Zaraisky municipal district

Administrative subordination includes:


  • City of Zaraysk


  • Settlement of Branch 2 of the Zaraisky state farm
  • Settlement of the Central Estate of the temporary storage farm 40 Let Oktyabrya
  • Settlement Maslovsky
  • Settlement Zaraisky


  • Serebryano-Prudskoe highway


  • Avdeevo village
  • Village Avdeevskie Vyselki
  • Village Altuhovo
  • Village Altuhovo
  • Alferyevo village
  • Village of Aponitishchi
  • Village Argunovo
  • Village Astramevo
  • Bavykino village
  • Barebino village
  • Berezniki village
  • Village Bespyatovo
  • Village Bolvankovo
  • Bolotnya village
  • Village of Bolshie Belynichi
  • Village of Bolshoye Eskino
  • Village of Borisovo-Okolitsy
  • Brovkino village
  • Village Great Field
  • Village of Verkhnee Velyaminovo
  • Village of Verkhnee-Maslovo
  • Village of Verkhnee Plutalovo
  • Village of Veselkino
  • Voronino village
  • Village Gololobovo
  • Village Gremyachevo
  • Davydovo village
  • Village Darovoye
  • Village of Dobraya Slobodka
  • Village of Dubakino
  • Village Dyatlovo-1
  • Village Dyatlovo-2
  • Village Dyatlovo-3
  • Village Zhilkontsy
  • Zaitsevo village
  • Village Zamyatino
  • Village Zimenki-1
  • Village Zlykhino
  • Village Ivanchikovo
  • Village Ivanshevo
  • Village Ivashkovo
  • Village Ilyitsino
  • Village Istominka
  • Village Karino
  • Village Karmanovo
  • Village Klepalniki
  • Village Klin-Beldin
  • Kobylye village
  • Kozlovka village
  • Komovo village
  • Village Kosova
  • Village Krutoy Verkh
  • Village Kuvshinovo
  • Village Kudinovo
  • Village Kukovo
  • Latygori village
  • Village Letunovo
  • Logvenovo village
  • Village Maloye Eskino
  • Village of Malye Belynichi
  • Village Mendyukino
  • Mikhalevo village
  • Village Mishino
  • Village Monogarovo
  • Village Nazaryevo
  • Village Nizhnee Velyaminovo
  • Village Nizhneye Plutalovo
  • Nikitino village
  • Nikolskoye village
  • Village New Village
  • Novoselki village
  • Ovechkino village
  • Ozerki village
  • Penkino village
  • Perepelkino village
  • Sands Village
  • Pecherniki village
  • Village Potlovo
  • Village of Pronyukhlovo
  • Prudki village
  • Village of Pyzhovo
  • Village of Rassokhty
  • Village Ratkino
  • Village Rozhnovo
  • Village Ryabtsevo
  • Village Sablino
  • Sekirino village
  • Village Sitkovo
  • Village Sleptsovo
  • Village Solopovo
  • Sokhino village
  • Village Staropodastramyevo
  • Village of Staro-Podgorodne
  • Village Stolpovo
  • Village Strupna
  • Village of Tatina
  • Titovo village
  • Village of Trasna
  • Village Trebovoe
  • Tregubovo village
  • Fedorovka village
  • Village of Filippovichi
  • Village Khlopovo
  • Village Cheremoshnya
  • Village Chernevo
  • Village Chiryakovo
  • Village Sharapovo
  • Village Shirobokovo
  • Village Yakshino
  • Zhuravna village
  • Village Markino
  • Village Mashonovo
  • Village Radushino
  • Village Ernovo
  • Village of Shistovo

Zaraisky municipal district is located in the southeast of the Moscow region, on the right bank of the river. Sturgeon and is located 164 km southeast of Moscow. The district borders in the south with the Ryazan region and Serebryano-Prudsky district, in the west with the Kashirsky district, in the northwest with the Ozersky district, in the north and northeast with the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region. The district includes 1 urban and 4 rural settlements. The administrative center of the payon is the city of Zaraysk .

The area of ​​the district is 96.8 thousand hectares. Population 41.8 thousand people.

On the territory of the Zaraisky district, 115 archaeological sites dating back to various eras were discovered - from the Upper Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages. Their density here is twice as high as the average for the Moscow region. The Zaraisk Upper Paleolithic site has gained worldwide fame , which is “the only archaeological site in the region that reflects the culture of our ancestors who inhabited the Russian Plain about 23-17 thousand years ago.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, Zaraisky district included an area of ​​247,718 acres and 740 settlements. 160,585 people lived here, it was divided into 2 camps, 21 volosts, 4 deaneries and 75 parishes, and had 93 Orthodox churches.

In 1929, the Zaraisky district was included in the emerging Moscow region. At the same time, most of the county's lands were transferred to other, newly formed districts, mainly Lukhovitsky and Ozersky.

In the 30s, new enterprises were built Zaraysk

In the countryside, by the end of the 40s, 147 collective farms were created, which united over 6.5 thousand peasant farms; at machine and tractor stations there were 173 tractors and 52 grain harvesters.

The son of Chiang Kai-shek, Jiang Jing-kuo, the future president of Taiwan (1975-1988), who studied in the USSR at the Communist University of the Toilers of the East, took part in the creation of collective farms in the Zaraysk villages of Bolshoye Zhokovo and Bolshoye Korovino under the pseudonym Nikolai Vladimirovich Elizarov.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated February 1, 1963, the Zaraisky district was abolished, and its territory became part of the Kolomensky district. However, in 1965, the Zaraisky district was again restored to its former borders.

Zaraisky district is located in the temperate continental climate zone. The average annual temperature is from +3.5 °C to +4.3 °C. The hottest month is July (average temperature about +19 °C), the coldest month is January (average temperature about -11 °C).

There are no large rivers or natural lakes in the area. The main river flowing in the area is Sturgeon .

The main attractions of the area include:

State Historical, Architectural, Art and Archaeological Museum "Zaraisky Kremlin" , one of the oldest museums in the Moscow region, opened in 1918. The basis of the museum's collection are the collections of the natural history museum of the Zaraisk zemstvo and items from noble estates.

August 1, 2002 “White Well” was discovered on the northwestern outskirts of Zaraysk , on the right bank of the Sturgeon. The St. Nicholas Chapel over the White Well and the Baths were erected, and the protected area was landscaped.

12 km. to the southwest of Zaraysk Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky spent his childhood and youth on his father’s estate .

House-museum of A.S. Golubkina in Zaraysk was opened in 1974. The museum exhibition is located in a house, an example of provincial architecture of the beginning. XIX century, which belonged to the Golubkin family.

By the beginning of the 20th century. in Zaraisky district there were 93 Orthodox churches, including 15 in the city.

View a list of area attractions.

Official website of the district:

Zaraisky municipal district

Have questions?
Often, living in a city, village, town or village, we have to face the question of which administration should we contact if we need it. Let's look at the example of the Zaraisky district.

New municipalities were formed as part of the Zaraisky municipal district, namely:

Urban settlementsRural settlements
urban settlement Zarayskrural settlement Gololobovskoye
rural settlement Karinskoye
rural settlement Mashonovskoye
rural settlement Strupnenskoye

At the same time, the city of Zaraysk is the administrative center of the Zaraisk municipal district.

So, let’s figure out which administration we should contact.

The borders of the urban settlement of Zaraysk include the following settlements:

  1. City of Zaraysk.

Thus, if you live in a village or town from the above list, then you need to contact (if necessary) the administration of the urban settlement of Zaraysk .

The administration of the urban settlement of Zaraysk is located at

140600, Moscow region, Zaraysk, st. Leninskaya, 46 Phone: 8 (49666)

Administration of the Zaraisky municipal district at

140600 Moscow region, Zaraysk, st. Sovetskaya 23 Phone: 8 (49666)

The borders of the rural settlement of Gololobovskoye include the following settlements:

  1. Village of Gololobovo ;
  2. Village of Altuhovo ;
  3. Village of Aponitishchi ;
  4. Village Astramevo ;
  5. Village of Bavykino ;
  6. Village Bespyatovo ;
  7. Village of Bolshoye Eskino ;
  8. Village Borisovo - Okolitsy ;
  9. Village of Verkhnee Velyaminovo ;
  10. Village of Verkhnee Plutalovo ;
  11. Village Voronino ;
  12. Village Ernovo ;
  13. Village of Zhilkontsy ;
  14. Village Zamyatino ;
  15. Village Zlykhino ;
  16. Village of Ilyitsino ;
  17. Village of Klepalniki ;
  18. Village Klin-Beldin ;
  19. Village Kozlovka ;
  20. Village of Maloye Eskino ;
  21. Village Maslovsky ;
  22. Village Mishino ;
  23. Village of Nizhnee Velyaminovo ;
  24. Village of Nizhneye Plutalovo ;
  25. Village of Novoselki ;
  26. Village of Penkino ;
  27. Village of Prudki ;
  28. Village of Rassokhty ;
  29. Village of Sitkovo ;
  30. Village of Sleptsovo ;
  31. Village of Staropodastramyevo ;
  32. Village of Staro-Podgorodne ;
  33. Village of Stolpovo ;
  34. Village of Filippovichi ;
  35. Village of Chiryakovo ;
  36. Village of Shirobokovo .

Thus, if you live in a city, village, town or village from the above list, then you need to contact (if necessary) the administration of the rural settlement of Gololobovskoye .

The administration of the rural settlement of Gololobovskoye is located at

140603, Moscow region, Zaraisky district, Gololobovo village, 10aReception: 8 (49666) 43-141, 8 (49666)

The border of the rural settlement of Karinskoye includes the following settlements:

  1. Village of Karino ;
  2. Avdeevo village ;
  3. Village of Avdeevskie Vyselki ;
  4. Village of Altuhovo ;
  5. Village of Berezniki ;
  6. Village Bolvankovo ;
  7. Village of Bolshiye Belynichi ;
  8. Village of Veselkino ;
  9. Village of Davydovo ;
  10. Village of Dobraya Slobodka ;
  11. Village Dyatlovo-3 ;
  12. Village Zaraisky ;
  13. Village Zimenki-1 ;
  14. Village of Ivashkovo ;
  15. Village Karmanovo ;
  16. Kobylye village ;
  17. Village of Steep Verkh ;
  18. Village of Kuvshinovo ;
  19. Village of Kudinovo ;
  20. Village Kukovo ;
  21. Village Latygori ;
  22. Village Letunovo ;
  23. Village of Logvenovo ;
  24. Village Makeevo ;
  25. Village of Malye Belynichi ;
  26. Village Nikitino ;
  27. Village of Branch 2 of the Zaraisky state farm ;
  28. Village of Perepelkino ;
  29. Village of Pecherniki ;
  30. Village of Pyzhovo ;
  31. Village of Rozhnovo ;
  32. Village of Ryabtsevo ;
  33. Village Sablino ;
  34. Village of Sokhino ;
  35. Trebovoe village .

Thus, if you live in a city, village, town or village from the above list, then you need to contact (if necessary) the administration of the rural settlement of Karinskoye .

The administration of the rural settlement of Karinskoye is located at

140631, Moscow region, Zaraisky district, Karino village, st. Sovetskaya, 1 Phone: 8 (49666) 6-41-21; 8 (49666) 6-41-23

The border of the rural settlement of Mashonovskoye includes the following settlements::

  1. Village Mendyukino ;
  2. Village of Argunovo ;
  3. Village of Barebino ;
  4. Village of Great Field ;
  5. Village of Gremyachevo ;
  6. Village of Dubakino ;
  7. Village Markino ;
  8. Village Mashonovo ;
  9. Village of Ovechkino ;
  10. Village of Potlovo ;
  11. Village of Pronyukhlovo ;
  12. Village Protekino ;
  13. Village Radushino ;
  14. Village of Ratkino ;
  15. Village of Sekirino ;
  16. Village Solopovo ;
  17. The village of Spas-Doschaty ;
  18. Village of Titovo ;
  19. Village of Trasna ;
  20. The village of the central estate of the state farm "40 years of October" ;
  21. Village Chernevo ;
  22. Village of Sharapovo .

Thus, if you live in a city, village, town or village from the above list, then you need to contact (if necessary) the administration of the rural settlement of Mashonovskoye .

The administration of the rural settlement of Mashonovskoye is located at:

140614, Moscow region, Zaraisky district, Mendyukino village, st. Selkhoztekhnika, 10 Phones: 8 (49666) 6-02-34, 6-02-33, 6-92-47, 6-01-86,

The border of the rural settlement of Strupnenskoye includes the following settlements:

  1. Village Chulki-Sokolovo ;
  2. Village Alferyevo ;
  3. Village of Bolotnya ;
  4. Village of Brovkino ;
  5. Village of Verkhnee-Maslovo ;
  6. Village of Darovoye ;
  7. Village Dyatlovo-1 ;
  8. Village Dyatlovo-2 ;
  9. Village Zhemovo ;
  10. Village Zhuravna ;
  11. Village of Zaitsevo ;
  12. Village of Ivanchikovo ;
  13. Village of Ivanshevo ;
  14. Village Istominka ;
  15. Komovo village ;
  16. Village Kosova ;
  17. Village Mikhalevo ;
  18. Village of Monogarovo ;
  19. Village of Nazaryevo ;
  20. Village Nikolskoye ;
  21. Village New Village ;
  22. Village of Ozerki ;
  23. Sands Village ;
  24. Village Strupna ;
  25. Village of Tatina ;
  26. Village Tregubovo ;
  27. Village of Fedorovka ;
  28. Village of Khlopovo ;
  29. Village Cheremoshnya ;
  30. Village of Shistovo ;
  31. Village of Yakshino .

Thus, if you live in a city, village, town or village from the above list, then you need to contact (if necessary) the administration of the rural settlement of Strupnenskoye .

The administration of the rural settlement of Strupnenskoye is located at

140617, Moscow region, Zaraisky district, village. Chulki-Sokolovo, st. Central Phones: 8 (49666) 6-62-31, 6-62-33, 6-71-18,

The article was prepared on the basis of the Law of the Moscow Region N 63/2005-OZ “On the status and boundaries of the Zaraisky municipal district and newly formed municipalities within it” (as amended for 2010).

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