Sights of Chita: list of beautiful and famous places, photos

Chita is the center of the Transbaikal region in Eastern Siberia. The year of foundation is officially considered to be 1653. The city is located on the banks of the river of the same name at the place where it flows into the Ingoda River. Chita is located in a large basin, and is surrounded by hills.

Legend has it that the city was founded by Peter Beketov, a boyar's son. After the founding of the Irgensky fort, the Cossacks rafted down the river, and the solid ice they encountered forced them to “cut down the winter quarters... three Cossack huts... build fortresses.” As a result, the predecessor of the Chita fort was founded.

At different times, Chita was visited by: Nicholas II, Brezhnev L.I., Frunze M.V., Khrushchev N.S., Kropotkin P.A., Babushkin I.V.


Many people have heard about this type of entertainment as interactive quests in reality.
They can be briefly described as a scripted game program. Quest is one of the options where to go with children in Chita, because it is an interesting and unusual experience that allows you to break out of everyday life and feel like a hero of your favorite book, film or computer game.

There are many game scenarios. This could be an adventure in search of ancient pirate treasure, an archaeological expedition to the far corners of the Earth, a trip to Narnia, or something else from a huge number of options. As a rule, to participate you need to gather a group of 2-4 people, otherwise some tasks will be impossible to complete.

In Chita, he organizes quests. You can book a game and find out information about conditions and costs on the official website. On average, the price for such entertainment is 1500-3000 rubles.

Bloom, "Ledum"!

Ask any resident of Transbaikalia - what is the symbol of our region?
And probably every second person will answer you - wild rosemary, of course! It is no coincidence that everyone’s favorite annual arts festival was named after this amazingly beautiful lilac-crimson shrub, scientifically called Dahurian rhododendron. “Blooming Ledum” is an extravaganza of colors and melodies. World-famous stars from the farthest corners of the world perform here, and chamber and symphonic music sounds. In 1976, the festival acquired the status of All-Russian, and in 2006 - international.

Every year thousands of fans and art connoisseurs come to the festival to enjoy the work of their favorite performers. At the best concert venues in Chita during the festival, applause and shouts of “bravo” do not stop! This cultural event gives a lot of positive emotions to artists and spectators. And every year the wild rosemary blooms with new colors and sounds in order to leave a spring rosemary mood in the hearts of its participants for the whole year until the next festival.

Parks and monuments

Botanical Garden

The area of ​​the Botanical Garden in the city is 2.8 hectares, and another 24.1 hectares are occupied by the nursery in the village of Peschanka. Employees of the Transbaikal Garden create interesting exhibitions for visitors, and the first of them opened in 2005. Currently open exhibitions are: “Greenhouse Winter Gardens”, “Garden of Seasons”, “Indoor Plants”, “Garden of Continuous Flowering”, “Shadow Garden” and “Rock Garden”. All plants are adapted for life in the conditions of Eastern Transbaikalia: they are able to withstand the harsh climate of Chita and its sandy soils.

There are three species of plants in the garden that are rare and protected at the federal level: milky peony, Rhodiola rosea, and brilliant cotoneaster. There are also 70 unique plant species that are not found in other botanical gardens.

Monument to love and fidelity

Address: st. Dekabristov, "Love and Fidelity" park

The monument, symbolizing love and fidelity, was opened on the same day - July 8, 2011. The architect of the park is M. Albatrossov, and the creator of the sculpture is Aram Grigoryan. Nearby is the street where the wives of the Decembrists lived in the 19th century. The monument is dedicated to women who accompanied their husbands to the end. The sculpture represents a meeting of lovers and pays tribute to the families who left to explore Siberia. A symbolic place for lovers and newlyweds, they make wishes here and come here for romantic meetings.


The name of the park stands for “district house of officers of the Russian army.” The largest park in Chita. It arose completely by accident - it was necessary to find a place for an exhibition of the achievements of Transbaikal agriculture in 1899. At that time there was a vacant lot at this place, so the choice fell on it. The park was built and the area was landscaped in just a year. Gradually, the place acquired new entertainment, the trees planted grew, and a stage appeared. Previously, there was a musical gazebo in the park, in which, according to legend, the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” was performed for the first time in history. The appearance that the park has today was acquired in the 60s of the 20th century. Now there is a lot of entertainment for children and adults, rich greenery, and in the summer there is an orchestra. It is planned to restore many of the lost parts of the park using found photographs. On the territory of the park there is a museum of the history of the Siberian Military District troops, dedicated to the exploits of Siberian soldiers. The museum is open seven days a week and without breaks from 9:00 to 17:00.

Titovskaya Sopka

Address: Mount Titovskaya SopkaHow to get there: shuttle bus No. 30/31

Titovskaya Sopka is a natural historical zone, which is a complex of archaeological monuments. The mountain itself is a former volcano. It is perfect for walking, because the ancient Botanical Garden was planted here more than 200 years ago. In autumn, when the trees take on different shades, the hill becomes most beautiful, and the slopes of the mountain resemble a striped rainbow. At the foot of the mountain there is a chapel of Alexander Nevsky and an observation deck with a view of the whole of Chita.

Chita Zoo

The zoo in Chita officially began its existence in 1994, but at that time the Palace of Pioneers already had enclosures with animals, of which there were 200 individuals. Since 1986, the zoo has been occupied by pupils of the palace, led by animal lover and head of the aquarium circle G.P. Spryagin. Then city residents came to the park and watched the pets, fed them and communicated. Today the zoo has 156 species and 700 individual animals. Already in 2000, the first animals born in the zoo appeared, among them were lynx, fox, monkeys, peacocks, even a raccoon dog.

Monument to the mammoth

What other attractions of Yakutsk should travelers definitely see? The mammoth monument is included in this list. The monument, dedicated to the prehistoric giants who inhabited the Arctic in ancient times, was erected in 1972. Over the years of its existence, it has managed to become an unofficial symbol not only of Yakutsk, but of the entire region.

The prehistoric animal has been recreated in life-size. The base of the monument consists of metal reinforcement. The wool naturally represents tow. In the warm season, the monument plays the role of a fountain. Water jets erupt from the trunk of the beast, raised upward.

By 2007, the monument had become dilapidated. A restoration was carried out, thanks to which the monument regained its former beauty.

Main Post Office building.

Another city landmark, when you see it you would never think that this is an ordinary administrative building. The structure was erected in the late 1800s. A savings bank and a consumer society were also located here. Following him, they also opened a library. It was from this place that the first telephone line was installed. Even now this luxurious building is used for its original purpose.

Attractions in the surrounding area

Lake Baikal

GPS coordinates: 53.5149078, 108.1054688

Ulan-Ude is located near the eastern coast of the lake: here Baikal is shallower than on other sides. In summer, the weather in the area is sunny, there are sandy beaches on the shore, recreation centers and hotels operate.

The road from Posolsky Sor to Chivyrkuisky Bay is considered one of the best for relaxing on Lake Baikal and exploring the sights.

You can read more about Baikal in these articles:

  • Which Baikal resort to choose for a holiday with children?
  • What attractions are there around Baikal and on Olkhon Island
  • How and when to travel wild

Ivolginsky datsan “Khambyn Sume”

The first service in the largest datsan of Buryatia was held in 1945, by 1972 the main Cathedral Church was completely rebuilt. On the territory of “Khambyn Sume” there are:

  • library;
  • Buddhist University;
  • souvenir rows;
  • museum;
  • sacred stupas;
  • Green Tara is a stone that fulfills good wishes.

The main shrine of the datsan is the burial place of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov, who predicted the onset of atheism and revolution.

In 1927, the head of Russian Buddhism fell into nirvana, but bequeathed to dig up his body after 70 years. The elder’s wish was fulfilled; decades later Itigelov retained the signs of a living person: no decay, a whole nose and eyeballs, movable joints, warm skin. No explanation has been found for the miracle; scientists put forward only hypotheses.

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In the footsteps of the great Genghis Khan

The personality of the great commander and conqueror Genghis Khan is covered in legends. A unique person who left a bright mark on history may have been born on Transbaikal soil. Researchers are increasingly leaning towards this version, citing irrefutable evidence. It is assumed that his place of birth was the upper reaches of the Onon River, not far from the modern settlement of Nizhny Tsasuchey. Dust from the Horde's hooves rose over the Agin steppes, obscuring the sun. And the bright day became a dark night - that great army of the conqueror marched forward... We can now see this picture only in films, but unique coevals of those times are still intact - the “Genghis Stone” - an epigraphic monument of the Mongol times, the Wall of Genghis Khan, the Gate of Genghis Khan, Chalice of Genghis Khan. You too can see them, touch them, and be imbued with the energy of a great man!

The main monuments of Irkutsk

Answering the question - what to see in Irkutsk? - one cannot help but say about the monuments. Over the long history of the city, many beautiful creations of monumental and sculptural art have appeared on its streets and squares.

Monument to Alexander III

Address: Gagarin Boulevard. Transport stop "Stadium Trud".

The monument to the Russian Emperor, who ordered the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of Siberia, was inaugurated in Irkutsk in 1908. The bronze figure of the autocrat, 5.5 m high, weighing about 4 tons, is mounted on a granite pedestal, on three sides of which Portraits of Ermak, Counts Speransky and Muravyov-Amursky are placed. On the eastern side, the monument is decorated with a bronze figure of the heraldic symbol of Russia - a double-headed eagle holding a scroll in its claws. The current monument is an exact copy of the creation of the sculptor R. Bach, which in 1920 the Bolsheviks sent for melting down.

Monument to A.V. Kolchak

Address: st. Angarskaya. Transport stop "Vartorial school". Landmark – Znamensky Monastery.

The fact that the first monument in the country to the great Russian explorer of the Arctic and the excellent admiral who led the “white” movement during the Revolution appeared in Irkutsk should not be surprising. Many important milestones in the life of Alexander Vasilyevich are associated with the city. At the local university, he repeatedly gave reports on polar expeditions, from here he went to the Russian-Japanese War, was married here and was laid to rest. The bronze figure of the admiral in an overcoat is mounted on a pedestal with a bas-relief depicting a Red Army soldier and a White Guard standing in front of each other with lowered bayonets. In 1920, not far from the place where the monument is located today, a brilliant Russian officer was shot.

Tank "Irkutsk Komsomolets"

Address: Transport stop “Sukachev’s Estate”.

The background to the appearance of the monument at the intersection of Sovetskaya and Deputatskaya streets is very interesting. At the very beginning of the war, Komsomol members who worked at the plant named after. Kuibyshev announced the start of fundraising for the construction of a tank column for the front. The townspeople supported the initiative, donating their own savings and family jewelry to the holy cause. As a result, we managed to collect a huge amount for those times, exceeding 2.8 million rubles. In the shortest possible time, the factory workers were able to master the production of combat vehicles. By February 22, 1942, 12 tanks were ready to be sent to the front. The T-34 mounted on the pedestal, although not one of them, is a combat vehicle whose crew met the Victory in Czechoslovakia.

Monument to G.K. Zhukov

Address: Marshal Zhukov Avenue. Transport stop "DCC Druzhba".

The initiative to perpetuate the memory of Marshal of Victory in Irkutsk was made by the City Veterans Council in 1999. At the same time, a special fund was created and a competition was announced for the best version of the monument. Of the 20 submitted projects, the jury chose a composition depicting Zhukov sitting on a horse at the moment of receiving the Parade of Winners on Red Square. The bronze sculpture, installed on a massive pedestal lined with dark red Indian granite, appeared in all its glory before the townspeople on May 8, 2005.

Monument to a penny

Address: st. Trilissera. Transport stop "Meteorological station".

Irkutsk can easily compete with Novosibirsk, where there is a monument to sausage, because on one of its streets you can see an equally original monument to a penny. A sculptural composition dedicated to the monetary unit appeared on Trilisser Street on the eve of the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the Russian Sberbank and the 350th anniversary of the founding of the city. The diameter of the coin, made of heat-resistant resin and coated with a composition that accurately imitates metal, is 1 meter. The pedestal of this unique sculpture is decorated with a wise saying: “A penny saves the ruble.”

Parks and monuments, streets, natural sites

Rock "Cockerel"

Coordinates: 44.622114, 39.091680 How to get there: to the restaurant “Old Castle” by car or by public transport to the stop “Sanatorium Goryachiy Klyuch”, then on foot; travel time - 30 minutes.

The rock got its name from its top, which looks like a cockscomb. But it is also called the Rock of Salvation, because at the top there is the Psyfabe fortress, where the inhabitants of the settlement hid from enemies.

According to another version, the rock was the last chance for criminals: if they climbed its slope, they were given life.

According to one legend, the “Cockerel” acquired its bizarre shape thanks to an evil magician who, long ago, caught the last unicorn on Earth and chained it between two rocks. But this was not enough for the sorcerer, and he moved the rocks so close to each other that they squeezed like an accordion, trapping the unicorn inside forever.

Dante's Gorge

Coordinates: 44.620588, 39.094105 How to get there: to the restaurant “Old Castle” by car or by public transport to the stop “Sanatorium Goryachiy Klyuch”, then on foot; travel time - 30 minutes.

In its original appearance, the gorge was a narrow fissure in the rocks. But in the 1870s, the territory was improved, a staircase was made, and the swampy clearing was drained. After the work was carried out, the place began to be compared to heaven on earth.

But a path leads to it along the bottom of a damp gorge, which people call the hellish road. Thanks to this opposition, an association arose with Dante, who wrote the Divine Comedy, and the gorge was named after him.

According to another version, the place got its name from the evil witch Danta who lived here. She threatened to destroy the whole world, then the Great Goddesses killed her. But at the moment of the witch's death, lightning struck and split the rock. A stream of blood ran from the rift. The gates to the world of the dead have opened. Then one of the goddesses sacrificed herself, changing the spell: instead of blood, healing water flowed, and the gate was sealed by the chapel. They say that several souls remain in our world, and every night they wander through the gorge.

Sounding Cave

Coordinates: 44.622114, 39.091680 How to get there: to the restaurant “Old Castle” by car or by public transport to the stop “Sanatorium Goryachiy Klyuch”, then on foot; travel time - 30 minutes.

The cave got its name for its acoustics: you can hear everything that is said on the other side of the river.

At the entrance there is a stone ledge, which tourists nicknamed “the bench.” Sitting on it, you can feel how the sound is reflected from the arches.

Avenue of a Thousand Pines

Address: st. Lenin

The Alley of a Thousand Pines is considered a kind of border of the Goryachy Klyuch resort area. Rare Pitsunda pines were planted by the city's youth in 1958.

Today the number of trees on it is much greater, but the name was not changed because of this. The first 500 meters of the alley are crossed by a road, but then there is a 1.5 km pedestrian zone, which is wider than the largest street in the city.

Five Seas Mountain

Interest in this previously unknown nameless mountain, declared a complex natural monument, is not accidental. Along the Apple Ridge runs part of the Great World Divide, which forms the boundaries of huge drainage basins. The eastern part of Asia belongs to the Pacific Ocean, and the western part belongs to the Arctic Ocean. There are quite a lot of peaks located on the line of the World Divide. But only one of them separates the drainage basins of three huge rivers in North Asia, which are among the ten largest rivers in the world. Once on top of the Dividing Mountain, the traveler can see the beginning of all three of these rivers. The spectacle is truly impressive!


Where to go in Chita for those who like to combine relaxation with a cultural and educational program? Museums are unlikely to interest children, but older children can go there.

  • The Transbaikal Local History Museum is located on Babushkina Street. Its visitors will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the Far East, Siberia, and Transbaikalia. The exhibition includes several sections dedicated to different historical eras. Original Japanese painting, jewelry, Chinese porcelain - this is just a little of what can be seen here.
  • The Geological Museum is also worth visiting. It is located on Gorky Street. A visit to this museum will allow you to see how generously nature has endowed the Trans-Baikal Territory. The exhibition contains over 20 thousand samples of various minerals. This list also includes rocks that contain silver, gold, and precious stones. Visitors will also be able to admire fossils belonging to ancient eras. It is impossible not to mention the creations of masters of decorative and applied arts, which are created from noble metals and semi-precious stones.
  • The museum and exhibition center is located on Chkalova Street. It is definitely worth a visit for lovers of beauty. The exhibition includes several thousand works of art. Here you can see the creations of sculptors and painters of Transbaikalia. The works of primitive artists Zolotukhin, Ushakov, and Tyapkin deserve special mention.

I believe!

Chita is a multinational city. Among its first builders are Russians and Tatars, Jews and Germans, Poles and Ukrainians. This polyphony of nations was also reflected in the palette of beliefs. Where else can you find a city in Siberia where an Orthodox church, a synagogue and a mosque could fit in a half-kilometer stretch? Only in Chita! Today, representatives of 106 nations and nationalities living in the city have thirty parishes of leading Russian denominations. Monumental and majestic churches have been and remain the adornment of the Transbaikal capital.

Must see

Whether you are traveling alone or with a group and a guide, you should definitely include in your route the following city sites that make it unique and inimitable. It is recommended to see in Chita:

Shumovsky Palace

It is not for nothing that this palace is called the stone flower of the Trans-Urals. It was built by five Shumov brothers, owners of gold mines. The Shumovs had the status of merchants of the second guild, so it is easy to imagine on what scale the palace was built. To develop a project for a grandiose structure, they hired local architect Georgiy Mososhvili. Later, in 1911, he received the Grand Prix Award for it in Paris. In the 30s of the last century, the building came into the possession of the NKVD, from here the chief Transbaikal security officer Khorkhorin and more than 11 thousand Russians were repressed, many of them were lost without a trace in the Gulag. Under Soviet rule, at different times the palace became the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the editorial office of a newspaper, or the military trade center.

Michael the Archangel Church or Church of the Decembrists

This temple is older than the city itself and is the oldest building on its territory. The wooden church was built in 1776, about fifty years before the Decembrists appeared here. At that time, the church was built next to the Chita fort. Now, however, he is no longer there. Later, in the 19th century, the temple was ennobled and acquired a stone foundation. Now there is a museum of the Decembrists, the exhibitions tell about the life of the exiles and their families. You can book interactive activities for children and teenagers or an educational tour of the surrounding area.

Temple of the Kazan Mother of God

This is the main cathedral, but in fact it is not at all ancient - it was built only in 2001, and it was consecrated in 2004. The main bell - and there are 13 in total - weighs 10 tons, it is the most powerful in the entire Trans-Urals. The church itself is very beautiful with its azure walls, snow-white decor and gilded domes. The weight of the largest is 25 tons, from the foundation to the highest point the height of the temple is 47 meters.

House of Officers

Here is the main museum dedicated to the battles and heroes of the Great Patriotic War. A variety of exhibits are exhibited in 6 halls - from tanks and military weapons to photographs of soldiers and their personal belongings. At the same time, you can learn about the battles in the Far Eastern territories; such exhibitions are not found in all metropolitan museums of similar themes. Next to the Officers' House there is a beautiful park where you can stroll and relax with the whole family.

Titovskaya Sopka

In reality it is an extinct volcano. A lot of valuable archaeological finds were discovered here, more than 30 in total, and on the slope of the hill there is another attraction - the Church of Alexander Nevsky. There is also an observation deck with a beautiful view.

Chita datsan

This is an iconic Buddhist temple, and at the same time it is active. The bright building attracts guests with its unusual appearance and architecture traditional for Buddhist religious buildings. Prayers are held here, the datsan is open to everyone who wants to listen to lectures on Buddhist culture and religion, and watch religious holidays.

Chita theaters and museums

Tourists who prefer to combine a carefree holiday with a cultural and educational program will not be bored in the city. Experienced travelers recommend several institutions where you should definitely go in Chita.

Transbaikal Museum of Local Lore

After visiting this wonderful museum, you can learn an incredible amount of interesting things about Transbaikalia, Siberia and the Far East. The exhibition is divided into several sections dedicated to flora and fauna, as well as various historical eras. Among the exhibits there are many unique artifacts found by archaeological expeditions. Among other things, visitors will admire the magnificent collections of Chinese porcelain, jewelry, awards and coins, and original Japanese painting.

Geological Museum

  • Working hours: from Monday to Friday inclusive, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: please contact us for details.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Gorky, 28. Transport stop "Art Museum".

While visiting the museum, travelers will be able to clearly see how richly nature has endowed the Trans-Baikal Territory. More than 20 thousand samples of various minerals are displayed here, including rocks containing gold, silver and precious stones. In addition, tourists will get acquainted with fossils dating back to ancient eras. Of particular interest to visitors is the collection of works by masters of decorative and applied arts, made of semi-precious stones and precious metals.

Museum and Exhibition Center

A visit to the center will bring true pleasure to all lovers of beauty. The institution's holdings include several thousand works of art. Most of the exhibitions are dedicated to the work of painters, sculptors, and graphic artists from Transbaikalia and Siberia. In particular, the collection includes colorful works by primitivist artists L. Ushakov, T. Zolotukhin, A. Tyapkin. Exhibitions of works by masters of decorative and applied arts are especially popular among visitors. Here tourists are invited to appreciate the splendor of the work of Tuvan stone-cutters, Ural jewelers, and the filigree bone carvings of craftsmen from Buryatia.

Regional Drama Theater

It’s wonderful to spend an evening watching a colorful performance. All fans of Melpomene are invited to the city Drama, which never ceases to delight Chita residents with colorful performances. Theater directors are not afraid to experiment, and their plans are brilliantly realized by actors, among whom we cannot fail to mention Honored Artists of Russia E. Ryabova, S. Yulin, L. Gamova, A. Zainchkovsky. The institution's repertoire includes dramatic and comedic productions based on classical plays and works by modern playwrights.

Historical sites and museums

Khakass National Museum of Local Lore named after. L.R. Kyzlasova

The museum introduces its visitors to the national culture and life of Khakassia.

Visitors are invited to visit the Khakass yurt and get acquainted with household items, interiors, national clothing and jewelry of the indigenous population.

Ancient art is represented by menhirs - stone figures brought from different ends of the endless steppe, called “Idols of the Yenisei”. Even the square in front of the museum is filled with them. Of great value are the collections of rock paintings and various objects from the Iron, Bronze and Stone Ages found among the ancient burial mounds of Khakassia.

Museum of the History of the Krasnoyarsk Railway at the station. Abakan

Address: st. Vokzalnaya, 21Phone: 8 (3902) 29‑44-84 Opening hours: 9:00 – 18:00 Tue-Sat, Sun-Mon – day off Cost: free

The museum houses rare exhibits of the history of railways, some of which cannot be seen even in major museums in the country. Here are collected materials telling about the construction of the Abakan-Tayshet railway and the fate of its builders: more than 3 thousand photographs, collections of railway forms, tools, instruments, models of steam locomotives and even a model of the station itself in 1926.

In 2022, the museum also opened an outdoor exhibition with rare exhibition samples of equipment from the 40s to the 70s. 20th century.

Abakan Art Gallery

The gallery contains in its fund a collection of paintings by local artists, reflecting in their work the beauty of the Khakass land and the originality of the culture.

In addition to its own fund, the Chyltys exhibition hall hosts temporary exhibitions dedicated to painting, photography and handicrafts.

Museum of Nature of the Khakassky Nature Reserve

The museum's exhibitions introduce visitors to the main activities of the reserve, its territorial structure, flora and fauna.

Colorful stands, video materials and sculptures of animals help you mentally find yourself in the world of wildlife and get acquainted with all its diversity, including rare species listed in the Red Book.

Museum and Exhibition Center of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

This center was formed primarily thanks to one exhibition that was held in the 80s. Visitors liked it so much that its best exhibits were soon exhibited in the new building. In 2009, a new round of development of the center came. It was then that he began his work fully. The exhibition brings together several areas, including jewelry, art of different nations, and so on.

TOP-5 attractions of Chita

Among the many attractions of Chita, there are several of significant significance. It is customary to begin getting acquainted with it by examining the unique calling cards of the city.

Monument to Muravyov-Amursky

Address: intersection of Nedorezov and Bogomyagkov streets. Transport stop "Malaya Street".

The initiator of assigning Chita the status of the administrative center of the Transbaikal province was N. Muravyov-Amursky. The monument to the outstanding statesman, who for a long time was the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, appeared in the city in the spring of 2014, immediately becoming one of the symbols of the capital of Transbaikalia. The bronze sculpture weighing more than 2 tons is placed on a cylindrical 4-meter pedestal. Nikolai Nikolaevich, dressed in a ceremonial uniform, holds a scroll in one hand, and points to the flourishing city with the other hand.

Church of the Decembrists

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 130 rubles, reduced price 90 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Dekabristov, 3B. Transport stop "Ocean Shop".

The oldest building in the city is a monument of wooden architecture of federal significance, erected in 1776, when on the site of present-day Chita there was a small prison where the Decembrists served their exile. Divine services in the Archangel Michael Church lasted for a century and a half. Soon after the revolution, the church was closed, it fell into disrepair and gradually collapsed. The situation changed in 1971, after the building was transferred to the local history museum. After restoration, which lasted more than 10 years, museum exhibitions were placed within the walls of the former temple, telling about the life in exile of participants in the December uprising.

Memorial of Glory

Address: Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Victory. Transport stop "Lokomotiv Stadium".

A memorial dedicated to the military and labor feats of the residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory, accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, was solemnly opened in Chita on the 30th anniversary of the Victory. Its dominant feature is a sculptural composition installed against the background of five steles, each 17.5 m high, symbolizing the years of the war. Bronze sculptures depict three warriors rejoicing in the moment of victory. The composition includes the Eternal Flame, pylons with the names of heroes who did not return from the front, and an arch. The alleys display examples of wartime equipment, including the SAU-100 and the legendary Katyusha rocket launcher.

Shumovsky Palace

Address: st. Lenina, 84. Transport stop "Theater Square".

The incredibly beautiful building, which has been given the status of an architectural monument of federal significance, is rightly considered an architectural pearl not only of Chita, but also of the entire Transbaikalia. It was built at the beginning of the last century for the millionaire Shumov brothers, who owned rich gold mines. The exterior of the palace is an example of a surprisingly harmonious combination of classicism and baroque. The facades of the mansion are decorated with elegant sculptures, openwork bay windows, elegant balconies, and delightful stucco moldings. Today the building houses the regional department of the FSB.

Titovskaya Sopka

Address: st. Lesozavodskaya. Transport stop "Ulitsa Tarnaya".

The main natural attraction, without which it is impossible to imagine Chita, is, in fact, an extinct volcano, reaching a maximum height of 950 m above sea level. People have settled on the slopes of the mountain since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds dating back to different eras, starting from the Stone Age. There are several observation platforms here, from where you can enjoy amazing panoramic views. On some rocks you can still see ancient petroglyphs and rock paintings today. The chapel of Alexander Nevsky is considered the true decoration of the hill.

Lenin Square.

The beautiful and very large city square, which is located in the city center, has existed since the 19th century. It was renamed and rebuilt several times. It acquired its final appearance by the year 38, when construction of a temple began on the square. In the same year it received its name and a new monument to the great leader. All administrative landmarks of the city are located around the square.

Exhibition “Treasury of the Republic of Sakha”

Yakut diamonds are in great demand in our country. This city is deservedly considered the diamond capital of Russia. This can hardly be surprising, since it is on the territory of the Republic of Sakha that 90% of the most valuable minerals are mined.

Tourists who want to see the famous Yakut diamonds with their own eyes should definitely visit the exhibition “Treasury of the Republic of Sakha”. Other exhibits are also of interest: luxurious furs, mammoth tusks decorated with precious stones and metals, native gold. The exhibition is held at: Kirova, 12.

Selection of souvenirs

The most common gifts from Chita are various crafts and interior items made from birch bark. Well, if you have the financial means, then these are, of course, Siberian gems.

Birch bark products

According to local residents, the name of the city “chita” translates as “birch bark rug”. In some areas of Chita, they actually know how to extract and process this material in a special way. What do the craftsmen here do from birch bark? Mirrors are decorated, baskets, boxes, bracelets, combs and other accessories are made. All crafts are painted with national ornaments and are of the highest quality.

Deposits of colored stones

Eastern Siberia has long been famous for its gems. Even the names of the stones sound fabulous and caress the ear: charoites, lapis lazuli, jades, etc. Siberians know how to cut stone, and from under their incisors come into the world incredibly beautiful jewelry that is in demand not only in Russia, but also far beyond it. outside. A huge variety of stone products can be found in almost any jewelry store in the city.

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