Coronavirus in the Omsk region today February 9, 2022 by city and region: how many got sick

Coronavirus statistics in the Omsk region as of February 9, 2022

As of February 9, 2022, in the Omsk region, another 2,445 people became infected with coronavirus. Of these, 2,356 patients were prescribed outpatient treatment. 89 Omsk residents required hospitalization.

In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 has been officially confirmed in 160,664 residents of the region.

Over the past 24 hours, 1,508 people have recovered from coronavirus infection, and 15 people have died.

Over the entire period, 135,952 people were cured and 3,664 people died.

1,116,765 residents of the region were vaccinated against coronavirus, including 845,098 Omsk residents who received both vaccinations.

General information

The Omsk region of Russia is located in the south of Western Siberia, in the Middle Irtysh region. The area of ​​the region is 139.7 thousand sq. km, the population is 2146 thousand people, 67% of the population lives in cities (2001). The region includes 32 districts, 6 cities, 24 urban-type settlements (2001).

The administrative center is the city of Omsk. The region was founded on December 7, 1934 and is part of the Siberian Federal District.

The Omsk region borders on Kazakhstan in the south, Tyumen in the west and north, and Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions in the east.

The surface of the region is a gently undulating plain (height up to 146 m); in the south, ridge-like hills (ridges) that stretch for several kilometers are typical. In the northern part there are vast wetlands. The main river is the Irtysh with its tributaries (the largest is the Tobol). There are many lakes in the region, mostly salty in the south, fresh in the north, the largest of which are: Ik, Tenis, Saltaim, Ebeity.

The climate is continental. Winter is long and cold, the average temperature in January is -20°C. Summer is warm and short, the average temperature in July is +20°C. Precipitation is 300-400 mm per year.

The Omsk region is located in the zones of southern taiga, mixed forests, forest-steppe and northern steppes. The soils are predominantly chernozem and meadow-chernozem, in the north - sod-podzolic. Forests occupy 24% of the region's territory. The main species: cedar, spruce, fir, birch and aspen. Mixed forests are replaced to the south by a strip of deciduous birch-aspen forests, gradually turning into forest-steppe zones. Preserved: in the forest zone - squirrel, weasel, ermine, fox, reindeer, elk, roe deer, wolf, bear; in the forest-steppe - fox, mountain hare, steppe ferret; in the steppe - red-cheeked ground squirrel. There are many ducks and geese on numerous lakes and oxbow lakes in summer. In the steppe and forest-steppe zones there are black grouse and gray partridge; in the forest - capercaillie. The shores of the lakes are surrounded by dense groves of birch, aspen, common willow, and silver poplar.

In which cities and districts of the Omsk region was coronavirus detected as of February 9, 2022?

Distribution of new coronavirus cases by region:

• 1902 – Omsk; • 197 – Omsk region; • 52 – Tara district; • 35 – Novovarshavsky district; • 34 – Lyubinsky district; • 31 – Bolsherechensky district; • 22 – Tavrichesky district; • 21 – Znamensky district; • 16 – Cherlaksky district; • 15 – Maryanovsky district; • 13 – Tyukalinsky district; • 12 – Isilkul district; • 11 each – Kormilovsky and Sherbakulsky districts; • 10 each – Russko-Polyansky and Ust-Ishimsky districts; • 9 each – Azov and Nazyvaevsky districts; • 6 each – Gorky and Muromtsevo districts; • 5 each – Kalachinsky and Sargatsky districts; • 4 – Pavlogradsky district; • 3 – Poltava district; • 1 each – Kolosovsky, Krutinsky, Moskalensky, Nizhneomsky, Odessa and Okoneshnikovsky districts.

From the history of the administrative-territorial division of the Omsk region

From the history of administrative-territorial

divisions of the Omsk region

The administrative-territorial structure of Siberia began to take shape simultaneously with the development of this marginal territory by the Russian Empire, which was subordinated first to the Ambassadorial Order (), then to the Novgorod Chet (), and to the Order of the Kazan Palace (, ); finally a special Siberian order appeared (,).

Already in the 17th century, with the growing number of Russian settlements, the need arose to create local authorities. Siberia was divided into categories, one of which was Tobolsk. Tobolsk became the administrative center of Siberia for many years. The categories were divided into special territorial units - counties, the center of which was each of the Siberian cities. One of these was the oldest city in the Omsk region, Tara, founded in 1594.

In addition to cities, there were military settlements in Siberia: fortresses, redoubts, and outposts. So, in 1716 The Omsk fortress was founded, which was part of the Tara district.

Siberia became a place of exile and hard labor. For exiles and convicts, in addition to fortresses, forts were created for their residence, factories and mines for work, and stations for providing and guarding transit routes.

A Russian peasant population also appeared in Siberia, settling in villages united into volosts that were part of the counties. The center of the volost was the village. The first Russian peasant settlements on the territory of the Omsk region appeared in the 17th century in the Tara region, and already in the 18th century, farmers settled in its current southern regions. The local Tatar population, which was part of the counties, was united into uluses, and subsequently into yasak or foreign volosts.

According to the administrative reform on December 18, 1708. all of Russia was divided into provinces, one of which was Siberian with its center in Tobolsk. (PSZ. Edition 1.T.4. No. 000.Page 356.) May 29, 1719 The Siberian province was divided into provinces, one of which was Tobolsk..(PSZ. T5.No. 000.Page 700.)

On October 19, 1764, the Tobolsk province appeared, divided into the Tobolsk and Yenisei provinces (PSZ. T.21.No. 000.Page 387.), and on January 19, 1782, instead of provinces, governorships appeared. The Tobolsk governorship was divided into regions - Tobolsk and Tomsk. The Tobolsk governorship included the districts of Berezovsky, Ishimsky, Tyumen, and Yalutorovsky. It was then that Omsk, which had the status of a fortress, was approved as a city and became a district center, separated from the Tara district.

On December 12, 1796, instead of governorships, provinces reappeared, while the Tomsk province was annexed to Tobolsk (PSZ. T.24.No. 000.Page 229.)

On November 2, 1797, the Omsk district was abolished and annexed to Tarsky, Omsk became a provincial city. (PSZ. T.24. No. 000.Page 783.)

On February 26, 1804, Tomsk was separated from the Tobolsk province, instead of counties, districts were introduced, one of which was Omsk; Omsk again became a full-time city. (PSZ. T.28. No. 000.Page 156.)

On January 26, 1822, Siberia was divided into the West Siberian and East Siberian general governorates. (PSZ. T. 38. No. 000. Page 37.) The West Siberian included Tomsk, Tobolsk provinces and officially opened on November 8, 1823 Omsk region with its center in Omsk, which included the Omsk district, as well as the Petropavlovsk, Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk districts transferred from the Tomsk province. (PSZ. T.38.No. 000. Page 392.)

The northern part of the Omsk district remained in the Tobolsk province and formed the Tyukalinsk district (the city of Tyukalinsk was officially opened on April 30, 1824. PSZ. T.39. No. 000. Page 292.). The Tobolsk province included the following districts: Berezovskaya, Ishimskaya, Kurganskaya, Tarskaya, Tobolskaya, Turinskaya, Tyukalinskaya, Tyumenskaya, Yalutorovskaya.

On April 6, 1838, the Omsk region and Tyukalinsk districts were abolished. Omsk became the district center of the Tobolsk province, and Tyukalinsk became a provincial town. The Petropavlovsk district also moved to the Tobolsk province, divided between the Ishim and Kurgan districts, and the Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk districts joined the Biysk district of the Tomsk province. (PSZ. Id. 2. T. 13. No. 000. Page 272.)

On July 19, 1839, the entire administrative apparatus of the West Siberian General Government was transferred from Tobolsk to Omsk. (PSZ. T. 14. No. 000. P. 629.)

On October 21, 1868, the southern territories of the Tobolsk province, on which the lands of the Siberian Cossack army were located, were united with the Akmola, Atbasar, Kokchetav districts (districts) of the Siberian Kyrgyz region into the Akmola region with the center in Omsk. (PSZ. T.43. No. 000.Page 364.) Tyukalinsk on October 24, 1876 again became the district center of the Tobolsk province.

May 18, 1882 The West Siberian General Government was abolished, at the same time the Steppe General Government was organized as part of the Akmola (with its center in Omsk) and Semipalatinsk regions

(PSZ. T.21.No. 000.Page 211.)

On June 2, 1898, the districts began to be called counties again.

The Akmola region included Akmola, Atbasar, Kokchetav, Omsk, and Petropavlovsk districts.

The Tobolsk province included Berezovsky, Ishimsky, Kurgansky, Surgutsky, Tarsky, Tobolsk, Turinsky, Tyukalinsky, Tyumensky, Yalutorovsky districts.

Counties were divided into volosts, the center of which was the village. The Russian peasant population lived in villages with old residents and settlements founded by settlers from European Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. During the same period, settlers, mainly from the western regions, founded farms, farmsteads, and settlements that were previously unusual for Siberia. Individual large settlements were separated from the volosts into independent rural administrations.

The Cossack population lived in villages united into villages.

The local Muslim population lived in auls united into Kyrgyz (Kazakh) volosts, or in yurts that were part of foreign volosts (Tatars). The former existed mainly in the Akmola region, and the latter in the Tobolsk province.

Settlements along the railway line (stations, sidings, checkpoints, railway barracks, etc.) were not part of the volosts and had their own administration.

Many settlements had several names. For example, the official one is Loris-Melikovo and the local one is Dunaevka; by the name of the church located in the village - Petropavlovka and the official name - Khlebnoye; by the name of the site allocated for the construction of the village - Atantay and the official name - Stretenka. Both names were often mentioned in documents.

This was the administrative-territorial division in the territory of the present Omsk region by 1917.

On March 1, 1917, news of the overthrow of tsarism arrived in Omsk. The position of Steppe Governor-General was immediately abolished. The authorities that changed during the Civil War - the Coalition Committee, the Soviet Government, the Directory, the Provisional Russian and Kolchak governments - carried out many administrative and territorial transformations that were mutually exclusive. Therefore, there are several dates dedicated to the same event. On the other hand, it is impossible to establish whether this decision was implemented or whether it remained on paper. During this period, Omsk was considered the administrative center of Siberia, then of all of White Russia; the “supreme ruler” Kolchak chose it as his capital.

In November 1919, with the advent of Soviet power, the administrative institutions of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee, created by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on August 27, 1919 to govern the entire territory of Siberia, moved from Chelyabinsk to Omsk.

By this time, significant territorial transformations had occurred. On December 18, 1917, the Tatar district was annexed to the Akmola region from the Tomsk province: on January 19, 1918, the Akmola region was renamed Omsk, on August 27, 1919. Sibrevkom approved the renaming of the Tobolsk province into Tyumen, from where Ishim, Tar and Tyukalin districts were transferred to the Omsk region, on December 5, 1919. Kalachinsky was separated from Tyukalinsky district. January 3, 1920 Sibrevkom officially approved the name of the Omsk province with its center in Omsk instead of the Akmola region. The transformations also affected the grassroots level - government bodies - Soviets - arose in almost every locality: various territorial entities subordinate to the counties were eliminated, and a single division of the county into volosts and village councils was established. The special management on the railway was also liquidated.

On March 2, 1920, Ishimsky district became part of the Tyumen province; in June 1921, Sibrevkom moved to Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk).

On August 2, 1921, the provincial executive committee renamed the Ataman village to


January 18, 1921 By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Slavgorod district was transferred to the Omsk province from the Altai province.

In the city, work was carried out to demarcate the territory between Siberia and the newly organized Kyrgyz Republic, which was finally completed in May 1922. Then its southern part, consisting of Akmola, Atbasar, Kokchetav, Petropavlovsk districts and 17 volosts of Omsk district, departed from the Omsk province. The ceded territory formed the Orekhovsky district within the Kyrgyz Republic, which in 1923 became the Cherlak district and was abolished in 1925.

The districts of Kalachinsky, Omsky, Slavgorodsky, Tarsky, Tatarsky, and Tyukalinsky remained in the Omsk province.

Since 1922, a large-scale administrative reform was carried out in Siberia - “zoning”, the results of which were approved by the Sibrevkom on September 24, 1924. As a result, the volosts, which began to be called districts, were significantly enlarged. The districts were divided into rural councils, uniting several settlements. Kazakh villages united into village councils.

Kalachinsky district included Elansky, Ikonnikovsky, Kalachinsky and Krestinsky districts; Omsk district consisted of Achairsky, Borisovsky, Borodino, Isilkulsky, Kornilovsky, Lyubinsky, Moskalensky, Odessky, Pavlogradsky, Poltava, Sosnovsky, Tavrichesky, Uralsky; in Tarskoye there were Bolsherechensky, Evgashchinsky, Ekaterininsky, Znamensky, Kolosovsky, Muromtsevo, Rybinsky, Sedelnikovsky, Tevrizsky, Ust-Ishimsky; in Tyukalinsky there were Krutinsky, Nazyvaevsky, Sargatsky and Tyukalinsky districts.

In the Omsk province the cities of Kalachinsk, Leninsk, Omsk, Slavgorod, Tara, Tatarsk, Tyukalinsk were listed. On May 21, 1925, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved Novoomsk as a city, where on May 31, 1924 the center of the Omsk district was moved, and Kalachinsk was transformed into a village.

On May 25, 1925, the Omsk province became part of the newly organized Siberian Territory, but already on October 1, 1925 it was liquidated; instead of counties and provinces, districts appeared in Sibkrai. At the same time, Kalachinsky, Omsky and Tyukalinsky districts merged into the Omsk district; Slavgorod and Tara districts maintained their activities, and Tatarsky joined Barabinsky.

On July 30, 1930, Sibkrai was divided into West Siberian and East Siberian, the districts were liquidated and the districts began to be directly subordinate to the Zapsibkrai Executive Committee, located in Novosibirsk. The established administrative-territorial division initially underwent significant changes. The boundaries of village councils, districts, and districts changed.

So, already in 1925, the Boyarkinsky village council from the Krutinsky district moved to the Vikulovsky district of the Ural region, and the Elansky, Panovsky, Tebendinsky village councils were transferred to the Ust-Ishimsky district from the Zagvazdinsky district of the same region. On August 16, 1928, an act of the conciliation commission was signed on the transfer of a significant territory of the Petropavlovsk district of Kazakhstan to the Omsk district, while the Stepanovsky and Cherlaksky districts were organized: On July 4, 1927, the Kushaginsky and Ust-Tarksky village councils of the Elansky district were transferred to the Tatarsky district of the Barabinsky district. Major changes in the boundaries of the districts were approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on June 17, 1929. In the Omsk district, the Achair, Borodinsky, Kornilovsky, Krestinsky, Moskalensky, Odessa, Sosnovsky, Stepanovsky, Tavrichesky and Uralsky districts were abolished, and the Novoomsky and Omsky districts were organized. In the Tara district, the Evgashchinsky, Ekaterininsky, and Znamensky districts were abolished, and the Tara district was organized. The Tara district itself was abolished, its territory went to the Omsk district, and the Muromtsevo district to the Barabinsky district. The Elansky district of the Omsk district also went to the Barabinsky district, while the Kopyevsky and Nikolaevsky village councils of the Bolsherechensky district of the former Tara district joined it.

On February 20, 1931, the Ust-Ishimsky district was abolished, the Bolshekrasnoyarsky, Karbyzinsky, Kolobovsky, Koltsovsky, Kulyabinsky, Kurgansky, Mikhailovsky, Nizovsky, Uspensky, Yudinsky village councils of the abolished Malokrasnoyarsky district (former Barabinsky district) were transferred to the Muromtsevo district.

On July 26, 1931, the Kulyabinsk village council moved to the Kyshtovsky district.

On March 2, 1932, the Barsky, Bereznyakovsky, Zaroslovsky, Kamyshinsky, Kulomzinsky and Suvorovsky village councils moved from the Isilkulsky district to the Bulaevsky district of Kazakhstan, and from there the Pervotarovsky village council moved to the Isilkulsky district. At the same time, the Omsk region was abolished.

On December 10, 1932, from the abolished Elansky district (former Barabinsky district), the village councils of Achairsky, Voskresensky, Epanchinsky, Nizhneomsky, Pokrovsky, Sitnikovsky, Khomutinsky, Khortitsky were transferred to the Ikonnikovsky district, and the Kopyevsky and Nikolaevsky village councils were transferred to the Bolsherechensky district. At the same time, the Sargat district was abolished.

On April 10, 1933, Borisovsky district was renamed Sherbakulsky, Rybinsky - Bolsheukovsky, and their regional centers were renamed accordingly. The regional center of the Nazyvaevsky district, Sibirsky village, became the village. Novo-Nazyvaevsky. On September 25, 1933, the Novoomsky and Poltava districts were abolished.

On November 15, 1933, the Tara district was reorganized, which included the Bolsheukovsky, Kolosovsky, Muromtsevsky, Sedelnikovsky, Tarsky and Tevrizsky districts.

On May 15, 1934, the Tara district was abolished, as was the Tara district, and the Znamensky and Ust-Ishimsky districts were restored.

On July 1, 1934, part of the territory along the Yagylyakh River from the Kargasoksky district of the Narym Okrug was transferred to the Znamensky district.

Big changes have also occurred at the grassroots level. The 1920s-1930s were a time of endless reorganization of village councils. Campaigns were carried out to consolidate and disaggregate, rename and transfer village councils and individual settlements from district to district. At the same time, for the appearance or disappearance of the village council, various criteria were used, moreover, constantly changing. This could be the population size, the remoteness of settlements to the center of the village council, their ethnic composition, etc.

Until the end of the 1930s, the term “national region” was used when in some region, due to the predominance of a particular nationality there, a policy was pursued to “superiorize” this nationality there. Thus, office work had to be conducted only in the national language, as well as education in schools, despite the large number of residents of other nationalities. In a number of districts, national (in addition to aul) village councils were distinguished with a predominance of people of German, Estonian and other nationalities.

There has also been a reform in the naming of types of settlements. Now the village was the center of the village council, which was divided into villages. The term “yurt” has disappeared. Aul Councils were still divided into auls. But the term “village” began to be used mainly to designate industrial settlements (for example, timber industry enterprises and settlements that are part of state farms). At the same time, some state farms were part of ordinary rural councils, while others organized their own “state farm village councils.” The terms “commune”, “collective farm”, “agricultural artel”, “partnership”, which were very common types of settlements in the 1920s, also disappeared by the mid-1930s and turned into ordinary villages and hamlets. A new type of settlement has also appeared: a “worker village” - a settlement with a predominantly working population not associated with agriculture, but not large enough to be called a city.

By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the first workers' settlements in the Omsk region were Borisovsky and Cherlaksky (March 20, 1931).

By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of December 7, 1934, the Omsk region was organized with its center in Omsk.

The region included Bolsherechensky, Bolsheukovsky, Znamensky, Ikonnikovsky, Isilkulsky, Kalachinsky, Kolosovsky, Krutinsky, Lyubinsky, Muromtsevo, Nazyvaevsky, Pavlogradsky, Sedelnikovsky, Tevrizsky, Tyukalinsky, Ust-Ishimsky, Cherlaksky and Sherbakulsky districts, separated from Zapsibkrai. The Aromashevsky, Berdyuzhsky, Vikulovsky, Golyshmanovsky, Isetsky, Ishimsky, Kazansky, Maslyansky, Omutinsky, Uporovsky and Yalutorovsky districts were transferred from the Chelyabinsk region to the Omsk region. From the abolished Ob-Irtysh region, the Vagaisky, Nizhnetavdinsky, Tobolsky, Uvatsky, Yarkovsky, Tyumen districts and the national districts of Ostyako-Vogulsky, (Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Laryaksky, Samarovsky, Surgutsky, Shuryshkarsky districts) and Yamalo-Nenetsky (Nadymsky, Priuralsky districts) moved to Omsk , Purovsky, Tazovsky, Yamalsky districts). January 25, 1935 the districts were disaggregated and Abatsky, Azovsky, Armizonsky, Velizhansky, Dubrovinsky, Izylbashevsky, Kormilovsky, Maryanovsky, Moskalensky, Novozaimsky, Odessky, Okoneshnikovsky, Omsky, Poltava, Russko-Polyansky, Sargatsky, Sorokinsky, Tavrichesky, Tarsky, Yurginsky districts appeared.

The second half of the 1930s-1940s became a time of numerous territorial transformations.

On December 10, 1935, Vagaisky, Dubrovinsky, Tobolsk, Uvatsky and Yarkovsky districts became part of the newly organized Tobolsk Okrug.

December 31, 1935 The Tara district appeared, which included Bolsheukovsky, Znamensky, Kolosovsky, Sedelnikovsky, Tarsky, Tevrizsky and Ust-Ishimsky districts. At the same time, the Omsk region was abolished.

On July 10, 1936, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR renamed the Ikonnikovsky district to Gorkovsky, the village of Ikonnikovo to Gorkovsky.

On July 4, 1937, the Kaganovichi district was organized, and Izylbashevsky was renamed Molotovsky. The Yezhovsky district appeared in the Tara district, the Baikalovsky district in the Tobolsk district, and the Mikoyanovsky district in the Ostyako-Vogulsky district.

On September 10, 1937, the Shuryshkarsky district was transferred from the Ostyak-Vogulsky district to the Yamalo-Nenets district.

On August 4, 1938, the Tyumen region was organized.

On November 27, 1938, the center of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug, the working village of Salekhard, became a city.

On April 19, 1939, Isilkul became a workers’ village.

On September 2, 1939, the Yezhovsky district was renamed Dzerzhinsky.

On November 13, 1939, the workers’ settlement of Zavodoukovsk appeared in the Yalutorovsky district.

On October 23, 1940, the Ostyak-Vogulsky district was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk.

On November 23, 1940, the Tara district was abolished.

On December 20, 1940, Vasissky, Drobyshevsky, Nizhneomsky, Soldatsky and Ulyanovsky districts appeared. It should be noted that not everything went smoothly with the organization of these areas. According to the original project, the boundaries of the Drobyshevsky district should have been different, with the center in the village. Novo-Uralsk. As a regional center, Drobyshevo did not meet the requirements, and

On October 31, 1947, Novovarshavka became the center of the district. The same thing happened with the Nizhneomsky district, where the regional center was originally supposed to be located in the village. Pustynny, in 1945 the district center from Nizhnyaya Omka was going to be moved to the village. Ivanovka of the Kalachinsky district and rename the district to Ivanovsky, but in this case things did not go further than projects. On November 15, 1947, the regional center of the Kaganovichsky district was moved to the village. Krasnoyarsk. The decision on the organization of the Alekseevsky district from remote villages of the Lyubinsky, Nazyvaevsky and Tyukalinsky districts did not come into force either.

After 1940, districts did not appear in the Omsk region for many decades, but were only liquidated.

On January 24, 1943, Kalachinsk and Zavodopetrovsk became workers’ settlements (the latter in the Yalutorovsky district).

On February 6, 1943, the Armizonsky, Berdyuzhsky, Isetsky, Uporovsky districts and 8 village councils of the Novozaimsky district were transferred to the newly organized Kurgan region.

On August 14, 1944, Abatsky, Aromashevsky, Velizhansky, Vikulovsky, Golyshmanovsky, Ishimsky, Kazansky, Maslyansky, Nizhnetavdinsky, Novozaimsky, Omutinsky, Sorokinsky, Tyumensky, Yurginsky, Yalutorovsky districts, all areas of Tobolsk, Khanty-_Mansiysk and Yamalo were transferred to the created Tyumen region -Nenets districts.

On March 20, 1945, Isilkul was transformed into a city, and new workers’ settlements appeared: Nazyvaevsk (January 9, 1946), Lyubinsky (March 12, 1947), Cherlak (July 5, 1947). The period of the 2nd half of the 1930s-1940s is characterized by a number of moments. This is, first of all, a very long period of time between the adoption of a decision at the local level (and its actual implementation) and its approval by the central government. This period could be 10 years or more, which undoubtedly caused confusion in the documents.

The term “aul soviet” is gradually disappearing, their number designations are replaced by modern names of an ideological nature, or they are given someone else’s name (Oktyabrsky, Voroshilovsky, etc.). Moreover, they were already mentioned not as auls, but as village councils. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, village councils that bore German names (Margenausky, Estermaysky) were also renamed.

By 1940, farmsteads had practically disappeared in the Omsk region - their residents were forcibly brought to one place, where a new village was organized. This is how, for example, Kazanka appeared in the Lyubinsky district or Yuryevka in Vasissky.

The 1950s and early 1960s were the time of final registration of the territory of the Omsk region.

On August 30, 1951, the village of Prosyakovka was transferred from the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region to the Muromtsevo district; On October 25, 1951, the Baksheevsky, Zagvazdinsky and Kazan village councils were transferred from the Dubrovinsky district of the Tyumen region to the Ust-Ishimsky district; On December 18, 1952, the village was transferred from the Tatar district of the Novosibirsk region to the Okoneshnikovsky district. Kulomzino, and on July 23, 1953, to the same place from the Chistoozersky district of the Novosibirsk region - Aul village council, on March 10, 1956, the border of the Bolsheukovsky district with the Vikulovsky district of the Tyumen region was changed, and on June 15, 1960, the villages of Bodagovo were listed there from the Ust-Ishimsky district , Kolmakovo, Rezanovo. The borders of the Omsk region were finally formed.

On October 15, 1953, the Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovichi and Soldatsky districts were abolished.

On July 13, 1957, the Molotovsky district was renamed Irtyshsky.

On February 1, 1963, the Azov, Bolsheukovsky, Vasissky, Drobyshevsky, Irtyshsky, Kolosovsky, Kormilovsky, Krutinsky, Maryanovsky, Poltava, Nizhneomsky, Odessa, Okoneshnikovsky, Sargatsky, Sedelnikovsky, Ust-Ishimsky and Sherbakulsky districts were abolished. Ulyanovsk district was renamed Omsk.

On March 4, 1964, the Krutinsky, Sedelnikovsky, Sherbakulsky and Novovarshavsky (formerly Drobyshevsky) districts were restored, on January 11, 1965 - Bolsheukovsky, Kolosovsky, Odessa, Okoneshnikovsky, Poltava, Sargatsky and Ust-Ishimsky, and on November 4, 1965 - Kormilovsky, Maryanovsky and Nizhneomsky districts.

Big changes have occurred at the grassroots level. Campaigns were carried out to consolidate collective farms and village councils and transform collective farms into state farms. If the village council included the central estate of the state farm, then the center of the village council was transferred there. All this led to a massive transfer of settlements from village council to village council. On the other hand, when settlements that were part of the collective farm were annexed to the state farm, the term “state farm village council” disappeared (disappeared completely by the mid-1960s).

During this period, the cities of Kalachinsk (November 27, 1952) and Nazyvaevsk (January 25, 1956), transformed from workers’ villages, appeared in the Omsk region. The number of workers' settlements also grew. This status was received by Krasny Yar (October 16, 1957), Maryanovka (May 16, 1958), Olgino (September 22, 1958), Bolsherechye and Kormilovka (April 18, 1960), Kharino (October 20, 1960,

December 22, 1963 renamed Beregovoy), Krutaya Gorka (November 15


The only dacha village in the region, Chernoluchye, also appeared (August 31, 1958). At the same time, the working settlement of Borisovsky was transformed into a village (January 25, 1957).

The 1960s-1980s are characterized, first of all, by the disappearance from the map of the region of hundreds of settlements declared “unpromising”. The campaign to consolidate village councils continued. On the other hand, the number of workers' settlements has increased, which are now called “urban-type settlements”. This status was received by Krutinka and Muromtsevo (November 21, 1968), Sargatkskoye (January 10, 1969), Tavrichesky (June 12, 1969), Russkaya Polyana (August 17, 1973), Vkhodnoy (August 12, 1977) , Bolshegrivskoe

(August 9, 1984), Pavlogradka (March 22, 1984), Poltavka (August 8, 1985), Gorkovskoye, Novovarshavka, Sherbakul (July 10, 1986), Tevriz (September 25, 1986), urban settlement type Olgino renamed to Moskalenki

(January 25, 1969).

After 1991, there were no significant territorial changes. The Azov region was organized (March 17, 1992), which received German national status.

The urban-type settlement of Cherlaksky was converted into a village (June 26


After 1993, instead of village councils, various names of local authorities appeared - rural administration, rural district, territorial entity. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Omsk region...”, adopted on September 25, 2003, the following administrative units were established: rural administration -

in Isilkulsky, Lyubinsky, Maryanovsky, Moskalensky, Novovarshavsky, Odessa, Tarsky, Tyukalinsky districts;
territorial entity
- in Bolsheukovsky district;
village council
- in Pavlogradsky district;
rural administrative district -
in the Sherbakul region;
rural district -
in the remaining 21 districts. On July 15, 2004, a single division into rural districts was established.

On July 15, 2004, the center of the Omsk region was moved to the village. Rostovka.

The following changes have occurred over the past 10 years. 6 new village councils were organized, 3 were abolished, 1 was renamed. 8 settlements were transferred from the village council to the village council, 2 were renamed, 42 settlements disappeared from the map of the region. Minor transformations in recent years indicate the established system of administrative-territorial division of the Omsk region.

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Coronavirus statistics by regions of Russia as of February 9, 2022

Saint Petersburg813112421964460
Moscow region98663691195635
Nizhny Novgorod Region6721501574417
Sverdlovsk region651841590412
Samara Region4851728358214
Voronezh region285143532889
Rostov region3961202357112
Perm region385733500520
Krasnoyarsk region4291425574812
Chelyabinsk region3843203441613
Irkutsk region367724271312
Krasnodar region591658302113
Arhangelsk region21090329692
Omsk region2661508244515
Altai region3981485409819
Saratov region22633316319
Stavropol region3421246175014
Volgograd region418401171511
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug206243034713
Republic of Bashkortostan4871560258718
Khabarovsk region21939913562
Republic of Crimea2633279156
Ulyanovsk region12571913208
Orenburg region270119726512
Leningrad region18950227665
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)260483029503
Novosibirsk region39942439787
Tyumen region20023128024
Primorsky Krai29246315176
Tver region2425315811
Vologda Region22298519164
Penza region227156215010
Komi Republic20268218143
Bryansk region20578316427
Transbaikal region82131212294
Murmansk region93130413677
Kaliningrad region20010520038
Kemerovo region43038119997
Republic of Karelia9768411826
Tula region148392247510
Vladimir region14935116537
Lipetsk region13374916438
Udmurt republic242112120445
Yaroslavl region226415131911
The Republic of Buryatia20690116018
Kirov region30362816842
Smolensk region1402738504
Astrakhan region993068557
Belgorod region19249111982
Kursk region1472288453
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug6851914511
Oryol Region1512879618
Kaluga region11221012414
The Republic of Dagestan2485886743
Pskov region66193537
Ryazan Oblast12946812956
Novgorod region1083328551
Ivanovo region1022666754
Tambov Region10134911846
Tomsk region2291319812
The Republic of Khakassia151119410035
Amur region91749834
Kurgan region10210912202
Chuvash Republic26158711367
Kostroma region521429691
Republic of Tatarstan44463015145
Sakhalin region682095923
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic1242944184
The Republic of Mordovia1112055063
Republic of Kalmykia522374182
Chechen Republic47605114
Tyva Republic69322572
Karachay-Cherkess Republic641273981
Mari El Republic741295165
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania1031022085
The Republic of Ingushetia312113701
Republic of Adygea712764932
Kamchatka Krai5084342
Altai Republic43442041
Magadan Region253001613
Jewish Autonomous Region1717782
Nenets Autonomous Okrug610498
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug4658
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