Altai. Sights, mountains, where to go and what to see. Route, photo, video

The significance of Gorny Altai in the modern world

According to data as of 01/01/19. Almost 219 thousand people live in the republic. on an area of ​​93 sq. km. The population density is low and amounts to slightly more than 2.3 people. per sq. km. The ethnic composition of the residents is represented mainly by Russians - 56% and Altaians - 34%. The remaining 10% are ethnic Kazakhs and small groups of Telengits and Kumandins.

There is actually only one city in the republic - Gorno-Altaisk, with a population of 64 thousand people. The rest of the population is dispersed in small villages, in which the number of residents starts from 2 thousand people.

Altai has various attractions that were created by nature itself.

Name of the localityYear of foundationNumber of population thousand peopleCoordinates on the map
Gorno-Altaisk183063,851˚58' N. w. 85˚58'E
Maima181117,852°00′ N. w. 85°53′ E. d.
Kosh-Agach18019,249°59′ N. w. 88°39′ E. d.
Turochak18405,752°15′ N. w. 87°07′ E. d.
Ongudai16265,650°44′ N. w. 86°08′ E. d.
Ulagan19223,550°37′ N. w. 87°57′ E. d.
Ust-Kan18764,550°55′ N. w. 84°45′ E. d.
Ust-Koksa18074,350°16′ N. w. 85°36′ E. d.
Shebalino18335,251°17′ N. w. 85°40′ E. d.
Chemal18424,051°24′ N. w. 86°00′ E. d.
Aktash19572,450°18′ N. w. 87°35′ E. d.
Kyzyl-Ozek19274,851°53′ N. w. 85°59′ E. d.

Gorny Altai has an incomparable appeal for modern people. It is no coincidence that UNESCO has included 5 sites in this region on the World Heritage List. The Altai Nature Reserve is the largest of them, with an area of ​​more than 965 hectares, the Katunsky Nature Reserve - 393 hectares and the Ukok Plateau - 253 hectares. They were included in the list under the general name – Golden Mountains of Altai. Lake Teletskoye and Mount Belukha stand apart.

Altai, whose sights and beauty are natural, also has other advantages. This place is the cradle of civilizations. An abundance of rock paintings is found here more often than in other parts of the world. The sacred significance of these places is also great. This is evidenced by the calculations of scientists who claim that in the event of a possible cataclysm, such as a global flood, only these places will survive.

Where is Gorny Altai located?

Mountain Altai is the very south of Siberia, the exact center of Asia. In the south there is the state border of the Russian Federation with China and Mongolia. From the extreme southern point to the northern border with the Altai Territory - 400 km. To the east are the republics of Tyva and Khakassia, from which Kazakhstan lies 360 km to the west.

There are several ways to get to Gorno-Altaisk. You can go by rail to the city of Biysk, the cost of a ticket for a reserved seat car is 7127 rubles, then by bus to Gorno-Altaisk, regular buses run frequently. Travel time will take about 3 days.

The option by plane from Moscow is much faster, it will take 9 hours, the ticket price is 19 thousand rubles. There is an option to use your own or rented car. A distance of 3.8 thousand km can be covered in 2 days if you change the wheel with a fellow traveler. Alone, you need time to rest.

Weather in Gorny Altai, best time to travel

Weather conditions in the Altai Mountains are complex; they are influenced by mountainous terrain, air masses and the properties of the earth's surface. In winter, these places are dominated by Arctic air with low temperatures. Moist air masses carry snowfalls from the west and northwest, and the dry wind of Central Asia breaks through from the southwest.

Because of this, the climate of the western part has an average temperature of +4°C, and in the high mountains the average annual temperature is -7°C.

Severe winters occur in intermountain plains, where air masses of cold air stagnate; this is typical for the eastern part of Altai. The coldest part is the Chui steppe, where it can reach -40, and the warmest part is the south of Lake Teletskoye, where there are no severe frosts and the weather is clear and sunny.

Spring comes already in April, the air warms up to above-zero temperatures, but is not stable, and cold snaps occur. In mountainous areas there is no heat, even in summer. The reason is the presence of eternal snow and glaciers. The higher you go in the mountains, the colder it gets. If the temperature in the valley is about 20°C, then in the highlands it does not rise above 10°C.

But it is warmest in the intermountain basins, where the air warms up to 35 °C. Most of the moisture entering the region with westerly winds falls as precipitation at elevations above 1000 m above sea level, and this happens in the second half of summer.

The best periods to visit these places are June, July, August and September. The air temperature in Gorno-Altaisk at this time is between 18°C ​​and 25°C. Rain falls a little up to 44 mm monthly, and occurs no more than 3 days per month.

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Day 2 - What to see in Manzherok and the surrounding area

After breakfast at the hotel, we went for a walk around the main tourist area of ​​Altai to see what it was like. Very nice place, there is even an artificial lake.

It was possible to walk further, but again, in order to save time, we went by car to the Tavdinsky caves.

This cave is through. There are no amazing stalactites inside, but what I saw really impressed me. Perhaps because we were able to see the cave on our own early in the morning before the opening without crowds of tourists.

Coming out of the cave and climbing to the top, we were finally able to see Katun from above.

Nearby is the Taldinskaya karst arch. This is one of those places that you must see in Altai.

Down opposite the cave there is a small forest. If you follow the path, you can go to the bank of the Katun, which is what we did. Here on the observation deck there is a monument to Roerich.

From here we drove by car to Manzherok to the cable car to Mount Malaya Sinyukha. Awesome view, but terribly slow cableway. The one way journey takes half an hour.

There is also something to see at the top. There are many places in the Altai Mountains where you can see Altai ails and models of other traditional structures, the peak is one of such places.

Having descended, we decided to stop by Lake Manzherokskoe. Despite the fact that it was mid-September, people were swimming. Having enjoyed all this calm beauty, we moved on.

We made a short stop at the Arzhan-Suu spring.

Further the road lay through the village of Ust-Muny.

Behind the village there is a river station. From here you can go rafting or swim to the Kamyshlinsky waterfall.

The weather was not too hot and we did not ride along the Katun. We decided that we were quite capable of seeing the waterfall on our own in Altai. In one go we looked at the Tsar’s Hunt camp site; the design here is at a high level.

The trail leads through a small ethno-park and goes into the forest.

Kamyshlinsky waterfall is larger and more powerful compared to what we saw on the first day of our trip.

Here in the cafe we ​​had a tasty and inexpensive lunch of Altai pilaf.

Our busy day was slowly coming to an end, and we headed towards the hotel. On the way we made a small detour by car and crossed 2 bridges at once to Ust-Sema. Here the Chuya highway turns right, and we went left towards Chemal.

Our hotel was located near the bridge to Askat. Having quickly settled in, we went to see this village. There are simply stunning views on the bridge over the Katun, don’t drive past.

There is a Buddhist temple in Askat. The temple looks like someone's dacha with a couple of ropes hung with colored flags. After the Buddhist temples of Thailand, this is not the place to see in Altai.

Having stocked up on food in the neighboring village of Uznezya, we spent the rest of the evening on the banks of the Katun. The descent to the shore was right from our hotel.

Sights of Gorny Altai

Altai, whose sights are known all over the world, attracts tourists not only with trips to the most beautiful places, but also with the opportunity to simply relax, enjoying the cleanest air, crystal clear water and visiting cultural and historical monuments.

Religious buildings of Gorny Altai

There are no ancient temple complexes on the territory of the Altai Mountains. Those that existed were destroyed in the 30s of the last century.

Currently, in the capital of the republic there are 4 Orthodox churches, one mosque and a Buddhist pagoda:

  1. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary – built in 2004, to replace the one destroyed in 1946. A small, wooden, one-domed church with a bell tower in the form of a tent. Provides spiritual care to city residents and is assigned to the Intercession Church. Located in the city center on Sotsialisticheskaya street, no. 1.

  2. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was the first to be built in our time from brick; it is the largest religious building in the city. It is the successor to the main temple of the missionary mission of the All-Merciful Savior that existed before it. The temple was renovated several times and now has a baptismal church and a separate Sunday school building. Located in the southwest of the city at the address: st. Matrosova, 5.
  3. Temple of Macarius of Altai - opened in 2006, stylized as ancient Russian wooden construction and is a complete copy of the Zelenograd Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Located on Kommunistichesky Proezd, 146. Not far from this place is the Chapel of the Wonderworker Nicholas of Myra at house 55.
  4. Ak-Burkhan - translated as Buddha of the Future, was created with the aim of reviving the Altai form of Buddhism, similar to Tibetan Bon Buddhism. Specially trained lamas work here and talk with everyone who wants to accept this faith. The temple is located on the street. Choros-Gurkina, 113/1.
  5. Cathedral Mosque named after. Askara Ziyanurova – serves as a prayer room for the city’s Muslim community, accommodates up to 300 believers, located on the street. Promyshlennaya, 5B.

About a dozen small churches exist in large villages of the republic; they are also often visited by tourists, but for the most part tourists prefer natural attractions.

Mountains of Gorny Altai

Altai is a country of mountains, mountain ranges and plateaus; they are the main attractions of this republic. Active tourists flock to the mountains, this is where unprecedented beauty is discovered, and people are overwhelmed by an unforgettable feeling of the grandeur of the universe, where time turns into eternity, and space into infinity.

Katunsky ridge

The border between Kazakhstan and the Altai Republic runs along this chain of mountains, located in the Ust-Koksinsky district. The ridge stretches for 150 km, its width is 60 km, and its minimum height is 2.6 km. There are 390 glaciers on its slopes. The melting of glaciers gives life to numerous rivers and lakes.

From here, from the Gebler glacier, which is located on the slope of the highest mountain in Altai, the three-headed Belukha, the Katun River begins its birth. It is worth visiting the Altai Mountains and seeing the Belukha Mountains and the source of the Katun.

According to popular belief, these mountains are places of power. Lake Akkem, the Edelweiss Valley on its shores and Mount Belukha itself are the possible locations of the gates to the mysterious Belovodye. You don’t have to look for an entrance to this magical land, but recharge yourself with the energetic power of vitality for the whole year.

North Chuysky ridge

A chain of mountains stretches for 125 km, separating the Chuya River, the most turbulent along its entire length, in the north and Karagem with Chaganuzun in the south. The height of the mountains is on average 3.7 km and there are many glaciers. The most visited glaciation site is the Aktru Valley.

Walking along it is not recommended due to the abundance of cracks hidden under the snow. You can see the climbers’ camp and admire the snow sparkling in the sun.

South Chuysky ridge

In terms of glaciation, the mountains of this range are considered the second in Altai; there are 243 of them, the most extensive being Taldurinsky and Sofia. These places are poorly studied and difficult to access. But tourists have reached these places, they are attracted by the presence of two unusual lakes, one of them with milky water, called Alkkol, and the second - Karakol with black water.

The snow leopard, listed in the Red Book, lives in these places, and further south of the ridge lies the famous Ukok plateau.

These mountain ranges are the most attractive for tourists and vacationers, but besides them, there are about 30 mountain ranges in the republic, which are a unique natural phenomenon. In addition, glaciers and mountain slopes are the sources of rivers and lakes in this region.

Rivers of Gorny Altai

The river beds just pass between the ridges along the faults of deep valleys. The largest rivers are considered to be the Chulyshman, which feeds Lake Teletskoye, the Katun, the main river of Altai, and the Kucherla, the most beautiful of all rivers. All of them are fed by water from melting glaciers.


The name of the river is translated from Altai as “rechishche”. The river is really large, its length is 241 km, and its width in some places reaches 50 m, it is unusually clean and beautiful. There is a lot of fish in the river, for this reason fishing tours are organized on its banks. But most of all it attracts lovers of extreme sports.

The difficulty of descending along it is not high, but there are certain sections, such as the rapids “Kasha”, “Vint”, “Zatychka” and “Three Vova”, where thrill-seekers often organize competitions. For lovers of antiquities, the river valley is an interesting place to visit. There is the famous “Pazyryk Mounds” complex, the burial place of tribal and clan leaders who roamed these places of ancient tribes.


This river is a right tributary of the Katun, formed by the confluence of the small rivers Koni-Ayra and Myushtu-Ayra, flowing from the moraine ridge of the Tronov brothers glacier. Its length is 50 km, but the gorges and difficult rapids that constrain it make it very attractive.

Its other feature is associated with soft limestone rocks, which it erodes with its flow, turning into a real milk river from Russian fairy tales. The speed with which it rushes, flowing into Lake Kucherlinskoye, is due to the fact that in a short section of its channel the height difference goes from 1748 m to 832 m.

The river literally falls, increasing its movement in a narrow gorge 6 m wide. Those who like to watch this phenomenon are also attracted by extreme sports enthusiasts who arrange dizzying descents here.


Translated from Turkic, the name of the river means “river”, but later the word changed its meaning and is now perceived as a mistress or mistress. There are many legends about the Katun River, including lyrical ones about unhappy love and broken hearts, explaining how the beautiful Katun rushed to her beloved Biya. And how, as a result of the merger of the Biya and the Katun, a new river was born with the name Ob.

The Katun justifies its title as the main river of Altai, having absorbed 250 tributaries over a length of almost 700 km. Along its length, the river surprises with its appearance and the varied landscape of its banks. Even the color of its water streams changes every season. In spring, its waters are milky in color; towards autumn they become turquoise.

Waterfalls, gorges, landscapes of rare beauty and pristine purity, not spoiled by human economic activity, attract many tourists here, which makes it possible to set up numerous tourist centers, health resorts and resorts on its banks.


320 km is the length of the Chuya River, one of the largest tributaries of the Katun. The river is born on the slopes of the Chikhachev ridge and changes its name several times, alternately flowing into one lake and then into another. Only downstream, having absorbed several tributaries and crossed Lake Adai, the river gets its name - Chuya.

Many rapids and sharp turns made the Chuya River an object of water descents. At the Mazhoysky Cascade section, the popular Mazhoy Rally competition is regularly held, where participants have to overcome about 30 rapids.

Only experienced athletes participate in these competitions, but quite a few tourists also come to see this exciting spectacle. Tourists are also fascinated by the confluence of the Chuya and the Katun, when the muddy waters of the Chuya flow into the turquoise of the Katun.

Bridges of Gorny Altai

The abundance of rivers also provides for the presence of bridges, if we take into account that the rivers are mountainous, fast and you can’t just get to the other side.

Altai, whose attractions are mainly of a natural nature, has significant objects of engineering art. Every bridge spanning a mountain river is an exhibit of this kind.

The most famous bridges that are of interest to tourists are:

  1. The suspension bridge connects the banks of the Katun, in the middle of which is the rocky island of Patmos. Herbs, trees and shrubs blooming 9 months a year attract tourists there. You can get to the island only via the Suspension Bridge, built by the efforts of the artist from Moscow Viktor Pavlov.
  2. Ininsky Bridge - better known as the bridge of engineer Tsaplin, is located near the village of Inya, thrown across the Katun in 1936. This is the first suspension bridge on chains built in Russia, its length is 142 m, the span over the river is 100 m. Now it is an architectural monument and is included in the register of cultural heritage.
  3. The Inegen bridge , a road and suspension bridge over the confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers, led to the village of Inegen, 110 m long, but in 2014 it was washed away by floods. Instead, they began to build two bridges side by side, one across the Chuya at the confluence with the Katun, the second across the Katun. The first one has already been built, the second one is being completed. The old bridge was very popular among tourists who wanted to see the confluence of the Argut and Katun rivers.
  4. Oroktoy Bridge – crosses the Katun, connecting the villages of Oroktoy and Edigan. The Katun narrows at this point, but the length of the bridge is 95 m. From the bridge there is a wonderful view of the Teldekpen rapids.

  5. The Federal Bridge is located in the area of ​​Lake Aya and is a connecting link between the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory, connecting the Chuysky tract with the Altaiskoye-Aya highway.

Lakes of Gorny Altai

Another wealth of the Altai Mountains is lakes, there are more than 6 thousand of them and they are all of glacial origin. The reservoirs are beautiful and unique in their own way; not all of them can be reached by an unprepared tourist.

The most visited are:

  1. Lake Teletskoye is one of the deepest lakes in Russia, in some places the depth reaches 325 m. The length of the lake is 78 km, the width is slightly more than 3 km. The water in the lake, even in the hottest weather, does not warm up above +10°C. There are no people who want to swim in such water, and besides, it is prohibited; the waters of the lake are under the protection of UNESCO as a unique natural site. Most tourist routes go through the lake. A complex of tourist centers has been created on the northern shore, from where routes throughout the Altai Mountains begin. In terms of volume of fresh water, the lake is considered second after Baikal.
  2. Karakol Lakes – at the foot of the Bagatash pass there are 7 lakes, annually attracting hundreds of tourists to their shores. In 1996 they were recognized as a natural monument of Altai. The lakes are located in a cascade, each next higher than the other in level, smaller in size and colder in water temperature. In the uppermost lake the water temperature is +5°C.

  3. Lake Cheybekkel - otherwise called “Dead Lake”, its length is 2.5 km and width 80 m. The dark blue waters of the lake are very beautiful, but there are no fish living in them, no vegetation, birds try to fly around it. The reason for the lack of life in it is due to the presence of high levels of mercury. Local residents believe that it is inhabited by evil spirits. The reservoir is located in the Ulagansky district of the Altai Republic.
  4. Kucherlinskoye Lake is one of the most beautiful places. Tourists often come here and live in tents on its banks, catch grayling, hike in the mountains and enjoy the clean air. There are enough tent places for everyone. The waters of the lake are distinguished by their green color and purity. The depth of the lake reaches 50 m, length – 5 km, width – 0.6 km.
  5. Lake Manzherok was once the bed of the Katun, which now flows nearby. It got its name from the village of Manzherok, located a few kilometers away, and is translated as “foggy stack”. Due to lack of water, the lake becomes shallow and is actively overgrown with aquatic vegetation. The vegetation is diverse and rich in rare species of flora. The water chestnut grows here, with its blossoms decorating the surface of the waters, but when it ripens, it sinks to the bottom. Blooming meadows with fragrant Altai herbs attract tourists and vacationers.

Waterfalls of Gorny Altai

There are no mountain rivers without waterfalls, and the spectacle of water falling from a height fascinates the observer, forcing him to admire this natural phenomenon.

In the Altai Mountains, there are more than a dozen waterfalls that attract the attention of tourists, the most attractive for tourists:

  1. Tekelu Waterfall - is located on the river of the same name, sometimes called the “Goat River”. This is due to the frequent visits of mountain goats. This is the largest waterfall in Altai, 60 m long, the second highest. You can only get to it on foot, moving to the foot of Belukha Mountain along the left bank of the Akkem River. This place has a rich and varied flora and fauna, for which Tekelu has been considered a natural monument since 1980.

  2. Uchar Waterfall can hardly be called a waterfall, streams of water roll down a steep rocky slope with noise and splashes, there is no fall from a sheer wall. It is considered a ramp, sometimes called a cascading waterfall. But the sight of this water flow is impressive. The waterfall is located 12 km from the confluence of the Chulcha River into Chulyshman on the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve. It was formed only 200 years ago after an earthquake and is considered the youngest in the world. You can get to it from the southern shore of Lake Teletskoye along a mountain path. Tourists are attracted by the untouched nature with its pristine purity and the violence of the elements, when the roar of rolling water is difficult to shout over.
  3. Korchu Waterfall is the most striking attraction of Altai; it is formed by the Bolshaya Korbu River, which flows into Lake Teletskoye a few meters from the waterfall. To see it, you will have to sail on a boat on the lake. Tourists visiting the waterfall are paid and can only be visited from an equipped observation deck; going down is prohibited. But the impression from visiting the waterfall and traveling through the water to it is very strong.

Caves of Gorny Altai

It is not known how many caves there are in the Altai Mountains, but many of them are accessible for visiting, and there are also some where speleologists have not yet reached.

The most popular, due to their accessibility among tourists, are the following grottoes:

  1. Tavdinsky caves - near the village of Izvestkovy, but they got their name from the once-former village of Tavda, and the Tavdushka river flowing nearby. The cave massif of 3 dozen caves stretches for 5 km, the entrances to them are in cliffs and steep cliffs, many of the caves are connected. The caves are often visited by tourists and are considered the most popular excursion route.

  2. Kaminnaya Cave - near the village of Cherny Anui, Ust-Kansky district. A stream flows nearby, heading towards the Anui River. The entrance to the cave, 17 m wide, resembles a huge fireplace, hence the name, and the walls of the cave are black, like soot. From the light of the lanterns, the walls shine and seem to be filled with silver; this view excites the imagination of tourists, attracting them to plunge into the mystery of the underground world.
  3. Denisova Cave is located 30 km from Kaminnaya, the entrance to it is large and convenient. Previously, archaeological excavations were carried out here, more than 80 thousand artifacts were discovered, and even a discovery of world significance was made. The remains of an ancient man found showed that he belonged to another human species, previously unknown to science.

Parks and reserves of Gorny Altai

The healing herbs of the Altai Mountains, combined with the same healing air, springs with mineral water, the presence of rare species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book, require care and preservation. This is only possible by creating protected areas and national parks; there are about 10 of them in the republic and each has its own charm and peculiarity.

It is not easy to get into specially protected places; you will need to obtain a permit in advance; in some areas, a permit takes more than 2 weeks to obtain and is only for scientific purposes.

But there are nature reserves that are accessible to organized groups:

  1. Sailyugemsky National Park – includes the Ukok peace zone, there is a small area reproducing the life of Altai nomads. There you can see yurts and even go into them and try the local drink khan-chai, a little similar to the drink of the Tibetans - chasuma. It is also prepared with the addition of butter and salt; the Altai people supplement this tea with a small amount of flour. You can enter the reserve by obtaining a permit in the villages of Kosh-Agach and Maima. Excursions are conducted on foot and by quad bike. In the reserve you can see rare animals - argali, manula, and ibex. Excavations of ancient mounds are still underway on the Ukok plateau. At one time, the mummy of the Ukok princess was found there. The entire park area is located in the basin of the Argut River, the Saydyugem ridge and the spurs of the North Chuysky and Katunsky ridges.

  2. The Altai Nature Reserve is huge, covering 10% of the Altai lands and part of the Sayans. Its main task is the preservation of Lake Teletskoye and the flora and fauna of the adjacent territories. A great variety of fauna, including rare ones, live here. A permit is required to visit the reserve. The main attractions are the Belinskaya Terrace, Uchar, Korbu, Kishte and Stone Bay waterfalls.
  3. Uch-Enmek Natural Park is the center of Altai, the valley of the Karakol River and the northern spurs of the Terektinsky ridge. Altaians consider this place sacred; many archaeological sites, rocks with drawings, and burial mounds have been preserved here. The steles rising to the sky are made of stone. Tourists can take both walking and horseback riding in the park.

Other attractions of Gorny Altai

Altai, whose sights are also of cultural and historical significance, attracts lovers of antiquities to visit:

  1. Altai Stonehenge is located at the convergence of the South Chuysky and Sailyugemsky ridges. The giant stones, with drawings printed on them, are 7 m high. One of the stones looks like a throne. It is believed that if you sit on a stone, the black energy will leave the person. Scientists think that this is a cemetery for shamans.
  2. Ten-handle – a museum complex of ancient Russian traditions. Located in the village of Cheposh, Chemal district. There is a unique museum of dolls used in ancient Russian rituals. Visitors make unexpected discoveries when learning about the forgotten traditions of the Russian people. You can even take part in a master class and make a helper doll for yourself.

  3. Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden is located on the left bank of the Katun River at the confluence of the Sema River. The richest collection of flora and equally rare plants from North America, the Far East, and Siberia are presented here. When visiting the garden you can purchase their seeds and seedlings

Mountains and caves of Altai

Mount Tserkovka

Road to the mountain
A place often visited by tourists. The attraction is located on a mountain peak that strongly resembles a church dome, hence the name. To complete the picture, the mountain peak is decorated with a cross, which finally makes it look like a church. Tourist interest is caused not only by the attraction itself, but also by the road to it. There are two route options to choose from:

  • Walking along a prepared path
  • On the cable car.

From the top, views of rare beauty open up. Be sure to visit the cafe located nearby. In winter there are also a lot of people here, as the slopes of the mountain become suitable for ski lovers.

Mount Devil's Finger

Mount Devil's Finger

The height of the mountain is 250 meters. It is located next to Lake Aya. As befits these places, the attraction is shrouded in many legends, thanks to the top of the mountain. You just have to look closely and you will see that the unusual protrusion at the top really looks like a bony finger with a nail. Standing at the top, at your feet you will see the entire valley of the Katun River. It will be literally in full view. One of the legends says that the place has a certain power that heals women’s ailments and gives men unknown strength. There is some truth in these legends. Archaeologists studied the area and found out that under the cliff there is a geomagnetic junction, from which a powerful flow of energy emanates.

Rock Four Brothers

This is a very interesting geological monument. The dimensions are small, about 12 meters high and 75 square meters in volume. It is located in the south of Belokurikha. The place got its name because of the object’s resemblance to four men. If you look closely, the general outline looks like four strong men standing next to each other. It is not difficult to get to the place itself, since numerous tourists have trodden down more than one pedestrian road. Along the way you may meet local inhabitants: chipmunks or squirrels. Since 2000, the rock itself and the area around it have officially acquired the status of a conservation monument.

Mount Sinyukha

Mount Sinyukha is the highest peak of the Kolyvan Range. The slopes are strewn with fir trees, which are characterized by a mysterious blue hue. The name of the mountain comes from this natural beauty. The attraction is perfect for tourists who do not really like extreme climbs. A gently trodden path leads to the top. But at the height there is already a pleasant prize waiting for you - a mesmerizing view of the Beloe and Moss lakes, granite ensembles and a picturesque pine forest. Along the way you can come across so-called granite bowls, the creation of which only nature itself was involved in. You can drink water from them: it is clean, tasty and healthy. There are also legends: the water in such bowls is already considered holy. Not far from this attraction is the city of Zmeinogorsk.

Mount Babyrgan

Mount Babyrgan

At the end of the 20th century, the mountain became a property and was declared a natural monument. The height of the northern peak of the Seminsky ridge is more than 1000 meters. The name “Babyrgan” is translated from Altai as “flying squirrel”. Archaeological research has established that this landmark is more than 300 million years old. An excellent option for those who like a calm and measured climb without extreme moments. At the top there is a plateau, on which there are a large number of remains of various shapes. From the top you can admire two beautiful views at once: on the one hand there is a panorama of the plains, on the other - the mountainous area.

Denisova Cave

Denisova Cave

An extremely attractive place not only for those who like to tickle their nerves, but also for archaeologists. The place gained fame in the second half of the 20th century due to the wealth of numerous ancient artifacts. More than 10 thousand found objects, more than a hundred remains of ancient animals and plants. Exploring Denisova Cave, scientists found that people supposedly lived in it about 280 thousand years ago. This is explained by the found remains of ancient people. The uniqueness of the remains lies in the fact that they are an unknown type of people, which received the name Denisovan man or Altai man. All the found remains of ancient people are strictly divided into types, and only Denisovan man does not fit into any of them.

Tavdinsky caves

The Altai Mountains are rich in interesting places, including numerous caves. In total, there are more than 500 of them so far, and some of them are natural monuments, which include the Tavdinsky caves. The complex includes about thirty caves, which differ in depth and shape. But they are all interconnected, so lovers of this type of recreation will not only enjoy it here: they will find their own Paradise. Geographically, the complex is located in the valley of the Katun River. One of the most popular is the Bolshaya Tavdinskaya Cave. To make tourists comfortable and anyone, including children, could visit the cave, electricity was installed in the cave, wooden stairs, railings and passages were installed. In the center there is a special protrusion, strongly reminiscent of a gnome. Local legend says that this is her guardian. Don't forget to leave him a coin so that the journey goes without incident.

Tavdinsky caves

Route for exploring the Altai Mountains on your own by car

From Moscow to the stele installed on the P256 highway (the border between the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic) 3800 km can be covered in 2 days. From this place the journey through the Altai Mountains begins.

Next is the route along the Chuisky takt along the Katun River:

  1. After 13 km, the first large village is Maima, a suburb of Gorno-Altaisk. You can stay here for a couple of days to visit nearby attractions. There is no shortage of hotels here. The optimal place to stay, with the best price-quality ratio, is the Poseidon Hotel. In two days of rest you can explore the island of Patmos, Mount Devil's Finger, Lake Manzherokskoye, and the Tavdinsky Caves.
  2. Moving further south along the Chuysky tract, after 64 km there will be a small village of Ust-Sema. You can stay for a day in the guest house on Berezovaya 13 to visit the Kamyshlensky waterfall, “Desyatiruchka”.

  3. From Ust-Sema to the village of Ongudai 140 km, the distance can be covered in 2 hours and stay at the Villa Ursul hotel. There are many places in the area that are worthy of tourist attention; in three days you can explore most of them located in the immediate vicinity. The Ilgumen rapids are 6 km from the village of Kupchegen. Ininsky steles and the famous Ininsky suspension bridge. Confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers. Katun terraces near the town of Kur-Kechu. Lake Manas and Lake Tenginskoye, mountain passes - Achik, Seminsky and Chike-Taman. The Behemoth rapids on the Chuya River are clearly visible from the wooden bridge before the start of the rapids. If you wish, you can stay longer to see Mount Belukha at least from afar. But for this you will have to return to the Seminsky Pass and turn towards Ust-Kan to the village of Tyungur, from there there are walking and horseback routes to Belukha, 300 km along the road, a little worse than the Chuysky tract.
  4. To see the pearl of the Altai Mountains - Lake Teletskoye, you should return along the Chuysky tract and visit Gorno-Altaisk, it will take 3 hours, 200 km along a good highway. You should stay in Gorno-Altaisk for 2-3 days. You can stay at the Parnas Hotel. From Gorno-Altaisk it is more convenient to get to the lake, which begins near the village of Artybash. The 160 km journey will take about 3 hours. To see the Kishte and Korbu waterfalls, you should sail the entire lake on a boat. After visiting it, you can return home.

Day 3 - What to see in Chemal

The rise was early. This was the last day of our trip and in the end we were left with a few of the most interesting sights that we wanted to see in Altai. We stayed at the Turquoise Hotel for the night. Before leaving the hotel, we decided to once again go ashore where we spent the evening. In the rays of the morning sun, this place, painted with autumn colors, turned out to be amazingly beautiful.

We didn't stay at the hotel. Let's go see Chemal and its attractions. At the entrance to Chemal we made a short stop near the pedestrian bridge over the Katun.

And this is the village of Chemal itself. There's nothing to see there.

The main attractions of Chemal are located outside the village. First of all, we went to see the island of Patmos. The road leads through a pine forest, a magnificent place. Among the trees there is the Church of St. Macarius of Altai.

Patmos Island is one of the main places that I wanted to see in Altai.

To visit the Church of St. John the Evangelist on the island, you need to cross a wobbly suspension bridge. To see the image of the Virgin Mary carved into the rock, you need to stop on the bridge. We peered for a long time.

From here, a goat trail leads along the mountainside above the Katun, which you can follow on your own to see the Chemal hydroelectric power station. In theory, there should be gorgeous views from there, but we went to the hydroelectric power station by car. The fact is that by noon we had to set out in the opposite direction, and walking back through the mountain to the car meant wasting time. Ideally, if time allows, it is better to first go to the Chemal hydroelectric station, and from there go on your own to see the island of Patmos.

The confluence of the Chemal River and the Katun.

There were many beautiful and interesting places on our route through the Altai Mountains, but I liked this one the most. It’s worth going to Altai, if only to see the Chemal at the confluence of these two rivers.

Chemal was the extreme point of our route through the Altai Mountains, but not the last attraction that we were able to see in Altai. On the way back, we stopped for a short time near the rocks in the middle of the Katun. Because of their shape, these rocks are called the Dragon's Spine. The Altaians have their own name - the arrows of Sartakpai. By the way, if you cross the bridge here, you can visit another complex with an artificial lake. The Rublyovka RK is located there, but we no longer had enough time.

The last attraction that we were able to see in Altai was the Paleopark.

The Natural History Museum has assembled a very worthy collection. There are a lot of stones, bones, reproductions of skeletons of prehistoric animals, attributes of Papuan life and other exhibits.

Hotels in Gorny Altai

Tourists in the republic are offered a large selection of hotels, hotels, guest houses and places to pitch tents of varying degrees of comfort. There are more than a dozen hotels in Gorno-Altaisk. Hotel Parnas, with prices per night starting from 1000 rubles, offers comfortable rooms and breakfast.

Hotel “Gostinny Dvor” – 2500 rubles, more comfortable rooms and breakfast. The same ones for 1500 rubles. All hotels have free Wi-Fi and parking spaces. There are pet-friendly hotels and apartment-style hotels with separate kitchens.

There are slightly fewer hotels in the village of Maima, but the quality of service is no worse, the conditions are similar. At Poseidon, the cost of living starts from 1000 rubles, and tourists have a swimming pool. At the Bavaria Hotel one day will cost 2,500 rubles, and at the Lyubimy mini-hotel, accommodation costs 2,000 rubles.

In the village of Ust-Sema - “Guest House on Berezovaya 13” offers a double room for 2300 rubles. per person, 3-bed room with mountain view for 1800 rub. At the Bayuta Altai recreation center, a 2-bed room with a terrace is offered for 2,300 rubles, and at the Ostrovok mini-hotel a comfortable 2-bed suite costs 3,500 rubles.

There are three hotels in the village of Ongudai - Altai Dachas, where a classic 4-bed room costs 1,500 rubles, the Villa Ursul hotel - a double room costs 2,700 rubles. and in “Guest House Altai Yard” a family junior suite for 5 people – 3200 rubles.

Altai is a place where it is impossible to see all the sights in one visit. Everyone who has been there at least once will definitely return to see these natural wonders again.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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