TOP 12 things to see in Zheleznovodsk and the surrounding area. Easy route

Zheleznovodsk is a cozy green town, shrouded in forest and fog descending from the peaks of the Caucasian laccoliths. With unique water that has a bright taste of iron, making its way from the mountain of the same name. We came here from neighboring Pyatigorsk and, frankly, did not expect that the smallest town would turn out to be the pearl of the four resorts.

In this article I will briefly describe the route of one day - what to see in Zheleznovodsk and the surrounding area along which we walked ourselves. We were a little unlucky with the weather, it was raining, but still this did not spoil the pleasant impression of the city.

Features of Zheleznovodsk that you need to know about

The city is built among protected forests, in a hilly valley between the Beshtau and Zheleznaya mountains. Among the resort towns of Kavminvod, Zheleznovodsk is the smallest and calmest; after 20 o’clock life on its streets comes to a standstill. If you want fun nightlife, then go to Kislovodsk or Pyatigorsk.

From other resorts you can get to Zheleznovodsk in 4 ways:

  • take minibus 213, departs from the railway station, in Zheleznovodsk get off at the Kurortny Park stop
  • by train, it runs only on weekends on Saturday and Sunday
  • Taxi
  • or with a tour group. We book our place on the excursion through the tripster website - it’s so convenient that they pick you up right from your front door

From Pyatigorsk to Zheleznovodsk there is minibus 213, the fare costs 40 rubles.

Tips for staying in Zheleznovodsk

Some simple tips for staying in the city:

  1. It is worth climbing Iron Mountain only if you are interested in the climb itself (the view from a flat platform cannot be called picturesque).
  2. If you plan to climb, take warm clothes and a flashlight with you.
  3. If you want to rent a room in the area of ​​the resort park, it is better to book it in advance.
  4. It can get very foggy and chilly in the mornings and on cloudy days, so take a windbreaker with you even in summer.
  5. A couple of days before your trip, prepare a tourist map.

    The main attractions of the city are in one place

Resort Park

I recommend starting your tour of the Caucasus Mining Waters from this park. The protected park is the heart of the resort, very calm and peaceful, just like Zheleznovodsk, with a lot to see. There are three pump rooms with mineral water of different compositions on the territory; it consists of several levels and is divided into Lower and Upper parks.

Inside the park there are excursions on electric cars around Mount Zheleznaya, and rental of electric scooters and bicycles is available. Through its vast territory there are many walking paths to interesting places, such as the Mistress of the Mountain and the Permafrost Cave.

map of the Resort Park with routes

In addition to squirrels, the park is also home to many furry friends; they even came up with a name for them - resort cats.

Resort lake

The lake has an observation deck overlooking the Cascade Staircase itself and Iron Mountain. There is also a concert and dance floor here, and on the tiles under your feet are the names of the chemical elements of the local mineral waters. What else does the lake have? Sculptures: Girl on a Bicycle, Fisherman and Fishing Cat, Eagle and Pyatigorye. If you don’t know where to go to sunbathe, swim, or ride a catamaran, then this is the place for you too. In short, a place for relaxation and entertainment that is easy to see on your own.

Dacha of the Emir of Bukhara

The dacha of the Emir of Bukhara is the former residence of a Central Asian ruler in the Caucasus and a beautiful building in the Moorish style of the early 20th century with turrets and a golden dome. In Soviet times, it was a building of the sanatorium named after. Telman. Now it is private property, restoration was supposed to be completed in November 2022, but it never began. On our visit, it was in terrible disrepair and resembled an autistic abandoned place - it was covered in thickets of weeds, with plaster falling off, but had not yet lost the signs of its former greatness.

Where is it: Resort Park

Mount Zheleznaya with paths

For dessert we have the beautiful Iron Mountain, next to which the resort park itself is located. It all started from the mountain - more than 20 mineral springs were found in this place, rich in iron, which precipitates, so the water turns the color of rust. This is where the name Zheleznovodsk comes from .

Is it possible to spend leisure time on Mount Zheleznaya? Yes, there are health paths - walking routes or “health paths”. You can take this route in several places in the resort park, the easiest way is from the stele at the Slavyanovsky spring. There are several paths:

  1. Stele - Mountain goat - route along the north-eastern slope of the mountain. It passes through the wooden sculpture “Grandfathers” to a drinking spring with a bas-relief “Mountain Goat”. This is an easy route of one hour and 3 km.
  2. To the top of Zheleznaya there is a more difficult route, 6 km. But you will enjoy stunning views, including other mountains, such as Medovaya.
  3. To Mount Razvalka there is an even more difficult route with a large height difference and a length of 8 km. Along the way you can see various caves, including the cave of Primitive Man.

Of course, it is better to allocate separate time for health paths if you do not have time to see all the sights of Zheleznovodsk in one day.

Egg of Wishes or Zodiac Signs

This original sculpture, located in the Spa Park, is a rotating sphere in a stone arch, shaped like an egg. It depicts the signs of the zodiac and passers-by believe that if you turn it around its axis and make a wish, and at the same time your sign according to the eastern calendar appears, then your wish will certainly come true. The meaning of this sculpture is that with effort, you can change your destiny.

Every city has similar customs for tourists, so we did not miss the opportunity to also ask for the treasured egg. Moreover, such attractions cause complete delight for a child.

Where is it located: in the Resort Park opposite the entrance to the castle of the Emir of Bukhara

Popular city attractions

The main attractions of Zheleznovodsk include natural springs and architectural structures, which are the cultural and historical heritage of the city.

Architecture of Zheleznovodsk

Architectural sights of Zheleznovodsk are buildings that were created at the very beginning of the city’s history. Since the city is considered young, the facilities are in good condition.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

The Palace of the Emir of Bukhara was built in 1912 for the Russian general and emir Seyid Abdullah Khan. Abdullah Khan was a fellow student of Alexander III, who donated the plot to the emir. The design of the palace in the oriental style was drawn up by the architect V. N. Semenov. Construction was carried out under the leadership of I. I. Baykov and V. F. Zimmerman. This palace was supposed to become a summer residence for the famous emir and a place for his treatment. But the general died before construction was completed (1910); the process was continued by his heir. When the building was completed, the new emir did not visit it. So the palace was donated to the imperial family. Over the years, this building housed a sanatorium, a military hospital, etc.

The palace complex includes living quarters, many corridors, a minaret, stables and a harem tower. According to legend, the unfaithful wives of the emir were thrown from the harem tower. This low structure is also called the tower of death.

The oriental architectural style of the palace is characterized by a minaret, arches, pointed windows, white and blue mosaics, carved decoration, etc.
Currently, the palace is federal property, so it is closed to visitors. They plan to open a modern hotel complex here. Those who managed to get inside the amazing structure speak enthusiastically about it. It is known that the best decorators invited from Bukhara and Khorezm were involved in the interior design. The interior still has antique stucco, an oriental fireplace, a chandelier, etc.

Helpful information:

  • address: Lermontov street, 2 “A”;
  • exact coordinates: 44°08′04″N 43°01′46″E;
  • You can inspect the building from the outside;
  • There is no need to pay for the inspection.

The best craftsmen from Bukhara and Khorezm arrived in Zheleznovodsk to decorate the building.

Pushkin Gallery

The Pushkin Gallery was built in 1901. The Kursaal was created by a metal plant in St. Petersburg and a Polish plant, and the finished parts were brought by train to Zheleznovodsk. The gallery project was drawn up by the architect Z. E. Khrzhanovsky, and the model was the work of A. N. Pomerantsev. The opening date of the gallery coincided with the 65th anniversary of Pushkin’s death, hence the name of the object. The main room of the gallery is the exhibition hall. Here in 1937 a monument to Pushkin was erected (author - S. D. Merkulov).

Famous artists of the early 20th century played in this gallery: Komissarzhevskaya, Dalsky, Khodotov, etc. The Soviet power of Zheleznovodsk was proclaimed from the gallery stage.

The Pushkin Gallery is a building with a small elegant dome, made of glass and metal structures.
Some tourists come to the Pushkin Gallery because of the local park. An unusual sundial is installed next to the gallery building. Their official name is “Zodiac Signs,” but they are popularly called the Egg of Wishes. This watch appeared here in 2000. Over the course of several years, a tradition has developed in the city - you must touch a huge egg and try to spin it. It is believed that this will lead to the fulfillment of desires.

Helpful information:

  • gallery address: Terraincourt No. 1 (Resort Park);
  • official website:;
  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays (from 12:00 to 18:00);
  • cost of a gallery tour: 100 rubles for 3 people.

"Egg of Wishes" is a sculpture representing a sundial

Ostrovsky baths

Baths named after M. N. Ostrovsky is the building of a former medical and health center. It was built in 1893 according to the design of the architect P. Yu. Syuzor. Engineer A.V. Conradi also took part in the construction. The architectural style is Moorish (this is evidenced by the Arabic script on the facade). At one time, one of the most popular resort establishments in the region was located here. Recently, mineral and mud healing has been offered by many sanatoriums, so Ostrovsky’s baths are closed to the public.

Helpful information:

  • address: Lenin street, 50;
  • official website: https://vanni-ostrovskogo;
  • You can inspect the building from the outside at any time and for free.

The building of the Ostrovsky Baths changed its purpose several times - it was used either for mineral baths or for mud treatment.

Cascade staircase

The cascade staircase in Zheleznovodsk was built in 1935. The project of the so-called Cascade was developed by the architect N. A. Papkov. Previously, water from a mineral spring descended along these stairs. The entire length of the staircase is decorated with unusual fountains. The decoration here is sculptures in the form of fairy tale characters (Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Danila the Master, Nymph, frogs, etc.). Now all the architecture of the staircase has been preserved, except for the cascading thermal water. Along the stairs there are alleys with benches, lanterns and flower beds.

Helpful information:

  • address: Lenin Street (from the musical fountain to the Lower Park);
  • You can get there by minibus No. 1, stop “Lenin Square”;
  • exact coordinates: 44°08'14″N 43°02'13″E;
  • You can explore the attraction at any time and for free.

From the top platform of the cascade staircase there is a magnificent view of the surrounding area: forests, lake, mountains, neighboring villages, etc.

Train Station

The Zheleznovodsk railway station was built in 1897. The building was built simultaneously with the Zheleznovodsk - Beshtau branch. The architect who drew up the project is E. Deskubes. This small building is an architectural monument and is protected by the state. It was closed in 2008 along with a freeze in rail traffic, but was reopened 2 years later.

Construction was complex and protracted, as the engineers faced an unsolvable issue. Due to the fact that the city is located on a mountainside, the line could not be brought close enough. But in this case, everyone would have to travel from the station by other means of transport, and this would harm resort activities. Then it was decided to build a railway track with a maximum slope of 160 meters vertically. Therefore, at first only a train of 2 cars could move along the tracks.

Helpful information:

  • address: Privokzalnaya Square, 1;
  • official website:;
  • opening hours: daily from 7:45 to 19:35, but you can inspect the building from the outside at any time;
  • the entrance is free.

Currently, traffic on the Beshtau - Zheleznovodsk section is again stopped, the Zheleznovodsk station is dilapidated (only one wing of the building is used, where the long-distance ticket offices are located)

Natural objects

Zheleznovodsk can be called a great natural attraction. Everything that is here is connected with nature: mineral springs, mountains, lakes, etc.

I have been to Zheleznovodsk several times. And my trips were not tourist trips, so I didn’t go on any excursions. But I had a lot of time to study beautiful objects. On my first trip, my guide was my husband, who was born and raised in this area. He said that Zheleznovodsk is called the Switzerland of the Caucasus. Indeed, the green slopes of Iron Mountain, flower meadows and the scorching sun, clean mountain air and monumental art - all this is reminiscent of a small European city located somewhere in the mountains.

Mount Iron

Iron Mountain is a dormant volcano (laccolith) formed millions of years ago. The height of the mountain is 853 meters, its diameter is about 2 km, and the area of ​​the summit platform is 200 m2. At the base of the Iron Mountain there were always springs enriched with mineral salts. One of the keys knocks out water with rusty sediments. There is a version according to which the name of the mountain was given because of this key (allegedly, soldiers of the Caucasian Line were the first to discover this source). In 1961, the landmark was declared a geological natural monument.

A person who is going to go to the Caucasus for the first time needs to do 3 things: see Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria), try Ossetian pie and touch hornbeam. I did the first 2 things, but I never saw the hornbeam. This is a rare tree species that grows in this strip. Iron Mountain has a wide wooded area and one of the native species is this tree. By the way, hornbeams do not grow in acidic and dense soil, so the growth of these trees on the slopes of a mountain is already a miracle.

Helpful information:

  • the mountain is clearly visible from anywhere in the city;
  • a convenient climb to the top is located on the eastern slope (resort park);
  • length of the trail - more than 3 km;
  • exact coordinates: 44°08′21″N 43°01′49″E;
  • The climb is free and possible at any time.

The base of the mountain is replete with mineral water outlets, the proximity of which is associated with the uplift of sedimentary strata under the influence of volcanic processes that occurred 10 million years ago

Slavyanovsky source

Slavyanovsky spring is a natural spring with a water temperature of 55°C. This sulfate water is used in the treatment of various diseases. The well was laid in 1912 by N. N. Slavyanov, and it began working in 1914. Another 2 years later, a pump room was built over the source, which was later named after F.N. Chernyshev (this is the former director of Geolkom). And in 1918 the source was renamed in honor of Slavyanov.

One of the sources in Kavminvody explained to me the principle by which a visit to a particular pump room is prescribed. The fact is that all the springs are located at different depths (water rises from under different rock layers). So the chemical composition of water depends on the depth level. But when thermal flows rise to the surface of the earth, they partially mix - so the composition becomes almost the same. But the well mechanism promotes rapid rise, so the temperature of the liquid does not have time to change much, so the source can be melted, warm and even hot. And the level of carbon dioxide depends on the depth of the source (the deeper, the more saturated the liquid is). Most often, warm water is prescribed for drinking treatment, and hot water is prescribed for taking mineral baths.

Helpful information:

  • address: Parkovaya Street (you can get to the source along path No. 1);
  • exact coordinates: 44.136823, 43.033983;
  • Opening hours: daily from 7:30 to 09:30, from 11:30 to 14:30, from 16:30 to 19:00;
  • visits to the pump room are included in the cost of sanatorium vouchers.

Currently, water is being extracted from two wells: No. 116 and No. 69; well No. 116 has a more than fivefold advantage in horizon compared to well No. 69 (263 m)

Smirnovsky source

The Smirnovsky source broke out spontaneously to the surface. They used to call him Dirty. In 1866, Dr. S. A. Smirnov cleared the place of the key by digging out a small depression. At the bottom of the pit there were 15 holes from which thermal water and carbon dioxide came out. After some research, it became clear that this water can be used as medicinal drinking water (water temperature: 38°C-40°C). In 1898, the source was named Smirnovsky, since then the name has not changed. After 30 years, Dr. Smirnov found 2 more sources with the same indicators. A beautiful gallery was built around 3 sources (architect: P. P. Eskov).

Interesting fact: Zheleznovodsk is the only place in Russia and Europe where calcium sources are heated to 40°C and above. The dormant volcano Iron Mountain has calcium rocks underneath it. The magmatic layers burst out and formed an almost vertical crack. Along it, liquid, heated by magma and saturated with carbon dioxide, rises to the top.

Helpful information:

  • address: Kurortny Park street, 6;
  • exact coordinates: 44°08'15″N 43°02'05″E;
  • Opening hours: daily from 07:30 to 09:30, from 11:30 to 14:30 and from 16:30 to 19:00;
  • visits to the pump room are included in the cost of sanatorium vouchers.

Smirnovsky spring water is used for gastrointestinal diseases

Lermontov source

The Lermontov spring was the first to be discovered (1810). It is also called source No. 1. The semi-rotunda pump room, built by engineer A. I. Kuznetsov, appeared here in 1916. The current name was given to the thermal spring in 1964 - in the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of M. Yu. Lermontov. In 1967, a memorial inscription appeared on the facade of the pump room, which states that the great poet used the water of this source. In 1975, thermal water from spring No. 69 was brought to the same pump room.

Previously, next to the source there was a State Hotel - a three-story wooden building. In 1943, the Germans burned this building during their retreat. Kalmyk baths were also built here (reminiscent of the Kalmyk national tent), but they also have not survived. But the historical place has become the center of Lermontovsky Square, which is now popular with tourists and local residents.

Helpful information:

  • address: Lermontov street, 8;
  • exact coordinates: 44°08'07″N 43°01'31″E;
  • Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 9:00, from 11:30 to 14:30 and from 16:30 to 19:00;
  • visits to the pump room are included in the cost of sanatorium vouchers.

The main contribution to the development of Zheleznovodsk springs was made by Russian mining engineers Anton Ivanovich Nezlobinsky and Nikolai Nikolaevich Slavyanov

Pushkin Gallery

The Pushkin Gallery is the sister of the Lermontov Gallery in Pyatigorsk, designed by the same Warsaw architect Schiller. It is curious that the structure was assembled from ready-made structures; the metal components of the building of the future stained glass gallery were brought to Zheleznovodsk by train in disassembled form.

Pushkinskaya was commemorated in honor of the poet, who was in Zheleznovodsk and the resort made a strong impression on him; it was here that the idea of ​​his poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was born. This gallery is the pearl of the resort park; its halls host exhibitions of paintings by local artists and live music concerts; Isadora Duncan, Joseph Kobzon and Edita Piekha performed under its arches.

Entrance: free, exhibition of paintings 50 rubles.


Zheleznovodsk occupies a small area, so you can walk from one end of the city to the other in an hour. There is still transport in Zheleznovodsk. These are minibuses that run both within the city and to the railway station. Buses also run around the city, and there are various suburban connections. The ticket price is small - the cost of travel in the city and outside is different.

Taxi services operate 24/7. Taxi driver services are provided at a price starting from 16 rubles. for one kilometer. Daytime and nighttime fares vary.

Increasingly, tourists use bicycles to get around the city and surrounding areas. Very convenient and profitable. There are no bike rentals in the city. Some hotels also provide two-wheeler rentals. The hourly rental price decreases according to the duration of use of the bike. Payment for a vehicle per day is no more than 700 rubles. As a rule, in addition to the bicycle, tools and locks are provided. When cycling, it is recommended to use the route map.

Those interested can rent a car. This transport option is suitable for tourists who are in the city for a short time or are tired of walking. When traveling by car, there are no problems with parking in Zheleznovodsk. Paid parking lots are available near large facilities. Also, almost every hotel or sanatorium is equipped with paid parking lots, which are mostly guarded.

Local agencies offer car rentals. It is convenient to book transport in advance. Then the chosen car will meet you at the railway station or airport - the car rental staff will take care of this. In this case, you must pay a deposit of approximately RUB 10,000. The cost of rental per day depends on the brand of car. It is worth agreeing and paying for additional services in advance, for example, if you need to install a child seat. During high season, car rental prices increase.

Hot spring Slavyanovsky

The Slavyanovsky hot spring is the most delicious among underground waters, but at the same time it smells strongly of iron, as if you are drinking from a rusty pipe. You can drink mineral water in the Lermontovsky, Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky pump rooms at any time; the drinking fountains located on the street do not close during the day. The pump room building resembles more of a chapel, but in fact it is a temple of healing water.

Mineral water from the depths of the mountain comes out heated and has a strong cleansing effect on the body, which we felt immediately. Therefore, if you have planned excursions, it is better not to drink it on this day.

Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky springs

There are always people hanging out near the two main mineral springs. The Smirnovsky spring is located right next to the fountain, and is very interestingly decorated. The water here is warm with a mineralization of 3.6 g/l, making it a pleasure to drink. the Slavyanovsky spring between the fountain and the Pushkin Gallery. It is the hottest of all - water temperature 55 degrees, mineralization 3.4 g/l. It was named after the hydrogeologist Nikolai Slavyanov, who discovered it. These mineral waters help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; each pump room has signs with detailed information about the properties and dosages of the water.

Smirnovsky source

In Zheleznovodsk, thanks to the great scientist Smirnov, several healing springs were discovered in the area of ​​Mount Zheleznaya, which are generously saturated with natural carbon dioxide. This mineral water is recommended for the treatment of kidney diseases and the result of its beneficial effect on the body is felt already on the second day of use.

Next to the Smirnov Gallery there is a huge fountain in the bed of which two bronze drinking pits rise. This design in the spirit of Soviet times looks very pompous, especially towards the observation deck near the cascade staircase, where a stunning view of the lake opens from the height.

Reviews by month

Tourists come to this region at different times of the year. Many people leave reviews about their holidays in Zheleznovodsk.


Tatyana, 56 years old

Most of all, the first winter month is suitable for a relaxing holiday, and most importantly, for treatment with mineral waters. In Zheleznovodsk you can significantly improve your health, especially if you have problems with the digestive system, kidneys, or metabolism. In addition, walking around the winter city is a pleasure. The streets are still dressed in New Year's outfits, the Zheleznovodsk park is picturesque. I really enjoyed my holiday in January.


Stanislav, 40 years old

It turned out that the vacation fell in February. We decided to go closer to the mineral springs to improve our health and breathe in the mountain air. Moreover, trips to the sanatorium are inexpensive. We didn’t regret it at all. The winter was mild, although there were winds. They drank water in the pump room from the Slavic spring. The water in it is hot, the temperature is about +55 degrees. I especially liked walking and breathing the purest ionized air.


Svetlana, 48 years old

March is not a very pleasant month for vacation, but it was at the beginning of spring that we were able to get together with our family. We went to Zheleznovodsk - everyone had different health problems, and mineral water, according to rumors, helped many. The city was met with tedious rain and fog, so the first impression was not very rosy. But I liked the sanatorium: comfortable, friendly staff, many recreational activities. We walked a lot, breathed the mountain air - it didn’t always rain, it was sunny. We saw the sights of the city, although there was little time between procedures.


Inna, 31 years old

We went to Zheleznovodsk in April. We chose the resort because of its miraculous climate and mineral waters. We thought it was boring, cold and gray there at that time. But it has already become warmer outside, there is no snow, greenery has begun to appear. We walked around the park, enjoyed the fresh air, drank water, visited the sights, and were happy.


Elena Andreevna, 61 years old

Most of all I like to travel to Zheleznovodsk in the spring, especially in May. It's not hot, but it's not cold either. Everything begins to bloom: blossom, trees, bushes. The beauty is incredible. The air is filled with freshness and aromas. The main thing, of course, is mineral springs - drink healing water as much as you want.


Igor Sergeevich, 52 years old

I went to Zheleznovodsk several times. Summer is a favorite time to relax at the resort, although it can be a little hot. I really like this fertile region with beautiful nature and clean air. In the summer everything is open, there is a lot of entertainment around, excursions to interesting places are organized. You can also visit the city’s sights on your own. I often rested on the lake, where I could swim and sunbathe on sunbeds. In general, in June the weather is beautiful, there is greenery all around, it’s easy to breathe.


Veronica, 28 years old

For the first time my friend and I visited Zheleznovodsk. I really liked the resort town, as it is cozy, not noisy, with a well-developed infrastructure, and greenery all around. Excursion programs introduce vacationers to shrines and natural attractions. You can take a walk around Iron Mountain, visit a wonderful city park, or relax by the lake.


Galina Borisovna, 65 years old

Summer is in full swing in Zheleznovodsk. I came to this resort several times at different times of the year, but spending time here in the summer is the most pleasant. There is greenery all around, no sweltering heat, clean air, life-giving water. The sanatorium has a lot of different procedures aimed at getting rid of various types of diseases. There are a lot of tourists in August - it's vacation time, but there is not much noise.


Vyacheslav, 49 years old

I went to the resort due to minor health problems. I liked Zheleznovodsk very much. There is everything you need for a comfortable stay, there are restaurants, cafes, and kebab shops. There is beauty all around - nature plays with bright colors. There are no autumn rains, you can walk a lot and visit interesting places.


Tatyana Vasilievna, 43 years old

This is my second time coming to this resort. The first time I went on vacation was in the summer. There were a lot of tourists, all the hotels were full. I decided to go next time in October. I liked the autumn holiday even more. It’s still warm, there are rains, but not often, the trees have not yet shed their beautiful colors, it’s easy to breathe, mineral water gives you energy.


Sergey Leonidovich, 50 years old

We managed to get to the resort in November. To be honest, I didn’t really want to go at this time of year. I imagined that it would be damp, uncomfortable, and that I wouldn’t want to go outside. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Late autumn in Zheleznovodsk is quite warm, about 5-6 degrees plus, there is almost no rain. You can walk a lot, drink healing water directly from the springs, and visit local attractions. All liked it

Cascade staircase

The cascade staircase consists of 1,790 steps and is rightfully considered the longest in the south of Russia. The staircase itself is very pompous, somewhat similar to Peterhof. A cascade staircase connects the Upper and Lower parks and leads to the resort lake, where you can swim after a therapeutic walk along the health path.

There are also signs on the steps in the form of drinking pots indicating the number of calories burned.

Mineral water sources

Pump room No. 1 “Lermontovsky”

Address: Resort Park Opening hours: 7.30-9.30; 11.30-14.30; 16.30-19.00 Cost: free

It is an original semi-rotunda, created according to the design of A.I. Kuznetsov in 1916. The pump room was named so because M.Yu. Lermontov often came to this source to drink mineral water.

Gallery "Smirnovsky Springs"

Address: Resort Park Opening hours: 7.30-9.30; 11.30-14.30; 16.30-19.00 Cost: free

Named in memory of the Russian doctor S. Smirnov, who created the first Balneological Society in Russia. The building was built in the constructivist style of the 30s of the 20th century.

Pump room Book with quotes from Lermontov's poems

The Pump Room Book is a small building with walls decorated with excerpts of lines from Lermontov's works. It was built right above the well, and inside there is a spring with new mineral water, colder and more alkaline than the rest, reminiscent of the Essentuki waters. The literary pump room is located in the middle of the cascading staircase; nearby there are benches for relaxation, where you can listen to broadcasts of the poet’s poems and a dancing fountain hidden in the tiles.

Opening hours: daily from 09.00 - 17.00

What to see in Zheleznovodsk in 1 day

A modern small city in the Stavropol region is developing in the resort and tourist directions. People from all over Russia and from abroad come to Zheleznovodsk to improve their health, relax, visit interesting places, and explore the main attractions of the resort.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

The residence, built for the ruler of the Bukhara Emirate Abdullah Khan in 1912, is a true example of oriental culture. The territory of the palace is a must-visit to see the majestic architectural structure that has survived to this day.

The unique iron fence with numerous oriental patterns reminiscent of Arabic script will not escape the admiring eyes of tourists. The architecture of the building combines neo-Moorish style with an arch and wooden carvings, and Art Nouveau elements in the form of decorative ceramic mosaics. On the territory of the palace there is a functioning minaret, utility buildings, and a building with a round tower - a former harem.

Over the years, within the walls of the palace there were medicinal baths and a hospital. Today the palace territory belongs to the Telman sanatorium.

Address: st. Lermontova, 2A,

Opening hours: free inspection.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

Get directions

Intercession Church

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1917, was completely destroyed in 1930. The modern religious site is interesting because it is located in the former building of the “water society”, dating back to 1912. The authorities decided to give the Intercession Church a new life in the 1990s. The three-story mansion was rebuilt as a temple, and a dome was installed. The main room is located on the 2nd floor, it is light and cozy, although there are no high painted vaults. This is an interesting place to visit.

The exterior of the temple is decorated with interfloor cornices with carvings and arches at the entrance. The walls are brick, sand-colored. On the side of Semashko Street there is a small bell tower.

Address: st. Lermontova, 3A.

Opening hours: daily from 8 to 19 hours.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Temple in honor of Princess Olga

The white five-domed temple on a hill was created in the Old Russian style after the Second World War where there was a prayer house that had been operating since 1900. In 1988, the church was reconstructed, and the windows were decorated with colored stained glass. Visitors can see with their own eyes the amazing decoration of the temple, because the main relics are the icons of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga and the iconostasis made using hot enamel technology.

Address: st. Karl Marx, 34.

Opening hours: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

How to get there: minibuses No. 213a, 2, stop “Sanatorium Dubrava”.

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Monument to M. Yu. Lermontov

An interesting place to see while walking through the resort square is the monument to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The figure of the poet was cast from bronze in Moscow. The monument was erected on a boulder on the site above the travertine cliff. The poet is depicted as thoughtful and a little sad, his gaze fixed on the mountains. There are beautiful flower beds at the monument.

Address: Resort Park.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Sculpture "Eagle"

The symbol of the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is the eagle. Every resort, including Zheleznovodsk, has a sculpture of this proud bird. An eagle cast from bronze is installed on a pedestal near the Smirnovsky springs. The pedestal is assembled from large stones and resembles a rocky peak in appearance. The composition is crowned by a bronze bird holding a snake in its tenacious paws.

According to legend, the eagle personifies the healing power of local waters, and the snake killed by the bird symbolizes the defeat of the disease. This is the place where you should go to take pictures as a souvenir of the resort city.

Address: Resort Park.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Sculpture-clock “Zodiac Signs”

While walking through the park, resort guests do not miss other famous places. An attractive attraction for tourists is the sculpture “Zodiac Signs”, which is secretly nicknamed the egg of wishes. The composition is an arch installed on a low pedestal. The top is decorated with carvings. On one column there are 12 signs of the zodiac constellations carved, on the other there are animals - symbols of the Chinese calendar. Between the arches, an egg-shaped structure is suspended on an axis, playing the role of a sundial. The egg's belt is framed with images of half-naked girls with bunches of grapes.

According to legend, the wish of the person who makes it will come true if the person manages to turn the egg around its axis.

Address: Resort Park.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Stagecoach station

The building is of historical value. Built in 1875 in the eastern part at the entrance to the city, the station for postal stagecoaches is the only surviving structure of this type in the Caucasus. Here they met horse-drawn carriages with provisions, essentials, and correspondence delivered to the resort. Tourists can step back in time with a short, unique horse-drawn carriage ride.

Address: st. Lenina, 7.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Lake Thirty in the Resort Park

This small artificial lake is located in the saddle of the Zheleznaya and Razvalka mountains, and from the beach side an incredible mountain landscape opens on the horizon. This lake is the cherry in the resort park and you will immediately understand it. There is everything for a family holiday: the lake is equipped with modern sun loungers and sun loungers, there is a swimming area for children with a shallow bottom and for fishing, there is fast food, drinking fountains, there are changing rooms on the beach, a clean new toilet with soap and paper towels for hands, boats and catamarans for rent. The shores are lined with natural stone, there are wooden piers everywhere with steps leading down to the water. Prada, the water is cloudy and has a greenish feel to it; I wouldn’t go swimming, but sunbathing and playing sports is quite suitable.

Admission is free, catamaran rental is 300 rubles. / 30 min.

Climate and weather in Zheleznovodsk

The climate in Zheleznovodsk is moderate-dry, mountain-forest, similar to the Middle Alps. The influence of forests and mountains is felt - Mount Zheleznaya is located nearby. The atmosphere in the mountains is extremely rich in oxygen. In the summer, Zheleznovodsk is moderately hot during the day and cool at night. In winter there are no strong winds, the sun shines often, so it is not cold.

Local authorities have made the resort even more environmentally friendly through a number of activities. Industrial enterprises were moved outside the city. Residential buildings were moved from the resort area. Now Zheleznovodsk has the cleanest air and water.

It is pleasant to relax in a resort town in any season. On summer days it is not hot because of the cool mountain air, on winter days it is warm because there are many sunny days. The only time of year that neither locals nor tourists really like is spring. This season is characterized by frequent rain and fog. But autumn at this resort is dry and picturesque. Around mid-October, the city plays with bright colors. The autumn background of Zheleznovodsk makes for beautiful photographs.

Ostrovsky baths

Ostrovsky Baths is a beautiful 19th century building, built in the Moorish style, located in the very center of the city, named after the brother of the great playwright, who invested a lot in the development of Zheleznovodsk. Because of the round domes, it somewhat resembles a mosque with a minaret. But now you can’t get inside the ancient hydropathic clinic; it is under restoration.

Where is it located: opposite the railway station

Beautiful places in Zheleznovodsk that are worth visiting

Tourists interested in where to go in order to contemplate natural beauty are encouraged to visit the nearby surroundings of Zheleznovodsk.

Mount Iron

The mountain is located in the northeastern part of the city, rising 853 meters above sea level. On one of its slopes there is a resort park. From the upper tier of the park to the top there is a picturesque path that goes around the mountain several times. The length of the trail to the observation deck at the top is about 3 km. The site offers amazing views of the city and its surroundings. Along the way, you come across ferruginous springs gushing out of crevices, coloring the stones in a characteristic rusty hue. Therefore, the mountain received the name Zheleznaya, and the city itself was named Zheleznovodsk.

Address: Resort Park.

How to get there: minibuses No. 1-10 to the Lenin Square stop.

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Resort lake

The picturesque lake is the fruit of the efforts of city enthusiasts. An artificial reservoir appeared on the eastern outskirts of the city in 1954. A pit was dug and filled with clean water, and work was carried out to improve the shore. The lake is shallow - 8 meters. For the last 20 years, the bottom of the reservoir has been overgrown with silt, and swimming in it has been prohibited. Residents have achieved cleaning up the beaches and modern amenities. In 2022, certain work was carried out and the swimming season was opened.

Address: eastern outskirts of Zheleznovodsk.

How to get there: minibuses to the stop “Sanatorium 30 Let Pobedy”, taxi.

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Mountain Honey

The mountain got its name because of the color and honeycomb-like depressions in the stones. According to legend, bees lived in stone honeycombs and honey flowed down the rocky slopes. The mountain is of volcanic nature. The volcano was active in the era before dinosaurs appeared on earth. Beshtaunite stone, mined on the mountain through blasting, has been used for construction purposes for many years. This changed the appearance of the mountain. Only in 1961 the object was recognized as a natural monument. Medovaya is part of the Beshtaugorsky reserve of regional subordination.

The height of the slope, shaped like a tooth of a huge animal protruding from the jaw, is 271 meters. You can climb the mountain on foot along trails. From here you can enjoy an amazing panorama of the city. To conquer you will need special equipment.

Address: southern outskirts of Zheleznovodsk.

How to get there: by minibus to the Chapaeva stop.

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Museum of Local Lore

The Museum of Local Lore in Zheleznovodsk is a small two-story museum with exhibitions of archeology, history of the Great Patriotic War and a very authentic place, the atmosphere of being thrown back 50 years. The building itself is ancient - a former merchant's apartment building and is in urgent need of restoration

Entrance: 100 rubles, I advise you to take a guide, the price of which is equal to a movie ticket

Where is it: st. Lermontova 3

Urban architecture

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

Address: Medical Park, st. Lermontova, house 2a

The building was erected in 1912 under the direction of architect V. Semenov. During the construction, motifs characteristic of the East were used.

The Emir of Bukhara stayed here for the duration of his treatment. Later, he gave the palace as a gift to the Russian imperial family, and a charitable sanatorium was opened here, now called the Thälmann sanatorium.

The house where M. Lermontov rented an apartment

Address: st. Semashko, 9

The house is an old city manor. It was from here that the poet went to Pyatigorsk for a duel with Martynov. At different times, the great Russian actress V. Komissarzhevskaya and N. Shelgunov, writer, public figure and revolutionary, rented an apartment here.

Cascade staircase

Address: Resort Park, starts at the musical fountain

It was erected in the 30s of the 20th century by the architect Papkov with the purpose of draining the wetlands.

At the very top of the stairs there is a platform from which you can see picturesque views of the distant mountain slopes and Beshtaugorsky Park. In the middle, water flows from the steps, forming cascades, dividing the staircase into two sides.

Various sculptures are installed on the stairs: an eagle tormenting a snake - a symbol of Zheleznovodsk, fairy-tale characters: the frog princess, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, nymphs.


History of Zheleznovodsk

The name “Zheleznovodsk” is not a resort name at all; it is associated, rather, with some kind of industrial mine, and not with a place for a comfortable vacation.
The “iron” name of the city arose as a result of the misconception of one foreigner. At the beginning of the 19th century, on the recommendation of Prince Repnin, the German physician Friedrich Haas arrived in Russia. It quickly gained popularity among upper-class patients. According to the custom of that time, the doctor’s name was changed into the Russian way, and in St. Petersburg Dr. Gaas was known as Fyodor Petrovich Gaas. By the will of fate, the first years of the resort history of Zheleznovodsk are closely connected with it. In 1810, while accompanying his charges on a trip to the Caucasus, Haaz met a local aristocrat, the Kabardian prince Izmail-Bey Atazhukin. A new friend told the doctor about healing mountain springs and showed him one of them. The German doctor mistook the reddish-brown coating that had accumulated around the spring for rust, which is why he came to the conclusion that the water was rich in ferrous compounds. Other scientists agreed with Haas's authoritative opinion. This is how Zheleznovodsk got its name. Subsequently, researchers found that local waters do not differ in the abundance of iron, and the ocher coating is caused by oxides of other minerals. Plan of Zheleznovodsk at the beginning of the 20th century from the “Illustrated Practical Guide to the Caucasus” by G. G. Moskvich.

The first holidaymakers appeared in Zheleznovodsk in 1812. They were content with little—they used fenced-off pits filled with mineral water as baths, and huts and soldiers’ tents served as “hotels.” In the early 30s of the 19th century, the Swiss naturalist, ethnographer and archaeologist Frederic Dubois de Montpere visited here. In the illustrations for his 6-volume work “Journey around the Caucasus” there is an engraving depicting landscapes in the vicinity of Iron Mountain. There were no noticeable buildings here at that time; only a few dark rectangular spots were marked on the slopes - those very “baths” and tents.

A few years later, General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov, who ruled the Caucasian province, took over the development of the resort. The first baths, cottages and hotels were built here, the springs were improved, and water pipelines were laid from mountain springs. A great contribution to the development of the resort was made by the doctor Semyon Alekseevich Smirnov, the founder of scientific balneology in Russia. He deeply studied the chemical composition of local healing waters, built the first balneological hospital in Zheleznovodsk, and trained qualified medical personnel. One of the Zheleznovodsk mineral springs is named after Smirnov. In 1856, 25 springs with water suitable for health procedures were discovered in the vicinity of the city.

“Ostrovsky’s Baths” at the beginning of the 20th century

By the beginning of the 20th century, Zheleznovodsk had turned into one of the fashionable resorts in the south of the Russian Empire. In 1903, the city streets were illuminated by electric lamps, and electric pumps began to supply mineral water to the pump rooms of sanatoriums. Energy was generated by Russia's first industrial power plant in Essentuki. Resort construction continued here even after the October Revolution.

During the Great Patriotic War, the city was occupied by the German Wehrmacht for a short time. After liberation, wounded front-line soldiers were treated in Zheleznovodsk sanatoriums. In the 60s of the last century, all industrial enterprises of the city were relocated to the neighboring village of Inozemtsevo. Residential areas were also built outside the resort area. The central city highway leads to them - Lenin Street, which stretches 5 km from west to east. Since then, Zheleznovodsk has acquired the status of the most environmentally friendly health resort among the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Geography and climate

Zheleznovodsk is located at the southern tip of the Stavropol Upland, which in this area passes into the foothills of the Caucasus. The resort quarters are built on the southwestern slopes of the Iron Mountain.

The city is surrounded by hilly terrain, densely covered with ancient deciduous forests. The Dzhemuk and Kuchuk rivers flow here, and from the top of Beshtau (1400 m) and Iron Mountain (853 m), towering above Zheleznovodsk, magnificent panoramas of the picturesque surroundings open up. Around the foot of Mount Beshtau there is a ring highway with branches of asphalt roads leading to the nearest resort towns - Mineralnye Vody (21 km to the northeast), Pyatigorsk (12 km to the southeast), Essentuki (26 km to the southwest). Beshtau railway station is located 6 km from the center of Zheleznovodsk.

Zheleznovodsk in summer

The mountain-forest climate that reigns in the city is similar to the mild alpine and is not similar to the weather conditions of the surrounding resorts. The air here is rich in oxygen, saturated with ions and forest phytoncides. There are a considerable number of clear days in Zheleznovodsk: the sun shines here for about 1,750 hours a year. At the same time, high air humidity often causes morning fog.

Summer in Zheleznovodsk is moderately warm, and at night the mountain wind often brings chilly coolness. Winters are mild, the usual air temperature in January fluctuates around 0 °C, rising by the middle of the day to +1...+2 °C and dropping at night to -4...-3 °C. According to the results of observations by meteorologists over the past 10 years, the record winter cold in Zheleznovodsk was –5 °C. Spring is early here, already at the beginning of March the thermometers do not fall below +4...+6 °C, by the beginning of April +10...+12 °C are recorded.

Zheleznovodsk in autumn

From the beginning of June to the first ten days of September, the daytime temperature is +24...+27 °C, at night it is cool: +18...+20 °C. Even at the beginning of November, the weather is pleasant with sunshine and a temperature of +10 °C, but by the end of the month it is heading towards winter, the air cools to +3...+4 °C, and there are light frosts at night.

Zheleznovodsk in winter

Walk around the city

Signpost in the Resort Park
Historical buildings of Zheleznovodsk have interesting “biographies”; big names are associated with them. Most of the ancient buildings are located in the vast Spa Park, which in itself is a city landmark.

In 1825, on the slope of Iron Mountain, Italian landscape architects the Bernardazzi brothers began to develop the territory, improving the forest that grew here. Thus, Zheleznovodsk Park has a natural origin. This case is not typical for the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters. If in Essentuki or Kislovodsk, located in the foothill Stavropol steppe, several generations of gardeners grew parks “from scratch,” little by little surrounding the resort buildings with trees, then in Zheleznovodsk it was the opposite: clearings in the forest thickets were cleared for sanatoriums. The first path was laid along a clearing that connected several mineral springs. At that time the park was called “Government Garden”. Among the trees, medical buildings and pavilions, cozy summer houses and villas, a dance hall and restaurant, entertainment venues were erected, and the lake was cleared and expanded. Strolling holidaymakers were entertained by brass bands.

Today there are two main entrances to the Resort Park. One of them is located in the west, this is a wide stone staircase rising from Tchaikovsky Street. From below, it seems that its steps, surrounded by rows of chestnut trees and decorative lanterns, rush straight to Magnetic Mountain. On the platforms between the flights of stairs there are comfortable benches, decorative colonnades, sculptures, gazebos and belvederes, surrounded by greenery.

From the northeast, an even more pompous Cascade Staircase, built in the Stalin era, leads into the park. It is made of granite blocks and decorated with a cascade of fountains with sculptural compositions. Mineral water flows from decorative pools along gutters along the steps. On the upper platform of the Cascade Staircase there is a traditional symbol for the Caucasian Mineral Waters - a sculpture of an eagle grabbing a snake.

Cascade staircase KMV symbol

On a hill near the central park alley stands the palace of the Emir of Bukhara - perhaps the most remarkable building in Zheleznovodsk. The palace in the Moorish style was built for the ruler of Bukhara in 1912. A granite staircase decorated with gilded lions leads to the entrance. Arabic script has been preserved on the tiled arched portal. This inscription reads: “Peace to him who enters!” Behind the carved facades of the residence were luxurious apartments, a reception hall, a mosque and a harem. However, the emir did not want to live in the resort palace. They say that while finishing the minaret, a builder fell from a height and died. The emir saw a bad sign in the incident and presented a brand new palace to Empress Maria Feodorovna for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

After the revolution, a trade union sanatorium was set up here. Memorial plaques on the façade remind us that here in 1929, Lenin’s husband Nadezhda Krupskaya and his sister Maria Ulyanova underwent treatment. In the post-war years, the palace was listed as one of the buildings of the Ernst Thälmann sanatorium. In 2022, the emir’s rather dilapidated residence was leased to a commercial company, which undertook to restore the historical building and convert it into a modern hotel.

Zodiac signs

Not far from the palace, on a park alley, in 2000 a monumental composition “Zodiac Signs” appeared. The “Egg of the Universe” is enclosed in a rectangular stone frame, on which female figures are carved. The left pylon is decorated with stylized images of the signs of the zodiac constellations, and on the right there are bas-reliefs with animal figures of the traditional Chinese horoscope. Local youth renamed the astrological composition “Egg of Wishes” and invented a ritual: you need to rub your zodiac sign, touch the image of the animal of your “Chinese” year of birth, then spin the egg and make a wish. But not everyone can spin a heavy stone egg.

In the style of an oriental palace, the “Ostrovsky Baths” were erected in 1891. The facades are lined with alternating rows of red and white bricks, and the pointed arches of the window openings are decorated with arabesques. There are also several minarets here. They perform purely decorative functions, hiding air duct pipes. This colorful building is one of the resort’s business cards. Here was the first Zheleznovodsk hydropathic clinic, which in terms of equipment and qualifications of medical personnel was in no way inferior to foreign analogues of that time. Unfortunately, in recent years, Ostrovsky Baths have been closed to the public; the premises are in need of major renovation.

Ostrovsky baths

Another iconic building located in the Resort Park is the Pushkin Gallery. This is a fashionable kursaal (from the German Kursaal) in resort architecture of the early 20th century. Such glazed enfilades of halls were built at prestigious resorts. Kursaals were the prototypes of modern entertainment centers. Musical evenings, balls, theatrical performances, chamber concerts, and charity fairs were organized for the public here. The elegant long pavilion with a dome was assembled in 1902 from openwork metal structures and sheet glass. Over the 120-year history of the Pushkin Gallery, famous artists have performed on its stage - actors of the newly emerging silent cinema, dancer Isadora Duncan, popular jazzman and singer Leonid Utesov, illusionist Igor Kio, Edita Piekha, Alla Pugacheva and many others. Today, in one of the spacious halls of the gallery, there is an exhibition of paintings by local artists; the paintings you like can be purchased. In another hall, exotic goods from India are traded, and sometimes concerts are held here.

Pushkin Gallery

Near the gallery, in a small park, there is a monument to Pushkin. This is a copy of the sculpture “Pushkin by the Sea” by the famous Soviet monumentalist Sergei Merkurov. The park also has Lermontovsky Square with a monument to the poet. Behind the greenery of the square you can see a round building with columns. This is the pump room of the Lermontov spring. Here Mikhail Yuryevich took healing drinks in 1837 and 1841. Other prominent figures of Russian culture also came here for miraculous water: poet Alexander Pushkin, composer Mikhail Glinka, writer Leo Tolstoy.

Drinking pump room of the Smirnovsky spring Pump room of the Lermontov spring Musical gazebo

There are several more personalized pump rooms in the park. A building in a classical style was erected above the Slavyanovsky spring. The water temperature in it reaches +55 °C. The pump room of the Smirnovsky spring is built in the form of a semicircular gallery. In the center of the semicircle there is a fountain; in the evenings the jets are illuminated.

Next is the Musical Gazebo with cast iron columns, installed on the promenade in the 19th century. In the old days this gazebo was called “Musician’s”. It was intended for the resort orchestra to entertain the public. Once the famous opera bass Fyodor Chaliapin sang here.

During your walk, you will certainly smile when you see around the bend of the health path a bench with a funny park sculpture of the “Resort Cat”, enthusiastically reading a book. Sit down next to us and take a photo for memory.

Resort cat

You can go down the stairs near the Church of the Intercession to Semashko Street. At No. 9 there is one of the oldest residential buildings in Zheleznovodsk - Karpov's courtyard. In this estate, Mikhail Lermontov spent his last hours before the fatal duel. A stone's throw away, on Lermontov Street, 3, is the city museum of local lore.

Karpov Compound Stagecoach Post Station

Recently, another museum appeared in the city - “Stagecoach Post Station”. It is located on Lenin Street, 7, in a former post office built in 1875. This is the only passenger and postal carriage station in the region that has survived from the century before last. There are antiques, photographs, documents on display here. A separate exhibition is dedicated to famous holidaymakers who once came by stagecoach to this station. In one of the rooms a post office room is reproduced. Antique carriages are displayed in the courtyard. The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays. The entrance ticket costs 200 rubles.

On the western outskirts of Zheleznovodsk, on the top of a hill, the gilded domes of the church in the name of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga shine. The temple was built in the style of ancient Russian architecture, the windows are decorated with colored stained glass. The interior paintings were carried out by masters of the Russian Academy of Arts. Academician Nikolai Vdovkin created a unique iconostasis, painted using hot enamel technique. This work is a true work of art. Here are depicted the faces of Christ and the Mother of God, Princess Olga and Prince Vladimir, Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

Beaches of Zheleznovodsk

At the eastern entrance to Zheleznovodsk, not far from the sanatorium named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory, there is Resort Lake. There are notices prohibiting swimming, but in summer the shores are full of beachgoers and fishermen. On the shore there are children's playgrounds with swings and slides, children's electric cars can be rented, you can shoot at a shooting range, or play volleyball. There are several cafes here, and a boat and catamaran rental station (200 rubles per hour). There is a small island on the lake; it is connected to the shore by a Japanese-style arched bridge. The island has tables set on the neatly trimmed lawn.

Resort lake

In the western part of the resort, in the area of ​​Proskurina Street, there is Lake Zheleznovodskoe. Swimming here is also not allowed, but a spontaneous beach exists; fishing enthusiasts come here with fishing rods. The lake is surrounded by a park, and there are attractions along the alleys. There are no cafes here; vacationers bring sandwiches and drinks with them.

Zheleznovodskoye Lake

Recently, a “civilized” opportunity to freshen up has appeared at the resort. 13 km from Zheleznovodsk, in the village of Inozemtsevo, a large modern water park “City of the Sun” was built. There are nine swimming pools, a dozen slides, a bathhouse complex, cafes and restaurants, a bowling alley and a fitness center. The water park is open from 09:00 to 20:00, the entrance ticket will cost 1,200 rubles. You can get from Zheleznovodsk to Inozemtsevo by minibuses No. 5 and 7, the fare is 20 rubles.

Water park "City of the Sun"


You can go fishing and cook fish soup over a fire in Inozemtsevo. There are three lakes here - Karras, as well as Bolshoye Inozemtsevskoye and Maloye. Pike, carp and perch are caught there. Small bleak is often caught; local fishermen salt it and dry it in the sun.

Hiking in the mountains is popular among vacationers in Zheleznovodsk, where paths lead to numerous natural attractions and man-made historical and cultural monuments. On a walk along the slopes of Mount Beshtau you will encounter streams with mineral water, meadows strewn with flowers, oak and beech groves, thickets of rowan, yew and hawthorn. Local foresters determined that many of the trees were over 150 years old. At the top of the mountain, a fragrant surprise awaits tired travelers: there is a lovely alpine meadow. In spring, it is strewn with blooming scarlet poppies, yellow rhododendrons, and purple primroses.


On the northeastern slope of Mount Beshtau, a rocky “balcony” with a rocky platform attracts attention. According to historians, in ancient times the sanctuary of the Sun was located on this ledge above the abyss. Huge boulders served as altars. One of the blocks in the center of the sanctuary is supported on three sides by stone supports. They say that people prone to mysticism feel the energy of ancient shrines here. Local residents also claim that once a giant “snowman” overgrown with fur was spotted nearby; mysterious luminous balls sometimes hover over the mountain.

On the opposite southwestern slope of Beshtau there is an observation deck from which the Eagle Rocks are visible. From this point they form the profile of a mountain eagle. This natural composition has given rise to beautiful legends. A hidden grotto is hidden under the wing of a stone eagle. In the opening of the cliffs there is a “loophole”, through which the quarters of Zheleznovodsk are clearly visible far below. The Eagle Rocks group attracts climbers; there are other hard-to-reach locations for rock climbers on Beshtau.

At the beginning of the last century, Russian monks, who spent some time serving on the holy Mount Athos in Greece, arrived in the Caucasus and founded a new monastery at the foot of Beshtau - the Assumption Deuteroathon Beshtau Monastery. After the revolution of 1917, militant atheists expelled the monks from here and destroyed the buildings. In the 90s, the restoration of the monastery began, and at the beginning of the 21st century it was consecrated. There are cells, a bakery, a refectory, an abbot's building, a hospice for pilgrims, and a chapel built here. Since 2014, the majestic cathedral Assumption Church has been built on the territory of the monastery; its facades are built from terracotta tuff. The monastery territory is well-groomed, there are many flower beds, there is a lake with water lilies, a growing orchard, and an apiary. A religious museum is opened in one of the buildings. You can join tours of the monastery, led by novices. The relics of saints are kept here, and there is a miraculous icon. On the veranda, the monks treat visitors to monastery pastries and herbal tea.

Assumption of the Second Athos Beshtaugorsky Monastery

On the slopes of the Iron Mountain there is a city resort park with shady alleys-pathways that lead to pump rooms with healing water. One of the paths goes around the base of the mountain. At the entrance to this alley there is a picturesque area paved with terracotta tiles with benches for relaxation. In its center lies a huge boulder, as if specially brought here by a creative landscape designer. But take a closer look at the block, and you will find a curious inscription on its rough side, saying that on the night of April 11, 1892, this stone fell from the top of the mountain. Its weight is also indicated, determined “by eye” to be 1,700 pounds, which exceeds 27 tons. The monolith is buried deep in the ground, but even above the surface it rises to the height of a man.

Pump room of the Slavyanovsky spring

There is a serpentine hiking trail with a slight climb to the top of Iron Mountain. Its beginning is marked by a stone stele; it is clearly visible just above the Slavyanovsky spring. The attached map schematically shows the route, its beginning is indicated by an arrow. The path is not steep, it wraps around the mountain three times. However, be careful, there are screes and fragments of fallen tree trunks on the path. To look at Zheleznovodsk from the observation deck, which is 800 meters at the very top, you will have to walk more than 3 km. A leisurely climb to the top, with stops for rest, snacks and photography, takes about an hour and a half. From here the city looks like a toy. On clear days, the peak of Elbrus appears blue in the distance.

Nearby, on the outskirts of the Resort Park, Mount Razvalka (925 m) rises. On its slopes there is the Grafsky mineral water spring. During its arrangement in 1901, geologist Eichelman discovered an amazing phenomenon: in the summer heat, under a thick layer of moss, the rocks surrounding the spring were covered with plates of ice! The discoverer paradoxically called this unnatural phenomenon: “summer permafrost.” To find the answer, in the 50s, Soviet geologists dug seven drifts into the slopes leading to the center of the mountain. It turned out that air with a temperature of about 0 ° C rises through cracks in igneous rocks. These flows cause icing of rocks. But it was not possible to find out what kind of cold source is located in the depths of the mountain. The work was curtailed, and the hastily strengthened drifts collapsed over time. There is only one of them left, at an altitude of 650 meters. Now this attraction is called the “Permafrost Cave.”

View of Mount Razvalka from Selitryanye rocks

From Zheleznovodsk you can get to this mysterious landmark by car or bicycle. Get onto the highway from Proskurina Street, after a couple of kilometers on the right you will see a sign to the “Forester’s Hut” restaurant and “Permafrost Cave”. Next - along the forest primer. You can also get there from the city on foot. From the Slavyanovsky spring to the entrance to the adit is approximately 3.5 km. Access to the cave is open to tourists, but you just need to dress warmly before entering - it’s very cold inside, +5...+7 °C in winter and summer. With a sharp change in temperature, when it’s +25 °C outside, it won’t take long for you to catch a cold. You will also need flashlights, because pitch darkness reigns in the depths of the mountain. A helmet won't hurt either - stones often fall from the ceiling. By the way, colonies of bats live in the adit; in the darkness of the cave they can terrify even people with strong nerves.

From the Slavyanovsky spring, not far from the Cascade Stairs in the Resort Park, you can get to another speleological site known as the “Cave of Primitive Man”. Finding it is not easy, the entrance is hidden among a labyrinth of rocks overgrown with trees, and the direction to the cave is indicated on a single sign near the Slavyanovsky Key. From here the path begins along path No. 3, then you need to make your way along a mountain path. You will need to walk about 6 km.

Permafrost Grotto

Prehistoric Man Cave Hanging Rock

In 1963, archaeologists discovered this location. Under the arches of the cave, scientists found traces of an ancient site of a primitive tribe: the remains of fireplaces, animal bones, obsidian arrowheads and stone tools of the Eneolithic era. The walls are covered with petrified streaks of saltpeter and soot from fires that burned here 6,000 years ago. In the light of the lanterns you will also see paintings left by the unreasonable “cave people” of our days. The cave is quite long; about 150 meters from the entrance, the path is blocked by a stone blockage. What is behind it is unknown.

To the left of the entrance to the cave rises a “hanging rock”, reminiscent of a giant spear tip of a fairy-tale giant stuck into the ground. Nearby, some kind and talented person carved a landmark on the trunk of a withered tree - the face of an ancient forest god. In the area of ​​the cave there are the Saltpeter Rocks, where there is a spring with delicious cold water. There is an opening between the rocks that offers a panoramic view to the northeast, from Bald Mountain to the top of Zmeyka.


In Zheleznovodsk there are many shops with resort goods, and a food market is open. The city department store is located on Tchaikovsky Street, opposite the House of Culture. A large shopping mall is located on Engels Street, 21.

Since 1908, a plant for bottling mineral waters has been operating here. The company is located in Kurortny Park. At the gates of the plant there is a store where the entire range of healing waters from the springs of Zheleznovodsk and the nearest resorts of Kavminvod is sold in branded containers. An elegant porcelain sippy cup is also worth buying. This special mug with a spout will be useful to you at the resort and will be a great souvenir to remember the city.

From Zheleznovodsk you can also bring honey, medicinal herbs and teas, cosmetic products based on mud from Lake Tambukan - these goods are sold both in pharmacies and in stores.

Cafes and restaurants

Restaurant “Urartu”
In the very center of the city, on Semashko Street, 27, there is an atmospheric restaurant “Resort Romance”. The signature dish here is charcoal-grilled meat, which is fried on the grill right in the hall at the tables. The food here is excellent, the cost of main courses is 400-500 rubles.

Wonderful Caucasian dishes are served in the stylish Urartu restaurant, located outside the resort area, in the village of Inozemtsevo, on Shosseynaya Street, 207-A. The restaurant building is built of red tuff; stone blocks were specially brought from Armenia. The architecture of the facades is stylized as an ancient mountain fortress. The interiors are decorated with panels with images on the themes of the Armenian epic, the furniture is stylized as antique. In the evenings there is live music, and you can sit in summer cabanas on the street. According to visitors' reviews, the best lamb kebabs in Zheleznovodsk are prepared here. They are served with fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, and hot pita bread. The owner brings famous cognacs and homemade wine with a blackberry aftertaste from Armenia. The check for lunch with wine for two will be about 2000 rubles.

The cooks of the restaurant “Pearl of the Caucasus” (Lenin St., 21) are masters of Azerbaijani cooking. Prices here are moderate; the bill for a full meal for three will be approximately 1,500 rubles (without alcohol). At certain hours you can choose inexpensive set of dishes. Breakfast will cost 200 rubles, lunch and dinner – 250 rubles. Another “point” with Azerbaijani cuisine is the “Baku” restaurant (Chapayev St., 60-A).

You can have a tasty and inexpensive lunch at Canteen No. 2 on Lenina Street, 149.

For sweets, go to the Arabica cafe-confectionery. The designers who decorated the hall were inspired by the fairy tale of Alice in Wonderland. In the center of the room there is a table with cakes, the fairy-tale Rabbit in a camisole and top hat kindly treats visitors to tea with a piece of cake. They serve excellent coffee and wonderful hot chocolate; those with a sweet tooth will simply get lost in the large selection of wonderful designer desserts. Alcohol is not served here. A piece of cake and a cup of hot chocolate will cost about 300 rubles. Another confectionery establishment in the resort area of ​​Zheleznovodsk with a good selection of coffee, tea and desserts is the ChaiKofsky cafe (Tchaikovsky St., 1).

Cafe-confectionery "Arabica"

Italian cuisine is served at the Pizza Land cafe on Lenina Street, 71. You can have a tasty and satisfying meal here for 500-600 rubles, and there is a playground for children. If you're planning a long hike, order packaged pizzas and salads from this café for delivery or takeout.

Pizza Land

Where to stay

About three dozen sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotels are open in Zheleznovodsk; private apartments are also registered here, converted into comfortable apartments and rented out. Many resorts and hotels offer bicycle rental services for guests, and travelers actively use this service.

As a rule, the course of treatment in sanatoriums is designed for a period of 14-21 days, however, rooms in sanatoriums are also available for tourists, provided that guests stay for at least 2-3 nights.

Connoisseurs of comfort choose the sanatorium “Beech Grove” (Lenin St., 11). Guests have access to a restaurant, cafe, bar, fitness center and swimming pool. Accommodation prices here are based on two nights. The price includes three meals a day. A standard double room will cost 20,600 rubles, a studio – 22,000 rubles. For a “suite” with full board and a treatment program you need to pay 32,800 rubles.

Beech Grove

In the sanatorium "Plaza Zheleznovodsk" (Kalinina St., 12-14) for three nights of accommodation with full board, but without a course of treatment, you need to pay 28,800 rubles. Prices are approximately the same in other large sanatoriums in Zheleznovodsk.

Sanatorium Plaza Zheleznovodsk

At the resort you can spend much less, and at the same time relax and receive treatment. For example, in the sanatorium-type boarding house "Alliance" (Lenina St., 9), the list of medical services is no less than in advertised sanatoriums. Patients are served at the Zheleznovodsk balneological hospital. The medical profile of the boarding house is gynecology, metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, stomach and intestines, ENT organs. On the territory of the health resort there is its own mineral spring, and a few minutes’ walk in the Resort Park there are the Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs. The cost of accommodation for two nights with meals is from 3,920 to 11,520 rubles. You must pay for the course of treatment separately, after a medical examination and doctor’s prescriptions.

Boarding house "Alliance"

Tourists praise the comfortable apart-hotel “Slavyanovsky Istok” on Kalinina Street, 7-A. You can stay here in standard rooms or spacious apartments; the restaurant offers perfectly prepared dishes of Caucasian and European cuisine. The hotel has a garden, tennis courts and a spa. The range of prices for accommodation is from 3,250 to 10,400 rubles per day.

Slavyanovsky Istok

The Rafael Hotel (Lenina St., 8-A) has received good reviews from guests. There is a swimming pool, fitness center, sauna, hammam, billiards. The hotel has a good restaurant and a stylish lounge bar. The cost of daily accommodation is from 4,500 rubles per room.

SPA Hotel Rafael

The advantage of the hotel “Pearl of the Caucasus” (Lenin St., 21) is that it is located a stone’s throw from the hydropathic clinic, where you can sign up for a course of health treatments. The cost of daily accommodation in 1-2-bed rooms is 1160-2320 rubles, in “suites” – 1800-4100 rubles.

At the entrance to the Resort Park, on Lermontov Street, 7-A, there is a mini-hotel “Princess Mary”. The restored historical three-story building houses standard rooms, apartments and suites. On the ground floor there is a cafe with home cooking, a sauna, a spa, and a massage room. The cost of daily accommodation is from 1700 to 2500 rubles.

Sanatorium Princess Mary

For those who want to stay inexpensively in private apartments, Zheleznovodsk offers a good selection of apartments with a bedroom, living room, bathroom and equipped kitchen. For accommodation, the owners ask from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

On the slope of Mount Razvalka, in the village of Voronov, 3 km northeast of the city center, the guest house “Forester's Hut” was built, surrounded by a garden. There is a popular country restaurant; in summer, lunches are served on the panoramic veranda. Accommodation will cost 1,700 rubles.


Zheleznovodsk has several internal bus lines; transit minibuses pass through the city, connecting the surrounding resorts. But tourists prefer to use taxi services. The parking lot for intercity transport is located on the square near the railway station. A railway line connects it with Beshtau station, but train traffic here is not stable.

There are bicycle rental points in the city, the closest to the Resort Park is located in the post office on Semashko Street, 2. The rental cost is within 700 rubles per day.

How to get there

Mount Medovaya, Zheleznovodsk
The airport closest to Zheleznovodsk is in the city of Mineralnye Vody. Several flights fly there daily from Moscow airports Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. Flight duration – 2 hours 15 minutes. Airplanes arrive at Minvody from St. Petersburg, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and other Russian cities. Flight schedules and ticket prices can be found on the portal.

There is a bus parking area at the arrival terminal. From here, from 06:00 to 22:00, with an interval of 15-20 minutes, minibuses No. 11 go to Zheleznovodsk. They arrive at the Minvod bus station. Here you need to transfer to regular bus No. 107, it also stops at the railway station. The fare is 50 rubles. The distance from Mineralnye Vody to Zheleznovodsk is about 20 km along the good highway A157. Travel time – 30 minutes.

At night, you can only leave the airport by taxi. The drivers are well acquainted with the arrival schedule of aircraft, so when the next flight arrives, they are on duty in the parking lot near the exit from the baggage compartment of the airport.

A dead-end branch leads to the Zheleznovodsk railway station from the main line, so long-distance passenger trains do not go there. You need to get to the resort again through Minvody, and from the local railway station you need to go further by bus No. 107 or taxi. Several trains depart daily from Moscow to Minvody from the Kazansky, Kursky and Paveletsky stations of the capital. Among them there are direct and passing trains, for example, “Moscow – Nalchik” or “Moscow – Vladikavkaz”. You will spend from 22 to 33 hours on the road.

Railway station Zheleznovodsk

Some trains stop at the Beshtau station, from there it is only 6 km to Zheleznovodsk; during the day, bus No. 10 goes to the city. But there are trains that do not stop at this station, for example, fast train No. 004M “Moscow - Kislovodsk”. From St. Petersburg, trains to the resorts of the North Caucasus travel through Moscow. It is convenient to choose the optimal route and check seasonal ticket prices on the website.

There is a bus service between Moscow and Mineralnye Vody. Buses depart from the Central Bus Station on Shchelkovskoye Shosse, 75, as well as from bus stations near the Krasnogvardeyskaya and Novoyasenevskaya metro stations. Travel time – 20 hours.

A car trip from Moscow to Minvody will take more than a day, including rest stops. You need to take the M4 highway leading south. The path lies through Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Armavir. Distance along the M4 highway – 1550 km. The federal highway “Caucasus” (P217) runs through the city of Mineralnye Vody. In the area of ​​the airport it is crossed by the A157 highway leading to Zheleznovodsk.

Calendar of low prices for air tickets

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