Russian cities starting with the letter P, telephone codes.

Here are listed 250 cities and towns in our country whose names begin letter P. By clicking on the name of the city, you will be taken to a page with a description of the main attractions of the city and its interactive map.

  • simple font indicates cities in which there is only one object (attraction, hotel, cafe, service point, etc.)
  • thick font
    indicates cities that have several objects
  • Popular cities are highlighted in green

Each city's page lists hotels, cafes (restaurants), souvenirs and services for travelers. For each attraction, hotel, service, photographs and reviews of real visitors are collected, the objects are sorted by rating, calculated based on reviews.

Just below, 97 foreign cities starting with the letter P are listed separately.

Social place names starting with the letter P

State names starting with P

  1. Pakistan is a state in Hindustan (Asia).
  2. Palau is a country in Oceania.
  3. Palestine is an autonomous region within the State of Israel.
  4. Panama is a country in Central America
  5. Papua New Guinea (Oceania).
  6. Paraguay is a country in South America.
  7. Persia is the old name of Iran (Asia).
  8. Peru is a country in South America.
  9. Poland, Poland (Europe).
  10. Portugal is a country in Europe.

Names of intrastate regions starting with the letter P

  1. Pomerania is a historical region in the south of the Baltic Sea (slav. Pomerania
    ), which was part of various states in different eras. Western Slavs (Pomeranians, Pomeranians, or Pomeranians) originally lived in this territory. Currently, Western Pomerania is part of the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the rest is Polish territory.
  2. Prussia is the historical name for a number of areas in eastern and central Europe where the Prussians lived. Currently, its lands are part of Germany, Poland and the Kaliningrad region (NWFD of Russia).
  3. Puerto Rico is a territory in North America owned by the United States.

Names of capitals, regional centers and large cities starting with the letter P

  1. Pavlodar (in the USSR, now Akmola) is the center of the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan (Asia).
  2. Panama is the capital of Panama (Central America).
  3. Paramaribo is the capital of Suriname (South America).
  4. Paris is the capital of France (Europe).
  5. Beijing, Beijing - the capital of China (East Asia).
  6. Penza is the center of the Penza region in the Volga Federal District of Russia
  7. Perm is the center of the Perm region in the Volga Federal District of Russia
  8. Petrozavodsk is the capital of the Republic of Karelia in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia.
  9. Phnom Penh is the capital of Kampuchea (Southeast Asia).
  10. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro (Europe).
  11. Port Arthur.
  12. Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius (Africa).
  13. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea (Oceania).
  14. Porto Novo is the capital of Benin (Africa).
  15. Port-au-Prince is the capital of Haiti (Central America).
  16. Port of Spain is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago (Central America).
  17. Potsdam is the capital of the state of Brandenburg
    in Germany.
  18. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, the former capital of Czechoslovakia (Europe).
  19. Praia is the capital of Cape Verde (Africa).
  20. Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa (South Africa).
  21. Pskov is the center of the Pskov region in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia.
  22. Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea (DPRK).
  23. Pyatigorsk is the center of the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia.

Names of regional centers (and interesting villages) starting with the letter P

  1. Pavlovskaya is a regional center in the Krasnodar Territory.
  2. Poltavskaya (Soviet name - Krasnoarmeyskaya) is the center of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Krasnodar Territory.
  3. Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Akhtari) is a regional center in the Krasnodar Territory.

Russian cities starting with the letter P, telephone codes.

The phone code directory page contains all Russian cities starting with the letter P. You can select the desired city from the list or use the search. Information about dialing rules is posted on the page “Telephone city codes,..”.

Cities in Russia starting with the letter P.


PyatigorskStavropol Territory+7 8793
PyshchugKostroma region+7 49452
PyshmaSverdlovsk+7 34368
Pyt-YakhKhanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug+7 3463
PytalovoPskov+7 81147
PushchinoMoscow+7 4967
Pushkinskie GoryPskov+7 81146
PushkinoMoscow+7 49653
PuchezhIvanovskaya+7 49345
PutyatinoRyazan+7 49146
EmptyPskov+7 81142
PudozhRepublic of Karelia+7 81452
PugachevSaratovskaya+7 84574
PskovPskov+7 8112
PryamitsynoKursk+7 47142
YarnKarelia+7 81456
ProkhorovkaBelgorodskaya+7 47242
ChillKabardino-Balkaria+7 86631
ProtvinoMoscow+7 4967
PronskRyazan+7 49155
IndustrialKemerovo+7 38442
ProletarskRostov+7 86374
ProkopyevskKemerovo+7 3846
ProvidenceChukotka+7 42735
ShelterKalmykia+7 84736
PristenKursk+7 47134
PriozerskLeningradskaya+7 81379
PrimoryeKrasnodar+7 8622
Primorsko-AkhtarskKrasnodar+7 86143
PrimorskLeningradskaya+7 81378
PrimorskKaliningrad+7 86143
Volga regionSamara+7 84647
PrivolzhskIvanovskaya+7 49339
PriargunskChitinskaya+7 30243
Most PureYaroslavl+7 48549
PreobrazhenskayaVolgogradskaya+7 84445
PregradnayaKarachay-Cherkessia+7 87876
PravdinskKaliningrad+7 40157
PoshekhonyeYaroslavl+7 48546
PochinokSmolensk+7 48149
PochinkiNizhny Novgorod+7 49640
PochepBryansk+7 48345
PokhvistnevoSamara+7 84656
PospelikhaAltaic+7 38556
PorkhovPskov+7 81134
PoronayskSakhalin+7 42431
PoretskoeChuvash+7 83543
Village named after MorozovKhabarovsk+7 42142
PonyriKursk+7 47135
PonomarevkaOrenburg+7 35357
PonazirevoKostroma+7 49448
PolarMurmansk+7 81554
Polar dawnsMurmansk+7 81532
PoltavkaOmsk+7 38163
HalfKurgan+7 35238
Polina OsipenkoKhabarovsky+7 42144
PolesskKaliningrad+7 40158
PolevskySverdlovsk+7 34350
PokrovskoyeRostov+7 86347
PokrovskoyeOrlovskaya+7 48664
PokrovskSakha-Yakutia+7 86149
PokrovkaSeaside+7 42359
CoverVladimirskaya+7 49243
PodporozhyeLeningradskaya+7 81365
PodosinovetsKirovskaya+7 83351
PodolskMoscow+7 4967
PoddoryeNovgorod+7 81658
PodgornoyeTomsk+7 38257
BorderSeaside+7 42345
FireBryansk+7 48349
PleshanovoOrenburg+7 35345
PlesetskArkhangelsk+7 81832
PlastChelyabinsk+7 35160
PlavskTula+7 48752
PichaevoTambov+7 47554
PitkärantaKarelia+7 81433
St. PetersburgSaratovskaya+7 84561
PitelinoRyazan+7 49145
PirovskoeKrasnoyarsk+7 39166
PionerskyKaliningrad+7 40155
PilnaNizhny Novgorod+7 83192
PikalevoLeningradskaya+7 81366
PizhankaKirovskaya+7 83355
PechoryPskov+7 81148
PechoraKomi+7 82142
CockerelsVladimirskaya+7 49243
PetukhovoKurgan+7 35235
PetropavlovskoeAltaic+7 38573
Petropavlovsk-KamchatskyKamchatsky+7 4152
PetropavlovkaBuryatia+7 47365
PetrozavodskKarelia+7 8142
PetrovskoeTambov+7 47544
PetrovskSaratovskaya+7 84555
PeschanokopskRostov+7 86373
PestyakiIvanovskaya+7 49346
PestrovkaSamara+7 84674
PestretsyTatarstan+7 84367
PestovoNovgorod+7 81669
PermianPerm region+7 342
PereyaslavkaKhabarovsky+7 42154
Pereslavl-ZalesskyYaroslavl+7 48535
PeresvetMoscow+7 49654
PrzemyslKaluga+7 48441
PerelubSaratovskaya+7 84575
PerevolotskyOrenburg+7 35338
TransportationNizhny Novgorod+7 83148
PervouralskSverdlovsk+7 3439
PervomayskoyeTomsk+7 38245
PervomaiskyChitinskaya+7 47548
PervomaiskyTambov+7 47548
PervomaiskyOrenburg+7 47548
PervomaiskNizhny Novgorod+7 83139
FoamTverskaya+7 48230
PenzaPenza+7 8412
PevekChukotka+7 42737
PachelmaPenza+7 84152
ParfinoNovgorod+7 81650
ParfenevoKostroma+7 49440
PartisanKrasnoyarsk+7 39140
PartizanskSeaside+7 42363
ParangaMari El Republic+7 83639
ParabelTomsk+7 38252
PankrushikhaAltaic+7 38580
PallasovkaVolgogradskaya+7 84492
PalkinoPskov+7 81145
PalekhIvanovskaya+7 49334
TentMagadan+7 41342
PalanaKamchatsky+7 41543
PavlogradkaOmsk+7 38172
Pavlovsky PosadMoscow+7 49643
PavlovskayaKrasnodar+7 86191
PavlovskAltai region+7 38511
PavlovoNizhny Novgorod+7 83171
PavlovkaUlyanovskaya+7 84248
PavinoKostroma region+7 49439

Russian cities starting with the letter R. Russian telephone codes in alphabetical order.

Website of Mikhail Kozhaev

On May 19, 2016, it became known about the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Independent Ukraine to rename the city of Dnepropetrovsk to Dnepr. The renaming was initiated by the city council at the end of 2015 as part of the decommunization of the names of Ukrainian cities. The fact is that the city was renamed in honor of the Soviet party and statesman Grigory Petrovsky (1878 - 1958), and not in honor of the Apostle Peter, as might have been expected. And now the capital of the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine is the city of Dnieper.

A similar situation in Russia is associated with Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg, which, having returned to their former names, remained the centers of the Sverdlovsk and Leningrad regions, respectively. But that's not even what we're talking about. Today I just wanted to remember and find out the former names of Russian cities. Because many former names are not only unheard of, but may even seem paradoxical. For example, what is the name of Stavropol-on-Volga today? Don't remember? Because how else would you know the old name of Togliatti, if you were either not born and lived there, or had relatives there, or were a Wasserman from Russian geography. For everyone else - this article.

Cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people

To determine the order of indicating cities whose names have changed during Russian history, the principle of population decrease was chosen - from the largest to the smallest. To do this, it turned out to be sufficient to use a list of Russian cities with the corresponding rank, for example, in the Wikipedia table. It seems enough to limit ourselves to cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people, and say a few words about the rest separately. So.

CityFormer namesNotes
Saint PetersburgPetrograd (1914 – 1924)
Leningrad (1924 – 1991)
Yes, Peter’s child was imprinted in the history of the Great Patriotic War with the sad phrase “siege of Leningrad.” The former capital of the Russian Empire, Petrograd was renamed in honor of the pseudonym of the leader of the world revolution.
EkaterinburgSverdlovsk (1924 – 1991)Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov, together with Lenin, sanctioned the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg...
Nizhny NovgorodGorky (1932 – 1990)Yes, if not for another pseudonym, this time of the writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, the cars of the local plant would be called not GAZ, but NNAZ...
SamaraKuibyshev (1935 – 1991)Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev is another associate of Lenin in the cause of the revolution. Born in Omsk, died in Moscow, but in 1917 he established Soviet power in Samara.
PermianMolotov (1940 – 1957)Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov is an ardent revolutionary and Soviet politician. The city of Perm was renamed Molotov in honor of the 50th anniversary of the then chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. It is interesting that until 1957, two more cities bore his name in the version “Molotovsk” - Severodvinsk and Nolinsk.
VolgogradTsaritsyn (1589 – 1925)
Stalingrad (1925 – 1961)
The title of Hero City was awarded to Stalingrad in 1965, when the city lost the name of Stalin after the leader’s cult of personality was debunked. But the Battle of Stalingrad played a decisive role in the Great Victory.
KrasnodarEkaterinodar (1793 – 1920)Catherine's gift to the Black Sea Cossack army.
TolyattiStavropol / Stavropol-on-Volga (1737 – 1964)Everything is simple: on the Volga - so as not to be confused with the Azov Stavropol, and Togliatti - in honor of the leader of the Italian Communist Party Palmiro Togliatti, who died in 1964.
UlyanovskSinbirsk (1648 – 1780) Simbirsk (1780 – 1924)Named in honor of the real name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who was born here and died in 1924.
MakhachkalaPetrovskoye (1844 – 1857)
Petrovsk (1857 – 1921)
During the Persian campaign of 1722, the camp of Peter I’s troops was located here. It was renamed in honor of the Avar revolutionary, Bolshevik and Dagestan political figure Makhach Dakhadayev. Makhach, by the way, is his pseudonym.
RyazanPereyaslavl-Ryazan (1095 – 1778)Yes, Ryazan has been called Ryazan for three times less time compared to its former name.
Naberezhnye ChelnyBrezhnev (1982 – 1988)Yes, the Brezhnev era was short and stagnant.

Cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people

Yes, it would be completely wrong to focus only on large cities. After all, population is one thing, and proud names are another. It is difficult to imagine the current article without recalling Grebenshchikov’s line “This train flies like an apostolic rank on the way from Kalinin to Tver” and without indicating that from 1931 to 1990 Tver bore the name of the “All-Russian elder” Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

However, we can limit ourselves to simple mentions of how certain Russian cities were previously called. So:

Kirov – Vyatka – Khlynov

Kaliningrad – Twangste – Königsberg

Stavropol – Stavropol-Caucasian – Voroshilovsk

Sevastopol – Akhtiar

Ivanovo – Ivanovo-Voznesensk

Kurgan – Tsarevo Settlement – ​​Kurganskaya Sloboda

Vladikavkaz - Ordzhonikidze (yes, if the city had been left named in honor of Grigory Nikolaevich Ordzhonikidze, it would not have been Vlaikavkaz, Ordzhonikidze’s “Alania” that would have been the Russian football champion in 1995)

Murmansk – Romanov-on-Murman

Yoshkar-Ola – Tsarevokokshaysk – Krasnokokshaysk

Syktyvkar – Ust-Sysolsk

Dzerzhinsk – Rastyapino

Veliky Novgorod – Novgorod

Engels – Pokrovskaya Sloboda – Pokrovsk

Yes, not only cities, but also entire countries and empires are insured against large-scale renaming. It is only important that the new names are chosen to suit your taste. Here is Tula, for example. As it was founded in 1146, it remains Tula today. Maybe it’s true what they say: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. This is especially true for such huge ships as cities.

To answering machine

The meaning of the song BG Stella MarisStars in "Friends"There are no such words in Russian
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