Map of Novocheboksarsk in detail with streets, houses and districts

General information and history of Novocheboksarsk

According to our city rating, the city of Novocheboksarsk is in the top 100 best cities in Russia and ranks 64th in it. Let's try to figure out what determines the place of the city of chemists, energy workers and builders in the ranking.

Panoramic view of the city

Perhaps we should start with his story. Novocheboksarsk appeared in the wake of the all-Union construction boom, when the Communist Party sent Komsomol construction teams to build new cities and industrial facilities throughout the country. In Chuvashia, on the banks of the beautiful Volga River, a grandiose construction of a chemical plant and a hydroelectric power station was planned. People of different nationalities, cultures and religions enthusiastically rushed to the large construction site. Since then, the main backbone of the cozy and hospitable city has been the brave romantics of Soviet times and their descendants.

The city was not founded on a wasteland; several Chuvash villages were developed. Their names are now borne by the microdistricts of Novocheboksarsk - Yurakovo, Elnikovo, Ivanovo and others.

The year of birth of Novocheboksarsk is considered to be 1960. And since then it has not stopped growing and expanding. It is separated from the capital of the republic, Cheboksary, by just over 20 km, this fact automatically included the town in satellite status. In 2008, the question of uniting the two cities was raised, but the majority of Novocheboksarsk residents (75%) were against such a decision. They were afraid that many problems would arise related to paperwork, the need for re-registration, and the city would become just a district of Cheboksary. Many were not happy that Novocheboksarsk in this case would lose its status as a city.

Historical facts of the city

Archaeological finds discovered by scientists near the city suggest that the first settlements in these places appeared 13-15 thousand years ago in the area of ​​​​the village of Ivanovo, and ancient mounds created by people were discovered on the territory of the villages of Bannovo, Yandashevo and Yurakovo. who lived here during the Bronze Age.

At the same time, Novocheboksarsk remains among the youngest cities in the republic. In the fall of 1960, the foundation of the first building in Novocheboksarsk was laid. Subsequent events developed rapidly (see below).

  • July 1962 - The Executive Committee of the Cheboksary City Council decided to name the first street of the new city after Academician Kurchatov, but a week later the street was renamed Kommunisticheskaya.
  • Summer 1965 - The young city, which for 5 years was called Ilyichevsk, receives the name Novocheboksarsk, the villages of Bannovo, Ivanovo, Tenekassy, ​​Oldeevo, etc. come under its control.
  • 1971 - Novocheboksarsk loses its satellite status and becomes a full-fledged city of republican subordination.
  • Winter 1993 - The draft city coat of arms was finally approved.
  • 1998 - The city boundaries were approved.
  • February 2005 - Novocheboksarsk received a new coat of arms.
  • March 2008 - A citywide referendum was held, at which residents of Novocheboksarsk did not support the idea of ​​merging with Cheboksary.

Climate and ecology of Novocheboksarsk

The city spreads over an area of ​​51.14 km² in central Russia. This area is characterized by frosty and snowy winters; there is also a thaw, and summers are moderately hot and often rainy. The city is located on the right bank of the Volga River, which affects the level of air humidity. Hence the dense fogs in early autumn and spring, especially in lowland areas. In general, the climate is quite comfortable for living.

Volga embankment

The only thing that darkens the lives of the residents is the environmental situation. She, like a fly in the ointment, spoils the whole impression of a wonderful town. There is gorgeous nature around, nearby is the great Volga, which is rich in different types of fish (pike, sabrefish, catfish, perch, burbot, asp, bersh, etc.). The southwestern and southern part of Novocheboksarsk is an industrial zone. The main city-forming enterprise of the city, JSC Khimprom, stands somewhat away from populated areas. From time to time, his pipes become powerful "poison-breathing dragons".

Residents of the lower part of the city are forced to breathe chlorine fumes. Chlorine is not such a rare component in the urban atmosphere, and during the days of emergency release of chlorine at the enterprise, city residents have to tightly close their windows and not let their children go outside.

Another air pollutant is formaldehyde. It is emitted by household and industrial waste dumps, and by enterprises that produce chipboard and plywood. If the wind blows from Cheboksary, then the gases released from the huge Cheboksary landfill penetrate into the atmosphere of Novchik, as the residents of Novocheboksarsk lovingly call their city. Sometimes the landfill burns, and toxic smoke envelops Novocheboksarsk.

The Cheboksary Pipe Plant (ZhBK-2) and the Novocheboksary Asphalt and Concrete Plant are actively involved in the vile matter of air and water poisoning. It’s good that the city is blown by winds, and fetid odors do not linger in the atmosphere. The Yurakovo microdistrict, as well as the Hungarian quarter, is in a particularly advantageous position. The air here is much cleaner than, for example, in the Ivanovo microdistrict.

The “green lungs” of the city - Elnikovskaya Grove - is a real salvation for citizens, acting as a filter that purifies polluted air. In addition, the grove is a natural monument of Republican significance. All conditions have been created here for entertainment of both children and adults. Fortunately, the forest area covers an area of ​​128 hectares and is located within Novocheboksarsk.

JSC "Khimprom"

The result was not the most rosy picture. Many, having become acquainted with such an unattractive side of the city, will probably remain perplexed - why, in this case, Novocheboksarsk is included in the top 100 best cities? Perhaps this is some kind of mistake. But there are other indicators by which we can confidently say that the city deserves to be one of the best. The townspeople are very sensitive to the condition of Novocheboksarsk. The city streets sparkle with cleanliness, and flowers are lovingly planted in numerous flower beds. If you go into any courtyard in the same microdistrict of Yurakovo, the order is striking: children's playgrounds are equipped with all the necessary equipment, there are trash cans everywhere.

Unfortunately, this situation is not observed in all courtyards, but mainly only in those located in new areas. This is in Yurakovo, the Hungarian quarter, the Rechnoy Boulevard residential complex. There are, of course, some comments about the condition of the roads. Especially in courtyards, the old asphalt has long been in need of repair.

Sports stadium in the courtyard of the Yurakovo district

Novocheboksarsk on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

Novocheboksarsk is conveniently located on the right Volga bank , 17 km from the regional capital (Cheboksary).

The city is located in a valley. From the south and west, its territory is limited by the bed of Kukshum River , and in the north by the bed of another Volga tributary, the Tsivil River .

is located in a zone of temperate continental climate, in the floodplain of the Volga on a hilly plain. In summer, thermometers in Novocheboksarsk rise to +25-35°C, and in winter they drop to –20-25°C.

The area of ​​Novocheboksarsk is more than 51 square meters. km. of the Kukshum flow through the territory . The area is divided by numerous ravines. There are wetlands.

the Volga-Kama cascade reservoir created in the 80s of the last century (total area is about 2.2 thousand square kilometers, maximum depth is more than 30 m) and the dam of the Cheboksary hydroelectric station.

Large deposits of peat, sand and other valuable raw materials for the manufacture of building materials have been discovered near Novocheboksarsk.

Population of Novocheboksarsk

The main wealth of Novocheboksarsk is its people: kind, attentive and responsive. According to the latest census data, the city has about 123 thousand inhabitants. And these are only those who are registered here. There are many migrants from neighboring republics.

Fortunately, the cost of renting apartments is slightly lower than in Cheboksary. For a two-room apartment with furniture in a prestigious area they demand about 8-10 thousand, maximum 12 thousand rubles. Electricity, water and gas are paid separately. In Cheboksary, the same apartment will cost a very tidy sum - from 12 thousand rubles.

Yurakovo District

If we compare the number of citizens today and, for example, several years ago, the trend is towards growth. Of course, not at a huge pace, but still increasing. People here are not averse to buying an apartment, since new comfortable areas are appearing like mushrooms after rain. Vacant areas adjacent to the city are being actively developed.

The main national composition is made up of Chuvash - indigenous peoples, Mari, Russians, Tatars. In addition to them, representatives of other nationalities of the former Soviet Union live side by side. Even local old-timers do not remember any serious clashes on national or religious grounds.

Training and education in Novocheboksarsk is carried out at the level of the most modern educational requirements. There is no shortage of educational and cultural institutions. Everything is available: preschool, school, primary and secondary vocational, and higher education. Today, 20 educational institutions are engaged in educating little Novocheboksary residents: a gymnasium, a lyceum, secondary schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, an evening and special correctional school, two children’s and youth sports schools, and a cadet school of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

It is very encouraging that by the age of 3 a child is guaranteed a place in kindergarten. Moreover, new spacious preschool institutions are being built.

Children's and Youth Sports School No. 1

There is a technical school of applied biotechnology, the Cheboksary Chemical-Mechanical Technical School, two technical schools, and an Olympic reserve school. Higher education can be obtained at a branch of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, a regional institute of technology and management, a branch of the Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

The younger generation of Novocheboksarsk receives spiritual and cultural enrichment at the children's art school, art and music school. The teachers in them work from God - professionals and very sincere people who devote all their strength to ensuring that their students are always at their best when participating in various city, republican, regional, all-Russian and even world competitions.

Districts and real estate of Novocheboksarsk

Today the city is divided into three residential areas (South, East, West) and an industrial zone. Each of them is further subdivided into 18 microdistricts. Let's consider only the most significant of them.

Map of the city of Novocheboksarsk


Quite a prosperous area of ​​Novocheboksarsk. It cannot be called prestigious, like no other area of ​​the city. Yurakovo begins right at the entrance to the city, with panel high-rise buildings that stand along the road like a concrete guard. Spacious and cozy area. The bulk of the city's residents are concentrated here. It makes a pleasant impression with its still new high-rise buildings; there are also five-story buildings from Khrushchev's times, with clean, well-groomed courtyards.

New houses are built here and there periodically in accordance with new trends in construction. Shops, shopping centers, kindergartens, and entertainment venues are opening. True, recently the courtyard areas have begun to be compacted, with the construction of another new house there. Local residents are trying to resist this, complaining even to the president of the republic, but no one hears them. Local construction continues, robbing children of space for games and sports.


As for housing prices, we can say that the spread in them is insignificant. For example, a one-room apartment in a new panel building costs 1,700,000 rubles, and a one-room apartment in a brick building costs just over 2,000,000 rubles.

The Hungarian Quarter microdistrict belongs to Yurakovo. At the end of April 2007, OJSC Mortgage Corporation of the Chuvash Republic, the Federal Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending and the construction industry (Hungary) entered into a cooperation agreement. And now, on the site of the wasteland, a small district grew up. It consists of several multi-storey panel buildings. Mostly residents were resettled here from houses classified as “demolition”, “mortgage holders”, and those on the waiting list. Houses were built with gross violations, as builders were in a hurry to quickly report to the government. But they built a super playground, which the local kids loved. Housing prices are around 34 thousand per sq.m.

Hungarian quarter

Another microdistrict is at the project stage - the 9th Western Residential District, which will be adjacent to Yurakovo. It is planned to build a new residential complex on an area of ​​28.99 hectares of land. 7-12 storey residential buildings, a kindergarten for 140 places, a public entertainment center, a secondary school for 800 places with a swimming pool - these are the main objects of the future microdistrict.

A small cottage community in the area of ​​Pionerskaya and Solnechnaya streets. This is a street consisting of 2-story houses with a basement. They all have the same layout - “two from a casket”. On the ground floor there is a sauna and a gym, on the 1st floor there is a living room, on the 2nd floor there are 5 rooms. There is a built-in garage. The houses are built of brick. The cost of the cottage is more than 6,000,000 rubles. A cottage with an area of ​​250 sq.m. stands on a plot of 7.5 acres. The owner of the land plot is the municipality of the city of Novocheboksarsk.

Cottage community in Novocheboksarsk

On a plot of about four hectares, a mini-district was built, the territory of which is limited by Vinokurova Street, Stroiteley Street and the garden of the city hospital. It is planned to place a parking lot for 200 cars, cafes, shops, a kindergarten for 140 places, and a small park. Price per square meter - from 40 thousand rubles. Residents of Novocheboksarsk are indignant that the prices are unacceptable for a small town, however, there are many who want to settle here.

The advantage of living in the Yurakovo microdistrict:

  • spacious, clean, comfortable;
  • many schools, kindergartens, shopping centers.


  • high housing prices compared to other districts of the city.

The city clothing market is located in Yurakovo. It is relatively small, and accordingly, the range of goods is not very diverse. For more serious goods, Novocheboksary residents go to Cheboksary.


Elnikovo is a microdistrict that arose on the site of the Chuvash village of Elnikovo. High-rise buildings interspersed with five-story buildings of the Khrushchev design are the usual gray picture. The roads here leave much to be desired, except that the asphalt on the main streets is a little fresher than in the courtyards. The playgrounds have not seen a major renovation for a long time: the swings squeak sadly in time with the movement. The peeling paints on the children's equipment evoke melancholy and cause bewilderment - the area is located in Novocheboksarsk, and the picture looks as if it was cut out from some outback and clumsily pasted next to the beautiful Yurakovo.


Fortunately, as if to compensate the residents of the area for such a mess, a large play park was installed next to Cathedral Square, where every summer children have fun on trampolines, ride down slides, on bicycles, and battery-powered motorcycles. Another thing is that all this pleasure costs money. Directly opposite, McDonald's beckons hungry vacationers. A little further away is the Atal cinema, the Novocheboksarsk History Museum, colorful trading houses, and the large Essen hypermarket.

The main decoration of the microdistrict is the Cathedral of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Next to it, in a ravine, a spring flows. Residents of nearby houses get clean and tasty water from there. The place is carefully cleaned and beautified every spring.

McDonald's Restaurant

At the intersection of Semenova and Vostochnaya streets, in Elnikovo, a new Svetly microdistrict is being built today. The builders are faced with the task of building an area with its own infrastructure, with quiet relaxation and a safe life. It will consist of 5 residential buildings, and within walking distance there will be a parking complex for 300 cars. It is planned to improve the local area with a kindergarten, sports grounds, offices and shops. Prices for apartments will vary depending on the position, floor and form of payment.

Advantages of living in Elnikovo:

  • near the center;
  • provision of schools and kindergartens.


  • bad roads;
  • small courtyards, excluding recreation areas for residents of houses.

Center of Novocheboksarsk

The administrative center of Novocheboksarsk was formed at the intersection of Vinokurova Street and Energetikov Passage.

Not particularly remarkable, it is represented by houses of the same type, ranging from 5-story buildings to 10-story buildings. The impression is that you are in one of the residential areas of a large city, surrounded by greenery. Calm and quiet. Only in its lower part, local residents call it “lower classes”, do heavy drunkards walk around in broad daylight, spoiling the environment with their repulsive appearance. It is from there that the city of Novocheboksarsk originates: Komsomolskaya, Tereshkovoy, Kommunisticheskaya streets. Living “at the bottom” is inexpensive and not prestigious.

Advantages of living in the center:

  • convenient location relative to other neighborhoods;
  • relative improvement.


  • the center is poorly ventilated by winds, so in summer it often smells like sewage.

Ivanovo - the seventh microdistrict of Novocheboksarsk

The area can be said to be diverse. Even at the initial stage of construction of the city of Novocheboksarsk, they began to build comfortable capital housing here, panel and brick houses strictly according to plan. They were built in 2, 4, 5 and 9 floors according to the designs of Leningrad architects. Today there is no particular abundance of construction boom here, except for infill developments.

One can note the increased criminal situation in these places. Since the area is not particularly comfortable, decent people are in no hurry to move here. Thefts, robberies, drunken fights, domestic murders are not uncommon here.

One of the houses in Ivanovo

Advantages of living in Ivanovo:

  • proximity to the Volga.


  • terrible roads;
  • low level of supply of retail outlets.

Sights of the city of Novocheboksarsk

Despite its relative youth, Novocheboksarsk is rich in attractions, among which the most famous are:

  • located in the Elnikovo area and clearly visible on the map of Novocheboksarsk with houses, the Temple complex of St. Prince Vladimir ;
  • Monument to Prince Vladimir - on Cathedral Square (whom the townspeople consider one of the founders of the first settlements that appeared on the site of the future Novocheboksarsk);
  • a metal art object in honor of the founding of the city , installed at the intersection of Vinokurova and Sovetskaya streets (on top of the metal composition is an image of a model of an atom, which is illuminated at night);
  • stele , built in honor of the first builders of Novocheboksarsk (5 peaks - 5 fingers and a guitar - a symbol of romance of the 60-70s) (located on Zhenya Krutovaya Street);
  • A monument to a native of the village of Elnikovo, I. Semenov, killed by counter-revolutionaries , one of the first fighters for Soviet power on the territory of the republic, was installed on the street. Vinokurova;
  • memory fountain , reminiscent of 13 settlements, on the site of which modern Novocheboksarsk and the building of the local history museum (Vinokurova street) were erected;
  • a monument to soldiers who did not return from the battlefields during the Second World War (in the shape of a cross);
  • Art Museum , located on Gidrostroiteley Boulevard, 4.

City infrastructure

This is an industrial city, where residential areas are isolated from the industrial and communal zones by regulatory sanitary zones.

Today in the city, probably, only the lazy do not criticize the housing and communal services. But there is something to criticize for - non-transparent charges, insufficiently high quality of services. The best thing is for residents of those houses where there are active house councils. They carefully monitor all housing and communal services settlements with utility service providers.

Vodokanal in Novocheboksarsk

The state of medicine leaves much to be desired. Novocheboksarsk, unfortunately, cannot boast of either the quality of the medical services provided or the number of highly qualified medical specialists. At the first opportunity (for example, the state offered young medical workers 1 million rubles to everyone who would go to the village to work for 5 years), many medical workers leave city hospitals. Sometimes one local doctor serves several territories. The children's clinic lacks qualified specialists and there are endless queues. It can be very difficult for visitors to get an appointment with the right doctor - at the reception they give a turn away: “get treated at home.” True, you won’t hear this in a children’s clinic, but if you go to the emergency room, such a development of events can be expected.

Children's city clinic

Regarding transport, the passenger flow is handled quite well by private minibuses along with trolleybuses from the city park. There are no traffic jams and there cannot be, unless there is an accident on the road. There is a small minus - transport only works until 8 pm (private cabs), and trolleybuses run until 12 am. It’s good that the city is very small, in half an hour, maximum in an hour, you can reach its other end. True, it’s scary to walk on foot, since night lighting is only on the main streets of Novocheboksarsk. As a last resort, you can always take a taxi, since there are a large number of them in the city.

It has its own river port and cargo pier. River transport communication along the Volga River is carried out through them.

Routes on the map of Novocheboksarsk. Transport infrastructure

A cargo port (Promyshlennaya str. 4a) and a central bus station (Semyonov str. 27) were built in the city.

The P176 “Vyatka” highway passes through the territory of Novocheboksarsk , connecting the capital of Chuvashia with Syktyvkar, as well as access to the Tsivilsk - Ulyanovsk and Volga .

The city is connected to the neighboring Marposadsky district by the republican highway Novocheboksarsk - Marposad - "Volga" , passing through Marposad.

The branch of the freight railway laid through the urban area (Promyshlennaya station, located in the industrial zone), connecting Cheboksary-2 with Novocheboksarsk, is of great economic importance. You can use the services of passenger railway transport by arriving at Passazhirskaya station.

In the city itself there are:

4 bus routes:

  1. 13th (Chemical College - Nerudstrom LLC);
  2. 16th (microdistrict Yurakovo - terminal station Lipovo);
  3. 21st (mag. Sokol - terminal Lipovo)
  4. 22nd (V.Internationalistov St. - Khimprom JSC)

5 trolleybus routes:

  1. 52nd (microdistrict "Ivanovo" - JSC "Khimprom");
  2. 53rd (school No. 19 - Khimprom JSC);
  3. 54 k (microdistrict "Ivanovo" - Yurakovo);
  4. 55 k (JSC Khimprom - Yurakovo);
  5. 56th (microdistrict "Ivanovo" - microdistrict Ivanovo).

The total length of the lines is more than 121 km.

Also, citizens and guests of the city can use 7 directions of minibus taxis, 7 directions of interregional bus routes, 11 intercity and 32 suburban ones.

Enterprises and work in Novocheboksarsk

The situation on the labor market is different. Currently in demand in the city are teachers, drivers, molders, conductors, cooks, nurses and orderlies, seamstresses and many others. Accountants and economists are no longer particularly popular.

Main employers:

  • Novocheboksarsk building materials plant, it produces sand-lime brick;
  • Cheboksary Pipe Plant, it produces polyethylene pipes;
  • Novocheboksarsk garment factory "Pike";
  • Novocheboksarsk Electromechanical Plant, it produces electrical measuring instruments;
  • LLC "Ceramics" and many others.

Factory "Pique", end view

Small business and the construction sector are developing. The city needs, first of all, blue-collar workers.

It is believed that the average salary in Novocheboksarsk is 22 thousand rubles. Perhaps sellers and sales managers earn that much, but state employees are far from them. It just seems like it’s easy to find a good job with decent pay. As in Soviet times, a “warm place” is passed on by inheritance or through good friends.

Shopping center Magnit in Novocheboksarsk

Recently, the trade sector has been developing very rapidly. Every year, here and there, large supermarkets appear: Essen, Magnit, TD Passage, TD Semya and others.

Main streets of Novocheboksarsk

  • st. Soviet (starts at the intersection with the Vyatka highway and stretches to the intersection with Vostochnaya Street) the zoo in Elnikovskaya Grove and the Passage shopping center are located here;

  • st. Vinokurova (stretches from the city embankment to the intersection with Voinov Internationalistov Street) - it contains the Memory Fountain, the monument to I. Semenov, the local Museum of History and Local Lore, access to the monument to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the city market complex, the city administration building, the sports complex of PJSC Khimprom ";

  • st. Promyshlennaya is one of the longest and most branched streets in the city, runs through the city industrial zone, where the largest enterprises of the city are located: PJSC Khimprom, Novocheboksarskaya CHPP-3, TGK-5, ZhBK-2, YuL 34-6, DSK SUOR , city Business center and Business class=”aligncenter” width=”1862″ height=”866″[/img]
  • st. Parkovaya (starts at the city embankment and ends at the intersection with Sovetskaya Street) passes next to the Elnikovskaya Grove forest park, on this street there is a chapel named after. St. George, access to the monument to the soldiers who died in local conflicts, city cadet lyceum;

  • st. Eastern (starts at the intersection with Sovetskaya Street and ends at the intersection with Pionerskaya Street) – there are numerous park areas here.


It would be difficult to find a quieter city. At least in the evening you don’t have to sit at home and quietly tremble from the fear of encountering street crime. Yes, serious crimes occur, but they are very rare. Fraud, involvement in prostitution, extortion, robbery, economic crimes (selling counterfeit money, embezzlement, bribery) - this is the main list of violations that often appear in local newspaper crime chronicles.

It is no secret to respectable residents of Novocheboksary that there are many drug addicts in the city. In search of money for a dose, they are not averse to even killing a person.

In 2009, the city was shocked by the brutal murder of a local taxi driver. Two young residents of Novocheboksarsk committed a robbery against a taxi driver in order to take possession of the car. Armed with an air pistol and a knife, late in the evening they approached a parked car and offered the driver a ride to the village of Novoye Atlashevo. On the way, the attackers shot the unfortunate man in the head, stabbed him several times, and set the car and the dead man on fire. She was later found in a nearby ravine. The criminals received 14 and 17 years each.

From time to time, rumors spread among Novocheboksary residents about a maniac who has emerged, raping underage girls and attacking lonely women on the street. Unrest among the population begins after someone is raped in a drunken company. So hasty versions about a maniac appear. Usually rumors remain rumors. The official information on this matter is as follows: all persons who are prone to violent acts of a sexual nature remain under constant surveillance by police officers.

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