The main attractions of the village of Yantarny with photos and descriptions

Museum "Amber Castle"

This is the correct answer to the question of what to see in Yantarny for a beginner and even a sophisticated tourist family. You can find the museum in the center of the settlement. It occupies, suddenly, a 14th century fortification. Professionals consider the castle to be only an integral part of the Palmniken fortress. Inside there are exhibits highlighting the past of the settlement. The topic of obtaining and processing amber is touched upon.

Curious : part of the exhibition collection shows old Slavic mythological representations. The museum regularly hosts art exhibitions and performances by amateur musicians. Among the exhibits are dishes, clothing, weapons, furniture, and other household and household items. There is a portion of the collection dedicated to the post-war period.

  • Address: Sovetskaya, 61a.
  • Hours: 9am to 6pm, seven days a week.
  • Prices: 50 - 100 rubles (except for beneficiaries)
  • Website:

general information

The extraction of amber began in the 17th century - it became one of the symbols of the entire region, which is sometimes called the Amber Region due to the location of the largest deposit of the mineral on its territory - about 90% of its world reserves.

Initially, amber was mined by hand, on beaches and shallows, then with large nets and scrapers from the bottom of the sea from boats, then dug out from coastal cliffs and in adits. In the 19th century, after its formation in Palmniken, amber mining moved to an industrial level in the Anna and Henrietta mines and, having almost ceased in 1941-1945, was resumed in 1947 by open-pit mining. At the end of the 19th century, the urban settlement was connected by railway to Fischhausen.

The long history of the town of Yantarny, including numerous reconstructions and transformations of the hunting castle, the development of its picturesque surroundings, and the development of amber deposits, contributed to the emergence of various attractions in Yantarny, which are definitely worth seeing to get acquainted with the history of the “sun stone”. It is the serious attitude towards the arrangement and development of the village’s attractions that has positively influenced the development of tourism in recent years.

On the official website of the city you can find a tourist map of attractions, information about the city and events held in it.

Monument at the Anna Mine

The second most important attraction of Yantarny in the Kaliningrad region. This is a memorial to commemorate the tragic death of concentration camp prisoners. Granite hands, directed upward, reach a height of 7 meters. Only the most callous and soulless, having been here, do not think about the value and frailty of human existence.

Amber quarry in Kaliningrad

An active mining facility is rarely listed as a tourist attraction. But here it is clearly worth making an exception. The quarry accounts for up to 90% of all regional production. For some time it was necessary to export the spoils by rail. After the reduction in the volume of work, work is limited to trucks. A solar stone processing plant is predictably located nearby. It is more convenient to explore the quarry and the surrounding area from the observation deck. From there you have a view worthy of a science fiction film.

In addition to the observation deck, there is also a tower. There is a photo zone that allows you to take pictures in ancient costumes. You can imagine yourself as a warrior (knight of the Teutonic Order). Not necessarily in armor - a simple colorful cloak does not give the worst impression. The organizers also wisely provided costumes for medieval ladies from the highest aristocratic society. Fans of extraordinary entertainment will enjoy the entertaining “execution ground.” Others will rush to dig into the sandbox with amber. And when you get tired of this activity, you can simply buy the missing mineral in the nearest store.

  • Address: Primorskoe field (focus on the administrative building).
  • Hours: Any day of the week from 9 to 5 pm (days without visiting for technical reasons are published in advance on the website).
  • Price: 350 rubles in the general category and 200 rubles in the preferential category.
  • Website:

Sights and tour programs

In Yantarny you can see:

Beach "Mine Anna"

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 1

The most comfortable and cleanest . Promenade near the park named after. Becker. The entrance is free . The promenade is equipped with benches, street lamps, and there are recreation and personal hygiene areas nearby.

Becker Park

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 76

Sculptures from the 19th century are collected here, there are comfortable benches and walking paths made of stone. The trees are tall, old, but well-groomed. It is very convenient to walk here in windy weather.

Orthodox Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Address: Yantarny, Sovetskaya st., 67A

The temple building is notable for the fact that it was previously a Lutheran church. The temple was originally built in the German style and has been preserved in its original form to this day. You can stay inside for the service, and then purchase religious paraphernalia at a special stand (books, scarves, crosses, candles, etc.).

Water tower

Address: Yantarny, st. Balebina, 1

Partially preserved in its original form, and fully functioning. Nearby, a 5-minute walk, there is the Amber Museum.

Amber Pyramid

Address: Amber Quarry. Phone: +7 (401) 231-08-55. A very interesting structure made from 800 kg of amber pebbles . All visitors are told that by going inside the pyramid, you can get a boost of energy and strength. There is an observation deck nearby with amazing views.

It’s also worth visiting the museum, located right on the territory of the amber factory. Address: st. Balebina, 1 , tel.: +7. spent on visiting is about 1 hour . Here you can see different types of amber. There are separate exhibitions of products made from it, as well as heavy and large pieces and more. Next to the museum there is an observation deck from which you can see the quarry and how the sunstone is mined.

Amber Chamber

Speaking about the village of Yantarny in the Kaliningrad region and its attractions, one cannot ignore the impressive exhibition facility. The exhibition space is set up in a former production workshop. However, it fully meets the advanced standards of exhibition activities. The exhibition is dedicated to the origin of amber and its mining in the past, mining technologies, and the plant’s original developments. They also talk about the properties of a unique organic treasure. The exhibition has been improved through advanced architectural solutions, multimedia equipment and art installations. 400 square meters were allocated for it.

  • Address: Balebina, 1.
  • Hours: Every day from 9 to 6 pm, lunch break from 12:30 to 1 pm. Tours of the hall are held every hour. The administration asks you to coordinate the time of your visit in advance.
  • Price: Regular ticket 350 rubles, reduced ticket 200 rubles.
  • Website:

Main attractions

The interactive exhibition hall “Amber Chamber” or Demonstration Hall of the Amber Combine is located directly on the territory of the Kaliningrad Amber Combine. Founded in 1947, it carries out industrial mining and processing of the mineral. Until recently, the main final products of the plant were amber jewelry - brooches, necklaces, bracelets.

The exhibition hall is a unique collection of not only unusual amber finds and skillfully made designer and mass-produced jewelry, but also historical materials, presented in the form of a film and telling about the varieties of the mineral and its mining in different eras of the deposit’s existence.

The open pit of the Primorskoye deposit, in which production is currently carried out, is located at the entrance to the city of Yantarny, Kaliningrad region, behind the stele “Mermaid in the Sea Waves”. Near the quarry, at an altitude of 50 m, there is an observation deck of the Primorsky Quarry, from which vast views of the quarry with working “baby” excavators open up.

On the territory of the Observation Deck you can:

  • take part in excavations at the attraction as a prospector;
  • consider the organization of the first mines, clearly presented using the Anna model;
  • admire the Amber Tree and the pyramid assembled from 700 kg of “sun stone” for the 65th anniversary of the plant, and other art objects.

And, of course, it is recommended to purchase something in the pavilions selling products and souvenirs.

Museum complex "Amber Castle"

The complex was founded in 1998 and is part of the Palmniken fortress, built to protect the adits and the coast. The exhibition is located in the Don Tower and demonstrates the history of the development of amber fishing in this area.

The main exhibition introduces visitors to the various colors and sizes of stone, household items, dishes and jewelry that have long been made from gold resin, as well as the history of the founding and formation of the Kaliningrad Amber Factory and the Koenigsberg Amber Manufactory.

In one of the halls of the museum there is a pyramid, staying in which helps restore a person’s vitality. The museum also displays a collection of antique beer mugs in the former Fireplace Hall and items of Soviet everyday life in the Red Corner.

In the basement of the castle there are:

  • an exhibition of instruments of torture used on miners who were engaged in illegal amber mining;
  • an exhibition dedicated to the now destroyed castles of East Prussia;
  • vestments and weapons of medieval knights;
  • weapons found in the vicinity of Yantarny after the Great Patriotic War.

In the building of the Amber Museum there are no less exhibitions. Visitors' attention is attracted by the vaulted ceilings, decorated with figured brickwork, and the remains of an ancient sewer system in the basement rooms. In addition, the castle hosts auctions of original works.

Rossgarten Gate and Becker Park

They were built in 1885 on the site of the original rampart fortifications of the city and are adjacent to the Done Tower. Currently, these are one of the seven surviving entrances to Kaliningrad. During the fighting in 1945, the gate was significantly damaged, but was subsequently reconstructed. In addition to carved battlements and turrets, their decoration is considered to be two medallions, which depict bas-reliefs of the heroes of the Napoleonic wars, Prussian generals Gneisenau and Scharnhorst.

The local park is named after the merchant and mining entrepreneur Moritz Becker, who bought the mine in Yantarny in 1881. At the same time, Becker founded with his partner Wilhelm Stantin, which contributed to the transfer of amber mining to an industrial level .

In addition, Becker undertook to develop the city park and organized the planting of unique and valuable species of vegetation brought from all over the world, thanks to which a rare collection of coniferous and deciduous trees grows here. The size of the park today is 10 hectares, and the arboretum includes the preserved part of that exotic collection of vegetation, as well as restored specimens of lost trees.

Walking through the park, you can see:

  • European beech, which is one of the longest-livers and is about 300 years old;
  • large-leaved lindens;
  • Sitka spruces;
  • Weymouth pines;
  • Japanese larches;
  • ash trees;
  • elms;
  • red oaks.

The symbol is considered to be the North American tulip tree - lyriodendron, whose inflorescences are shaped like flowers and whose leaves resemble a lyre.

The heart of the park is the observation deck, from which the village appears in full view. The road to it passes along a wooden carved staircase. Walking will bring pleasure at any time of the year , and the fresh air filled with the aromas of plants, the delicate reflections on the paths left by the sun's rays passing through the foliage will instill peace and tranquility in the souls of visitors for a long time.

Beaches and lake

A wooden promenade with observation platforms stretches along the coastline of the village for 2 km, starting from the descent from the Becker Park and ending at the Galera complex. Part of the promenade is located “above water” and runs over a lagoon formed on the site of one of the former amber quarries. Walking along the sea is very useful for improving the health of the respiratory system.

A wide sandy sea beach with white sand is located in a picturesque place near the village. In 2016, one of the sites was awarded the international Blue Flag award, meaning the highest rating for water purity. In addition, the beach is unique in that when walking along the edge of the sea, stirring up the sand and looking closely at it, you can find pieces of amber that the sea constantly carries to the surf line. For comfortable relaxation and swimming, the appropriate infrastructure has been organized, wooden paths for movement, areas for beach and water sports are equipped.

Near Yantarny, on the site of the exhausted and flooded Walter quarry, there is Lake Sinyavinskoye with the purest spring water. It is a favorite dive site for divers and also attracts wildlife lovers. Currently, the depth of the lake is 30 meters, the bottom near the shore is covered with sand, and under the water at the bottom there is a forest, a narrow-gauge railway, building structures and, of course, amber. In addition, a peculiar feature of the lake are two thermoclines, which are warm and cold layers of water located nearby and not mixing. There is a spring on the shore.

Mermaid in sea waves

The sculpture, symbolic for the settlement, is displayed at the entrance to it. Therefore, you won't be able to miss it.

For your information : this is not just a decoration, but a sign that defines the boundaries of the village and confirms its rich path in past centuries. One glance is enough to convince you that the name “Palmniken”, or “Marsh Village” in German, was given in vain.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The building was erected in 1892. Initially it belonged to the Evangelical Church. For the construction of the building, boulders and bricks of the original figured format were used. Unfortunately, the stained glass windows have long been broken, and the organ is also broken. And yet the temple remains among the iconic sights of the village of Yantarny in 2022. Visitors will be invited to attend a church service and purchase goods of interest in the temple shop.

Please note : the original appearance of the building has been preserved. They just added attributes showing its Orthodox status in the 21st century.

  • Address: Sovetskaya, 69a.
  • Hours: From 9 am to 7 pm.
  • Website:

Masters area

An entire square in the village is dedicated to the sale of amber: Masters Square. This is a modern space with vintage shop buildings.

Here you can buy amber products for every taste. Sellers offer paintings with amber chips, original jewelry, cutlery, toys, and even cosmetics based on succinic acid.

On the square there is a pleasant street cafe and access to the sea promenade.

Address: Yantarny village, Sovetskaya street, Masters square

Moritz Becker Park

When talking about what to see in Yantarny, Kaliningrad region, we must not forget about the park dedicated to the first industrialist who organized the extraction of solar stone in the region. He was also behind the creation of the park itself. The manor garden was taken as the basis. The linden trees in this place have been standing for at least 200 years. They are gracefully complemented by decorative crops brought from various countries and corners of the planet. Japanese scarlet and silver poplar, red-leaved beech and a number of other crops are pleasing to the eyes of vacationers. The most striking component of the park is the tulip tree (the official name of the species is lyriodendron). It is pleasant to visit the green area in the summer heat, when it provides shelter from the hot rays of the sun. The estate was restored several times, but still retained its original appearance. Now there is a hotel right there that meets high aesthetic and hotel standards.

Curious : Moritz Becker, just starting to develop these places, immediately demolished the medieval castle. Therefore, claims that there is not enough old color in the region should be addressed to that too, and not to the medieval period. But the village of Yantarny has preserved some of the streets in the spirit of the early twentieth century.

  • Address: Sovetskaya Street.

Monument to the Victims of the Death March, or Anna Mine Holocaust Memorial

The Anna Mine was built in 1873 to mine amber and later became famous due to the tragic events of the end of World War II. Here in 1945, the Nazis executed and threw into adits several thousand Jews, prisoners of concentration camps.

In 2011, a monument to the “Victims of the Death March” was erected at the site of the tragedy. in the form of three hands reaching to the sky with numbers of concentration camp prisoners.

How to find: Yantarny village, st. Sovetskaya, public transport stop “Mine “Anna”.

Water tower

Construction of the old building was completed in 1920. The height of the building is 35 meters. The outer diameter is 11 meters, so we can confidently say that it was a truly powerful water tower. In 2006 and 2007, the roof underwent major repairs. The object was supplemented with a weather vane resembling a unicorn.

The tower, curiously, continues to be used for its original purpose.

  • Address: Zheleznodorozhnaya, 2.

Yantarny: temples and architectural monuments

The ancient buildings of the former Palmniken are reminders of its Prussian past. They are also the brightest attractions of the village.

Kazan Temple

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 67A.

The main temple of the city was built in 1887-1892 with funds from philanthropist Moritz Becker. Initially, the neo-Gothic church belonged to the Lutherans. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, when the region of former Prussia ceded to the USSR, the Bolsheviks established their own order in the village and introduced a ban on religious meetings. The church was looted and turned into a warehouse, the traditional organ was dismantled into pieces.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. The communists did not care about the safety of the temple, so it was left to the believers in a deplorable state. The building was reconstructed, decorated and consecrated according to the Orthodox rite. A real work of art was installed in the church yard - an amber tree with an icon, and on one of the walls they hung an image of the Savior made of amber.

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

  • Address: gardening partnership Sadovnik.

A small Orthodox chapel is located in the old village cemetery. The tall building with narrow windows is decorated with a small gilded dome, and the wall decor is laconic and modest. The church is surrounded by juniper fences on both sides. The building was erected in 2007. The chapel does not have its own clergy; services are conducted there by clergy from the Kazan Church.

Water tower

  • Address: Zheleznodorozhnaya street.

Not far from the Amber Plant stands another remarkable building - an amazingly beautiful water tower. An interesting object was erected in 1920 with the money of Moritz Becker. Throughout the hundred years of its existence, the building has been used for its intended purpose.

In 2007, the building was restored and recognized as a cultural heritage site. At its top appeared an unusual weather vane in the form of a mythical unicorn. Even today, the 35-meter tower is one of the tallest buildings in the village.

Hotel Schloss

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 68.

One of the best hotels in the resort is located in an ancient architectural monument of the 19th century. The name “Schloss”, which means “Castle”, is quite justified, because the modern building took the place of the hunting castle of the ruler of Prussia, Frederick I. The history of the castle goes back centuries. The first mansion was built in the 17th century by order of Elector George Wilhelm. After the death of the owner, the house was given to local officials, and the Amber Chamber moved into it.

In 1703, King Frederick acquired a stone castle, expanded it and began periodically visiting the village to hunt and relax on the seashore. In 1870, Moritz Becker bought the royal building, demolished it to the ground and erected a magnificent two-story mansion on the old foundation. At the end of the 19th century, the building again became the property of the state, and a hotel was located inside.

After World War II, the house was used as a library and restaurant. During this time, the building was rebuilt several times. In 2012, the castle passed into private hands, the new owner restored the architectural monument, returned it to its original appearance and turned it into a luxurious five-star hotel.

Station building

  • Address: st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 5.

In the 80s of the 19th century, railway tracks were laid through Palmniken. Around the same time, a station building was built at the station. By the will of fate, the three-story brick building was left without “work”: in the 20th century, trains stopped running through the village and the railway was dismantled.

The tall building survived World War II and was later converted into an ordinary apartment building. Currently, there is a shoe store on the ground floor, while the remaining two floors are occupied by residents.

Pedestrian bridge

  • Coordinates: 54.876944, 19.937778.

The old railway left behind another interesting attraction - a small pedestrian bridge. Previously, cargo from the Anna mine was transported along a high embankment, but when the mine closed, the railway tracks were dismantled as unnecessary. The bridge is made of large multi-colored stones; there are metal railings for the convenience of pedestrians. Relatively recently, the bridge was repaired and strengthened.

Yantarny Beach

To visit the outskirts of Kaliningrad and not experience the promenade in Yantarny along the Baltic Sea is extremely stupid. You can go down to the water via stairs. There are several of them, and you won’t have to jostle on the stairs. The length of the promenade is 2000 meters.

Fact : the territory of this site is made of Siberian larch.

Part of the route passes through salt lakes. These are not natural monuments, but the remains of mining a yellow resinous mineral. And the beach strip is wider than other sections of the coast in the Kaliningrad region. Its length is 300 meters. The territory is strewn with soft fine sand. The space is equipped with excellent sun loungers. They provided changing cabins and even a special seating area for people with limited mobility. I enjoy walking here and along the promenade even in the worst weather.

For your information : in 2016 - for the first time in the Russian Federation - this place was awarded the Blue Flag.

How to get to Yantarny

The train does not go directly from Kaliningrad to Yantarny . You need to take a commuter train to Svetlogorsk or Zelenogradsk. And from there you can move in different ways to Yantarny. Previously, a diesel engine ran to this village - the distance in a straight line is 41 km, the travel time is about 1 hour. Now, since 2016, local authorities have been resolving the raised issue of renewing the railway and train connections.

Buses run from Kaliningrad to Yantarny from the Yuzhny bus station. Address: Zheleznodorozhnaya street, 7. Bus route No. 120 (Kaliningrad-Sinyavino). They can get to Yantarny, since the flight is provided through this village. Routes start running from 06:30 to 22:10 . Travels through: Pereslavskoye, Kruglovka, Pokrovskoye and Yantarny. Travel time is almost 1.5 hours. prices start from 110 rubles .

But there are other routes:

  • 597 – Baltiysk-Yantarny-Zelenogradsk;
  • 286 – Pionersky-Yantarnoye-Pokrovskoye;
  • 282 – Pionersky-Yantarny-Sinyavino.

Those arriving by plane will be interested in the following methods of travel from Kaliningrad airport “Khrabrovo” to the urban village of Yantarny:

  • bus;
  • Taxi;
  • transfer;
  • car rental.

The most expensive way is to order a taxi; it is almost 2 times higher than the prices for ordering a transfer. What are the prices and transfer routes today if you need to come to Yantarny from Kaliningrad:

  • airport “Khrabrovo” – 1560 rubles;
  • center and bus station - 2400 rubles;
  • railway "Yuzhny" - 2040 rubles;
  • regions (Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk) – from 1500 rubles;
  • border areas (Gdansk, Northern Poland - Lech Walesa Airport) - 7,365 rubles;
  • borderland (Gdansk) – 9206 rubles;
  • borderland (Gdansk, railway station) – 8285 rubles.

The cost of renting a car if you drive from Khrabrovo airport varies depending on the number of rental days, the type of car and even the age of the driver. For example, if the renter is 38 years old and needs a Hyundai Solaris (or something similar), then he will have to pay from 1,300 rubles per day, more details can be found here

If you drive with your own car or a rented one, then you need to take into account a completely different distance, fuel costs and travel time. The approximate fuel consumption will be about 4 liters per 100 km (if the fuel price is 42 rubles, then the costs will be 168 rubles). The distance between Kaliningrad and Yantarny is 48 km. The journey will take about 40 minutes. Moving from Kaliningrad, you will need to pass: Kholmogorovka, Otkosovo, Pereslavskoye, Povarovka, Pokrovskoye.

Popular excursions from Kaliningrad to Yantarny:

  • Yantarny and Svetlogorsk
  • Amber soul of Kaliningrad
  • Travel along the Amber Coast

Lake Sinyavinskoye in the Kaliningrad region

The lake is also called Yantarny, since, like other reservoirs, it appeared after the end of mining in the quarry. Here mining began the earliest and continued until the mid-1970s. When the reserves were exhausted, the field was abandoned and the springs flooded it. This is how the majestic lake appeared. The depth reaches 30 meters. The bottom is visible at 15 meters. Sinyavinskoye attracts a lot of scuba divers. At the bottom there is an old forest, part of the quarry buildings, trolleys and a narrow-gauge road along which they traveled.

Recommendation : In winter in the Kaliningrad region, public catering does not work well everywhere. Or rather, there are cafes, but mostly in hotels. The focus on summer and autumn tourism has an impact.

Museum of Russian Superstitions

The sunny yellow rock and everything connected with it is interesting. But in the village there is also an object beyond the scope of such a topic. The museum was created in 2002 by Mikhail Semenov, a professional woodcarver. In addition to the finished exhibition, tourists will be offered a look at the process of creating the exhibits themselves from scratch. It is worth noting that the entire family of the organizer is busy working with the sculptures. Her creative exercises are highlighted in a separate collection.

  • Address: Sovetskaya, 71.
  • Hours: Every day from 10 am to 5 pm.
  • Price: 50 - 100 rubles per ticket.

Food and cost of food, dishes in cafes, restaurants

In Yantarny there are restaurants, cafes, bars where you can eat deliciously and relatively inexpensively, considering the standards of resort places. Prices are basically the same as everywhere else. Dishes in cafes and restaurants starting from 500 rubles for a full meal (desserts separately).

If you don’t want to wait for food to be prepared for you in a restaurant or cafe, you can have a snack in bars, pavilions or other catering establishments that serve dishes of different cuisines. But you should remember that the closer to the beach you move, the more expensive it will be to eat in any cafeteria.

Curonian Spit

Although it is not located within the village, the spit has earned the attention of tourists. Not visiting it is an unforgivable mistake. 98 kilometers of coastline ranging from 0.4 to 3.8 kilometers wide are unique. Only here, in such a small space, will you be able to get acquainted with the swampy tundra, and with a piece of desert, and with a number of other natural zones. On one side there is the sea, on the other there is a fresh lake. This also affects the character of the coast.

Fishing village

When you have the opportunity to get to the regional center, you should not refuse a visit there. On a modest piece of territory, the spirit of an old Prussian town and traditional life were recreated. But the quarter is grandiose in its richness. Visiting memorable places and attractions will not be possible in a day. It’s better to get acquainted with the key places here together with Yantarny, and devote maximum time to the microdistrict on your next visit. And it’s more correct to set aside at least 2-3 days for a close acquaintance.

Where to eat deliciously?

  • Cafe Dacha on the street. Sovetskaya 60b. A cozy cafe with average prices for tourists, it serves good desserts and full meals with fried meat and baked potatoes. The average bill is 700 rubles. Tel.
  • Schloss Hotel Restaurant on Sovetskaya 68. Suitable for lovers of new tastes and beautifully presented dishes, average bill 1,300 rubles per person. Tel. for table reservation: +7 401 255-50-40.
  • Ritterburg on Sovetskaya 65. A small establishment in the style of a medieval knight's castle with delicious food, we especially recommend pancakes with caviar and baked potatoes with meat. Tel.
  • The Becker restaurant on Sovetskaya 72 is ideal for an evening dinner, especially in the summer on the veranda overlooking the sea. An establishment with good service and comfort will help you relax and have a great rest of the day. The average bill is approximately 1600 rubles. Tel: +7 401 256-51-95.

What hotels are there for holidays and stays?

The urban-type settlement is small, but there are still a lot of offers here where to stay and live during your vacation. A wide variety of hotels, hostels and private houses, rooms are due to the development of the tourism business.

Here you can rent daily:

  • hotels;
  • hostels;
  • apartments.

As an example, here are several options with prices and characteristics.

Hotel Anna

The Baltic Sea is only 323 meters away, the airport is 41.6 km (in a straight line) or 52 km, the Kaliningrad railway station is 40.1 km, and the center of Yantarny is 860 m. Address: st. Sovetskaya, 10 . Phone numbers for reservations: +7 (4012) 38-63-51. For all residents the following is provided:

  • recreation area with barbecue;
  • car parking;
  • children's playground;
  • transfer order;
  • bicycles for rent;
  • heating system in comfortable rooms;
  • small swimming pool and Russian bath.

Here you can remove:

  1. Standard double room – 2900 rub. This includes breakfast at a low price, free Wi-Fi, and various bonuses and incentives in the form of gifts.
  2. Suite 2-room – 3500 rub. Breakfast at a reduced price, two beds (1.5 double), sofa, independent refrigerator, TV, Internet access.
  3. View more details here or here

Hotel "Becker"

506 m to the beach.

Located at: st. Sovetskaya, 72. Telephones. Room features:

  1. Single – 5400 rub. Breakfast is included in the price. There is free internet access.
  2. Standard double (including rooms for people with physical disabilities) – 6,700 rubles. With breakfast and free internet connection.
  3. Rooms and apartments with air conditioning – from 7100-7250 rubles. The toilet rooms have a bidet.

Services for all vacationers include:

  • Billiard room (500 rub.);
  • bicycles for rent (150 rub.);
  • bar-restaurant, cafe;
  • conference room (rent paid separately - from RUB 1,000);
  • swimming pool (500 rub.);
  • gym (200 rub.).

Near the hotel there is the “Amber Castle”, where you can see an exhibition of amber , as well as buy souvenirs.

View more details here and here

Hotel Schloss

Located near the seashore - 100 m. Distance to the city center - 400 m. Address: st. Sovetskaya, 68. Phones: +7 (4012) 38-56-61,. By calling, you are taken to a call center, where you are provided with general information on several hotels located on Sovetskaya Street.

Guests are offered:

  • hamam (Turkish bath);
  • sauna;
  • pool;
  • summer terrace;
  • SPA center;
  • Bar, restaurant, cafe;
  • Gym;
  • Lobby bar;
  • bicycles for rent.

The rooms and prices are almost the same as in the two previous examples. The hotel is located in an ancient building - the former hunting lodge of King Frederick I of Prussia.

View more details here and here

How to plan a trip cheaper?

With the help of practical tips, you can arrange a vacation at sea or a trip to the sights much more profitable:

  • ROOMGURU will help you stay in any city on a budget . The search engine compares prices across all housing databases and displays the result. It is very convenient to use the HOUSING SEARCH via a smartphone. It is especially helpful upon arrival, when you need to immediately book an apartment or hotel.
  • Before each trip, you must purchase an insurance policy; we recommend TRIPINSURANCE , the service works only with the best insurance companies that you can trust.
  • Where to buy cheap air tickets? We definitely use the AVIASALES , it looks for the most profitable options from all airlines.
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