What to see in Voronezh in 1-2 days on your own. Tourist route

The city is a warrior, the city is a worker - just two of the many names of Voronezh, reflecting the essence of this city, which was almost completely destroyed by fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War and rose from the ruins.

In Voronezh, the capital of the Russian Black Earth Region, everyone will find something to see: believers will discover the city’s churches, led by the Annunciation Cathedral, connoisseurs of ancient architecture will be interested in historical buildings, the youngest tourists will appreciate the numerous city parks with attractions, and older children will find it interesting and useful They will spend time in the aquarium and planetarium, in the zoo or an entertaining science museum.

Top 10 interesting sights

What is the most remarkable thing to see in Voronezh:

  1. Museum ship "Goto Predestination" - a copy of the ship of the same name from the Peter the Great era. Inside the ship there is a museum exhibition, which is complemented by wax figures of sailors dressed in costumes from the era of Peter I. But “God's Foresight” (as the name of the ship is translated) not only serves as a museum, but also actively works in the field of passenger transportation. The number of passengers is limited; no more than 50 people can board the battleship at a time. There is one more limitation: since the ship’s decks are made of wood using 17th-century technology, you cannot walk on them in shoes with sharp heels.

    Goto Predestination - this is what Voronezh needs to see first

  2. Admiralteyskaya Square, opened in 1996, is considered the most beautiful place in Voronezh. From the observation deck located next to it, a magnificent view of the Voronezh Reservoir, the panorama of the city and the left bank opens. The Church of the Assumption fits seamlessly into the architectural ensemble, and the highlight of the square is the monument to shipbuilders - a rostral column and three arches made of white marble surrounded by white marble columns connected by chains, symbolizing the port barrier. Despite its relative youth, Admiralteyskaya Square firmly fits into many traditions of the city. Events dedicated to Navy Day are held here. The ship "Goto Predestination" dropped anchor here.
  3. Victory Square , located on Revolution Avenue, attracts attention with a memorial complex consisting of an obelisk, a composition with figures of soldiers and home front workers, in front of which the Eternal Flame burns, and a wall with engraved names of Voronezh residents awarded the Orders of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Orders of Glory, titles and numbers of units that fought on Voronezh soil. This is the place for laying wreaths and flowers and ceremonial events on Victory Day.
  4. The monument to the kitten from Lizyukova Street , the hero of the cartoon of the same name, installed in front of the Mir cinema, has become one of the symbols of the city. The sculptors brought to life the plot of the plot: the kitten Vasya sits on a tree, talking to a crow. City vandals also paid attention to this funny monument: the kitten’s whiskers are regularly broken off.
  5. Sculpture of White Bim Black Ear stands in front of the Shut Puppet Theater on Revolution Avenue. The monument is made of stainless steel and only one ear and one paw are made of bronze. According to the sculptors, the bronze parts were supposed to turn black over time, but too many people want to pat Bim’s ear for good luck - and it remains red and shiny.

  6. The building of the South-Eastern Railway has been the “face” of the city for many years; its image can be seen on all printed materials. Architect N. Troitsky designed a building with facades facing three streets, with standard elements and a simple layout and with only one striking detail - a corner clock tower. During the war, only the walls remained of the building; no one was involved in its reconstruction; even proposals for demolition were put forward. Nevertheless, Troitsky defended the reconstruction of his brainchild, but the design of the building was changed in accordance with the canons of classicism and the architectural fashion of those years. The building still serves its purpose, and in 2000 it was reconstructed using the latest technology.
  7. Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve includes:
  • a museum of nature, where you can join a tour, or you can wander through the halls on your own;
  • a beaver town, consisting of a building for keeping fur-bearing animals, an aquarium with a family of beavers (beaverarium) and an interactive museum;
  • Museum of Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov, an honorary citizen of the city of Voronezh, a journalist who wrote about nature;
  • fire museum;
  • rope park “Yozhkiny Paths”, offering visitors to shake themselves up on any of three types of routes: children’s, adults and extreme;
  • Equipped trails “Zapovednaya Skazka” and “Malaya Cherepakhinskaya”.

8. Castle of Princess E.M. Oldenburg is a building in the Old English style and is located in Ramon. The entire complex - the castle itself, the outbuildings, the Suite building and the park - is being permanently restored. Tours are currently available on the first floor of the castle.

The role of the castle in the Great Patriotic War is noteworthy: having learned about the Bavarian roots of Evgenia Maximilianovna, Princess of Oldenburg, the German command forbade bombing the castle. Thanks to this, it served as a refuge for local residents during air raids.

9. Divnogorye – archaeological museum-reserve. The name of the reserve was given by chalk pillars, called divas by local residents.

The reserve is interesting for its numerous chalk cave churches, the Mayatsky settlement of the 9th – 10th centuries, the Mayatsky pottery complex and the archaeological park. The entire area is open to the public, excursions are offered, and signs are posted for those wishing to wander alone.

10. Kostomarovsky Spassky Women's Orthodox Monastery , otherwise called Russian Palestine, is located near the village of Kostomarovo. The main attraction of the monastery is the cave temples, carved right into the thickness of the mountain.

When visiting the monastery, you need to keep in mind several rules:

  • women should be dressed modestly, with their heads covered and without makeup;
  • men, on the contrary, must enter the monastery territory without a headdress;
  • Filming inside temples is prohibited.


What sights to see in Voronezh

Revolution Avenue

Photo: BestPhotoPlus / Shutterstock
It is better to start getting acquainted with Voronezh from the avenue, as from the main and most interesting part of the city. It is home to many restaurants, coffee shops, museums and attractions. Most of the buildings on the avenue were built in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, and almost all of them are included in the list of cultural heritage sites.

In summer, Voronezh turns into a bright green city with a southern mood. This is especially noticeable on the avenue, where crowds of people stroll lazily in the evenings, taking drinks from one of the many coffee shops. It is best to start the walk from Lenin Square and go straight, past Koltsovsky Square, the Proletary cinema, the Puppet Theater, the Bristol Hotel building, the Kramskoy Museum, and Petrovsky Square. On the way, it’s worth stopping by Ptichka for delicious coffee. Annunciation Cathedral is the end point of the route.

Puppet theater "Jester"

Address: Revolution Ave., 50.

Photo: kuzsvetlaya/ Shutterstock

It’s worth not only looking at the beautiful theater building from the outside, but also going inside, and if you’re lucky, catching a performance. The theater also hosts performances for adults. The repertoire includes “King Lear” based on the play by William Shakespeare, “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “Cinderella”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp” and others. And in the 60s, Dante’s “Divine Comedy” was even shown on the theater stage. All performances are subtle and ironic, and the puppets and decorations are tasteful.

On the second floor of the theater there is a puppet museum, where puppets from plays that are no longer staged are collected. Entrance costs a symbolic 10 rubles.

The theater is now closed and will most likely start operating in the new theater season in the fall. Details about performances and posters can be conveniently viewed on the theater’s website.

In front of the building there is a monument to Bim from the famous story by Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear” - the sad story of a dog that broke the hearts of Soviet children. Traditionally, stroke Bim's nose for good luck.

Square of victory

Photo: Alexander Denisenko / Shutterstock
Architecturally, it is not very different from squares in other cities, but it’s worth going there for the panoramic view of the Voronezh reservoir and the private sector. During the quarantine, renovation work was completed on Victory Square. Now it looks like a modern recreation area with benches, alleys and a fountain.

A stone bridge

Address: st. Karl Marx, 45.

Photo: thekovtun/Shutterstock

A place where you can feel the spirit of pre-revolutionary Voronezh. A small stone bridge was builtKamenny Bridge (Voronezh) - Wikipedia in 1826, since then it has not changed its appearance much. On weekends there are crowds of newlyweds: it is believed that for a happy marriage you need to come here on your wedding day, break a bottle of champagne on the bridge and hang locks with your names on it. Previously, they were latched onto metal railings, but during the latest reconstruction the bridge was returned to its original appearance, and all the locks were moved to a special metal tree.

Soviet square

Photo: Anna_Zaitzeva / Shutterstock
In the summer, Sovetskaya Square becomes the main attraction for city residents. A couple of years ago, it was restored according to the design of the Voronezh architect and Strelka Design Bureau - dry fountains, lawns for picnics and walking alleys were made. On summer evenings, skaters skate here, couples dance tango, elderly townspeople read newspapers on benches, and children frolic in dry fountains.

Admiralty Square and embankment

Photo: BestPhotoPlus / Shutterstock
“Voronezh is the cradle of the Navy” - this is what Voronezh residents often say with pride. It was here in the 17th century that Peter I began building ships that formed the Azov Fleet. Admiralty Square, or Admiralteyka, as the locals call it, has now been built on this site, and a rostral column and a triumphal arch have been installed in memory of the first fleet.

To the right of the square there is a sandy beach - you can take a blanket from home and have a picnic. On the left there is an embankment, which is worth a walk or ride on an electric scooter along the water. But keep in mind that there are no lanterns there, so in the evening only the moon will light your way.

Museum ship “Goto Predestination”

Address: Admiralteyskaya Square.

Photo: Alexander Denisenko / Shutterstock

“Goto Predestination” (“God’s Providence”) became the first Russian battleship; it was built according to the design of Peter I. Now a copy of it, recreated from surviving drawings and engravings of that time, is moored near Admiralty Square.

There is a museum inside the ship. The exhibition includes more than 700 household items of 18th-century sailors: coins, weapons, tableware, and a ship’s stove. Many cabins contain wax figures in ancient naval uniforms. Before visiting, you can take a virtual tour on the website of the local history museum.

Karl Marx Street

Photo: VPales / Shutterstock
The only at least partially pedestrian street in the city. It starts from Admiralty Square, then goes up the slope through a private sector with old wooden houses, then across the Stone Bridge, intersects with Revolution Avenue and after that it becomes a pedestrian street.

Many beautiful old buildings have been preserved on Karl Marx, most of which were built in the 18th–19th centuries. There is a fire department, a Lutheran church, a revolutionary’s house, a new Chamber Theater, and the house where Samuel Marshak lived. Take a close look at each building and you are sure to find something interesting.

House "Accordion"

Address: st. Karl Marx, 94.

Photo: Elena Basistaya / Lookmytrips.com

One building in particular stands out for Karl Marx - the “Accordion” house, which is really similar in shape to this musical instrument. They started building it. KARLA MARKS, 94 (“accordion”) in 1929 in the constructivist style designed by the architect Nikolai Troitsky - many significant houses in the city were made by him.

During the Great Patriotic War, 90% of the city was destroyed, and “Garmoshka” was also badly damaged. After the war, Troitsky began restoring the house, decided not to change the plan of the building, but added classicism decor from the 50s.

In May, opposite the house, Voronezh artists created an art object - they painted an adjustable wrench in memory of the industrialist Wilhelm Stoll. Using the QR code, you can find a mask on Instagram, point it at the key and see how its 3D model grows out of the ground.

Central Park

Photo: Tetiana Mishchanchuk / Shutterstock
Since the 80s, the park has been abandoned: mostly teenagers looking for adventure walked through it. But in 2014, a complete reconstruction began according to a project developed by the French landscape architect Olivier Dame and Moscow. Now it is a modern park with playgrounds, sports areas with a ropes course, and a pond with fish and ducks. The park has the Green Theater, an open-air venue where concerts and performances take place in the summer. The schedule is on the park website.

Architectural objects and monuments of Voronezh

Extraordinary city buildings:

  • Stone (Humpbacked) Bridge – built in 1826 in the form of an overpass over the roadway. The bridge became one of the few structures that survived the Great Patriotic War. From a certain angle, the corner with the bridge, wrought iron grilles, cathedral and houses of the architecture of a bygone era resembles a European town from a postcard. A place of pilgrimage for weddings and a mandatory attribute of wedding photographs over the years.

The monument to paratroopers in Victory Park, erected in memory of the first landing, represents a male paratrooper dressed in a pre-war uniform and a boy launching a small plane standing under an open parachute canopy.

  • The Accordion House is a zigzag four-story building on Karl Marx Street, built in 1929 according to the design of architect N.V. Troitsky. Originally it was a communal house for workers with a laundry, dining room and shops on the ground floor and living rooms from the second to fourth floors. Like many other objects, the house was badly damaged during bombing during the war; in fact, only its walls remained. After the war, the house was restored by German prisoners of war, giving it the features of the Stalinist Empire style. Terraces and balconies were built, offering magnificent views of the city. Several years ago, a major renovation of the house was carried out, and the rather dilapidated building regained its original spectacular appearance.

Sculptures and monuments

Voronezh (attractions include various monuments) will delight guests and residents of the city with unusual monuments.

Monument to the kitten from Lizyukova Street

The monument to the kitten is dedicated to the cartoon character of the same name, who, according to the plot, lived in Voronezh. The monument was made in 2003 according to the design of an 11th grade student. and represents a kitten sitting on a tree branch, busy talking with a crow.

This symbol, built on the street. Generala Lizyukov, 4, has gained popularity among residents and guests of the city.

Monument to Bim

In 1998, one of the unofficial city symbols appeared on Revolution Avenue (near the Shut Theater) - a monument to a dog named White Bim, a character from the story of the same name by G. Troepolsky. The sculpture is made of stainless metal and cast in natural size. One ear and paw of the dog are made of bronze.

The dog sits on the paving stones and patiently waits for his owner. Many local residents believe that the sculpture brings happiness and success, and therefore, when they are nearby, they rub the tip of Bima’s nose or “black” ear.

healing chair

The “Healing Chair” monument is made of bronze (220 kg) and has a height of 1.3 m. This monument was made by friends of the deceased artist A. Nozhkin, according to his sketches. There is a belief that anyone who sits on this chair will get rid of many human vices, one of which is greed.

There are palms embossed on the seat of the sculpture, which (according to the authors) help give a person positive and kind energy. “Therapeutic chair” is installed on the square. Lenina, 1 behind the Government House.

Monument Seller and Buyer

The monument is made of concrete and painted with bronze paint. The weight of the sculpture is 3.5 tons, and the height is 2 m. The general appearance of the ensemble represents an episode of the purchase of a shawl, and it involves the figures of a buyer, a mirror saleswoman and a peddler.

The sculpture is located on the square near the Soborny bazaar near the Church of Xenia of Petersburg.

This composition was created by local sculptor A. Terekhin. Among the sellers of the Cathedral Market there is a sign that if you rub the seller’s mirror, the day will be profitable.

Monument to Peter 1

The statue of Peter 1 is a bronze figure standing on a pedestal, installed in Petrovsky Square. The monument was erected in 1860. During the Second World War, the German occupiers took the sculpture to be melted down, but in 1956 the statue was restored.

The pedestal, made of pink granite, has been preserved in its original form. Near the memorial structure there are 5 naval guns.

Historical monuments of Voronezh

What to see in Voronezh for history buffs:

  1. Rotunda – a monument of ruin type, a structure made of concrete columns and a partially destroyed building, located at the intersection of Transportnaya Street and Street named after. Burdenko. Built in the 30s of the last century, the Rotunda stood on the territory of the hospital campus and was the educational department of the therapeutic building adjacent to it.

    Medical students listened to lectures in a 500-seat amphitheater. In the summer of 1942, as a result of fierce fighting, the hospital town was reduced to ruins, and after the war, due to lack of funds, not all buildings in the town were restored. The Rotunda remained an involuntary monument to those terrible events. Decades later, the monument was strengthened and closed for conservation, but during the years of crisis they stopped monitoring it, as a result, on the night of February 23-24, 2009, a significant part of the Rotunda dome collapsed. Greetings to descendants with short memories from the soldiers who shed blood for every square meter of the hospital... At the moment, conservation work is underway on the monument; it can only be viewed from the outside.

  2. The Bristol Hotel , now the Central Hotel, located on Revolution Avenue, attracts attention with its Art Nouveau architecture. Built in 1910 according to the design of the architect M. Furmanov, the building had an unusual appearance and an unusual use. The entire lower floor was given over to a general store. On the second floor there was a fashionable restaurant with panoramic windows and balconies, innovatively equipped from the inside: a glass partition separated the kitchen from the hall, so visitors could watch the food being prepared. Hotel rooms were located on the third and fourth floors. During the years of the revolution, the hotel was the headquarters of the Red Army, but guests began to be received here again after 1930. Nowadays the unique structure is taken under protection as an architectural monument.
  3. Meshchanskaya police station – a historical object located on Karl Marx Street, 32. Three buildings of the unit and a wooden fire tower (later replaced by a stone one) were erected in 1825.

    Despite its prosaic purpose, the building was very beautiful, with an arch from which a brigade would emerge in case of fire, and the tower was decorated with chiseled brick columns at the corners. During the Great Patriotic War, two of the three buildings were completely destroyed, and only two of the four tiers of the tower were subject to restoration. Currently, part of the building is in the department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, continuing to serve the cause of law enforcement.

Where to stay

Voronezh is divided by a reservoir into two parts. The right bank is considered central - all the main attractions are located here, and on the left - residential areas and factories.

Housing prices do not differ much in different areas, so it is better to live in the center - when searching, focus on Revolution Avenue. If you want peace, stay on quiet streets: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels or Ordzhonikidze. If you love the perpetual movement of the city, choose Revolution Avenue or Koltsovskaya. It is better not to rent an apartment on Donbasskaya and adjacent streets: they are located close to the center, but the houses are in poor condition, the lights do not work, so it will be scary to return in the evenings.

On Airbnb you can find an apartment with a view of the reservoir or with an atmospheric balcony. Prices for two people start from 1,450 rubles for a bright studio in the center. An apartment with panoramic windows and a view of the city costs 2,333 rubles. A stylish private house with a garden, a terrace and a view of the reservoir will cost 2,400 rubles.

The most budget option is to stay in a capsule hostel, where prices start from 350 rubles. A night in the cozy and bright Bon Son Hotel and Hostel will cost from 650 rubles. At Geek Hotel & Hostel with two-story rooms, prices start from 490 rubles per bed or from 1,490 rubles for a separate room.

If you prefer to live in a hotel, take a closer look at the designer “Bronze Boar” with a garden and terrace. The Marriott Hotel is located on Revolution Avenue, the rooms have panoramic windows overlooking the city. Prices start from 4,080 rubles. The Mercure and Hampton by Hilton chains have a minimalist, pleasant interior, unlike many other hotels in Voronezh. They charge from 3,700 rubles per night. Prices in budget hotels start from 1,500 rubles in Floris and from 1,700 rubles in Brno.

Museums of Voronezh

The Voronezh Art Museum named after Kramskoy is rightfully considered one of the best among regional museums. The extensive collection of Russian and foreign paintings consists mainly of nationalized paintings from noble estates.

The Arsenal is a museum whose exhibitions represent the history of the city during the Great Patriotic War. A special place is occupied by the model of the destroyed city, built with precision down to the smallest detail.

The diorama museum of the Center for Military-Patriotic Education dedicated its exhibitions to the military history of the city from the time of Peter I to the present. In front of the museum there is an exhibition of military equipment.

What to see in Voronezh in 2-3 days

If you only have 2 days to explore the sights of Voronezh, then you can plan a route.

It is advisable to devote 1 day to a hike around the city center:

  1. First you should go along the street. B. Dvoryanskaya to the main square.
  2. Then see the estate where I. Bunin was born.
  3. Afterwards enjoy the architecture of the Annunciation Cathedral and the railway control building.
  4. Next, visit the Voronezh Palace and the Kramskoy Museum Institution.
  5. Take a break in Petrovsky Park and go down the street. Manezhnaya to the Admiralty Parade Ground.
  6. Then admire the waters of the reservoir and the model of the Mercury frigate installed in the water.
  7. You should also visit the Assumption Cathedral, and complete your walk with an excursion trip on a boat.

It is advisable to spend day 2 visiting local museums or walking along one of the subject routes:

  1. Orthodox shrines of Voronezh.
  2. Literary landmarks associated with the life of Russian poets and writers.
  3. Military theme with a visit to the memorial, pl. Arsenal's victories and expositions.

Temples and cathedrals of Voronezh

The Annunciation Cathedral, opened in 2009, is located in the city center. This snow-white temple took 11 years to build. Due to its enormous size (6 thousand people can be inside the temple at the same time), the Annunciation Cathedral received the status of a cathedral, that is, the main temple of the diocese. The cathedral contains the relics of the first bishop of Voronezh, St. Mitrofaniy.

The Assumption Admiralty Church is the oldest surviving church in Voronezh, a temple with a difficult fate. Built in pre-Petrine times, the temple experienced a real rise during the work of the shipyard: ships were consecrated here, sailors received blessings before military campaigns.

Tsar Peter himself sometimes sang in the choir along with the singers. But floods and fires, wars and the passage of time led the temple to oblivion and the loss of its former greatness. The restoration of the temple was carried out before the tercentenary of the Russian Navy. Among the treasures of the temple, St. Andrew's flag and memorial plaques with the names of Voronezh residents who gave their lives for the Fatherland are in a place of honor.

The Intercession Cathedral, the same age as Voronezh, shared the fate of its city. From the wooden church in the Cossack settlement grew a magnificent cathedral, under the care of which were an almshouse (a shelter for single women) and a primary school for girls.

The most difficult time for the Intercession Cathedral began after the revolution, when temple valuables were confiscated, and a stable was organized in the temple itself, and later - a museum of atheism.

The Intercession Cathedral regained its former status as the first church in the city only after restoration in 1948, at which time it was given cathedral status. The temple is famous for its bishop's choir, and the department for pilgrims organizes excursions along interesting routes.

Where else to go in Voronezh

Central Market

Address: st. Pushkinskaya, 8.

Photo: Romzes333 / Shutterstock

Indoor market with farm products and its own production. On the ground floor they sell traditional market vegetables, fruits, cheeses, and fresh fish. But you can skip this part and immediately go up to the second floor, where they sell goods produced by the Central Market. Among them are goat milk cheeses, sausages, puffed marshmallows and marshmallows, chocolate and candies. The process of creating products can be observed through the windows.


Address: st. Stankevicha, 6.

Photo: Vladimir Mulder / Shutterstock

The townspeople have formed many myths about the synagogue: for example, that the Masons hold their meetings there, so ordinary people are not allowed inside. In fact, you can get into the synagogue on any day except Saturday - you just need to negotiate with the security guard at the entrance.

It was designed in the Moorish style, in which synagogues were built in Berlin, Budapest, Kyiv, St. Petersburg and Kharkov. Just a few years after construction, the authorities began to put pressure on the Jewish community, and in 1939 the synagogue was closed. History of the Voronezh Jewish community. After nationalization, they wanted to set up a club in the synagogue, but the war began and the building was practically destroyed. In the early 2000s, the building was restored.

Periodically, the rabbi conducts tours of the synagogue, where he talks about its history and the difficult fate of Voronezh Jews. Announcements of events are published in the community group.

Speakeasy bars

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Posted by 8 Spirits&Cocktails Bar (@8spirits_and_cocktails) Dec 25, 2022 at 7:28 am PST

“Voronezh is a city of courage,” locals often say. Therefore, it’s simply impossible to come here and not raid the bars. A few years ago, speakeasy bars appeared in the city - semi-secret establishments without signs, which only “insiders” know about. There are currently three such bars: Eight, Boulevardier and Mizuwari. For visitors, this is an excellent option to get to know the city, but before visiting such a bar you need to write on your Instagram account and warn that you are coming - they will explain to you how to find the establishment.


Photo: Alexander Denisenko / Shutterstock
Voronezh is built on a hill, so in the city center there are many steep ascents and descents that you have to climb. Nizami is the name given to an area on a slope with narrow streets and private houses leading from the city center to the reservoir. Many monuments of wooden architecture have been preserved there and the atmosphere of royal Voronezh is created. You can start your walk from Admiralteyskaya Square, Petrovskaya or Massalitinov embankments and climb up any narrow street.

Gallery H.L.A.M.

Address: st. Deputatskaya, 1.

Photo: HLAMgallery Facebook page

Voronezh is one of the main centers of contemporary art in Russia, and the gallery H.L.A.M. became one of its first centers in the city. It usually hosts exhibitions and performances by artists from all over Russia. Last year Pakhom showed his works at the gallery, and before that there was an exhibition of the controversial artist Polina Muzyka. In 2018, a festival dedicated to the work of the famous Russian theater and film director Boris Yukhananov was held here. TRASH. represents Voronezh artists at the main Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow, and in 2016 the exhibition “In the Glorious City of Voronezh” was held at Winzavod.

There are currently no exhibitions in the gallery and it is closed to visitors. It is convenient to follow announcements in a group on the social network VKontakte.

Prydachenskaya Dam

Photo: Vladimir Mulder / Shutterstock
A small island formed after the creation of the Voronezh reservoir. It has a cozy walking alley, a kayaking base, and sports grounds. You can come in the evening and watch the athletes train and swim on SUP boards. The island offers views of both shores at once.

Parks and gardens of Voronezh

Scarlet Sails Park, located on the shore of the reservoir, acquired a new face in 2009, becoming one of the most beautiful and well-maintained parks in the city. At the entrance there is a diagram of the park, and signs will also help you get lost.

The “City of Birds” is very unusual - many different birdhouses, decorated like real buildings: there is a “Police”, there is a “Theater”, there is also a “Kindergarten” - a whole infrastructure! There are numerous playgrounds for children. For the dexterous and brave there is a rope town with various routes and a climbing wall.

In the park you can exercise on outdoor exercise equipment, play football and beach volleyball. You can ride bicycles, scooters and rollerblades along the wide alleys. In the summer, boats and catamarans are rented, and in the winter, an ice skating rink is built and a slide is made.

Voronezh Central Park, also known as Dynamo Park, is the city's largest green recreation area. The once flourishing park fell into disrepair after reconstruction, and only in the last decade large-scale work began to return the Central Park of Culture and Recreation to its former appearance.

Now in the park, children are welcome in the “Children’s Town”, equipped with slides, spinners, swings, and various climbing structures. For fans of a healthy lifestyle, there is an area with exercise equipment in the fresh air, and mass exercises are carried out in the mornings. You can ride horses; this opportunity is provided to vacationers by the Nabat equestrian club.

Orlyonok Park has long been considered a children's park. Having undergone less reconstruction than other parks, “Eaglet” remains cozy and quiet, as the townspeople themselves note, most suitable for walks with children.

And for kids, “Orlyonok” has an abundance of attractions for all ages, including a dino park, where young paleontologists can see large-scale dinosaur figures, visit an interactive museum, and the youngest visitors can ride small dinosaurs.

Modern objects interesting to visit

What unusual, modern things to see in Voronezh:

  1. Cat cafe "MR. Moore" on Nikitinskaya, 44, today is the only anti-cafe in the city where you can relax and spend time at home in the company of furry friends.

    Here you can drink tea, read a book, watch a movie - everything is just like at home. About twenty tailed employees provide comfort and peace to visitors. Animals are taken from the shelter, and before being hired, cats are sterilized, tested and, if required, socialized. Medical examinations by a veterinarian in the cat cafe are carried out regularly, so the possibility of contracting, for example, lichen, is excluded. The establishment is very popular in Voronezh, so you need to make an appointment by phone in advance for a visit to look at the furry inhabitants of this unusual establishment. Another difference from a regular cafe is that you only pay for the time spent in the cat cafe; current prices can be found in the establishment’s profile on social networks. You can even bring your own food, but it should not attract the attention of cats (sausage is not allowed!). There is a turnover in the staff of the cat cafe: employees find their Person and leave for new families, and new purrs come in their place. So “Mr. Moore” is also a place where you can find a true friend.

  2. The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky , opened in 2009 on the pedestrian section of Karl Marx Street, caused a storm of criticism, because the poet and bard had never been to Voronezh! Nevertheless, for ten years now, Vladimir Semenovich has been sitting on a chair on a pedestal stylized as a wooden stage, guitar in hand, smiling at passers-by. Every year on January 25, the bard’s birthday, his fans gather near the monument.
  3. Model of the ship "Mercury" - a three-masted barkalon, which came off the stocks of the Ramon shipyard and led a squadron of Russian ships in the Kerch campaign against Turkey in 1699.

    The current model is located in the Voronezh reservoir on a power line support. It is problematic to view the ship itself from the bridge or from the shore; you have to approach by boat, boat, or walk in winter on the ice of a frozen reservoir.


Theatergoers in Voronezh will not get bored, because there are theatrical institutions of various types here.

Drama Theater named after A.V. Koltsov

Drama Theater named after. Koltsova began its existence in 1802, but the first structure did not survive to this day; it was destroyed during the Second World War. The modern building appeared in 1944 and stands on the square. Revolutions, 55. Tickets for performances range from 600-950 rubles. performances for adults begin at 18.00 and 19.00, and children's performances begin at 12.00 and 15.00

Opera and Ballet Theatre

The history of the musical theater stage dates back to 1931. On its basis, in 1968, the current opera and ballet theater was created. Over the entire period of its existence, about 200 productions from the opera and ballet repertoire have been staged on the theater stage.

Today, in addition to classical works, performances by contemporary authors and experimental projects are staged here. The minimum price for entrance tickets is 250 rubles. The building is located on the square. Lenina, 7 and opens its doors to theatergoers at 18.00 or 19.00.

Puppet theater "Jester"

The puppet theater began its existence in 1925 with an amateur student production in which young actors took part. Over time, the performances moved to a professional level, and the stage became popular with viewers.

The theatrical repertoire consists of classical works intended for people of different ages. The theater is located on Revolution Avenue, 50 and is open from 18.00 for adults, and children's performances begin at 10.30 and 14.00. The cost of the entrance ticket is about 200 rubles.

Excursions around Voronezh

Organized excursions with professional guides:

Three-hour tour of the temples of VoronezhThe excursion includes a tour of seven churches: Akatov Monastery, Vvedensky Church, Admiralty Church, Annunciation Cathedral, Elias Church, Spasskaya Church and Intercession Cathedral.Cost from 850 rubles, bus and excursion support are included.
Palaces and estates of the Voronezh regionAs part of the excursion “Palaces and estates of the Voronezh region”, it is proposed to visit two objects: the castle of Princess of Oldenburg in Ramon and the estate of Dmitry Venevitinov, poet, friend of A.S. Pushkin. During the tour, radio guides are used, which allows you to photograph attractions without missing anything from the guide’s story. The cost of the excursion starts from 2000 rubles per adult, for children the amount is 1927 rubles.
Voronezh in the history of Russian aviationThis program will be of interest to children of middle and high school age. The program includes a visit to the airfield, where you can watch planes taking off and landing, learn about how the plane is equipped, and the purpose of the instruments. You can also sit in the real cockpit of a training aircraft and take a photo as a souvenir. The cost of the excursion is specified upon request from the agency.

Religious sites

In Voronezh there are many churches made in the traditions of Russian architecture.

Assumption Admiralty Church

The Admiralty Assumption Church is the oldest city church in the classicist style, built in the 17th century. Throughout its existence, the building was periodically reconstructed and updated. Major restoration work of the sanctuary was carried out in 2000. The temple stands at 41 Leninsky Ave. and is open to visitors from 8.00 to 19.00.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

The Annunciation Church is the cathedral of Voronezh and is decorated in the Russian-Byzantine style. The building was erected in 1998 over a period of 11 years. The structure has a height of 97 m and houses the relics of St. Mitrophanius.

At the present time, regular services are held in this holy place (every day from 7.00 to 19.00) and a Sunday school operates. The cathedral is located in the Pervomaisky Garden on Revolution Avenue, 18a.

Alekseevsko-Akatov Monastery

The monastery was founded in the 17th century. like a man's. After its revival at the end of the 20th century. nuns live on its territory. Built in the Russian-Byzantine style, the ensemble preserves the miraculous image of the “Life-Giving Spring” and the miraculous icon of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon.

The bell tower, preserved in its original form, is considered the oldest monument of Voronezh architecture.

Address of the monastery: st. Liberation of labor, 1st century. Divine services are held here daily, in the morning on weekdays from 7.30, on holidays from 6.30, and in the evening services begin at 16.00 in winter, and at 17.00 in summer.

Top 5 places to relax with a child

What to see in Voronezh for tourists with children:

  1. Voronezh Zoo, which has both open enclosures for large predators and closed halls, has collected about 150 species of animals on its territory, including the Amur tiger, listed in the Red Book. In the contact room of the zoo, visitors can chat with the animals, feed them, and take photographs as a souvenir. A nice bonus: the zoo always has attractions, even in winter.

  2. Exhibits from the Einsteinium Museum of Entertaining Science will demonstrate to children how the laws of physics work in a popular form. Here you can find yourself in a soap bubble, lift a real car by a rope, even light a lamp with lightning. And in the Science Cafe, future Einsteins will be able to discuss the achievements of modern science.
  3. The planetarium in the Axioma shopping center on General Lizyukov Street combines the functions of a popular science institution and a cinema. The planetarium's programs are adapted to the age of visitors. This is a family-friendly place to learn about the Universe. The Planetarium's motto is “Learning through experience.”
  4. The Edison engineering quest studio offers children 7-12 years old to play the game “Spy Kids” and “Eastern Gambit” for older children. Together with the animator, quest participants will experience the adventures of real scouts for 60 minutes.
  5. Oceanarium, located in the village of Solnechny, 3 km from Voronezh, presents visitors with thematic exhibitions that contain not only fish and sea animals, but also birds and land animals. There are also different types of sharks, piranhas, and electric rays. Penguins, fur seals, otters, pythons and anacondas live in the aquarium. You can even meet monkeys, chipmunks and raccoons.

    Every day at 18-00 there is a feeding of sharks, which delights adults and children.

What to bring from Voronezh

Stickers with district logos

Voronezh designer Mark Boldyrev came up with daring logos for unofficial areas of the city, where it is considered dangerous to walk in the dark, and made stickers with them. You can also order a T-shirt from him with the names of these areas.

Marshmallows and chocolate from the Central Market

An unobvious but pleasant souvenir is the products of the Central Market. Take marshmallows, chocolates and handmade candies. You can choose sets in beautiful gift packaging.

Magazine about Voronezh

“Words” is a glossy magazine about city life. In it you can read interviews with Voronezh residents, stories about the city and residents, find a selection of the best establishments and a section with discoveries of the month. The magazine can be borrowed for free in coffee shops, flower shops and beauty salons. The full list of places is in the group on the social network VKontakte.

Zines of Voronezh comic book authors

The comics publishing house "Grotesk" produces zines (amateur small-circulation publications) and postcards related to Voronezh. For example, their authors created a series of parody zines about anthropomorphic crows who save the city from Peter I, collect semcoins (from the word “bitcoins”) and lead a riotous life on the streets of Voronezh. This year, the publishing house released a zine about Yura Khoy from the Gaza Strip: the musician lived in Voronezh, in one of the disadvantaged areas. Another great souvenir is “Grotesque” postcards from the “Memory” series with Voronezh monuments, including Bim.

You can purchase zines and postcards from the publisher directly or buy them at your local comics shop.


For those who love unique antiques, but don’t want to rummage through a flea market, we recommend bringing a souvenir from the Zanovo project. Soviet posters, music boxes, vases, Primus stoves and other household items are sold here. And if you are not afraid of the size of souvenirs, you can even take restored shell chairs, a table or a sofa.

Hiking route for tourists

Most of the sights of Voronezh are concentrated on Revolution Avenue and adjacent streets, so for an introductory walk it makes sense to choose a route from the railway station through Mira Street with the monument to Soviet science, then through Pervomaisky Park with the Annunciation Cathedral to Koltsovsky Square on Lenin Square.

Along the way, among the attractions will be the South Eastern Railway Administration Building with the Kramskoy Museum of Fine Arts in the courtyard, the Voronezh Central Department Store, the building of the former Bristol Hotel, a puppet theater with a sculpture of the White Beam, and Victory Square.

Having finished the route, you can relax in Koltsovsky Square, famous for its color and musical fountain, or you can walk along Kardashova Street to the Stone Bridge and go down further to the Admiralty Embankment. However, you should remember that there is a significant difference in altitude in this part of the city, which complicates the path.

What to see in Voronezh in 1 day

Voronezh suggests seeing the following attractions in 1 day:

The house where I. Bunin was born9.30-9.45No entry allowed inside
Mechanical Technical School10.00-10.15Unusual architecture of the building
Pervomaisky Garden and Annunciation Cathedral10.30-11.30The temple is located on the garden axis
Museum named after Kramskoy 12.00-13.00
Petrovsky Square13.30-14.15Fountain, sculpture of Peter I, sundial
Arsenal Museum15.25-16.30Exhibition: “Voronezh during the Second World War”
Alekseevo-Akatov monastery16.45-17.30
Admiralteyskaya Sq. and Assumption Church 18.00-18.30
Walk along Staro-Moskovskaya street. to the street K. Marx. 18.35-19.30Ancient architecture of buildings
Figure of White Bim19.35-19.45

Interesting facts about Voronezh

  1. Land Voronezh is called the cradle of the Russian fleet.
  2. Voronezh chernozem is the standard of fertile soil; its sample is stored in the Chamber of Weights and Measures.
  3. The first BM-13 Katyusha installations, the Tu-144 supersonic aircraft and the Il-86 airbus were built here.
  4. The first landing took place in Voronezh on August 2, 1930.
  5. On one of his visits to the USSR, Fidel Castro visited Voronezh, and his son Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart married a girl Olga from Voronezh.

The choice of interesting places that can be seen in Voronezh is great. The city will be remembered equally by both the traveler who comes here purposefully and the one who visits it in transit.

Author: Tatyana Evseeva

Article design: Mila Friedan

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