Population of Lipetsk: description, history, numbers, employment and interesting facts

Lipetsk is a city and regional center in Russia, located 400 kilometers from Moscow. It is a large industrial and cultural center. The population of Lipetsk ranks thirty-sixth in size in Russia, which indicates the dense population of the city.

The settlement is quite modern and developing. Enterprises located within Lipetsk and its suburbs provide stable growth dynamics. The city is mainly known for its steel and rolled steel producers, water and beverages. The city is known as a training center for civil aviation pilots.

The entire economy of the region rests on the work of such enterprises as the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, Svobodny Sokol, and Indesit. Factories producing building materials make a big contribution. But it is not only heavy industries that distinguish the city. The food and light industries are developing well here. The population of Lipetsk mainly works in these areas.

Climatic conditions

The city is located in the continental part of Russia, so the climate is appropriate - moderate, with clearly defined seasons. However, the last few years have been characterized by climate changes: for example, the average air temperature has become an order of magnitude higher, summers are very hot and dry, in winter the situation is no better - snow can only fall for the first time in January.

It was thanks to such changes that the population of the city of Lipetsk and the local administration began to experiment with green spaces. For example, tropical palm trees feel great near the Embankment. Biological specialists were able to grow fruits such as pomegranate and figs, without creating special conditions in greenhouses.

Edge Features

Lipetsk is located on the geological border of the Don Plain and the Central Russian Upland. That is why there is such heterogeneous hilly terrain here. The city is based on the Voronezh River. The region is small in area - only 320 square meters. km. Moreover, the height of the center is 160 m. Lipetsk is located on the same time zone as Moscow. The UTM time offset is +3:00. The climate here is temperate, continental, as in the entire region. The city is located at the same latitude as Amsterdam and Berlin, but temperatures vary markedly. Winters in the region are consistently moderate. It snows most of the time of the year. In winter, the average temperature does not exceed -8 degrees.

Summer is sunny and warm, there is no intense heat. The temperature in July is about +20 degrees. At the same time, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 500 mm.

Ecological situation

The reason for such dramatic changes in climate is the deplorable environmental situation. The city is among the top most polluted settlements in the country. The main “violator” of environmental safety is the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The plant is the most productive in Europe, so the volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is simply indescribable.

The difficult environmental situation is associated with a huge number of personal vehicles and the work of large enterprises. Of course, the transport sector and industry provide employment to the population, so Lipetsk is a very attractive city for those looking for work. But the last fact once again proves that even more people expose their health to negative influences from the outside.

Attempts to combat industries polluting the city

The population of Lipetsk has already become accustomed to window sills that are constantly black with dust and the aromas of hydrogen sulfide, which are especially noticeable on weekends. A significant contribution to the deterioration of the ecology of the populated area is made by Lipetskcement OJSC, Svobodny Sokol OJSC, and ChSZ-Lipetsk LLC.

But whatever the population in Lipetsk, even if the locals are accustomed to this kind of phenomena, the situation requires normalization. Ecology, first of all, is the life and health of people. In connection with this, there was even a protest rally against the launch of a glass factory without dust collection units.

Population and demographics

The population of Lipetsk at the beginning of 2022 is 511,927 people. In the central Black Earth Region (one of the twelve economic regions of the Russian Federation), the city ranks second in population. Thanks to good employment opportunities in their specialty, young people are drawn to the populated area, thereby ensuring stable population growth. The number of visitors, of course, is small, since we should not forget about those who moved to the capital for a better life. Many native residents of the city leave for Moscow, but attachment to their native places forces people to return to their small homeland sooner or later.

Now the settlement is considered attractive for immigrants. But sixty years ago the population of the city of Lipetsk was five times smaller.

Features of Lipchans

The population of Lipetsk has a number of characteristic features. The average resident of this city is gloomy and stern. A hard look is a completely normal phenomenon, which at first frightens visitors. Therefore, local residents are quite easy to distinguish. Many visitors get used to the character traits of Lipetsk residents and even borrow certain traits - this is a completely normal process.

It is worth remembering one more feature that distinguishes the entire population of Lipetsk. We are talking about a special pronunciation of the letter “g”, which is more reminiscent of the sound “x”. When you first stay in the city, listening to the speech of local residents is quite unusual and funny.

City forming enterprise

The city is an industrial giant, so technical specialties are the main vacancies that the employment center offers. Lipetsk is distinguished by its enterprises in the field of metallurgy and mechanical engineering.

The main one, of course, is the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, which is even called a city within a city, because the territory of the enterprise is a whole developed infrastructure, including a transport network, a museum, a zoo and much more. The plant employs sixty thousand people, according to social security. Lipetsk actually provides jobs for one enterprise. After all, these are not only the workers of the workshops themselves. Several thousand workers support the plant's infrastructure.

Getting a job at this enterprise is not difficult, especially if we are talking about a highly qualified technical specialist. There is always a stir in the HR department of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. In addition to the variety of vacancies, the company can offer decent wages (on average higher than at similar factories). The plant never delays payments to its employees. Even during the crisis, wages were paid in full and on time.

At the same time, the company maintains a policy of strict discipline. Electronic readers are installed everywhere, so being late even by a few minutes will not be without an explanation. The company strictly controls its employees.

Special economic zone

There is increased employment in this area. Lipetsk is a special economic zone designed to develop the manufacturing and industrial sectors of the Russian Federation. This SEZ has not only regional but also federal significance. The zone is located in the suburbs of Lipetsk. Occupies an area of ​​10.3 square meters. km. The local SEZ attracts investors with its geographical location and transport accessibility. Among the other economic advantages of the zone, a free customs regime without duties and taxes should be highlighted.

Industrial power

In addition to the city-forming Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, the city operates a cement plant, a silicate products plant. A special economic zone began to form around the representative office of the Italian company Indesit. In Lipetsk, this company produces washing machines and refrigerators. This economic zone operates outside the city, but getting there is not difficult for workers. The company organized free buses, which, of course, is a very smart decision.


general information

Lipetsk is a modern and dynamically developing city. It is known in Russia and abroad as a major producer of steel and rolled products, white equipment, juices and mineral water, and as a center for training aces of domestic aviation. Here are concentrated enterprises that, with their successful work, ensure the social stability of the entire region: the flagship of the domestic metallurgy Novolipetsk plant and the oldest metallurgical plant in the industry, producing refrigerators and washing machines. A powerful potential for the construction and construction industry has been created - there are factories for the production of cement, silicate products, reinforced concrete floors, and plastic windows. The food, processing and light industries are widely represented, and the consumer market is saturated with trade enterprises.


In Lipetsk there is the only factory in Russia that produces Lipetsk patterns (painting on wood according to the Khokhloma type).

There are many beautiful fountains in the city. In recent years, a color and music fountain has been opened on Peter the Great Square, cascades of fountains on Petrovsky Spusk and on Teatralnaya Square. In addition, pre-existing structures underwent thorough reconstruction.

Temples and monasteries

Ascension Cathedral is a destroyed cathedral in the city of Lipetsk. It was located on Voznesenskaya Square (now Teatralnaya Square).

The cathedral is the first stone church in Lipetsk. It was built in 1751 at the Lipa factories. The construction was carried out in several stages, so the bell tower was built after 1812. In 1850, the cathedral was expanded and it acquired its final form.

The temple was in the form of a two-height quadrangle with side chapels and a low dome. The façade was decorated with Baroque architraves and paired pilasters. There were three limits in the Ascension Cathedral: in the name of the Ascension of the Lord (main), Archangel Michael and St. George the Victorious (alteral).

The Church of St. Eudokia (Evdokievskaya) is an Orthodox church, located in the center of Lipetsk near Heroes Square (address: Gagarin Street, 70). She is one of the few that has survived to this day after Soviet atheism.

St. Nicholas Church is a small temple on Torgovaya Square, 16a, in the Soviet district of the city of Lipetsk.

The building in the Russian style was erected according to the design of the architect I.P. Mashkov in 1890. The church was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It was adjacent to the Prison Castle (it was demolished after the revolution). The temple had a fairly powerful belfry, and the largest bell weighed 7 tons.


The House-Museum of G. V. Plekhanov is a memorial museum in Lipetsk. Located at: Plekhanov street, 36.

Lipetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is the central museum of the Lipetsk region. Located on Lenin Street, 25 (corner with Proletarskaya Street).

The local history museum was founded in 1909. The initiator of the creation and its first director was M. P. Trunov, the founder of library and archival business in Lipetsk.


The Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater named after L.N. Tolstoy successfully tours Russia. It includes many honored and national artists. The main director is S. A. Bobrovsky.

Also in Lipetsk there is the Lipetsk Municipal Theater, which does not yet have its own building (located in the building of the Sokol Palace of Culture), but is considered a promising theater, competing with the regional theater. Artistic director - G. V. Balabaev.

The Lipetsk State Puppet Theater, which is now directed by O.V. Ponomarev, operates for young spectators.


Bykhanov Garden is a park in the Right Bank district of the city of Lipetsk. The official name is the Bykhanov Garden park. It is located between Gagarin, Balmochny, Telman streets and the Evdokievsky cemetery. Area is 13.8 hectares. The tree species are dominated by spruce, birch, and chestnut. Ornamental shrubs, dwarf rowan trees, apple and pear trees also grow here.

Victory Park is a park in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Lipetsk. It is located between Avenue 60 Let of the USSR, Poligraficheskaya Street, the Kamenny Log tract and residential buildings along Smurgis and Stakhanov streets. Area - 35 hectares. There are more than 40 species of trees and shrubs in the park. The composition of tree species is dominated by pine, birch, and maple.


A fortified Slavic settlement on the site of the modern city existed even before the start of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. It was located on a steep hill, protected from the north, south and west by inaccessible slopes. On the flatter eastern side, an earthen defensive hill was erected, the remains of which have survived to this day. In the center of the settlement there was a princely house, and artisans lived around it. Lipetsk was first mentioned in chronicles in 1283-1284, during the period of battles between the Russians and the Mongol-Tatar conquerors. In 1284 the city was completely destroyed, and over the next few centuries there is no mention of it.

The village of Malye Studenki Lipskie, located on the site of the modern city, was first mentioned in chronicles in the first half of the 17th century.

The year 1703 is considered to be the year of the founding of Lipetsk (City Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July). It was then, on the orders of Peter I, on the Lipovka River, at its confluence with the Voronezh River, that the construction of iron factories began for the needs of the Russian fleet and army, which provided great support in supplies during the Northern War. By this time, the factories began to be considered large, and occupied second place in Russia in the production of cast iron.

The village, which expanded after the construction of factories, was renamed in 1709 into the settlement Lipskie Zavody (Lipskie Iron Works). On September 16, 1779, by decree of Catherine II, the Lipskiye Zavody settlement officially received the status of a district town of the Tambov governorship (since 1796 - Tambov province) with the name Lipetsk. The city included two settlements - Dikinskaya and Lipetskaya, together with factories, as well as the villages - Korovino and Dikinskaya. At that time, about 6 thousand people lived here.

On August 16, 1781, Lipetsk received its coat of arms. Under the Tambov provincial coat of arms (a beehive and three golden bees) there is a spreading linden tree, as a symbol of antiquity and prosperity, like the family tree of a revived city.

After the opening of new iron smelting plants in the south of Russia with a new, more advanced technology for smelting iron and steel using coke in 1795, the Lipsky plants were liquidated, and the bulk of the equipment and workers were transferred to the Lugansk plant. After the factories closed, the city's development slowed down.

In 1806, a large fire occurred in the chaotically built-up wooden Lipetsk, after which the city began to be built according to the General Plan, with straight, wide streets and buildings made of stone and brick. Resort buildings, a hotel, and an entertainment hall were built. Noble and merchant mansions appeared on Dvoryanskaya Street (now Lenin Street).

The revival of the city began at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, when, in connection with the expansion of railway construction, Russian and foreign entrepreneurs decided to reuse the ore deposits near Lipetsk. The revitalization of the city was also facilitated by the activities of the resort, opened at the beginning of the 19th century.

In 1902, with the participation of Belgian capital, the construction of two blast furnaces was completed, marking the beginning of the metallurgical industry, which produced the first cast iron on July 15, 1902.

In 1931, another giant was founded - the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant (NLMZ, now the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant - NLMK), which began operations on November 7, 1934. The construction of this enterprise became a turning point in the biography of Lipetsk. It was NLMK that brought Lipetsk world fame as an industrial center. Since the 1930s, Lipetsk has transformed from a small provincial town surrounded by greenery into a large industrial center of the Black Earth Region.

During the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, the Lipetsk Tractor Plant was built in record time.

On January 6, 1954, the Lipetsk region was created, and the city received the status of a regional center.


Lipetsk has a developed transport infrastructure; it is connected with other regions by rail, air and road transport. Lipetsk Airport is located 10 km from the city, from which there are daily flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are also a number of flights to other Russian cities, and there is also an air taxi service. The roads have access to the federal highways M4 Don and M6 Caspian, as well as the Orel - Lipetsk - Tambov highway.

City public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses and trams. Every day Lipetsk residents are transported by 118 trolleybuses and 70 tram cars, however, at present the tram has practically left the central part of Lipetsk, but is actively used in the areas of urban new buildings and in the Left Bank. Tram traffic in Lipetsk celebrated its 60th anniversary in November 2007. The issue of introducing a high-speed tram is currently under development.

Business acumen

We can say that for many residents of Lipetsk, and especially visitors, one of their priorities is their financial condition. Home, family and health, unfortunately, often fade into the background. Even when choosing a car, the city population prefers not safety and spaciousness, but a representative appearance. Residents of Lipetsk have the highest rates of consumer activity.

Lipetsk is chosen as a source of investment not only by domestic, but also by many foreign investors. The economic situation in the city has a positive trend, employment of Lipetsk craftsmen is at a sufficient level, unemployment is not typical for the locality.

Criminal life of the city

It cannot be said that crime in the locality in question flourishes more than in other Russian cities. But there were stories that horrified the entire population of Lipetsk. Basically, the reports mention domestic crimes committed while intoxicated, robberies, and hooliganism. But there are also truly chilling murders:

  1. An incident that occurred ten years ago received very loud publicity. This is the story of a schizophrenic maniac, who was later given the nickname “chess player.” This nickname was associated with the fact that the criminal loved to play chess in the evenings and then kill his playing partners somewhere behind the garages.
  2. For six years, “Lipetsk Chikatilo” Anatoly Sedykh brutally raped and killed women. He was on the list of suspects for quite a long time. The victims' phones and clothes were found in the criminal's car, but for unknown reasons the killer remained at large. “Lipetsky Chikatilo” was caught and then released due to lack of evidence. And yet, in 2010, the Supreme Court sentenced the maniac to life imprisonment. He has at least twelve victims to his name.
  3. The most famous case that shook the whole of Lipetsk was the disappearance of Anastasia Polushkina. The girl was only sixteen years old, the whole city was searching. The public outcry of this case led to the fact that photographs of Nastya began to appear everywhere - on the streets, bus stops, in newspapers and social networks. However, the story ended in tears - the girl was drowned after being injected with tranquilizers, but experts claim that death occurred on the day of the abduction. The suspect was detained but not convicted. The motive for the crime remained a mystery.

Population of the region

The largest number of citizens in the region is observed in the city of Lipetsk - almost 50%. In total, the population of the region is about 1.16 million people. At the same time, the demographic density exceeds 48 people/sq. km. In the Lipetsk region, the urban population significantly predominates - about 64%.

It is worth noting that the current population of the region is only 15 thousand more than in 1959. The last 20 years have seen a serious outflow of young people to larger cities and abroad. During this period, more than 90 thousand citizens left the region. Today, Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, Gypsies, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Tatars, and representatives of many other nationalities live here.

Memorable places

It’s probably worth moving on to more positive moments in the life of the city. As many people as there are in Lipetsk, there are so many opinions about the city. Some see only problems, while others, in spite of everything, love their small homeland for what it is. In addition to businesses, the city also has many different attractions. There are quite enough places in Lipetsk that provide workers with decent rest.

From the train station you can get to the wonderful Bykhanov Garden. From the window of bus route 324 you can also see a puppet theater, a registry office and a monument in the shape of an airplane.

You can also visit Heroes Square, which is always well-groomed and is distinguished by a huge riot of flowers. Petrovsky Descent should definitely be included in the cultural program. Going down the main staircase, you can enjoy the most beautiful cascade of fountains. If you walk through the underground passage under Petrovsky Spusk, you will see a view of the Lower Park. Here you can try healing mineral water from the spring. Near the main square of the city there is a chapel of Paul and Peter, walking along which you can get to the light and music fountain.

In addition to excellent hiking, Lipetsk has entertainment for every taste. These include theaters, shopping centers, and clubs. In general, Lipetsk is a very modern and progressive city that provides the population with sufficient jobs, which, due to the occasional growing crisis in the country, becomes a very important fact.

Lipetsk is a city and regional center in Russia, located 400 kilometers from Moscow. It is a large industrial and cultural center. The population of Lipetsk ranks thirty-sixth in size in Russia, which indicates the dense population of the city.

Administrative division

Since 1954, Lipetsk has been the regional center of the region. Today it includes several independent administrative units. They are subordinate to the Lipetsk administration. The city is divided into four territorial districts: Oktyabrsky, Left Bank, Sovetsky and Right Bank. All of them are approximately equal in area and economic importance. Traditionally, the city has more than a dozen districts: Center, Peredelitsy, Syrsky, Sokolskoye, Mirny, Severny Rudnik, Experimental Station, Traktorny, New Life, Zarechye, Matyrsky, Dachny, Venera, Yeletsky and others.

Currently in Lipetsk there are 23 squares, 2 boulevards and more than 700 streets.

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