Oil workers' city Almetyevsk: population


(Tat. Әлмәт) is a city (since November 3, 1953) in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation. Administrative center of Almetyevsky district. The city of Almetyevsk forms a municipal entity with the status of an urban settlement as the only settlement in its composition. The largest city in the polycentric Almetyevsko-Bugulma-Leninogorsk agglomeration and the center of the TPK of the South-Eastern economic zone of the republic, the fourth most populous city in Tatarstan.


The city is located in Zakamye, on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, on the left bank of the Zai River (a tributary of the Kama), 249 km southeast of Kazan, 8 km from the Almetyevskaya railway station.

It is located 39 km from Leninogorsk and the largest Romashkinskoye field in the Volga-Ural oil and gas province in the south of Tatarstan.

The city includes the microdistricts of Krasnoarmeyka and Ursala (since 2003), Yashlek, Agroposelok, Alsu, Bigash (Bigash), DOSAAF, DSRC, Druzhba, Nagorny, RTS, SU-2, Old Almetyevo (Iske Elmet), Tekhsnab, Cheryomushki ( M-4).


Accurate data on the time of the founding of the village of Almetyevo has not been preserved, however, a number of indirect evidence suggests that this event occurred at the turn of the second and third decades of the 18th century. In 1840, during a survey conducted in the region, Almetyevsk residents reported to the authorities that their village was founded 121 years ago, that is, approximately in 1719.

The founder of the village is considered to be Mullah Almet (probably short for Al-Muhammad, Tat. Әлмәт - Әл-Мөхәмәт, Bashkir personal name Almet.). The first mention of the village in written sources is contained in documents dating back to the initial period of the uprising of 1735-1740. Among them, a letter from Mullah Almet to Colonel I.N. Tatishchev has been preserved, in which he reported “about the congresses and intentions” of the rebels and about their danger to the population of the Nadyrov volost of the Chistopol district. The letter is dated June 24, 1735 and ends with the words:

“I, Almet-mullah, wrote this letter to Zaya from the Almeteva village.”

In 1795, 700 Teptyars and Bashkirs lived in the village, and in 1834 there were 123 Bashkirs and 544 Teptyars. According to the materials of the 1859 audit, 1,518 state-owned peasants and Bashkirs, as well as a mosque, a postal station, a fair, bazaars and 2 factories were taken into account in the 214 courtyards of the village

Since 1920, as part of the Bugulma canton of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since August 10, 1930 it has been a regional center.

On March 25, 1952, the village of Almetyevo was transformed into an urban-type settlement, Almetyevsk, and on November 3, 1953, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, it received the status of a city.

Team Nomads

From an economic point of view, Tatarstan is roughly Russia in miniature. The east of the republic works: Nizhnekamsk, Nab. Chelny, Almetyevsk, Yelabuga, but Kazan, like Moscow, manages and manages the financial resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. If anyone doubts, they can look at industrial production per capita of each city, namely real production, since the industry of Kazan is often focused on itself - for banks, shops, construction, entertainment, etc. - this is a pure transfer of money earned from the sale of oil, petroleum products, petrochemical products, machinery, equipment, agricultural products, etc. And these products are mainly supplied by the industrial east of the Republic of Tatarstan, much like the Urals and Siberia - for the whole of Russia! I would like to talk about one such labor city - Almetyevsk - in this article, since on my business I worked in this interesting city. Almetyevsk has changed a lot and become more beautiful over the past 15-20 years, while it is not only a city of oil workers, but also an interesting cultural and historical center of the Trans-Kama region.

Almetyevsk (Tat. Әлмәт) is a city (since November 3, 1953) in Russia, the administrative center of the Almetyevsky district of Tatarstan, the largest city in the polycentric Almetyevsk-Bugulma-Leninogorsk agglomeration and the center of the TPK of the South-Eastern economic zone of the republic, the fourth in population and importance city ​​of Tatarstan.

The city is located in Zakamye, on the slopes of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, on the left bank of the Zai River (a tributary of the Kama), 265 km southeast of Kazan, 13 km from the Almetyevskaya railway station. The area of ​​the city is 41 km². Almetyevsk is located 39 km from Leninogorsk and its largest Romashkinskoye field in the Volga-Ural province in the south of Tatarstan. Today, the Romashkinskoye field is one of the largest oil fields in the world.

Climate Average annual air temperature - 4.4 °C Average wind speed - 3.8 m/s.

Almetyevsk city steam locomotive at the railway station

HISTORY OF THE FOUNDATION OF ALMETYEVSK For many years after joining the Moscow state, the territory of the modern South-East of Tatarstan remained practically undeveloped. Until the 1630s The history of the region was connected with the Nogai Horde. After the departure of the Nogai Tatars under pressure from the Kalmyks to the Black Sea steppes, these lands were completely empty. The service Tatars and Tarkhans, “yasak Chuvashs” and bobyls, who owned lands in the basins of the Ika, Kineli, Soka and other rivers, used their estates only “in raids” due to the constant threat of Kalmyk raids. There were practically no settlements south of the territory of the modern Sarmanovsky district. Intensive settlement of the region began only in the first third of the 18th century. One of the settlements that emerged during this period was the village of Almetyevo. There is no exact information about the time of its foundation. However, a number of indirect evidence suggests that this event occurred at the turn of the second and third decades of the 18th century. In 1840, during a survey conducted in the region, Almetyevsk residents reported to the authorities that their village was founded 121 years ago, i.e. around 1719.

Materials from the period of the second revision (1747) recorded the presence in the village of Almet-Mullino (the second name of the village of Almetyevo in the 18th century - R.A.) of 23 households and 85 male souls. For that time it was a fairly large village. Its formation took place during the years when the authorities did their best to prevent the flight of Tatars to the border regions of the Russian state. In reality, it took decades for the settlement to reach this size. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the village of Almetyevo was founded long before the second revision. Possibly during the first revision (1719 - 1724). The clarification of this date is closely related to the problem of establishing the identity of the founder of the village. The first mention of the village of Almetyevo in written sources is contained in documents dating back to the initial period of the uprising of 1735-1740. Among them, a letter from Mullah Almet to Colonel I.N. has been preserved. Tatishchev, which reported “on the congresses and intentions” of the rebels and both dangers for the population of the Nadyrovskaya volost. The letter is dated June 24, 1735 and ends with the words: “I, Almet-mullah, wrote this letter to Zaya from the Almeteva village.” The last phrase, with the scarcity of other sources, is a key link in our subsequent logical constructions. Mullah Almeta's name appears in two other documents dating back to the 1730s. The first of them, dating back to July 9, 1734, is associated with clashes between residents of the Yurma volost and a detachment of the Tobolsk Dragoon Regiment. This document mentions Mullah Almet from across the river. Zay. The second document tells about the events of the early summer of 1735, when a council of participants in the uprising took place in the village of Bigashevo. Among those present there were Akai Kusyumov, Kilmyak Abyz, Mrat-Sultan and other famous leaders of the rebels. Representatives from dd also participated in the council. Ursala, Ursalabash, Bigashevo, Almetyevo, Maktama-Tamak and Maktama-Bash, among which Almet mullah Karatametev from the village of Almetyevo is mentioned. Until recently, the prevailing opinion among historians and local historians was that the village of Almetyevo on the river. Zai was founded by Almukhamet, a native of the village of Almetyevo, Baylyarsky volost (now the village of Almetyevo, Sarmanovsky district). In this case, they usually referred to the text of the shedjere of Bikchura Khan, recorded by Riza Fakhretdinov. In the indicated shedger there is indeed Almuhammet from the village of Almetyevo, whose family tree looks like this: Bikchura - Gabdulla Ilaz - Siman - Yakup - Yanbulat - Bikmet (Bikmuhammet) - Karatuymet (Tuimuhammet) - Almuhammet. Almuhammet had three sons: Rahmatullah, Gabderahim and Rahmankul (Ramai). This is where the Almuhammet line ends.

in the local history museum City of Almetyevsk

In the text part of the shedzhere it is noted that Almuhammet, a native of the Bailar volost, was the founder of two villages: Old Almet-Mullino (in the Bailar volost near the Menzel river) and Bazarly Almet-Mullino - on the river. Zay. It is also noted that Almuhammet in the village of Almet-Mullino on the river. Zay “stayed for a short time.” One of his sons, Rakhmatulla, lived in the village of Almet-Mullino, the other, Gabderakhim, lived in the village of Taisuganovo6. In the same Taisuganovo, apparently, Rakhmankul (Ramai) also lived, who, in our opinion, is directly related to the famous Tatar family of industrialists Rameevs, natives of the village of Taisuganovo, who moved into the 18th century. for residence in Sterlitamak district, and later in Orenburg. Shedzhere is an undoubtedly important source, but it needs to be compared with data from other sources. This opportunity is provided by the materials of the 7th revision (1816). According to them, in the village of Almetyevo, among the “Bashkir” population was Rakhmatulla Almuhammetov, who by the time of the 6th revision in 1811 was 77 years old (born around 1734, died in 1813). At the time of Rahmatullah’s birth, his father Almuhammet could have been 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc. years. That is, there is a fairly high probability that in the early 1720s, he was already a mature man, capable of founding a settlement or even two. One way or another, Almu-khamet Karatuimetov from the shedzhere of Bikchura Khan and Almet-mulla Karatametev, who was present at the council of the rebels in the village of Bigashevo in the summer of 1735, are undoubtedly the same person associated with the village of Almetyevo on the river. Zay. There is another point of view about the founder of the village of Almetyevo. In the Almetyevsk region, a more or less complete census of the population was first carried out during the second revision (1746 - 1747). At the same time, the “Bashkir” population was not subject to the census. According to the census documents of the second (1746) and third (1762) revisions, in the village of Almetyevo there was only one person named Almet, the son of Seit. In 1746 he was 49 years old, i.e. he was born around 1697. At the time of the third audit he was 65 years old8. Almet Seitov had six sons: Yusup (1722 - 1761), Khalil (1731 - 1748), Masgud (1733 pp), Ishtan (b. 1735), Arslanbek (1744 - 1795) and Gadelsha (1758 - 1795)9. In 1764, the name Almet Seitov was recorded in the list of owners of mills in the region. In this case, his last name is given as Sagitov10. Thus, there are two historical figures who claim to be called the founder of the village of Almetyevo. At the same time, the main argument against the candidacy of Almet Karatuimetov (Tuimukhametov), ​​a native of the Baylyar volost, is his “Bashkir” origin. The fact is that the Nadyrovskaya volost, which included the village of Almetyevo, was not a Bashkir tribal unit. In historical sources it is mentioned as the Nadyrevoy volost of the service Tatars. That is, the “Bashkir” population in the Nadyrovskaya volost could only be newcomers. During the General Land Survey, which took place in the Eastern Trans-Kama region at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, information was collected from residents of some villages in the region about the time of their settlement in the Nadyrovskaya volost.

City Almetyevsk Alley of Heroes in the city park

At the same time, the Teptyars and Yamsk Tatars were recognized as the “ancient inhabitants” of the volost. The “Bashkir” population in all identified cases indicated settlement in the volost with the permission of the foreman Nadyr Urazmetov (he received this rank around 1736) or the Tatars. For example, the “Bashkirs” settled in the village of Karataevo around 1750, in the village of Yultimirovo - around 1765, in the village of Nadyrovo (Sugushly) - around 1790. The “Bashkir” population of the villages of Shugurovo and Abdrakhmanovo “did not remember” the time of their relocation. This also applies to the Bashkir-Baylar residents of the village of Taisuganovo, including the descendants of Almukhamet, who lived in this village and moved “from the village of Almetyevo, Menzelinsky district, with the permission of the elder Nadyr Urazmetov from a long time ago.” Considering that the final resettlement of Nadyr Urazmetov to the land “granted” to him on the banks of the river. Zai occurred only in 1729; the resettlement of the Bailar “Bashkirs” to Nadyrovskaya dates back to a later time. The Baylyar people are not mentioned among the first settlers of the village of Almetyevo, among whom were people from the village. Meshatamak and Selengushevo Nogai road of Kazan district, Tashkichu and Tazlarovo Alatskaya road of the same district, Nurlatovo of Simbirsk district, Kanadeevo of Penza district, Azimovo and Shlyankino of Sviyazhsk district. The arguments in favor of Almet Seitov’s “superiority” seem to us more weighty. The very appeal of Mullah Almeta to the command of the Sheshminsky landmilitsky regiment, dating back to 1735, indicates that already during this period he belonged to the ruling elite of the Nadyrov volost and was on good terms with Nadyr Urazmetov. Moreover, there is reason to believe that these two families subsequently became related. According to revision tales, the youngest son of the founder of the Nadyrovsky volost, Nadyr Urazmetov, Yagofar (b. 1759), had his first wife Gulyamsha (Goleisha) Almetova (b. 1762) from the village of Almetyevo. As already noted, Almet Seitov had six sons, the youngest of whom, Gadelsha, was born in 1758. Thus, it is likely that Gulyamsha was the daughter of Almet Seitov, since in 1764 he was still alive. In conditions where marriages, as a rule, were concluded between families of approximately equal status in society, this marriage speaks of the authority and social status of Almet Seitov (Sagitov) and his descendants. His material well-being is evidenced by the fact that he was the owner of a mill on the river. Ursala. Thus, the totality of the above facts allows us to assert that the village of Almetyevo (Almet-Mulino) on the river. Zay was founded by a 23-year-old Tatar, a Teptya by class, Mullah Almet Seitov around 1720.

Almetyevsk city

Almetyevsk city and region In 1795, 700 Teptyars and Bashkirs lived in the village, and in 1834 123 Bashkirs, 544 Teptyars. According to the materials of the 1859 audit, 1,518 state-owned peasants and Bashkirs, as well as a mosque, a postal station, a fair, bazaars and 2 factories were taken into account in the 214 courtyards of the village. Since 1920, as part of the Bugulma canton of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since August 10, 1930 it has been a regional center. On March 25, 1952, the village of Almetyevo was transformed into an urban-type settlement, Almetyevsk, and on November 3, 1953, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, it received the status of a city.

Economy Like most other cities and villages in the southeast of the republic, the city is highly dependent on the oil industry of Tatarstan. The oil office is located in Almetyevsk, from which the city receives the majority of budget revenues. In addition, the city is located: "Tatnefteprom" (the largest small oil (small oil (small oil company) Almetyevsky Pipeline (oil and gas pipelines), and other enterprises. The volume of goods shipped of its own production and work and services performed in-house in manufacturing industries for 2011 amounted to 28.83 billion rubles.In 1995, on the initiative of Gatin Robert Fatykhovich, Sadriev Miskhat Aukhadievich and the Almetyevsk Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan was opened in the city of Almetyevsk, later called the South-Eastern Branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry RT and was headed by Gatin Robert Fatykhovich.

Almetyevsk district (2007): volume of shipped goods of own production - 222.8 billion rubles (1st place in the Republic) Almetyevsk is served by: the city bus station, the Almetyevskaya railway station of the Kuibyshev railway (Agryz-Akbash line) and Bugulma airport, located 13 kilometers away. The Druzhba main oil pipeline to foreign Europe originates from the city, and oil pipelines to Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, and Samara also pass through. City transport is represented by 5 trolleybus routes, about 20 bus and minibus routes, and taxis.

The federal highway passes through the city: P239 Kazan - Orenburg.

Architecture, sights of the Church: Temple of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God (in 2013, the address of the temple was changed. Now it is Cathedral Square, no. 1), built in 2000-2007. Almetyevsk city

A new large double-altar cathedral, in shape and size reminiscent of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, consisting of two floors (the upper church is dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the lower one to the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women). The capacity of the upper temple alone is more than a thousand people. On the ground floor of the cathedral, in addition to the church, there is a Sunday school, a refectory (for 200 people), a kitchen and utility rooms. The cathedral's belfry consists of 11 bells, the largest of which weighs 1350 kg.

Church of the Nativity in memory of fallen soldiers. Consecrated in 2000. Located on the street. Timiryazev behind the Youth Center.

In the Almetyevsk region: wooden Kosmodemyanskaya Church (1736) in the village of Staraya Elan, Trinity Church (1791) in the village of Novotroitsk. Kazansko-Bogoroditskaya (1830, active) in the village of Russky Aktash; in the village of Verkhniy Aktash (1880); Nativity of Christ (1887) in the village of Yamashi, Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1891) in the village of Novaya Mikhailovka, Pokrovskaya (1892, active) in the village of Kichuy, Pokrovskaya (late 19th century) in the village of Rokashevo.

Mosques: Cathedral Mosque (named after R.G. Galiev) 1990-1999 Second Cathedral Mosque 1872-1877 Mosque (1896, operational) in the village of Elhovo Muslim Religious Center named after. Riza Fakhretdin, a large new mosque.

Monuments: The Great Patriotic War Memorial behind the Drama Theater on Timiryazev Street at the entrance to the park of the 60th anniversary of Tatarstan oil. The monument to oil workers in front of the Neftche cultural center is one of the symbols of the city. Monument to the 60th anniversary of Tatarstan oil at the Central Roundabout Monument to Musa Jalil on the corner of the street. Musa Jalil and Lenin Monument to Lenin in front of the Tatar State Drama Theater Monument to the production of 3,000,000,000 tons of oil City of Almetyevsk

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Almetyevsk Art Gallery 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, Almetyevsk, Stroiteley Ave., 35 Phone(s): (85512) 2-8281

Almetyevsk Local History Museum 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, Almetyevsk, st. Mira, 1 Phone(s): (8553) 22-0422

exposition of a Tatar hut in the local history museum

Memorial Museum of Rizaeddin Fakhreddin 423422, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, Kichuchatovo Phone(s): (8553) 36-3718

Fatih Karimi Museum 423423, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, Minnibaevo village

Museum of the History of the Nizhnyaya Maktama Village Almetyevsk 423440, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, Nizhnyaya Maktama town, st. Sovetskaya, 55 Phone(s): (8553) 30-1465 fax: (8553) 36-1879

Museum of the History of the Village of Elhovo named after. Kh. Akhmetshina 423415, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsky district, village. Nizhnee Abdulovo, st. Lenina, 27 Phone(s)

Sights: Pedestrian promenade on the street. Gagarin, richly decorated with artistic forging, garden sculpture and small architectural forms. Cascade of ponds with Lovers' Bridge and dam. The square in front of the Neftche cultural center. The estate of the landowner Pasmurov (17-18 centuries) in the village of Novonikolskoye. Monument to the production of 3,000,000,000 tons of oil

Culture Almetyevsk Youth Center Museum of Local Lore City Maidan Art Gallery named after. G.A. Stefanovsky - moved to the Neftche Palace of Culture "Neftche" Palace of Culture Almetyevsk Tatar State Drama Theater Youth Center District House of Culture NCC "Almat" Libraries Central Library City Park named after. 60th anniversary of Tatarstan oil Cinema "StarCinema" Cinema "Tatarstan"

Gagarin street in Almetyevsk

Sports Rugby Since 2001, a branch of the Moscow Rugby Club “Slava” has been operating. In October 2009, the club left the tutelage of the capital club and began to be called “ALDAN” AL-Almetyevskaya, DAN-slava (translated from the Tatar language)[18]. In 2011, the school rugby club “SCHOOL XV” appeared on the basis of the MAOU “Secondary School No. 15” with the support of the Rugby Federation of the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan. Achievements of past years of the ALDAN club:

Hockey In big sports, Almetyevsk is represented by the Neftyanik hockey team. Bronze medalist of the Major League of the Russian Championship (2002/2003) Winners of the Major League of the Russian Championship (1997-1998 and 1999-2000) Silver medalist of the VHL 2010/2011

Aeronautics The Aeronaut sports club was created in Almetyevsk in 1989 by Anatoly Nikolaevich Shchugorev and Rasim Mahasimovich Sitdikov. Participated in: 1997 - Fiesta "France Lorraine" 1999 - Fiesta "France Lorraine" 2002 - First Russian Cup in Velikiye Luki 2004 - Festival "Golden Gate", Suzdal, Vladimir 2004 - "Kazan Euro-Asian Festival", Kazan 2005 - "1000-year-old sky of Kazan" 2005 - Fiesta "Golden Ring of Russia", Pereslavl - Zalessky, Rostov the Great 2006 - V International Economic Forum "Kuban-2006", Sochi 2007 - VI International Investment Forum "Sochi-2007", Sochi 2008 - VII International Investment Forum "Sochi-2008", Sochi 2011 - 10th International Sports and Entertainment Balloon Festival “Ural Sky Fair-2011”, 17th Russian Aeronautics Championship, Kungur. In 2009, the Aeronautics Federation of the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan was created. The president of the federation is Nikolai Anatolyevich Shchugorev, the vice-president is Radik Faritovich Khasyanov.

Sports complexes of the city Sports Palace "Yubileiny" Sports and recreation complex of OJSC "Tatneft" NGDU "Almetyevneft" FITNESS - House of Karate Tennis City

Almetyevsk Tatar State Drama Theater is a drama theater in the city of Almetyevsk. The theater was created in 1944, simultaneously with the beginning of the development of large oil fields, on the basis of the Almetyevsk House of Culture. It was created as a mobile collective and state farm theater. At first there were no professional actors in the theater. The first professional actress was Nagima Kimova, who graduated from a theater college. Then the artists Gibadulla Khabibov, Sania Khabibova, Kasim Enikeev, Tagira Yabbarova, Khadi Zalyatov, Khamza Ramazanov arrived at the theater. The first full-fledged play staged on the theater stage was Riza Ishmurat’s drama “The Return” (Tat. “Kaitu”), directed by A. Galiev. Soon the theater’s repertoire included the plays “Song of Life” by M. Amir, “The Secret” by G. Akhmet, and “Sister” by A. Nazarov. In 1946, Kamal Khalyapov became the main director of the theater. Almetyevsk city

In 1952, Said Bulatov became the artistic director of the theater. While working in the theater (until 1959), he staged the plays “Gabbas Galin” by Sh. Kamal, “Meeting with Youth” by Alexei Arbuzov, “The Last Meeting”, “Faithful Companion”, “The Stars Shine” by S. Kalmetov, “For fog" by Sh. Kamal, "Nurikhan" by Mahmut Khasanov, "Secret Traces" by H. Vahit, "Young Hearts" by Fathi Burnash. In 1979, for the play “If there is no moon, there are stars,” playwright Tufana Minnullin, director Gali Khusainov and leading actor D. Kuzaeva were awarded the State Prize. G. Tukay. The plays of the Honored Artist of Tatarstan, the famous writer Foat Sadriev, were staged many times on the theater stage.

Outstanding productions of past years “Return” by Riza Ishmurat (the theater’s first performance) “TALYAN MOQY (Talyanka’s Melody)” musical comedy by Enver Bakirov libretto by Shamil Bikchurin (1962) “On the Night of the Lunar Eclipse” by Mustai Karim (1966) “Mother’s Field” by Chingiz Ay Tufan Minnullina (1978) Director: Farida Bagisovna Ismagilova[] Address: 423450, Almetyevsk, st. Lenina, 37

Kazan Cathedral (Almetyevsk) In October 2000, the administration of Almetyevsk allocated a plot of land for the construction of a temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Interior of the upper church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On August 29, 2007, the temple was put into operation. The necessary utensils were purchased for the cathedral and a unique porcelain iconostasis was installed. This grandiose double-altar cathedral consists of two floors (the upper church is dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the lower one to the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women) and is one of the largest in the Volga region. The capacity of the upper temple alone is more than a thousand people. On the ground floor of the cathedral, in addition to the church, there is a Sunday school, a refectory (for 200 people), a kitchen, and utility rooms. The temple has its own interior of the lower church in honor of St. myrrh-bearing women autonomous boiler house. The cathedral's belfry consists of 11 bells, the largest of which weighs 1350 kg. Construction was carried out by OJSC Tatneft. The consecration of the temple took place in November 2007 and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The rite of consecration and the first Divine Liturgy in the new cathedral was led by Archbishop Anastasy of Kazan and Tatarstan, co-served by the diocesan clergy. In 2012, as a result of the formation of the Almetyevsk Diocese, the Diocesan Administration, as well as diocesan departments, began to be located in the cathedral. In 2014, the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, by decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, was renamed the Kazan Cathedral.

monument to oil workers

Almetyevsk Art Gallery Telephone Address: 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, st. Lenina, 98 Directions: Avt. No. 5 or troll. No. 1, 4, 5 to the stop "DK NEFTCHE" Opening hours:* Every day from 10.00 to 18.00, except Sunday and Monday Memorable dates and annual events: date of foundation - 1975. opening date - 08/26/1975 May 18 - International Museum Day September 1 - Knowledge Day October 1 - Older Persons Day

Description: The Almetyevsk Art Gallery was opened on August 26, 1975 with the support of the city Administration, OJSC Tatneft and on the initiative of the talented teacher, artist, collector Gennady Alekseevich Stefanovsky. Its collections contain about a thousand works of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art, mainly Soviet and Tatar fine and applied art. The museum’s collection reflects the formation of the artistic culture of the city and the republic against the backdrop and in interaction with the development of fine art in neighboring republics, tells the story of the history of Almetyevsk and the development of “Big Oil”, and returns the names of many worthy artists from oblivion to well-deserved recognition. The sections “Art of Tatarstan” and “Art Chronicle of Almetyevsk” (starting from the 60s of the 20th century) are given priority in the acquisition of funds. One of the main areas of work is intensive exhibition activities aimed at supporting creative initiatives and attracting the widest possible range of people to the fine arts. Both retrospective “museum” exhibitions and exhibitions of contemporary art are exhibited, which are enjoyed by residents and guests of the city. The gallery conducts systematic methodological, research and educational activities. Founder: Stefanovsky Gennady Alekseevich (1918-1991)

Almetyevsk Local History Museum Telephone: (8553) 22-0422 Address: 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, st. Mira, 1 (hide map) Directions: By train from Bugulma to Almetyevsk; from Art. Kaleikino to Almetyevsk. Inside the city: bus No. 5, trolleybuses No. 1, 4, 5 to the stop “Ploshchad Neftnikov” Opening hours:* Every day, except Sunday, from 8.00 to 17.00. The museum is open for visiting from 10.00 to 16.00. The last Friday of every month is sanitary day

Memorable dates and annual events: founding date - 06/03/1993 opening date - 05/18/1994 May 9 - Victory Day May 18 - International Museum Day June 1 - International Children's Day October 1 - Elderly Person's Day September - Oil Worker's Day November 3 - Day city ​​of Almetyevsk from February 21 to 27 - Charity event "Days of Giving" from June 1 to July 31 - Operation "Attic" Description: In 2003, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the city of Almetyevsk, the local history museum moved to a new building where it was built new exposition. The museum, as a reflection of the memory of the people, stores exhibits telling how an inconspicuous Tatar village turned into a modern beautiful city - the capital of the oil region in Tatarstan. The history of the region dates back to ancient times. Archaeological finds of Eastern Trans-Kama from the Neolithic era to the late Middle Ages introduce the activities and lifestyle of the people of that historical period. The materials that tell about the population of the region during the Bronze Age are most fully presented. Visitors can get an idea of ​​the funeral rite (there is a reconstruction of the burial of the Timber Archaeological Culture, plans and photographs of the current state of the 1st Verkhneaktash burial ground), the economy (tools made of bone, metal, grain grinding plate, etc.). Among the items from the Taisuganovsky treasure are tools, weapons, parts of horse harnesses and a cauldron, which date back to the 15th-16th centuries, i.e. during the time of the Kazan Khanate. The remains of fossil animals and petrified wood are widely represented. Each nation is rich in its own traditions and customs. Interior of a Tatar hut and exterior of a courtyard at the end of the 19th century. introduce visitors to household items, traditional clothing, and jewelry that reflect the material life of people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the section of the exhibition about the Great Patriotic War, there are interesting materials about fellow countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union, the personal file of the legendary Katyusha battalion commander B.A. Yusupov, helmets of Soviet and German soldiers, etc. The history of the war is the beginning of the history of oil production in the region, which is represented by documents, photographs, models and parts of oil equipment. Photo documents and personal belongings of the first builders, heroes of labor, honorary citizens, famous people of the city tell about the time of the founding of Almetyevsk, and the interior of an apartment from the 1950s clearly demonstrates the life and occupation of the townspeople of that time.

The memorial complex of the Tatar poetess S. Suleymanova (1926 - 1980) is unique.

Memorial complex of the poetess S. Suleymanova Main excursions: “It all started like this...” “And tomorrow there was a war...” Birth of the city Educational services: Lectures on history for school and university students Archaeologist’s club Local attractions: Aktash failure - karst sinkhole, natural monument “Ball” -bal" - stone stele from the era of the Turkic Khaganates, mid. VI-VII centuries AD Copper mines of the late 18th century. Serif line, fragment 1653-1656. near the village of Kinchui, Alshetievsky district

Tel. Directorate: (8553) 22-0422, 22-0760, Fax: (8553) 22-0422 Directorate Address: 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, st. Mira, 1 The most valuable (unique) collections: Collection of woven products of the late 19th century - more than 100 items. hr. Collection of jewelry of Kazan Tatars of the 19th century - 7 items. hr. Collection of archaeological finds of the 13th century (ceramic, bone, metal objects) - more than 100 items. hr. Collection of carved works by wood master Idiyatov I.V. — 34 units. hr. Numismatic collection - 100 units. hr. Collection of cameras - 10 units. hr.

Mosque named after R.G. Galeeva in Almetyevsk - Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, Sh.Mardzhani st., 82a +7 (8553) 250829

Mosque named after R.G. Galeeva is located on Sh. Mardzhani Street in the city of Almetyevsk. Named in honor of Rinat Galeev, who made the greatest contribution to its creation. In 1990, construction of the mosque began and lasted for 9 years, it was carried out under the leadership of engineers A.A. Gareev, V.I. Maslova. and Abdullina S.S. The architect of the project was A.M. Zakirova. and Mavlyutova F.M. The mosque is of the dome type, on the roof of which is the main minaret. The southern part of the three-story brick building is equipped as a prayer hall with a capacity of 1,200 people; in the northern part of the building there is a conference room and several auxiliary rooms. The interior decoration of the hall is decorated with colored tiles. Colored stained glass windows decorate the second level windows on the dome. The mosque building is a modern religious building that has expanded functional significance.

Gabdulla Tukay Avenue in Almetyevsk

Gadbulla Tukay Avenue was not always called that way. During the Soviet period, local residents knew it as Karl Marx Street, in honor of the famous philosopher. In the 90s of the XX century the name was changed. The avenue was named after the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay. By the way, his person received special attention in Almetyevsk. In addition to the street, two monuments have been erected in his honor in the city. As for the avenue, it is a favorite place for walking. Tukaya Street stretches between Sovetskaya and Shevchenko streets. Its length does not reach several tens of kilometers. But despite this, it is well ennobled. Flower beds are planted along the pedestrian area, benches and trash cans are installed, and there is convenient parking for cars. Among other things, all kinds of shops, bank branches, cafes and bars are concentrated on Tukaya Avenue. Here you can rent an apartment for a few days. The prices are very affordable.

Monument to Oil Workers This monument with an interesting exclusive name - Monument to the production of 3,000,000,000 tons of oil is located next to the operating palace of culture "Neftche", the name of which is suggested by the main resource of the region.

Bridge of Lovers in Almetyevsk Bridge of Lovers in Almetyevsk is a local city landmark. This is a small cable-stayed bridge located on a cascade of city ponds. Weddings are traditionally held on this bridge, and young couples seal their love with locks that are hung on the bridge.

City park - 423450 PT Almetyevsk city, Radishcheva street, 22. The total area of ​​the park in Almetyevsk is 16 hectares. The decision to build it was made on March 28, 1958, and the Eternal Flame memorial appeared in 1975. At the end of the 90s, reconstruction was carried out, and in 2001 the renewed park was reopened. Two years later, it received a new name - “City Park named after the 60th anniversary of oil of Tatarstan.” Visitors to the park are offered a wide selection of attractions, including some quite extreme ones. There are also tennis courts, jogging tracks, and a large Ferris wheel with a diameter of 40 meters was recently installed. For children, there is the Assol cafe and a zoo where about a hundred pets live. Not long ago, a light and music fountain was built in the park. For those who want to appreciate the beauty of this structure, a show is held every evening that combines the play of light and music. In summer, this corner of nature is covered with greenery and flowers, which occupy as many as 23 flower beds. In winter, skates and skis are available for rental for sports enthusiasts. Life in the park is quite active. All year round it hosts various events: holidays, shows, competitions and concerts.

Light and music fountain in Almetyevsk Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, City Park The light and music fountain is located in the city park of the city of Almetyevsk. Musical compositions playing along with the fountain's lighting effects change throughout the day. The diameter of the fountain bowl is 15 meters, the height of its jets reaches 5 meters. Water is pumped by 15 pumps, the total power of which is 70 kilowatts. The fountain is illuminated by 73 lamps of different colors installed in it. The grand opening of the fountain, which took place in 2010, caused great delight among all city residents. The unique combination of water pattern and the architecture of the fountain complex has become a mesmerizing sight from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

The world's largest baursak was baked in Tatarstan!!! Everyone could try the delicacy. The most delicious sweets are prepared in Almetyevsk, say local residents. And on Sabantuy, which took place on June 6 in the capital of the republic’s oil workers, the world’s largest baursak was baked. Baursak are deep-fried donuts. The dough for its production is either yeast or unleavened. This gigantic dish took 118 kilograms of flour, 84 kilograms of sugar, 42 kilograms of natural honey and 1652 chicken eggs. The total weight of the sweet is 305 kilograms. Anyone could try the record holder, reports the press service of the Almetyevsk municipal district.


SOURCE OF INFORMATION AND PHOTO: Team Nomads When and by whom was the village of Almetyevo founded? R. Amirkhanov https://www.tataroved.ru/publication/almet/7/8/ https://portal-almetevsk.ru/history/ Almetyevsk // Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. - P. 20. - 559 p. — 50,000 copies. — ISBN 5-85270-026-6. Portal of the Almetyevsk city administration. https://altaxi.narod.ru/ Almetyevsk in the encyclopedia “My City” Photo gallery of the city of Almetyevsk on the “Photosite about the Earth” Article about the history of Almetyevsk https://e-almet.ru https://www.museum.ru/ https://almet-eparhia.info/


The office of the oil company is located in Almetyevsk, from which the city receives the majority of tax revenues.

In addition, the city is located:

  • , one of the largest companies in the road industry of Tatarstan,
  • , the largest small oil company in Tatarstan,
  • ,
  • ,
  • , an enterprise for the production of complete electric centrifugal pumps for oil production,
  • factory "Noskoff", an enterprise for the production of hosiery products,
  • Almetyevsk Pipe Plant (oil and gas pipelines) and other enterprises.

The volume of shipped goods of own production and performed work and services in-house in manufacturing industries in 2011 amounted to 28.83 billion rubles.

In 1995, on the initiative of Gatin Robert Fatykhovich, Sadriev Miskhat Aukhadievich and the Almetyevsk Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan was opened in the city, later called the South-Eastern Branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan. It was headed by Gatin Robert Fatykhovich.

The volume of shipped goods of own production in 2007 amounted to 222.8 billion rubles (1st place in the republic)


There is a bus station, located 8 kilometers away, the Almetyevskaya railway station of the Kuibyshev railway (Agryz - Akbash line). Air transportation is served by the airport of the neighboring city of Bugulma, as well as the international airport of Begishevo (Nizhnekamsk).

The Druzhba main oil pipeline to Central Europe originates in the city area, and oil pipelines also pass to Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, and Samara.

City transport is represented by 5 trolleybus routes, about 20 bus and minibus routes, and taxis.

A unique cycling infrastructure for Russia has been organized in Almetyevsk, thanks to which the bicycle has become very popular as a full-fledged transport for year-round use, along with other modes of transport. Its creation began in 2016, as part of a set of measures to increase the attractiveness of the city.

The federal highway P239 passes through the city.

Museums and cultural institutions of Almetyevsk

In Almetyevsk, great attention is paid to the culture, education and social life of the townspeople.

Tatar State Drama Theater

  • Address: st. Lenina, 37.

The drama theater building is the pearl of Almetyevsk. It is distinguished by snow-white columns and high arches. The history of the theater began in 1944, when an amateur troupe of aspiring actors was formed in the city.

Talented boys, girls and even children took part in impromptu performances. Since then, the drama theater has come a long way and from a small creative circle has turned into a professional theater recognized as one of the best in Tatarstan.

Performances here are performed in two languages: Russian and Tatar. The attraction's repertoire includes pop concerts, productions for children and adults, ballet, talent shows, and themed events.

Palace of Culture "Neftche"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 98.

The building of the Almetyevsk Palace of Culture was designed in 1973 with the help of specialists from the Kyiv Architectural Institute. The main purpose of the building was its ability to accommodate a large number of people and provide them with a comfortable pastime.

The designers managed to accomplish this task: the Palace of Culture became the most visited and multifunctional institution in the city.

Today it houses the following leisure facilities:

  • concert hall with modern sound and acoustic equipment;
  • a parquet hall for holding public events, including themed balls;
  • an extensive library with a collection of scientific publications;
  • winter Garden;
  • showroom.

The grand opening ceremony took place in the fall of 1981.

Art Gallery

  • Address: st. Lenina, 98.

The art gallery hosts exhibitions of paintings and photographs by various authors. Most of the art is dedicated to oil themes and city landscapes.

A place of honor here is occupied by the works of the painter Kondrat Maksimov, who, although a native of Vyatka, spent his youth in Tatarstan.

On his canvases he depicted the charm of the Almetyevsk region with soul and feeling. The townspeople are very proud of these paintings, and the gallery treasures them.

Historical Museum named after Khaliulla Akhmetshin

  • Address: st. Lenina, 101A, village of Nizhnee Abdulovo.

The historical museum is located in the outskirts of the city, in the village of Elokhovo. It was founded by the honored cultural figure and World War II veteran Khaliulla Khairullovich Akhmetshin at the end of 1961.

The museum's collection began with a tiny penny dating back to 1734 and has grown to 12 thousand exhibits. These include:

  • archaeological artifacts;
  • samples of national applied art;
  • objects of natural origin (fossils, minerals, plants, rocks, precious metals and stones);
  • paintings and sculptures;
  • items of peasant and noble life.

There are also permanent exhibitions dedicated to the development of agriculture, schools, the oil industry and the war period. The exhibitions are housed in a one-story building, decorated in a colorful national style.

Architecture, sights


  • Cathedral Mosque named after. R. G. Galieva, 1990-1999;
  • Second Cathedral Mosque, 1872-1877;
  • Muslim Religious Center named after. Riza Fakhretdin, new mosque.


  • Kazan Cathedral;
  • Church of the Nativity in memory of fallen soldiers.


  • Memorial to those who fell in the Great Patriotic War at the entrance to the park of the 60th anniversary of Tatarstan oil.
  • The monument to oil workers in front of the Neftche cultural center, one of the symbols of the city.
  • Monument to the 60th anniversary of oil in Tatarstan.
  • Monument to Musa Jalil.
  • Lenin monument.
  • Monument to pioneer oil workers.
  • Monument "Mother Tataria".
  • Monument in honor of the production of 3,000,000,000 tons of oil.
  • Monument "Glory to the builders of Almetyevsk."
  • A monument in memory of fallen soldiers and officers in local conflicts in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
  • Monument to A.P. Chekhov.
  • Monument-bust to V. Mayakovsky.
  • Sculpture "In this amazing forest."
  • Sculpture "Karakuz".
  • Peace to the world! (sculpture), the first city monument, erected in 1955 at the main entrance along Chekhov Street
  • The monument to Patriarch Hermogenes opened in December 2014 on the territory of the Kazan Cathedral.


  • pedestrian promenade on the street. Gagarin, richly decorated with artistic forging, garden sculpture and small architectural forms;
  • a cascade of ponds with a lovers' bridge and a dam;
  • square in front of the Neftche cultural center;
  • city ​​Maidan;
  • tourist and recreational zone "Beach";
  • Shamsinur Park;
  • Park "Health";
  • "Literary Yard" square;
  • Yashlek Square.

War Monuments: Monuments and Sculptures

There were no military operations on the territory of Almetyevsk, but many of its residents took part in the battles for their homeland and died defending it. In honor of the heroes, monuments were erected on the streets of the city, reminding the modern generation of the cost at which peace was restored.

Military memorial complex

  • Address: City Park.

The military memorial is the most significant monument in Almetyevsk. It is a massive stone slab with a carved portrait of a Russian soldier. The young man’s face is full of determination, his eyebrows are sternly knitted, and he clutches a gun barrel in his hand.

The monument is installed on an elevated platform, at its foot the Eternal Flame burns. The opening ceremony of the complex took place on May 9, 1975 - the thirtieth anniversary of Victory Day. Since then, a solemn meeting has been held annually on its territory.

Monument to fallen compatriots

  • Coordinates on the map: 54.895014, 52.154270.

The monument to the fallen fellow countrymen was erected on the outskirts of the city in the 1980s. This is a stone stele depicting the Eternal Flame and the coat of arms of the Soviet Union.

The slogans are inscribed on the polished surface: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” and “Eternal glory to the fallen” in Russian and Tatar. The main part of the monument is occupied by memorial plaques with a list of the names of natives of the Almetyevsk Territory who died in battle.

The location in a remote place does not affect the attendance of the monument - there are always wreaths and fresh carnations lying next to it.


  • Almetyevsk vocational college.
  • Almetyevsk Polytechnic College.
  • Almetyevsk Trade and Economic College.
  • Almetyevsk Medical College.
  • Almetyevsk College of Physical Culture
  • Almetyevsk Music College named after F. Z. Yarullin
  • Almetyevsk State Oil Institute.
  • Almetyevsk branch of the NOU “Institute of Economics, Management and Law” (Kazan).
  • Almetyevsk State Institute of Municipal Service.
  • Branch of the Kazan Institute of Business and Management.
  • Branch of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev.
  • Almetyevsk branch of the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tisby University of Management" (Kazan).
  • School No. 15



Rugby has been developing in Almetyevsk since 2001. On the initiative of the Moscow rugby club "Slava", the Almetyevsk branch of this capital club was opened. In 2006, its branches opened in Nizhnekamsk and Naberezhnye Chelny. In 2004, the Rugby Federation of the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan was formed.

In 2010, the Almetyevsk branch ceased to exist. The Aldan rugby club appeared (translated from the Tatar language as the first). In 2011, the school rugby club School L XV arose on the basis of MAOU “Secondary School No. 15” with the support of the Rugby Federation of the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan.


In big sports, Almetyevsk is represented by the Neftyanik hockey team.

  • Bronze medalist of the Major League of the Russian Championship (2002/2003),
  • winners of the Russian Premier League (1997-1998 and 1999-2000),
  • silver medalist of the VHL 2010/2011,
  • winner of the Bratina Cup 2015/2016


From 2000 to 2009, there was a professional football club “Alnas” in Almetyevsk.

  • Best place in the Second Division: 4th (2006).

Today, the Neftegrad football club is taking part in the championship of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The Aeronaut sports club was created in Almetyevsk in 1989 by Anatoly Nikolaevich Shchugorev and Rasim Mahasimovich Sitdikov.

Took part:

  • 1997 - fiesta “France Lorraine”,
  • 1999 - fiesta “France Lorraine”,
  • 2002 - the first Russian Cup in Velikiye Luki,
  • 2004 - Golden Gate festival (Suzdal, Vladimir),
  • 2004 - “Kazan Euro-Asian Festival”,
  • 2005 - “1000-year-old sky of Kazan”
  • 2005 - fiesta “Golden Ring of Russia” (Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great),
  • 2006 - V International Economic Forum “Kuban-2006”, Sochi,
  • 2007 - VI International Investment Forum "Sochi-2007", Sochi,
  • 2008 - VII International Investment Forum "Sochi-2008", Sochi,
  • 2011 - 10th international sports and entertainment festival of aeronautics "Sky Fair of the Urals-2011", 17th Russian Aeronautics Championship, Kungur.

In 2009, the Aeronautics Federation of the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan was created. President of the Federation Shchugorev Nikolai Anatolyevich, Vice-President Mazarov Dmitry Nikolaevich.

Ski race

Two-time Olympic champion, four-time world champion Olga Danilova studied at secondary school No. 11 in Almetyevsk in 1977-1985. She began skiing in 1982 in the ski section at secondary school No. 11 from the Dynamo Youth Sports School.

Sports complexes of the city

  • Sports Palace "Yubileiny"
  • Sports and fitness complex of PJSC Tatneft NGDU Almetyevneft,
  • Fitness-,
  • Karate House,
  • "Tennis City"
  • Fitness-,
  • Children's and youth sports school for football,
  • Sports and entertainment complex "Snezhinka",
  • Ski complex "YAN" (at a distance of 4 km from the city),
  • Wake park on the city lake,
  • Skate park on a cascade of ponds,
  • Sports and fitness complex "Miras".


An extensive network of bicycle paths covers the entire city, the length is 260 km, which puts Almetyevsk first in Russia in terms of their length.

How to get there?

By car from Kazan to Almetyevsk it takes about four hours - the distance between the cities is approximately 264 kilometers. The path starts from the Volga highway and leads to the village of Shaley with an exit to the new highway. Then you need to take the P239 highway and get to Chistopol. From there, follow the signs - get out onto the Orenburg road and continue on to the oil capital.

If you don’t have a car, you can use the BlaBlaCar service - the price for such a trip starts from 350 rubles and goes up to 650. There are also buses to Almetyevsk: from the South and from the Central stations. Check the schedule by calling and +7 (843) 293-04-00.

Popular taxi services like Yandex and Gett offer a ride to Almetyevsk for more than 4,000 rubles.

Mass media

Printed publications

  • “#MyAlmetyevsk” is a free news newspaper and news website.
  • “Znamya Truda”, the oldest newspaper of the city and region.
  • “Yashlar Zamany” and “Youth Meridian”.
  • "Oilman"
  • "Regional Real Estate Express".
  • "Cities".
  • "Evening Almetyevsk".
  • "Teleseven".
  • The Best House, monthly glossy magazine.
  • "Construction+", construction magazine.
  • “Almat tannars.”
  • "Oil News".
  • "Professional" is a corporate newspaper.

A television

The city receives signals from federal TV channels: “Channel One”, “Russia-1”, “Match TV”, “Russia-K”, “NTV”, “TNT”, “STS”, “REN TV”, “Channel Five” , “Home”, “TV Center”.

Local and Tatarstan television, Tele, Recom TV, RTK Almetyevsk, Alma TV, Tatarstan - New Century, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Tatarstan produce their own program product and rebroadcast federal channels on the basis of a network partnership.

Cable television services are provided by the following companies:

  • "MTS" (analog, digital (DVB-C),
  • "Letay-TV" (JSC "Tattelecom") (IPTV),
  • “Smotri-TV” (Tataisneft LLC) (IPTV),
  • Radiotelecom LLC (digital terrestrial TV (DVB-T).


There are 23 radio stations broadcasting in the city in the FM range.

The only radio station with completely local broadcasting is Zhelanoye Radio, which appeared in 2004 (the radio station stopped broadcasting in 2022). Other radio stations make extensive use of local inserts with news, weather forecasts and advertising.

Some homes also had wired broadcasting until September 2012.


Landline communications

In Almetyevsk, telephone numbers are 6-digit. City code: 8553. Landline telephone services are provided by the following operators:

  • Tattelecom (Almetyevsk ZUES),
  • LLC "TatAISneft"
  • Volga-Kama PTUS.

All PBXs are digital.

mobile connection

Cellular services in the city are provided by six operators:

  • "MTS" (GSM, 3G, 4G),
  • "Beeline" (GSM, 3G),
  • MegaFon (GSM, 3G, 4G),
  • "Tele2 Russia" (GSM, 3G,4G) (formerly "Tatinkom", "NSS", "Rostelecom"),
  • Tattelecom (GSM, 4G) (formerly Smarts),
  • "Yota" (GSM, 3G, 4G).


Internet access is provided by four operators using different data transmission technologies:

  • "Tattelecom" (trademark "Letay") (ADSL, Ethernet, Dial-Up, WIMAX, LTE),
  • LLC "Tataisneft" (trademark "Kachay") (ADSL, Ethernet, Dial-Up, WIMAX, PON),
  • "MTS" (Ethernet),
  • Rostelecom (Ethernet, PON).

These operators also provide mobile Internet services using Wi-Fi technology.

Where to go with a child in Almetyevsk

There is not much entertainment in the city of Almetyevsk, but still, city residents with children and family tourists will not be bored here.

Planetarium-cinema "Sfera"

  • Address: ave. Stroiteley, 30/2B.

As reviews say, this is one of the most interesting places for a child in Almetyevsk. In addition to the fact that here you can admire the beauty of the starry sky, the most interesting films and films on the theme of space are available for viewing. The most interesting master classes for children are held here, and you can also organize a real holiday, such as a birthday, which will definitely cause a lot of positive emotions in your child.

Almetyevsk Children's Zoo

  • Address: City Park.

People also often come here with their parents. Not to say that there are a lot of animals here, but the kids also like the ones that exist. Moms and dads note that the enclosures here are clean, the animals are cute and kind.

Almetrica Museum

  • Address: st. Lenina, 69A.

This unusual place will help your child get acquainted with various physical phenomena, where even an adult will find it very interesting. The Music Department, the Science Block and the robotics presented deserve special attention. In a word, one visit to this attraction will clearly not be enough to see and try everything.

Don't miss: Beautiful places of Tatarstan and Sights of Kazan


  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2001 - 3rd place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2002 - 1st place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2003 - 1st place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Russia in 2007 - 2nd place (among cities of category II).
  • The most comfortable city in Russia in 2008 - 3rd place (among cities of category II).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2011 - 1st place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Russia in 2011 - 3rd place (among cities of category II).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2012 - 3rd place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Russia in 2012 - 3rd place (among cities of category II).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2013 - 1st place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Tatarstan in 2014 - 2nd place (among cities of the first category).
  • The most comfortable city in Russia in 2014 - 2nd place (among cities of category II).
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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