A little about Chita: where to live, where to eat, attractions

In the footsteps of the great Genghis Khan

The personality of the great commander and conqueror Genghis Khan is covered in legends. A unique person who left a bright mark on history may have been born on Transbaikal soil. Researchers are increasingly leaning towards this version, citing irrefutable evidence. It is assumed that his place of birth was the upper reaches of the Onon River, not far from the modern settlement of Nizhny Tsasuchey. Dust from the Horde's hooves rose over the Agin steppes, obscuring the sun. And the bright day became a dark night - that great army of the conqueror marched forward... We can now see this picture only in films, but unique coevals of those times are still intact - the “Genghis Stone” - an epigraphic monument of the Mongol times, the Wall of Genghis Khan, the Gate of Genghis Khan, Chalice of Genghis Khan. You too can see them, touch them, and be imbued with the energy of a great man!

Food and drink

For gastronomic shopping in Chita, go to the markets. Locals love Central and Viten the most.


Chita has very tasty smoked fish: catfish, burbot, grayling... The choice is traditionally large. However, prices for fish in Transbaikalia cannot be called low. Her specialty is excellent taste. And it’s always the freshest, because it quickly flies off the shelves. Well, Baikal is nearby. So it won’t hurt to bring some fish from Chita, but it’s unlikely to make any money. Unless you buy it from private owners in the villages. Fishermen sell their catch for really ridiculous money.

Many tourists are sure that they can bring smoked omul from Chita. Here we will disappoint you. Even the locals ask their Irkutsk friends to bring them this product. If you are traveling around Baikal, for omul you will go in the other direction.

Gifts of the forest

Blueberry, lingonberry or cranberry jam is an excellent gift for relatives from Chita. If you wish, you can pick berries yourself in the forests of Transbaikalia in the fall. But it makes more sense to buy the product from local grandmothers. They make jam very well too. The price of a small jar is about 150-200 rubles.

Mushrooms are also often brought from Chita. In the markets you can buy pickled or salted ones - very tasty. And the easiest way to buy dried mushrooms in Transbaikalia. Prices here, by the way, are significantly lower than in Moscow.


First of all, try some poses somewhere. Actually, Buryatia is famous for this dish, but it is very popular in Chita. These large dumplings with broth are very tasty. It’s a pity that you can’t take it home... But you can buy sausage made from horse meat or game. Look for these delicacies in Siberian goods stores or markets.


A classic gift from Siberia is chewing sulfur or oleoresin resin. It is very popular in Chita. A palette of 5 lozenges (they look like chewing gum) will cost you only 30-40 rubles. To be honest, the taste of sulfur is not for everyone. But this product is very useful for teeth.

Pine nuts

In Chita, pine nuts are more expensive than in other Siberian cities, but cheaper than in central Russia. Buy the product in cones (dried or boiled are especially good), in shell or peeled. It is best to look for nuts in bulk - it will be more profitable.

Also in Chita they often make a tasty and healthy delicacy - pine nuts in honey. A jar weighing 300-350 grams will cost about 200 rubles.


If you are traveling by car and it’s not far from home, buy a sweet gift for your family in Chita. Take a look at one of the branded stores of the Raduga or Vostok confectionery factory. There are a lot of them in Chita. You can, for example, go to the shops located in the shopping centers “Maxi”, “Bagulnik”, “Kvartal”. Buy home a delicious cake or pastries. The prices are reasonable, everything is always tasty and fresh.

Be sure to bring natural honey from Chita. On the market, you will pay about 400-500 rubles for a kilogram of an aromatic and truly tasty product.

Mineral water, lemonade

Be sure to try non-alcoholic drinks from the main producer of Transbaikalia in Chita. We're talking about products. Tourists often take two types of mineral water from Chita: “Klyuchi” and “Kuka-7”. And also local kvass in a pot-bellied bottle. Buy lemonade for the trip - “Buratino” or fruit-flavored soda. Outside of the Trans-Baikal Territory, you rarely find Chita products anywhere.


The same “Chita Keys” are famous for their beer throughout Transbaikalia and even beyond. So you can try it on the spot or bring it to your friends. The best reviews about the products of the main Chita beer factory:

  • "Double Gold";
  • "Wheat Bar";
  • "Zabaikalskoe".

In the city you can buy draft, freshly brewed. But it’s more convenient to take bottled food with you, of course.

From strong alcohol in Chita you can buy tincture with snake preserved in alcohol. Yes, she is not local, but from China. But the gift, you see, is original. Many even ask those who are passing through there to bring such a gift from Chita.

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We hope you find our shopping tips in the Trans-Baikal Territory useful. We wish you pleasant and profitable shopping! Anything to add? Write in the comments!

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