Military units in Russian cities, all cities and regions of the Russian Federation

Telephone codes of settlements and cities in Russia starting with the letter H are located in two tables and published in accordance with the rules for dialing from cellular phones. Table one contains data on Russian cities starting with the letter H, the second contains settlements of the Russian Federation - villages, villages, hamlets, towns, etc. The “Affiliation” column contains data on the territorial location of the settlement. Before making a call, carefully read the rules for dialing telephone numbers.

List of cities in the Far North of Russia

The following Russian cities belong to the Far North:

  • the city of Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region;
  • the city of Kostomuksha in the Republic of Karelia;
  • the cities of Vorkuta, Inta and Pechora in the Komi Republic;
  • the cities of Igarka and Norilsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • the city of Okha in the Sakhalin region.

There are also a number of cities equated to regions of the Far North. The largest of them are Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, Syktyvkar, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Telephone codes of Russian cities starting with the letter H.

ChukhlomaKostroma region+7 49441
ChulymNovosibirsk region+7 38350
MiracleNovgorod+7 81665
ChkalovskNizhny Novgorod+7 83160
ChitaChitinskaya+7 3022
ChistopolRepublic of Tatarstan+7 84342
ChekhovMoscow+7 496
ChernyakhovskKaliningrad+7 40141
ChernogorskRepublic of Khakassia+7 39031
ChernogolovkaMoscow+7 49652
CherkesskKarachay-Cherkessia+7 8782
CherepovetsVologda+7 8202
CheremkhovoIrkutsk+7 39546
ChelyabinskChelyabinsk+7 351
ChegemKabardino-Balkaria+7 86634
CheboksaryChuvash+7 8352
ChebarkulChelyabinsk+7 35168
ChaplyginLipetskaya+7 47475
ChapaevskSamara+7 84639
ChaikovskyPermian+7 34241
ChadanTyva+7 39434


Norilsk, a large industrial city in the Far North, is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It begins its history in 1921, when giant deposits of ore and metals were discovered on its territory by the famous Russian explorer Urvantsev. Therefore, in 1935, construction began on a mining and metallurgical plant, which later grew into the world-famous industrial giant Norilsk Nickel. The plant and the city were built by Gulag prisoners.

The state of the environment in Norilsk is close to catastrophic. It is one of the ten dirtiest cities in the world.

The climate of Norilsk is very harsh. During the short summer, the air temperature can exceed 30 degrees Celsius, and during the long winter the temperature drops below −50 °C. The picture of the Norilsk winter is aggravated by the most severe frosty winds (more than 40 meters per second).

The population of Norilsk is 176.5 thousand people, and this figure is constantly decreasing due to the relocation of residents of the cities of the Far North to warmer and more favorable regions of Russia. But it is temporarily replenished by people who come to work.

There are enough places in the city that are considered the most northern. These are the Norilsk Industrial Institute, the Orthodox Temple of All Who Sorrow Joy, the Nurd-Kamal Mosque, the Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky.


Thanks to the warm Gulf Stream, the warmest of the cities in the Far North located above the Arctic Circle is Murmansk. The Kola Bay, along which Murmansk is located, never freezes (city residents recall only a few cases of the bay freezing). The city is quite favorable for life, so more than 300 thousand people live here.

Murmansk was founded in 1916 as a port city on the Barents Sea. Currently, Murmansk has a commercial and military port.

As in other cities of the Far North region, the climate of Murmansk is quite difficult for people. A short, inhospitable summer, bright but quickly passing autumn and spring, a long frosty winter. The polar night, which lasts for 42 days, is especially depressing for residents. There is very little vegetation in Murmansk.


The city of Monchegorsk is a former workers' settlement founded on copper and nickel deposits in 1935. Monchegorsk is located beyond the Arctic Circle on the northern slope of the Monchetundra mountain ranges near picturesque lakes. The city has a difficult environmental situation, which is constantly worsening due to the work of the plant.

The climate of Monchegorsk is continental, long cold winters, short cool summers. The average summer temperature does not reach 15 degrees Celsius.

More than 42 thousand residents live in Monchegorsk.


The city of the Far North, Severodvinsk, is located on the shores of the White Sea. In 1936, on the territory of present-day Severodvinsk, a shipbuilding plant began to be built in the swamps, and later a whole city grew out of the workers’ village, which, like the plant, was built by Yagrinlag prisoners. Currently, Severodvinsk is the largest shipbuilding center that produces nuclear submarines of the latest models, as well as carries out their maintenance and repair, and disposes of surface and submarine ships. The shipyard has an extremely negative impact on the city’s ecology. In addition, powerful radiation emanates from spent nuclear materials buried near the city.

The climate of Severodvinsk is typical for cities in the Far North of Russia: the heat does not stay here for more than two to three weeks. The sun disappears in October and does not appear until spring, warming Severodvinsk for no more than three months a year.

The population is slightly more than 187 thousand inhabitants. In recent years, there has been demographic aging and an increasing mortality rate, as in many cities on the list of cities in the Far North.

The city is quite clean, its residents are calm and friendly. There are several recreation centers for tourists. Rarely does a tourist risk going to Severodvinsk by car - the condition of the roads in the city is appalling.


In the north of the Komi Republic, beyond the Arctic Circle in the land Arctic zone, the easternmost European city is located - the city of Vorkuta. In Stalin's times, on the territory of Vorkuta there was Vorkutlag, in which prisoners were engaged in coal mining. In 1943, Vorkuta was given city status.

A considerable part of the Vorkuta buildings were planned by Leningrad architects. In Soviet times, Vorkuta was a prosperous city, but with the collapse of the Union, most of the mines were closed and people were forced to leave. Now the situation in the city has stabilized, but the period of prosperity is left behind. Visitors get the impression that time has stood still in Vorkuta since Soviet times. Currently, only a little over 58 thousand people live in the city.

On the eastern side the city is closed by the Ural Mountains. And in the northwest of the city there is tundra. Therefore, in addition to the Polar Night and severe frosts, city residents experience terrible winds (more than 30 meters per second). It is not safe to go out into the tundra in such a snowstorm.

The population of Vorkuta is multinational, which is explained by the origin of the city.

The ecology of Vorkuta is not in the best condition. There is a lack of oxygen in the air due to the lack of trees, but there is an abundance of black coal dust.

Distinctive features of military units in cities

Units of the armed forces are located on the territory of large and small settlements of the Russian Federation. Today, military units are located in 83 cities of the country. Each of the army units belongs to one of the types of troops: ground, special, aerospace forces or navy.

The unit is headed by a commander or chief. He, as a leader, gives orders, organizes combat and mobilization training of the unit entrusted to him, and is responsible for discipline, moral and psychological state and morale of the personnel.

In addition to military personnel, there are also civilian personnel on the territory of the units. Workers are engaged in household, medical and logistical support, participate in the construction and repair of buildings and structures, organize cultural leisure and other events.

The autonomy of the existence of military units in the form of squads, battalions, companies or platoons is ensured by the presence of:

  • postal and telegraph addresses;
  • official seal;
  • general military numbers - open and closed;
  • bank account;
  • own economy and office work.

Information about combat units of this type, their real names, personnel, locations, etc., is secret. Disclosure of data is subject to administrative and criminal liability.


Of the cities belonging to the Far North, Kostomuksha is one of the youngest, as it was founded in 1983. It is located near the Finnish border. Like many northern cities, Kostomuksha grew out of a workers’ village in which the builders of the Karelsky Okatysh mining and processing plant lived.

Located on the border of the northern and middle taiga, the city has a typical northern climate. It has cool summers and frosty winters with frequent weather changes.

The city's population is approaching 30 thousand people.

In the vicinity of Kostomuksha, tourists are attracted by the village of Voknavolok, where the famous epic “Kalevala” was created, as well as unique nature, lakes, and a nature reserve.

Telephone codes of Russian settlements starting with the letter Ch.

Telephone codes of villages, towns, villages, villages, stanitsas, Russian Federation starting with the letter H.

Black RiverKabardino-Balkaria+7 86635
ChuchkovoRyazan+7 49138
ChufarovoUlyanovskaya+7 84243
ChusovoyPermian+7 34256
ChurilovkaRyazan+7 49154
ChurapchaSakha (Yakutia)+7 41151
ChupaKarelia+7 81439
ChunskyIrkutsk+7 39567
ChumikanKhabarovsk+7 42143
Chumbur SpitRostov+7 86342
ChulmanSakha (Yakutia)+7 41147
ChulkovoVladimirskaya+7 49238
ChulkovoRyazan+7 49156
ChuguevkaSeaside+7 42372
ChoiAltai+7 38840
ChoporovoYaroslavl+7 48536
ChokurdakhSakha (Yakutia)+7 41158
ChishmyBashkortostan+7 34797
Chistye PrudyKirovskaya+7 8332
ChistopolyeKirovskaya+7 83342
ChistoozernoeNovosibirsk+7 38368
CleanBorskoe Nizhny Novgorod+7 831
ChistikSmolensk+7 48141
ChiplyaevoKaluga+7 48455
ChicolaNorth Ossetia Alania)+7 86734
ChigiriAmurskaya+7 38452
ChibizhekKrasnoyarsk+7 39136
ChechulinoNovgorod+7 8162
ChesnokovkaBashkortostan+7 347
ChesmaChelyabinsk+7 35169
CheryomushkinAdygea+7 87779
CheryomushkiYaroslavl+7 4855
CheryomushkiKhakassia+7 39042
CheryomnoyeAltaic+7 38581
CheryomnoyeAltaic+7 38511
ChertkovoRostov+7 86387
ChertkovoVladimirskaya+7 49236
CherskySakha (Yakutia)+7 41157
ChernyankaBelgorodskaya+7 47232
BlackTula+7 48756
ChernyshkovskyVolgogradskaya+7 84474
ChernyshenoKaluga+7 48447
ChernyshevskySakha (Yakutia)+7 41136
ChernyshevskZabaikalsky+7 30265
Black YarAstrakhan+7 85149
ChernushkaPermian+7 34261
ChernoyarskNorth Ossetia Alania)+7 86736
ChernigovkaBashkortostan+7 34797
Black PoolYaroslavl+7 48531
Black MudMoscow+7 49626
CherlakOmsk+7 38153
CherkutinoVladimirskaya+7 49242
CircassianRostov+7 86375
SkullTula+7 48763
CherepanovoNovosibirsk+7 38345
CheremshanTatarstan+7 84316
CheremshanTatarstan+7 84396
CheremkhovaSverdlovskaya+7 34377
CheryomushkiKhakassia+7 39042
CheremisskoeSverdlovsk+7 34364
CheremisinovoKursk+7 47159
CherdynPermian+7 34240
AtticsUlyanovskaya+7 84231
AtticsUlyanovskaya+7 84231
ChervishevoTyumen+7 3452
CapUdmurtia+7 34158
SuitcasePenza+7 84140
ChemernaBryansk+7 48336
ChemalAltai+7 38841
ChelutaiBuryatia+7 30136
ChelnyKhabarovsk+7 4212
Chelno-VershinySamara+7 84651
ChekovoVladimirskaya+7 49246
ChekmagushBashkortostan+7 34796
ChekalovRostov+7 86384
Chegem SecondKabardino-Balkaria+7 86634
ChegdomynKhabarovsk+7 42149
CheburgolskayaKrasnodar+7 86165
ChebotaevoSverdlovskaya+7 34398
ChebakovoChuvashia+7 83547
ChebakiNovosibirsk+7 3836
ChashchinoKirovskaya+7 83368
ChashchinaSverdlovsk+7 34362
ThicketLeningradskaya+7 81371
ChashkovoYaroslavl+7 4855
ChakhlovoKemerovo+7 38451
ChakhlovoNovosibirsk+7 38349
ChastsyMoscow+7 498
FrequentPermian+7 34268
ChastoozeryeKurgan+7 35230
Frequent DubravaLipetskaya+7 47469
CharyshskoeAltaic+7 38574
CharusRyazan+7 49131
ChardymSaratovskaya+7 84568
CharaZabaikalsky+7 30261
ChaptsevStavropol+7 86544
ChapushkaSaratovskaya+7 84542
ChapomaMurmansk+7 81559
ChapaevskoeKarachay-Cherkessia+7 87874
ChapaevskyKemerovo+7 3846
ChapaevoKaliningrad+7 40156
ChapaevKrasnodar+7 86164
VatsNovosibirsk+7 38367
ChantsovoSmolensk+7 48165
ChamovoSmolensk+7 48144
ChamzinkaMordovia+7 83437
ChamerevoVladimirskaya+7 49235
ChaltsevoSmolensk+7 48145
ChaltyrRostov+7 86349
ChalnaKarelia+7 81456
ChalkovoPermian+7 34261
ChakinoTambov+7 47555
TchaikovskoeKaliningrad+7 40157
ChaikovskyKrasnoyarsk+7 39157
ChagonitsaLeningradskaya+7 81364
ChagodaVologda+7 81741
ChaginoTverskaya+7 48234
ChavangaMurmansk+7 81559
ThymesRostov+7 86375
ChabishurUdmurtia+7 34130
ChabazimahiDagestan+7 87230
ChaadaevoVladimirskaya+7 49234
ChaadaevkaPenza+7 84158
Chaa-KholTyva (Tuva)+7 39443

Russian telephone codes. Russian cities starting with the letter Ш.


Arkhangelsk is the administrative center of the Arkhangelsk region, the largest Russian northwestern port. Refers to cities equated to regions of the Far North. It is located at the mouth of the Northern Dvina at its confluence with the White Sea. The climate in the City of Angels (as locals call their hometown) is maritime subarctic. The winter here is long and bleak, and the summer is cool and very short. The health of people living in Arkhangelsk is adversely affected by sudden temperature changes within one day, northern winds, low air temperatures with high humidity. The locals are not surprised by the snow in May.

The ecology of the city is in a depressing situation: the test spaceport, hazardous industries, industrial enterprises - all this affects the condition of the air and water. It is not surprising that Arkhangelsk is experiencing a population decline (which is about 400 thousand people) and demographic aging.

The city has higher educational institutions, one of them is of federal significance.

This city begins its history in 1583, when Ivan the Terrible, in his charter, ordered the construction of a city on the Northern Dvina. Once Arkhangelsk was a beautiful wooden city with original architecture, but during the Soviet period the wooden houses were demolished, and in their place typical faceless block and panel high-rise buildings grew.

Military units today

The formation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation took place in May 1992. Each head of the military department carried out transformations of the active army, which also affected military units. Some of them, under Minister S. Ivanov (2001-2007), switched to the contract method of recruitment.

As a result of the reform of the Armed Forces of 2008-2012, carried out under the leadership of A. Serdyukov, the pre-existing Soviet military system was broken. Thus, the number of units and formations of the ground forces was reduced from 1890 to 172 units with the transition to a brigade basis. The army's officer corps was reduced by 50%, and the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen was eliminated.

Under Defense Minister S. Shoigu, previously started reforms were adjusted. In addition to bringing the army's combat readiness to the required levels, other transformations have been carried out.

They are incl. affected the increase in the number of military units, the organization and management of their economy (for example, independent repair of equipment without the involvement of civilian contractors). The ground forces abandoned the brigade structure in favor of a divisional one. According to a statement by Colonel General A. Serdyukov, during 2022 the Airborne Forces will be replenished with 18 new military units.

All innovations, including equipping the army with modern weapons, have a positive effect on its combat readiness. This is also facilitated by the transformations carried out in military units located in Russian cities.

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