Veliky Ustyug. Where is it located on the map, attractions

Where is

The city is located in the northeastern European part of Russia, on the territory of the Vologda region. Veliky Ustyug is located on the left bank of the river. Sukhony. Geographic coordinates: 60045¢ 32¢¢ s. sh., 46018¢14¢ v. d.

The nearest major cities are located within 500 km. The distance from the regional center Veliky Ustyug is 450 km, to Cherepovets 490 km, to Kirov – 446 km. Most tourists arrive at the railway station and Vologda airport.

You can get from here to your destination by several means of transport:

  • Bus. Regular buses depart from the Central City Bus Station daily, the interval between them is approximately 60 minutes.
  • Automobile. The movement starts along the M-8 highway. The main part of the route from the regional center to Veliky Ustyug passes along the P-7 highway until the P-157 highway sign. This turn will lead travelers to their intended goal.
  • Train. There is no direct train connection between the cities, so during the trip you will need to change buses at Kotlas or Yadrikha stations.

The most comfortable and fastest way to get to Veliky Ustyug is by plane from Cherepovets airport. On ordinary days there are 2 flights per day, but their number increases significantly before the New Year and during the Christmas holidays.

Since 2012, special flights have been operated from St. Petersburg and Moscow (Father Frost fare) Moscow-Cherepovets-Veliky Ustyug, St. Petersburg-Cherepovets-Veliky Ustyug.

Weather, best time to travel

The climatic conditions in Veliky Ustyug are not severe, but there are several nuances that should be taken into account before choosing travel dates.

Average climatic indicators in Veliky Ustyug (by month):

Air temperature (0C)Precipitation (mm)

A huge number of tourists arrive in November (Santa Claus's birthday on the 18th) and during the New Year holidays. In mid-autumn, the thermometer already drops below 00 C, frosts reach -5-70 C, and it snows quite often. In December - January, the average air temperature is -11-130C, the amount of precipitation is negligible.

If your trip to Veliky Ustyug is not timed to coincide with the winter holidays, then the best time to visit is in the summer months. The peak season is in the second half of July and early August. At this time, there are quite a few cloudy and rainy days, and the air and water temperatures are optimal for a beach holiday and sightseeing.

You should not plan a trip for June - early July, end of August - September. These periods are characterized by huge amounts of precipitation (monsoon season).

Veliky Ustyug is in the same time zone as Moscow.

Key points

The city of Veliky Ustyug cannot boast of being large. Only 32,000 people are registered in its compact territory. On the eve of the winter holidays, the number of its inhabitants increases several times. In the central part of the municipality there are museums and craft workshops, as well as about three dozen churches. The local craftsmen master the technology of birch bark carving, blacken silver and weave beautiful carpets.

Religious buildings

Veliky Ustyug is rightfully called the city of temples. Many ancient churches and cathedrals are located not only within the city limits, but also outside it. Most of them are not operational and have become architectural monuments.

Orthodox parish of the Cathedral of the Righteous Procopius

The temple was erected on the burial site of the holy martyr Procopius, considered the patron saint of the city. The first wooden church has stood on this site since 1471. The stone building of the cathedral was built in 1668, sponsored by merchants Vasily and Afanasy Guselnikov. The facade of the ancient temple is decorated with an ancient fresco “The Last Supper”. The myrrh-streaming icon of the Annunciation is kept inside.

Since 2014 it has become the main Cathedral of the Veliky Ustyug diocese.

Address: st. Embankment, 57.

Cathedral of the Assumption

The oldest and first stone building in the city. The first temple was erected at the beginning of the 17th century, but a fire destroyed the wooden structure. A few years later, a stone cathedral appeared on the same site. Adjacent to the main building is a bell tower, consisting of 2 towers connected to each other.

One of them is crowned with a dome, and the second is decorated with a finial in a classical style. The extraordinary architecture adds charm and splendor to the building. The Assumption Cathedral is a functioning temple.

Address: Cathedral Courtyard, Sovetsky Ave. 62.

Michael the Archangel Monastery

The oldest temple in northern Russia was built at the beginning of the 13th century. Later, the wooden building underwent changes in its design, which has remained unchanged to this day. The appearance and interior decoration of the monastery has been preserved to the present day from the 17th-18th centuries. V.

You can visit it at any time of the year, but it is best to go on a tour of the surrounding area in the summer. The monastery has not been active for several decades; now the building serves exclusively as a historical and architectural monument.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, st. Pavel Pokrovsky, 13

Church of the Ascension

Currently, a museum of ancient Russian art is opened in the temple building. Here are collected ancient books from the libraries of local monasteries and churches, ancient icons dating from the 15th-17th centuries, several iconostases from the 17th-18th centuries. V. On the second floor is the main asset of the museum - the miraculous icon “Our Lady Hodegetria of Smolensk”, with which the locals associate many legends.

According to one version, during the attack of the Novgorodians on the city in the 17th century. she was kidnapped. But during their return to their native lands, some of the soldiers died, while others became blind. The ruler ordered the burned church to be rebuilt and the stolen icon returned.

On the territory of the museum there is an icon painter’s workshop, where master classes are regularly held. Anyone can learn more about the paint used for the icon, watch the artists work and try to create an ornament themselves.

To visit the museum you will have to pay 100 rubles, and for children, students and the elderly - 2 times less.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Sovetsky pr., 86

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery

A few kilometers from the city there is another attraction. The construction of the monastery was completed in the 13th century. Gradually the monastery fell into decay, and after several centuries it ceased to be active. In the 20th century it was decided to open a museum within its walls.

The main value of the Trinity-Gledensky Monastery is the wooden iconostasis. Its creation lasted 8 years. The icons were painted by the best artists; craftsmen worked on wood carving for 3 years. Many see similarities between the iconostasis and works of the Renaissance; a distinctive feature is the presence of large wooden sculptures.

The cost of visiting is 150 rubles. Children, students and pensioners must pay 50 rubles less.

Address: Morozovitsa village, st. Central, 122

What to watch for adults

Adult tourists coming to Veliky Ustyug also often visit the Estate of Father Frost. However, in most cases, the impressive discovery for them is the city itself. In the center of Ustyug, entire streets lined with merchant houses and slender white churches have been preserved.

Cathedral courtyard

One of the dominant features of Veliky Ustyug and its main attractions is the Cathedral Courtyard. This is a temple ensemble that occupies part of the Sukhona embankment.

The main thing in it is the Ustyug Assumption Cathedral . Its history begins in 1290. In the middle of the 16th century. it was rebuilt in stone, receiving the features of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and becoming the first stone church in the Russian North. The interior is rich in carvings and stucco, but is currently undergoing restoration. Inspection is only available from outside.

Cathedral courtyard Photo: © Sergey Vasilets

The Cathedral of Procopius the Righteous is a couple of centuries younger. It is open to parishioners and those wishing to see the elaborate iconostasis of the early 18th century, decorated with carvings and gold. Two centuries younger than it is the Cathedral of St. John of Ustyug , a summer one, erected on the site of a small wooden church. Recently opened after restoration.

Next to them in Pionersky Park there is a monument to Semyon Dezhnev , an outstanding native of the Russian North, explorer and discoverer of the strait between Chukotka and Kamchatka.

Sights of Veliky Ustyug

Cathedral of Procopius of Ustyug Photo: © vladkonst

Church of the Epiphany – Exhibition Hall

The Epiphany (Vlasyevskaya) Church on the Cathedral Courtyard is a small temple of the late 17th century, which served the daily needs of the Cathedral of John of Ustyug. It is unpretentious in appearance, but more than others it has retained its original image.

Today it houses the Exhibition Hall of the City Museum-Reserve. Temporary exhibitions present the works of local and Russian artists - artists, embroiderers, puppeteers. There are both personal exhibitions and events dedicated to certain events. The exhibition “Creation of Soul and Hands” has become traditional, inspiring with the creative works of veterans of Veliky Ustyug and the Veliky Ustyug region in embroidery, lace, and model making.

Read more: Church of the Epiphany

Museum of History and Culture

Studying the Museum of History and Culture of the city will help you delve deeper into the architectural heritage of Veliky Ustyug. The museum occupies the historical estate of the merchant Usov on the embankment. This is a two-story mansion in the classicist style. It was built at the end of the 18th century. and even before the Revolution it was sold to the city government.

The permanent exhibitions highlight the history of the city, its main crafts - carving and painting on birch bark, silver blackening, as well as the fine arts of local painters. With archaeological finds, coins, jewelry - piece by piece, the first tells about the early centuries of the last millennium, about the peoples who lived here, their way of life and significance in the history of the Russian state. A separate part is dedicated to the merchant Ustyug, the craft center of the Russian North. The museum is holding a master class on weaving Vologda bobbin lace.

Read more: Museum of History and Culture of Veliky Ustyug

Museum of History and Culture of Veliky Ustyug Photo: © Sergey Vasilets

St. Nicholas Church – Museum of Ethnography

One of the temples on the banks of the Sukhona is the Nikolo-Gostinskaya Church with a bell tower. The temple was an initiative of visitors who traded in Veliky Ustyug, and was built at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. The combination of summer and winter churches in one was an innovation for the city. Today the church is adjacent to the New Year tree and the figure of V.I. Lenin.

The architectural monument, like other valuable churches, belongs to the Veliky Ustyug Museum-Reserve. Within its walls it hosts exhibitions of the Museum of Ethnography. “Folk Art of the Ustyug Land” is a permanent exhibition that conveys the diversity of the culture of the region in the period of the 17th - early 20th centuries. She introduces the objects of the peasant hut and urban life of the Ustyuzhans - wooden, forged, pottery, and besides them - women's costume and home textiles. Each of them is decorated with original carvings, designs or embroidery depicting plants, birds, animals, people or geometric designs.

Read more: St. Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church Photo: © Sergey Vasilets

Church of the Ascension – Museum of Ancient Russian Art

The Ascension Church stands at the intersection of the central arteries of Veliky Ustyug - Sovetsky Avenue and Krasnaya Street. The lavishly decorated snow-white temple built in 1648 is hard to miss. It is decorated with three rows of kokoshniks, black faceted domes, openwork crosses and various three-dimensional elements. Inside you can find an ancient gilded iconostasis with icons by Stefan Sokolov.

The temple is also a branch of the historical and architectural reserve - the Museum of Ancient Russian Art. It continues to reveal the cultural splendor of Veliky Ustyug. In addition to the unique iconostasis, within the walls of the church there are genuine relics: handwritten and early printed books, wooden sculpture, blackened silver, embroidery, icons created by Ustyug residents in their own manner. Among them, for example, is the 1496 icon of “The Dormition of the Mother of God” from the Assumption Cathedral and “Our Lady Hodegetria of Smolensk” from the mid-16th century.

Read more: Museum of Ancient Russian Art

Church of the Ascension Photo: © Marina2506

Blackening is the application of a pattern to metal products, based on creating small depressions and filling them with contrasting metal. Such processing has existed in Rus' since ancient times, but the masters of Veliky Ustyug made it an art. Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver - elegant and richly plotted designs. In the 19th century there was a decline in its demand, but in 1933 its revival was initiated by a hereditary master in the form of the Northern Mob artel. Developing successfully, in 1960 it became a factory that is still operating today.

The factory's products include jewelry, cutlery, crosses, icons, trays and souvenirs. You can not only purchase them, but also get acquainted with the process in the factory’s showroom upon prior request. On display are products from different years and authors, including exhibition winners. Guests can see first-hand the painstaking handwork and then decorate the silver coin themselves.

More details:

Exhibits of the showroom Photo: © vladkonst

Komsomolsky Square

Komsomolsky Square is located between Krasnaya and Pavel Pokrovsky streets. It hides a couple of pearls of old Russian architecture. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, built in 1669, is a snow-white, elegantly decorated five-domed church with a bell tower. The facades are decorated with colorful tiles with drawings of plants, birds, and animals. Very close by stands the Sretenskaya Church , rebuilt later. Until 1920-1930 Both were part of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery; today they are occupied by the city archives.

In front of them is a monument to Erofei Khabarov , a pioneer and explorer of Siberia. The bas-reliefs depict scenes of his wanderings. The monument really surprises guests, because Khabarovsk, a city at the other end of the country, is named after the hero. It’s just that Erofey Pavlovich comes from these places. His figure, standing under the stele with a double-headed eagle, harmoniously fit into the temple ensemble.

Transfiguration and Sretenskaya churches, monument to E. Khabarov Photo: © Irina Porunova

Michael the Archangel Monastery

Next to Komsomolsky Square is the St. Michael the Archangel Monastery. According to the chronicles, it has existed since the beginning of the 13th century, but all the buildings in stone were made in the 17th-18th centuries, which in no way detracts from the attention to it. First of all, passers-by are attracted by the figured Holy Gates with spiers. Afterwards there is the Vladimir Gate Church, decorated with voluminous decor. It is followed by the one-story small Church of Mid-Pentecost.

The main one here is the St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral , connected by a passage with the Church of the Presentation . The four-pillar cathedral with five chapters, two chapels, galleries and a bell tower became the first of its kind in Veliky Ustyug. It has preserved paintings and an iconostasis with features of Baroque and Classicism. There are no services there, and access inside is limited: possible in the summer and only with a guided tour from the museum-reserve. One of the ancient shrines of the cathedral, an icon from the period XIII-XIV centuries. “The Cathedral of the Archangel Michael” can be seen in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.

Read more: St. Michael the Archangel Monastery

St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral Photo: © Sergey Vasilets


The depository of the Veliky Ustyug Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve is a repository of museum exhibits. It is located next to the Children's Museum Center. In the halls accessible to the visitor, samples of tiles, objects made of carved birch bark and porcelain, furniture, and spinning wheels are stored.

Temporary exhibitions bring to light part of the collections related to a single theme. For example, exhibitions showed the works of the Ustyug photographer G. K. Lokhtin, who lived at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, and a collection of skillful partner gifts for the anniversary of the service of S. M. Pryanishnikov, a man who devoted half a century to the work of the Lal paper mill (second half of the 19th - early XX centuries).

Urban architecture

Despite the presence of modern signs, traffic lights and other details, a walk through Veliky Ustyug is a journey into the past of a once rich city. Take a closer look: some of the shops, offices, kindergartens and other establishments are located in merchant mansions. These are one- or two-story houses made of stone or wood. Among them there are both simple and more complex in shape and beauty.

Some of the most prominent representatives of antiquity:

Shilov's house on the street. Shilova, 8 - a tall, two-story house with a mezzanine and a figured pediment above it. The façade is decorated with decorative platbands and divided by cornices. Construction began, presumably, at the end of the 17th century. It belonged to the Ustyug explorer V.I. Shilov.

Shilov's house Photo: © vladkonst

Zakharov's house on the street. Shilova, 9/2 - merchant mansion of the late 18th century. on one floor with a mezzanine. Decorated more modestly than the first, but still consistent with the success of the owner.

Neledinykh's house on the street. Krasnaya, 76 - a strong merchant mansion of a later construction and in some ways repeating the features of Shilov's house.

House of the Zhigalovs on the street. Vodnikov, 38 - corner house from the street. Engels. The corner of the wooden two-story building is decorated with a tent, and the entire decor of the building’s facades is made of wood.

Sovetsky Prospekt Photo: © vladkonst

Churches in Dymkovo

Opposite the Cathedral Courtyard on the other bank of the Sukhona lies the Dymkovskaya Settlement, now part of the borders of Ustyug. The area is famous for two ancient churches - Sergievskaya and Dmitrievskaya. They were first mentioned at the end of the 14th century, but have existed in stone form since the 1700s. The best panorama of the Cathedral Courtyard opens from the shore nearby. In winter, you can walk to Dymkovo on ice or drive across a bridge.

The five-domed temple of Demetrius of Thessalonica was used in the summer. Its architecture is simple, but at the same time majestic and entertaining. The main part is occupied by a quadrangle connected to the refectory and the bell tower. There are a lot of decorations on the outside, among which the five-meter-tall Image of the Almighty Savior on the eastern façade stands out. The main value of the decoration is the gilded carved iconostasis of the 18th century, however, at present the temple is not in use and inspections are not carried out inside.

The single-domed Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh is extended due to extensions. The temple was open even in winter; tiled stoves were preserved in it.

Temple of Dmitry Solunsky Photo: © vladkonst

The most interesting museums

Veliky Ustyug is located in the Russian North, rich in cultural and historical values. Only here you can learn more about the celebration of everyone’s favorite winter holiday - New Year, visit the preserved ancient buildings and get to know the city better.

Museum of New Year's Toys

In the center of the city there is an amazing place where every corner is filled with an atmosphere of magic and childhood. The museum's exhibitions are dedicated to the essential attributes of the New Year holidays - toys. They are located on Christmas trees, each made in accordance with a certain time era.

Ancient jewelry is gradually becoming more modern; some toys are made by the best local craftsmen and have no copies in the whole world.

You must pay 120 rubles for a visit. Address: Veliky Ustyug, pl. Communes, 7

City residence of Father Frost

The building has 2 main halls: the throne room and the magic room. In the first of them sits the good wizard himself, who will fulfill a wish only after visitors write down their good deeds in a special book.

In the magic room you can learn more about the history of the New Year, and in the workshop you can create your own greeting cards.

Ticket price – 100 rubles. Address: Veliky Ustyug, Sovetsky pr., 85

Ethnographical museum

You can learn more about peasant life and see with your own eyes ancient products made of textiles, ceramics and wood only by visiting the museum. Previously, the Church of St. Nicholas Gostunsky was located on this site. Currently, the building regularly hosts exhibitions of collections that have been collected over several centuries.

After getting acquainted with the objects of folk art, you can go to a master class, where professionals teach traditional crafts to everyone.

The cost of a museum tour is 120 rubles. Address: Veliky Ustyug, emb. st., 66

Museum of History and Culture

In the building of the former estate of the merchant Usov, there is a museum where the main historical and cultural values ​​of the city are presented. The largest exhibition is dedicated to the life of the local population and the main events of past years. The museum contains a collection of paintings by great artists, including works by Shishkin, Vasnetsov and Aivazovsky.

Ticket price – 100 rubles. Address: Veliky Ustyug, st. Embankment, 64

Museum at

Visitors will learn a lot about silver blackening techniques, attend master classes, watch professionals at work and try to master an unusual craft. Having created an engraving on a copper coin, you can take the souvenir with you. The showroom displays the best work from the last few years.

A visit to the museum costs 150 rubles. Address: Veliky Ustyug, st. A. Uglovsky, 1

Monuments and Monuments

Local people still honor memories of great people born in Veliky Ustyug or its environs. The city has several monuments dedicated to famous personalities.

Monument to Erofey Khabarov

In 2015, the grand opening of a monument dedicated to a native of Veliky Ustyug, E. Khabarov, took place. Khabarovsk was named after him, thanks to his records, maps of the Far East and Transbaikalia were compiled. During his travels, he discovered new places, describing them in detail in his diaries.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Komsomolsky Square

Monument to Semyon Dezhnev

The traveler and navigator who glorified his region became famous when, during another expedition, he discovered the Bering Strait. Dezhnev made a huge contribution to the development of Russian geography, and is still honored to this day. The monument was built at the end of the 20th century.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Sovetsky Ave.

Monument to Admiral N. Kuznetsov

In 2004, construction of the monument erected in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov was completed. To this day, the admiral's name remains famous. His homeland is the village of Medvedka. Kuznetsov's exploits occupy a separate page in the history of Russia.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, pl. Glory

Sculpture "Aquarius"

In 1983, a sculpture was unveiled on the city embankment, which was later called the symbol of the city. The hero of ancient legends is depicted standing on a huge stone and pouring water from two vessels, meaning the rivers Yug and Sukhona. The merging rivers give rise to the Northern Dvina.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, st. Embankment

Architectural structures

The ancient northern city cannot boast of medieval castles and palaces, but quite a few significant architectural attractions have been preserved on its territory.

Dymkovskaya Sloboda

On the right bank of the river. Sukhony is located one of the most beautiful areas of the city. The main architectural values ​​of Veliky Ustyug have been preserved here. The first wooden churches were erected in the 14th century. in honor of the victory on the Kulikovo field. Later the buildings were replaced by stone temples.

Among the many Orthodox churches, the temple of Dmitry of Thessalonica and Sergei of Radonezh stands out. The partially preserved fence, erected in the mid-19th century, deserves attention. and the Corner Tower with gates.

Address: Veliky Ustyug, Dymkovo district

Cathedral courtyard

The historical core of Veliky Ustyug and the main city attraction is located on the site where a wooden citadel stood in ancient times. Churches and temple buildings are adjacent to each other so closely that from the opposite bank they seem to be an incredibly beautiful complete building.

Among this splendor, the 5-domed Assumption Cathedral stands out. Closer to the Embankment there is another active Cathedral of Procopius the Righteous.

Address: Sovetsky Ave., 62.

Buldakov's estate

One of the decorations of the city embankment is a noble estate, built at the beginning of the 19th century. The main brick building was built in the Empire style. The ensemble is complemented by symmetrical wings, united by a wrought-iron fence and gates decorated with pylons.

At various times, the building housed the Men's Gymnasium, the Pukhovichi Infantry School, and the Institute of Public Education. Now the halls of the estate have turned into classrooms for students of the Pedagogical College.

Address: st. Embankment, p. 46, 47.

Mansion of merchant Usov

The estate was built by the richest Ustyug merchant Vasily Usov at the beginning of the 19th century. The 2-storey mansion is designed in classicism style. The facade of the house is decorated with rosettes, and the windows are decorated with skillful stucco. In the middle of the 19th century. The estate was inherited by the merchant’s son, Grigory, who at that time served as the mayor.

Since 1886, various government institutions were located in the mansion, and in 1930 the estate became part of the Veliky Ustyug Museum-Reserve. In the halls of the museum there are 4 permanent exhibitions that introduce visitors to the history of the city and cultural features. Among the exhibits are unique archaeological finds and ancient household items.

The cost of visiting is 120 rubles; pensioners and schoolchildren visit the museum with discounted tickets. Address: st. Embankment, 64.

Sights of the city Veliky Ustyug

The visiting card of the settlement is the architectural complex Cathedral Courtyard. People call it northern Suzdal. Its ensemble consists of the Assumption Cathedral, in the upper tier of which there is a bell tower, a monastery, churches, a bishop's house and outbuildings. Free entry does not apply to all premises. On clear and quiet days, visitors are allowed to climb the bell tower. The ticket costs 50 rubles.

Opposite the Cathedral Courtyard rises Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is also a district of the city of Veliky Ustyug. Orthodox services in its churches were discontinued in 1930. Their restoration took place in 1986. The embankment, along which tourists leisurely stroll today, was recently renewed and strengthened. To get to the settlement, you need to cross the Sukhona riverbed over a bridge. This path is not easy; its length exceeds seven kilometers. Taxi drivers will take you there for only 150 rubles. In summer, a ferry docks at the Left Bank.

Natural attractions

The surrounding area of ​​the city is famous for its magnificent pine forests, nature reserves and many beautiful and picturesque places.

Geological outcrop of Opoka

60 km from Veliky Ustyug, the Sukhona River bends sharply, forming a dangerous rapid. On the steep slope of the right bank, layers of marls and clay soil are clearly visible, in which the remains of ancient organisms and the footprints of prehistoric lizards are clearly visible.

A little higher than this place there is another miracle of nature - the Fountaining Spring.

Waterfall "Vaskin Key"

Not far from the village. Nizhnyaya Tozma is one of the most popular and visited natural attractions of the Veliky Ustyug region. The source of the waterfall is the spring of Devil's Lake. The water passes underground for more than 5 km and then comes to the surface, falling from a height of 10 m. The purest spring water is always cold, even on the hottest day the temperature does not exceed +70C.

Cape Bull

The name of the natural attraction was inspired by its unusual shape. From the high bank in the lower reaches of the river. Sukony Cape is quite similar to a bull lying on the edge of the bank and enjoying the river water.

There are many legends about Cape Bull, telling about hidden caves in which robbers hid treasures.

Spirino Park

The monument to landscape art is located 20 km from the city (towards Nikolsk), in the area between the Yuga and Shardenga rivers. More than 70 linden trees grow on an area of ​​0.63 hectares. The trees are about 150-160 years old. They are planted in such a way that they form several alleys. Poplars, pines, rare species of birch, and Siberian cedars grow in the park.

What to see in the area

Veliky Ustyug is surrounded by meadows and dense forests, which are threaded by three large rivers. It is difficult to blame nature for anything; it is beautiful both in its snow-white robe and in the greenery of summer. Among the specific places where tourists visit, most often the forgotten monastery and the “Sukhonsky miracle” - an unusual-looking section of the Sukhona River.

Photo: © Sergey Vasilets

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery

On the other side of the Sukhona, on a hill near the confluence with the South, lies the village of Morozovitsa . People visit it to look at the ensemble of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery. The monastery was founded in the city of Gleden, now defunct. Unlike the city, it survived the civil strife of the Russian princes, and in the 17th-18th centuries. rebuilt in stone.

Now the Trinity Cathedral and the Tikhvin Church rise on the territory. Surprisingly, the institutions of the Soviet era did not violate their architectural integrity. The pearl of the cathedral is a carved, gilded iconostasis with icons reminiscent of European painting. You can explore the monastery from the outside on your own in winter or summer, but excursions inside are only available in the summer. The surrounding landscape of the monastery is always worthy of attention - the river expanses at the junction of large rivers.

Read more: Trinity-Gledensky Monastery


One of the remarkable places in the vicinity of Ustyug that you can visit in winter is Opoki, which is 63 km from the city. This is both the rapids on the Sukhona and the steep, exposed right bank of the river near the village of Porog. The slope is composed of red and white rocks, alternating horizontal layers. A small stream washed it through, dividing it in two.

The rapids on the river are long, shallow, but fast flowing. In winter it is unlikely to be seen as the river freezes. The well is of greatest interest: the jet gushing out like a fountain creates high walls of ice. It is located on the other side of the river a kilometer below the Threshold. To get to the fountain, you need to cross to the other side. After snow, you may have to pave the trail yourself. You need to be careful on the ice; there are gullies in some places.

Read more: Opoki in the Vologda region

Ice fountain in Opoki Photo: © Kristina Kosinskaya

Modern objects interesting to visit

You can have fun with friends after an excursion in Veliky Ustyug in one of the nightclubs:

  • C4 PRODUCTION (Krasnaya St., 53). Ideal for lovers of rock music and jazz.
  • Dezhnev (Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 6).
  • ACCA (Krasnaya St., 53).
  • Cultural and leisure (Krasnoflotskaya str., 2A).

For lovers of active recreation, a visit to the “Free Shooter” Paintball Club is ideal. It is located on the territory of the Salyut ski base.

For shopping in Veliky Ustyug, you should go to the largest shopping mall. On an area of ​​18,000 km2 there are more than 60 retail outlets offering a wide range of clothing, jewelry, children's products, perfumes and cosmetics from the best Russian and European manufacturers. The shopping center is located in the city center, st. Gledenskaya, p.61.

Interesting places to relax with children

Veliky Ustyug is located in the north of the country. This is where the famous Russian residence of Father Frost is located. Entertainment in the city will appeal especially to children, who will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale with their parents, visit a good wizard, write a letter with holiday wishes, and much more.

Santa Claus Mail

Every year thousands of children write about their wishes for the New Year, and all letters come to a special department.

Visitors to the post office will be able to go on excursions and see the collection of letters, gifts and greeting cards that Santa Claus receives. Anyone can send a letter from the magic mail and purchase a memorable gift when leaving.

Santa Claus's House

The first thing the investigators encounter on their way is the Trail of Fairy Tales. Here, guests of Father Frost's Estate will meet fairy-tale characters, solve their whimsical riddles and engage in a cheerful dance with a catchy song. Having passed the path, travelers find themselves straight in the house of a good wizard. The estate houses a snow laboratory, a library, Santa Claus's room and his office.

Santa Claus's House

After visiting the estate, you can explore the surroundings of the house. In the winter garden, visitors will see amazing plants and taste delicious warming tea. In the glacier there are figures made entirely of ice all year round. A trip to the zoo will definitely be memorable for children; here you can see several species of bears, a huge number of birds, reindeer, foxes and many other animals.

You can find out about the offered excursions and current prices on the official website.

Address: Veliky Ustyug district, Mardengskoye village, Father Frost's Estate, no. 1.

Tired of constant excursions, you can go to entertainment centers, which children will definitely enjoy visiting:

  • Address of the recreational center "Fidget": Veliky Ustyug, Sovetsky Ave.
  • Address of the Chunga-Changa Children's Center: Veliky Ustyug, st. Kirova, 85

Educational establishments

Veliky Ustyug Polytechnic College

Polytechnic College website.

BOU SPO VO "Velikoustyug Humanitarian Pedagogical College"

Website of the Veliky Ustyug Humanitarian and Pedagogical College.

Veliky Ustyug branch of the Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MGAVT"

Website of the Veliky Ustyug branch of the Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MGAVT". The river school website provides information for applicants, namely a list of specialties at the school, admission conditions, necessary documents, lists of applicants, contacts and much more useful information for those who are going to or studying at the river school.

GOU SPO "Velikoustyug Medical College named after N.P. Bychikhin"

Website of the Veliky Ustyug Medical College named after N.P. Bychikhin.

Vologda State Technical University (VSTU)

Website of the Vologda State Technical University (VSTU).

Vologda State Pedagogical University (VSPU)

Website of the Vologda State Pedagogical University (VSPU).

Veliky Ustyug Children's Art School

Website for children's art school.

Website of the municipal educational institution "Gymnasium"

The website " MOU Gymnasium " is the official website of the school.

Websites of city schools

There are about 10 schools in the city, but not each of them has its own website. Therefore, we could not find the website of school 1, the website of school 4, and the websites of other schools

Self-guided route for 1-2 days

The main historical, architectural and cultural attractions of Veliky Ustyug are concentrated in the central part. It is recommended to devote the first day of your stay to getting to know the history and culture of the city and visiting the main architectural and Orthodox monuments.

Embankment, Veliky Ustyug

The route includes:

  • Sightseeing tour of the Cathedral Courtyard with a visit to the Assumption Cathedral.
  • Museum of Ancient Russian Art in the Church of the Ascension.
  • The main exhibition of the Veliky Ustyug Museum-Reserve is in the house of the merchant Usov.
  • Walk along the Embankment.
  • Museum of New Year's toys.
  • . In the showroom, visitors will learn the secrets of jewelry making, and an interactive exhibition will help them learn the history of production development. The store offers a wide range of jewelry.

In the afternoon, you should go on an excursion to Dymkovskaya Sloboda or go out of town on an excursion to the Trinity-Gledensky Monastery.

If tourists arrive in Veliky Ustyug with children, it is worth visiting in 1 day:

  • City residence of Father Frost.
  • Santa Claus mail.
  • Fashion house of Father Frost.

On the 2nd day of sightseeing, especially in winter, it is recommended to visit Santa Claus. A fascinating journey through the Votchina begins with the Trail of Fairy Tales.

The main excursion program includes:

  • House of Santa Claus.
  • Introductory walk through the Winter Garden.
  • Excursion to the forge.
  • Visit to the post office.
  • Inspection of ice sculptures.
  • Meet the inhabitants of the local zoo.

Veliky Ustyug is located 70 km from the Opoki natural monument.

Geyser Opoki

In the warm season, on day 2 of your vacation you can plan a trip to the Northern Wonder and visit:

  • picturesque Sukonsky rocks and unique canyons;
  • gushing source;
  • examine the remains of the dam, which was built by GULAG prisoners located here from 1940 to 1947.
  • pay tribute to the innocent victims at the Worship Cross.

Fishing is allowed in Opoki, and in autumn the local forests delight with a large abundance of mushrooms and berries.

Father Frost's estate

Twenty years ago in Veliky Ustyug no one had even heard of Father Frost: previously no one had given much thought to the geographical habitat of this fabulous old man, and old fairy tales shed no light on this matter at all. The project “Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost” was invented in the crisis year of 1998 by the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. While passing through the nearby village of Morozovitsa, he asked: “Why Morozovitsa? Isn’t this the birthplace of Father Frost?”

In December of the following year, at the recreation center of the Novatorsky timber industry enterprise, Father Frost received the first guests in his new mansion. Rumor has it that the first “grandfather” was a former electrician from that same timber industry enterprise.

Twenty years have passed. Now the patrimony of Father Frost is a huge tourist complex. There seems to be everything here: a blacksmith shop, a carpentry workshop, a zoo, a greenhouse, and even a forest pharmacy (apparently, in case someone suddenly gets sick - a child from the abundance of entertainment, or his parent from the amount of money spent).

The heart of the complex is the huge tower of Father Frost. Next to it, as the main holiday tree, is a plastic cone decorated with garlands. At this very moment the fairy tale begins to burst at the seams.

The inside of the tower: scary boxes of white split systems and a wall rotted from the flowing water.

The fairy tale is over, welcome to the real world!

You can stay on the territory of the estate in a hotel or in separate cottages. There is also a restaurant, several cafes and a cheese factory where they produce Ragusanio, filotti and other caciotta. Prices for local cheese, by the way, are very reasonable: in the range of 600-700 rubles per kilogram, which is quite comparable to what we usually sell under the guise of cheese in chain stores.

Thanks to our hotel partner TVIL.RU, we lived in one of the separate cottages. It belonged to a tourist company.

The cottage consisted of two floors: several bedrooms, a spacious kitchen-dining room and a basement in which billiards and table tennis tables were hidden. I spent a good half of the night behind one of them, actively swinging my racket.

In one of the rooms there was a modest sign hanging on the wall.

A fabulous morning arrived and we, having loaded ourselves with absolutely fabulous sandwiches, went to meet Santa Claus.

The path to becoming a wizard is not easy.

First, you need to walk along the “Trail of Fairy Tales”: chat with fairy-tale characters, dance, complete a number of competitions and solve a number of riddles.

Whether long or short, all the tasks were completed, and we found ourselves in front of the tower.

Now we had to visit all his rooms, and there are twelve of them, and get acquainted with the old man’s personal belongings - pillows, fur coats, books and a newfangled selfie stick. In the process, we learned that Santa Claus has his own coat of arms and standard, and that in the mansion you can even hold a ceremony for the newlyweds (the wedding night is not included in the list of entertainment).

The last test was waiting in line. Time fled. The line didn't move.

Finally, we were invited. Santa Claus turned out to be a two-meter giant with tired eyes.

We quickly exchanged a few words with him, took a photo, after which grandfather conveyed his warm greetings to the Belarusian Dzed Maroz and the Finnish Joulupukki, whom I had met earlier.

We went to have tea. The head of the Veliky Ustyug region, Alexander Kuzmin, came to greet the members of the expedition. Santa Claus treated us to honey and pine cone jam and lamented: “You upset me that you came without a family and without children.” After all, our families are our most precious, greatest wealth. Take care of your family and friends, never call on the phone, but visit each other.

In response, I said that I was also upset: plastic cones instead of live Christmas trees are no good! Santa Claus promised me that someday a real fluffy spruce would grow next to the tower, and I promised to come with my family next time. That’s what they decided on (the author of the photo with the tea party is Sasha Safronov).

Finally, Santa Claus threw out Balabanov’s “Well, if you love honey, love the cold!”, tapped his staff, adjusted his crown and went outside to communicate with the children who had come to visit him.

And we went to the glacier to look at “all the beauty of the sparkling north” collected there.

What can I say: the patrimony of Father Frost is an excellent example of how to create tourism brands from scratch. The entire history of the development of this project is an adventure in its purest form, on the one hand, and a consequence of the periodic presence of political will, on the other.

The transport accessibility of Veliky Ustyug in 1999 was practically zero: the construction of a bridge across the Northern Dvina, through which you can now easily get to Kotlas, was then virtually frozen, the road from Vologda was in extremely poor condition, and the local airport was breathing its last, receiving only a couple of flights a week. In fact, it was possible to get to the city only by rail: in a trailer car to the Moscow-Vorkuta train, for which it was not so easy to get tickets, or by train, which at that time connected Veliky Ustyug with Yadrikha railway station on the route "Vologda - Kotlas".

Nowadays, there are roads - the journey from Kotlas takes no more than an hour, and from Vologda - no more than five; and they promise to reconstruct the airport by next fall; and in winter, special tourist trains run from St. Petersburg and Moscow to the estate of Father Frost.

If in 1999 no more than two thousand tourists visited Veliky Ustyug, then in 2022 - already more than three hundred thousand. And 99% of this is precisely the merit of the estate. It seems that this is success.

But this coin also has a flip side: the artificially synthesized patrimony of Father Frost in ancient Veliky Ustyug is like a plastic double-glazed window in a hundred-year-old wooden merchant’s house: the result seems to be there, but if you look more closely, everything is somehow wrong. This project is exclusively about money, this is clear from the first minute. And the magic here is like in a shopping center: humming air conditioners on the walls and boorish two-meter-tall security guards driving children away from the old man in his mansion. Like that will do. But when the patrimony was just in its infancy, any child could call from home in Veliky Ustyug in the evening and personally talk to Santa Claus...

— Adult bloggers have arrived here, give them a fairy tale. What's wrong with artificial Christmas trees? Here on Palace Square in St. Petersburg - also before the New Year, a plastic cone is installed...

The bad thing about this story is that there is no sincerity in it: the patrimony of Santa Claus is a conveyor belt for pumping out money, which, by the way, works almost perfectly. To the question - what prevents us from doing everything really well, with attention to detail, the project is all-Russian, and there is clearly money here - there is no answer.

Finally, I cannot help but say that behind the scenes of the estate, Shakespearean passions have been in full swing for many years: the tourist center is quite a tasty morsel, and there is a real struggle for its possession. This year, this story reached its climax: the old team was fired, and the complex got a new owner. According to the official version, all these changes are related to improving the management system and optimizing costs; according to local residents, this is a regular raider takeover.

The development plans of the new owners are truly Napoleonic: over the next five years, an amusement park, a cinema, a water park and a spa complex should appear on the territory of the estate. Maybe they will finally plant a real Christmas tree.


There are quite a lot of hotels and mini-hotels of different categories in the city. It is better to choose accommodation depending on the main purpose of the trip:

Near Moroz's estate:

  • Hotel complex "Votchina". The room stock consists of several detached cottages, of which 6 belong to the “Improved Standard” category at a price of 3,800 rubles per day. The most budget-friendly accommodation option is the Terema “Clear Sun” and “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” (from 1,200 rubles/day). Cottages No. 4, 5, 6 correspond to the “Apartments” category, daily accommodation from 4,000 rubles. Address: Veliky Ustyug district, Lopatnikovo village, Father Frost's Estate.
  • Mini-hotel "Ustyuggaz" is located on the territory of the Votchina. Vacationers are offered double rooms with an improved layout (several have extra beds). There are a total of 5 guest rooms in the hotel. Accommodation cost from 2300 rub./day. Address: Veliky Ustyug, the estate of Father Frost

Guest house "Three Bogatyrs"
Not far from the central part of the city:

  • Hotel "Chaika" offers double rooms from the "Standard" to "Apartment" categories. Cost of living from 2000 rub. per day per room. The main attractions are 1 km away. Address: pl. Kommuny, 3
  • State House "Three Heroes". The family mini-hotel has only 4 rooms of different categories, designed to accommodate from 2 to 5 people. Room price from 2100 rub. Address: Sovetsky Prospekt, 2G.
  • Hotel "Gleden". The hotel is surrounded by a pine park. The city center is 2 km away. The following are available to vacationers: single rooms – from 1,700 rubles/day, double rooms – from 2,800 rubles/day, rooms of the “Superior” category – 4,500 rubles/day. Address: st. Gledenskaya, 75.
  • Hotel "Dvina" in the very center of Veliky Ustyug. The main attractions are 5 minutes away. walking. The room capacity includes single rooms at prices starting from 2,400 rubles. per day, 2-bed rooms - from 3000 rubles, 3-bed rooms - from 3600 rubles. and family (can accommodate up to 4 guests) - from 4,200 rubles. Address: st. Krasnaya, no. 104.

Where to eat

Most of the best eateries in Veliky Ustyug are located in the historical part of the city, in close proximity to the main attractions. Famous restaurants are located in the city center and on the territory of Father Frost's Estate.

They offer an inexpensive and quick snack during an excursion to iconic places:

  • Cafe "Gostiny Dvorik" in the building of the Dvina Hotel. Guests can enjoy a varied selection of national dishes. The average cost of lunch is 850-1000 rubles. for 2 people Address: st. Red, 104.
  • People's cafe "Romanov" , located at the address: lane. Krasny, 15. The menu is dominated by Russian cuisine. The average cost of a full meal for two is 1,200 rubles.
  • Cafe-dining room "Trapeza" on Sovetsky Ave., 72. The main part of the menu consists of national and European dishes. A set lunch and inexpensive breakfasts are available on weekdays. Price for a 3-course lunch and dessert – 900 rubles.
  • Pizzeria “Felicita” is located on the street. Vinogradova, 41. A huge selection of pizza for every taste, as well as Italian dishes and hot snacks. The average bill is 250-400 rubles.

Cafe "Gostiny Dvorik"
Among the best restaurants where you can have an unforgettable romantic dinner or relax with the whole family are:

  • The Aivazovsky restaurant is located in the Prokopyevsky shopping center. The menu has a wide variety of dishes from Russian and European cuisine. Address: st. Gledenskaya, 61. Dinner for 2 persons – from 2500 rubles.
  • The Izumrud restaurant offers delicious European and Asian cuisine. Average cost of dinner per 1 person. – 750 rub. There is live music every evening and various shows on the weekends. Address: st. Krasnaya, no. 31.

Restaurant Uspensky
The most aromatic pastries and delicious ice cream are offered by the Zolotaya Rybka cafe. Pancakes with different fillings are especially popular among visitors. The average check amount (for 3 persons) is 700 rubles. Address: Sovetsky Avenue, 68 A.

How to navigate

Veliky Ustyug occupies a small territory. Within the city, passengers are transported by about 10 regular buses. The average fare is 25 rubles. The movement of buses No. 1 (PATP-Shipyard) starts at 5:30, the rest of the routes start at 6:30-7:00 am.

There are more than 12 taxi services in the city. The cheapest of them are: “Olympus”, “Hello”, “Jaga”. The cost of travel for the first 5 km is 50 rubles, for each subsequent one you need to pay 10-15 rubles. The price of a trip to the Estate of Father Frost from the center of Veliky Ustyug is from 200 rubles. The cost increases significantly on New Year's holidays and on Santa Claus's birthday.

In addition to buses and taxis, river transport carries passengers in Veliky Ustyug. You can take a ferry from the Neftebaza to the village. Kuzino (with a stop in Aristovo), fare from 20 rubles. And from the Bratskoye pier, boats depart to the Porog pier (Opoki village).

Despite the small size of the area, Veliky Ustyug is interesting for tourists. A special atmosphere of peace hovers over the Cathedral Courtyard and Dymkovskaya Sloboda. Exhibitions in museum halls and master classes allow you to become familiar with ancient Russian traditions and learn a lot about history.

The nearby Estate of Father Frost turns reality into a fairy tale and makes even the most avid skeptics believe in a miracle.

Walk through the estate

The country residence of the main character of Russian folklore annually welcomes more than 200,000 people. At the moment it is a single entertainment complex. Its thematic sections cover all aspects of fairy-tale life. The main structure of the ensemble is the tower in which Father Frost and his large family live. In the magical rooms, visitors will find animators who have crackers and riddles, sayings and jokes in their arsenal.

The greenhouse grows strange plants that, even in the most severe frost, smell like honey and overseas spices. In winter, visiting the glacier is very popular among children. Local craftsmen carve figures of folklore characters from ice. Leading tourism operators invite you to spend your holidays in Veliky Ustyug. Their excursion programs include visits to artisans' huts, magical rooms and a real zoo. In the forge, every schoolchild can try his hand at forging metal.

On the eve of the holidays, Father Frost personally greets guests. He gets to know the kids, plays with them and dances with them. All those who come to the estate can independently present their letters and messages to the magician. In the stables, children help care for the animals and feed the horses fresh vegetables. The main alley of the entertainment complex is the Path of Fairy Tales. It stretched from the entrance gate to the painted tower.

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