Map of Tambov in detail with streets, houses and districts

Where is Tambov located?

Tambov is the administrative and economic center of the Tambov region and Tambov district.
It is an administrative-territorial unit and a city of regional significance. The city of Tambov is located in the central part of the Oka-Don Plain, on the canal of the Tsna River. The approximate population of the city is 293 thousand people, the total area of ​​the territory is 96 square kilometers. The climate in Tambov is temperate continental: winters are moderately cold, summers are long and warm. The average annual air humidity is 75%, the annual precipitation rate is 520 mm.

Tambov is located in the same time zone as Moscow, the offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is +3.

See location on the map

The center of the region and district of the same name - Tambov on the map of Russia is located almost equidistant from the regional borders, not far from which are located the economically important regions of the Volga region, the Center, and the North Caucasus. Located in the Oka River basin, the city of Tambov, Tambov region, is distant from the nearest large settlements along roads at a distance of:

  • 131 km from Lipetsk, located a little to the west.
  • 220 km from Voronezh, located in the southwest.
  • 258 km from Ryazan and 460 km from Moscow in the north-west direction.

Train Station

Railway station "Tambov-I" is a station in the Michurinsky region of the South-Eastern Railway. The station is located in the Sovetsky district at Privokzalnaya Square, 1A.

Popular long-distance train destinations: Astrakhan, Moscow, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Belgorod, Balakovo, Balashov, Kamyshin, St. Petersburg. In the summer season there are routes to Adler, Anapa and Novorossiysk. Also at the Tambov-I railway station there is service for commuter trains that go to Michurinsk, Kirsanov, Tamala and Oblovka.

Tambov bus stations

Tambov bus station is located in the Soviet district at the address: st. Kikvidze, 77, next to the Toyota Tambov car showroom. The bus station's operating hours are from 6:00 to 19:30, every day. Popular routes of regular buses: Nikiforovka, Tula, Michurinsk, Znamenka, Orel, Lipetsk, Zherdevka, Staroyuryevo, Mordovo, Sosnovka, Volgograd, Saratov, Voronezh, Pervomaisky, Penza, Kursk.

The bus station building houses a spacious waiting room, a buffet, a storage room for luggage and personal belongings, and a medical center.

Why is the city so named: Tambov, the center of the Tambov region.

It is unknown why the city of Tambov was named so. There are many versions. Here is one of them. In ancient times, an evil and invincible robber named Bov lived here. Those who happened to meet him fell into a state of indescribable horror. They ran away from this Bov at breakneck speed and warned everyone who met them on the way: “There is Bov!” And they pointed their finger towards the dense forest. One of the popular versions of the name of the city says that after their numerous and fruitless attacks on the fortress, the nomads, moving away from its walls, said: “There is God!” . Subsequently, this phrase was transformed into the modern “Tambov”. And although this version has the least reason to be true, I would like to believe that there is still some grain of truth in it.

Dolgushin in “Notes of a Doctor” deduces the origin of the name of the city from the Mordovian word “tombol” - “that side”, since the lands lying along the left bank of the Tsna, up to Tambov and beyond, which at that time did not belong to the Mordovians, were “that side” .

One of the first Tambov local historians, chairman of the Tambov scientific archival commission I. I. Dubasov at the end of the 19th century put forward a version of the name of the city of Tambov from the phrase “there was a battle there.” The turbulent, often bloody nature of the life of the first Tambov settlers can serve as confirmation of this version.

M.I. Dolzhenkova connects the origin of its name with the Mordovian word “Tambov” - “crumple”, “pound”, “deepening”.

Professor N.I. Dudnik and P. Ya. Gorbunov believe that the word “Tambov” comes from the Erzya word “tambaka” - “swampy” or the Moksha “tomba” - “pool”.

A lot of versions about the origin of the name of the city of Tambov from various words from the languages ​​and dialects of local tribes living in the territory of modern Tambov region are put forward by linguists. The origin of the word Tambov is possible from the word “tombo”. This word from the language of the ancient Finnish tribes who lived in our area means pine stump. There is also a popular version about the origin of the name from the word “tambo”, which in the Mordovian-Moksha dialect meant whirlpool. In addition, in the language of the Mordovian-Erzyans who also lived in our area, there was the word “tambaka”, which meant a muddy bank. Any of these words could be adopted as the basis of the word "Tambov".

“Ancient Tambov Chronicler”: “And the city of Tambov was completed on October 145 (1636) on the 1st day, and that newly built city of Tambov was named after the Tambov River, and that Tambov River from that newly built city up the Tsne River fell ten miles its mouth into the Tsna River is to the right of the eastern country, and the Tsna River flows from the midday country.” “The original name of the city was written “Tonbov,” reports I. I. Dubasov, “and was associated with the supposed site of the founding of the fortress on the Lipovitsa River “opposite the extreme Mordovian village of Tonbov and the Tonbov River.” Although the city was founded in a different place, it retained its original name. The root of the word is most likely of Moksha origin (“tonbo” in Moksha means “pool”). Doctor of Geographical Sciences F.N. Milkov shares the same opinion on the origin of the city’s name.

Automobile highways

Federal highways pass through Tambov:

  • P22 "Caspian" is a federal highway "Caspian", with a total length of 1,381 km. It is part of the European routes E119, E40 and the Asian route AH8. The P-22 highway passes through the following regions of Russia: Kalmykia, Moscow region, Ryazan region, Astrakhan region, Voronezh region, Volgograd region. Road surface - concrete and asphalt.
  • P119 is a federal highway with a total length of 395 km. The route originates in the city of Orel and passes through Lipetsk, Yelets, Livny. The end of route P-119 is the M6 ​​Caspian highway in the Tambov region. The road surface of the route is asphalt.
  • P208 is a highway that has the status of an object of federal significance. The total length of the route is 280 km. The road starts in Tambov and passes through Kamenka, Rasskazovo, Kirsanov, Belinsky. The final point of the route is Penza. The road surface of the P-208 highway is asphalt.
  • E119 is a European route that connects Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan. The total length of the highway is 1,730 km. The beginning of the route is the city of Moscow, the final point of the route is the city in the north-west of Iran, Astara.

Ethnic composition and religion

The population of Tambov is mainly represented by Russians, who make up about 90% of all its residents. Ukrainians, Gypsies, Tatars, and Azerbaijanis also live in the city, but their total number does not exceed 5%.

In terms of religion, most of the local residents are Orthodox, although there are also a small percentage of Catholics and Muslims. There are also people here who belong to various religious groups, whose religion is not officially recognized throughout the world (Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.).

What is Tambov famous for?

  • Tambov is home to the Aseev Estate, a mansion that was built at the beginning of the 20th century for the industrialist M.V. Aseev. Today the estate is a museum complex, which includes a house, a fountain and a park.
  • In the central part of the city there is Communal Street with a pedestrian zone. The street is also known as “Tambov Arbat”. Along the walking alley there are buildings of the 19th and 20th centuries, decorative flower beds, benches, and forged lanterns.
  • In the 18th century, the Tambov Drama Theater was opened in Tambov. The stage was founded by the famous poet and public figure G.R. Derzhavin, at that time he was the governor of the city.
  • In 1987, the House-Museum of G. V. Chicherin was opened in the city. To date, the museum has collected more than 3 thousand of Chicherin’s personal belongings, furniture, interior items of that time, letters, books.
  • On the Tambov embankment there is a sculpture “Tambov Man”, installed in 2007. The monument shows a poor Tambov peasant of the 20th century, looking towards the Intercession Cathedral, leaning on a plow and clutching a pectoral cross in his hand.

Work and salary in Tambov in 2022

Vast industrial zones, where there are plants, factories and industrial enterprises, warehouses, auto repair shops, wholesale depots, and various repair services, are located in the east and west of Tambov.

Next to them is the private sector, where workers of enterprises and factories live.

Major employers in Tambov are:

  • , “TambovPolymerMash”, “Pigment”, “Electropribor”, “Komsomolets”, “Tambov Oktyabr Plant” and others;
  • shopping centers;
  • hypermarkets “Auchan”, “Magnit”, “Ogonyok”, “Pyaterochka”;
  • BC "Gallery";
  • “Tambov Bacon” – a complex for processing and production of meat products;
  • confectionery;
  • bakeries;
  • liquor;
  • Dairy Family Farms;
  • distributive

People with certain qualifications can get hired at enterprises. Representatives of blue-collar professions earn a lot, but such professions are not popular among young people.

Rating of popular industries in Tambov by number of vacancies

Old factories that have long been closed are being renovated and turned into shopping centers and hypermarkets. For example, for building materials you need to go to Stroydepo, and for food, drinks, clothes, and household goods - to Auchan and Festival Park.

Many residents of the suburbs and Tambov find work in local markets:

  • Tambov central market;
  • "Cold";
  • "Southeastern";
  • wholesale centers located on Ippodromnaya and Bastionnaya streets.

The situation on the labor market is significantly influenced by shopping centers, where cashiers, salespeople, security guards, production workers, leaflet distributors, sales agents, managers and administrators are always needed.

Only working in a shopping center has certain disadvantages:

  • irregular working hours;
  • unpaid night shifts;
  • work on holidays and weekends;
  • sometimes lack of social package and paid leave.

Thus, there are enough vacancies in Tambov for unskilled workers. Often people without education are hired into warehouses, wholesale centers, and processing plants.

Many people who move to Tambov for permanent residence try to open their own business in the city.

To do this, you need to overcome bureaucratic difficulties, including correctly filling out documents for the company at the tax office, registering the enterprise in order to legally carry out your work activities.

The average salary in Tambov in 2022 varies from 33 thousand to 35 thousand. Although the job advertisement indicates salaries in the amount of 45 thousand–70 thousand rubles per month, in fact, employees of various enterprises, factories, warehouses receive much less.

Find out on our website: average salaries in Russian cities in 2022.

Due to low official incomes, city residents have to work two or three jobs to pay for the apartment, buy food, and educate their children. The bulk of the population is employed in blue-collar jobs, retail trade, and the service sector.

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