Votkinsk city - main attractions (with photos)

General information and history of Votkinsk

The history of the city of Votkinsk is similar to the history of many cities in the Urals. In 1757, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the construction of an ironworks. The construction of the plant on the Votka River was undertaken by Count Pyotr Ivanovich Shuvalov. The plant acquired its finished form on September 21, 1759.

Votkinsk plant

Industrial production was actively developing, the population of the village gradually increased. The plant administration more than once asked the top management to give Votkinsk the status of a city, but the workers' village was transformed into a city only on August 20, 1935.

Currently, Votkinsk is the administrative center of the Votkinsk region, part of the Udmurt Republic. The city of Votkinsk is located on the Votka River, in the Kama region, 62 km northeast of the city of Izhevsk. The total area of ​​Votkinsk reaches 112 square kilometers.

Votkinsk. View from the pond

Tchaikovsky Estate Museum

It is an object attractive for visiting by admirers of the great composer’s music from all over the world. Every year in the museum you can attend a music festival dedicated to the composer. In this house, located on the shore of the Votkinsk pond, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born and spent his childhood there. The charm of the surrounding landscapes caused the impressionable boy to express his feelings in music.

The atmosphere of those times has been preserved in the house where the Tchaikovsky family lived. Visitors view the exhibits, the main one of which is the piano , which the little Pyotr Tchaikovsky himself played. During the excursions, the composer's music is performed. The view from the window is a picturesque pond. It is believed that it was he who inspired the future composer to compose music for the ballet “Swan Lake”. A walk through the adjacent garden with centuries-old linden trees will help you feel the atmosphere of that time.

Address: Tchaikovsky street-119.

Ecology and climate of Votkinsk

Of course, the climate of Votkinsk cannot be compared with the hothouse conditions of southern countries. A fairly long winter, during which the temperature can drop to -35°C, is replaced by a short summer, which is not surprising when it comes to the inland climate zone.

It is worth noting that in the summer the thermometer can rise up to 37 degrees (especially over the past few years), which negatively affects not only the functioning of public utilities, but also the health of local residents.

The ecological state of the city deserves special mention. Votkinsk is a relatively small “green” city, so the air in it is very clean. But not everything is so good, because garbage dumps in Votkinsk are a fairly common occurrence, and no one is in a hurry to clean them up. Mountains of garbage can be found not only in secluded places, but also on fairly busy streets. Perhaps this is the main environmental problem of the city, and the fault lies not so much with the utility services, which do not always remove garbage in a timely manner, as with the citizens themselves, for many of whom throwing away a bag of garbage in the wrong place is a common thing.

You can often see a picture like this

Population of Votkinsk

As of January 1, 2014, the population of Votkinsk was 98 thousand people, of which 63% were of working age.

Votkinsk can rightfully be considered a multinational city, because more than 50 nationalities live here. The share of Russians in the city is 83.1%, Udmurts – 9.8%, Tatars – 3.7%, and the remaining 3.4% are representatives of other nationalities. The sad fact is that, according to statistics, the mortality rate in Votkinsk (and in Udmurtia as a whole) is an order of magnitude higher than the birth rate.

Christmas in Votkinsk

In general, the educational level of city residents is not bad, because there are many general and additional education institutions in the city. Of course, the cost of education in higher educational institutions is growing inexorably every year, and the number of budget places is decreasing, however, this is a problem not only in Votkinsk, but also in many other cities.

It is also sad that on the streets of the city you can increasingly see teenagers smoking and drinking (let alone adults), who, in addition, also use obscene language. Despite this, there are many cultural institutions in the city, as well as free clubs for the population of Votkinsk.

Time capsule

Votkinsk is also famous for its time capsule, which was opened in October 2022. The youth of the city founded it back in 1970, placed a description of things and a message to those who find and open it.

In addition to the things, the Obelisk of Glory, opened at the same time as the capsule, contained three containers containing the sacred soil of Smolensk, Brest and Stalingrad. The young people in their message called on people from the future to honor their ancestors, respect those who took part in the revolution, and not forget the events of the past that significantly influenced the present.

The opening was attended by city residents of all ages, as well as the city mayor, archive staff and heads of technology departments. After studying the message from 1970, two new letters and some things were put into the capsule. It was again placed under the obelisk and covered with a slab. In addition, a sign was attached to the monument indicating that the capsule must be opened on October 29, 2043.

The entire event was filmed and many photographs were also taken. The materials were sent to the archive, where there is already other documentation on the modern history of the Udmurt Republic, as well as interesting facts from the past.

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Districts and real estate of Votkinsk

Votkinsk is a relatively small city, but officially it is divided into as many as nine districts. In 1998, the City Duma determined the boundaries and approved the names of seven districts of the city, and in 2009, the formation of new elements of the planning framework increased the number of planning districts to nine.

In the northern part of the city there is the Berezovka district, which borders on the Central and Eastern districts. To the south are such districts as Plodopitomnik, Zarechny and Privokzalny, and in the southern part of the city the districts of Selkhozkhimiya, Vogulka and, of course, Yuzhny have found their place.

Votkinsk map

It's time to get to know the city's districts better, consider their unofficial names and assess their living conditions.

central District

Actually, the name of the area speaks for itself. The main attractions of the city and the oldest city buildings are located in the center of Votkinsk. Thus, many houses in the Central District were built more than a hundred years ago. Of course, the condition of many of them leaves much to be desired, but timely repairs help keep the district’s buildings “in shape.”

The average cost of a one-room apartment in the Central region is about 800-900 thousand rubles. Not so little for Votkinsk, but this is not surprising, because in the city center there are cinemas, numerous shops, entertainment venues, in general, all the most interesting things happen here.

It is worth noting that there are many private wooden houses in the Central region. Over time, of course, many of them become uninhabitable. In their place, either stone residential buildings or various offices and shopping centers are built. Part of the Central region received the unofficial name “Sands”. This place can be called the busiest in the city, because here is the main shopping point of Votkinsk - the city market.

Central district of Votkinsk

Station area

Not far from the city center is the Station District, which is popularly called the “Second Village”. The district owes its official name to the railway station.

Residential buildings here are newer than in many areas of the city, which is why the average cost of a one-room apartment in the Station District is about 1,500 thousand rubles. Such a high cost of housing is explained not only by the newness of the area, but also by its proximity to the city center. And, if in the Central District 4- and 5-story residential buildings predominate, then in the Second Village, mainly 9-story buildings are being built.

The station area is located on a hill, so many places offer beautiful views of the city.

Station area

Eastern region

The eastern region previously bore the official name “Nefterazvedka”. Not surprisingly, most of the city's population still uses the old name for the area. Here you can find both wooden private houses and 5- and 9-story residential buildings. The area cannot be called old, but due to some distance from the central part of the city, the cost of apartments here is slightly lower than in other areas.

It is worth adding that many streets in the private sector of this area do not have asphalt, so making your way through Nefterazvedka, especially in the spring, is not very pleasant. At the top of the mountain in the Eastern District is the St. George Orthodox Church, which is visible from almost anywhere in the city.

Temple of St. George the Victorious


Of course, it can rightfully be called the “greenest” district of the city, as evidenced by its name. Local residents divide Berezovka into Upper and Lower. This area is ideal for lovers of a quiet and peaceful life: forest, pond, fresh air... What else is needed for happiness? The houses here were built about 50 years ago, but Berezovka does not lose its popularity, so a 1-room apartment will cost lovers of silence 700-800 thousand rubles.

Votkinsk. Berezovka

Fruit nursery and Zarechny

These are neighboring areas, popularly called “Konanok”. There is no place for multi-storey residential buildings here, because almost the entire territory is filled with private wooden houses, which over time give way to stone analogues. A good option for those who dream of having their own vegetable garden under the window and do not want to adapt to the bustle of the city. A similar picture is observed in the Selkhozkhimiya region.

Typical house of Zarechny

Southern District and First Village

The Southern District, which is popularly called the First Village, also deserves special mention. Many houses here were built relatively recently, but due to the distance from the central part of the city, the cost of housing here is an order of magnitude lower than in other areas. Vogulka borders the First Village - a small area, significantly remote from the city center, with private wooden houses.


  • Annunciation Cathedral (ROC)
  • Church of the Transfiguration (ROC)
  • St. George's Church (ROC)
  • St. Pantelemon Church (ROC)
  • St. Pantelemon's Church (ROAC)
  • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists.
  • Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith “Work of Faith” (ROSHVE)
  • Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Philadelphia" (RCFEC)
  • Seventh Day Adventist Church.
  • Mosque
  • Blagoveshchensky cathedral
  • Temple of St. George the Victorious
  • Transfiguration Church
  • Church of St. Panteleimon

City infrastructure

The condition of the housing and communal services complex in Votkinsk is generally satisfactory. In summer, many areas practice turning off hot water due to maintenance work, but this phenomenon can be observed in many other cities. There are also power outages, but accidents are usually resolved quickly enough. The city is small, so the cost of utilities is corresponding. Thus, the owner of a two-room apartment costs 1,500-2,000 rubles per month for accommodation.

A few words about the condition of the city's road surface. It's no secret that Russia is “famous” for its terrible roads. Votkinsk is no exception in this regard, because even on the central streets, driving around the city sometimes turns into a complete overcoming of obstacles. Of course, work is underway to restore roads, but their scale is not comparable with the scale of the road surface, which is unsuitable for driving.

Despite the fact that the number of cars in the city is constantly increasing, there are practically no traffic jams here. More than 70 buses appear on city routes every day, with the share of social public transport being about 50%. In Votkinsk you can also use taxi services, which have recently become increasingly popular.

The network of educational institutions in the city is quite extensive; it includes 31 preschool educational institutions, 16 secondary schools, 1 orphanage and 6 additional education institutions.


There is a railway station of the same name in the city.

Public transport and road infrastructure

The total length of the city's route network is 197.3 km, with a length of main streets of 71.6 km.

Every day, up to 70 buses operate on city routes, of which 46% (32 units) are social, serving 17 thousand benefit passengers. 36% (25 units) is the share of non-state carriers, providing 20% ​​of the total volume of traffic. The total volume of traffic reaches 70,000 passengers per day. During the year, approximately 89 million passengers are transported by passenger transport.

There is a tendency to update and increase the number of vehicles. Passenger transportation has acquired stable dynamics. The presence of 3 counterparties (VF JSC IPOPAT, LLC PATP-1, LLC PATP-2) made it possible to significantly increase the level and culture of service and reduce the interval of movement of vehicles. Market relations contributed to the opening of 7 new routes (14 in total), which corresponds to a better satisfaction of the needs of passengers and the development of the city’s transport network. In the summer, auto companies service 12 gardening routes.

The location and condition of stops occupy a special place in the safety of passenger transportation. More than 50% of stopping pavilions are located in close proximity to the roadway and do not have access “pockets”. New stops have been organized: Sadovnikova, School of Arts, Sadovaya.

Stop pavilions have been installed: Bread Factory, Sands, Molodezhnaya, Yuzhny District, RTO, Yubileinaya, Mayakovsky, Tchaikovsky, Magazin, 48, Chkalova, Svetlaya, Tchaikovsky State Farm, Yubileiny Palace of Culture, Mira, Sadovnikova, St. Razin, Neftyanik District, Engelsa, March 8, Podlesnaya, Kazansky Station, Stroy Dvor, Tchaikovsky, Shop No. 33, School No. 6, Garden No. 12, Sadovaya.

One of the main tasks to maintain the technical condition of rolling stock and improve the quality of passenger transportation services is the maintenance, current and major repairs of main streets. In 2006-2010 11.3 million rubles were used for these purposes. from the city budget. 55.8 million rubles were allocated and spent from the SD budget.

The fare is 24 rubles for cash and 20 rubles for a bank card.

Carrier companies

  • Avantage LLC
  • LLC Kamstroy
  • LLC PATP No. 1, PATP No. 2
  • AutoTrans+ LLC
  • LLC CFO-Trans

Current routes

  • No. 1 Berezovka - Center - Vogulka
  • No. 2 Southern village - Kazansky station
  • No. 5 Molodezhnaya - Center - Southern Village
  • No. 7 Berezovka - Center - Kazansky station
  • No. 10 Sands - agricultural Tchaikovsky
  • No. 11 Berezovka – Center – Agricultural Chemistry
  • No. 15 Sadovnikova - Kazansky station
  • No. 16 Molodezhnaya - Nefterazvedka - Kazansky railway station
  • No. 24 Kazansky Station - Center - Garden No. 5
  • No. 26 Oil exploration - Center - South settlement
  • No. 30 Svetlaya – Atelier Vesna
  • No. 40 SHT - Center - Winzavod
  • No. 45 Molodezhnaya - Center - Garden No. 5
  • No. 61 Sadovnikova - Oil exploration - Kaz. Station - Center

There are also several seasonal routes in Votkinsk. They operate at different times of the day depending on the time of year and the amount of precipitation.

Seasonal routes

  • No. 9 Center - Garden No. 6
  • No. 22 Southern Village - Garden No. 11
  • No. 55 Molodezhnaya - Center - Garden No. 11
  • No. 131 Center - Galevo
  • No. 132 Center - Torch
  • No. 136 Center - Labor bee
  • No. 137 Atelier Spring - Labor Bee

Enterprises and work in Votkinsk

Votkinsk is an industrial city and occupies one of the key places in the economy of Udmurtia. In total, there are about 1,000 enterprises and institutions located in the city, but the main one is Votkinsky Plant OJSC. The share of the plant's products exceeds 70% of Votkinsk's industrial production as a whole. In total, this enterprise employs about 25% of the city’s employed population. It is worth noting that the plant’s equipment is constantly being improved, so we can say with confidence that the city-forming enterprise keeps up with the times.

Checkpoint of the Votkinsk plant

Large enterprises in Votkinsk also include Tekhnovek Oil and Gas Equipment Plant LLC, Votkinsk Bread Factory OJSC, OJSC "and others."

In the industrial production of Votkinsk, the key place is occupied by mechanical engineering and processing (about 85% of total production), the food industry accounts for 9.8%, 0.8% is occupied by the production of building materials and 4.4% by other industries. 90% of industrial products are produced by large and medium-sized enterprises, small businesses account for only 10% of production.

The city's enterprises specialize in the production of special equipment, equipment for the oil and gas industry, equipment for the nuclear industry, gas stoves, metal-cutting machines, gearboxes, consumer goods and much more.

The average salary in the city in 2010 was 15,498 rubles (in industry - 19,573 rubles). It is worth noting that in 2006 the average salary was almost 2 times less. The highest rates of wage growth were observed in 2006-2008. The unemployment rate in the city is extremely low, the share of unemployed citizens is only 1.27%, which is the lowest figure in the republic.

Mass media

In 1906, the city had its first printed publications, “Bulletin,” and in 1907, the newspaper “Trud.”

A little later, the Votkinskaya Gazeta appeared, published daily on four pages, founded by the Votkinsk Consumer Society, the editorial commission included L. I. Lebedev, A. Kronikovsky, S. S. Sutyagin, A. M. Vitsyn and secretary I. I. Timokhov. The newspaper was printed in a local printing house on colored poster paper, most often reddish in color. It contained local news, news around the country and abroad, reports on the income and expenditure of Votkinsk party organizations (Socialist Revolutionaries and the RSDLP), announcements and advertisements.

In 1918, the editors decided to suspend the publication of the Votkinskaya Gazeta; on its basis, two newspapers began to be published: Zarya and Iskra. They were published alternately three times a week, but there was only one subscription to them.

The next decade was difficult not only for the press, but also for the city itself - due to the closure of the plant and the civil war, the city's population decreased by almost half.

The newspaper “Leninsky Put” was important and significant, after the collapse of the USSR it was renamed “Votkinsk News”, covering the most interesting events in the city and region. The newspaper's circulation was 1,000 copies, and by 1940 it had increased to 6,000.

Votkinsky's newspaper (until the mid-50s of the 20th century - called "Stalin's Watch"), published since 1917, also devoted its materials to city news, but the first pages talked about the life of the plant and its workers.

At the beginning of this century, many newspapers were published, from which they currently publish: VTV Plus, Vega and Votkinsk Vesti. The latter somewhat reflect the situation in the region. In addition to printed publications, Votkinsk also has electronic media. Votkinsk news, including videos, is also available on the Votkinsk.net website. The television broadcasts the TNT channel in the meter range and REN TV in the decimeter range, as well as on the cable network. TV channels TV 3 and STS air television programs (city news, coverage of the work of the city administration, the activities of Votkinsky Plant OJSC, the cultural life of the city). Votkinsk news is heard in the FM band on the waves of radio stations “Radio Vanya” (93.1), “New Radio” (93.7), “Europe Plus” (94.1), “Humor FM” (96.0), “Pioneer FM” (96.4), “Radio Smorodina” (97.6), “Russian Radio” (98.7), “My Udmurtia” (99.1), “Retro FM” (99.5), “Road Radio” (99.9), “Radio Dacha” (106.4), “Avtoradio” (107.3), “Radio Russia” / “GTRK Udmutria” (107.9). On March 1, 2011, on “Russian Radio - Votkinsk” (98.7), for the first time in the city, a live order desk began operating.


The crime situation in Votkinsk is relatively calm (the key word here is “relatively”). Of course, crimes are not uncommon here, but they are usually of a domestic nature. In most such cases, the cause of the crime is disagreement between friends or cohabitants that arises while intoxicated.

As in any other city, thefts, robberies and other crimes periodically occur in Votkinsk, but the city is small, so there are not many serious incidents.

However, more high-profile cases also happen. Thus, in 2011, a criminal gang was detained in Votkinsk, whose members had been planning and committing robbery attacks for 8 years. They accounted for the lives of 6 truck drivers and 3 businessmen. At night in some areas you should be extremely careful on the streets, because there you can often meet drunken companies of young people who are usually not in the most friendly manner.

It is sad to realize that many crimes are committed by persons under 18 years of age. For example, not long ago, a 16-year-old teenager, while heavily intoxicated, inflicted fatal injuries on a young man born in 1987.

Monument to Tchaikovsky

Next to the estate museum there is a monument to Tchaikovsky. The majestic monument is made in the form of a composer sitting on a bench. The bench is located on a pedestal on which the inscription “P.I. Tchaikovsky."

The graceful pose and pensive face of the composer suggest that he is captured at the moment when great music is born in his soul, which will give many happy moments to its connoisseurs.

Address: Tchaikovsky street-119.

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