Berdsk: where to go and what to see, attractions and beautiful places

After the flooding of a large area of ​​the city, almost no ancient buildings remained. Most of Berdsk's attractions were built in the second half of the 20th century. The city has many monuments related to military history.

Local authorities, with the participation of citizens, are improving the city. Well-groomed streets and squares, a lot of greenery and luxurious flower beds - this is how Berdsk looks today.

Sights of Berdsk: Victory Park

Where to start getting acquainted with this settlement? Where to go first in Berdsk? To begin with, tourists can go to Victory Park, which is located on Ostrovsky Street. Clean, cozy and compact - this is how you can describe it in a few words. In the park you can find everything you need for a comfortable stay. There are many benches where you can sit and enjoy the silence and beautiful views. There are attractions for young visitors.

In Victory Park you can not only take a break from the bustle of the city. On its territory there are many monuments of military equipment and original sculptural compositions.

Our research

• We turned to the specialists of the city museum to obtain the necessary information, but it turned out that the object being studied is not a historical monument, and there is no information about the “Storks” sculpture.

• Librarian of the city children's library Tatyana Nikolaevna Strelnikova said that the idea of ​​​​creating the sculptural composition “Storks” was put forward and brought to life by the director of the city leisure center Marina Rekhtina.

• We turned to the head of the cultural department of the city of Berdsk, Marina Anatolyevna Rekhtina, for information. She told us that the idea of ​​creating the composition “Storks” was born in 2008, which was proclaimed the Year of the Family. It was decided to place the composition on the Alley of Lovers, which the newlyweds planted about 25 years ago. Novosibirsk sculptor Alexei Agricolyansky was offered to bring the idea to life. The cost of creating and installing the sculpture was 200 thousand rubles. Residents of the city were asked to make a charitable contribution, letters were sent to enterprises and organizations asking them to take part in the action. Approximately 100 people made a charitable contribution. At the opening ceremony of the composition they were presented with badges “The man who gave the city a symbol of family happiness.”

  • We presented the results of our research in the presentation:

Berdskaya Spit

We continue to look at beautiful places in Berdsk. Berdskaya Spit is the name of the park, simply created for family recreation. Its visitors will be able to enjoy the cleanest air and the view of tall pine trees. In summer you can sunbathe on the banks of the Ob Reservoir and swim in the warm water. The sand on the shore is soft and clean.

Berdskaya Spit is a favorite meeting place for local cyclists. The paved paths are ideal for skating and competitions. The park is located on Morskaya Street.

Museum of JSC "Vega"

Where can you go in Berdsk? On Lenin Street there is a museum of JSC "Vega". Previously, a plant of the same name operated on its territory, which specialized in the manufacture of radio equipment. The enterprise was closed and a museum took its place. Needless to say, the majority of the exhibits are factory products.

Visitors will not only be able to admire durable and reliable tape recorders and radios made during the existence of the USSR. They will also learn a lot about the interesting events that took place during this period.

Church of the Presentation of the Lord

This small beautiful temple was restored on the site of an old wooden church, destroyed during the Soviet era when part of the city was flooded. The new church looks solemn and elegant. Ancient icons have been preserved.

Address: st. Lazo, 18. The church is located near the Beijing stop.

Historical and Art Museum

The History and Art Museum is a place that everyone who is interested in the history of Berdsk and the Novosibirsk region should visit. Over the 300 years of the settlement’s existence, many events related to it have occurred - joyful and sad. The guide's story and museum exhibits will help you learn more about this. Part of the collection includes numismatic items, rare books, photographs, and historical documents. The museum's collection includes over 14 thousand specimens. The institution is located on Sportivnaya Street.

For young tourists

Where to go with a child in Berdsk? The Orion Cinema is a place where the whole family should go. It offers a small but very cozy cinema hall. A variety of slot machines will help you pass the time while waiting for your session. The cinema is located on Ostrovskaya Street.

You can also go to one of the entertainment centers, of which there are quite a few in the locality. The most popular establishment is “Visiting Gosha”, located on Karl Marx Street. Children's Town is a small planet for kids, where guests can enjoy a wide variety of attractions and slot machines. They are designed for representatives of different age categories, so adults will be able to find entertainment for themselves there.

Sculptural composition “Storks”

The opening of the sculptural composition “Storks” took place on September 11, 2008, City Day. The sculptural composition “Storks” is located in the city park on the Alley of Love. In the center there is a family of storks who have built a nest on a pedestal with the main motto of the Family Year “Strong family - strong power.” Storks are a symbol of the birth of children and family happiness. The nest is surrounded by a Ring of Love, onto which the newlyweds lock the locks. It is believed that if you lock the lock and throw away the key, the family will be strong. Behind the storks is Big Ear - this is a good-natured and intelligent creature with a huge ear from the animated film, who can hear people and fulfill good wishes. Later, the Path of Love appeared - tiles with declarations of love in different languages ​​(Russian, Tatar, computer) in poetry and prose.

Monument to the shuttle workers

What other interesting sculptures can guests of the city of Berdsk see? The monument to the “shuttle workers” cannot but be included in the list of local attractions. The grand opening of the monument took place in 2015. A symbolic place was chosen for it - next to the local market.

As you can easily guess from the name, the monument is dedicated to people who, in the late 80s, began to bring things from Turkey and China. It depicts a tired couple sitting on checkered bags.


The guys in our class are studying local history. At one of the classes we discussed the topic “Monuments of our city.” We studied the city guide “Memorable places of the city of Berdsk”, compiled by employees of the Central Children's Library in 2006. We named three monuments located in the city park, but this brochure did not contain information about the sculptural composition “Storks”. Why did it happen? What is special about this composition? What is it dedicated to? Do city residents know about this? Many questions arose. We decided to collect information about the sculptural composition “Storks”.

"Medieval" balcony

Where to go in Berdsk for fans of original architectural solutions? The optical store is very popular among the local population and city guests. It owes its fame not to its products, but to its unusual entrance, which depicts the towers of a medieval castle.

The “Castle” looks especially funny due to the fact that the store is part of an ordinary ten-story building. The balcony, which is located directly above the entrance to the store, is also decorated in a medieval style. Needless to say that the pharmacy does not suffer from a lack of visitors?

Chapel of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The architecture of this chapel amazes people. A beautiful building with sparkling domes attracts the gaze of tourists from afar. The decoration of the courtyard also wins the hearts of many people with its cleanliness and well-groomed appearance. Orthodox believers and simply guests of the city visit the chapel with great pleasure.

In addition to all the holy places, the city of Berdsk has a sufficient number of different entertainment places. There are also museums and ski resorts, bowling alleys and bowling alleys. Any tourist can have a great time in this city and at the same time receive a huge charge of energy and positive emotions.

Location: New Village street.


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  • name
  • All attractions (14)
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Festival "Springs"

Siberian Tattoo Festival

The main attractions of a modern city are natural, and it is these that residents of Novosibirsk and neighboring regions come to admire.

On the shores of the Ob Sea and Berdsky Bay there are two parks that are resort centers. There are about eighty holiday homes and sanatoriums throughout Berdsk. Some of them were built during the Soviet years and now many are under renovation.

There are several parks in Berdsk, of which Central Park and Victory Park can be distinguished. In the latter you can look at the memorial to those who fell in the Great Patriotic War and beautiful alleys. There is another monument to the era of the civil war, namely the partisans who established new power in the region.

There are almost no historical sights left in Berdsk: they are all located at the bottom of the Ob Sea, just like all the old buildings of Berdsk. Only the water tower, which was erected at the beginning of the last century, and the Berdsky station building survived. There are many churches in the city, even at sanatoriums, but everything was built recently. Transfiguration Cathedral is the main temple of the city, built in 2004. Also worth noting is the wooden Church of the Presentation, the first church in modern Berdsk. The city has a history museum that tells the story of a city that no longer exists.



We took a walk in the city park along the Alley of Lovers, examined the sculptural composition “Storks”, and examined its constituent elements. We have established that all the figures are made of metal. We were convinced that this place is often visited by city residents, since there are trodden paths everywhere, the Big Ear is not covered with snow, a large number of beautiful locks hang on the Ring of Love, the snow has been cleared on the tiles and you can read “In life we ​​go different roads, but only the happy one is one who has at least once walked the road of love.” While examining the sculptural composition “Storks,” we took photographs.

What to see in Berdsk on your own?

Interesting places and main attractions of the city and its surroundings: photos with descriptions, tips on where to go, where to go by car, what to see in one day.

Berd History and Art Museum

In 1970, the Berd History and Art Museum received the status of a municipal institution. Over time, the directors and the areas allocated for this facility changed.

Today the exhibition area is 893.3 square meters. The museum has 16.5 thousand storage units. The official goal of the museum is to cultivate love for the Motherland, to show visitors how people lived during wartime, and to study their native land.

The museum contains the collections “Archaeology”, “Clay”, “Graphics”, “Sculpture”, “Icons”, “Device” and other equally interesting collections of objects.

Every year the museum hosts over 100 exhibitions and more than 150 events: competitions, game programs, museum readings, lectures, and creative meetings. Anyone who comes to this museum will not remain bored, and the halls filled with history will attract the attention and interest of the visitor.

  • Address: Berdsk, st. M. Gorky, 9

Victory Park

The main attraction of Berdsk Victory Park is the memorial to Berdsk residents who died during the Great Patriotic War. In May 1973, the first stone was laid for the monument. 7 years later, in 1980, the grand opening of the monument and the lighting of the Eternal Flame took place.

Visitors can also get acquainted with military equipment located in this park. The atmosphere of Victory Park provides people walking with the opportunity to be alone with themselves, to honor the memory of the fallen people, thanks to whom we now live in a free and peaceful country.

On May 9, the park is transformed: visitors bring flowers to the memorial, and ceremonial processions are held. The park is also ideal for family walks, walks with pets, and sports.

  • Address: Berdsk, Victory Park, st. Sports

Cathedral in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The temple was built at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Many parishioners call this cathedral the main attraction of Berdsk. Visitors are strongly recommended to admire the temple not only from the outside, but also to visit the inside: its majesty and peaceful aura capture the spirit of those who come. N

On Christmas Eve, a cave is built near the cathedral, symbolizing the birthplace of Christ. There is also a pond with ducks near the temple, and in summer the area surprises people with a variety of bright colors.

The temple houses various one-of-a-kind icons, as well as the Foot of the Virgin Mary, brought by Father Vasily from the Pochaev Monastery. This cathedral is the perfect place to feel peace and harmony. Those who come can both be alone with themselves and pray for family and friends.

Sculpture "Big Ear"

In honor of the celebration of the 294th anniversary of Berdsk, the sculpture “Big Ear” was erected. It is located in Central Park. Children especially like it because it is a unique interpretation of the character from the cartoon of the same name. Photos are often taken next to her. According to legend, if you whisper your wishes in his ear, they will come true.

Sculpture "Big Ear"

This work of art is located in the central park. Almost no one passes by this unusual and peculiar monument. In Russian fairy tales it is described a little differently, but the sculptors worked hard and used their imagination in a completely different direction. Now this figurine of a little man with a big ear delights park visitors.

Everyone tries to whisper their cherished wish into the ear of this sculpture, people believe that they all come true. Tourists will find this sculpture interesting, and they will definitely want to leave a photo next to the Big Ear as a souvenir. Location: Gorky street.

Many interesting and attractive places can be seen while walking along the streets of the city of Berdsk. The city will tell about many events that happened in it during its existence. Special excursions with professional guides are organized; by visiting them, you can enjoy the beauty of the city and visit many attractions. The city is always happy to meet any tourists at any time of the year and welcomes them with its warm hospitality.

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