Sights of Pavlovsky Posad: scarves, museums and monuments

Pavlovsky Posad is a cozy old provincial town in the Moscow region. The sights of Pavlovsky Posad are represented by ancient architectural monuments, wooden buildings, natural objects and, of course, painted scarves that warm you up in any cold weather, for which a special museum has been created to display.

In the XIV century. The outskirts of the city were called Vokhonsky volost. Its center was considered the village of Vokhna, which also had the second name Pavlovo. In those days, all this was the property of Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

During the period of hostilities in 1812, a partisan movement developed in these places. This event is immortalized in a monument to its leader, peasant Gerasim Kurin.

A few facts about Pavlovsky Posad

  • Mentioned for the first time in 1339 in the spiritual letter of I. Kalita as Pavlovo (Vohna)
  • Received the status of a city called Pavlovsky Posad with several villages included in its composition in 1844 by decree of Tsar Nicholas I.
  • Actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov and cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky were born in Pavlovsky Posad.
  • The population of the city is about 65 thousand people
  • Distance from Moscow by highway – 76 km
  • The railway station of the same name is located just over 67 km from the Kursky station.

In this area, work is underway to create an open-air museum, which the city should become. So the sights of Pavlovsky Posad are worth seeing.

The main attractions of Noginsk.

How we got to Pavlovsky Posad. By mistake

Recently, my friend and I came up with the idea to go to the Moscow region and capture the Golden Autumn. The choice fell on the Dubrovitsy estate, which is located near Podolsk. Our journey began from the Kursk station. Having successfully purchased tickets at the self-service terminal, we took the train to the Podolsk station and a little over an hour later we arrived in... Pavlovsky Posad. Later it turned out that the schedules of some trains in the Gorkovsky and Kursk directions we needed coincided. Focusing on the train board, we did not notice that we had entered the platform of the Gorky direction. Having already been on the road for about 50-55 minutes, it turned out that we were going in the wrong direction. It should be noted that on the way, inspectors entered the train and did not have any questions about our tickets. But they not only indicated the final destination of the trip, but also the cost: a ticket to Podolsk costs 102 rubles, and to Pavlovsky Posad - 164. Having quickly opened the maps in our smartphones, thanks to the GPS and GLONASS functions, we found out that the nearest large populated areas The point is Pavlovsky Posad. Since neither my companion nor I had visited this city before, and there were no other options, it was decided to get off in this city.

At the exit from the station we had some difficulties, because our tickets were “wrong”. I had to turn to the station staff for help, amusing them with my adventures. As a result, the cheapest tickets were purchased, in which the final destination was Pavlovsky Posad. It cost us about 20 rubles each. You could say we saved money on the road. Leaving the station, we found ourselves on Privokzalnaya Street. My friend wanted to buy a card so as not to waste her smartphone’s battery power. Looking at the city plan, I suggested going to the bank of the Klyazma River, which seemed very close. I expected a beautiful view, but I was disappointed. Turning from Privokzalnaya Street into Kalyaeva Lane, we discovered that it was a dead end. Next began the territory of private houses and something like a forest belt. True, the bell tower of the monastery could be seen through the trees, but there was no path, and I didn’t want to go into the mud, not knowing where. I had to turn around.

Intercession-Vasilievsky Monastery

The sights of Pavlovsky Posad and memorable places of the city open up to tourists literally immediately upon arrival. This list begins with the Pokrovo-Vasilievsky Monastery, founded by local manufacturer Yakov Labzin, who at one time produced scarves.

It was he who built the first two-story church over the graves of his wife Akilina Ivanovna and companion Vasily Gryaznov, which was the beginning of the organization of the monastery. Subsequently, an almshouse was opened at the temple, which was later transformed into a convent.

Unfortunately, during the Soviet period, when there was an active struggle against the church, the monastery was closed, and it was decided to use its buildings as garages and warehouses.

This situation changed only in 1989. Then they began to restore the monastery, recreating a monastery on the basis of the old buildings. Now it contains particles of the relics of saints, as well as ancient icons.

What to see in Pavlovsky Posad

Assuming that it was easiest to ask local residents about attractions, we turned to passers-by. But people were not eager to advertise their city. On the contrary, they seemed surprised that people were coming to them from Moscow to see something. Locals suggested that we visit the Pavlovsky Posad Historical and Art Museum (Pavlovsky Posad, Pokrovskaya Bol St., 38), saying that we wouldn’t like it there. We did not go to the museum, since it is located in the part of the city that is located on the other side of the station. There were fears that while we were spinning around the station, we would lose time and would not see either the monastery, the museum, or the city. I had to ask a specific question: how to get to the Intercession-Vasilievsky Monastery. Having received clear instructions, we returned to the railway station, since there is a bus station nearby. We needed bus 27. This is an intercity route that connects Pavlovsky Posad with Noginsk. According to the schedule, he goes quite often. The fare depends on the distance traveled; travel to the monastery cost 50 rubles. Once on the bus, we finally decided on a plan of action. It was decided to get to the monastery, and from there, on foot, we would return to the station. By the way, the purchased city map was no longer useful. Having disembarked at the fifth stop at the intersection of Mira Street and Mira Lane, we found ourselves on the territory of the Pokrovsko-Vasilievsky Monastery.

On your own in Pavlovsky Posad: scarves and cats photo 2

The territory is very well-groomed, beautiful, but mostly closed to tourists. We were not able to see the Intercession Cathedral located here. We came in during cleaning and moving around the temple was not exactly prohibited, but it was inconvenient. In summer it should be much better here: you can sit on benches, enjoy the warmth and the view of flowering plants.

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Having left the monastery, we went, as planned, in the opposite direction, to the station. We walked along bus route 27. On the way we examined the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

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Strictly speaking, this is not a temple, but a bell tower of a Cathedral destroyed in the mid-20th century. The bell tower was not demolished, but given to the local history museum. At the very end of the last century, the building was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and now services are held here.

They say that the clock-chimes installed on the bell tower at the end of the 19th century were in no way inferior to those in Moscow and played the anthem “God Save the Tsar.”

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On your own in Pavlovsky Posad: scarves and cats photo 6

Then, having crossed the pedestrian bridge over the Vokhonka River, we went to the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and went out to Revolution Square.

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Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

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Revolution square. Sculptural composition dedicated to the founding of the city.

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Revolution square. Lenin monument.

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Being hungry and not wanting to experiment with local catering, we opted for McDonald's. I must say that fast food, which always comes to the rescue, this time disappointed. The room is small, there are a lot of people (it was difficult to find a free table), the self-service terminals are different from those available in Moscow, and most importantly, the menu is somehow “cut down”; there were not even half of the usual sandwiches. As a result, I paid 400 rubles for lunch at a regular McDonald's, which I didn't expect at all. We really regretted that we didn’t go to some local cafe. Well, for example, with such a funny name - “Fed Raccoon”.

On your own in Pavlovsky Posad: scarves and cats photo 11

History says that Pavlovsky Posad was formed in the 19th century by uniting five villages and several hamlets. And you can feel it. In my opinion, this city was never able to become a “city”, a single monolithic organism. Rather, it can be called an urban village. There are a lot of one- or two-story, out-of-date houses here, among which are literally “stuck” high-rise buildings of the 20th and 21st centuries, here not all the streets are covered with asphalt, and there are also cats walking around the city quite calmly, who are not at all afraid of people.

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Streets of Pavlovsky Posad.

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A barrack adjacent to a modern high-rise building.

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Cat basking in the sun.

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These are the thoughts I left McDonald's with. However, it should be noted that we did not see the entire city. Its territory is quite large and we did not reach the part that is located on the other side of the station. However, the impression has already been formed. There was nothing that surprised me in this city. By this moment we were already ready to return to Moscow. But since I had already called home to share a funny story about how we were traveling to Podolsk, but arrived in Pavlovsky Posad, and immediately received an order for a Pavlovsky Posad scarf, I had to go not to the station, but to look for a store.

Resurrection Cathedral

This religious building is one of the oldest buildings in Pavlovsky Posad. The time of its construction dates back to the beginning of the 18th century, when a stone structure was erected on the site of the Church of St. George the Victorious that stood here.

At first it was just a 5-domed church with a refectory, but in the 19th century. it was completely reconstructed, first erecting a new refectory, and then adding two chapels to it: Dmitrievsky and Sergievsky and a high bell tower.

The reconstruction of the temple lasted for almost 4 decades, and ended only in 1875, when a dome was installed over the refectory.

Unfortunately, the building of the Resurrection Cathedral could not survive the difficult times of the anti-church struggle of the Soviet rulers. It was first closed in 1936, and in the early 1950s it was completely demolished. Of the entire cult complex, only the bell tower has survived to this day, rising on a hill and serving as a real decoration of Pavlovsky Posad.

Pavlovsky Posad – what to see in one day

  • If you have only one day to see all the interesting places of Pavlovsky Posad, you should start getting acquainted with it by walking through the streets of the city .
  • After passing through the central park , you can get to the local history museum and even take a photo with the Eiffel Tower , located nearby. A smaller copy of the French namesake was built back in Soviet times.

Museum of Local Lore

Did you know? Pavlovsky Posad has not only its own Eiffel Tower, but also Paris - not a city in miniature, but one of the districts, next to a weaving factory.

  • After the museum, it’s worth taking a walk along Bolshaya Pokrovskaya , the main historical street of the city. It will lead to Revolution Square, from where you can see the Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan. In the northern part of the square there is a monument to the founding of Pavlovsky Posad.
  • If you return from the square to Lev Tolstoy Street, you can get to the bell tower of the Resurrection Cathedral .
  • Don't forget to visit the Museum of the History of Scarves and Shawls , as well as the Pokrovsko-Vasilievsky Monastery .

Museum of Local Lore

Website: Address: st. B. Pokrovskaya, 38

This cultural institution was organized in November 1971 and was initially located in the bell tower, which was preserved after the demolition of the Resurrection Cathedral. 32 years later, in 2003, it was renamed the Historical and Art Museum and moved to another building, more suitable for these purposes.

Now this museum has several permanent exhibitions telling about handicrafts, the city itself, and the history of the production of unique Pavlovsk scarves.

Among the exhibited items are materials from archaeological excavations, wooden figurines of townsmen craftsmen, several hundred samples of locally produced fabrics and shawls, and even a spacesuit that belonged to cosmonaut V.F. Bykovsky.

One of the newest exhibitions is dedicated to the life and work of film actor V. Tikhonov, People's Artist of the USSR, born in Pavlovsky Posad.

Celebrations and festivals of Pavlovsky Posad

The city is rich in festivals, holidays and events.

Let's list some of the most interesting:

  • In June, every first Saturday, a celebration takes place in honor of the Patterned Plat club;
  • In August, with the help of volunteers, a holiday of kindness and friendship is organized, which is called “Good Deed”;

The Patterned Shawl Festival is a costumed folk festival with street processions, theatrical competitions and performances by the best folk groups of the Moscow region.

This is interesting: in Pavlovsky Posad, an international festival “17 Moments...” was organized in honor of V. Tikhonov. The festival was held for the first time in April of this year, and awards were presented in many categories.

  • In the village of Bolshiye Dvory, on the territory of the historical complex “Princely Dvor”, an unusual festival “Russian jellied meat” is held;
  • At Easter, the egg festival “Eggfest” takes place here;
  • In September there is a holiday in honor of saints Alexander Nevsky and Demetrius of Moscow “Blagofest”;
  • At the end of June, a bell ringing festival takes place on the territory of the Trinity Church in the settlement of Averkievo.

Fire station with watchtower

While viewing the sights of Pavlovsky Posad, you cannot pass by one of the oldest buildings in the city - the fire station with a tower towering above it. The construction of this very important structure for the city was completed in 1870.

Of interest to modern people is the building itself, which is an octagonal 3-story tower with an observation deck for monitoring the situation.

Starting in 1999, the Firefighting Museum was organized in the depot building, which lasted for 4 years. In 2003, it was disbanded, and its exhibits were transferred to the exhibition of the city local history museum.

Shirokov's House

Another interesting architectural monument within the city is a two-story mansion built at the turn of the 1830s-1840s by local manufacturer Davyd Shirokov.

The mansion, built of brick, with original plaster finishing, became a reference for the city, and many other buildings in the central part of Pavlovsky Posad were subsequently built according to its model.

The personality of Shirokov himself is also of interest. He was the son of a local peasant, but thanks to his own efforts he was able to achieve the civil rank of merchant of the 1st guild. This man was the initiator of the idea of ​​​​creating a city from a group of surrounding villages, and then built as many as 2 factories in it, which employed about 800 workers. Davyd Ivanovich bequeathed the house he built for himself to the city.

After his death, the building housed the city hospital, and now there is an exhibition hall “Shirokov’s House”.

Where can you go with children in the city?

Any small child, or even an adult, will benefit from visiting the Museum of Christmas Tree Decorations. It is located at the Iney factory, in the village of Danilovo.

They will tell you where the toy came from and how they are made. Visitors will be shown a performance with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in winter, and buffoons will perform in summer. Guests will be able to see with their own eyes the process of making Christmas tree decorations by visiting the workshops.

In the village of Kuznetsy, on the expanses of the former pioneer camp “Svetloe Ozero,” the Center for Military-Historical Reconstruction “Gornizon-A” is located. It recreates the life of a military town from the 1940s. There are barracks, a shooting range, a weapons room, and a garage with historical military equipment. There are lakes and forest nearby. The camp is open all year round. Having visited it, children, and especially boys, will be completely delighted with what they see.

Historical festivals are held here, scenes of military battles are restored, war games and quests are played, GTO fests, recreation evenings, and even a military style fashion show are held.

Pavlovsky Posad has its own attractions and advantages. Of course, it is difficult to walk for a long time with a child, but little by little it is quite possible to get acquainted with cultural monuments, factories, and simply observe beautiful places. A walk around the city will develop your child's horizons and train their memory.

You can go to the city park, where there are many attractions and the local population loves to walk, and master classes on folk crafts are also held.

If you decide to visit this beautiful Russian city, then you need to do four things while there:

  1. Buy a Pavlovo Posad shawl.
  2. Take a walk along the streets of the town where Stirlitz and actor V. Tikhonov walked.
  3. Visit the production of Christmas tree decorations.
  4. Take a photo against the backdrop of small local Paris.

Be sure to visit this beautiful, ancient city with many architectural monuments and Russian architecture, as well as beautiful nature that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Watch an interesting video about the historical events of Pavlovsky Posad:

Shchepetilnikov House

An excellent example of urban architecture of the mid-19th century is a large two-story house built by the merchant of the III guild R. L. Shchepetilnikov. The complex consists of a residential building itself and a long row of courtyard buildings.

The work was carried out taking into account the “model project”, which began with the building of another merchant, Davyd Shirokov. But unlike its ancestor, the layout of the interior rooms in Shchepetilnikov’s house has been preserved almost completely intact.

The main change to the outer part of the building was the courtyard extension, made in the mid-twentieth century. in order to increase the number of internal premises.

All outbuildings are made in the form of wooden log houses and are placed under a single roof. The personality of the owner of the house is also interesting. The merchant came from the Old Believers and was engaged in the production of silk and cotton fabrics.

The main change to the outer part of the building was the courtyard extension, made in the mid-twentieth century. in order to increase the number of internal premises. All outbuildings are made in the form of wooden log houses and are placed under a single roof. The personality of the owner of the house is also interesting. The merchant came from the Old Believers and was engaged in the production of silk and cotton fabrics.

Museum of the History of Russian Shawls

Website: Address: st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, 37, recreation center "Pavlovo-Pokrovsky" (Entrance from the shopping center). Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00, closed on Monday; last Friday of the month (sanitary day). Ticket price: 100 rubles, students, schoolchildren and pensioners - 50 rubles.

Considering that the main glory of Pavlovsky Posad came from the production of original scarves, it would be surprising if it did not have an establishment dedicated to this craft.

The Museum of the History of the Russian Scarf and Shawl was created in the spring of 2002, and the building of the Pavlovo-Pokrovsky Palace of Culture, which now has almost 90 years of history, was chosen as its location.

The initiator of the creation was local resident V.F. Shishenin, who had long been a member of a group of fine art collectors. It was his collection of household items, women's hats, shawls and scarves from the 18th-20th centuries. and became the basis of the museum exhibition.

Nowadays there are over 400 items on display here, among which are unique hand-printed woolen items.

Where to buy Pavlo-Posad shawls

We learned from local residents that there are two scarf stores: a company store and a factory store. In the second, scarves are cheaper, but it is closed on Sundays, like the factory itself. Turning from Revolution Square onto Lenin Street, we headed for the store. By the way, at the beginning of the street there is the Museum of Firefighting (Russia, Moscow region, Pavlovsky Posad, Lenina Street, 5), located in a fire station building built in 1870. However, the museum is closed and there is nothing on the doors to indicate that it is even open.

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Walking along the city streets and periodically checking with passersby the way to the store, we looked at the houses located here. I must say that they are quite interesting. Architecture lovers should definitely come here. Unfortunately, almost all houses require renovation. But there are also renovated buildings, and judging by them, in Pavlovsky Posad they love the pink color of the walls.

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On your own in Pavlovsky Posad: scarves and cats photo 18

We successfully found the store (Russia, Moscow region, Pavlovsky Posad, Herzen Lane, 1, opening hours from 9 to 19). The choice of scarves there is huge. Prices on average start from 1 thousand rubles.

But the classic Pavlovo Posad shawl costs no less than 3 thousand. The store has a website where you can place an order, and the courier will deliver it to you. So, to buy an original product it is not at all necessary to leave Moscow. And of course, we couldn’t leave the city without at least seeing from the outside its main attraction - the Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory.

House-Museum of Vyacheslav Tikhonov

The most famous intelligence officer of Soviet cinema, known as Stirlitz, film actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born and trained in Pavlovsky Posad.

Now, thanks to the efforts of his daughter, the local administration and the regional governor, a museum has appeared in the house where he lived in his early years. Before it could be organized, the building had to be purchased from the new owner, and then the exhibition had to be assembled for a long time and meticulously in order to most accurately reflect the spirit of the era in which the brilliant artist lived and worked.

Visitors to the house-museum are presented with rare exhibits: personal belongings, letters, photographs, cinematic costumes and even the script for the film “War and Peace”, on the pages of which there are notes from the famous artist.

How to get to Pavlovsky Posad

You can travel by electric train. To do this, you need to take the train at the Kursky station in Moscow - it runs every quarter of an hour. Travel time is one and a half hours.

You can also get there by bus. It departs from the Partizanskaya bus station in Moscow and takes about two hours.

If you travel with your own transport, there are several options:

  1. Along the Gorkovskoye Highway, after passing Noginsk, near the village of Kuznetsy, you need to turn right at the traffic light.
  2. You can drive along Nosovikhinskoye Highway.
  3. Past the city of Lyubertsy along the Yegoryevskoe highway.

Please note: the distance from Moscow to the city of Pavlovsky Posad is approximately 80 kilometers.

In Pavlovsky Posad itself there are buses and minibuses. Several taxi companies are available to tourists around the clock.

The city is small, so walking can be a great pleasure, and for those who like cycling, there are rental points where you can rent a bicycle for a reasonable fee.

Monument to the founders of Pavlovsky Posad

The original sculptural composition installed in the city in the form of 5 people dressed in ancient costumes is dedicated to an event that happened in 1844, namely the moment of the formation of Pavlovsky Posad. It was then that, by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, four surrounding villages were united into a city.

The figures of the monument themselves are symbols of those villages and folk crafts for which they were famous.

What to bring from Pavlovsky Posad

During the time of Emperor Nicholas I, the first textile factory in Russia was built to produce scarves from wool and silk. Today these products are the hallmark of the city. The scarf is also depicted on the symbols of Pavlovsky Posad.

Anyone who has ever visited Posada cannot leave without this souvenir. Someone buys several products at once - it’s so difficult to choose one from a huge number of colors and patterns.

Please note: you can buy a club inexpensively in a special store at the factory, which is located on Kalyaeva Street, no. 5.

Danilischenskoye Lake

The natural attractions of Pavlovsky Posad are represented by an interesting lake located in close proximity to the city, not far from the village of Zaozerye.

Local belief says that at the bottom of a natural reservoir there is a church that sank in ancient times. In this regard, the lake water is considered sacred, which is why a large number of people come here for Epiphany to take a bath.

True, according to scientists, this lake arose during the glaciation era, and there should not be any buildings on its bottom. However, this does not affect the flow of people who want to swim in the relict reservoir.

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