TOP 30 - what to see in Koktebel and the surrounding area

Our regular author Anastasia lived in Crimea for a long time and traveled it far and wide. For our website she wrote a guide to the most interesting places in Koktebel.

Koktebel is a small picturesque town located in the southeast of Crimea, near the Koktebel Bay. The town has a very romantic name: from Crimean Tatar it is translated as “the edge of blue hills.” PGT is the canonical representative of the resort town.

Historians do not know the exact date of the founding of Koktebel, but there is an assumption that a tribe of Cimmerians lived here about 2 thousand years ago. It is known that for a long time the village was an ordinary village by the sea, where people lived in modest houses, ate food grown with their own hands, fish caught in the sea and were generally cut off from the outside world.

For those who are going to Koktebel with children, here is a useful story from a mother about the features of a family holiday at this resort.

In the 80s of the 18th century, the Koktebel lands were bought for a pittance by St. Petersburg professor Eduard Junge, who planted a large vineyard in Koktebel and started agriculture. After the death of the professor, the land passed to his sons, who began selling summer cottages in the town. Since at that time Koktebel was still a little-known place, land was not bought very willingly.

However, by the nineties, the village became more popular: famous poets, artists, and scientists often visited it. In 1893, the famous literary figure Maximilian Voloshin settled in Koktebel.

Not far from Koktebel there are a couple of interesting places worth visiting - Sudak is 30 kilometers away - this is the Genoese fortress, the Golitsyn trail and picturesque capes, and Feodosia is 20 kilometers away with its museums and parks.

For ease of route planning, we have marked all the mentioned attractions on the city map:

Koktebel: where to go in the surrounding area

To begin with: Koktebel is surrounded by beautiful, unusual and even protected natural landscapes. They have long attracted the attention of seekers of ornamental stones, biologists, film directors and even fans of scary stories. So in the vicinity of the village there is something to see for tourists who love and understand nature. The only thing is that he is unlikely to encounter a Karadag sea serpent, because one has not yet been discovered.

Karadag Reserve

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.939044, 35.210977.

Mount Karadag is part of an ancient volcano, long extinct. Its entire territory with the adjacent water area is now a nature reserve, although previously even mining work was carried out on Karadag. The reason for the reserve is the unique wealth of flora, fauna and... geology.

The Karadag Nature Reserve can only be visited with a guided tour, along specially designated routes. Among them, some are quite difficult, and some are accessible even to primary schoolchildren and pensioners.

During the excursion, tourists have the opportunity to see many plants and animals, some of which are rare (in total, 2.5 thousand plant species and 5.3 thousand animal species are registered in the reserve), as well as identify fragments of jasper and carnelian among the stones on the paths , chalcedony, agate and other colored stones.

Koktebel owes its famous colored pebbles to the Karadag deposits, which also contain truly interesting specimens.

Golden Gate

  • GPS coordinates: 44.914678, 35.231451.

The rock with this name is located near the foot of Karadag. It has a through passage, which makes it unusual.

The Tatars call the rock Shaitan-Kapu (that is, the “devil’s gate”) and consider it an “evil” place, the entrance to the underworld. Russian tourists turned out to be more optimistic. They are of the opinion that passing through the Golden Gate can help fulfill desires.

The Golden Gate is one of the most “photogenic” Crimean attractions; The rock is constantly photographed for advertising and calendars. It is better to examine it from the water, during a boat excursion. Most of the organizers of such walks try to get their boat through the gate - they fulfill all wishes wholesale.

Quiet Bay

  • Coordinates: 44.965811, 35.311027.

A landscape park with the same name was created near Koktebel, and the bay itself makes up its main part (the park also includes Provato Bay).

The park was created to protect complexes of steppe vegetation, but you can visit it independently, without special permission. The only thing you need to take into account is that driving to the shore by car is prohibited in these places, and you will have to walk at least 1.5 km from the nearest parking lot.

The bay is protected from the winds by Cape Chameleon, and therefore it rarely experiences rough seas (hence the name). The surrounding “lunar” landscapes have repeatedly attracted the attention of directors, and many famous films were filmed in the vicinity of the bay.

Legend says that on the shores of the Quiet Bay, a certain monster once devoured an entire regiment of selected Turkish Janissaries. The Janissaries turned out to be too heavy for the stomach, and the monster turned into Cape Chameleon, and the bay was called Janissaries for a long time.

Cape Chameleon

  • Coordinates: 44.962617, 35.294440.

The narrow ridge bordering Quiet Bay is a 70-meter strip of ash ejected by Karadag when it was a volcano. The silhouette of the cape resembles either a lizard or a fantastic insect, which is what the already told legend about the eaten Janissaries is connected with.

Walking along its ridge is unsafe - the cape is narrow and consists of fragile rocks. So collapses and landslides are commonplace there.

But there is no need to go there. Cape Chameleon must be observed from the side. From some distance, and at different times of the day. The fact is that it tends to noticeably change its color depending on the lighting. That is why it is called a Chameleon, and not a Lizard or a Crocodile.

Mount Klementieva

  • Coordinates: 44.997056, 35.276652.

A large massif with a height of about 700 m has the original name of Uzun-Syrt, but is called Mount Klementyev in honor of one of the first Soviet glider pilots, who died here in 1924.

The mountain is officially considered the birthplace of Soviet gliding and a place with unique air flows. This phenomenon is almost officially called “Voloshin’s hat,” because it is believed that it was discovered by the poet, whose hat, thrown up, did not fall, but soared in the air.

You should climb Mount Klementyev on a clear, not too windy day. It offers excellent views of the outskirts of Koktebel, but the main thing is that in such weather you can watch glider flights there. You can even order such entertainment for yourself (with an instructor pilot), but this should be done not on the top of the mountain, but at the Koktebel Gliding Center.

In the summer, various kinds of gatherings are held near Mount Klementyev and scientific field camps are organized. These events can also provide tourists with additional spectacles.

Camel Mountain

  • Coordinates: 44.970605, 35.248953.

It’s difficult to call this peak a mountain - rather, these are towering hills that almost all guests of Koktebel visit. The views from here are breathtaking - the village will lie in full view, and the sea will complete the harmonious composition.

You don’t need any preparation to visit the mountain, but it’s better to take a windbreaker (it’s windy here) and sports shoes (climbing in flip-flops will be stressful).

Mount Kuchuk-Yenyshar

  • Coordinates: 44.974982, 35.282856.

The height of this mountain is insignificant - 192 m, but it gained fame not because of its altitude. At its top is the grave of Voloshin, the most famous person in Koktebel. And from here you can admire the most picturesque panorama of the mini-resort of Crimea.

Cape Planerny

  • Coordinates: 44.937885, 35.252915.

Another interesting place in Koktebel, bordering Koktebel Bay from the southeast. Admiring nature on the territory of this attraction is a pleasure. But relaxing at the cape, swimming on the beach of Lyagushachya Bay is also a memorable pastime.

You will be interested in: Sights of Crimea

Arch "Golden Gate"

The rock formation in the Black Sea has long been considered a kind of calling card not only of Koktebel, but of the entire Crimea. The arch is located in the waters of the Kara-Dag massif. There are many stories and legends around this place. It is believed that if you swim under the gate, you will have good luck throughout your life. Perhaps that is why there are so many boats, pleasure boats and so on around.

I recommend: a boat trip from Feodosia to Kara-Dag on the ship Mikhail Svetlov.

Famous Koktebel museums

Although Koktebel is a relatively small village, it has long been famous for its rich cultural life. That’s why it has a lot of museums – for such a population. Among them there are also unique ones that can no longer be found not only in Crimea, but also in Russia in general.

Museum of History and Nature of the Karadag Reserve

  • Address: st. Nauki, 22, town Kurortnoye.

The museum can be visited along with a tour of the protected area, or separately. It is located on the territory of the administrative estate of the reserve. The museum has a fairly rich collection that reveals all aspects of the existence of both Mount Karadag and the reserve protecting it.

Herbariums, stuffed animals and photographs of animals, samples of rocks and minerals, and collections of insects are presented here. There is also an archaeological exhibition with ancient artifacts found on the territory of the modern reserve. A separate section is devoted to the history of the reserve and its activities. The museum is interesting for both adults and school-age children.

Museum of Gliding

  • Address: Grina street, 12a.

It appeared in Koktebel in 2009. The museum is small - 4 halls. But it is unique in that the exhibits in it (and these are real gliders and hang gliders, including those that lifted famous people into the air) are allowed to be touched.

Part of the exhibition tells about pilots and aircraft designers whose “heavenly career” began in Koktebel (the most famous of them is S.P. Korolev).

If desired, visitors can experience the feeling of “free floating” on the simulator. Although in Koktebel you can fly a hang glider or glider for real.

Voloshin House-Museum

  • Address: Morskaya st., 43.

This is the center of cultural life of Koktebel. The museum was created in the building of the former summer house of the poet and translator. Voloshin made a name for Koktebel, and now the resort cherishes his memory.

The museum has more than 60 thousand exhibits - household items of the early twentieth century, personal belongings of Voloshin and his friends (and they were all well-known people), rare publications. The museum is also the venue for regular literary festivals and readings. It awards the Voloshin Literary Prize.

This museum is more intended for adult visitors. It will be a little boring for children up to high school age, because they are not yet aware of the greatness of the poetry of the Silver Age.

Wine Museum

  • Address: Lenin street, 103.

The museum is completely new - it opened in 2022, becoming one of the events of this year's Novemberfest wine festival. Tastings are not provided here - the exhibition tells about the history of Crimean and Soviet winemaking.

There are a lot of exhibits - even archaeological finds of objects related to the cultivation of wine and winemaking, starting from the ancient era, are presented. A lot is told about the winemaking culture of different peoples inhabiting Crimea. Among the more recent material objects, original wine bottles, corks and even labels from the most famous drinks from different years are interesting.

Although drinking alcohol inside the museum is not allowed, the theme still makes it not a very suitable place for children under adolescence.

A factory for the production of fine wines and cognac in Koktebel was opened back in 1958. Every year, about 200 thousand deciliters of production material were processed within its walls. The most popular drinks were collection and vintage cognacs: “Koktebel”, “Crimea” and “Kutuzov”. There are similar production facilities in Inkerman and Novy Svet.

This is interesting: barrels of wine are placed in numerous sixty-meter tunnels carved into the rock.

Where can tourists go for a walk in Koktebel?

Of course, in a small village there cannot be such a rich secular program as, say, in Yalta. However, Koktebel has always been considered a special, bohemian place. And in this case, social life and the opportunity to “see people, show yourself” are mandatory. The choice for socialites and lions in Koktebel is small, but they will find where to go.

Koktebel embankment

  • Address: Morskaya street.

The central embankment of the village is traditionally the center of local social life. Many attractions are concentrated in its area, plus the embankment itself is a beautiful place where you can spend time pleasantly. It has recently been put in order, paved with high-quality tiles, and the fence is decorated in an antique style.

Small cafes and shops, entertainment for children, cute benches for relaxation - it's all there.

An original feature of the Koktebel embankment is that during the season it is a kind of permanent open-air exhibition. This is where artists display their works. You can admire, purchase the work you like, or order your own portrait on the spot.

Starfall of memories

  • Coordinates: 45.007165, 35.204413.

This is an antique-style rotunda marking the observation deck on Mount Koklyuk, between Karadag and Mount Klementyev.

Previously, the attraction was called the “Gazebo of the Winds,” but then they decided to give it a more “stellar” name, taking into account the proximity of Mount Klementyev. In some ways, this is in vain, because the winds on the mountain are really more than - and at storm speeds. This should be taken into account before visiting.

The meteor shower of memories is surrounded by many legends and beliefs of a romantic nature. In fact, it is just a beautiful place with beautiful views. The altitude of 320 m above sea level allows you to see far.

Nudist beach of Koktebel

  • Address: st. Morskaya/st. Armatlukskaya.

You won’t surprise anyone with a nudist beach in Crimea for a long time, but in Koktebel it is special. Firstly, M. Voloshin is officially considered the creator of the beach. Secondly, Koktebel is generally the “cradle of Soviet nudism.” Finally, here on the nudist beach you can not only sunbathe in your mother’s clothes - it is also a venue for cultural events in the spirit of naturism.

The nudist beach is not fenced off and is located in close proximity to the official village beach. The boundary is considered to be a stream. Vacationers often cross this stream several times a day - out of interest or to use the infrastructure and attractions.

Photo: ©

There are few modern amenities on the nudist beach, but there you can witness or participate in various theatrical activities and or games in the traditional ancient or Slavic pagan style. Ideological naturists take their children there, but for those who are not followers of nudism, it will be too much. And curious adults are well received here.

On topic: Beaches of Koktebel

Observation deck "Kilovaya Gora"

  • Address: Serova Lane.

This review is located in the center of the seaside part of Koktebel. It is not high, but the views from here are memorable. Overnight you can admire panoramas of the sea, Cape Chameleon, Mount Karadag and the village itself.


Beach in Koktebel
The beaches of Koktebel are in demand among both the local population and tourists. Particularly popular are:

  1. Central beach. It stretched along the village. On the territory there are rental points (umbrellas, sunbeds) and catering, changing rooms, toilets. Lots of entertainment: water rides, slides and so on. The seabed is sandy, the shore is small pebbles.
  2. "Popeye." There is a boat station on the territory of this section of the coast. Entrance to the beach is free, but you will have to pay according to the list price to ride a boat, catamaran or air mattress. The shoreline is generously covered with large pebbles.
  3. "Maltese". Unlike real Maltese beaches, the shore here is far from sandy, but concrete. Naturally, you can’t lie on such a surface for a long time, so you’ll have to rent sun loungers.
  4. "Nudist". The beach for naturists is located in Fox Bay, surrounded by the Kara-Dag and Echki-Dag mountain ranges. The coastline is sandy, but there are quite large stones on the seabed.

On this topic:

Beaches of Crimea

Monuments and sculptures of Koktebel

There are not many of them in the village, but they exist. There is a traditional memorial monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, but the specific local theme attracts more attention from tourists.

Monument to glider pilots

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.999287, 35.271100.

An unusual monument was erected at the top of Mount Klementyev. This is a 7-meter white column, on top of which a glider is fixed. The glider is special - firstly, it is real, and secondly, it is the legendary A13, the USSR record holder for the number of flights.

The white column is clearly visible even from a considerable distance. But you can see the monument in detail only by climbing the mountain.

Monument to Voloshin

  • Address: Morskaya st., 43.

The monument was erected in 2009 on the embankment. Funds for its production were provided by private individuals. The bronze statue on a stone pedestal was made by A. Grigoriev. The sculptor decided to capture the creative moment that caught Voloshin during a walk (which happened often, judging by the stories of the poet’s friends).

The monument is installed on the embankment and is a popular subject for photography. Since Voloshin’s house-museum is located nearby, the monument also serves as a kind of advertising.

Monument to the Koktebel landing

  • Address: st. Morskaya/st. Azure.

Not far from the Voloshin Museum you can find a monument that immortalizes the feat of the Koktebel landing during the Second World War, in 1941, when it was supposed to push the enemy forces away from the main one in this region of Crimea, the Feodosia landing.

Helpful information

From Simferopol to the resort 120 km. The nearest large settlement is Feodosia (distance – 21 km). Regular buses go from these cities to Koktebel. If you travel from the Crimean capital by car, the journey will take approximately two hours. The village is located directly on the seashore, so it is easy to walk from most guest houses and boarding houses to the beach.

The holiday season officially opens in May and lasts until October. It is better to book places in advance, as there are many vacationers in Koktebel in the summer.

Entertainment in Koktebel for children

In principle, Koktebel is an “adult” resort. But there are still interesting places for children here, and there are not so few of them. In addition to the traditional dolphinarium and amusement park, the village also offers an unusual children's interactive museum. Little tourists can have a fun and useful time in Koktebel.

Water park "Koktebel"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 144B.

The Koktebel water park was built in 2007, and is still one of the best in Crimea. On an area of ​​more than 4 hectares there are 24 slides (12 extreme ones for adults and the same number for children), 7 swimming pools, 3 Jacuzzis. In addition, the park has areas for relaxation and sunbathing, several cafes and a restaurant - in general, everything you need for a good day by the water.

The Koktebel water park is “pirate” in style. Its symbol is a pirate parrot, the territory is decorated with images of filibusters, and the slides have names such as “Tortuga” and “Coastal Brotherhood”.

Paying for a ticket allows you to use any pools, slides, and recreation areas. You will have to pay for food separately. The water park often hosts various promotions and themed events.

Dolphinarium in Koktebel

  • Address: Morskaya st., 77.

Here we must take into account that scientific research on the behavior of dolphins was previously carried out on Karadag. Consequently, the matter of training them “to become artists” in Koktebel was approached according to scientific methods. But the dolphinarium, located near the water park, is still a purely entertainment establishment that popularizes knowledge about marine life.

The troupe includes cute Black Sea bottlenose dolphins (who act on stage like real pop stars) and fur seals. The program is standard, but invariably entertaining: choral singing, acrobatic performances, dancing and even demonstration painting lessons.

Performances take place outdoors (the dome over the pools is only installed in the winter). After the Koktebel Dolphinarium program, you can take pictures with your favorite artists and even swim with dolphins. But you will have to pay extra for these pleasures.

On topic: Dolphinariums of Crimea

Dinotherium in Koktebel

  • Address: Sadovaya st., 24.

Dinotherium is an unusual museum telling about the origin and development of life on Earth. One of the halls houses a paleontological collection.

Any child (and an adult too) will be delighted with the scientifically accurate model of a dinosaur skeleton, made according to reconstructions by specialists from the USA. Another room is inhabited by living relatives of dinosaurs - reptiles and... birds. There are no enclosures - the inhabitants live as they please. They are almost tame and respond well to visitors.

In the courtyard of Dinotherium there is a play area in the form of a labyrinth. The passage of each branch is connected with the ancient history of one of the Crimean cities.

Luna Park Koktebel

  • Address: Koktebel Park.

This is the “foreign” name for a large amusement park here. In general, the range of entertainment is standard, but there are many offers, and not only kids, but also their older brothers and sisters and even parents can have a good time in the park.

In addition to children's swings and carousels, there are also “extreme” attractions with age restrictions.

There are plenty of benches for relaxation, small cafes and ice cream stands on the territory, so you can spend a lot of time in the park. Experts recommend coming here in the late afternoon, when it is cooler.

Koktebel Aquarium

  • Address: Primorskaya street, 57.

The aquarium is located next to the dolphinarium and is a kind of water zoo. The collection is based on species living in the waters of Crimea. But in the aquarium you can see South American piranhas, sea cows, and exotic ocean species.

All aquariums are elegantly decorated with stones of different sizes and corresponding live algae, so that they look like real windows into the underwater world. A visit to the attraction will be not only entertaining, but also educational.

Zoo "Manual Koktebel"

  • Address: Morskaya st., 9A.

Near Morskaya Street, near the Litfond beach, you can find perhaps the only petting zoo within the village, where your children can see turtles and monkeys, rabbits and raccoons, meerkats and guinea pigs, parrots and squirrels.

Photo: ©

As the name suggests, the zoo is a contact zoo - a child will be able to pet the local pets and feed them. But the children are especially delighted by the birds flying around the perimeter, often even landing on their hands for the next portion of food.

Room of fear

  • Address: Morskaya street.

Photo: ©
This attraction is located near the Koktebel Dolphinarium, not far from Papai Beach. A visit to this place is recommended for all children, even teenagers, since, according to reviews, both children and even adults receive positive emotions.

Koktebel Zoo

  • Address: Morskaya st., 77.

Photo: ©
In addition to the contact menagerie already described, there is another zoo in Koktebel that has a longer history of existence. True, the place is very controversial. Often you can find more negative things about him than positive things. But still, if you want to look at exotic pelicans, meerkats and snakes, then it’s definitely worth going here, especially with a child.

Observation deck “Starfall of Memories”

Observation deck “Starfall of Memories”
The site is located at the highest point of the Barakolskaya valley, at an altitude of about 400 meters. The largest influx of tourists to the Starfall of Memories is recorded at the end of summer, in August. The reason is solid: at this time the so-called Perseid meteor shower passes over the planet. And according to legend, if you look at a shooting star from the observation deck and have time to make a wish, your dream will definitely come true.

Read more about Starfall of Memories here

Other interesting places in Koktebel

Let us highlight other attractions that are also definitely worth visiting in Koktebel.


  • Address: st. Junge, 1.

The winery is one of the main local attractions. In addition, it makes it possible not to think too long about the question of what gifts to bring home from Koktebel.

The plant was created by ophthalmologist E. Junge, who was able to assess the degree of suitability of Koktebel soils for growing elite grape varieties. Koktebel is the only winery in Crimea that produces cognac. He also specializes in Madeira and the Old Nectar brand.

Tours regularly come to the plant. You cannot get here alone, only with a group. Tourists are taught the basics of wine production, shown open-air areas where Madeira matures in barrels, and allowed into long underground galleries designed for aging other drinks (some of these tunnels were built by Moscow metro construction workers).

Product tastings are also provided, so an excursion to Koktebel is more of an adult event.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows”

  • Address: st. Lenina, 95.

The only temple in the village of Koktebel is named after the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows”. The church is beautiful, the mountain is well located - perfectly visible from different parts of the town. The only negative is that the reconstruction of the parish has been going on for a very long time, now it is closed, services are not held.

Summer cinema "Primorye"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 124.

While relaxing at a resort, you often want to watch good old movies in the evening. In Koktebel, this opportunity is provided by a summer cinema with the loud resort name “Primorye”. Reviews from tourists praise this place, but it is not open regularly—we recommend finding out about movie screenings in advance.

Tepsen ancient settlement

  • Coordinates: 44.953630, 35.240031.

In the south of the outskirts of Koktebel there was once the ancient city of Tepsen, which was also called Fuli. It is problematic for a non-specialist to see anything on the plateau, but archaeological research has made it possible to discover several ancient Christian temples and a number of dwellings from the distant past. For many, the Tepsen plateau is now an excellent viewing platform, and not a historical site.

Obviously, curious vacationers will not be bored in Koktebel. But from the village you can also go on a sea excursion, and rich Feodosia is very close! In general, an active interest in the sights of Koktebel will definitely help you understand why this place has such a strong impact on creativity.

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Cape Chameleon

One of the most beautiful and mysterious capes of Crimea. A cape located near Koktebel separates Quiet Bay from Koktebel. The main feature of these places is the change in color of land and water depending on the time of year and day. Cape Chameleon is capable of changing color shade several times a day. A very beautiful, impressive spectacle that even locals come to see. Naturally, there is nothing mysterious or mystical here. It's just that the special composition of the shale rock displays the sun's glare differently. As a result, such a play of light is created.

Read more about Cape Chameleon here

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