Where to go in Pereslavl-Zalessky, where to walk and what to do?

The history of Pereslavl-Zalessky, founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152 and one of the oldest city policies in the country, is replete with incredibly interesting events. Suffice it to say that according to the idea of ​​​​the son and worthy successor of the work of Vladimir Monomakh, the city was to become - no more nor less - the capital of all north-eastern Rus'. Although the plans of the wise ruler were not destined to come true, ancient Pereyaslavl managed to leave a mark on the tablets of history. Here, in the swampy-plain Zalesye, the Grand Duke and Holy Land of Russia, Alexander Nevsky, was born. 150 years later, Dmitry Donskoy called a council of appanage princes, boyars, and governors to the city to determine a strategy for getting rid of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. In addition, the policy has grounds to claim the title of the cradle of the Russian Navy, because the first ships of the amusing flotilla of young Peter I plied the surface of Lake Pleshcheyevo. A reminder to descendants of the significant events of the past of the great country are the sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky, photos and descriptions of which are presented below. Hundreds of thousands of tourists annually visit the city, included in the Golden Ring of Russia, to see the unique historical monuments with their own eyes.

St. Nicholas Monastery

The monastery was founded in the mid-14th century by Dmitry Prilutsky, a student and follower of Sergius of Radonezh. Until the end of the 19th century, the monastery was for men; in 1898 it was converted into a women's monastery.

St. Nicholas Monastery

During the Soviet era, almost all the buildings that were part of the complex were destroyed. Since the mid-2000s, the revival of the monastery churches began. Today, on the territory of the St. Nicholas Convent there are three cathedrals: the Annunciation, St. Nicholas, Beheading of John the Baptist. Believers go to the monastery to venerate the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the Cross of Korsun, elements of the relics of Cornelius the Silent, Prince Andrei of Smolensk and Nicholas the Ugodnik.

  • Address: st. Gagarina, 43.
  • Opening hours: weekdays - from 06:30 to 17:00, Sunday - from 07:00 to 18:00.
  • Entry cost: free.

St. Vladimir's Cathedral

The cathedral, which was erected at the expense of local benefactor Peter Ugrimov in the mid-18th century, was once part of the Sretensky Novodevichy Convent complex and was considered second in importance after the Church of Alexander Nevsky. The five-domed building in the Baroque style is devoid of pretentiousness and frills.

St. Vladimir's Cathedral

During the years of the USSR, the temple was not destroyed, but due to improper use, its walls began to crumble, and the interior decoration became unusable. Today only the apse is functional; the rest of the building is undergoing restoration work. Above the apse in the pediment there is an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, services are held in the room, and in the summer there are exhibitions of icons and paintings on Orthodox themes.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 12.
  • Opening hours: daily - 8:00-15:00, on the days of evening services - until 21:00.
  • Entry cost: free.

Znamenskaya Church

As if from a picture - this is the first thought that comes to your mind when you see the Temple of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The facade of the Znamenskaya Church is snow-white and with an abundance of faces of saints painted in color.

Znamenskaya Church

The church looks so bright and unusual today. Initially, its construction was associated with the name of the wife of Dmitry Donskoy (Princess Evdokia), who miraculously escaped during the invasion of Khan Tokhtamysh at the end of the 14th century. The wooden temple was rebuilt from stone in 1788 at the expense of Anna Ivanovna Maslova, the widow of a local major. Provincial baroque was reflected in the Znamenskaya Church. Later, a school was opened in one of the parishes to teach local children to read and write. In Soviet times, the temple building was completely demolished, and a new one was rebuilt in the late 2000s.

Interesting fact! The temple has chapels bearing the names of iconic persons: the chapel of John the Baptist, the chapel of Princess Evdokia Donskaya, the chapel of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

  • Address: st. Trubezhnaya, 7 A.
  • Opening hours: Saturday-Sunday - 08:00–14:00.
  • Entry cost: free.

Simeon Church

The Simeon Church, as a striking example of provincial baroque, attracts the attention of both parishioners and travelers.

Simeon Church

Its construction began at the end of the 16th century: something was added, something was destroyed. The characteristic white and red color of the walls and the fancy roof with five domes remained unchanged. The Soviet authorities did not dare to completely destroy the temple; it housed warehouses and a store. The reconstruction of the stone building began in 1992 and has not yet been completed.

Interesting fact! The church consists of two floors and two altars (the upper one is in honor of Simeon the Stylite, the lower one is in honor of Alexy, the man of God). There is an icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and an icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

  • Address: st. Rostovskaya, 16.
  • Opening hours: daily - 08:00-16:00, on days of services - 07:30-20:00.
  • Entry cost: free.

Alexander Nevsky Church

Construction of the Church of the Blessed Alexander Nevsky began in the mid-18th century with the money of Peter Ugrimov: a beautiful bright building in red and white colors with no less expressive green decoration and five domes.

Alexander Nevsky Church

Initially, the temple was the most important in the city. Over time, it was reduced to a church, and during the Soviet period there was a library, bakery and store inside. Since the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, reconstruction of the temple began using voluntary donations, which has not yet been completed.

Interesting fact! The Church of Alexander Nevsky is located at the same address as Vladimir Cathedral. The two temples are very similar in style. The thing is that they were erected at the expense of the same patron of arts Ugrimov (in approximately the same period of time and, most likely, by the same craftsmen).

  • Address: Sovetskaya street, 12.
  • Opening hours: all days except Tuesday, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Entry cost: free.


Photo by A.I. Nagaev Pereslavl-Zalessky. Panorama of the central part of the city.

PERESLAVL-ZALESSKY, a city in Russia, in the southern part of the Yaroslavl region, the center of the city district of the same name and the Pereslavl district. Population 37.9 thousand people. (2019). Located on the southeastern shore of the lake. Pleshcheyevo, at the confluence of the river. Trubezh. Railway station (freight service). The federal highway “Kholmogory” (Moscow – Yaroslavl – Vologda – Arkhangelsk) passes through Pereslavl-Zalessky.


The city of Pereyaslavl (from the 15th century Pereslavl-Zalessky), probably founded between 1100 and 1108 by the Pereyaslavl (Pereyaslavl of the South) prince. Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh to the east. shore of the lake Pleshcheyevo (Kleshchino) as one of the outposts on the borders of Suzdal Opole. It was first mentioned in the Typographical Chronicle in 1152, when the Rostov-Suzdal prince. Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky moved the city to modern times. place and laid the stone Transfiguration Cathedral. On the left bank of the river. Trubezh at the confluence of the river. Murmazh, fortifications were built (the shaft has been preserved - length about 2.35 km, height up to 10 m). The so-called Vel. Pereyaslavl road to Rostov and Yaroslavl. From the 12th century Large monasteries began to appear around the city, the oldest of them being the Nikitsky Monastery. Center of the Pereyaslav Principality (last third of the 12th – early 14th centuries). Prince was born in Pereyaslavl in 1190. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, and in 1221 his son - Prince. Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. In 1194, by order of the Vladimir prince. Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest built a new fortress on the crest of the rampart. Large cultural center: in the 1st half. 13th century Chronicle writing was carried out in the city, the monument of which was the “Chronicle of Pereyaslavl-Suzdal”; Probably, “Prayer” by Daniil Zatochnik is also written here. In 1238, during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and in 1252, it was taken and destroyed by the Horde. In 1281, as well as in 1293 (during the “Duden’s Army”), he was defeated by the forces of Prince. Andrei Alexandrovich and his Horde allies. The prince was burned in 1294. Fedor Rostislavich Cherny. In 1302 captured by the Moscow prince. Daniil Alexandrovich, until 1305 was under the control of Moscow princes. From the end In 1305 the city came under the control of the Vladimir Grand Dukes, from 1362 it was finally under the control of the Moscow princes. In the 14th–15th centuries. was repeatedly given to feed the Lithuanian princes and appanage princes of the Russian principalities, who went to serve in Moscow. It was captured and ruined by the Horde during the raid of Tokhtamysh in 1382 and the raid of Edigei in 1408. In 1403 the fortress was renewed.

In the 15th–16th centuries. developed as a large craft (in 1595 there were 38 forges) and trade and fishing center (salt making, commercial fishing, hunting, etc.). An important center of Orthodoxy, the great princes of Moscow and Russian tsars repeatedly made pilgrimages here: Vasily III Ivanovich (1510, 1516, 1525, 1528), Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible (1552, 1555, 1556), Boris Fedorovich Godunov (1598), Mikhail Fedorovich (Romanov) (1619, 1638), Fyodor Alekseevich (1676, 1679). During the Time of Troubles in 1608 the city was occupied by the Polish-Litovs. detachments of A.I. Lisovsky, who suppressed the uprising of the residents at the end of the year. In 1609 he was liberated by troops under the command of Prince. M. V. Skopin-Shuisky and Y. P. Delagardie. In 1611 it became a meeting point for the advanced detachments of the First Militia. In the same year, he withstood the siege of the troops of Ya. P. Sapieha. In 1618, Pereslavl-Zalessky was unsuccessfully besieged by a Polish-Lithuanian detachment of Colonel S. Chaplinsky. The fortress was renovated in 1666 (it had 12 towers and 3 gates, there was a secret drinking well in the Tainitskaya tower), and was dismantled in 1759. The city suffered from fires several times (in 1687, 1753, 1783, 1786, 1847). In 1691–92 near Pereslavl-Zalessky, at the shipyard in the village. Veskovo, Peter I and Dutch craftsmen built the so-called ships. funny flotilla.

Photo by A. P. Pyatnov Pereslavl-Zalessky. Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan at the Sovereign's Courtyard. 1585. Bell tower. 1821. Photo 2010.

District city of the Vladimir province (1778–1929, until 1796 Vladimir governorship). In the 18th century the transfer of trade routes to the Baltic Sea slowed down the development of the city, from the middle. 18th century linen manufactories appeared (in 1758 by the Ugrimovs, from 1889 belonged to the Pereslavl Manufactory Partnership; in 1781 by the Temerins). In 1849, the Moscow-Yaroslavskoe highway was opened, passing through Pereslavl-Zalessky. After the opening in 1870 of traffic along the railway built to the side of Pereslavl-Zalessky. line Sergiev Posad - Yaroslavl, the trade and craft importance of the city fell sharply. On October 26 (November 8), 1917, Soviet power was established. Center of the Pereslavl district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region (1929–36), from 1936 – of the Yaroslavl region. In 1931, the first film production factory in the USSR (now the Slavich company) came into operation. In 1937, traffic on the narrow-gauge railway was opened. line Usolye - Pereslavl-Zalessky, built to service peat mining (in 1994 the section from Moskovskaya Street to the broad-gauge railway was dismantled, in 2004 - the section from Pereslavl-Zalessky to Veksa station). Since 1944 it has been a city of regional subordination of the Yaroslavl region. In 1990–2010 it had the status of a historical city of Russia

Architecture. Cultural centers

In the Old Town, in the ring of earthen ramparts, buildings from the 12th century have been preserved: the white-stone single-domed Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1152–57) on Red Square, a tent-roofed church. St. Peter the Metropolitan in the Sovereign's courtyard (1585; in the basement - the Church of the Archangel Michael, late 18th century; bell tower - 1821); 5-domed baroque churches of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (1745; cathedral from the beginning of the 20th century) and St. Alexander Nevsky (1746) former. Mother of God-Sretensky Novodevichy Monastery. (mentioned from 1660, abolished in 1764); building of a men's gymnasium in the Art Nouveau style (1913–16, architect M. E. Tyurin); houses of the 18th–19th centuries. and etc.

Photo by P. S. Pavlinov Pereslavl-Zalessky. Cathedral of St. Theodore Stratelates in the Feodorovsky Convent. 1557–64.

Photo by A.I. Nagaev Pereslavl-Zalessky. Church of St. Simeon the Stylite. 1771.

To the southwest and south of the ramparts, in the historical. Zemstvo district, St. Nicholas women's monastery. (founded as a men's ca. 1348; from 1898 for women; closed in 1923, revived in 1994; refectory from the Annunciation Church, 1748; gateway church of Saints Peter and Paul, 1750; 5-domed St. Nicholas Cathedral, 1999–2003, architect. V. N. Izhikov; church of the Beheading of John the Baptist with a belfry, 2000s), Smolensk-Kornilievskaya church. (1701–1705) ex. Borisoglebsky Pesotsky mon. (founded between the 13th and 15th centuries, abolished in 1764). To the south, in Nagornaya Sloboda, there is the Feodorovsky women's monastery. (presumably founded in the 15th century as a men's building; from 1667 for women; closed in 1923, revived in 1998; 5-domed Cathedral of St. Theodore Stratilates, 1557–64; c. Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1655–84, rebuilt in 1710 ; hospital wards with a church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, 1714; Holy Gates of the 18th century, etc.), Sretenskaya Church. (consecrated in 1785), dendrological. garden named after S. F. Kharitonov (laid out in 1952; area 58 hectares; part of the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park). Opposite the Danilovo-Troitsky Monastery is the Goritsky Assumption Monastery, in the buildings of which the State Monastery is located. historical-architect. and artist museum-reserve (1918, opened in 1919, current name and status since 1989). Near the monastery there is a village. house of D. N. Kardovsky (1885; purchased by the artist in 1915).

On the shore of the lake Pleshcheyevo, at the mouth of the river. Trubezh, in Rybnaya Sloboda, - c. Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Sorokosvyatskaya, 1755). On the right bank of the river. Trubezh – baroque churches of St. Simeon the Stylite with a hipped bell tower (1771) and Pokrovskaya (1789); estates, residential buildings con. 18th – 19th centuries To the north on the outskirts of Pereslavl-Zalessky, on the mountains. cemetery, - Chernigov chapel in the Naryshkin Baroque style (1702). From the end 1990s the churches of St. George the Victorious (1999–2002, architect V.N. Izhikov), Znamenskaya (2001) were built. Monuments: V.I. Lenin (1929, sculptor B.D. Korolev), St. Alexander Nevsky (1958, sculptor S. M. Orlov). In Pereslavl-Zalessky there are: “UGP im. A.K. Aylamazyan" (1993, current name since 2010; non-state university); private museums – iron (2002), tricks and ingenuity (current name since 2011); Center for the Conservation and Development of Peoples. traditions and people artist crafts “House of Berendey” (2005), administration of the National. Park "Pleshcheyevo Lake" (in the house of the Varentsovs, early 20th century; founded in 1988, current name since 1998).


Pereslavl-Zalessky is an important tourist destination. About 500 thousand people visit the city every year. (530 thousand people in 2019; of which 71.3% are tourists; about 3% are foreign citizens). The most developed are cultural, educational, active (fishing, etc.) and event types of tourism, and agrotourism is developing. 4.8% of workers are engaged in serving tourists (mainly restaurant business, hotel business, conducting excursions, selling souvenirs).


In the 1st half. 2000s The Pereslavl Technopark was created in the city, where St. 100 enterprises specializing in the production of chemical and printing products, polymer-based building materials. The largest enterprise in the park is the Slavich company (1931; combines production facilities for the production of photographic paper, photographic plates, materials for the needs of microelectronics, flexible packaging materials with multi-color printing; the Scientific Research Phototechnical Institute is part of the company); The park includes a plant of the French-Russian group of companies LACOS "Lacos Coating" (paint and varnish materials), the company "Nordeniya Slavnika" (packaging film), etc. There is a plant "LIT", a production company TMT (both enterprises produce thermal insulation materials, etc. .), the PolyER company (plastic tableware, packaging), the Zalesye factories (technical fabrics, including filter fabrics) and the New World (embroidered fabrics, sewing, lace). Enterprises in the woodworking and food industries, production of souvenirs.


All in. suburb of Pereslavl-Zalessky, in the village. Nikitskaya Sloboda, Nikitsky Monastery. In the village Settlement – ​​c. Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1791–95); around the village - Kleshchinsky archaeological site. a complex that includes two settlements and seven villages (two - 8–10 centuries, in the village of Brembolka - finds of molded ceramics characteristic of Mary; two - 10-13 centuries, three - 11-13 centuries). The first settlement is located north-northwest of the village center (Alexandrova Gora, Yarilin bald spot; area 80×35 m), among the finds are jewelry, coins of the Tagirids and Samanids (2nd half of the 9th century), the Horde khan Janibek (ca. 1350), Novgorod-type grivna (weight ca. 179 g), Russian. coins (2nd half of the 15th–16th centuries), tweezers, weapons (1st half of the 1st millennium AD – early 17th century). The second settlement is in the southwest. the outskirts of the village (oval in plan, area 175×120 m, surrounded by a ring of ramparts 2.8–3.5 m high, on the floor side a ditch up to 10 m deep). Initially, Pereyaslavl was located there, and after its transfer - Kleshchin (last mentioned in the “List of Cities Near and Far”, 1380–90s; the remains of buildings, foundations of a wooden church, etc. were studied). On the shore of the lake Pleshcheyevo, not far from the settlements, - Blue Stone (a boulder of glacial origin weighing up to 12 tons, oval in shape - 3–3.1 × 2.6 m, up to 0.8 m thick; possibly associated with the pagan cult of the god Veles, a centuries-old object worship of local residents).

Near the entrance to Pereslavl-Zalessky from Moscow, at the “birthplace” of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, there is the “Cross” chapel (1889, architect V.V. Suslov); in the village Elizarovo - tent c. Nikita the Martyr (1566–67; chapels, refectory and bell tower, 1822); in the village Solba - Nikolo-Solbinsky women's monastery. (founded as a men's building presumably in the 15th century; in its present location since 1711; closed in 1918, revived as a women's church in 1999; Assumption Church, 1713, rebuilt in 1861); in the village Bolshaya Brembola - Trinity Church. type “octagon on quadruple” (1706); in the village Okhotino is the summer residence of K. A. Korovin (he worked here since 1888). In the village Gorki - Ganshin Estate Museum (1969; branch of the Pereslavl-Zalessky State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve): Ch. house (19th century, restored in 1968–69), hunting lodge (19th century, restored in 1985). To the south shore of the lake Pleshcheyevo, in the village. Veskovo, – Museum-Estate “Botik of Peter I” (founded in 1803, now a branch of the Pereslavl-Zalessky State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve): the so-called. Boat House (1803, in the interior there is a boat “Fortune”, late 17th century), triumphal arch (1852, architect N.F. Zherebtsov), White Palace (1853), wooden. rotunda (1850s), Peter's obelisk (1852, sculptor A. S. Campioni); private museums: “The Teapot House” (2003), history of money “The Mint” (2010); Institute of Software Systems RAS. In the village Talitsy – Pereslavl railway. museum (founded in 1990; dedicated to the history of narrow-gauge railways).

Museum-estate "Boat of Peter I"

How is Pereslavl-Zalessky connected with Peter I and his passion for ships? The Tsar was fascinated by the beauty and shape of Lake Pleshcheevo, so he decided to build an amusing flotilla on its shores. Later, due to a fire, all the ships burned down; only one survived, since it was located on Mount Gremyach. In the building of the White Palace, where the Tsar stayed during his stay in Pereslavl-Zalessky, during the Soviet years there was an orphanage and a rest home for the city’s factory workers.

Museum-estate "Boat of Peter I"

The restored complex of the White Palace, Triumphal Gate, rotunda, gatehouse and monument to Peter I was opened to visitors in 2012. The most important object of the exhibition is the boat, which, according to legend, was built by the king himself.

  • Address: Veskovo village, st. Peter I, no. 77.
  • Opening hours: October-April - from 10:00 to 17:00; May-September - from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adults – 180 rubles, pensioners, students – 130 rubles, children under 16 years old – 100 rubles.

History of Pereslavl-Zalessky

The predecessor of Pereslavl-Zalessky was the city of Kleshchin, located on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. From it, the earthen ramparts of Detinets, the former settlement - the village of Gorodishche and the ancient temple - partly natural, partly Alexandrova Mountain, have been preserved to this day. It was a large settlement of the Finno-Ugric Merya tribe or, according to some researchers, the center of Slavic colonization in the Merya region. It is not known exactly when Kleshchin appeared. The prosperity of the city was facilitated by its advantageous position near Lake Pleshcheevo, rich in fish, and on the ancient water-drawn trade route “from the Varangians to the Arabs.”

Read more: Where did Pereslavl-Zalessky come from: the ancient settlement of Kleshchin, Alexandrova Mountain and Sin-Kamen

Earthen ramparts of the Kleshchin settlement near Pereslavl-Zalessky

In 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky moved the village to a flat, marshy area on the Trubezh River. What prompted the prince to make this decision is not entirely clear. Dolgoruky, who encouraged the resettlement of people from densely populated South-Western Rus' to North-Eastern Rus', often gave old names to new settlements. The new city was named Pereyaslavl in honor of Pereyaslavl-Russian (currently Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky, a city of regional significance in the Kyiv region, Ukraine). To distinguish it from Pereyaslavl-Russian, they began to add the definition “Zalessky”. By the 15th century, the name Pereslavl-Zalessky was assigned to it.

Zalesye is part of Opole, a region favorable for agriculture and protected from enemies by dense forests, the cradle and source of wealth of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. The soils of Pereslavl Opole near Pereslavl-Zalessky were especially rich in humus, for which they were often compared to Ukrainian black soils.

Read more: Opole - the cradle of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'

As the Tver Chronicle reports,

Then Prince George was in Suzdal, and God opened his wiser eyes to the church building, and erected many churches throughout the Suzdal country, and the church erected a stone on the Nerl, the holy martyr Boris and Gleb, and the holy Savior in Suzdal, and St. George in Volodymeri I built a stone, and Pereslavl transferred the city from Kleshlenia, and laid a great city, and a church in it was built with stone in honor of the Holy Savior, and filled with books and wondrous relics of the saints, and I founded the city of St. George, and in it a church was built with stone in honor of the holy martyr George.

In terms of size, ancient Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was comparable to Vladimir: the length of its ramparts reached 2.5 km. Only Kyiv and Smolensk were bigger than him. In 1152, under Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the white-stone Transfiguration Cathedral was founded in the Pereyaslav Kremlin, completed under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1157. Along with the Church of Boris and Gleb in Kideksha, it is the oldest white-stone cathedral in North-Eastern Rus' and testifies to the capital status of the city.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and bust of Yuri Dolgoruky on Red Square of the Pereslavl Kremlin

In 1194, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Vsevolod the Big Nest, rebuilt the walls and towers of the Pereslavl Kremlin, turning it into the second most powerful fortress of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' after the Vladimir Kremlin.

Earthen ramparts of the Pereslavl Kremlin

The ancient Pereyaslavl Kremlin was surrounded on all sides by water: the Trubezh River, the Murmazh River (filled up) and the man-made Grobleya ditch (to this day only a pond remains of it). The height of the fortress ramparts reached 16 meters (in our days - 10-12 meters), the width at the base was about 30 meters, the width along the ridge was about 6 meters. Inside the shaft there are oak and aspen log houses placed in a row. Along the crest of the rampart there were double wooden fortresses with a gallery and watchtowers.

Earthen ramparts of the Pereslavl Kremlin

On the northern outskirts of Pereslavl-Zalessky, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, the Nikitsky Monastery arose. According to legend, its founder was the noble Prince Boris, Gleb’s brother. During the time of Yuri Dolgoruky, a native of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, the Rev. Nikita the Stylite, labored here.

Nikitsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky

In 1220 (according to updated data, in 1221) Prince Alexander Nevsky was born in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. In 1225, in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, Bishop of Suzdal St. Simon conducted the ceremony of consecrating him as a soldier. According to popular legend, in 1240, Alexander Nevsky, expelled by the Novgorodians, settled in the princely chambers on Yarilina Mountain near Kleshchin, where in pagan times the temple of the god Yarila was located. Now this place began to be called Alexander Mountain.

Alexandrova mountain

In 1238, the Tatars, having devastated Vladimir, took Pereyaslavl after a five-day siege. In 2016, archaeologists discovered a mass grave in the city center of people who died during the Horde raid. The city was devastated more than once, both by the Horde and the Russian princes, but each time it was revived. The wooden Kremlin walls were renovated several times.

After the death of Prince Ivan Dmitrievich in 1302, Pereyaslavl, according to his will, became part of the Moscow principality. From that time on, it was ruled by Moscow governors or “fed” by visiting princes. In the fall of 1374, a meeting of Russian princes and boyars, organized by the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy), took place in Pereyaslavl, where the issue of liberating Rus' from the Horde yoke was discussed for the first time.

In the XII-XVI centuries, a whole ring of monasteries arose around Pereslavl-Zalessky: the already mentioned ancient Nikitsky Monastery, Goritsky Assumption Monastery, Feodorovsky Convent, St. Nicholas Convent, Boris and Gleb Monastery (not preserved), Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery and others. In 1585, in the Pereslavl Kremlin, on the site of an older wooden church, the tented church of Peter the Metropolitan was erected.

Church of Peter the Metropolitan

In the 14th-16th centuries, Pereslavl-Zalessky, which became the patrimony of the Moscow princes, supplied fish to the court, including the famous “Pereslavl herrings” - vendace from Lake Pleshcheevo (it can be seen on the coat of arms and flag of Pereslavl-Zalessky). At the mouth of the Trubezh River, the Rybnaya Sloboda (Fishermen) arose; on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, the Church of the Forty Martyrs (Sevastian) was erected, rebuilt in 1775 in stone.

On the topic: Lake Pleshcheyevo, Rybnaya Sloboda and vendace

Exposition “Cool Place”, dedicated to Rybnaya Sloboda, museum “Boat of Peter I”. In the center of the hall there is a log boat made of two hollowed out tree trunks, which was used to navigate the upper reaches of the Trubezh River and other shallow rivers.

Moscow princes and tsars regularly traveled to Pereslavl-Zalessky on pilgrimage, and royal hunts were organized in the surrounding forests. In 1557, at the entrance to Pereslavl-Zalessky, the last tsar from the Rurik dynasty was born - Fyodor Ioannovich, the son of Ivan IV the Terrible and Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva; in the 17th century, the memorial chapel “Cross” was erected on this site.

Chapel "Cross"

The Time of Troubles caused serious damage to the city. In 1608, Pereslavl-Zalessky was captured by the Poles; on September 1, 1609, it was liberated by the troops of M.V. Skopin-Shuisky. In 1611, the Kremlin withstood the assault of Hetman Sapieha.

In 1659, the Sretensky Novodevichy Convent was founded on the territory of the Pereslavl Kremlin, the main buildings of which were erected in the 1740s. The monastery existed until 1764, then both of its churches - the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the Church of Alexander Nevsky - were converted into parish ones. The bell tower and walls, with the exception of a small section, were destroyed in the 1930s.

Temple of Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Cathedral

In 1666, new wooden walls with twelve watchtowers were erected in the Pereslavl Kremlin. In 1759 they were dismantled due to dilapidation and were no longer renewed as unnecessary.

In 1688, the young Tsar Peter chose Lake Pleshcheyevo to create an amusing flotilla here. On Mount Gremyach, wooden royal mansions, a church and a business courtyard were erected. On May 1, 1692, the amusing flotilla was launched. Her appearance was greeted with a salvo of cannons, heralding the birth of the Russian fleet. Since then they have said: “The sails of all Russia are reflected in the waters of Lake Pleshcheevo.” In 1783, all the ships of Peter the Great's flotilla, with the exception of the boat "Fortune", burned down. In 1803, the Boat of Peter I museum was opened on Mount Gremyach, which became the first provincial museum in Russia.

Read more: Museum "Boat of Peter I" in Pereslavl-Zalessky

Boat of Peter I “Fortune”

In the 18th century, Pereslavl-Zalessky turned into a quiet city as part of the Moscow, then Vladimir province. Today it is the administrative center of the Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region.

Pavlovs' estate, mid-19th - early 20th century, now the building of the Administration of the Pereslavl municipal district

Pereslavl flavor

Rostovskaya street and the Church of Simeon the Stylite

Radio Museum

Fans of radio and everything related to transmitting information over a distance should definitely visit this museum.

Radio Museum

The modern two-story building houses a huge number of exhibits. We are talking about the first tape recorders and televisions that appeared in the USSR, as well as loudspeakers, radio points and radio receivers. By the way, many of them are in working order. There is a hall where radio stations from Western European countries are displayed.

  • Address: st. Podgornaya, 40.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday - closed. Holidays are working days.
  • Ticket price: full ticket – 150 rubles, reduced ticket – 50 rubles.

Museum of Old Sewing Machines

Through the efforts of the Kuvykins, an unusual museum-workshop of sewing machines was opened in 2012. The two-story building houses a cafe and a souvenir shop on the ground floor, and an exhibition of more than 100 sewing machines on the second floor.

Museum of Old Sewing Machines

Sewing machines from the 17th to 20th centuries from around the world attract the attention of not only those who love handicrafts. Most of the exhibits are working. Museum visitors will be invited to sew their own toy or apron using an antique machine.

  • Address: st. Kardovsky, 23.
  • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: from 100 to 140 rubles.

Where to go with children in Pereslavl-Zalessky

It will be very useful for a child to visit some interesting places in Pereslavl-Zalessky. First of all, this applies to colorful museums, viewing the exhibitions of which will bring special pleasure to young visitors.

Berendey's House

  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 17:00 from Friday to Sunday inclusive.
  • Ticket price: for the folklore program - adults 380 rubles, children 350 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: dom-berendej.ru
  • Address: st. Uritsky, 38. Transport stop "Red Chemist".

A visit to the fabulous Berendey kingdom will bring many vivid impressions to all family members. Visitors will visit the colorful chambers of the wise king, a character from folk tales. During the excursion, tourists will learn a lot of interesting things about the way of life of the ancient Slavs, get acquainted with traditional rituals and customs of the distant ancestors of modern Russians. After attending the master class, vacationers will be able to make a painted souvenir with their own hands. Experienced travelers prefer to come here for Maslenitsa, Honey or Apple Spas. At this time, Berendey's domain is filled with fun, noise and din of Russian folk festivities.

Russian Park

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 300 rubles, reduced price 150 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ru-park
  • Address: st. Moskovskaya, 158. Transport stop

At the entrance to the city from the capital, there is an amazing Russian Park - a real time machine that takes visitors 100 - 150 years ago into the romantic surroundings of a provincial town or village. The territory of the historical and cultural center is crossed by five thematic alleys dedicated to a certain aspect of the life of Russians in the 19th century. On one of them you can admire carved frames created by craftsmen from different regions of the country, on the other - authentic wood painting, on the third - samples of fonts used by ancient Russian chroniclers. On the Alley of Fairy Tales, visitors will be greeted by Ivan Tsarevich, Vasilisa the Wise, the formidable Koschey the immortal, and the eternal optimist Kolobok. The Architecture Promenade will delight you with colorful rural buildings. The doors of several museums are open to guests, and great fun awaits them at the Cossack Courtyard.

Railway Museum

  • Opening hours: daily in summer, except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00. In summer from 10:00 to 17:00, closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Ticket price: adult 200 rubles, children 50 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.kukushka.ru
  • Address: st. Leskhoznaya, 1. Transport stop “Usolye”.

Not a single boy who comes to Pereslavl-Zalessky with his parents will refuse to visit this wonderful place. Still would! In the museum you can see and even touch unique exhibits - ancient steam locomotives, carriages that transported people and goods along the country's railways from the first third to the end of the 80s of the last century. They also offer rides on a real handcar. But that's not all. The museum has a wonderful collection of agricultural and automotive equipment. Some exhibits are over 90 years old.

Be sure to read our guides to

  • Gavrilov-Yam, Vyatsky, Tutaev,
  • Rybinsk, Poshekhonyu,
  • Uglich and Rostov the Great.

At first glance, Pereslavl-Zalessky, with a population of 38,000, does not stand out among other cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. However, the ancient town, slumbering near the delightful Lake Pleshcheevo, has a special charm that attracts writers, artists, and poets here. You too will enjoy the unique charm of the policy. The vacation spent here will be remembered for a very long time!

Alexander Nevsky Museum

In 2012, the Alexander Nevsky Museum opened. Why exactly in Pereslavl-Zalessky? Because these are the native lands of the great commander.

Alexander Nevsky Museum

In the museum you can visit 4 exhibitions: “Model of Pereslavl-Zalessky in the 12th century”, “Model of Three Warriors”, “Icons of A. Nevsky”, “Awards named after. Alexander Nevsky. In addition to complete and interesting information about Nevsky, you can get an idea of ​​how people lived back in the 13th century.

  • Address: per. Museum, 9.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday – from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket prices: adults – 150 rubles, children from 3 to 14 years old – 80 rubles, pensioners – 100 rubles, children under 3 years old – free.


Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city with a developed tourist infrastructure. In addition to visiting historical sites, there are many options for tourist leisure, both active and contemplative. What should every tourist do in Pereslavl-Zalessky in order to feel the atmosphere of this ancient city? We have compiled for you a list of activities for tourists with different interests.

  • Visit one of the oldest temples in Russia . The Transfiguration Cathedral was built in 1152, during the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky. It is considered one of the best preserved monuments of white stone architecture of the pre-Mongol period.
  • Go on a boat trip on Lake Pleshcheevo .
    You can rent a boat or catamaran, or you can conquer the waters of Lake Pleshcheyevo on a kite or stand-up board. Lake Pleshcheyevo © Natalya Vorobyeva
  • Climb the ramparts of the Pereslavl Kremlin . The remains of the former fortifications (one of the largest in Russia) offer a stunning panoramic view of the city.
  • Make a wish on the Blue Stone . The place of worship of the Merians, and later the Slavs, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo is still a ritual place. People come here for healing and fulfillment of their cherished desires.
  • Go through a pagan ritual on Alexandrova Mountain . Another ancient pagan place, Yarilin bald spot or Alexandrova Mountain, where rituals are now held. It’s especially atmospheric here on Ivan Kupala.
  • See the boat "Fortune", built by Peter I. The Boat of Peter I museum-estate houses a ship of the Amusement Flotilla, built with the personal participation of Peter I.
  • Visit Tsar Berendey . In the interactive museum “Berendey's House”, visitors will get acquainted with ancient Russian traditions and customs, and will also be able to dine on dishes according to ancient recipes.
  • Rise above the city in a hot air balloon . Every year Pereslavl hosts an aeronautics festival, during which you can ride in a hot air balloon and see Pereslavl and Lake Pleshcheyevo from above.
  • Try smoked vendace . The local delicacy, which Pereslavl fishermen supplied to the royal table, is now available to the average person.


To get acquainted with Pereslavl-Zalessky, you should set aside at least 1 day - you won’t be able to see all the sights of the city in half a day. Ideally, you need to be by car, since tourist sites are located at a distance from each other, some outside the city limits. If this is not your first time in Pereslavl-Zalessky, then give preference to thematic routes: religious, gastronomic, dedicated to any historical era - depending on your interests.

Route 1: From Yuri Dolgoruky to Peter I

The route runs from the eastern part of Lake Pleshcheevo to the southern part and covers all the main attractions of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Acquaintance with the city begins with Alexander Mountain - the place where Alexander Nevsky spent his childhood. Near Alexander Mountain it is also worth visiting the Blue Stone, a place of pagan worship. Next, move south:

  • Nikitsky Monastery

    © Maxim Yashkin
    Nikitsky Monastery . One of the oldest monasteries in Russia was founded in the 11th–12th centuries.

  • Museum "Berendey's House" . In the interactive museum you can meet Tsar Berendey, play Russian folk games and taste dishes according to the recipes of our ancestors.
  • Kremlin of Pereslavl . Stroll along the earthen ramparts for panoramic views of the surrounding area and see the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1152.
  • Nikolsky Monastery . Founded in 1348 by Dmitry Prilutsky, it is still active.
  • Church of the Forty Martyrs . The picturesque temple at the mouth of the Trubezh River is famous for its postcard view against the backdrop of Lake Pleshcheyevo.
  • Goritsky Assumption Monastery . The holy monastery, founded in the 14th century, looks monumental with powerful walls and towers.
  • Museum-estate "Boat of Peter I" . The museum preserves artifacts from Peter the Great's time, including the boat "Fortune", built with the participation of Peter I during the time of the Amusement Flotilla.

Route 2: City of Alexander Nevsky

Pereslavl-Zalessky is the hometown of Alexander Nevsky. Here he was born and baptized, spent his childhood and a short exile. The tourist route dedicated to Alexander Nevsky begins at Alexandrova Mountain, the place where the prince spent his childhood. In the 13th century, there was a tower and the ancestral temple of the family of Alexander Nevsky here. Before the Time of Troubles, there was a monastery named after the Grand Duke here, but it was burned by the Poles. The filming of Sergei Eisenstein’s film “Alexander Nevsky” also took place on Alexandrova Hill.

In the Alexander Nevsky Museum

© Maria Chakhnashvili

Then head to the city center, to Red Square - the heart of the Pereslavl Kremlin. There stands the Transfiguration Cathedral - the place where the Grand Duke was baptized. In front of the cathedral there is a monument to Alexander Nevsky. Here, on Sovetskaya Street, stands the Alexander Nevsky Church, built in 1740.

Next, move to the south of the city, to the Sretenskaya Church. The temple was built in the 18th century in the name of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. The route ends at the Alexander Nevsky Museum with the orders and medals of the prince, as well as a model of ancient Pereslavl.

In detail: What to see in Pereslavl-Zalessky in a day

Event tourism

The Yaroslavl region in general and Pereslavl-Zalessky in particular is one of the centers of event tourism in Russia. Throughout the year, dozens of major festivals and holidays of the all-Russian and international levels are held on Yaroslavl soil. What events in Pereslavl-Zalessky are definitely worth visiting?

Maslenitsa in Pereslavl

© Maria Penina

Maslenitsa throughout the Yaroslavl region is celebrated on a special scale. Come to Pereslavl-Zalessky to plunge into the enthusiasm and fun of the ancient holiday. Celebrations take place in the city center, on Red Square and on the territory of the Russian Park.

The festival of reenactors “Russian Glory Day” takes place in Pereslavl in early June. For several days you can watch improvised battles of Alexander Nevsky’s squad, attend fairs and concert programs on Red Square.

The festival “Visiting Berendey” is celebrated on the first Saturday of June. Characters from Russian fairy tales and folklore come to visit Tsar Berendey. Folk groups perform on stage, a fair and tents with master classes on folk crafts are organized in front of Berendey’s house, competitions and Russian folk games are held for visitors.

The Tsar's Ambassador herring festival is held annually on City Day - June 12. During the holiday, more than 100 kg of herring are eaten. Guests can enjoy treats of salted, baked, smoked herring, as well as the famous herring ice cream. The festival takes place on the territory of the Fisch Herberg tourist complex.

"Peony FEST" is held in the Pereslavl region in the village of Rykovo for three days in mid-June. The festival is held on a field of 3 hectares. In addition to a walk through the peony fields, guests can enjoy a craft fair, a food court and photo zones decorated with flowers.

Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July throughout Russia. In Pereslavl-Zalessky, the site of the founding of the first fleet of Russia back in the times of Peter the Great, a regatta is held on the holiday across the waters of Lake Pleshcheevo to the museum-estate “Boat of Peter I”. On the same day, the historical and cultural festival “There will be a Russian Navy!” takes place. The festival includes historical reconstructions, master classes on folk crafts, and performances by military ensembles. The day ends with festive fireworks.

The historical festival of Russian culture and art “Alexandrova Gora” is one of the largest festivals in the city. During the festival, theatrical performances on historical themes, performances by musicians with traditional Russian instruments, a reconstruction of the Battle of the Neva, and master classes on Russian folk crafts are held.

Aeronautics festival "Golden Ring of Russia"

© Maxim Yashkin

The art song festival “Otkritie” takes place in the Pereslavl region in early August. The soulful festival takes place on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo: musicians play guitars and sing original songs on a small stage in a tent camp, and in the evenings, gathered around a fire.

The aeronautics festival “Golden Ring of Russia” is the calling card of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The main festival of the city takes place in mid-July for 5 days. Up to two dozen balloons rise into the sky all these days. Moreover, guests can not only watch the rise of hot air balloons, but also rise in them over Pereslavl and Lake Pleshcheyevo. The holiday is accompanied by concerts of pop stars and performances of folk groups.

Travel Media festival "MOVEMENT" is a tourism and music project aimed at promoting domestic tourism in Russia. The festival consists of business and entertainment parts. The second includes various master classes, culinary and excursion events, and concerts in ethno-folk style.

Seasonal holidays

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city for off-season recreation. Here you can have a rich and interesting time both in winter and in summer. Regardless of the season, in Pereslavl-Zalessky you can go not only on sightseeing walks, but also engage in active recreation. When is the best time to go to Pereslavl-Zalessky? It's up to you to decide, the city is beautiful at any time of the year.


Feodorovsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky

© Victor Bashkir

Winter Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city from Russian fairy tales: wooden houses with frosty windows and stove smoke, snow-covered streets and frozen ponds. The city looks especially elegant and fabulous during the New Year holidays. The main Christmas tree of Pereslavl-Zalessky is installed on People's Square. Fairs and folk festivals are also held there. Festive fireworks are launched at midnight at the Central Stadium, and local artists perform concert programs there on New Year's Eve. New Year and Christmas celebrations with Russian folk flavor take place in the Russian Park and the Berendey House.

You can ride a snowmobile on frozen Lake Pleshcheevo. You can go ice skating at the following skating rinks: “Ice” - a large indoor skating rink with artificial ice and a cafe; “U Zvezdochka” is an outdoor skating rink with evening lighting; “Svechinsky” is an outdoor skating rink in the village of Svechino, 35 km from the city. The closest ski resort to Pereslavl-Zalessky is 12 km from the city center, in the southwestern part of Lake Pleshcheyevo. This is the Snegir snowpark with one ski slope 120 meters long and a snow tubing hill. In the village of Glebovskoye (12 km from the city towards Moscow) it operates in winter. At Zig-Zag, snow tubing is offered 24 hours a day—the trails are illuminated at night.


In spring, it is better to come to Pereslavl-Zalessky at the end of April-May. During this period, the snow has already melted, the trees begin to turn green, and at the end of spring the gardens begin to bloom. The largest number of tourists occurs during the May holidays. Tourist navigation on Lake Pleshcheevo opens in May. At this time, it is comfortable to stay at recreation centers in the surrounding area, go hiking and kite surfing. Fishermen should keep in mind that the fishing ban lasts for 2 weeks in the second half of May.


In Pereslavl-Zalessky, summer is high season. The cost of hotel accommodation is increasing, and there may be queues at museums. If you are traveling to Pereslavl-Zalessky for several days by car, give preference to countryside accommodation: recreation centers or private village houses. In the summer, Pereslavl-Zalessky hosts a large number of festivals - from ethnocultural and gastronomic to historical reconstruction festivals. Be sure to check the events calendar before your trip.

Beach in the center of Pereslavl

© Sergey Kuznetsov

In the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park you can go hiking or a one-day trekking walk. There are several trails for hiking enthusiasts; along the way, visitors can meet gray herons, beavers and moose in their natural habitat.

Since Pereslavl is located on Lake Pleshcheyevo, in the summer you don’t have to travel far to swim. The banks of the reservoir are low-lying, sandy, and can be swampy in wild places. Lake Pleshcheyevo is famous for its clean water - the bottom is visible even at a depth of 3 meters or more. The city beach is located at the mouth of the Trubezh River, on Lake Pleshcheyevo. The depth increases quite quickly here; wooden walkways for diving are installed. A little further away there is a children's beach with a very gradual entry into the water. The most well-equipped, but very crowded beach is near the Museum “Boat of Peter I” in the village of Veskovo. The beach has a gentle slope, the water is warmer than in the city center. There are plenty of wild campsites with beaches along the coast of Lake Pleshcheevo. The further you move from populated areas, the cleaner the water will be.

In detail: What to see in Pereslavl-Zalessky in summer


In the autumn, lovers of a quiet and measured holiday go to Pereslavl-Zalessky. The cost of accommodation is reduced, there are no longer crowds of tourists and queues. In September the city looks especially picturesque and poetic. The golden autumn period is most suitable for leisurely walks around the city. Until the end of September the weather allows for hiking. From October frosts and the first snow are possible. It is better to devote the second half of autumn in Pereslavl to getting acquainted with museums and other cultural institutions of the city.

Party places

Pereslavl is not a party place; it is often chosen for a relaxing holiday and exploring historical sights. However, the city has several entertainment options in the evening. Karaoke lovers can go to Escobar night club - on weekends the establishment is open until 6 am. During the daytime you can have a hearty lunch there, and in the evening you can sing karaoke and try signature cocktails. At the Victoria Plaza restaurant you can listen to live music; the establishment is open until 01:00. The restaurant operates at a hotel on the northern outskirts of Pereslavl. In the Cultural and Entertainment Complex on 50 Let Komsomol Street you can play bowling and billiards, visit a sauna and a cafe.

Vacation with children

Pereslavl is regularly included in the top best cities in Russia for families with children. For little tourists there are interactive programs in museums and master classes on folk crafts, themed sites and recreation areas, cultural events and active recreation on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo.

In Russian Park

© Ksenia15

After visiting the main attractions of the city, go with your children to the museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Number one for a family visit is the Berendey House Museum. In the fairy-tale tower, children will meet Tsar Berendey and his friends, play Russian folk games and taste dishes according to ancient recipes. In the Russian Park, children will get acquainted with ancient life, traditions and crafts. Maslenitsa and other folk holidays are celebrated especially atmospherically in the park. On the territory of the Russian Park there are playgrounds and interactive excursions are held. The Museum "The Birth of Fairy Tales and Slavic Mythology" is dedicated to Russian folklore. On the territory of the complex there is a dim labyrinth with fairy-tale characters, a royal house and a wooden hut on chicken legs. Quest excursions with an entertainment program are offered for children.

At the steam locomotive museum

© Ksenia15

Curious kids will enjoy the museum's cunning and ingenuity - some of the exhibits can be touched and put into practice. In the Museum of the History of Money, children are especially interested not in the main exhibition, but in the exhibition “Toys of Soviet Childhood.” Boys should also be taken to the open-air steam locomotive museum and the Peter the Great Boat museum-estate. Girls will love the Horse in a Coat Museum of Peasant Design.

For active entertainment for the whole family, head to the Veslevo recreation park. Here you can ride horses and pet a camel; see the African ostrich, foxes and rabbits in the mini-zoo; in winter - go sledding or skiing. An hour's drive from Pereslavl is the Nomad ethnopark, in which a nomadic settlement with dwellings of different peoples has been recreated. In the ethnopark you can meet the companions of nomads - camels, yaks, rams, horses.

In the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park you can go hiking along one of the eco-trails - you can see animals and birds in their natural habitat. The shortest route, “Visiting the Gray Heron,” is only 1 km long. The Pereslavl Dendrological Garden named after Kharitonov is part of the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park. The 58 hectare area also has several walking trails. With younger children, take a trip to the Fairy Tale Trail with wooden sculptures of forest spirits and folklore characters. With older children, take a walk along the “Path of Senses” with information signs about the animal and plant world.

Detailed material: Where to go with a child in Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl Railway Museum

The exhibits of the railway museum are representatives of cargo equipment, which was held in high esteem on narrow-gauge railways in the 20-60s of the 20th century. Steam locomotives, freight railcars, carriages, special carriage equipment, as well as vintage cars are presented to visitors.

Pereslavl Railway Museum

You can ride a trolley for a small fee (150 rubles), a 15-minute ride along the shore of Lake Pleshcheevskoye will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Interesting fact! Another name for the museum is “Ku-ku”. If steam locomotives on wide rails emitted the usual “too-too,” then for narrow-gauge locomotives there was a special type of signal, a cuckoo.

  • Address: Talitsy village, st. Leskhoznaya, 1.
  • Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday – from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Cost of visiting: adults – 150 rubles, preferential categories of citizens – 50 rubles.

What to see in Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky is part of the popular tourist route “Golden Ring of Russia” ; an excellent tourist infrastructure has been created here for travelers with different interests. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves in this city: the magnificent Pleshcheyevo Lake and the mysterious Sin-Stone, picturesque nature, archaeological sites, temples and monasteries, urban provincial buildings, museums, folk crafts with master classes. And, of course, hotels and restaurants-cafes for every taste and budget.

Exhibition of the Museum of Peasant Design and Life “Horse in a Coat”

I definitely recommend visiting the Sin-stone on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo (admission is paid), and also seeing the Kleshchinsky archaeological complex and Alexander Mountain (nearby for free). They are part of the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park.

Blue-stone on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo


There are many museums in Pereslavl-Zalessky, both large, serious and thematic private ones.

  • Pereslavl-Zalessky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve (Uspensky Goritsky Monastery, Museum Lane, 4)
  • Museum-estate “Boat of Peter I” (Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, Veskovo village)
  • Pereslavl Railway Museum and Museum of Retro Cars (Pereslavl district, Talitsy village, Leshoznaya str., 1)
  • Arboretum named after S. F. Kharitonov (Zhuravleva St., part of the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park)
  • Iron Museum (Sovetskaya st., 11)
  • Museum of Peasant Design “Horse in a Coat” (Konnaya St., 17)
  • Teapot Museum (Veskovo village, Peter the Great St., 17)
  • Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity (Sovetskaya St., 14b)
  • Radio Museum (40 Podgornaya St.)
  • Museum of Antique Sewing Machines (Kardovskogo St., 23)
  • Alexander Nevsky Museum (Museumny lane, 9)
  • Museum of the History of Money (Peter the Great St., 2B, Veskovo village)
  • Museum “Kingdom of the Vendace” (Petra St. 1, 15, Veskovo)
  • Museum of Gramophones and Records (Pereslavl district, Veskovo village)
  • Historical and Cultural Center Russian Park (Moskovskaya St., 158)
  • Center for the Preservation and Development of Folk Traditions “Berendey’s House” and the Museum of Masks (Uritskogo St., 38)
  • Cultural and Exhibition Center on Rostovskaya (Rostovskaya, 10)
  • Gallery of Olga Kuznetsova (Kuznetsova St., 16)

Iron Museum

Temples and monasteries

Even if you are a non-believer, pay attention to the beautiful architecture of church buildings.

  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, XII century (Red Square)
  • Goritsky Monastery (Museum Lane, 4, museum);
  • Nikitsky Monastery (20 Zaprudnaya St.) and the Holy Spring of Nikita the Stylite
  • St. Nicholas Monastery (Gagarina St., 43)
  • Sretensky Novodevichy Convent (Sovetskaya St., 12);
  • Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery (Lugovaya St., 7);
  • Pereslavl Feodorovsky Convent (Moskovskaya St., 85)
  • Church of Peter the Metropolitan, 1585 (Sadovaya St., 5)
  • Vladimir Cathedral, 40s of the 18th century (Sovetskaya St., 12)
  • Church of Alexander Nevsky, 40s of the 18th century (Sovetskaya St., 12)
  • Church of the Intercession, 1789 (Plescheevskaya St., 13A)
  • Church of Simeon the Stylite, 1771 (Rostovskaya St., 16)
  • Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, mid-18th century (Levaya Embankment St., 165)
  • Church of the Sign, 1788 (Trubezhnaya St., 7a)
  • Chapel of the Cross, 17th century (Yaroslavskoe highway)

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gorodishche

Next to the Railway Museum in Talitsy there is a wooden Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, erected in 2007. Next to it is the temple of St. Alexy, a man of God, built in 2003. Despite the fact that the churches are modern, they look very harmonious

Iron Museum

Unusual irons, interesting facts about household items, the opportunity to try ironing with a non-electric iron and much more await visitors in one of the most popular private museums in the city.

Iron Museum

In the merchant's house, which went through a long and complex restoration after Soviet times, in 2002, enthusiast Andrei Vorobyov opened an iron museum. More than 200 units of ironing facilities are presented to visitors.

Interesting fact! The exhibition is constantly updated, and if identical irons are found, they can be purchased. On the ground floor of the museum there is a souvenir shop with unusual antique household items.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 11.
  • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Cost of visiting: adult ticket - 90 rubles, schoolchildren - 40 rubles, preschoolers - free.

Teapot House Museum

The same enthusiast Andrei Vorobyov founded the Teapot House museum in the suburbs of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The brightly painted rustic wooden house, surrounded by apple trees and humorous signs, houses more than 150 teapots and samovars from all over Russia.

Teapot House Museum

The excursion will take place to the sounds of a gramophone, after which you can drink tea with buns and buy a souvenir in the shop.

  • Address: Veskovo village, st. Peter the Great, no. 17.
  • Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Cost of visiting: adult ticket - 160 rubles, schoolchildren - 60 rubles, preschoolers - free.

Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity

How can a bottle be turned into a refrigerator, and a cane transformed into a stool? The guides of another private museum of Pereslavl-Zalessky will answer such tricky questions.

Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity

The Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity offers an exhibition that consists entirely of, at first glance, ordinary things, but if you turn on your imagination, you get an original version of the non-standard use of objects.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 14 B.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday - from 10:00 to 17:00, Saturday-Sunday and holidays - from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday - closed.
  • Entrance: 150 rubles, the ticket price includes excursion services.

Walk through the center of Pereslavl-Zalessky and its main attractions

Let me start with the fact that Pereslavl-Zalessky is a small city that is crossed by 2-3 really large streets, around which the city center is concentrated.

Among the main attractions not related to Lake Pleshcheyevo, here are several ancient churches, a bust of Alexander Nevsky on Red Square, an ancient city rampart and a river with a crowd of ducks . And of course, from all sides in this city you will be haunted by old houses of varying degrees of neglect, which previously formed the color of Pereslavl-Zalessky. If you are ready to travel, then around the city, along its border, there are several more interesting attractions, for example, the Chapel of the Cross .

From the city’s offsite - https://www.pereslavlru.ru

I indicated my recommended route for walking around the city center on the map:

We started our exploration of the city from the one located near People's Square, where the Administration building is located. A market also comes here on weekends and holidays, where you can buy all kinds of goods, from ordinary vegetables and fruits to clothes. If the parking spaces there are occupied, then you can easily drive a little further along Pleshcheevskaya Street and stand somewhere on the side of the road.

Having taken coffee at the Via Romano coffee shop, we crossed the Trubezh River and moved towards Red Square.

While we were standing at the coffee shop and waiting for our breakfast, we decided to find out where we were going next)

View from the bridge

Immediately after the bridge, we came across an ancient rampart (it wasn’t on the map, but it is located parallel to the Shaft Ring Street) and decided to look at the city from its top. I recommend everyone who finds themselves in Pereslavl to climb this shaft. It offers a beautiful view of the river and the city.

Shaft in Pereslavl

We descended from the rampart behind the main church of the city - the Transfiguration Cathedral , next to which Alexander Nevsky was born. The cathedral itself stands on Red Square.

View of the cathedral from the rampart

The cathedral turned out to be very beautiful and reminded me of our trip to Vladimir, where I was so impressed by the Demetrius Cathedral in Lipki Square. Read a walk around the center of Vladimir here - Photo walk around Vladimir for 1 day | Route on the map

Say what you will about the beauty of the cathedral, but the square did not make much of an impression on us. It reminded me of one of the many public gardens in Moscow. On the other hand, such a place is an excellent alternative to the monotonous cobbled squares that greet tourists in any other city on the planet.

Then we went further and looked at the following churches - the Church of Sergius of Radonezh, the Temple of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky, the Church of Metropolitan Peter and the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God of the Presentation. As you can see, most of them do not work and need restoration. I hope that their hands will reach them and the city will shine with renewed beauty.

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God of the Presentation*

Church of Metropolitan Peter*

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

* — I hope I haven’t made a mistake anywhere with the names of the cathedrals. There was no guide with us; we studied everything using Google maps.

We returned back along Sovetskaya Street. If you still have time and desire, you can walk further along it. There is also something to see there.

There is another place in the city that is interesting to visit - Nikitsky Monastery , I also highlighted it on the map. But I would recommend going to it on the way to the lake, because it is located on the access road to the lake, if you go towards the “Blue Stone”.

Taken from the site pereslavl-eparhia.ru

And we went down closer to the Trubezh River, to look at the ducks and sit on that pier:


Pereslavl-Zalessky State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve is the full name of the state institution, which was one of the first to open on the territory of the USSR in 1919.


The complex offers an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the region, everyday life, decorative and applied arts, and icon painting. There are exhibitions dedicated to Chaliapin and Kadrovsky. Museum specialists offer 22 excursion routes throughout the city.

  • Address: Museum Lane, 4.
  • Opening hours: October-April - from 10:00 to 17:00, May-September - from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: entrance to the territory of the museum-reserve – 50 rubles.

How to get to Pereslavl-Zalessky, transport in the city

Due to the lack of a railway, the most convenient way to get to Pereslavl is by car or bus.

We got to Pereslavl-Zalessky from Sergiev Posad in a Bla-bla-car for 150 rubles. Buses from Sergiev Posad run rarely, at inconvenient times, and take a long time. There is an option to get by train to Berendeevo, and then take a 20 km bus ride to Pereslavl, but this is inconvenient and long - the whole journey will take about 5 hours.

You can get around the city on foot. But it is quite elongated, and you will have to walk several kilometers to reach distant monasteries - so it is convenient to get there by city buses or taxis.

Dendrological Garden named after. Kharitonov

Since 1952, a dendrological garden began to operate in the city, founded by forester S. F. Kharitonov.

Dendrological Garden named after. Kharitonov

More than 600 species of shrubs and trees grow in the garden, some of which are not entirely suitable for this climatic zone. Many cascades and gazebos, sculptures and figurines of fairy-tale characters can be seen while walking through the garden. There is a children's playground.

  • Address: st. Zhuravleva, 1 B.
  • Opening hours: from May to October - from 10:00 to 20:00.
  • Cost of visiting: adult ticket - 100 rubles, discounted ticket - 50 rubles.

Let's sum it up

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a small pearl on the string of cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is located not far from Moscow (only 140 km), so you can get there by private car and take a sightseeing tour in one day. But if you plan to visit all Orthodox churches (6 active monasteries and 9 churches), you will have to stay for a long time.

The city has many museums opened by private individuals. There are no such interesting exhibitions anywhere else; you won’t be able to see them in Tambov or other parts of the country. When you come to museums, you can always count on not only excursion support, but also an interactive experience: sewing an apron, heating a samovar, ironing a tablecloth with a charcoal iron, or riding a trolley. In general, you definitely won’t be bored in Pereslavl-Zalessky. For lovers of the southern regions of Russia, we recommend seeing the sights of Crimea.

Hotels in Pereslavl-Zalessky and where to eat

Since Pereslavl-Zalessky is a popular tourist city, there are many hotels, both large chain hotels and small private ones. There are many hotels with a quality rating of 9 points and above. If you stay at the AZIMUT Hotel Pereslavl, choose the main building.

There are no problems with where to eat either. The food is delicious almost everywhere. I usually look for suitable cafes on Tripadvisor. I especially liked the “Monpasier” cafe near Red Square and the “Popov Lug” tavern in Veskovo, where you can buy farm products in the store.

Tavern "Popov Meadow"


In my opinion, Pereslavl-Zalessky is not a city that you can take at a glance and quickly see everything in 1-2 days. It must be savored. Meditate on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. Listen to the whisper of times in Kleschin and stand on the top of Alexandrova Mountain. After waiting until there are no crowds of tourists eager to make a wish, touch the rough surface of the Blue Stone. Go to a pottery master class and several museums. Eat food in a tavern with Russian cuisine. Walk along Trubezh and stroll along the Kremlin ramparts. Feel the energy of young Peter on Gremyach Mountain. Travel around the surrounding area, enjoying the epic-fairy-tale landscapes. This is a city where you want to return again and again.

On Alexandrova Mountain above Lake Pleshcheyevo

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