Interesting sights of Novocheboksarsk - a young but ambitious city of Chuvashia

Novocheboksarsk is a city in Chuvashia, located 17 kilometers from the capital of the republic - Cheboksary. The settlement stands on the right bank of the Volga River and is one of the best transport hubs in the state. The city also has a river port and 3 districts, which include 18 microdistricts.

Novocheboksarsk, like most of the republic, has a temperate continental climate, with mild summers and cold winters.

According to archaeological excavations, people lived in these places during the Mesolithic period. The city itself is quite young, but it has grown quickly and now can even boast of interesting Novocheboksary attractions. The settlement was formed by combining 13 villages in 1960.

Interesting sights of Novocheboksarsk - a young but ambitious city of Chuvashia

Novocheboksarsk is a city in Chuvashia, located 17 kilometers from the capital of the republic - Cheboksary.
The settlement stands on the right bank of the Volga River and is one of the best transport hubs in the state. The city also has a river port and 3 districts, which include 18 microdistricts. Novocheboksarsk, like most of the republic, has a temperate continental climate, with mild summers and cold winters.

According to archaeological excavations, people lived in these places during the Mesolithic period. The city itself is quite young, but it has grown quickly and now can even boast of interesting Novocheboksary attractions. The settlement was formed by combining 13 villages in 1960.

Climate and ecology of Novocheboksarsk

The city spreads over an area of ​​51.14 km² in central Russia. This area is characterized by frosty and snowy winters; there is also a thaw, and summers are moderately hot and often rainy. The city is located on the right bank of the Volga River, which affects the level of air humidity. Hence the dense fogs in early autumn and spring, especially in lowland areas. In general, the climate is quite comfortable for living.

Volga embankment

The only thing that darkens the lives of the residents is the environmental situation. She, like a fly in the ointment, spoils the whole impression of a wonderful town. There is gorgeous nature around, nearby is the great Volga, which is rich in different types of fish (pike, sabrefish, catfish, perch, burbot, asp, bersh, etc.). The southwestern and southern part of Novocheboksarsk is an industrial zone. The main city-forming enterprise of the city, JSC Khimprom, stands somewhat away from populated areas. From time to time, his pipes become powerful "poison-breathing dragons".

Residents of the lower part of the city are forced to breathe chlorine fumes. Chlorine is not such a rare component in the urban atmosphere, and during the days of emergency release of chlorine at the enterprise, city residents have to tightly close their windows and not let their children go outside.

Another air pollutant is formaldehyde. It is emitted by household and industrial waste dumps, and by enterprises that produce chipboard and plywood. If the wind blows from Cheboksary, then the gases released from the huge Cheboksary landfill penetrate into the atmosphere of Novchik, as the residents of Novocheboksarsk lovingly call their city. Sometimes the landfill burns, and toxic smoke envelops Novocheboksarsk.

The Cheboksary Pipe Plant (ZhBK-2) and the Novocheboksary Asphalt and Concrete Plant are actively involved in the vile matter of air and water poisoning. It’s good that the city is blown by winds, and fetid odors do not linger in the atmosphere. The Yurakovo microdistrict, as well as the Hungarian quarter, is in a particularly advantageous position. The air here is much cleaner than, for example, in the Ivanovo microdistrict.

The “green lungs” of the city - Elnikovskaya Grove - is a real salvation for citizens, acting as a filter that purifies polluted air. In addition, the grove is a natural monument of Republican significance. All conditions have been created here for entertainment of both children and adults. Fortunately, the forest area covers an area of ​​128 hectares and is located within Novocheboksarsk.

JSC "Khimprom"

The result was not the most rosy picture. Many, having become acquainted with such an unattractive side of the city, will probably remain perplexed - why, in this case, Novocheboksarsk is included in the top 100 best cities? Perhaps this is some kind of mistake. But there are other indicators by which we can confidently say that the city deserves to be one of the best. The townspeople are very sensitive to the condition of Novocheboksarsk. The city streets sparkle with cleanliness, and flowers are lovingly planted in numerous flower beds. If you go into any courtyard in the same microdistrict of Yurakovo, the order is striking: children's playgrounds are equipped with all the necessary equipment, there are trash cans everywhere.

Unfortunately, this situation is not observed in all courtyards, but mainly only in those located in new areas. This is in Yurakovo, the Hungarian quarter, the Rechnoy Boulevard residential complex. There are, of course, some comments about the condition of the roads. Especially in courtyards, the old asphalt has long been in need of repair.

Sports stadium in the courtyard of the Yurakovo district

Cathedral of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir

This shrine is part of an architectural complex with colonnades and arches, a fountain, a monument and a square.

The site for the construction of the temple was chosen only in 1988, and the first stone was laid 2 years later. The architect of the project is Oreshnikov A.B. Construction work was completed by 1993, the ceremony of consecration of the lower temple was carried out 1 year later, and a service was held immediately.

The main altar was consecrated only in 1996, with the simultaneous assignment of cathedral status.

The temple and architectural complex are located on Vinokurova Street, 53.

Architectural ensemble

Perhaps every tourist who has visited the city has a photo of the Novocheboksarsk landmark; we are talking about Cathedral Square and the architectural ensemble located on it.

In addition to the temple, the Cathedral Square includes:

  • Sculpture of Prince Vladimir. It is made of bronze and installed on a granite pedestal. The height of the statue is 5 meters.
  • The temple grounds include a chapel, a hotel and an icon shop.
  • Main gate (2000).
  • Fountain called “Memory” (2003). By the way, this fountain was installed in honor of the villages that became part of the modern city; on the edges of the structure you can read the names of these settlements.

The entire complex was built in the same architectural style, all buildings are made of red brick with white frames.

According to reviews from tourists, this attraction of Novocheboksarsk delights and gives reason to be proud of a state that remembers its history.

sights of the capital and picturesque surroundings

Chuvashia is an ancient land, more than 8 thousand years old. The ethnonym “Chuvash” is of Turkic origin and is translated as “peaceful, welcoming.” Finno-Ugric, Slavic and Turkic tribes lived in harmony on the Chuvash land for centuries. In a multinational republic with a rich history, there is something for tourists to see. The Chuvash people always welcome guests of the republic with special hospitality.

Hospitable and welcoming Chuvashia and its attractions attract numerous travelers. Let's virtually visit interesting and colorful sights in Chuvashia.

Cheboksary - the capital of Chuvashia

Interesting places in Chuvashia are associated with the history and culture of the republic. The main attractions of the city of Cheboksary are:

  • Cheboksary Bay;
  • Cheboksary Red Square;
  • monument “Patroness Mother”;
  • temples and monasteries;
  • Museum of V. I. Chapaev;
  • Victory Memorial Park.

Cheboksary Bay, located on the territory of the old city, appeared during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The view at the meeting place of two rivers - Cheboksary and Sugutka - attracts city guests with its beauty. The bay is divided by Moskovsky Avenue. All the main attractions of the capital of Chuvashia are nearby.

Red Square is not only the famous square in Moscow. In the capital of Chuvashia there is Cheboksary Red Square, which is located in the very heart of the city on the shore of the bay. Monuments to outstanding figures of the Chuvash land were erected here. Guests of the capital can walk along the Alley of Champions, dedicated to the best athletes of the republic.

In Cheboksary there is a monument “Mother Patroness” (Mother Monument). This is the most majestic monument in the city with a height of 46 meters. It rises on a hill in the historical part of the city on the shores of Cheboksary Bay.

The Mother Monument is a symbol of the revival of the Chuvash people, their spiritual values ​​and culture. The monument represents a woman in national costume with her arms outstretched. It’s as if she embraces the whole world, protects all her children from evil and cruelty. On the pedestal there is an inscription in the two state languages ​​of the republic - Russian and Chuvash: “Blessed are my children who live in peace and love.”

Cheboksary is a city of temples and monasteries. The snow-white domes of ancient and newly built churches with golden domes give the city a special charm of ancient times. The Temple of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, the Cheboksary Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Intercession-Tatian Cathedral, the Temple in honor of the icon “Recovery of the Lost,” and the Church of the Nativity of Christ attract a lot of attention from tourists.

The history of the oldest Spaso-Preobrazhensky convent goes back to the 18th century. Originally it was the Sretensky Monastery, which in 1899 became a convent. It was closed during Soviet times and restored in 1990. Now tourists can get acquainted with the special way of monastic life.

The history of the Chuvash land is closely connected with the name of the legendary hero V.I. Chapaev. The museum complex of the same name includes a memorial house, a museum, a monument and a square. The attraction is of interest to guests studying the events of the Civil War.

In memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Memorial Park was created, located on the picturesque high bank of the Volga.

Satellite city Novocheboksarsk

Novocheboksarsk is located near the capital of Chuvashia. In 1966, 13 villages were united. Now it is a modern city, attracting tourists with its main attraction - the architectural complex of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir on Cathedral Square. The entire complex has a single architectural design made of red brick with white framing.

The five-meter sculpture of Prince Vladimir on a pedestal in front of the Main Gate in the form of an arcade amazes with its majesty. Local residents treat the fountain with special trepidation, on the edges of which the names of the villages that previously existed on this land are engraved. On the territory of the complex you can visit the cathedral church, icon shop, chapel, and hotel. Cathedral Square with its architectural ensemble in the Russian style is the main decoration of Novocheboksarsk.

Park of Culture and Recreation "Elnikovskaya Grove"

The park appeared in the city almost at the time of the city's creation. In 1995, part of the park territory came under state protection. The purpose of creating a protective zone is to preserve unique vegetation, restore the region’s biological diversity and conduct scientific and educational work.

In addition, the park has attractions, there are children's playgrounds, you can ride horses, and in winter, skiing; there are several special trails for skiers on the territory.

But the most interesting attraction of Novocheboksarsk in this part of the city is the petting zoo. According to reviews from tourists who visited the zoo with children, the latter are simply delighted with the interaction with the animals.

The number of animals is constantly replenished, as is the territory of the zoo, because quite recently, at the time of opening, there were literally a couple of animals here. Now there is even a wolf, whose name is Corporal, ponies Mandarin and Milka, guinea fowl and turkeys, rabbits, turtles, pigs and hamsters, wild boar.

Animals end up in a zoo under different circumstances, but often after people have cruelly abused them or refused to keep them. As tourists say, you should definitely look here, but not in order to later talk about visiting the zoo, but in order to remember that we are people and must treat the flora and fauna of our planet with care and love. The park is located on Sovetskaya Street, 46.

Enterprises and work in Novocheboksarsk

The situation on the labor market is different. Currently in demand in the city are teachers, drivers, molders, conductors, cooks, nurses and orderlies, seamstresses and many others. Accountants and economists are no longer particularly popular.

Main employers:

  • Novocheboksarsk building materials plant, it produces sand-lime brick;
  • Cheboksary Pipe Plant, it produces polyethylene pipes;
  • Novocheboksarsk garment factory "Pike";
  • Novocheboksarsk Electromechanical Plant, it produces electrical measuring instruments;
  • LLC "Ceramics" and many others.

Factory "Pique", end view

Small business and the construction sector are developing. The city needs, first of all, blue-collar workers.

It is believed that the average salary in Novocheboksarsk is 22 thousand rubles. Perhaps sellers and sales managers earn that much, but state employees are far from them. It just seems like it’s easy to find a good job with decent pay. As in Soviet times, a “warm place” is passed on by inheritance or through good friends.

Shopping center Magnit in Novocheboksarsk

Recently, the trade sector has been developing very rapidly. Every year, here and there, large supermarkets appear: Essen, Magnit, TD Passage, TD Semya and others.

Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Station and the Museum of Hydropower

Today it is difficult to imagine the city without this Novocheboksarsk landmark, a grandiose structure - a hydroelectric power station. It cannot be said that the hydroelectric power station is the largest in the country; it is part of the Volga cascade of stations and is the last, fifth stage.

There is a long-lasting conflict associated with the hydroelectric power station, because it is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • Chuvashia;
  • Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • Mari El Republic.

But the disagreement is only on one issue: what level of water should be in the reservoir? Today, the mark is at a lower level - 63 meters, so it is believed that the construction of the hydroelectric power station has not yet been completed and entails a number of both environmental and economic problems.

But whatever the contradictions in power circles, tourists are advised to definitely look into the museum at the hydroelectric power station; there are only positive reviews about it. There is a permanent exhibition within the walls of the museum, in the hall and two exhibition halls. During the tour, you can learn about the history of construction and the significance of the hydroelectric power station for the entire region. The museum is located on Naberezhnaya Street, 34.

Other entertainment

The question arises, after you have seen the main attractions of Novocheboksarsk, where to go?

According to reviews from tourists, you should check out the Dozhd mime theater. Throughout the entire performance you will not hear a single word, but everything will be clear from the actions of the mimes. This type of art originated in Ancient Greece, even then talented actors, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, could amuse or tell a tragic story to the audience.

For art lovers, the doors of the Art Museum are open, which has already collected more than 650 paintings from different periods. In the museum you can also see folk handicrafts, graphics and sculptures. As part of the excursion programs, lectures are held on the art and history of the city.

According to tourists, there are a lot of interesting sights in the city of Novocheboksarsk; here you can simply walk and admire the numerous monuments. And in 4 microdistricts of the city there are obelisks that cannot but delight with their beauty and majesty. When traveling across the expanses of Russia, you should definitely look into this city.

Novocheboksarsk. What to see, where to visit


Despite the fact that Novocheboksarsk is a fairly young city, it has a lot of interesting things. At least we can start with the fact that the first people who were discovered on this land by archaeologists lived back in the Mesolithic era, which is about 13 thousand years BC. And the relatively young Neolithic is about 3 thousand years BC.

The ancient inhabitants of this area were located on the left side of the Civil River, and at its source. There they lived, developed and learned about the environment.

First of all, I would like to say about the theater called “Rain”.

His actors perform performances without words, as mimes. This type of art was known back in ancient Greece, where it originated. Even in those days, such actors, with one facial expression and gestures, could convey the environment that surrounds them.

Novocheboksarsk began to be built in 1960, when satellite cities were created around large cities.

Initially it was called “Sputnik”. They began to build it on areas free from development.

As it grew, it absorbed the surrounding villages - Elnikovo, Yandashevo, Anatkasy, Tsygankasy, etc. On December 27, 1971, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR made a gift to the people of Novocheboksarsk by issuing a Decree “On classifying the city of Novocheboksarsk of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a city of republican (CHASSR) subordination)” . Its territory is 36.7 sq. km.

Located 21 km from the capital of the Chuvash Republic - Cheboksary.

The city limits were approved in December 1998. The economic and geographical position of both cities has much in common. They are served by common modes of transport. They have a common construction and energy base, common water supply and water treatment systems. Currently, there are close economic, cultural and everyday ties between the two cities. ARTICLE ABOUT CHEBOKSARY RESERVOIR - HERE!

The railway station is a dead end, and trains often arrive half empty. There are only two trains to Cheboksary, which travel through small towns in the Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod and Chuvash regions. The largest of them: Arzamas (105 thousand).

inhabitants), Murom (115 thousand). residents, Kanash (45 thousand inhabitants).

Sights of Novocheboksarsk

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Despite the fact that Novocheboksarsk is a fairly young city, it has a lot of interesting things. At least we can start with the fact that the first people who were discovered on this land by archaeologists lived back in the Mesolithic era, which is about 13 thousand years BC. And the relatively young Neolithic is about 3 thousand years BC. The ancient inhabitants of this area were located on the left side of the Civil River, and at its source. There they lived, developed and learned about the environment.

Novocheboksarsk was formed much quickly. And along with the city, the cultural and entertainment environment grew. Therefore, when you come here as a tourist, you can find many places for entertainment and recreation.

First of all, I would like to say about the theater called “Rain”. His actors perform performances without words, as mimes. This type of art was known back in ancient Greece, where it originated. Even in those days, such actors, with one facial expression and gestures, could convey the environment that surrounds them.

For lovers of a quiet viewing of art, the city has an art museum. It contains works of famous Russian artists of many decades. Its halls contain a little more than 650 paintings by Russian painters. The remaining about two hundred items of art are sculptures, handicrafts, graphics and folk handicrafts. But in the museum you can not only admire the beauty of the art world, but also listen to lectures on this topic or learn much more about the city.

For lovers of literature, Novocheboksarsk has about eight libraries, which store a wide variety of works of Russian and foreign literature, as well as many scientific books.

The Museum of the History of the City will be a great place where you can learn much more about how and when the city was built, how it lives now, and what will happen in the future. All this is housed in three halls, and is divided into the same number of periods: past, present and future of the city.

Novocheboksarsk is rich in various monuments, so while walking around the city you can enjoy their beauty for free. Also in four microdistricts there are obelisks that amaze with their majesty. If we talk about monuments, I would like to mention the most memorable of them. For example: a four-meter copper monument to Prince Vladimir, a monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War, a bronze soldier holding a machine gun in his hand - in memory of soldiers who took part in wars and military conflicts, a bronze sculpture of a woman and a child and many other architectural masterpieces. It is stupid to list all the existing monuments of the city, because words cannot convey their beauty and grandeur. In general, Novocheboksarsk is a very rich city in architectural monuments.

For those who like to just take a walk and breathe some air in nature, “Enelnikovskaya Grove” is suitable - it is a well-groomed park with clean and neat paths and paths. In general, the city is full of wonderful places where you can easily enjoy all its delights.

The city is full of theaters and cinemas, so if you decide to spend the evening in a culturally relaxed atmosphere, this type of activity is perfect. When traveling around Russia, you simply cannot help but stop by this beautiful, hospitable city and look at its beauty. The best time to visit it is in the summer, when numerous alleys are in bloom and the beautiful fountains are turned on. Novocheboksarsk looks great at this time, and it needs to be remembered that way for many years to come.

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Cheboksary Bay

The artificial bay was built together with the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station on the site of the old city. When this area was flooded, many ancient buildings and architectural monuments were lost, but now the bay is a favorite place for citizens and guests of the city. Various events, city festivals and shows are often held here. All the main interesting and memorable places of the city are concentrated on the shores of the bay, and two bridges cross the bay itself. Another road runs along a dam, specially built to increase the water level and the attractiveness of the bay. This road is called the “Road to the Temple” (official name), as it leads to the Holy Trinity Monastery.

The Vvedensky Cathedral is the oldest temple in the entire republic. This church is unique as it is the only surviving architectural structure from the 17th century. The cathedral was founded in 1555 by order of Ivan the Terrible. Initially, the temple was built from canvas, and then became wooden, but literally a few years after construction, the building burned down.

The Vvedensky Cathedral was not closed during the revolution, like other churches. And even in the Soviet years, he always received parishioners. In the spring of 1945, the church council and local residents of the city collected more than 130 thousand rubles for the defense of the Soviet Union.

The funds were used to build a tank column. In those days this amount was very large. The rector of the cathedral sent a telegram to Stalin and informed him about the transfer of money. Joseph Vissarionovich himself thanked everyone involved for such help.

Entrance to the monastery territory is not prohibited, but we do not go there. Tatyana Dmitrieva tells tourists that beyond the Volga there are magnificent, but rather expensive sanatoriums with balneological treatment. He points to the nearby park named after Konstantin Ivanov, where during excavations the remains of the grandmother of the first Russian Tsar, Maria Shestova, were allegedly found. There is nothing for tourists to see there yet. The burial itself was buried, in its place an earthen mound and an information board with the image of Shestova’s daughter, since it was not possible to find out what the Tsar’s grandmother herself looked like. City authorities said they would install a chapel in the park. For now these are just plans.

Population of Novocheboksarsk

The main wealth of Novocheboksarsk is its people: kind, attentive and responsive. According to the latest census data, the city has about 123 thousand inhabitants. And these are only those who are registered here. There are many migrants from neighboring republics.

Fortunately, the cost of renting apartments is slightly lower than in Cheboksary. For a two-room apartment with furniture in a prestigious area they demand about 8-10 thousand, maximum 12 thousand rubles. Electricity, water and gas are paid separately. In Cheboksary, the same apartment will cost a very tidy sum - from 12 thousand rubles.

Yurakovo District

If we compare the number of citizens today and, for example, several years ago, the trend is towards growth. Of course, not at a huge pace, but still increasing. People here are not averse to buying an apartment, since new comfortable areas are appearing like mushrooms after rain. Vacant areas adjacent to the city are being actively developed.

The main national composition is made up of Chuvash - indigenous peoples, Mari, Russians, Tatars. In addition to them, representatives of other nationalities of the former Soviet Union live side by side. Even local old-timers do not remember any serious clashes on national or religious grounds.

Training and education in Novocheboksarsk is carried out at the level of the most modern educational requirements. There is no shortage of educational and cultural institutions. Everything is available: preschool, school, primary and secondary vocational, and higher education. Today, 20 educational institutions are engaged in educating little Novocheboksary residents: a gymnasium, a lyceum, secondary schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, an evening and special correctional school, two children’s and youth sports schools, and a cadet school of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

It is very encouraging that by the age of 3 a child is guaranteed a place in kindergarten. Moreover, new spacious preschool institutions are being built.

Children's and Youth Sports School No. 1

There is a technical school of applied biotechnology, the Cheboksary Chemical-Mechanical Technical School, two technical schools, and an Olympic reserve school. Higher education can be obtained at a branch of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, a regional institute of technology and management, a branch of the Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

The younger generation of Novocheboksarsk receives spiritual and cultural enrichment at the children's art school, art and music school. The teachers in them work from God - professionals and very sincere people who devote all their strength to ensuring that their students are always at their best when participating in various city, republican, regional, all-Russian and even world competitions.

Interesting places Cheboksary

In Cheboksary, on the high bank of the Volga River, lies the beautiful Republican Victory Memorial Park, which is very popular among guests and residents of the city. Its area is quite large - 30 hectares, on which there are many attractions and equipped places for recreation. Here is the Eternal Flame for those killed in the Great Patriotic War, the Monument of Military Glory, various monuments to the brave internationalist soldiers who died in Chechnya, as well as the liquidators of the terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a museum of military equipment, the Chapel of St. John, a memory lane, a cascading fountain and an alley heroes. The park is beautiful at any time of the year, as it was made “with love.”

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Novocheboksarsk is located in a zone of sharply continental climate. This means that summers are moderately hot and slightly rainy, and winters are snowy and moderately cold. The mild climate of this area contributed to the development of agriculture and various types of industrial activities. Initially, the city was planned as one of the main industrial centers of the Volga region. But over time, its meaning has changed a little. Today Novocheboksarsk is the second largest and most populous city in the republic. But this did not diminish its cultural value. Today there are more than 20 cultural institutions in the city. And in the center of all this cultural life is the Khimik Palace of Culture, which can accommodate about 1,000 spectators. The city also has music and art schools, 2 Orthodox churches, 2 theaters, 2 museums and 9 libraries.

Despite the fact that the city is mainly industrial, it has a large number of parks and green spaces. Local residents call Elnikovskaya Grove a generally recognized place for rest and relaxation. And, it is worth noting that it is not just a park or square, but a natural monument of Republican significance. This is definitely a place that guests of the city should definitely visit.

If you want to thoroughly study the historical past and modern life of the city, welcome to the museums of Novocheboksarsk. They will present you with rich collections on ethnology, art, handicrafts, and archaeological expeditions. Traditionally, such attractions are located in the center.

At the same time, open thematic museums can often be found in countryside areas. They offer visitors to see fascinating exhibitions dedicated to national life and folk crafts. In addition, it could be a museum reconstruction of historical cities or military fortresses. Similar attractions of Novocheboksarsk will be interesting for children.

In the pine forest opposite the Chuvashia sanatorium, an ethnographic corner “Suvar” was created, where the local landmark “tree of love” is located. As the legend says, a tree can bewitch a loved one and make any wish come true.

The main attractions of Novocheboksarsk

Every person, when planning a trip, makes a list of attractions in Novocheboksarsk that they must visit. Some plan individual ways to get acquainted with the city, others prefer different sightseeing tours. As a rule, they capture the main attractions of Novocheboksarsk and give an idea of ​​the historical and cultural development of the city.

Admirers of creativity first of all try to find sculptural attractions on the map of Novocheboksarsk. In the main city squares you can most often see traditional sculptures, with which all tourists take pictures. But in parks beloved by the local population, you can see exhibitions of modern sculptures and art objects. They come in the most unexpected materials and come in surprising shapes that will leave you wondering.

Among the main attractions of Novocheboksarsk, objects of religious significance occupy an important place. They form the architectural appearance of the city in Russia, most of them have an interesting and mysterious history. In Novocheboksarsk and outside the city limits, you can go to monasteries known throughout the country, soak in the beauty of iconic Christian churches, or wander into quiet and small chapels that are so popular among local residents.

While traveling around the area, you can also visit non-traditional religious sites. These could be objects of other religious movements, ancient cult associations, or generally mysterious places of power.

While traveling, it’s nice to take walks around Novocheboksarsk. You can get a map of Novocheboksarsk with attractions and routes in advance, or simply wander where you like. Then it will be even more exciting. Allow yourself to get lost in the colorful alleys or wander through the parks. And if you get tired, you can have a snack or order a cup of coffee in some nice restaurant. By the way, in Novocheboksarsk there are several popular establishments at all times, which every guest of the city wants to visit.

If you want to thoroughly study the historical past and modern life of the city, welcome to the museums of Novocheboksarsk. They will present you with rich collections on ethnology, art, handicrafts, and archaeological expeditions. Traditionally, such attractions are located in the center.

At the same time, open thematic museums can often be found in countryside areas. They offer visitors to see fascinating exhibitions dedicated to national life and folk crafts. In addition, it could be a museum reconstruction of historical cities or military fortresses. Similar attractions of Novocheboksarsk will be interesting for children.

For family travelers, the question constantly arises: where to go with children. The most popular option is to go to one of the water entertainment centers in Novocheboksarsk. Most often, bonuses are offered when purchasing a family day pass.

If you are traveling in the winter or spring season, it is worth considering the ski centers of Novocheboksarsk for active leisure. This place has a lot of activities for visitors of all ages: various trails for skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, exciting extreme parks for professional riders. As a rule, such resorts are located near the city. So it’s more comfortable to arrive at the place in your own car or book a car from rental offices.

A great option for a family weekend is an outing into nature. Such attractions are located near Novocheboksarsk. These could be lakes, gorges, famous nature reserves. It’s always up to you to choose where it’s better to go: Lake Bolshoi Churkan, Shuika River. These natural attractions can be reached both on your own and by public transport. Find out in advance the routes of minibuses running from suburban bus stations in the direction you need. In such an adventure you will get a lot of vivid emotions from communicating with nature, replenish your health and good spirits.

If you arrived in the city on work matters, then you do not have free time for full-fledged excursion trips. In such a case, we advise you to find a short guide to the sights of Novocheboksarsk with photos and descriptions.

You can always find it upon arrival in the city at railway stations or at the airport: Cheboksary Airport. This guide contains a list of the most interesting places to go in Novocheboksarsk, with names and photos of attractions. Isn’t it true, this greatly simplifies the question of what to see in Novocheboksarsk if you have a tight time limit.

However, if the directory presents the most popular places in Novocheboksarsk, then in the search network you can find a list of new, but no less interesting attractions with reviews of tourists who have been there. Abandoned mines, unusual craters, ancient railways, bridges - such sights attract adventure lovers.

When planning a trip to Novocheboksarsk, we recommend that you learn not only about the sights, but also about other significant infrastructure facilities of the city. To easily move around the city, it is worth understanding the public transport traffic pattern, the location of bus, train or sea terminals, and metro stations. Nevertheless, these important public buildings of Novocheboksarsk can be very interesting from a tourist point of view. Often they are the ones who form the first impression of a locality on a visitor’s mind.

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Cathedral Square Novocheboksarsk

Street in Novocheboksarsk in winter

Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash n Shupashkar) is a city in the Chuvash Republic in the Russian Federation.

The population of the city as of January 1, 2009 is 127.2 thousand people (or 9.94 percent of the total population of the Chuvash Republic), of which 126.9 thousand people (99.8 percent) are city residents, 0.3 thousand . people (0.2 percent) - rural residents. The city ranks 133rd in terms of population among urban settlements in the Russian Federation. The territory is 72.2 km, and the population density is 2469.7 people per 1 sq. km.

Located 5 km from the capital of the Chuvash Republic - the city.

Architecture and landmarks

Monument to Prince Vladimir in Novocheboksarsk

  1. Monument to the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other man-made disasters (2003, sculptor M. Vinogradov) - on a granite pedestal there is a “fire burning”, a drop of blood melts in the fire, pierced by three rays of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma). Material: forged copper.
  2. Decorative and monumental composition in honor of the founding of the city of Novocheboksarsk (2003, designer V. Troitsky) - The composition is made of stainless steel. Along the circumference of the ring there is an inscription in Chuvash and Russian: “The city of Novocheboksarsk was founded in 1960.” The spire of the composition is crowned with a model of an atom glowing in the night, symbolizing the city-forming enterprise of JSC Khimprom and the basis of the whole world.
  3. Monument to Soldiers - Internationalists (2000) - the monument is an armored personnel carrier mounted on a two-meter pedestal. On the pedestal there is the inscription “Glory to the warrior - the winner.” The armored personnel carrier is provided by the military department of the Chuvash State University.
  4. Monument to soldiers who took part in local wars and military conflicts (2006, sculptor P. Pupin) - a bronze soldier with a machine gun in his hand against the backdrop of two symmetrical marble obelisks with the names of the heroes of the city.
  5. Fountain “In Memory” in honor of the 13 villages that became part of Novocheboksarsk (2003, architect N. Rozhkova) - on the edges of the fountain are the names of the 13 villages on which modern Novocheboksarsk is based. Each stream resembles a candle. Water - tears, candles - memory. A people has no future without a past.
  6. Obelisk in honor of the soldiers who fell during the Second World War (renovated in 2002) - an obelisk in the form of a cross, made of granite.
  7. Statue of a Worker (1965, unknown author) - a statue of a young man with an athletic build is installed on a high pedestal. With his right hand he holds a hammer, from the hammer there is a crescent-shaped trail from the satellite.
  8. Monument to the inhabitants of villages who died during the Second World War, previously located on the site of the city of Novocheboksarsk (1985, architect B. Shimarev) - on a granite pedestal there is an embossed bas-relief of a victorious warrior. Bronze, granite, and copper were used in the work.
  9. Sculpture of a young woman with a baby (2006, author A. Zotikov) The sculpture is made of bronze.
  10. A stela in honor of the first builders of the city (2000, architect Alexander Ilyin) - five peaks symbolizing a hand, connected by a blue ribbon on which are written the words from the song “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart!”, and a guitar is depicted - an indispensable attribute of youth 60-70 gg.
  11. Obelisks in Oldeevo, Ivanovo, Toksineevo and Bannovo
  12. Monument to the communist Ivan Semenov (1985, architect B. Shimarev) - engraved on the granite tombstone: “Ivan Semenov (1.3.1887 - 2.7.1919). An active fighter for the establishment of Soviet power in Chuvashia. The first chairman of the executive committee of the Alymkasinsky volost council of peasant deputies. Killed by counter-revolutionaries. Born in the village of Elnikovo. The monument is made in bronze, a bas-relief of the hero against the background of a banner with the inscription “All power to the Soviets.”
  13. Monument to Prince Vladimir (2003, architect M. Vinogradov) - a five-meter figure of Prince Vladimir is installed on a one-meter granite pedestal; on the pedestal there is a memorial plaque with the words: “Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, Baptist of Rus'.” Material: forged copper.

Novocheboksarsk and its attractions -

Novocheboksarsk is located in the Chuvash Republic, a short distance from the capital of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary. The distance is only twenty kilometers. Therefore, when visiting Novocheboksarsk, you get a unique opportunity to take a sightseeing tour to the nearby capital of the republic. Before arriving, take care of choosing a place for temporary accommodation. This will save you time searching for temporary housing once you are in the city.

The newly built city has deep roots that go back to the Stone Age. Then the Novocheboksarsky lands were inhabited by the distant ancestors of modern settlers, living, studying and working on the banks of the Tsivil River. Scientists note that thousands of years BC, the winding river also witnessed life existing around it. In itself it represents artistic uniqueness. Civil with evenly outlined banks seems to be wandering along the Novocheboksarsk land.

The city is growing dynamically due to many factors. The most important of them is the development of production at the chemical plant.

Many cinemas and theaters have been built in Novocheboksarsk. Of particular interest is the “Rain” mime theater, whose history dates back to ancient Greek art. At that time, theater actors, or mimes, imitated phenomena of reality, using exclusively changes in facial expressions.

Another important attraction of Novocheboksarsk is the Art Museum, which displays works by such artists as A. Panteleev, A. Gritsay, G. Nissky, E. Kalnyshev, A. Kolchanov and many others.

You can take a walk in the city in the Elnikovskaya Grove Park of Culture and Recreation, where you can enjoy clean air and well-groomed paths. Despite its youth, the city is replete with a number of monuments. For example, an armored personnel carrier, as evidence of the war experienced in the mid-twentieth century. Monument to internationalist soldiers who took part in local conflicts. On Cathedral Square, a favorite walking place for local residents (apparently, the name justifies itself), in front of the multi-domed patterned church stands a monument to the Baptist of Rus', Prince Vladimir. You can also take a walk there, next to the square. The monument in honor of the 13 villages that became part of Novocheboksarsk is unusual. It is a fountain, the waters of which wash the names of the villages carved on it. Perhaps, while walking around Novocheboksarsk, you will want to stay a couple more days.

Have a sunny trip!

January 23, 2022 Tags: Attractions , What to see

Architectural ensemble of Cathedral Square in Novocheboksarsk

The city received its modern name in 1965.

The city is divided into three residential areas: Eastern, Southern, Western (“Yurakovo”) and an industrial zone. There are eighteen microdistricts in total.

Within the city limits there is the Elnikovskaya Grove - a favorite place of the townspeople, a city park of culture and recreation.

Vinokurova Street , in the Cathedral Square area.

At the entrance to the square, a monumental figure attracts attention

Prince Vladimir , behind it is an arch.

In front of the cathedral there is a “Memory” fountain, the “candle” jets of which

remind of the villages that became part of Novocheboksarsk.

At the intersection of Sovetskaya and Pionerskaya streets, a unique children's playground has been created. There is a Children and Youth Creativity Center, an art school, a music and sports school. The first monument was erected on Gidrostroiteley Street - a monument to fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. Novocheboksarsk has its own professional theater - the Chuvash State Experimental Drama Theater, as well as museums of the city and JSC Khimprom. There are monuments to an internationalist soldier, victims of Chernobyl and other man-made disasters, and a model of an atom on a stiletto heel in honor of the founding of the city.

Novocheboksarsk is famous for its large and powerful enterprises: CHPP-3, HPP, Percarbonat, Cation, Novocheboksarsk Construction Materials Plant, GESstroy, Stroytrest No. 4.

The visiting card of the city is. More than 250 types of products are produced here.

Chemical-Mechanical College, branches of the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology and the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. D.I. Mendeleev is among the popular educational institutions.

Many famous people of Chuvashia were born in villages that formerly stood on the site of Novocheboksarsk. Among them is the First,

Novocheboksary residents are proud of the victories of the silver medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens

Sights of the city of Novocheboksarsk

  1. Regions of Russia
  2. Chuvash Republic
  3. Novocheboksarsk

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Churches, cathedrals Local history Industrial museums, excursions to production Art museums Sculpture, monuments Hydroelectric stations, canals, sluices

Cheboksary HPP

Start of construction 1967 It is part of the Volozhsk-Kama cascade. Approximate capacity - 1370 MW.

Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Embankment, 34 (coordinates of the amateur observation deck are indicated)

Rating: 22.51

Monument to Prince Vladimir

5-meter bronze figure of the baptist of Rus' - Prince Vladimir.

Address: Novocheboksarsk, Cathedral Square

Rating: 20.35

Cathedral of St. Prince Vladimir

Construction of the temple began in 1990. The cathedral has 3 altars. In 1994, the lower church was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1995, a chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” was consecrated. In 1996, the main Altar was consecrated in honor of St. Prince Vladimir.

Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Vinokurova, 53 (in the park)

Rating: 14.24

Museum of Local Lore and History of the City of Novocheboksarsk

Local history, art and other exhibitions related to the history of the city and its surroundings.

Opening hours: 10-18 Mon-Sat. 10-16 Sunday, Monday-closed

Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Vinokurova 42A,

Phone: /fax: 8-8352-74-02-40

Rating: 0.00

Art Museum

Graphics, sculpture, paintings by local artists

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00 kr. Mon.

Address: Novocheboksarsk, br. Hydrostroiteley, 4,

Phone: (8352) 73-0057

Rating: 0.00

Hydropower Museum

The museum is located on the premises of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Station. The exhibition is dedicated to the history of hydropower in the USSR and the history of the construction of hydroelectric power stations

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00

Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Embankment, 34,

Phone: (8352)301760 (coordinates of the checkpoint at the entrance are indicated)

Rating: -15.51

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