Pay to the sanatorium or wash for free? All about Partenit beaches and Crimean realities

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Catch another detailed review about holidays on the Crimean coast on the topic - Partenit Crimea beaches.

Today I will tell you why we are going to a nondescript-looking village under the patronage of Bear Mountain and two luxurious Aivazovsky parks and the Crimea sanatorium .

Friends, no one can tell you more interestingly and clearly about Yalta than the guide “Yalta in 36 hours.” Let this be your best weekend ever! And you will get all the knowledge about the city, information about accommodation and food, maps and landmarks from the guidebook.

Well, let’s try to find out whether it is so important here to be the owner of a sanatorium card in order to avoid meeting with the dark masses, husking seeds and speaking uncivilly while they stand waist-deep in water, packed with plastic bags and used flip-flops.

Let's go!

Partenit beaches: general information

No matter which beaches of Partenit you are on, you will always be surrounded by wonderful landscapes and enveloped by the unimaginable aromas of coniferous plantations. There are plenty of bright natural colors here!

Beach areas are varied. There are spacious and very modest ones, equipped and with minimal comfort, pebble and even sandy.

Well, and most importantly - paid, shareware and absolutely free of bribes, depending on affiliation with any structure.

Now let's go over each of them.

How to get to Partenit in 2022

There are many ways to get to Partenit. One of the simplest is the trip from Simferopol, which is made from the Kurortnaya station, where trolleybuses, minibuses and regular buses run every half hour.

Getting to Partenit from Simferopol with your own car is also not difficult, because between these settlements there is a route between Alushta and Yalta. A trip along this route will not only be fast, but will also delight travelers with beautiful views of the Crimean nature and mountains.

Partenita embankment

Friends, it so happens that the city embankment of Partenit is located on the territory of the Crimea sanatorium. No, the resort still has one more official embankment along the beaches along Krutoy Lane.

But a small descent of 250 meters does not sound serious. But the embankment in the Crimea sanatorium is all 600 meters long and stretches almost from Bear Mountain to Medvezhenok Rock.

Ancient monuments

The history of this settlement goes back to ancient times. Archaeologists confirm that the valley has been inhabited since the Neolithic period. An ancient people called Tauri lived here. The name Parthenite comes from the Greek word “parthenos”. Its translation sounds like “maiden”, that is, belonging to the Virgin - the goddess who was universally worshiped in Taurida. One version of the origin of this name suggests that the temple of this goddess was located on Ayu-Dag or somewhere else in the Partenite Valley. In ancient times there was a crowded trading port here.

The city at various times belonged to the Scythians, the Bosporan Kingdom, and the ancient Romans. During the Byzantine Empire, it became one of the significant cities of the Gothic diocese. The Life of John of Goths tells that this saint was from a place called Partenites. For some time the Genoese ruled here. Their fortress was conquered by the Ottomans. After the peninsula entered the Russian Empire, this area belonged to several owners at different times. During Soviet times, the town began to develop as a resort. In 1945 it began to be called Frunzenskoe. In 1993, Partenite was given back its ancient name.

Bear Mountain Beaches

A unique mountain divide between Parentit and Gurzuf is the famous Bear Mountain. It turns out that here you can not only climb in search of medieval ruins, turn your head on a steep descent and find a godforsaken place of power, but also swim.

There are several secluded beaches at the nose of the mountain.

Topographically, the bay is called Panair, and in the language of the average person, Big Beach, Small Beach and Raevsky Beach. There are also wonderful grottoes where you can go by kayak or small boat.

Kamikazes descend to the Big Beach along a mountain path. A cowardly but prudent man in the street will call for help in the form of a boat or a wife with an oar.

Once you have mastered the art of kayaking, you will be able to find all 3 beaches and create your own rating. Don't forget a Panama hat, a bottle of water and a good mood.

You can rent a kayak or boat at the piers of the Crimea sanatorium or from these guys.

Parthenit reviews

If you are not vacationing in an old large sanatorium, you will either have to pay an entrance fee every day, or be content with a small city beach.

So, if you are not willing to pay for a normal beach every day, then we would not recommend Partenit as a vacation spot for the entire vacation period. In Crimea there are many much more worthy resorts with better beaches (Novy Svet, Sudak, Koktebel). If we compare Partenit and Gurzuf, then we would choose Gurzuf, where everything is neat, well-groomed and the entire beach is public.

If you are exploring the peninsula on your own, Partenit is also not a must-see. When passing through Aivazovskoye Park, you can stop by for 20-30 minutes. Maximum stay overnight at the hotel and then spend the day on the beach overlooking Bear Mountain.

To us at the sanatorium

In the west of Partenit, at the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag, there is the famous sanatorium “Crimea” (here is a separate article about it).

Attention! In July 2022, the sanatorium finally opened access to the beach for ordinary vacationers with and without Crimean registration. True, not all of it, but only 110 m, but now admission is free.

Relaxing on the beaches of the sanatorium is allowed from 8.00 to 19.00. But walks around the park are still limited.

Yandex.MapsRepublic of Crimea — Yandex.Maps

A spacious and neat embankment stretches along the beach maps of the sanatorium, but it is intended only for walking and contemplating the seascape - there are no cafes, kiosks, or stalls here.

And only at the end you will find a restaurant and a retail outlet with drinks and ice cream.

In 2016, part of the embankment was destroyed by . Some repair work and reconstruction have been carried out, but major restoration can only wait.

The beaches are well maintained. There are voluminous canopies, showers, changing rooms, a first-aid post, and toilets. Sun loungers and umbrellas for a fee, or in exchange for a sanatorium book. The surface is medium and small pebbles, but the entrance to the sea is rocky.

In some places there are quite large rocky areas on the shore itself.

The Little Bear Rock and the metal structures symbolically blocking the path are the division between the sanatorium and city beaches.

Museum of Natural Beauty and Antiquities in Partenit

This unusual museum is located in one of the buildings of the Crimea sanatorium. It contains more than 4 thousand exhibits, and the creator of almost all of them is nature itself. Basically, these are multi-colored stones: minerals, gems, crystals and others. The museum has the only gallery in the world of stereo paintings, painted with the brush of nature in sections of gems. All these paintings have names, and if you look closely at them, you can see in them the contours of things, objects and images familiar to us: the river bank, a fisherman on a boat, a box, a crow in a nest, Matroskin the cat, Bigfoot, icebergs, a volcano. There is also a stone called “The Order of Don Juan” with an image of exactly the place of the female body that this hero-lover was so hunting for. Incredibly, among all these images there is not a single detail that was added by hand. And their age is estimated at millions of years.

One of the masterpieces of the museum is a quartz stone, which contains an air bubble and a drop of ancient water. This drop fell into the stone when there were neither mammoths nor dinosaurs on Earth. Miracle, isn't it?

Museum of Natural Masterpieces and Antiquities

In addition to multi-colored stones, the museum also contains archaeological and paleontological objects, that is, the remains of ancient animals. A local enthusiast, Alexander Kulish, created a museum and collected all these interesting things; he traveled to the Caucasus, the Urals, and Kazakhstan to get them, and also found them in his native Crimea.

Visit this original museum, entrance fee is only $3.

Will everyone fit on the free beach?

Next is Central Beach . It does not have a spacious territory. Located between the breakwaters and limited by a concrete wall, the Central Beach also has rocky areas.

The entrance to the sea is flat and pebbly in places, and strewn with boulders and concrete debris in places. The water is surprisingly clean and clear.

There are sun loungers and umbrellas for rent - prices start from 200 rubles for the whole day. Climb the steps to the most ordinary, no-frills embankment, you will find cafes and shopping kiosks, toilets, and changing rooms.

In July 2022, a renewed embankment was opened in Partenit. Now it is more spacious and comfortable here.

The beaches themselves are good, but the trick is capacity. If you like to visit beaches during the season, you should consider your own schedule. Otherwise, the only place you will find is in the water.

This is where visitors to the two very comfortable hotels “Majestic” and “Nord” go with swimming pools, SPA areas and comfortable rooms.

When is the best time to go?

The resort's sanatoriums serve tourists all year round. The beach season lasts from late May to mid-October. According to reviews from vacationers, the sea in Partenit is well warmed up for swimming from July to September. During these months the weather is moderately hot and there is little rain.

beauty know: “Nature looks beautiful at any time of the year. In summer it is bright and juicy. In winter everything is dull and resting. In spring it begins to bloom. And autumn, my favorite season, is full of fog, colorful leaves, and coolness.”

  • Holidays in Crimea in summer
  • When is the best time to vacation in Crimea?

Aivazovsky gives the go-ahead!

The administration of the picturesque park of the South Coast “Aivazovskoe” , without deliberating for long, charged 1,200 rubles for the entrance ticket to the park. The Tsar Nikitsky Botanical Garden, with its 300 rubles for entry, looks like a child.

Plus, due to the pandemic, the sanatorium periodically limits visits to the park.

Now, to get to the beaches of the sanatorium, you either have to pay and walk along the shady alleys. Or look for the loophole that the extortionists left for greedy and persistent visitors.

The administration has allocated beach cards 5 and 6 for hungry people who do not want to pay 600 rubles for entry. But you can get to them not through the front gate, but from the back entrance.

The “back entrance” is located on the embankment in front of the Europe Hotel and consists of a gate like this. It's a 1 km detour, but fortunately, during the season, a minibus runs here from the Partenita bus station (Yuzhny cinema).

Local residents were also sent to the lower gate (just above the tourist gate) until August 2022. But thanks to the intervention of the authorities and higher powers, the truth triumphed.

Now local residents, like white people, upon presentation of a passport with Partenite registration, paid bills for water and electricity and a password to the beach can pass through the upper entrance.

Beaches of the sanatorium with a wide pebble shoreline, awnings, changing rooms, showers and equipment rental. There is also a rescue point, a toilet, and trash cans installed.

Unfortunately, there is no entertainment provided. And there are not many people here, in general, silence is beauty.

The private beaches of the sanatorium itself cannot cause any complaints. To use them you will have to pay 5,000 rubles per room out of season. But, as you like, everything is included!

Vacation like in Europe or what?

The snow-white hotel “Europe” has “washed away” all competitors and equipped a sandy beach. Anyone can go to the embankment and the hotel beach. But only residents can use stylish sun loungers and umbrellas for free, and everyone else pays for rental.

There is not too much space here, but it is very clean, neat, a flat shore interspersed with sand, a flat bottom and a comfortable entrance to the sea. There is even a separate children's area and beach play area.

When you get hungry, you can head up to the hotel's restaurants or visit a café. But the prices, as you understand, will correspond to the status of the hotel.

Due to the distance from the center of Partenit, this beach is not crowded, so there should not be any problems with space.

The Europe Hotel itself maintains its brand and tries to be at the appropriate level. True, a night’s stay here will cost you from 7,000 rubles per day. But the feeding is at their expense))

Beaches of Karasan

In general, this is a good map; there are paid and free areas. But the sea has eaten up most of the lying space near the beaches.

The shoreline is pebble, not too wide, and in some places even narrow. There are rocky areas. There are canopies on the beaches. Umbrellas and sun loungers can be rented.

On the embankment itself there is one cafe and retail outlets.

Well, don’t forget to look into the wonderful Karasan Park Museum . For now you can still get there from the embankment. I wrote more about it here.

The largest beach of Partenita

Closer to Cape Plaka there is the Tavrida-Azot recreation center , the territory of which is considered the most spacious and comfortable for vacationers. True, due to the fact that the coating is constantly being filled with fresh pebbles, walking barefoot is quite sensitive.

Usually there are stationary canopies, paths to the water, changing rooms; in 2022, shower heads were added, and there is a cafe.

The terrace has a covered area directly above the sea. Sun loungers are free for residents of the base. The places under the canopy are always occupied by “our own people” from early morning.

For entertainment, all water attractions are available - catamarans, banana rides, scooters. There is a pier nearby from which excursion boats depart.

Municipal beaches of Partenita

Previously, the village beaches in Partenit could not boast of either a landscaped area or comfortable areas.

The first village beach No. 1 is located between the Karasansky sanatorium and the Europe hotel .

The view was very depressing, which undermined the local masses into an administrative revolt. But today these beaches are simply beautiful to look at.

I don’t even know why now make my way to sections 5 and 6 of the beach in Aivazovskoye Park .

Village beach No. 2 is located behind the Karasansky sanatorium . We haven’t reached it yet, so the view here is depressing - a narrow strip covered in stones and debris under a broken concrete wall.

But there are always vacationers here too.

And the third, municipal beach Partenita No. 3 is located closer to Cape Plaka and Utes.

It consists of a concrete stepped embankment and part of a pebble beach.

Partenit, photos of beaches and embankment 2022: “Aivazovskoe”

“Aivazovskoye” is the best beach in Patenin, you can get to it through the “Aivazovskoye” park. Entrance costs 600 rubles. For this money you get a tour of the park and a wristband, and you can go out and go to the beach several times. You can swim in the bracelet, it will not break. If you want to relax and eat, there is a beautiful restaurant “Poseidon” on the beach with an average bill of 1,500 rubles.

From this Partenita beach you can go to the beach of the Europe complex, but you cannot get to the central beach because of the rock. You need to exit through the park and go down through the city. Parking near Aivazovskoye Park is paid, 50 rubles per hour.

On the Aivazovskoye beach there is a beautiful embankment surrounded by oleanders.

Wild beaches of Partenit

Although the village beaches can easily pass for wild, a real holiday for lovers of secluded relaxation begins at Cape Plaka . It is this small picturesque bay that the “savages” rush to.

The coast here is slightly curved and covered with green hills and hills. Along the coastline, rocky and sandy-pebble areas alternate.

We do not recommend making your way here through the cape, thickets, steep slopes; it is better to use the sea line along the Utes sanatorium , or through the territory of the sanatorium itself, but having paid the entrance in advance.

What's next?

Further along the coast to the village of Maly Mayak there is a series of sanatorium, wild, and private beaches.

Next to Partenit there is a cozy resort town called Utes with a sanatorium of the same name and the palace of Princess Gagarina, then there are small landscaped areas of coastal hotels and boathouses, and then wild beaches stretch to the village of Maly Mayak.

Walking and relaxing in such places will appeal to both savages and nudists, because there is somewhere to hide from view or, conversely, not to pay attention to the few tourists.

Where to stay

Housing in Partenit is not difficult to find, but it may seem too expensive compared to other Crimean cities not included in the South Coast. You can book a room in a hotel or sanatorium. Or stay in the private sector. The village is small, so nearby there are not only cafes and restaurants, but also a variety of shops and a colorful Crimean market.

Everyone who has visited this village confirms that holidays in Partenit are excellent. It is rich in impressive sights, developed and wild beaches, magnificent landscapes and exciting entertainment. However, no description, no matter how colorful, can create a real impression of these beautiful places. Only by visiting these places can you fully feel their charm.

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