Tikhvin municipal district

Population and administrative structure

The population of the Tikhvin region is 69.8 thousand people. There is a natural decline; the maximum in the history of modern Russia was recorded in 2006 – 74.4 thousand people. 83% of the population lives in urban areas, which is slightly higher than the average urbanization rates in the Leningrad region. The national composition is dominated by Russians.

It consists of the Tikhvin urban settlement (20 settlements and 59.9 thousand population), as well as 8 rural settlements. They include a total of 198 settlements, but it is worth noting that only 21 have populations of more than 100 people.

Table. Rural settlements of the Tikhvin region.

Name Center Population Settlements included
Borskoe Bor village 1600 11
Gankovskoe Village Gankovo 1070 30
Gorskoe Gorka village 1000 22
Koskovskoe Village Koskovo 680 21
Melegezhskoe Village Melegezhskaya Mountain 1000 13
Pashozerskoe Village Pashozero 500 15
Tsvylevskoye Tsvylevo village 1650 31
Shugozerskoe Shugozero village 2400 35

Administrative subordination includes:


  • Tikhvin city


  • Settlement Berezovik
  • Settlement Kapshinsky
  • Settlement Krasava
  • Settlement Mekhbaza
  • Settlement New
  • Settlement of Sark
  • Settlement Smolenets
  • Settlement Tsaritsino Lake
  • Settlement Tsvylevo
  • Settlement Shugozero


  • Abramovo village
  • Village Andronnikovo
  • Ankhimovo village
  • Besovka village
  • Village Biryuchovo
  • Village of Great Paluya
  • Village Big Yard
  • Bor village
  • Village Burmakino
  • Valdost village
  • Village Vankovo
  • Village Vakhrushevo
  • Village Velikaya Niva
  • Verkhovye village
  • Village Vinogora
  • Village Vladychno
  • Volozhba village
  • Village of Vyalgino
  • Village Gankovo
  • Village Gorelukha
  • Gorka village
  • Village of Gorodishche (Melegezhskoye village)
  • Gorodishche village (Tsvylevskoye village)
  • Village Gorodok
  • Village Gorokhoviste
  • Village of Grigino
  • Village Gurenichi
  • Village Davydovshchina
  • Village Dmitrovo
  • Village Doroshovo
  • Village Dubrovo
  • Village Evdokimovo
  • Village Eremina Gora
  • Zhar village
  • Village Zabolotye
  • Village Zaborovye
  • Village Zalyuschik
  • Village Zarechye
  • Village Zaruchevye
  • Village Zasypye
  • Village Zachozha
  • Village Ivanovskoe
  • Village Imolovo
  • Village Isakovo (Gankovskoe village)
  • Village Isakovo (Koskovskoe village)
  • Casalma village
  • Kayvaxa village
  • Village Kalyvets
  • Kilmuya village
  • Village Klinets
  • Village of Klyushnikovo
  • Village Kovanshchina
  • Kokovo village
  • Village Kontsy
  • Village Tip
  • Village Koptyaevo
  • Village Korbenici
  • Village Kostrino
  • Village Koskovo
  • Village Koshkino
  • Village Red Threshold
  • Village of Krivoi Navolok
  • Village Kryuchkovo
  • Village Kudrevo
  • Village Kuznetsova Gora
  • Village Kuzminka
  • Village Kulatino
  • Village Kuliga
  • Village Kunevichi
  • Ladvushi village
  • Village Lazarevichi
  • Village Leonovo
  • Village Leoshino
  • Lepuya village
  • Village Lizanovo
  • Lipnaya Gorka village
  • Village Likhachevo
  • Village Lukino
  • Makarino village
  • Village Maksovo
  • Village of Malaya Paluya
  • Village of Maloye Usadishte
  • Village Malynovshchina
  • Village Markovo
  • Village Bear Yard
  • Village Melegezhskaya Gorka
  • Mikhalevo village
  • Mishukovo village
  • Monino village
  • Village Moshkovo
  • Navolok village (Gankovskoye village)
  • Navolok village (Tikhvin g/p)
  • Nikulskoe village
  • Village Novaya
  • Village Novaya Ust-Kapsha
  • Village Novinka (Gankovskoye village)
  • Village Novinka (Gankovskoye village)
  • Village Novinka (Koskovskoye village)
  • Village Novoandreevo
  • Village Novoye Selo
  • Village of New Pogorelets
  • Village Nyurgovichi
  • Nyurevo village
  • Ovino village
  • Village Ovintsevo
  • Village Ozrovichi
  • Oktyabrenok village
  • Village Oleshkovo
  • Village Oloncheno
  • Village Island
  • Ostrovok Village
  • Village Pavshino
  • Pagolda village
  • Panshino village
  • Village Pashozero
  • Village Peschanka
  • Pechneva village
  • Pinega village
  • Village Plyoso
  • Pogorelets village
  • Podborie village
  • Porechye village
  • Village Progal
  • Village of Poudrol
  • Pyakhta village
  • Village 4 Passage
  • Randoga village
  • Village Raplya
  • Village Ratilovo
  • Rugui village
  • Samara village
  • Village Sankovo
  • Village of Saroja
  • Village Sashkovo
  • Village Svir
  • Village Selishche
  • Village Selovo
  • Seltso village
  • Serebryanka village
  • Village Seredka
  • Sitomlya village
  • Village of Snopovo
  • Sosnovka village
  • Village of Stary Pogorelets
  • Village Strelkovo
  • Village Stretilovo
  • Village Strunino
  • Village Sugorovo
  • Suksa village
  • Village Teplukhino
  • Village Terenino
  • Village Timoshino
  • Village Tokarevo
  • Village Tumische
  • Tumovo village
  • Village of Turavkino
  • Ulyanino village
  • Village Ulyanitsa
  • Urya village
  • Village Usadishte
  • Ust-Kapsha village (Pashozerskoye village)
  • Ust-Kapsha village (Gankovskoye village)
  • Village Ust-Shomushka
  • Village Ustye
  • Village Ushakovo
  • Village Filovshchina
  • Village Fisheva Gora
  • Village Khalezevo
  • Village Kharagenichi
  • Village Kharitonovshchina
  • Village Kharchevnya
  • Village Chagolino
  • Village Chernovatkino
  • Chemikhino village
  • Choga Village
  • Village Chuganovo
  • Village Chudskoye
  • Village Sibenec
  • Shomushka village
  • Shuiga village
  • Village Shchekotovichi
  • Yalgino village
  • Village 3 Passage
  • Bereg Village


  • Kostrinsky town
  • Smolensky Shlyuz town

Village near the station:

  • Village and station(s) 59 km
  • Village and station(s) Valya
  • Village and station(s) Tsvylevo
  • Village and station(s) Cherentsovo

Gardening non-profit partnerships:

  • Garden non-profit partnership Kirovets
  • Kayvaxa Gardening Non-Profit Partnership
  • Garden non-profit partnership Northern
  • Garden non-profit partnership Priozersky
  • Garden non-profit partnership Stroitel
  • Garden non-profit partnership Transportnik
  • Garden non-profit partnership Metallurg
  • Garden non-profit partnership Family
  • Garden non-profit partnership Polyuzhye
  • Garden non-profit partnership Polyany
  • Garden non-profit partnership Crystal
  • Garden non-profit partnership Kolos
  • Garden non-profit partnership Niva
  • Garden non-profit partnership Energetik
  • Garden non-profit partnership Rucheyok
  • Garden non-profit partnership Teplukhino
  • Garden non-profit partnership Meliorator
  • Garden non-profit partnership Polyuzhye-2
  • Garden non-profit partnership Oasis
  • Garden non-profit partnership Boguslan
  • Garden non-profit partnership Stroymonolit
  • Garden non-profit partnership Lesnoye
  • Garden non-profit partnership Komarovo
  • Garden non-profit partnership Vesna
  • Garden non-profit partnership Ivushka
  • Garden non-profit partnership Cheryomushki
  • Garden non-profit partnership Shomushka
  • Garden non-profit partnership Polyana
  • Garden non-profit partnership Sarozha
  • Garden non-profit partnership Khalezevo
  • Garden non-profit partnership Solnechnoe
  • Garden non-profit partnership Solnechny
  • Nudoxa gardening non-profit partnership
  • Garden non-profit partnership Mezhdurechye
  • Garden non-profit partnership Krasava
  • Garden non-profit partnership Romashkino
  • Garden non-profit partnership Hermitage
  • Garden non-profit partnership Bor
  • Garden non-profit partnership Zarechnoye
  • Garden non-profit partnership Timaks
  • Garden non-profit partnership Yablonka
  • Garden non-profit partnership Bereg
  • Garden non-profit partnership Zarechye
  • Garden non-profit partnership Galant

(C) 2015-2018 Rus.Bz - interactive online maps of Russian cities. Contacts:

Geography, relief and climate

The area of ​​the Tikhvin district is 7018 square kilometers. It borders with the Novgorod and Vologda regions, as well as with the Volkhov, Kirishi, Podporozhsky and Boksitogorsky districts of the Leningrad region.

Mostly covered with forest (84% of the territory), there are many swamps. There are also a lot of berries and mushrooms here. There are many rivers and lakes in the Tikhvin region, however, only a few are large. Among the lakes these are Shugozero, Pashozero, Dolgozero, Kapshozero, Kharaginskoye, which (except for the first) are located in the northeastern part. The largest rivers are Syas and Pasha.

The climate is temperate continental. Winters are mild, summers are moderately warm. The average annual precipitation is 750 millimeters. In general, the weather in the Tikhvin region does not differ too much from the average throughout the region; air masses that come from the Atlantic Ocean also have a great influence here.

Tikhvinsky district on the map of the Leningrad region

Yuri Alekseevich NAUMOV, head of administration of the Tikhvin municipal district

Tikhvinsky district is one of the remote districts of the Leningrad region, it ranks fourth in area and eighth in population among the 18 districts of the region.

The municipality is located in the northeast of the Leningrad region, 200 km from St. Petersburg, and covers an area of ​​7018 square meters. km, which is 8.1% of the total territory of the region. In the west it borders with the Volkhov and Kirishi districts, in the south with the Novgorod region and Boksitogorsk district, in the east with the Vologda region and Boksitogorsk district, and in the north with the Lodeynopolsky district.

Roads and railways leading from St. Petersburg to the Urals, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, and Cherepovets pass through it.

Today, the Tikhvinsky district is a territory on which there is located 1 municipal formation of the 2nd level - Tikhvinsky district and 9 municipalities of the 1st level: Tikhvinskoye urban settlement, Borskoye, Gankovskoye, Gorskoye, Koskovskoye, Melegezhskoye, Pashozerskoye, Tsvylevskoye and Shugozerskoye rural settlements , which includes 198 settlements.

The population as of January 1, 2022 was 69,800 people.

The basis of the region's economy is industry; its share in the total production of goods, works and services is 92%.

Agriculture in the region is represented by 5 agricultural enterprises and 3 fishing enterprises. The main activities are livestock farming, crop farming, fish farming, and growing vegetables in greenhouses.

The region is characterized by relatively mild winters with an average temperature of -7°C to -11°C, frequent thaws and moderately warm summers, on average from +15°C to +22°C.

The proximity of the Baltic Sea, as well as two large inland reservoirs - Lakes Ladoga and Onega, is affected by excess humidity - 700-850 mm of precipitation per year.

The territory of the region is geographically located in the southern taiga zone and is 84% ​​occupied by forests. Especially large forests are located in the north and northeast of the region. More than half of the forests are represented by coniferous trees - pine, spruce; The most common deciduous trees are birch and aspen.

The water surface of the region is formed by rivers with a total length of 2,500 km (the largest are Pasha, Syas) and 146 lakes with a total area of ​​112 sq. km.

Address plan of Tikhvin (map) (.zip 1.3 MB) (1.2 MB)

Municipalities of the Tikhvin region (map) (.zip 1.1 MB) (1.1 MB)

Economics and transport

The basis of the economy of the Tikhvin region is wood processing, industrial production and agriculture. It is worth noting that the area has historically been agricultural and in recent years active steps have been taken to develop this particular industry. The level of registered unemployment is slightly higher than the regional average - more than 1%. The largest enterprise is the carriage building plant.

The A114 Vologda - Novaya Ladoga highway passes through the area, as well as the 41A-009 highway. The main transport hub is the city of Tikhvin, from which there are two railway lines to St. Petersburg (via Kirishi and Volkhov).

Transport connection

The city of Tikhvin has a convenient transport location. Roads and railways pass through it, connecting St. Petersburg with the northeastern and eastern regions of the country. This is the St. Petersburg - Vologda highway, as well as the eastern branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, connecting St. Petersburg with Vologda, Cherepovets, Arkhangelsk, and the cities of the Urals.

Distance from St. Petersburg to Tikhvin:

  • by rail - 198 km.
  • By highway - 218 km.


The Tikhvin district cannot be called rich in attractions; there are mainly historical or architectural monuments here. Among them are:

  • Tikhvin Museum of Local Lore;
  • House-Museum of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • Tikhvin Dormition Monastery.

There are no natural attractions, although there are quite a lot of beautiful and interesting places. We can highlight the Vepsian forest, which is partially located on the territory of the Tikhvin region. Fans of monasteries and churches will not remain indifferent either; there are a lot of them here and most of them have interesting architecture.


The alarming epidemiological situation in 2022 forces us to responsibly stay away from people. Why not do it in a fairytale forest, which the Russian North is so rich in? Is the east of the Leningrad region suitable? How fitting it is! Top tourist destinations are Kronstadt and Vyborg, Valaam and Staraya Ladoga. It's good that we managed to watch it earlier!

It’s extremely tempting to drop into a half-empty St. Petersburg, because over the past few years the number of tourists has greatly spoiled the impression.

Navy Day 2020 in St. Petersburg

The first thing that catches your eye is the absence of organized crowds of tourists of the Mongoloid race. Most townspeople are skeptical: “There’s no point in trying, you won’t see anything anyway...”

Those who wanted to see the President raising the flag, and the parade of ships certainly from the palace embankment, came to Nevsky and, I’m afraid, did not even see the surface of the Neva. The more thoughtful ones decided that Universitetskaya Embankment should be freer (after all, the sun is in your face), they arrived on Vasilievsky Island - and also could not see anything except the aviation unit. Personally, I drove away from Vasileostrovskaya and took a position at the icebreaker Krasin 59.928706, 30.269479

And I saw everything I wanted

Walk along Vasilievsky Island in the direction opposite to the main human flows Makarova Embankment

City beach on the Bay 59.956492, 30.205781

Dine on Nevsky on Navy Day? Agree, not the best idea...

If you want to eat something that is plentiful, hot, spicy and wildly tasty, then this is the place for you: An inconspicuous Chinese restaurant on the ground floor of a university dormitory 59.944129, 30.264739

The last few pages of the menu are unadapted Chinese dishes of appropriate size, i.e. One dish should be taken for four. The cook barely understands Russian. I was the only one at the narrow-eyed tables.

Airborne Forces Day 2020 in St. Petersburg Yes, it’s not the same landing party: no drunken stupor, no swimming in fountains, riot police are messing around. On the Field of Mars they are honored, and in the 300th Anniversary Park on the Gulf of Finland they are democratically celebrated

A fine August day on Kamenny Island

Eh, reducing the number of people on the streets has benefited the city...

City of Tikhvin Scheme

The central place is a monastery, a miraculous icon with a very difficult fate (I recommend looking at Wikipedia). Pilgrims are transported by bus, from very far away.

Secret parking right next to the monastery wall 59.651689, 33.519614 with entry from Pobeda Street 59.649117, 33.527737

Ring walking tour (Freedom Square, Orlovskaya Street, Tabory ponds, the Monastery itself, the Tikhvin Gateway, the Rimsky-Korsakov Museum and optionally the ruins of a convent on the other side) - two to three hours.

Phenomenal catering: the monastery refectory in one of the towers of the fortress 59.652500, 33.519957 In terms of prices and service - an ordinary provincial canteen. But the menu and serving are with ELEMENTS, and the decoration of the dining room (stone vaults, thick walls, wooden tables for 20 people) turns lunch into an adventure.

Plunge into the non-popular village flavor of the 19th century - on the other bank of the Tikhvinka River, where there used to be a separate village of Zagora. Ride along Sasha Zabelin Street to the very end 59.667354, 33.534580

Or from the Tikhvin Gateway along the ancient Fisheva Gora street 59.655004, 33.532406

to the suspension bridge over the destroyed Smolensk lock 59.652519, 33.549820

Do you know where the ancient wooden locks came from, of which there are more than thirty on the Tikhvinka River? I advise you to read Wikipedia and other sources about the Tikhvin water system, Swedish interventions, ancient trade routes and the gigantic transport costs of the past. And all this is right here in Tikhvin.

Among the newest man-made places of attraction in the city of Tikhvin, I would like to highlight the twenty-meter artificial beach on the river 59.651623, 33.543898 with modern sun loungers on wooden flooring, a barbecue area and a sports ground 59.651623, 33.543898

What will the forest of the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region pamper us with?

Pleasant troubles

And the result

Tikhvin water system Peter I thought VERY big, this cannot be taken away from him. In 1712, he ordered the construction of a water route from St. Petersburg to the Volga. The research lasted for 100 years, and it was built in ten (canals, locks, portages, piers). It was launched in 1810 and operated for 150 years. Now it is rotting, collapsing and overgrown with grass. How can you see all this? And like this:

Soviet water tourists faded into oblivion, but left some legacy in the form of sports reports. They threw themselves along the railway in an old-school way, went out onto the water near the stops, and did a lot of dragging boats along the land, avoiding obstacles (ruins of locks, creases, oversized bridges). The 21st century means Google maps, offline navigation and individual off-road vehicles. Access to the water - 59.659888, 33.380163 - part-time - an excellent clearing by the water for a wild motorcycle nomad's tent camp.

The history of the waterways of the Russian North begins not at all with Peter I, but 1000 years earlier, with Rurik and Oleg the Prophet. For the evolution of flora and fauna, 2000 years is nothing, so I move along the Tikhvinka River with access to Syas in absolutely the same scenery as Oleg the Prophet.

I only eat crap

Once every 10 km there are traces of human presence

August 15 of every year is the day when the nature of the Russian North begins to play with new colors. From this day forward, you are allowed to walk your favorite toys in the forest.

It is impossible to leave the forest without prey

We continue to ride through the fairytale forest, starting from Tikhvin. Holiday village Pagolda 59.651626, 33.594083 Public pier, from which you can swim, fish, or just hang onto the running water 59.653005, 33.601092

Blatnoe place in a pine forest 59.651371, 33.606083 near a spring with drinking water and just 300 meters from the federal highway. Under the tent there is a luxurious multi-colored moss carpet.

And another criminal place on the banks of the Tikhvinka River nearby 59.653939, 33.603352 Arrival - 200 meters of dirt road from the bridge.

Another destroyed lock, Smolensky, with the possibility of crossing to the other side 59.650266, 33.624066

Old forest road 59.657892, 33.635894

Leads to the village of Sarka 59.675599, 33.654341 Elements of geoproctology

— Can we go this route on a motorcycle? - Yes, let's go. On a suitable motorcycle we can EASILY pass...

Well, what about without mining...

Porcini mushroom risotto

Italian culinary traditions, you know, fit perfectly with the generous gifts of the forests of the Russian North.

Are you already missing St. Petersburg? I do. With each new trip, the city reveals deeper and deeper layers.

Monumental beauty cannot be avoided. She is everywhere!

When the weather is nice, you start to notice the historical details all around the city.

You also note the excellent democratic catering

Then you begin to purposefully immerse yourself in the exoticism of unpretentious neighborhoods

Does anyone here need checkpoints for this three-kilometer geoproctological route along the Petrograd side? If anything, we can pass it on a motorcycle without panniers...

But the ethnographic expedition to Tikhvin (fairy tales, legends, toasts) is not over yet.

"Old Town" of Tikhvin 59.644280, 33.503360

Tikhvin Monastery - you won’t get bored soon

Standard “wicket” made from rye flour with potatoes - 35 rubles, however

Enduro in a fairy forest right within the city limits of Tikhvin

The beginning of the trail 59.638743, 33.553023 No dirt at all. Arm yourself with Maps.ME offline maps so you don't have to worry about finding your way around. All these trails are marked there. The marked trail ends at 59.631025, 33.564765 - unmarked trails scatter to the sides through the pine forest. There is a bivouac area with a table and barbecue. To the lucky owners of tents, you are welcome. Two kilometers along the clearing to GDS 59.635566, 33.590667 - and now you can afford it - a set of components for the Michelin-starred recipe “Pasta with noble mushroom ragout with Parmesan”

Moreover, if you put half as much pasta and five times as much stew on a plate, the Michelin-starred recipe will only benefit from this...

Lakes in the Tikhvin region suitable for swimming

1. In the Tikhvinka River there is a fast current, a clayey bank, it is not clear what is at the bottom. Let's face it, it's a so-so option for swimming.

2. Residents of Tikhvin go for a swim at Lake Tsaritsyno 59.701775, 33.496007 They say it’s “close and normal.” I never made it out, I keep passing by.

3. Large and fish-rich Shugozero and Pashozero, 70 and 100 km north of Tikhvin, respectively.

4. “Holy” Dymskoye Lake at the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery. A cozy clearing with a good sandy entry into the water and areas for tents and fires 59.566725, 33.677483 Good place. Unfortunately, I just looked at Wikipedia. The monastery is from the 13th century, 300 years older than Tikhvin. During the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, bells were hidden at the bottom of the lake, they got it from the Swedes twice, and traditionally they got it most harshly from the Soviet government.

5. A huge flooded quarry with turquoise, not peat water. Clearing on the shore 59.562659, 33.987665 Access road is blocked, but a motorcycle will pass. The depth is specific. On the shore there is an overgrown man-made landfill.

Summary. Of course, no one will go specifically to Tikhvin from other regions. St. Petersburg - you can ride either one day or overnight (the asphalt is excellent everywhere). For “long-haulers” it’s quite possible to take a breather before the leap into the Arctic, even stay for a day, there are enough good places, I’ve indicated most of them.

And something uncontrollably pulled me to Siberia... What do you think this would be for?

Recreation and fishing

The Tikhvin region is not very interesting from the point of view of the average tourist. There are few interesting places here, no significant sights. The tourism infrastructure is rather poorly developed. If you are transiting through the area, you can visit the most significant attractions that we noted above. Of interest are the monasteries, which often stand in amazingly beautiful places.

From a fishing point of view, the Tikhvin region is more interesting; there are a fairly large number of good lakes. However, there are very few recreation centers or guest houses here, so you can mainly find local fishermen or those who prefer to live in tents. The most interesting for fishing is the northeastern part of the region, where there are practically no settlements, but there are many lakes. If you are going fishing or just relaxing in nature, then it is best to go here.

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