One day in Gorodets - a walk around the city and museums. Guide.  

Those who want to get as close to antiquity as possible and feel the spirit of the Russian settlement should go to Gorodets, a small town located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Gorodets is the same age as Moscow. On its territory there are a large number of attractions and museums that combine deep antiquity and a rich cultural and historical heritage.

Below is a list of Gorodets museums in the Nizhny Novgorod region with a description, a visit to which should be a mandatory part of the excursion program.

Museum of Good

The rich collection of the museum contains antiques and everyday utensils of Russian life, which are commonly called “dobro”, hence the name of the museum.

The Museum of Good in Gorodets is located in a mansion built in 1906. At one time, the house was owned by a wealthy merchant Plekhanov. The museum building is very picturesque and is considered one of the city’s attractions. Most of the exhibits that visitors can see in the exhibition halls were found in the mansion during reconstruction.

Here you can see dishes, samovars, stuffed animals, old money and other small household items from Russian homes.

The museum is located at: Embankment of the Revolution, 12.

Parks and monuments, streets

Monument to the Merchants of Russia

Address: st. Kirova, 2

The monument was erected in 2002, and its grand opening took place on September 15, the day of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Gorodets.

The author of the monument was the sculptor Sergei Polegaev. This is the first example of a monument to the Russian merchants as a class.

The figure of the merchant demonstrates two pillars of the Russian entrepreneur: the Russian Orthodox Church, which the stone merchant holds in his left hand, and the wealth of his native land, expressed in the form of a casket with money.

Embankment of the Revolution

This street is considered one of the most beautiful in the city with a view of the Volga.

It is here that you can see ancient merchant mansions lined up in a row. Most of them are recognized as protected cultural and historical monuments of regional significance.

"City of masters"

On the Gorodets embankment there is a large-scale tourist complex built in 2009. The City of Masters Museum is the hallmark of Gorodets - this is a magnificent merchant city with houses made of massive log frames. Carved gates, platbands, window shutters and balcony sheathing deserve special attention.

In the “City of Craftsmen”, tourists will learn about the history of the origin of various artistic crafts in Gorodets and can take part in the manufacture of some simple household utensils. On the territory of the museum complex master classes on ancient Russian painting, painting, pottery, and wood carving are held. In addition, fun festivities and holidays are regularly organized on the territory of the complex, where you can try on traditional Russian costume and taste delicious dishes of national cuisine.

In addition, the museum has a large number of exhibition halls, which contain clothing and household items, and recreated rooms and other living spaces of ancient houses. In one of the halls you can take part in a traditional Russian tea party and treat yourself to gingerbread and sweets. On the territory of the “City of Masters” folklore games and magnificent holidays are held, in which everyone can take part. Such a pastime will leave an unforgettable impression and create a great mood.


City of masters

Address: st. Alexandrovskaya embankment, 1 Phone: , Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00, Mon - day off Cost: 100 rubles

An extensive museum and craft complex, presented in the form of a number of wooden towers, hand-built by local craftsmen and decorated with carvings. Here, visitors are clearly shown the work process of Gorodets craftsmen who make pottery and clay toys, gingerbread cookies, paint boards and dishes, weave tan and engage in wicker weaving.

You can learn the basics of all these crafts by pre-ordering and paying for this service.

There are also many excursion programs for children, for example, “Making a rag doll”, “What will the brownie tell you about?” etc. If desired, both children and adults can take part in the tea ceremony.

Gorodets Local Lore Museum

The museum was opened in 1918. It is located in the building of the estate of the merchant Oblaev Jr. The building itself is already a monument to the eclecticism of the 19th century with characteristic features of the Art Nouveau style.

The rich exhibition of the Gorodets Local History Museum includes more than 15 thousand exhibits and includes halls dedicated to the history of the city and peasant life. A collection of ancient weapons is presented to guests. One of the halls is dedicated to the unique nature of the Gorodets region and the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The special pride of the museum’s collection is the Grand Duke’s helmet, which was made in the 12th century, the seal of Alexander Nevsky from the 17th century, and a carved cabinet dating back to the 19th century.

The museum displays a large collection of gingerbread boards. In addition, in the Gorodets Museum of Local Lore you can see modern products made by local craftsmen. Visitors are presented with embroidery, painted dishes and whistles.

Churches and Temples

Gorodetsky Feodorovsky Monastery

Address: Proletarskaya Square, 34 Telephone: 8 (8316) 19‑11-08, 8 (8316) 19‑16-62 Website: Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00– 17:00

There is a version that it was in this monastery that Prince Alexander Nevsky took monastic vows, but no direct evidence of this has been found at present.

A monastery has been formed on this site since the founding of Gorodets in the middle of the 13th century.

The main shrine of the monastery is the Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, which, according to believers, has healing miraculous powers.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Address: pl. Proletarskaya, 34 Phone: Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8:00–18:00

This is the main operating temple of Gorodets, built in 1824. The church is notable for the wooden image of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary above the entrance, made by local craftsmen.

Church of the Archangel Michael

Address: st. Zagorodnaya, 16 Phone: Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun 08.00-18.00

Also one of the currently operating and one of the most ancient churches in Gorodets. The temple building was built in 1339 and underwent restoration under Soviet rule in the mid-40s of the last century.

Currently, the church is a state protected object as a monument of ancient Russian architecture.

The temple has several shrines:

  • parts of the relics of Saints Theodore of Ostrog and Macarius of Zheltovodsk;
  • the icon of Our Lady Gerontissa, brought from Athos from Greece;
  • icon with holy soil from the burial of St. Paisius the Holy Mountain.

Samovar Museum

The samovar museum welcomed guests for the first time in 2009. It is located in the house of the merchant Grishaev. The richest collection of samovars in Russia and the world is presented here. The exhibition includes more than 200 samovars, which are made in various techniques.

The variety of exhibits is amazing. The pride of the museum is a huge samovar with a capacity of 53 liters, as well as the world’s smallest samovar, designed to hold 75 ml. It is recommended to visit the museum with a guided tour. Qualified guides will tell you a lot of interesting things about this simple device for heating water and answer all your questions. The museum building is located at: st. Embankment of the Revolution, 11.

Attractions in the surrounding area

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church

Address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodetsky district, village. Kiryushino How to get there: by car 24 km from Gorodets to the village. Kiryushino (about 20 min.)

The temple was erected at the end of the 19th century from red brick. Now this church is not working and needs restoration, although the skeleton of the building has been preserved in almost untouched condition.

The period of prosperity of this temple occurred at the end of the century before last, when priest Pavel Alekseevich Gaginsky spent a lot of his own money on the church and even opened a Sunday school here.

After the October Revolution, the church stopped working and holding services. The temple is not active to this day.

Nizhegorodskaya HPP


56°39'2″N 43°22'32″E
Address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodetsky district, Volzhsko-Kama cascade, Zavolzhye How to get there: regular bus No. 101 Gorodets-Zavolzhye or by car 20 km from Gorodets to Zavolzhye (about 15 min.)
Not far from Gorodets on the Volga, on the territory of the Gorky Reservoir, the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station, built in 1951-52, is located, which is one of the oldest structures of this type in Russia. The station generates electricity with a capacity of 520 MW.

Next to the hydroelectric power station there is a dam with a total length of 18 and a half kilometers. The structure itself includes a two-level lock, three dams, seven earthen dams, one dam for draining water and the hydroelectric power station itself.

A highway passes through the hydroelectric dam, which connects two cities located on the opposite banks of the Volga - Zavolzhye and Gorodets.

Gingerbread Museum

One of the most popular museums in Gorodets is the Gorodets Gingerbread Museum, which is located in the house of the merchant Petelin. Gorodets gingerbread has its own distinctive characteristics and is completely unlike other Russian gingerbreads. It is distinguished by its own recipe, shape, and design.

All the secrets of making Gorodets gingerbread can be learned during a tour of the museum. You can buy delicious gingerbread in the souvenir shop located at the museum.

How to get to Gorodets

Gorodets is located 440 km from Moscow. This City, of course, is not suitable for a one-day trip from Moscow, but I recommend including it on a trip along the M7, at least for a day. By the way, the road to Nizhny Novgorod is now wonderful, the highway has been repaired, we usually get there in 4.5 hours.

From Nizhny Novgorod – 60 km. The journey by car from the Nizhny Moscow railway station took about 1.5 hours one way.

For tourists without a car, which we were on that trip, getting to Gorodets is not very convenient, because there is no direct train there, and we did not risk taking the infrequently running bus. We chose for ourselves the simplest, but not economical, way to travel to Gorodets from Nizhny Novgorod - we ordered an individual transfer. It would take more than two hours to travel by bus, the route starts from the Kanavinskaya bus station, see the schedule on Yandex.schedule.

Architecture of Gorodets

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