minsk is the capital of Belarus (Europe).
  19. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia (Africa).
  20. Monrovia is the capital of Liberia (Africa).
  21. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay (South America).
  22. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros Islands (Africa).
  23. Moscow is the capital of Russia, the main city of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, the center of the Moscow region.
  24. Murmansk is the center of the Murmansk region in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia.
  25. Munich is a city in Germany (Europe).

Names of regional centers (and interesting villages) starting with the letter M

  1. Mostovskoy is a regional center in the Krasnodar Territory.

Cities with over a million people in Russia for 2022, list and table

Today there are only 348 cities in the world where the population is more than 1 million people, of which 16 are Russian cities. At the same time, 2 cities from this list are multimillionaire cities - Moscow, with a population of 12 million 300 thousand people, and St. Petersburg - 5 million 200 thousand people.

According to data as of January 1 of this year, Russia had 15 cities where the permanent population was 1 million or more. According to Rosstat on September 22 of this year, the head of the regional department of the Federal State Statistics Service presented a symbolic certificate to the mayor of Krasnodar about the residence of more than 1 million people in the Kuban capital. This allowed Kuban to take 16th place in the list of Russian cities that have the title of million-plus city. And this list looks like this:

Table of cities with a population of over a million according to the list, for January 2021

112 678 079Moscow
25 398 064Saint Petersburg
31 625 631Novosibirsk
41 493 749Ekaterinburg
51 252 236Nizhny Novgorod
61 257 391Kazan
71 196 680Chelyabinsk
81 154 507Omsk
91 156 659Samara
101 137 904Rostov-on-Don
111 128 787Ufa
121 093 771Krasnoyarsk
131 055 397Permian
141 058 261Voronezh
151 008 998Volgograd
16932 629Krasnodar

16 cities with over a million people in Russia on the map

The first million-plus cities in Russia appeared at the end of the last century. The population census conducted here in 1897 revealed that St. Petersburg was the leader in this indicator, with a population of 1 million 265 thousand people at that time. Moscow took second place in terms of the number of residents. 1 million 39 thousand people lived here then.

In the coming years, the country will hold an official census, and then the numbers will become real.

How many million-plus cities are there in Russia in 2022?

  1. Moscow is the capital city of Russia, which is its political, economic and cultural center, the most populated city in both Russia and Europe. For the majority of residents of Russia and other countries, Moscow is a city ready to provide great opportunities. The infrastructure and way of life of Moscow is in many ways reminiscent of a European capital, and its population is typical of residents of megacities such as London and New York. This is why foreigners in Moscow adapt easily.

  2. St. Petersburg is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. It was founded by Peter I in 1703. For 2 centuries it was the capital city of Russia, where important historical events took place. The city is often called the “Venice of the North” because of its unique architecture. St. Petersburg has a special/creative atmosphere that cannot but attract lovers of romance, fine art and poetry.

  3. Novosibirsk is a Russian center of science. The city has more than 100 research organizations, an Academic Town, and the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences). Over 1.5 thousand doctors of science and 3.4 thousand candidates of science live and work here. One of the main attractions of the city is Krasny Prospekt - the central highway of Novosibirsk, the length of which is almost 7 km.

  4. Ekaterinburg is the fourth most populous city in Russia, the capital of the Urals. Located in the central part of the Eurasian continent, more than 1.6 thousand kilometers east of the Russian capital. Yekaterinburg is considered one of the key sports centers in Russia, which has more than 1.7 thousand sports facilities, including 16 stadiums, over 400 indoor gyms, and 45 swimming pools.

  1. Nizhny Novgorod occupies the European part of Russia, located at the intersection of the Volga and Oka rivers. The city was founded in 1221. The distance from Moscow is 400 kilometers. It is one of the most ancient craft and trading cities in the country. The main attraction and pride of the city is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. It was built in the 16th century. and served as a military fortress. Today, this unique open-air museum is visited for regular excursions, tours with theatrical performances or quests.

  2. Kazan is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Located on the bank of the river. Volga, 820 km away. from Moscow. Representatives of 115 different nationalities live here. More than half of the total population are Tatars, the second largest number goes to Russians. Tatar and Russian are state and equal languages.

  3. Chelyabinsk is the administrative center of the Chelyabinsk region; in terms of population, it ranks seventh among the million-plus cities in Russia. Located in the central part of the Eurasian continent, in the east of the Ural Mountains, 1879 kilometers from Moscow. Interesting fact: according to geology, one part of Chelyabinsk is located in Siberia, since this part of the city is located in the zone of sedimentary rocks, and the other half is located on granite, which is characteristic of the Urals.

  4. Omsk is considered a major industrial center and transport hub of Russia, the administrative center of the Omsk region. The city is located on the banks of the river. Om and Irtysh, which contributed to the appearance of the name. The Tara Gate is one of the symbols of the city. They are represented by part of the Omsk fortress. They were built in 1792 and led to the convict prison, located in the Stepeny bastion of the fortress. In 1959 the gate was demolished, and in 1991 it was rebuilt as a historical site.

  5. Samara is located in the European part of the country, on the left bank of the river. Volga. The city is considered the center of the aviation and space industry, one of the oldest Russian cities. Football has a special place in the life of Samara. It is here that the base of the famous Russian football club “Wings of the Soviets” is located; matches of different levels are held. In Samara there is the Metallurg stadium, which is one of the most visited in the Russian Premier League. You can learn about the history of Samara football at the city museum.

  6. Rostov-on-Don is a unique ancient but rapidly developing city, 10th in the list of Russian megacities. Its intensive development largely determines its favorable location. A valuable natural attraction of the city is the Botanical Garden, today one of the largest Russian natural and cultural centers. Here you can see more than 5 thousand trees, herbs and shrubs. In addition, on the territory of the garden there is a greenhouse where plants from different parts of the world are grown, and there is also healing mineral water named after Seraphim of Sarov.

  7. Ufa is a large scientific, cultural, industrial city of Russia, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The city is located in a place where two rivers intersect: Ufa and Belaya, 100 km away. from the west of the Bashkir Urals ranges. The area of ​​Ufa is more than 700 square meters. km. The local population reaches a little more than 1 million people. Ufa is a city with residents of different nationalities. Here you can meet Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, as well as Ukrainians, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Germans, Mari, Belarusians and representatives of other nationalities. The city has both mosques and Orthodox churches.

  8. Krasnoyarsk is located in the east on the banks of the river. Yenisei. This is the capital city of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, whose territory is over 2 million square meters. km., which is tens of times larger than the area of ​​many European countries, for example France, by 4 times. Krasnoyarsk is considered a large industrial, cultural, economic and educational src=”” class=”aligncenter” width=”670″ height=”430″ [/img]
  9. Perm is an eastern city in the European part of the country, located on the coast of the Ural River. Kama. It is the capital of the Perm region, the industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals. It ranks third in terms of area of ​​Russian cities. Located more than 1.4 thousand km. from Moscow. Perm is known for its ancient history. There are limestone caves and rushing rivers. The Perm Planetarium is a modern center where the latest digital technology and a solar telescope are installed, with which you can observe the processes occurring on the solar surface.

  10. Voronezh is the administrative center of the Voronezh region, a major transport hub (with railway lines, roads, and an airport). Voronezh today is the center of the economic sector of the Central Black Earth region. The mechanical engineering and chemical industries, aircraft manufacturing, radio engineering, and machine tool manufacturing are developed here. After all, Voronezh is the Cradle of the Russian Navy, the Homeland of the Airborne Forces. Connected with Voronezh. During the Great Patriotic War, the city was destroyed by 92%, from 07/07/1942 to 01/25/1943 (more than 200 days) Voronezh was divided by the front line, defended itself and helped the country, production of the legendary Katyusha and IL-2 aircraft was established here . Currently, Voronezh is a city of industry and students (more than 120 thousand students). With a developed aerospace industry, which made it possible to create the first supersonic aircraft TU-144 and the IL-86 airbus. Communications center - Concern "Constellation". A bell foundry production has been established. The birthplace of Bunin, Kramskoy, Marshak. There are many theaters, museums, historical monuments: Kostenki - the oldest archaeological site in the World, Divnogorye with its chalk rocks and nature reserves - the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve, which preserved the population of the animal "Beaver", "Stone Steppe" with its amazing black soil, is exhibited in Paris as a standard. There are countless sights and historical references.

  11. Volgograd is the administrative center of the Volgograd region, located on the banks of the river. Volga. This is one of the longest Russian cities in terms of length. Volgograd received the title of hero city, since it was here that the Battle of Stalingrad took place, which became key during the Second World War. It should be noted that the city changed its name several times, in the period 1589-1925. it was called Tsaritsyn, and in the period 1925-1961. - Stalingrad.

  12. Krasnodar is the administrative center of the Krasnodar Territory, often called the “capital of Kuban” and the “Russian southern capital”. Located on the bank of the river. Kuban, at a distance of 120-150 km. from the Azov and Black Seas. Krasnodar is located on the 45th parallel, i.e. almost in the center between the North Pole and the equator. It is generally accepted that this latitude has the most favorable conditions for life.

I wonder what the 17th million-plus city in Russia will be like?

Natural toponyms starting with the letter M

Islands and peninsulas starting with the letter M

  1. Malay Archipelago - borders Indonesia from the northwest (Asia).
  2. Asia Minor, Anatolia - a peninsula between the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seas (the territory of modern Turkey). In ancient times, this region was called Anatolia (from the ancient Greek anatole: “east”).

Valleys and other natural regions starting with the letter M

  1. Mesopotamia is the ancient name for the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (modern Iraq).

Mountains starting with the letter M

  1. Mont Blanc is a mountain range in France.
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