Region codes on license plates in 2022

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will talk about state registration plates (car license plates) . The numbers are assigned to the car during its registration with the traffic police and remain in place until one of the next owners decides to replace them, or the car’s registration is terminated.

Registration marks are unique, i.e. Two different cars cannot have the same number plates at the same time. The numbers always differ by at least one letter or number. Today we will look at the features and procedure for issuing license plates, as well as automobile region codes on the license plates.

The procedure for issuing license plates in Russia

Let's consider the most common type of numbers in the Russian Federation:

These are the numbers that are installed on most cars.

At first glance, the number consists of a random sequence of letters and numbers. In fact, not everything is so simple here.

All numbers from 0 to 9 are used on license plates. However, unlike numbers, not all letters of the Russian alphabet can appear on license plates. This privilege is given only to those letters that have similar spellings in the Latin alphabet. Those. Only the letters A, B, E, K, M, N, O, R, S, T, U, X can be used on license plates.

You might have learned about this fact before, but the next thought will probably seem interesting to you. We will talk about the order in which the numbers are issued .

Numbers are issued in order (except for special series). However, the order in which the characters change in the number is far from normal perception. The symbols change not from right to left, but in a slightly different way - in a rather confusing sequence.

1. Most often, the third digit in the license plate changes (in the figure it is number 6). After the number T356OK the number T357OK will be issued.

2. The second most frequently changing character is the 2nd digit (in Figure 5). After the number T359OK the number T360OK will be issued.

3. The third most common symbol is the 1st digit (in Figure 3). After the number T399OK the number T400OK will be issued.

The numbers seem to be okay, but the same cannot be said about the letters.

4. The fourth most common symbol is the 1st letter (T in the picture). After the number T999OK the number U001OK will be issued.

5. The fifth most common symbol is the 3rd letter (K ​​in the picture). After the number X999OK the number A001OM will be issued.

6. The sixth most common symbol is the 2nd letter (O in the picture). After the number X999OX the number A001PA will be issued.

The procedure is quite complicated, so if you didn’t understand it the first time, re-read points 1-6 again.

The symbols on the left side of the registration plate, which were discussed above, are responsible for vehicle numbers within a specific region. By the way, I inform statistics lovers that no more than 1 million 726 thousand 272 car registration plates can be issued with one region code.

After this limit is exhausted, the number of the Russian region written on the right side of the number changes. From this moment on, numbers begin to be issued again within the new region. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own code, and some subjects of the federation, which have a very large number of cars, are assigned several region codes at the same time.

Historical reference

In 1586, the fortress city was erected to protect the southern border of the Russian state on the right bank of the river. The toponymy of the name of the city is still unknown to this day, but the first mention dates back to 1177. The founding date of Voronezh is also a subject of dispute among scientists and historians.

Surprisingly, Voronezh is a naval city. The river on which it stands is deep and flows into the Don, which in turn flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. The forest growing along the banks of the river was used to build ships. It was in this place that the first permanent fleet of our state was founded. This event took place in October 1696. In the spring of 1700, the first Russian-made ship of the linear type was launched. The development of shipbuilding led to the creation of a postal service, a foundry and factories. A road to Moscow was built. One of the modern nuclear submarine cruisers of the Russian fleet is named after the city of Voronezh.

2022 Automotive Region Code Table

CodeThe subject of the Russian Federation
01Republic of Adygea (Adygea)
02, 102, 702Republic of Bashkortostan
03The Republic of Buryatia
04Altai Republic
05The Republic of Dagestan
06The Republic of Ingushetia
07Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
08Republic of Kalmykia
09Karachay-Cherkess Republic
10Republic of Karelia
11Komi Republic
12Mari El Republic
13, 113The Republic of Mordovia
14The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
16, 116, 716Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)
17Tyva Republic
18Udmurt republic
19The Republic of Khakassia
21, 121Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
22Altai region
23, 93, 123, 193Krasnodar region
24, 124Krasnoyarsk region
25, 125Primorsky Krai
26, 126Stavropol region
27Khabarovsk region
28Amur region
29Arhangelsk region
30Astrakhan region
31Belgorod region
32Bryansk region
33Vladimir region
34, 134Volgograd region
35Vologda Region
36, 136Voronezh region
37Ivanovo region
38, 138Irkutsk region
39Kaliningrad region
40Kaluga region
41Kamchatka Krai
42, 142Kemerovo region
43Kirov region
44Kostroma region
45Kurgan region
46Kursk region
47, 147Leningrad region
48Lipetsk region
49Magadan Region
50, 90, 150, 190, 750Moscow region
51Murmansk region
52, 152Nizhny Novgorod Region
53Novgorod region
54, 154Novosibirsk region
55Omsk region
56, 156Orenburg region
57Oryol Region
58Penza region
59, 159Perm region
60Pskov region
61, 161, 761Rostov region
62Ryazan Oblast
63, 163, 763Samara Region
64, 164Saratov region
65Sakhalin region
66, 96, 196Sverdlovsk region
67Smolensk region
68Tambov Region
69Tver region
70Tomsk region
71Tula region
72Tyumen region
73, 173Ulyanovsk region
74, 174Chelyabinsk region
75Transbaikal region
76Yaroslavl region
77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777, 797, 799Moscow
78, 98, 178, 198Saint Petersburg
79Jewish Autonomous Region
82Republic of Crimea
83Nenets Autonomous Okrug
86, 186Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
87Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
89Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
95Chechen Republic

Explanations and comments

According to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of January 5, 2000 No. 5, in 2000 all license plates of the Chechen Republic were replaced: instead of code 20, code 95 was used. License plates with code 20 can no longer be found on the roads. This measure is related to counteracting the situation of accumulation of criminal vehicles at that time.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of June 26, 2013 No. 478, three-digit codes with the first digit 7 (777, 779, 799, etc.) were introduced in 2013. Instead of the expected 2, the number 7 is used, since a) 2 does not fit into the space allocated for the region code on the registration plate, b) 7 is better recognized by cameras recording offenses. However, a limited series of numbers with codes 277 and 299 were still issued.

The Perm region has three codes: 59, 81, 159. Code 81 is out of logic. This is due to the fact that on December 1, 2005, the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (code 81) and the Perm region (code 59) were united into the Perm Territory. Accordingly, code 81 passed to the Perm region.

Legacy area codes

CodeThe subject of the Russian FederationNote
20Chechen Republicbefore 2000
80Transbaikal regionuntil 2022
81Perm regionuntil 2022
84Krasnoyarsk regionuntil 2022
85Irkutsk regionuntil 2022
88Krasnoyarsk regionuntil 2022
91Kaliningrad region
94Territories located outside the Russian Federation and served by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federationuntil 2022

Modern city

The city of Voronezh is famous for its developed infrastructure and industry. The space and aviation fields bring great fame. It was here that the TU-144, engines for the famous Vostok spacecraft began to be produced, and the first IL-86 airbus was produced. Today, the chemical, food, and wood processing industries are developing. The trade sector is developing rapidly.

Voronezh is a major transport interchange. There are two railway stations here and a third one is being designed. The international airport is located at a distance of five kilometers from the city. Currently, a plan for the construction of the metro is being developed.


On the territory of Veliky Novgorod (region number - 53) and the region there live (according to the 2010 census) several main nationalities. The percentage composition is given in the table.

NationalityShare of population, %
Other nationalities2,37
Those who have not decided on nationality or have not provided information7,05

What region is Moscow

Moscow , our capital, is a city so large and significant that it is recognized as an independent region of Russia.

Only three cities in the Russian Federation are separate regions, the second and third are Sevastopol and St. Petersburg. The so-called cities of federal significance.

More than 12 million people live in Moscow - this is not even close to anywhere else in our country. The city is so huge and self-sufficient that residents have long jokingly asked the question “is there life beyond the Moscow Ring Road?”, speaking, of course, about the city’s ring road. Apparently, to clarify this issue a little, the authorities in 2011–12 annexed the outskirts of Moscow, thanks to which the city increased by almost 2.4 times! The area of ​​the capital has never expanded so seriously and quickly before. This raised Moscow to 6th place in the ranking of the largest cities in the world by area , and the Moscow region included a whole list of cities, villages and even farmsteads.


On the territory of the subject there are a large number of monasteries and cathedrals, some of which were built before the 18th century. For example, within the boundaries of Veliky Novgorod, the Alekseevskaya or White Tower, built no later than the 16th century, has been preserved. to protect the populated area. Attractions include the Museum of the North-Western Front, located in Staraya Russa, the house-museum of F.M. Dostoevsky. Since the beginning of the 2010s. Ethnographic parks are being built (for example, the Slavic Village, depicting a settlement of the early 10th century).

Coat of arms of the region

The region of the Russian Federation with code 53 has a coat of arms consisting of a central silver field with 2 symmetrical black bears holding a golden throne on a pedestal (the seat has a red cushion). Along the perimeter are oak leaves and St. Andrew's blue ribbon; on top of the shield is the imperial crown. The coat of arms was approved in the fall of 1995 and has not changed over the subsequent years.

Which federal district does the Moscow region belong to?

Russia consists of eight federal districts - large associations of Russian regions. Moscow is part of the Central District , and it is its official center. It also includes Kaluga, Tver, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov and a number of other regions.

But Moscow is not included in the Moscow region - these are two different regions of Russia.

Old and new codes

For 2022, 29 old codes are allocated, license plate numbers for which will not be issued. Their list: 02, 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 34, 42, 50, 52, 54, 59, 61, 63, 66, 74, 78, 86, 90, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99 , 150, 190, 197, 199, 777. 22 new codes are used instead of the old ones. List of new codes indicating the year of entry into force:

  • 2000 - 95 (Chechen Republic)
  • 2005 - 125 (Primorsky Territory)
  • 2006 - 102 (Republic of Bashkortostan), 116 (Republic of Tatarstan)
  • 2007 - 174 (Chelyabinsk region), 161 (Rostov region), 163 (Samara region)
  • 2009 - 124 (Krasnoyarsk Territory), 152 (Nizhny Novgorod Region)
  • 2010 - 178 (St. Petersburg), 154 (Novosibirsk region), 159 (Perm region)
  • 2011 - 123 (Krasnodar region), 142 (Kemerovo region)
  • 2012 - 134 (Volgograd region), 186 (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)
  • 2013 - 750 (Moscow region), 196 (Sverdlovsk region)
  • 2014 - 92 (Sevastopol), 82 (Republic of Crimea)
  • 2017 - 799 (Moscow), 716 (Republic of Tatarstan).

List of subjects of the Russian Federation with two or more codes:

  • Volgograd region - 34, 134
  • Kemerovo region - 42, 142
  • Krasnodar region - 23, 93, 123
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 24, 124
  • Moscow - 97, 99, 197, 199, 777, 799
  • Moscow region - 50, 90, 150, 190, 750
  • Nizhny Novgorod region - 52, 152
  • Novosibirsk region - 54, 154
  • Perm region - 59, 159
  • Primorsky Territory - 25, 125
  • Republic of Bashkortostan - 02, 102
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 16, 116, 716
  • Rostov region - 61, 161
  • Samara region - 63, 163
  • St. Petersburg - 78, 98, 178
  • Sverdlovsk region - 66, 96, 196
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - 86, 186
  • Chelyabinsk region - 74, 174
  • Chechen Republic - 20, 95

As of 2022, there are 19 such entities. Moscow and the Moscow region have the most codes, which is explained by the large number of cars owned by residents of the region.

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